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4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City

Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403


Factors Affecting Mathematics Performance of students in Informatics Computer Institute

Festival S.Y 2019-2020

A Research

Presented to the Senior High School Department

Informatics Computer Institute – Festival Mall

Alabang Muntinlupa City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Program

Accountancy, Business and Management

Florendo, Conrado

Anyayahan, Angelica

Jolongbayan, Nathalie

Leria, Cyberlin

Pablo, Trisha mae

Rabuya, Jona
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403




We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, and different ways of

showing our performance in class. We have very often heard people saying that performance in

school is how one shapes of his or her life. Mathematics is one of the subject that is recognize by

the students in the Philippines as a difficult subject but this subject remains also as the most

needed or important subject because of its connectivity on science, technology and other industry

that can be helpful and useful in our daily lives. "Filipino students have low level mathematics

literacy. A large percentage cannot apply concepts to real life" (UP NISMED Scientific,

Technological, and Environmental Literacy Study, 2005), for instance, the DepEd data shows

that the rate of the students in Mathematics gets down by 2.88% which is from 50.70% to

47.82%. Students skills in Mathematics ranked 42nd out of 46 participating countries. (TIMSS,


This simply shows that the students skills in Mathematics is too low because of the

students lack of interest in this academic subject. Some factor that affects the students

performance over Mathematics is having a lack of connection between that specific subject and

the student which means that for them this particular subject is not familiar with them, or

sometimes they took it as a scary one that sometimes they are willing to skip the class because of

being afraid in this subject. Another factor of it is, self doubt. Most of the student is too pressure
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

that they feel they're not capable on learning in this academic subject or they are unable to cope

up within this subject. Method of teaching is also one of the factor that can affect students

performance, some teachers is teaching mathematics on students in a way that is hard for them or

not that easy to learn because for students it should be teach ideally the way it is easier to


Today, government is now trying to make a way to get the Philippine education gets

better or high quality for the satisfaction of the students. As they aim to make the students skills

gets better, they're creating such programs that can develop teacher's skills so that they will be

more capable on teaching the students in their academic subjects that can be helpful to make the

students skills not that low as it is right now.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Background of the Study

Mathematics education has long been recognized as a major factor in development,

prompting nations to emphasize this in their national agenda. An alarming observation of

Filipino students reveals that they excel in knowledge acquisition but fare considerably low in

lessons requiring higher order thinking skills. How students learn and how to measure student

performance in these areas are thus a priority concern of policy makers and educators worldwide.

The low understanding level accompanied by discouraging achievements of the students in

Mathematics has become a cause of great concern of our country and has bothered badly the

educationists (PATENA & DINGLASAN, 2013). As cited by Benito in the study of Cabatay (2011) that mathematics is learned because of many reasons. Firstly, the mastery of basic

mathematical skills is needed in order to cope with the demand of life. Such demands include

being numerically literate, gaining tools for future employment, developing the prerequisites for

further education, and appreciating the relationship between mathematics and technology.

Secondly, mathematics is the language of the sciences, and many disciplines depend on this

subject as a symbolic means of communication. Thirdly, mathematics education can play an

important part in developing students’ general decision making and problem solving skills.

Academic/Mathematic performance has been defined as one of the major goals of a school. It is

measure by the examination results. (Holye, 1986), argued that schools are establish with the aim

of imparting knowledge and skills to those who go through them and behind all this is the idea of

enhancing good academic performance. The students’ performance (academic achievement)

plays an important role in producing the best quality graduates who will become great leader and
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

manpower for the country; thus, responsible for the country’s economic and social development

(Ali, 2009). Educational services are often not tangible and are difficult to measure because

they result in the form of transformation of knowledge, life skills and behavior modifications of

learners (Tsinidou, Gerogiannis, & Fitsilis, 2010). The school personnel, members of the

families and communities provide help and support to students for the quality of their academic

performance. This social assistance has a crucial role for the accomplishment of performance

goals of students at school (Goddard, 2003). Besides the social structure, parents’ involvement in

their child’s education increases the rate of academic success of their child. There is a range of

factors that affect the quality of performance of students (Waters & Marzano, 2006). Some factor

that affects the students’ performance over Mathematics is having a lack of connection between

that specific subject and the student, which means that for them this particular subject is not

familiar with them, or sometimes they took it as a scary one that sometimes they are willing to

skip the class because of being afraid in this subject. Another factor of it is self-doubt. Most of

