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Level of Internet Usage and its Effects to the Academic Performance of Junior

High School Students

A Research Proposal

Presented to Faculty of VMA Global College and Training Center, Inc.

Practical Research 2- Quantitative Research

Brillantes, Jasmine Shyre M.

Casaclang, Kate Aeonie E.

Esmani, Daisy Mae C.

Gordevilla, Mary April M.

Ocampo, Summer Erra P.

Seligbon, Reyzie Marie N.

Solomon, Josselle Anth C.


Table of contents

Chapter 1: Introduction…………………………………………………………..1
Background of the study.........................................................................................1
Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………4
Hypothesis …………………………………………………………………………5
Scope of the Study…………………………………………………………………5
Significance of the Study……………………………………………………….....6
Definition of terms………………………………………………………………...8
Review of Related Literature……………………………………………………..10
Foreign Studies…………………………………………………………….10
Local Studies………………………………………………………………13
Theoretical Framework…………………………………………………...16
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………...18
Research Design……………………………………………………………19
Respondents of the Study…………………………………………………20
Data Gathering Instrument……………………………………………….
Sampling Design…………………………………………………………...
Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………...
Data Analysis Procedure…………………………………………………..
Ethical Consideration……………………………………………………...

Chapter I


Background of the study

According to Shitta (2002), the internet is the communication superhighway that links,

hooks and transforms the entire world into global village where different individual can easily get

in touch, see, or spear to another as well as exchange information instantaneously from one point

of the globe to another. Wide range of possibilities for using the internet for various purposes,

consequently in the field of realization of the process of education and for learning purposes. For

many years, the internet has been put into function of education and learning. (Dogruer, Eyyam

and Mennevi 2011).

To further understand this study the researchers provide some information and history on

how internet begins, long before the technology existed to actually build the internet, many

scientists had already anticipated the existence of worldwide networks of information.

Nikola Tesla toyed with the idea of a “world wireless system” in the early 1900s, and

visionary thinkers like Paul Otlet and Vannevar Bush conceived of mechanized, searchable

storage systems of books and media in the 1930s and 1940s. Still, the first practical

schematics for the Internet would not arrive until the early 1960s, when MIT’s J.C.R.

Licklider popularized the idea of an “Intergalactic Network” of computers. Shortly

thereafter, computer scientists developed the concept of “packet switching,” a method for

effectively transmitting electronic data that would later become one of the major building

blocks of the internet.


In 1970’s the internet emerged at the United States but did not become visible general to

the public until the early 1990’s. The internet provides a capability so powerful and general that it

can be used for almost any purpose that depends on information and it is accessible by every

individual who connects to one of its constituent network. It supports human communication via

electronic mail (e-mail), “chat rooms,” newsgroups, and audio and video transmission and allows

people to work collaboratively at many different locations. It supports access to digital information

by many applications, including the World Wide Web. According to Kate Lamb of Jakarta, South

East Asia is one of the internet- addicted regions on the planet, with the Philippines topping the

global list with an average of 10 hours and 2 minute of screen time every day. The country was

joined in the top five by Thailand and Indonesia, according to findings in a new report on online

habits report by Hootsuite and We are Social. Ranked third, people in Thailand were found to

spend an average 9 hours and 11 minutes online each day, while those in neighboring Indonesia

also devoted more than a third of their day to screen time, clocking in at 8 hours and 36 minutes

on average. Developing nations from south-east Asia and Latin America dominated the internet

usage index, with Brazil and Colombia ranked second and fourth, respectively. As the report

reveals 50% of global population is now connected to the internet, spending an average of 6.5

hours online each day, leading its author Simon Kemp, to calculate that the world’s digital

community will spend a combined total of more than 1.2bn years using internet in this year 2019.

(Kate Lamb, 2019).

In today’s generation education manipulate internet for academic performance.

