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This chapter presents the analyses and interpretation of data gathered according to methods

and procedures described in the previous chapter. It also shows the results and findings of the study

and answers all the problems mentioned in this study.

Profile of Respondent

Table 1.1: The use of social media in buying cosmetic product

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Total

The use of Frequency 91 23 33 7 3 157

social media
Percentage 57.96 14.65 21.02 4.459 1.911 100

Social Media Usage. Table 1.1 shows that 91 (57.96%) students says that they never use

social media in buying cosmetic product, 23 (14.65%) student respond that they rarely use social

media in buying cosmetic product, 33 (21.02%) student said respond that they sometimes use

social media in buying cosmetic product, 7 (4.459%) student respond that they often use social

media in buying cosmetic product, and 3 (1.911%) student respond that they always use social

media in buying cosmetic product. Table 1.1 indicates that big percentage of the ABM student

never use social media in buying cosmetic product.

Table 1.2: The use of different social media platform in buying cosmetic product
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always Total

Youtube Frequency 51 33 37 20 16 157

Percentage 32.48 21.02 23.57 12.74 10.19 100

Twitter Frequency 79 23 29 13 13 157

Percentage 50.32 14.65 18.47 8.28 8.28 100

Facebook Frequency 18 26 41 28 44 157

Percentage 11.46 16.56 26.11 17.83 28.03 100

Instagram Frequency 62 18 36 16 25 157

Percent 39.49 11.46 22.93 10.19 15.92 100

Different Platform of Media. In table 1.1 indicate the majority are never using social

media but still there are small percentage of the student that use social media table 1.2 will reveal

the platform being use by the small percentage that responds they are using social media in buying

cosmetic product. The researcher will only show the data of each platform that ABM student

always use in buying cosmetics product. 16 ABM student respond they use Youtube, 13 ABM

student respond that they use Twitter, 44 ABM student respond that the use Facebook, and 25

ABM student said that they use Instagram, but most of the platforms got the is never used in buying

cosmetic products. 51 (32.48%) student said that they never use YouTube, 79 (50.32%) student

respond that they never use Twitter, 62 (39.49%) respond that they never use Instagram, except

Facebook that got the highest respond on always (28.03%) than any any platform 15% and below.

Therefore Table 1.2 reveals that Facebook is always use by the ABM student in checking cosmetics

product they will buy.

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
I buy lipstick, Frequency 108 18 18 5 8
lip tint and lip
balm on
social media
Percentage 68.79 11.46 11.46 3.185 5.096

I buy skin Frequency 119 16 12 5 5

on social
media Percentage 75.8 10.19 7.643 3.185 3.185

I buy perfume Frequency 118 20 22 4 3

in social
media Percentage 68.79 12.74 14.01 2.548 1.911

I buy nail Frequency 129 10 11 2 5

polish in
social media Percentage 82.17 6.369 7.006 1.274 3.185
I buy hair Frequency 129 10 11 3 4
color in social
media Percentage 82.17 6.369 7.006 1.911 2.548

I buy Frequency 123 14 12 3 5

deodorant in
social media Percentage 78.34 8.917 7.643 1.911 3.185

I buy eye Frequency 128 8 10 4 7

lashes in
social media
Percentage 81.53 5.096 6.369 2.548 4.459
I buy mascara Frequency 126 7 15 2 7
in social
Percentage 80.25 4.459 9.554 1.274 4.459

I buy Frequency 131 6 12 2 6

foundation in
social media Percentage 83.44 3.822 7.643 1.274 3.822
I buy blush on Frequency 123 12 13 6 3
in social
media Percentage 78.34 7.643 8.28 3.822 1.911
I buy make Frequency 122 8 18 7 2
up in social
media Percentage 77.71 5.096 11.46 4.459 1.274

I buy lotions Frequency 120 15 13 2 7

in social
media Percentage 76.43 9.554 8.28 1.274 4.459
Never Mean 0.518
Percentage 51.8
Rarely Mean 0.2
Percentage 2
Sometimes Mean 0.159
Percentage 15.9
Often Mean 0.055
Percentage 5.5
Always Mean 0.068
Percentage 6.8
Table 3

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