the student is too pressure that they feel they are not capable on learning in this academic subject

or they are unable to cope up within this subject. Method of teaching is also one of the factors

that can affect students’ performance, some teachers is teaching mathematics on students in a

way that is hard for them or not that easy to learn because for students it should be teach ideally

the way it is easier to understand. In a long time, Performance in Mathematics have been a major

stay in the minds of students and in the world at large thereby causing a lot of strong measure by

students, teacher and even educational administrators at large (Osharive, 2015). Thus, the

researchers have decided to explore some of the factors that affect the mathematics performance

of the grade 11 students of Informatics.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to ascertain if there is a factor affecting the Mathematic performance of

Grade 11 students in Informatics Computer Institute Festival Mall. It specifically seeks to answer

the following question:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents? In terms of:

1.1. Sex

1.2. Age

2. What is the extent of the student – related factors in terms of:

2.1. Interest

2.2. Study Habits

3. What is the level of Mathematics Performance in terms of the grades of the Grade 11



Ho: There is no significant Factors Affecting the Mathematic Performance of Grade 11 students

in Informatics Computer Institute Festival Mall.

Ha: There is a significant Factors Affecting the Mathematic Performance of Grade 11 students in

Informatics Computer Institute Festival Mall.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Scope and Delimitations

The coverage of the study focuses on explaining the factors that may affect the Grade 11

students’ mathematic performance in Informatics Computer Institute Festival Mall.

The research limits in respondents to Grade 11 students in Informatics Computer Institute

Festival Mall. The study is not able to discuss other dimension of factors that may affect the

students’ mathematic performance. Some of the students didn’t get the chance to answer the

survey questionnaire because they are drop out

Significance of the Study

This study is a purposely made to address issues related to Factors affecting the

mathematic performance of the adolescence. The findings of this research intended to help the

School Administrators, Teachers, Parents and the Students.


Students – The result of this study will help student knowledge in classifying the factors regards

to their performance that may wipe their weaknesses and guide them to self-improvement.

Parents – The result of this study could help parents guide their children.

Teachers – This study will help the teachers to know the factors affecting on their students

regarding mathematics, as well to assist them to enlighten and create awareness to the students

on the possible effect it has on them.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

School Administrators – Analysis and interpretation of the study may use for the improvement

of the school policies. It can also help them to find a solution to it and at least help them produce

more productive students.

Future Researchers – This study may serve as a reference for future researchers who would like

to know factors affecting the mathematic performance.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Theoretical Framework

Dweck, C. S. (1999) stated that students believe that their ability is fixed, probably at

birth, and there is very little if anything they can do to improve it. They believe ability comes

from talent rather than from the slow development of skills through learning. “It's all in the

genes”. Either you can do it with little effort, or you will never be able to do it, so you might as

well give up in the face of difficulty. E.g. “ I can't do maths”. And untapped potential theorists,

students believe that ability and success are due to learning, and learning requires time and

effort. In the case of difficulty one must try harder, try another approach, or seek help etc.

Guohua Peng (2002) stated that simple traditional methods gradually make the students

feel that mathematics is pointless and has little value to them in real life. It becomes a subject

they are forced to study, but one that is useless to them in real life.

Dan Hull (1999) stated that growing numbers of teachers today—especially those

frustrated by repeated lack of student success in demonstrating basic proficiency on standard

tests are discovering that most students’ interest and achievement in math, science, and language

improve dramatically when they are helped to make connections between new information

(knowledge) and experiences they have had, or with other knowledge they have already

mastered. Students’ involvement in their school work increases significantly when they are

taught why they are learning the concepts and how those concepts can be used outside the

classroom. And most students learn much more efficiently when they are allowed to work

cooperatively with other students in groups or teams.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Conceptual Framework







The research paradigm illustrates the conceptual framework of the study that the

relationships of the input, process, and output of the topic. This framework embodies the specific

direction, which the research will have to undertake by describing the relationship between

specific variables identified in the study.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the concepts and terms in this study, the following words

defined operationally:

Interest – This refers to the motivating force of an individual that drives student to attend a

thing, or an activity.

Instructional Materials – This refers to the tools used in educational lessons, which includes

active learning and assessment.

