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Name: __________________ Contact: _______________ Date: ________________

Please answer following Questions.

Question: Write difference between Scalar & Aggregate function?

Question: What is polymorphism? Write methods and difference b/w those methods from which
polymorphism is achieved?

Question: What are hooks in Codeignitor? Write type of hooks available in Codeignitor.

Question: Write difference b/w multiple inheritance & multilevel inheritance? Does php/CI
supports both kind of inheritance..??

Question: What is CSRF? How does it works?

Question: What is AJAX? Write AJAX methods used in Jquery.

Question: Write difference b/w Synchronous and Asynchronous? How does it works in ajax?

Question: Write a program to check if a given number is prime?


Question: Consider you have the following three tables which have to be linked together.

Department(Ssn, EmployeeName, EmployeeAge..)

EmployeeContactDetails(Ssn, DepartmentID,desc,Ord)

EmployeeAddress(Ssn,DepartmentID, desc, Ord)

The problem statement is to select all the departments from the Department table, with
the “desc” field from the EmployeeContactDetails and EmployeeAddress where
Ord=1. Now, you have to solve this problem statement with a single query?

Question: How many columns can be used for creating Index?


Question: How do we make webservices secure?

Question: Write a program to find 2nd largest value in an array. $array = [5, 3, 7, 9, 6, 8]

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