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Seesaw Staff Development Project



Jill Wagner
Topic Selection

Seesaw Training

• Superintendent directive: Seesaw (free version for elementary)

• Seesaw will include Preschool through 6th grade students, teachers, and parents

• Staff will have a one-to-one conversation about what Seesaw is and what it can do for

their students with the Library Media Specialist.

• Staff will be sent an email with a link to a “Beginning Seesaw” video. They will watch

before the staff development afternoon

• After the video staff will write down questions and concerns about using Seesaw in their


• Concerns and questions will be gathered and researched to be addressed during the

professional development gathering

Why Seesaw

• Seesaw is a program that houses and shares students’ digital portfolios

• Student have ownership over their portfolio and what is stored including photos, upload

assignments, drawings, videos, notes, blogging, and links which all can be uploaded, or

made within the Seesaw program. Students can record their reading of short passages

and listen for improvements, and much more.

• Parents can see what their child(ren) are doing during the school day. They can

comment back to their child(ren).

• Allows parent/teacher/student communication/conferences

• Can share digital portfolio with all students, parents, teacher, or just parents and

individual students

• The calendar of school events can be uploaded for your parents’ convenience

Format of Staff Development

• The staff development training will be split between PK-3 and 4-6. Each session will be

an hour during our mandatory, monthly professional development afternoons.

• There will be time for teacher to absorb information and prepare the accounts and

classes during the first meeting.

• We will meet in the elementary library where snacks and drinks will be available

throughout the development.

• One or two future meetings will be held in the same format, but the training will

become more advanced and in-depth with each progressing professional develop



• Welcome and introductions, if any are needed

• Opening discussion and demonstrations answering who, what, and why through teacher

testimonial video; share a copy of the agenda, along with websites to a wealth of

Seesaw “how to” and “idea” videos

• Teachers will set up teacher accounts and add students to classrooms

• Teachers will print out parent letters and QR codes

• Play Time: Teachers will be allowed to try out the features of the App

• Brain storm to create a questionnaire and concerns to be answered and discussed at the

start of the next meeting, unless is it pertinent to be addressed before the follow-up


• Conclusion: Share concerns, questions, and fill out an evaluation form sharing overall


Organization of Event

• I will be organizing and presenting the Seesaw professional development at our school.

• I will be sure that 4th through 6th grade students have their google and g-mail account

ready to begin Seesaw.

• The superintendent will get the snacks and drinks bought, prepared, and ready

• Emails will be sent a week before

• iPads will be charged, and the app loaded

• Create a document for Intermediate teachers containing her students’ usernames and

passwords for their google and g-mail accounts.

• Evaluations will be printed and distributed at the conclusion of the meeting to gather

information from teachers about their likes and dislikes of See Saw.

Evaluation and Follow-up

• Visit teachers’ classrooms to see if things are going smoothly, or am I needed to help

post the first few entries with students.

• Encourage teachers to watch available Seesaw videos of how to begin and end, along

with everything in-between.

• Professional development evaluations will be given during the last 10 minutes of class.

• A new questionnaire will be developed and addressed from the survey and other

questions teacher posed. This new questionnaire will be answered and emailed back to

all teachers.

• The results of the questionnaire will be discussed at the opening of the next monthly

meeting, unless is it pertinent to be addressed before the more advanced follow-up

Seesaw Workshop Agenda

Welcome – Pick up drinks, snacks, copy work, name tags, and find a seat


• Opening discussion and demonstrations

• Set up teacher accounts and add students to classrooms

• Print out parent letters and QR codes

• Play Time: Teachers will be allowed to try out the features of the Seesaw App

• Brain storming and sharing pros and cons

• Conclusion: Share concerns, questions, and fill out an evaluation form sharing overall

Seesaw App Evaluation

Please circle your choice using a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest, while evaluating

today’s Seesaw professional development.

Will you continue to use Seesaw in the future?

1 2 3 4 5

I found the workshop useful and informative.

1 2 3 4 5

I found Seesaw to be interesting.

1 2 3 4 5

How would you rate the presenter’s helpfulness and knowledge of the subject?

1 2 3 4 5

Will you continue to use Seesaw?

1 2 3 4 5

What were the pros of this workshop?

What were the cons of this workshop?

What would you like to learn beyond today’s session?

Follow-up Questionnaire to Seesaw App Professional Development

1. Have you used Seesaw in your classroom? Why or Why not?

2. What concerns, and questions do you have since the first Seesaw meeting?

3. Have you watched any of the HELP videos? Was it useful?

4. Are students enjoying the app?

5. Are parents using the app?

6. Are you finding time. at least once per week, for students to Seesaw?
7. Has Seesaw helped communications between home and school?

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