Mathematics Performance – This refers to the degree or capacity of students’ knowledge in


Study Habits – This refers to the behaviors that student used in studying.
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403



Students expressed like or dislike of Mathematics depending on the manner in which the

content was deliver. They naturally formed a given attitude on the subject that eventually

determined the level of success in that particular course. When students positively perceived the

content to be learnt as interesting, fun, meaningful, and relevant they got motivated to learn,

were stimulated and their interest was aroused in readiness to understand the content being

presented to them by the teacher. (Wills, 2010) asserted that positive attitude towards a subject

has related positively to performance. In research done by some key stakeholders (Nui

&Wahome, 2006) in senior high school, has showed that consistent failure in Mathematics might

attribute to attitudes of students and teachers had towards the subjects. Based on this research, it

means, attitude is a key component that influences performance. In agreement to this (Manoah,

Indoshi and Othuon, 2011) in their study observed that attitudes played a critical role in students’

performance. Students with positive attitude tended to perform well in an exam, which was an

indicator that it was a very essential element in the Mathematics curriculum. The role of attitude

from these literature showed that it had a key factor in determining how well a curriculum is

implemented in learning institutions and in particular Mathematics subject.

According to (Steinberger & Wagner, 2005) distinguishes more simply among three

intelligences; the academic-problem solving; the practical intelligence; and creative intelligence;

all these have particular influence to performance. Success in study does not depend on ability
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

and hard work but also on effective methods of study. Every individual student adopts

individualized method of studying, thus, a good study habit will mean the ability to learn and

make use of what one is reading or studying. Study skills when properly embedded will help

students understand their own potentials for intellectual growth and self-direction. It is for this

reason that the strategies of proper study habits among students should give emphasis.

According to Aquino (2003) study skills can be taught effectively only after identifying

students’ areas of weakness and levels of achievement is appropriate to their grade level can be

provided with development ( or enrichment) exercises that will enable them to become more

proficient in the skills they have already acquired or which will help them learn new ideas.

Fielden (2004), stated that good study habits help the student in critical reflection in

skills outcomes such as selecting, analyzing, reviewing, and synthesizing.

Helping students understand better in the classroom is one of the primary concerns of

every teacher. Teachers need to motivate students how to learn. According to Phil Schlecty

(1994), students who understand the lesson tend to be more engage and show different

characteristics such as they are attracted to do work, persist in the work despite challenges and

obstacles, and take visible delight in accomplishing their work. In developing students'

understanding to learn important concepts, teacher may use a variety of teaching strategies that

would work best for her/his students.

According to Raymond Wlodkowski and Margery Ginsberg (1995), has shown no

teaching strategy that will consistently engage all learners. The key is helping students relate

lesson content to their own backgrounds, which would include students' prior knowledge in

understanding new concepts. Due recognition should be given to the fact that interest, according
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

to Saucier (1989:167) directly or indirectly contributes to all learning. Yet, it appears that many

teachers apparently still need to accept this fundamental principle. Teachers should mind the

chief component of interest in the classroom. It is a means of forming lasting effort in attaining

the skills needed for life. Furthermore, teachers need to vary teaching styles and techniques so as

not to cause boredom to the students in the classroom. Seeking greater insight into how children

learn from the way teachers discuss and handle the lesson in the classroom and teach students the

life skills they need, could be one of the greatest achievements in the teaching process.

Therefore, it is important to take into consideration students' needs and interests to focus

instruction that is applicable to different groups of students with different levels.

A teacher who realizes that the nature of knowledge and abilities directly affects his/her

students and surroundings takes responsibility for his/her own knowledge and abilities, creates

positive relationships with his/her students and can relay these to students in the most efficient

manner (Ari, 2008: 5 - 6). In this whole process, the effect of the teacher in the personality

development and success of students is a fact that cannot overlooked. The teacher, through either

positive or negative attitude in communication with students and in how he/she reflects this,

directs the shape of their lives, has a positive or negative effect on the attitude shown toward

themselves or the public in general, affecting development of the ability to communicate,

research and be creative (Ataunal, 2003). The behavior and approach of the teacher is directly

accepted and copied by students, which puts great responsibilities on the teachers. Studies

performed in the current day clearly show the effect on students of mutual interaction in teacher-

student relationships, teachers approach regarding students and especially the perception of this

by students.
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

For a teacher, being able to interact with the student and display positive behavior such as

asking questions, understanding their thoughts, showing interest and appreciation increases the

students’ motivation and success. While working towards providing students at a certain

development level information, experience and behavior on a certain topic, teachers become role

models for students by way of their own behavior and attitude. Positive attitudes lead to success

while negative attitudes lead to failure and as a result, success can lead to positive ego attitudes

while failure leads to negative ego attitudes. For example, if the teacher engages in belittling

comments towards a student due to his/her failure, the negative effects of this will be inevitable

(Gecer, 2002).

