Unit:-1 Reproduction: Class 12 Biology

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Unit:-1 Reproduction
Important Topics

Types of reproduction, Clone, Vegetative propegration, Event of sexual reproduction.

Development of microsporangium and megasporangium, pollen grain, structure of ovule,

pollination, artificial hybridization, double fertilization, monocot-dicot embryo,

Male and female reproductive system, gametogenesis, menstrual cycle, fertilization and
implantation, development of embryo, parturition and lactation.

Reproductive and child health program, SID’s, MTP, infertility (IVF, ZIFT, GIFT)

Unit:-2 Genetics and Evolution

Important Topics

Mendelian inheritance, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, multiple alleles.

Chromosome theory of inheritance. Sex determination (humans, birds, honey bee)
Linkage and crossing over. Sex-linked inheritance – haemophilia, colour blindness,

Mendelian disorders – sickel cell anemia, phenylketonuria, thalassemia

Chromosomal disorders – Down’s syndrome, Turner’s and Klinefelter’s syndromes.

Structure of DNA and RNA, DNA packaging, DNA replication , Search for Genetic
material, DNA as genetic material, Central dogma-transcription, genetic code, translation,
Lac operon, Human genome projects, DNA fingerprinting.

Origin of life , Biological evolution and evidences for biological evolution, Darwin’s
contribution, modern synthetic theory of evolution. Mechanism of evolution. Adaptive
radiation. Hardy – Weinberg’s principle, Gene flow and genetic drift, Human evolution

Unit:-3 Biology in Human Welfare

Important Topics

Human diseases (malaria, filariasis, ascariasis, typhoid, pneumonia, common cold,

amoebiasis, ringworm), Basic concepts of immunology – vaccines. Cancer, HIV,
Allergies, Drugs and Alcohol abuses.

Improvement in food production:- Plant breeding, tissue culture, single cell protein,
Biofortification. Animal breeding- Inbreeding and Out breeding, Artificial insemination
and MOET. Dairy farm management, Poultry farm management, Apiculture and

In household food processing, Industrial production, Sewage treatment, Microbes as

biocontrol agents and biofertilizers. Antibiotics.

Unit:-4 Biotechnology

Important Topics

Biotechnology principle, Restriction Enzyme, Plasmid, Gel electrophoresis, Polymerase

chain reaction, Bioreactor.

Application of biotechnology in health and agriculture, Human insulin and vaccine

production, gene therapy, Bt crops, transgenic animals, biopiracy, and patents.

Unit:-5 Ecology

Important Topic

Organisms and environment – Habitat and niche, major abiotic factor population and
ecological adaptations. Population interactions. Population attributes – growth, birth rate
and death rate, age distribution.

Ecosystems: Patterns, components. Productivity and decomposition. Energy flow.

Pyramids of number, biomass, energy. Nutrient cycles (carbon and phosphorous).
Ecological succession. Ecological services – carbon fixation, pollination, oxygen release

Organisms and environment – Habitat and niche, major abiotic factor population and
ecological adaptations. Population interactions. Population attributes – growth, birth rate
and death rate, age distribution.

Ecosystems: Patterns, components. Productivity and decomposition. Energy flow.

Pyramids of number, biomass, energy. Nutrient cycles (carbon and phosphorous).
Ecological succession. Ecological services – carbon fixation, pollination, oxygen release

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