Internet usage in academic performance is a very big help to every student especially the

junior high school that have the most level of internet usage. Internet have different effects

to its every user especially students, the effects of internet usage can be positive or

negative. Internet open doorways to a wealth of information, knowledge and educational

resource. Internet usage in academic is a big help in the academic performance of every


The researchers chose this study to give information or knowledge and enable

respondents to know how important internet is and what its effect to their academic

performance. This study is conducted by the researchers because the researchers want

anyone to developed and enhance knowledge about the importance of internet in their

everyday living especially in the terms of academic performance. This study should be

conducted because it let everyone know that internet is not really a bad influence in our

society and impart the advantages of internet in other areas especially in academic

performance of every students. The purpose of this study is to know the level of internet

usage and their effects on academic performance of every student especially junior high

school. Its aim to know how internet usage by the hours spent by the students can affect

academic performance like their class participation, class attendance and their class grade s.

Statement of the problem

Generally, this study aims to get the level of internet usage and its effects to the academic

performance of Junior High School students of VMA Global College and Training Centers, Inc.

during 1st quarter of school year 2019-2020.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

1.1. Age

1.2 .Sex

1.3. Grade Level

2. What percentage of Junior High School students utilize internet in academic performance in

terms of the following:

2.1. Age 2.2. Sex 2.3. Grade Level=

11-12 Male 7

13-14 Female 8

15-16 9

17-18 10

3. What is the effect of internet usage to the academic performance of respondents in terms of the


3.1. GWA ( General Weighted Average)


4. Is there a significant relationship between the Level of Internet Usage and its effects to the

Academic Performance of Junior High School students?


There is no significance relationship between the Level of Internet Usage and its effects

to the Academic Performance of Junior High School students.

Scope of the Study

This study focuses on determining the Level of Internet Usage and its effects to the

Academic Performance of Junior High School students including grade 7, 8, 9 and 10 in VMA

Global College and Training Centers, Inc. during 1st quarter of school year 2019-2020.

Significance of the study

This study may be beneficial to the following:

School Administrators. The result of this study would help the School Administrators to

have a knowledge that students need an internet connection for their research and also for them to

think that students need to have computers for their study for their academics so that student will

not spend too much money in using peso net.

Students. The recipient of this study are the students of VMA Global College and Training

Centers, Inc. with the level of grade 7, 8, 9, and 10. This research study may benefits

to students through widening the student’s knowledge on how internet gives a big

impact on the student’s academic performance. Also, this study may benefit students

to let the students know the advantages in using the internet in the student’s in using

the internet. Students may benefit in this research study to deepen and expand the

student’s knowledge on using the internet.

Parents. The result of this study may help the parents understand why their children spend so

much time facing their tablets, mobile phones, and laptop. This research study give the

parents knowledge on how the internet may help their children in academic performance

in school. This study will give explanation to every parents that this generation will

always need an easy way to find information and the only way can be is interest.

Teachers. The result of this study may benefits the teachers to understand deeper why students

prefer using internet than traditional books in digging deeper information. Teachers

will understand that using internet in researching is way easier than scanning every

pages of books. Teacher will realize that using internet can save the valuable time they

spend in finding information in books.

Present Researchers. The result of this study help researchers to understand deeper the essence

of the internet in terms of widening knowledge, gathering data, also in

academic purpose and etc. Researchers will be aware of the adverse

negative side effects of the excessive use of internet.

Future Researchers. The result of this study may help the future researcher to gain some

knowledge, ideas and they can use it also as their bases in their future

research study. This study may beneficial to the future researchers because

it may give the future researchers deep information for their future research

study relates in the internet usage learning. It can help them to be a better

analyst and it can be a help as a future reference for more studies in the


Definition of terms

The following terms are conceptually and operationally to ensure understanding of the


Effect. According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary (2019), effect is a change

which is a result of an action or other cause.

In this study effect refers to the good or bad effect the internet can

create to every students, and it also refers to how student can handle

internet accordingly to their study.

Internet. According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary (2019), internet is an

international computer networks and computers from companies,

universities, etc.

In this study internet refers as a tool that enable the Junior High School student

to make their school works done quickly. It is an easy way to the Junior High

School students use the internet in getting deeper information that they need.

Junior High School. According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary (2019),

Junior high school is a school for young people

between the ages of 12 and 14.

In this study junior high school refers to student of VMA

Global College and Training Centers, Inc. High School


department with age ranges from 12-15 years old with the

grade level from 7th grade to 8th, 9th and 10th.

Level. According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary (2019), level is a

position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or


In this study level refers to the population of the student that the researchers


Usage. According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary (2019), the word

usage is the fact of something being used or how much

something is use.

