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And The Stories Begin

The comparison between Haemon and Antigone’s relationship

to Cleopatra and Mark Antony’s is that all stories are different but both
ended tragically other than that we applied real life tragedy in order to
compare fictional tragedy.

Antigone’s love for Haemon is immeasurable but unfortunately,

tragedy emerged between Haemon and Antigone which is quite despairful
whereas romance is depleted inextricably along with devastation. Ismene
had admitted that their love was tremendously veracious, though she had
betrayed her own blood. No one knows what Antigone thinks of her other

Haemon’s love for Antigone is also immeasurable even though Antigone was
the cause of the Tragic Event, Haemon still loves her because even though
she is at fault, the king can’t just kill her because of that because in
haemon’s mind burying Polyneices is not a big deal. He thinks that it is not
much of something to worry about because he is more focused on being with

The Tragedy of Haemon and Antigone

Antigone had already hanged herself on the way to her burial,
because she had fallen in a pit of depression due to the mischievous
series of events. And when Creon arrived at the tomb where she was
to be left, Haemon tried and to kill him but actually ends up
committing suicide as well. Haemon had loved Antigone so great that
he committed suicide because of this helpless situation.

Eventually, he ends up killing herself. When Haemon finds Antigone

dead, he tries to kill his father which resulted in failure, Theban King
Creon, for having sentenced Antigone to death, and then most
successfully turns his own sword on himself.
Haemon, upon finding out about Antigone's death, attempts to stab

his father, and unable to do so, stabs himself, thereby committing

suicide. When Creon's wife Eurydice finds out about their deaths, she

also commits suicide, leaving Creon alone, ranting and raving.

Relationship of Mark Antony

and Cleopatra
Mark Antony married Octavia—Octavian’s younger sister—
to settle the conflict between the two leaders. During the meeting in Tarsus,
upon an inquest of Cleopatra’s alleged involvement of Julius Caesar’s
assasination, it was hinted the first time that Antony laid his eyes on her. It
was considered in some accounts that they spent holidays together after
their meeting. In that case, Cleopatra was able to charm Antony by being at
his side all the time.

Their affair was a massive scandal in Rome, knowing that Antony was
already married to Octavia for political advantages. Instead of returning to
her, he left once again for Egypt to visit Cleopatra. His second meeting with
her bore her twins; Alexandra Helios and Cleopatra Selene II. In public
celebration of Caesarion—Cleopatra’s first child—Antony declared him as a
rightful heir of Rome, which the declaration itself opposed Octavian as an
adopted son of Julius. It’s one of the main reasons that triggered a war of
propaganda between him and Antony.

In regards to the main account of their story, their affair was most likely
described as an intense and passionate one. There’s one speculation that
their relationship wasn’t really anything special as generally known among
the stories, rather it’s quite troublesome. It’s suspected that Antony was
dealing with a one-sided love he wasn’t aware of. He clearly sacrificed his
own country just to be with Cleopatra, because, after all, their relationship
was all for political power and personal gain, nothing less. In addition,
Cleopatra was aware that Antony grew an excessive infatuation of her at
that point. She used the advantages that had benefits from him, especially
to the major aspects of Egypt.

The tragedy of Mark Antony

and Cleopatra

After Octavius realized that Mark cheated on Octavia with

Cleopatra, he decided to start a war. Cleopatra and Mark went to Alexandria
for exile. And during the war Cleopatra gave birth to their child there,
running eventually stops when the battle of Actium. At the Battle of Actium,
Octavian wins a decisive victory against Mark and Cleopatra.

Happened there, Mark was captured while Cleopatra went back to Egypt,
she wrote a letter to Mark saying that she will commit suicide when Mark
recieved the letter he commited suicide because he thinks that Cleopatra
was already dead but in reality Cleopatra was still alive.

After that Cleopatra was captured alive because Octavius first wanted a
parade for the people because they captured a Queen and during this time
Cleopatra knew Mark was dead because she the body herself after she saw
Mark body, Mark stabbed himself with a sword then Cleopatra did actually
did commited suicide and was buried with Mark.

The Comparison of tragedy on both stories

Both AAntigone and CCleopatra died because they committed

suicide. Cleopatra is charismatic, erotic, uninspiring. Everyone was
captivated by her beauty and personality. She does not want to be treated
like dirt. She ended her life by letting a snake bite her. Antigone is a
confident strong person, passionate and heroine. She does not let any men
choose anything for her. Antigone makes her own decisions, so she also
chooses her death.

AAntigone was the cause of the conflict. Mark anthony and

cleopatra is a real love story that happened in history, mark anthony was
the cause of the conflict. Antigone & haemon’s relationship conflict is similar
to the tragedy ‘romeo and juliet’. Anthony & cleopatra’s conflict has no
similarities in any tragedy or book.

Both of the stories have unhappiness in them. Their significant

other committed suicide. Antigone committed suicide because the wedding
was cancelled and she had depression inside the cave, then when haemon
saw Antigone hanged herself in the cave, he committed suicide. Mark
anthony comitted suicide because he thought that cleopatra was dead then
when cleopatra knew that mark anthony died she committed suicide.

The Comparison of the relationship on both stories

The difference between Mark Antony’s relationship to Haemon’s

relationship is that Mark Antony committed adultery to be with Cleopatra.
Mark Antony truly loved Cleopatra because of her beauty, at first Cleopatra
and Mark Antony liked each other just because of their power but ended up
falling in love with each other. While Haemon’s relationship was based on
incest and true love.

Haemon and Antigone are related because they are first cousins but overall
they loved each other although there marriage is a secret. Haemon had
loved Antigone so great that he commits suicide because of his helpless
which was experiencing an artistic, cultural and scholarly renaissance under

Their love story started over 10 years earlier when both were in their prime.
Cleopatra was a divine Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt.  

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