In Frymier’s (1993) study concerning the effect of positive teacher behavior on the

student’s motivation level, the author has concentrated on certain behaviors for teachers such as

giving feedback for student works, complimenting, wanting to listen to students and being

interested. The results of the study show that teachers’ nonverbal actions such as smiling, having

a relaxed stance, various gestures and facial expressions come first in improving the learning

experience for students whereas the topic of the class itself comes in second.

Therefore, student’s performance is not completely the result of their work; performance

is affected by many factors and the first one is the attitude of the teacher. A positive attitude from

the teacher affects the student’s motivation, attitude towards school and schoolwork, the

student’s self-confidence and as a result personality development.

Mathematics needs not to be stressing, even if it is not easy as perceived by majority, this

can still be appreciated. Enjoyment of the subject relies on its meaningfulness and dynamics of
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

concept illustrated. It is the essential role of the teachers to guide and direct the students on

getting knowledge, thus right ground on methods, strategies and techniques must considered in

giving a comprehensive environment, which causes to arouse the interest and challenge the

students to the higher level of learning mathematical (Generalao, 2012).

According to Nambatac, (2011), among the 41 participant countries, Filipinos performed

poorly in Mathematics. Moreover, it is reported that Filipino students have poor performance in

Science and Mathematics subjects. In fact, the National Mean Percentage Score in Math on 2012

was only 48.90, which is describe as below the national standard and the it is among the lowest

in the five subjects in the National Achievement Test (NETRC, 2012). Furthermore, in Magpet

National High School in North Cotabato, it gained the following MPS in National Achievement

Test (NAT) which is administered nationwide yearly: in SY: 2012- 2013- 61.56, SY: 2013-

2014- 55.26, SY: 2014- 2015- 45.65. Hence, the MPS for Mathematics in 2015 is only 50.55. As

observed in the statistics, the MPS for the past years of the school were diminishing. The result is

below the passing percentage, which is 75%, and this means that students had difficulty in

dealing the subject, which is alarming, and recurring situations. Moreover, the study of (Pagtulon

and Tan, 2018) states that students perform poorly in mathematics as reflected in their scores.

Additionally, its findings are expected due to insufficient foundation or they do not have a strong

foundation of the concepts.

Hence, it is believe that majority of students feel tiresome to learn mathematics. Thus, it

is a big responsibility of the teachers to earn couple of solutions in these problems in the

classroom. One of these, the teacher must incorporate cooperative learning in the class. Hence, it
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

is important for teachers to be sensitive to students’ understanding and misconceptions and

determine their learning gaps in mathematics. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics

of NCTM (2000) acknowledge that there are significant challenges in meeting the vision for

enhancing mathematics education. The vision calls for involvement of teachers, school

administrators, institutions of higher learning, professional organizations, parents, students and

other stakeholders. The combined efforts of the groups might result to brighter hope in the

fulfillment of the vision and developing shared commitment in terms of improvement of

mathematics instruction in the Philippines.

Moreover, Horario, as cited by Andamon (2015), that mathematics is the second most

difficult subject in both elementary and high school level. Thus, Senator Angara, chairperson of

the Senate Committee on Education, Arts and Culture stressed the insufficiency of competence

and skills in mathematics, science and technology, which are the major causes of the country’s

poverty and distress.

Buan (1997) tested other variables possibly related to mathematics achievement and

attitude. It was aimed to compare the effects of cooperative and individualistic instructions on

student's achievement in mathematics and their attitude towards the subject. It was found that

there is a significant difference in the pre-test and posttest scores of the cooperative group in the

achievement test and attitude scale. In the individualistic group there is a significant difference in

the pre-test and post-test achievement scores only but there is no significant change in attitude

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Angay's (1998) research work on pupils' difficulties in basic operations involving fraction

concluded that the pupils performed poorly in the four fundamental operations of fractions.

Moreover, the finding showed that there is a significant difference between the pupils'

achievement and their parents' educational attainment. According to Lucero (1999), parental

involvement was significantly correlated with both pupils' mathematics achievement and

attitudes. Mathematics achievement was significantly correlated with both father's education and

mathematics attitudes; while mathematics attitude was significantly correlated with parents'

monthly income.

