Form No 16 For Govt Employee

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Income Tax Calculating Software with 10E for All State & Central Govt.

Employees and for All Categories

इस Income Tax (FY 2018-19) कको प्रयकोग करनने कने ललिए महत्वपपूर र्ण लनरर्देश
1. सबसने पहलिने आपकको Introduction Sheet पर अपननी वववांल छित सपूच नव भरननी हहै।
2. आपकको सहनी Calculation कने ललिए सभनी कवलिम भरनने जरूरनी हहै।
3. एक बवर प्रयकोग करनने कने बवर इस Software कने फवमपूर्णलि ने नष्ट हको जवतने हहै। अगलिनी बवर प्रयकोग करनने कने ललिए सने नयव download कररें।

4. Statement Sheet मरें आपकको कक्री म रवांग कक्री Cells मरें अपननी Detail भरननी हहै
5. Tax Sheet पर आप कक छि बरलिनव चवहतने हहै तको बरलि सकतने हहै । इसकने बवर आप ककोई भनी शनीट Print कर सकतने हहै ।

We have acquired the information contained in this Calculator from the sources believed to be reliable. However, this website or its authors or the editors don't
take any responsibility for the absolute accuracy of the information published and the damages suffered due to the use of this CALCULATOR

This Income Tax Software (Calculator) is Prepared by Mrs. Saroj Nimbiwal Ex. Computer
Tr. GSSS Bhattu Kalan (Fatehabad)
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आपकने सकझ वव हमवरने ललिए महत्वपपूर र्ण व आरररनीय हहै अत: आपकने सकझ वव यव Whats
app नम्बर 9499221040 पर सवरर आमवांल त्रित हहै

Personal Details of the Employee

Name ASHOK KUMAR <- यहवहाँ अपनव नवम ललिखरें
Designation JBT/PRT <- यहवहाँ अपनने पर कव नवम ललिखरें
Office GHS PREM NAGAR <- यहवहाँ अपनने ऑलफस कव नवम ललिखरें
PAN No. ADZPK0074 <- यहवहाँ अपनव PAN नम्बर ललिखरें
Residential Status Resident <- यहवहाँ अपनव Residential Status ललिखरें
Medical Allowance (April 2018) 500 <- यहवहाँ अपनने April 2018 मवस कव Medical Allowance ललिखरें
Medical Allowance (July 2018) 1000 <- यहवहाँ अपनने July 2018 मवस कव Medical Allowance ललिखरें
NPS/ GPF Deduction Status 1 <-यलर आप NPS कक्री शनेर नी मरें आतने हहै तको 1 ललिखने, GPF कने ललिए 0 ललिखरें
Handicapped Status 0 <-यलर आप Handicapped Allowance लिनेत ने हहै तको 1 ललिखरें नहहीं तको 0 ललिखरें
No. of Children Edu। Allow. 0 <- यहवहाँ बचच्चों कक्री सवांख्यव भररें लजनकव लशकव भतव ललियव गयव हहै।
Details of Employer
Name of Employer SH. RAM PARSAD <- यहवहाँ अपनने ऑलफस कने मकलखयव कव नवम ललिखरें।
Designation HM <- यहवहाँ अपनने ऑलफस कने मकलखयव कव पर ललिखरें।
Address (Office) GHS PREM NAGAR <- यहवहाँ अपनने मकलखयव कने ऑलफस कव नवम ललिखरें
PAN No. of Employer AATPY2278B <- यहवहाँ अपनने मकलखयव कव PAN नम्बर ललिखरें।
TAN No. of Employer RTKG06837F <- यहवहाँ अपनने मकलखयव कव TAN नम्बर ललिखरें।
Income from Salary
Basic Pay (March Paid April 18) 36600 <- मवचर्ण Paid अप्रहैलि 2018 कक्री Basic pay ललिखरें
Basic pay (July Paid in Aug. 18) 36600 <- जकलिवई Paid अगस्त 2018 कक्री Basic pay ललिखरें
Basic pay ( January Paid in Feb. 19) 36600 <- यहवहाँ जनवरनी paid फरवरनी 2019 कक्री Basic pay ललिखरें
HRA (March Paid in April 18) 1350 <- मवचर्ण Paid अप्रहैलि 2018 कव HRA ललिखरें
HRA (July Paid in Aug. 18) 1350 <- जकलिवई Paid अगस्त 2018 कव HRA ललिखरें
HRA ( January Paid in Feb. 19) 1350 <- यहवहाँ जनवरनी paid फरवरनी 2019 कव HRA ललिखरें
Special Pay if any 0
Any other Allowance 0
LTC Received 0 <- यहवहाँ LTC कक्री प्रवप्त रवलश ललिखरें
DA Arear-I 3660 <- प्रथम DA Arrear कक्री रवलश चहैक कर लिरें
DA Arear-II 2196 <- लद्वितनीय DA Arrear कक्री रवलश चहैक कर लिरें
Any Other Amount/Arrear 0
Income from Other Sources
Income from House property 0
Income from Bank Interest 0
Agriculture Income 0
Detail of Deduction
GPF Deduction (Per Month) 0 <-यहवहाँ अपननी GPF कक्री मवलसक रर ललिखरें
GIS Contribution 30 <-यहवहाँ अपननी GIS कक्री मवलसक रर ललिखरें
HBA Interest Paid
HBA Interest Paid 0 Maximum Rs. 200000
Deductions u/s 80C to 80CCG
LIC 20000
Repayment of House Loan 0
Tuition Fee (Maximum for 2 children) 0
Maximum Rebate up to 150000/-
Investment in NSC ( VIII Issue) 50000
Accrued Interest on NSC 0
Any Other 0
Rajiv Gandhi Equity Scheme 0 (u/s 80 CCG) Please Study Income Tax Rules before Taking Rebate
Less Deduction U/S 80E 0 (Interest Paid on Loan for Higher Education)
NPS Self Contribution 50000 Maximum 50000
Deductions u/s 80D to 80U
80 D 0 (Medical/Insurance Premiam upto 25000)
80DD (Handicaped Dependent) 0 (40%-79% 75000/- for above 125000/-)
80G 0
80U 0 Self (40%-79% 75000/- for above 125000/-)
80TTA 0 (Interest of Bank Account Max. Rebet upto Rs. 10000/-)
Any Other 0
Tax Paid
Total Tax Paid Per Month 500 <-यहवहाँ Tax कक्री मवलसक कटटौतनी ललिखरें
Date of Form filling 3/31/2019
Form Form 10E
Rebate U/S 89(1) 0 <<--यहवहाँ ननीचने कने ककॉलिम भरतने हनी Rebate U/S 89(1) अपनने आप आ जवएगनी
Financial Year Portion of Arrear received Taxable Income without
arrear Form 10E भरनने कने ललिए लहरवयतरें
2017-18 0 0