In this study usage refers as an instrument use by the researchers to

identify the level of student who use internet and the effects of internet in their

academic performance.

Review Related Literature

This section presents related literature and studies which will serve as a basis suitable for

the research study, “Level of Internet Usage and its Effects to the Academic Performance of Junior

High School Students” There are different literature gathered and described enable to the

researchers have a better and deeper understanding to the study.

Foreign Literature

The research entitled “Effects of the Internet in the Academic Performance of Tertiary

Institutions Student in Niger State by Jibrin, Musha, and Shittu in the year 2017, this study shows

that the total respondents of male are 1.59% while the female respondents are 41%, in the

distribution of the respondents according to gender. Based on the result concluded that the majority

of the respondents are male.In the second figure that been shown on this study that shows the

distribution of the respondents according to the institutions comes out with the result of 30% of

the respondents were from Federal University of Technology Minna, 27% of the respondents were

from Ahmado Bello University Zana and 47% of the respondents were from Federal College of

Education Kontagora. The third figure is the Distribution of respondents according to age shows

that 19 % of the respondents are within the age of 15-20, 51% are within the age of 21-25, 24%

are within the age of 15-20, 51% are within the age of 26-30, only 2% are within the age of 31-36

and lastly 4% are within the age of 37 and above. The fourth figure were the frequency of internet

use shows that 21% agreed that they use of the internet every day, 15% of the respondent make

use of the internet in 0-4 days a week, 11% use the internet 0-2 days a week, 19% of the

respondents use internet for at least 3 to 6 hours in a week and 13% uses the internet for at least 2

hours a week. The 5th figure is rating the use of internet for academic activities were 23% of the

respondent rated it as excellent, in the same line. 42% of the respondent rated it as a very good,

29% as good and 6% as poor. Obviously, the majority of the respondents rated that the use of

internet for academic performance is very good. The sixth figure shows the usefulness of internet

for academic activities of respondents, 30% of the respondents indicate that the internet make their

academic activities much easier, 61% indicated that the internet improved their academic

performance, 6% of the respondents that it makes the academic activities difficult , and only 3%

of the respondents indicated the decreased in their academic performance. That revealed that the

majority of respondents agreed that internet is an important factor for improving academic

performance. The 7th is the most used search engine by the respondent shows that 65.3% of the

respondents use the Google search engine, 14% use Yahoo search engine, 12.7% use Ask search

engine while 8% use other search engine. This analysis shows that majority of respondents use the

Google search engine. In the 8th figure the result revealed that a great proportion of the students

use the internet to aid research. And to complete the findings/result of this study, the 9th figure

shows that the major problem encountered by students in the use of internet services is power

failure followed by slow internet speed.

To clarify things the researchers provide another study that shows the use of internet usage

entitled “Impact of Internet Usage to the Academic Performance” by Essays, UK in the year 2018

found out that to put through an investigation about the great effect of internet usage on academic

performances of the students at Saint Stephens College is the main objective of this study.

According to findings of the researcher, the increased quantity of the students using internet are

the students with low academic scores. According to the research article of Ying-Fang Chen and

Samuel C. Peng, as their candidates who have very heavy internet usage are also performed poorly

with respect to their academics. Also from the research, more time are not active in doing

assignments. Therefore, students with no internet access, can spend more time in doing

assignments, productively. The one objective of the research is to identify if the students are

dependent on the internet usage. Although some students said that internet helps them in their

research, there are also some students refer to use students refer to use books and journals. While

students are quite heavily dependent on the internet, they are fully dependent and suitable of not

using various sources for research, and this is the outcome of the data. The effect of the internet

on the students of St. Stephens College has success define by the research study. Although the

usage of internet has an advantage, it will be close out or end the students that are more addicted

in online activities and they are working with less time. Also, it will be concluded, since students

nowadays are not fully dependent because they rely more in using internet.