Bigornia (2000) determined the factors affecting the mathematical proficiency level of

Grade VI pupils. Teacher competence, pupils' background and communication skills were found

to have highly significant relationship with pupils' mathematics achievement.

A study conducted in Lanao del Norte by Caliao (2000) aimed to determine the factors

associated with the pupils' ability to solve problems in mathematics by associating pupils'

mathematics achievement with the following factors: home environment, quality of mathematics

instruction received by the pupils, pupils' attitude towards mathematics, mental ability, and

reading comprehension ability. The factors identified to be significantly associated with the

pupils' mathematics achievement were the following: fathers' education, neighbours, friends and

relatives who took care of the child, buying things of educational value, teachers' profile such as

number of math seminars attended, number of years in teaching math, number of awards

received, lesson plan preparation, teachers' activity like conducting review classes, coaching

during math competitions, encouraging and supporting pupils to participate in math competitions
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

and the number of skills taught, mothers' hours spent at home and at work, mental ability, and

reading comprehension.

Montecalvo (2000) assessed the problem solving skills and attitude in Mathematics of

Grade Six pupils in Linamon District, Division of Lanao del Norte during the school year 1999-

2000. Results show that majority of the pupils had average performance in problem solving skills

along fractions, decimals, and percentage. Likewise, they had a fair attitude level towards

mathematics and perceived that mathematics is useful for problems in everyday life.

Furthermore, significant relationship existed between pupils' performance in problem solving

skills test and type of school as well as pupils' average grade in Mathematics. Finally, no

significant relationship existed between pupil’s performance in problem solving skills test and

the following pupil-related factors, namely: family income, size of family, and attitudes toward

mathematics. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 8, Issue 2,

February 2018 489 ISSN 2250-3153 Cañete's (2002) study determined the teacher

and pupil factors affecting problem solving difficulties in mathematics. It concluded that pupils

had satisfactory performance in basic skills test and fair attitude toward Mathematics but low

performance in Problem solving achievement test. A significant relationship existed between

pupils' problem solving skills in Mathematics and some teacher factors, namely, educational

qualification, and possession of master's units/degree, specialized training, performance rating

and strategies in teaching math. No sufficient evidence was seen to show significant relationship

between pupils' skills in Mathematics and the pupil factors, mothers’ educational attainment and

family annual income. Silva et al (2006) investigated the factors associated with non-performing
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Filipino students in mathematics in selected accredited schools in the Philippines (private and

public institutions from Metro Manila and provinces). Results showed that, though the students

have average mental ability, they encounter difficulties attributed to reading deficiencies and

learning styles. Lee-Chua (2006) discussed efforts spearheaded by various groups to develop a

successful problem-solving culture. “We have learned to focus on certain critical variables”.

According to the researcher, these variables include: extensive parental support, early exposure,

mental toughness, excellent master teachers, and good textbooks. Alvaera, Bayan, & Martinez

(2009) of De LaSalle University, Manila, conducted study intended to determine whether

parental involvement and autonomy (mothers and fathers), and teaching approach can predict

public school students’ achievement as measured by the general average grades of students. In

determining which variable has a significant relationship with student achievement, it showed

that mother involvement was significantly related with the students' academic achievement. Of

all the predictors of achievement used by the researchers, it was only mother involvement that

had significantly predicted student achievement. This does not mean that teaching approach,

father involvement, father autonomy and mother autonomy does not contribute in predicting

achievement. This simply implies that their contribution in the achievement of the students is not

as significant as compared to the contribution of mothers' involvement. The current study

focuses on academic achievement as measured by the general average grade of the student from

the previous grading period. It has been well established how academic achievement is

influenced by a particular factor. Parents' involvement in the child's schooling like assisting the

child's in making their assignments explains much the grade of the child. It was concluded in the

study that only mother involvement can predict students' achievement. Rondez (1997) studied
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

grade six pupils in Iligan City wherein she attempted to associate high achievement in

mathematics with the following factors: home environment, quality and quantity of math

instruction received by pupils, and pupils' attitude towards math. The factors significantly

associated with high achievement in math are the following: pupil respondents' father's

educational attainment, number of influencing household member, seminars attended and math

awards received by the teacher respondents, and pupils' attitude towards math. This indicated

that pupils' academic achievement not only in Mathematics but also with other subjects is greatly

influenced by other factors not only pupil and parent factors

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403



Research Design

In this study, it uses a quantitative research design. In which measure of values or counts the

numbers of respondents. The researchers use factors research design in order to determine the

factors that affect the performance of the students.


