Shatkarma - The 6 Cleansing and Detox Techniques

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Shatkarma - the 6 Cleansing and Detox Techniques

Shatkarma - the 6 Cleansing and Detox Techniques

It’s critical to detox when you have unexplained fatigue, breathing problems, constipation,
irritated skin or breakouts, allergies, frequent cold/coughs, migraines, bags under the eyes,
gastric pains, indigestion, a distended stomach (even if the rest of your body is thin),
excess weight, menstrual difficulties, or mental confusion.

Acquire the know-how of yogic natural cleansing of the sinus, lung, bowel, organs of digestion
which are especially good for:

Shatkarma - the 6 Cleansing and Detox Techniques

•         Removal of toxins build-up

•         Rejuvenating the nasal passage, digestive and intestinal systems
•         Restoring the natural internal balance
•         Achieving youthful complexion and healthier skin

Suitable for those suffering from acne, sinusitis, asthma, allergies, constipation, migraines, poor
digestion, gastritis, sluggish liver, gall or kidney stones, diabetes, excess weight and other
general stress related conditions.

Rare revelations of Techniques that have remained secrets for centuries ! Full body internal
cleansing to remove toxins to enjoy amazing and magnificent natural health right away !

Techniques in the Workshop :

- Ajna Kriya or Kapalarandhra Kriya
- Karna Dhauti - Kapalabhati
- Nadi Suddhi
- Neti
- Jivhanirlekhan or Jivha Kriya
- Khechari Mudra
- Danta Dhauti
- Nauli Kriya, Nauli Chalana, Laukiki, or Lauliki
- Agnisara (Vahnisara) Kriya
- Vamana Dhauti (also known as Jal Dhauti, Kunjal Kriya or Gaja Karni)
- Hrid (heart) Dhauti, Danda Dhauti (stick) Dhauti and Vastra (cloth) Dhauti
- Vastra (cloth) Dhauti (also known as Hrid Dhauti) - Vatasara Dhauti (Internal Air Washing) :
Bhujangini Mudra
- Shanka Prakshalana Kriya : Varisara or Sahaj Basti Kriya
- Jal Basti
- Aswini Mudra and Sthula Basti
- Mulashodhana Kriya , and Ganesh Kriya
- Vajroli Mudra

Shatkarma - the 6 Cleansing and Detox Techniques

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