Local Studies Commented [L1]: Properly inrroduce

“Relationship of Student’s Internet Usage and Academic Performance” in the year 2016,

according to this research study by Acut, Carpos, Caporoso, Magsayo, Sombilon. The result of

their study show the total number of students that are using internet in their learning or in their

daily activities. Based on the result that comes out on the study that the researchers conducted,

there are 233 comprised 60% who said they always used internet and 139 which is comprised 36%

said they often used internet while 14 respondents which comprised 4% seldom used the internet

as shows in their findings. The findings of the researchers implies that most people right now use

the as part of their daily activities that include learning. In terms of the number of hours used by

the respondents, the researchers 6comes out with the result of 9% used the internet for less than

(1) hour, compose of 33 respondents. 36% which compose 140 respondents use the internet for 1-

2 hours and 91 respondents which comprise 24% use the internet 3-4 hours. 68 other respondents

which comprise 10% used the internet for 5-6 hours. There are also 24 respondent which comprise

6% who used the internet for 7-8 hours. 3% composed often 10 respondents said they used the

internet for 9-10 hours and 20 respondents which comprise 5% who used the internet for more

than 10 hours. Base on the result of this research Relationship of Student’s Internet Usage and

Academic Performance. It shows that among student that responded to the researchers interview

or survey all the number of hours in using internet, the respondent that indicated that they been

using internet in the minimum large of 1-2 hours. From the data gathered by the researchers in this

study respondents always internet for social networking, entertainment, news and academic



As literature review stated above that most of the students use internet to their academic

performance. Generally, it was clearly stated that majority of the students believe that they can use

the internet as their educational tool to their academic performance. But there are some student

who use their mobile phones not for academic purposes but they use it as source for online gaming.

Based on the different studies that been stated in literature review revealed that internet have a

good and bad effects on the student’s academic performances. Some research shows that every

student need devices or tools that can access to internet such as smart phones or personal computer.

This shows that most student preferred to use internet to find information faster. People must widen

their knowledge that in internet usage is so very helpful and useful to every students especially to

their academic performance.


Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the “Theory of educational productivity” by Walberg’s H. (1981)

is to increase educational productivity and efficiency, and educational process goals as well as

achievement goals must be considered. The goals are interpreted to include student perception of

the social environment, creativity, concept participation in extracurricular activities, and interest

in the subject. Many experience in educational outcomes because they don’t clearly identify and

define the measure educational variable. The program directors did not consider factors between

family and the environment. The performance of the students in the test was low, and it

considerable researchp is needed to relate to the educational policy and practice to the productivity

of schools. The methodology should consider the students ability and motivation. The quality and

quantity of instruction, class social environment, and home environment.

Second is the Connectivism Theory. Connectivism Theory was develop by Siemens, G.

(2005) and Downes, S. (2010). Connectivism is a learning theory that explains how internet

technologies have created new opportunities for people to learn and share information across the

World Wide Web and among themselves. These technologies include Web browsers, emails,

wikis, online discussion forums, social networks, youtube, and any other tool which enables the

users to learn and share information with other people. A key feature of connectivism is that much

learning can happen across peer networks that take place online. In connectivism learning, a

teacher will guide students to information and answer key questions as needed, in order to support

students learning and sharing on their own. Students are also encouraged to seek out information

on their own online and express what they find. A connected community around this shared

information often results. The massive open online course (MOOC) phenomenon comes from

connectivism theory. In a connectivism MOOC (cMOOC), it is open to anyone who wants to


enroll, it uses open software and systems across the Web to facilitate learning and sharing, it takes

place primarily online, and it happens according to a specified curriculum for a designated period

of time. While facilitators guide the cMOOC, its participants are largely responsible for what they

learn and what and how they share it; this connected behavior largely helps create the course

content. This two theory support this study by explaining how internet usage can affect student

academic performance.

Conceptual Framework

In this study, the researchers had taken into the consideration of every respondents, Level

of Internet Usage and its Effects to Academic Performance of Junior High School students.

Junior High
School Students
Grade Level

Hours spent to GWA

Internet (Grade Weighted


Educational Productivity

Symposium for better
understanding of internet usage

The illustration shows the Level of Internet Usage and its Effect to the Academic Performance of

Junior High School Students according to the time they spent if it will affect their class

participation, class attendance & class grades.



Research Design

. Descriptive research design is defined as a research method that describes the

characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied. In other words, descriptive

research primarily focuses on describing the nature of a demographic segment, without focusing

on why also it can use a wide variety of quantitative method to investigate one or more variable.