The researchers opted to focus mainly in the performance of the students in Mathematics.

The target respondents are adolescent’s ages of grade 11 students of Informatics Computer

Institute Festival Mall.

Research Instruments

The main tool used in this study was a researcher made up of survey. Set of questionnaire

checklist was constructed for the student respondents. The survey consisted of the students’

performance in mathematics, interest and study habits.

On the survey obtained the students level of interest in mathematics presented five (5)

statements and the students study habits presented ten (10) situations. These were given one set

of five checkboxes were ranked as:

5- Always 4- Often 3- Sometimes 2- Rarely 1- Never

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Data Gathering Procedure

The data for this research will be collected using one (1) set of survey questionnaire. Data

gathered from answered questionnaire were checked, classified, tabulated and analyzed

according to the research design. The researchers will submit a letter of consent to the

Informatics Computer Institute Festival Mall, with the sample test materials attached. After

receiving the consent, the researchers will purposively approach the students of Informatics

Computer Institute Festival Mall on the date and time given by the authorities. Before the testing

proper, the researchers oriented the students about the sets of survey questionnaire. After the

orientation, the researchers will give the survey questionnaire to the respondents. The data

gathered aided the researchers to calculate know the results, which helped in fulfilling the

objectives of the study.

Phase 1

On the first chapters the thesis leader, first thing that did was to assign if who is the one

that will do each chapter and the other things that the researchers need to do on their thesis.

When they are done on the chapters 1 to 3, they give it to their adviser for checking, the

researchers are inform that there are just few things that they need to revise and they felt relieved

because of that. After the chapters 1 to 3 was accepted, they proceeded on finding the questions

for their survey.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Phase 2

The first thing that the researchers did before the survey was to find some question for the

questionnaire of the research After finding the questions, the researchers handed the papers to

their adviser to check it. Before they finally proceeded to our survey, the researchers had an

agenda on who are the ones that is going to do the survey in each room or in each strand. On the

day that the survey has done, they explain on them of how to fill up the paper that we handed on

them and then before they compute for its final total or final result, the researchers first compiled

the papers on their own strand after that they finally compute the total of the result of their

survey. Moreover, the researchers encounter difficulties because some of the students are absent

wherein they will follow it up in the next day until they get the answer of the students.
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403



A. Demographic Profile

Table 1



46 33 79



Description: This chart shows the percentage of our respondents, male students have a total

percentage of 58% and female students have a total percentage of 42% students. The male

students are greater than the number of female students in Informatics Computer Institute.
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Table 2


15 – 16 17 – 18 19 – 20 TOTAL

41 35 3 79






15 - 16 17 - 18 19 - 20

Description: Age as presented, it shows that the majority of the respondents fall under the

age of 15 – 16 years old that have a total percentage of 52%, then 17 – 18 which have 44%

respondents in total and the least fall under the age of 19 – 20 years old that only have 4%

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Table 3


70 – 74 75 – 79 80 – 84 85 – 89 90 – 94 TOTAL

1 7 40 25 6 79






9% 8%

70 - 74 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 - 89 90 - 94

Description: The tally of grades as presented, it shows that 51% of the respondents grades

falls under 80 – 84, then 85 – 89 which have 31% in total, next is 75 – 79 of grades with 9%,

then 90 – 94 with 8% and least falls under 70 – 74 of grades with 1%.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Table 4

Extent of Interest in Mathematics


1. I make myself prepared for the math 3.79 3 Often
2. I listen attentively to the lecture of my 4.14 2 Often
math teacher
3. I actively participate in the discussion, 3.63 4 Often
answering exercises and/or clarifying
things I did not understand.
4. I want to get good grades on tests, quizzes, 4.19 1 Often
assignments and project
5. I get frustrated when the discussion is 2.9 5 Sometimes
interrupted or the teacher is absent.
Average Weighted Mean 3.73 Often

Description: Table 4 illustrates the overall weighted mean of interest in Mathematics, which

are 3.73. This means students are “often” interested in this subject. Among questionnaire

items, the aspiration to get good grades is the most interesting to students though to attend

discussion received the lowest extent of interest.

