Ba English I Nov2018 Comminicative English-I

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ll[ lmt fll]fl ff fiIr KlaU 2229

Beq. No.

I Semester LA./B.Sc./B.Com./B.B.A./B.B.A.T.T.lll./B.B.A.(AH)/B.C.A./
B.S.W./B.Sc. (LRPyB.A. Af sal-Ul-Ulama Degree
(CBCSS - RegJSupple/mprov.) Examination, November 2018
1A01ENG I Communicalive English - |
(2014 Admn. Onwards)

Max lrlarks:40

L Answer any one ol lhe lollowing quesiions in not more lhan two pages: (1x6=6)
1) Write a Letlerto the Posimaster ol yo!r area inJomina him/herol the chanqe
n your resident a address.
2) Answer lhe lo owing adverlisement wlh a CV and cover eller - Wanled
a cerk willr a good knowedge oi English and Arlthnr€lc. Apply, l,lanager
New Press. Allahabad .

Answer any one of the Io ow ng qleslions n nol more than lwo pages (1x6=6)
3) Wite an essay on the iopic'Fead ng - A Dy ng Habit .
4) Wile a paEphrase lor the io ow ng lext.
Over-ealing s one otlhe mosl wonderlLr praclices among lhosewho ihink
lhal lhey can aliord il n iacl, allhorilessayllratnearlya whocangelas
mlch as they deslre, over-eal tolheir disadvantage. A heavy mealal n ghl
lhe so'ca €d "{iinner is ihe fash on with many and ollen jt s laken sho ly
belore reiirinq. ll is unnecessary and should be forgone no1 on y once a
week bul daily w tholl loss ofstrength. From lhree lolive hourc are n€eded
lo digest iood While sleeping ihis lood not bejng req!ired to give eneGy
lor work is i nrany cases converled inlo excess tal, giving rise to over-
welghl. Tlre evening mealshou d be lght,laken three orlour hoLrrs belore
retir ng. This prcvenls over eating, conserues energy and reduces lhe cosl
K18U 2229 fl I flll ll[] ffifir
ll Transcib-" any eishr oi the Io owing words : (8x1=8)
5) Peope 10) Plnish
6) Lelter ll)Schoo
7) Slalemenl 12) carden
8) Appear 13) Fepod
9) Bemember 14) Feartu

lV l"'lark the primary stress nanytourollh€ wordsgiven beow. Need not

rranscribe laxt =2)
l5) Navigation 18) Canteen
16) Falher 19) Potitrcian
17) Deveop 20) Adversiiy

V Answer anyfour olthe rolowlng qLrestons in abour hdo orthree sentences. (4x1=4)

21) Whal do yo! mean by word stress ?

22) Def ne triphthongs.

23) Mark the intonalof lorthe given senlence : Don l tatk toudly .

24) Give ihe weak forrns ol lhe tollowing words co! d, lhat.
25) Whal do yo! nrean by ising tone ?
26) Whal are diphthongs ?

vr A sq.r 14' . np,ng q.o(l o.s r "o d nq.o.he o e.hons provideo. ( 1 4> l,l4t
27) ldenlfy the nouns in ihe sentence glven below.
JawaharlalNehr! was lhe lircl Pime l\,linjster ol lndia.
28) Give 1wo examples ol co ective nouns.
29) F n lhebanks wiih sutabe prcnouns.
Every soldier and every sailor was n place.
30) Transiorm inlo the superlative degree.
"ogS-r rha noslol-er.'da
31) Correct the iollow ng senlence :

He gave nre an advlce.

Lr I flL I lflrLlr KIAU 2229

32) Combine ihe io owing sentences using a correlaiive conjuncuoi :

He is loolsh. He is obsiinale.
33) Add a suilable quesllon iag :

34) Fill in the blanks wllh lhe suitable tense ol the word glven in brackels
She ( eave) school last Year'
35) F ln lhe banks wilh approprlale ariicles:
boughi horse, ox, and butlalo
- - - -
36) lnseri appropiaie moda auxiliaries in lhe blanks.
lwish he nol play his wireless so loudlv
37) Chooselhe apprcpiale preposition liorn lhe pairgiven andfilLinihe blanks:

38) nsert a suilable reial ve pronoun in lhe space provided

39) Give two examples or nouns ihal are used onlv ln lhe plural lorm'
40) Which are lhe open_class iierns among Eng lsh words ?

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