This research design aims to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or

phenomenon. It can answer what, when, where, and how questions but not why questions. The

other research design that the researcher may use as a method is the correlation method in which

a researcher measures two variables, understands and asses the statistical relationship between

them with no influence from any extraneous variable (Adi Bhat, 2019).

This study will employ quantitative research design, hence it will utilize descriptive and

correlation methods of research to gather, quantify and analyze the given data. It attempts to

explain the possible factors related to the problem in a descriptive study. Correlational can

suggest that there is a relationship between two variables. Since this study is correlation, it will

established the relationship among variables

Respondents of the study

The main population of the Junior High School students are 199 were the grade 7 with one

section have a total of 38 while the grade 8 with two sections have a total of 57 students, in

additional are the grade 9 that have also two sections with a total of 52 students and lastly the grade
10 that have the total of 52 students in one section. Using the Slovin’s formula which I n= ,

the total respondents are 133 students.


Sampling Design

The sampling technique use is the Probability Sampling which is the Stratified Random

Sampling. It is used when your population is divided into strata (characteristics like male and

female or education level), and you want to include the stratum when taking your sample. The

stratum maybe already defined (like census data) or you might make the stratum yourself to fit the

purposes of your research. Stratified random sampling is very similar to random sampling.

However this samples are more difficult to create as you have detailed information about what

categories your population false into.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered data from the respondents by the use of the researcher –.The main

respondents of this study are the Junior High School students with the total number of 199 were

the grade 7 with one section have a total of 38 while the grade 8 with two sections have a total of

57 students, in additional are the grade 9 that have also two sections with a total of 52 students and

lastly the grade 10 that have the total of 52 students in one section. Specifically, using the Slovin’s
formula of n= , the total population of the respondents are 18.17.


n= sample size

N= total number of population

e= margin of error (5%)

Solution is stated below:


N= 1+𝑁𝑒

N= 1+(199)(0.05)


N= 10.95

N= 18.17

18.17 shows the total population of students in junior high school of VMA Global College and

Training Centers, Inc.

Sampling Technique

The sampling technique use in this study is stratified random sampling it is used when your

population is divided into strata (characteristics like male and female or education level), and you

want to include the stratum when taking your sample. The stratum maybe already defined (like

census data) or you might make the stratum yourself to fit the purposes of your research. Stratified

random sampling is very similar to random sampling. However this samples are more difficult to

create as you have detailed information about what categories your population false into.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered data from the respondents by the use of the researcher – made

survey questionnaires in order to know the level of internet usage and its effect to their academic

performance. The survey with the 199 number of respondents

The data was processed through the following steps:

First, the survey questionnaires were distributed by the researchers to conduct a survey to

junior High School students. Second, the researchers gather the questionnaires that been answered

by the Junior High School students. Lastly, the researchers compared and analyzed the following

data and information that been gathered from the respondents, which is the Junior High School

students. Through this steps, the researcher enable to answer the questions in the chapter 1 of the


Data Analysis Procedure

This study uses Pearson r to measure the statistical relationship between the level of internet

usage and its effect to the academic performance of junior high school.

The formula of the Pearson r is;

𝑛 ∑ 𝑥𝑦 − ∑ 𝑥 ∑ 𝑦
√[𝑛 ∑ 𝒙𝟐 − (∑ 𝑥)2 ][𝑛 ∑ 𝒚𝟐 − (∑ 𝒚)𝟐 ]


r= Pearson r

n= sample size

Ʃ 𝑥𝑦 = the summation of the product of x and y

Ʃ 𝑥 Ʃ𝑦 = the product of the summation of x and summation of y

Ʃ 𝑥 2 = the summation of the squares of x

(Ʃ 𝑥)2 = the square of the summation of x

Ʃ𝑦 2= the summation of the squares of y

(Ʃ𝑦)2 = the square of the summation of y

Ethical Consideration

The researchers will indicate the ethical considerations in the study that the participation

of the respondents has (1) Informed consent; (2) the researcher should obtain the anonymity of the

participants, (3) the researchers should hold the confidentiality of the participants, and (4)

theresearchers should dispose the data after they are being collected.

The ethical consideration was defined by the researchers as one of the most important parts

of the research. Full consent should be obtained from the participants prior to the study. Data

collection and data analysis should be explain clearly to every respondents as showing the respect

to every participants. The dignity of the respondents is the main consent of this study.


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