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Table 5

Extent of Study Habits


1. I do my assignments regularly. 3.56 4 Often
2. I exert more effort when I do difficult 3.6 3 Often
3. I spend my vacant time in doing 3.1 9 Sometimes
assignments or studying my lessons.
4. I study the lessons I missed if I was 3.44 6 Sometimes
absent from the class.
5. I study and prepared for quizzes and 3.78 2 Often
6. I study harder to improve my 3.85 1 Often
performance when I get low grades.
7. I spend less time with my friends during 3.03 10 Sometimes
schools days to concentrate more on my
8. I prefer finishing my studying and my 3.32 7 Sometimes
assignments first before watching any
television program.
9. I see to it that extracurricular activities 3.14 8 Sometimes
do not hamper my studies.
10. I have a specific place of study at home, 3.47 5 Sometimes
which I keep clean, and ord erly.
Average Weighted Mean 3.43 Sometimes

Description: Table 5 illustrates the extent of study habits as perceived by the students

themselves gained a “sometimes” result with an overall weighted mean of 3.43. Among each

situational item given, the statement “I study harder to improve my performance when I get

low grades,” ranked first though the statement “I spend less time with my friends during

schools days to concentrate more on my studies, “got the lowest extent of study habits in

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Table 6

Level of Performance of Students in Mathematics

Statistic Value Verbal Interpretation

Mean 83.7 Satisfactory

Description: Table reveals that the mean performance of the students in Mathematics was

“satisfactory” with an average of 83.7. It reveals that a number of the students really wanted the

subject of Mathematics. Only a small number of the students got low and the rest got the high

4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter looks at the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations and

suggestions for further research.


Today’s life was very difficult people around you may judge you in every aspect you

could do. However, people nowadays are having trouble in mathematics performance. Therefore,

the researchers conduct a survey of the grade 11 students in (ICIFM) that show the factors

affecting their mathematics performance.

Based on the survey, seventy – nine (79) students show the factors of their performance

in mathematics subject wherein the interest has a significant correlation in the performance of the

students. In study habits, there is also a significant correlation. Procrastination was link with the

injustice of affecting the performance of the students in doing their jobs in school. Some

participants blamed themselves and felt a great deal of guilt and shame because of lack of

performance. The intensity and duration of these factors was significantly how participants affect

the factors of mathematics performance. Mostly, being lazy was appraised as tormenting and

toxic for participants. Strategies to suppress or subdue these factors in an effort to protect their

identity only served to worsen symptoms.

In order to understand others, and ourselves it is decisive for us to perceive, interpret and

respond to our own feelings and those of others. Most people fail at some point in their lives. It is
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

a necessary and fundamental part of life. People have to generally fail at something before they

find success even though failure can be define as a lack of success, an unsuccessful person,

enterprise or thing, a lack or deficiency of a desirable quality. However, failure is not a means to

an end, nor does failure have to give any indication of permanence. What is permanent is not

getting started in the first place out of fear of failure. To fail is to fail to hit one’s target, whatever

it may be, but it does not prevent one from trying again.

Students can make their performance great by make it on time and putting a hard work on

it. They should have a plenty of time to think what they should do. The best way to not fail is

don’t do a procrastination which make your performance unless the students are good at making



The researchers would like to recommend this to students especially those who are

having trouble in their mathematics performance because this research will help them to cope up

their mathematics performance. In addition, it will help them to boost their self-esteem so that

can be easier for them to express their thoughts in class. They will also know that they are not the

only one who is experiencing having a difficulty in their mathematics performance. Also, this

research will guide them to get easily attached or ease to other people who did not experience

difficulties in mathematics performance without any confusion about expressing their thoughts.

The researchers also would like to recommend this to teachers especially those who are

more often computing a grade of a students that they see who are failed the students, because the
4TH Level Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Telefax: 771-0401 Tel. Nos. 771-0403

researchers would like the teachers to know how factors affect their mathematics performance.

The researchers would like the teachers to know their performance in class. They want a step by

step to know the factors affecting their mathematics subject, by this way of it help the student to

ease the pain that the felt.

The researcher would like to recommend this to the parents so they will know the

performance of their students in class.

The researchers would like to recommend this to the future researchers because it will

serve as a guide in the study that focuses with the factors affecting mathematics subject and how

it affects the student or might as well continue the study with regards on the performance of the

students and generate some unique solutions.

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