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The Diocese of Brooklyn Music Commission presents the Registraon

Please return your response by Friday, November 12 to:

S C 
 W   Resurrec2on-Ascension Church
A8n: Emanuel Bologna
Michael L. Bower, Director of Music at St. Agnes Cathedral will 85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374
present a workshop on Children’s Choirs/ Youth Choirs! From 3rd
Introducon Grade to 8th Grade!!
On November 18th the Music Commission of the Dio-
Rockville Centre is truly a model in many ways for what is possi- 1. Registrant Informaon
cese of Brooklyn will offer an opportunity for pastoral ble with the involvement of young people in the liturgy! Mr.
musicians to enhance their skills. The workshop which Bower oversees the running of 11 choirs and 100s of singers. He Name: _______________________________________
will focus on Youth Choirs will be held at Resurrec2on- directs the Choir of Men and Boys, and the Diocesan Boys/Teens
Ascension Church, Rego Park and has been planned to Choir, The MasterChorale2013, two chambers choirs, and the Address: _______________________________________
help us all grow in our love and understanding of the Cathedral Chorale (Adult and Teen Choir-which includes gradu-
liturgy, in our musical knowledge and skills, and in ates of the boys and girls choir program!). The choirs singing _______________________________________
more effec2ve and faithful ministry to the church at regularly for the liturgies in St. Agnes, as well performing con-
prayer. Our gathering together serves as one way to certs, and interna2onal choir tours. Telephone: _______________________________________
share ideas so that we can be8er assist our parish com-
This workshop will focus on: voice building, repertoire, organiza- Email Address: _______________________________________
muni2es and develop our musical talents for our parish
2on, parent support, and FUN! Choir Directors, Choristers, and
Parents are invited to a8end this evening, and the Evening is Parish: _______________________________________
SURE to inspire you and your parish to build on the future of our
Inspiring Our Youth to Service Through Song Music Ministry: the involvement of the youth. Children LOVE to Posi2on: _______________________________________
sing, and there is something quite wonderful about a group of
Presenter: Michael Bower
young people gathered to sing together for the Glory of God!! – a
Director of Music, St. Agnes Cathedral, Rockville Centre
small faith sharing community, with our Larger Church Communi-
Michael Bower studied at Westminster Choir College with 2. Registraon Fee
Helen Kemp, Sue Ellen Page, and James Li8on, the training • $15.00 per person (Adults)
Mr. Bower, and his Associate Director, Miss Maura Goodwin will
of Young Singers, as well in • Youth Choir par2cipants are Free
bring a showcase group of a Select Ensemble of Boys and Girls
England at Kings College • Please make checks payable to RC Diocese of Brooklyn.
Choristers from St. Agnes to demonstrate some of the voice
with John Ru8er and Ste- • Please use a separate registra2on form for each person.
building techniques, repertoire, etc. And there will be interac2ve
phen Cleobury. He has giv- • Group rates available for 5 or more from a single parish.
par2cipa2on of the choristers a8ending this evening from our
en workshops here in the (call or email for more informa2on)
Diocese of Brooklyn.
New York area, as well as
conduc2ng choir fes2-
The Music to be presented will be wonderful and varied: from
vals. In 2020 he will con-
Classical/Tradi2onal to Modern/Contemporary, and EASY to a
duct the Pueri Cantores Fes-
somewhat challenging, but accessible!
2val in Houston, Texas.

7:00 Sign In & Registra2on

Douglaston, New York 11362

7200 Douglaston Parkway
Immaculate Concep2on Center
INNOVATIVE IDEAS? 7:30 Workshop with Michael Bower


Get expert guidance to
enrich your music ministry at the Date ………………………………………….Monday, November 18, 2019


Saint Cecilia Workshop Time ……………………………………………………………….. 7:30—9:30 PM
Loca2on ………………………………… Resurrec2on-Ascension Church
85-25 61st Road
Rego Park, New York 11374
(Parking available. Close to public transporta2on.)
Contact ………………………………………………
Registra2on Fee ……………………………………………. $15.00 / Adult
Group rates available for 5 or more
a8endees from a single parish.
Contact us for more informa2on.

S C 
Monday, November 18, 2019

Resurrec2on-Ascension Church
Rego Park, New York
(Parking available • Close to public transporta2on)

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