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Hai guys, Good Morning. I’m standing here to tell you about my topic, that are the diode I
will describe about diode, that are meaning of diode, symbol and types of diode, material of diode,
function and characteristic of diode, and last is application of diode in the electronics circuit.

1. Meaning of Diode
A diode is defined as a two-terminal electronic component that only conducts current in one
direction (so long as it is operated within a specified voltage level). An ideal diode will have
zero resistance in one direction, and infinite resistance in the reverse direction.
Diode is one of active component in the electronic circuit. The active component is an
electronic what need a power supply to operate. The first man who find the diodes is Frederick
Guthrie in the 1873.

2. Symbol and Types Diode

The symbol of a diode is shown below. The arrowhead points in the direction of conventional
current flow in the forward biased condition. That means the anode is connected to the p side and
cathode is connected to the n side.
We can create a simple PN junction diode by doping pentavalent or donor impurity in one
portion and trivalent or acceptor impurity in other portion of silicon or germanium crystal block.
These dopings make a PN junction at the middle part of the block. We can also form a PN junction
by joining a p-type and n-type semiconductor together with a special fabrication technique. The
terminal connected to the p-type is the anode. The terminal connected to the n-type side is the
Diodes have many types and every types have a different materials. But we can divide by 5
types. The diodes have a polarity, the arrow assignment that indicated N junction or Katoda and
the junction else is P junction or Anoda, so we must be carefully to connect to electronic circuit.
The 5 types of diodes are .
a. Rectifier Diode
This type is a diode rectifier diode current or voltage applied, such as counter current
(AC) is rectified to produce a direct current (DC). Diodes of this type has characteristics that
vary according to voltage capacity owned.
b. Zener Diode
Zener diodes are symbolized by a dart toward the right followed by a horizontal line that
ran through both sides of her that, with bounded by the vertical line with the addition of a small
line horizontally to the right to the top, and a horizontal line to the left on the bottom indicating
stabilizing the voltage or current (DC).

c. Varactor Diode
Dioda jenis ini merupakan dioda yang unik, karena dioda ini memiliki kapasitas yang
dapat berubah-ubah sesuai dengan besar kecilnya tegangan yang diberikan kepada dioda ini,
contohnya jika tegangan yang diberikan besar, maka kapasitasnya akan menurun,berbanding
terbalik jika diberikan tegangan yang rendah akan semakin besar kapasitasnya, pembiasan
dioda ini secara reverse. Dioda jenis ini banyak digunakan sebagai pengaturan suara pada
televisi, dan pesawat penerima radio.

d. Photo Diode
Diodes of this type is a light-sensitive diodes, which work on the specific areas that the
current reverse certain light to pass through, the diode is commonly made using silicon base
material and geranium. Light-emitting diode is currently widely used for alarm, the data tape
perforated useful as a sensor, and a light meter (Lux Meter).

e. Light Emitting Diode (LED)

LED diodes are often abbreviated this is one of the electronic devices that combine the
two elements, namely optics and electronics, also known as Opteolotronic.dengan each
electrode in the form of an anode (+) and katroda (-), diodes of this type is categorized based
on the direction of bias and diameter the light produced, and its color.

3. Material of Diode
In general, diode is made by one semiconductor element, this is silicon or germanium. The
materials of diode are semiconductor elements. It is not conductor or isolator. Because in the time
of periode, the diodes can change conductor and in the time else can change isolator

4. Function and Characteristic Diode

Diode is one of the most commonly used electronic components. Its biggest characteristic is
unidirectional conduction, that is, current can only flow from one direction of the diode. The
function of the diode is rectifier circuit, detection circuit, voltage regulator circuit, various
modulation circuits. It is mainly composed of diodes. The principle is very simple. It is because of
the invention of diodes and other components that we have the birth of our colorful electronic
information world. Since the role of diodes is so large, how should we detect them? This
component is actually very simple. Just use a multimeter to hit the resistance file and measure the
reverse resistance. If it is small, it means that the diode is bad. If the reverse resistance is large, it
means that the diode is good. For such basic components, we should firmly grasp his principle of
action and basic circuits, so as to lay a good foundation for future electronic technology learning.
The volt-ampere characteristic of a diode is the relationship between the voltage applied
across the diode and the current flowing through the diode. The curve used to qualitatively describe
the relationship between the two is called the volt-ampere characteristic curve. The volt-ampere
characteristics of the silicon diode observed by the transistor plotter are shown in the figure below.

5. Aplications of Diode
a. Half-Wave Rectifier
One of the most common uses for the diode is to rectify the AC voltage into a DC
power supply. Since, a diode can only conduct current one way, when the input signal goes
negative, there will be no current. This is called a half-wave rectifier. The below figure shows the
half wave rectifier diode circuit.

b. Full-Wave Rectifier
A full wave rectifier diode circuit builds with four diodes, by this structure we can make
both halves of the waves positive. For both positive and negative cycles of the input, there is a
forward path through the diode bridge.
While two of the diodes are forward biased, the other two are reverse biased and effectively
eliminated from the circuit. Both conduction paths cause current to flow in the same direction
through the load resistor, accomplishing full-wave rectification.
The Full-wave rectifiers are used in power supplies to convert AC voltages to DC voltages.
A large capacitor in parallel with the output load resistor reduces the ripple from the rectification
process. The below figure shows the full wave rectifier diode circuit.

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