2016-17 0 0 1. सबसने पहलिने जको आपकको लपछिलिने सवलिच्चों कव Arrear लमलिव हहै। उसने यहवहाँ Introduction शनीट कक्री
2015-16 0 0 Row 45 मरें भर लिरें।
2014-15 0 0
2013-14 0 0 2. इसकने बवर आपकको लजन वरर्षों कव Arrear लमलिव हहै उन वरर्षों कक्री Taxable Income, (आपकक्री
2012-13 0 0 पकर वननी Salary Statements सने पतव चलिनेग नी) Year wise ललिख लिरें तथव इस शनीट कने Taxable
income without arrear ककॉलिम मरें भररें।
2011-12 0 0
2010-11 0 0
2009-10 0 0 3 इसकने बवर आपकको लजन वरर्षों कव Arrear लमलिव हहै, उसने Year wise बवहाँट कर इस शनीट कने
2008-09 0 0 Portion of Arrear Received ककॉलिम मरें उस वरर्ण कक्री सनीध मरें भररें।
2007-08 0 0
2006-07 0 0
2005-06 0 0 4. उपरकोक्त कमववांक 2 व 3 भरतने हनी आपकव Form 10E अपनने आप हनी भरव जवएगव तथव आप उसने
2004-05 0 0 Form 10E शनीट पर जवकर लप्रवांट कर सकतने हहै।
2003-04 0 0
2002-03 0 0
2001-02 0 0
2000-01 0 0
1999-00 0 0
1998-99 0 0
1997-98 0 0 आपकने सकझ वव हमवरने ललिए महत्वपपूर र्ण हहै अत: आपकने सकझ वव
1996-97 0 0 पर यव Whats
app नम्बर 9499221040 पर आमवांल त्रित हहै
1993-94 0 0
1992-93 0 0
Total 0 0
Salary Statement for the Year 2018-19
Name of Employee : ASHOK KUMAR Designation : JBT/PRT
Office : GHS PREM NAGAR ADZPK0074 Residential Status : Resident
Sr. Salary paid in month Pay PP/ SP DA HRA Med CCA/ Edu Conv. for Total 3 GPF (Sub) GPF (Adv) GIS NPS Adv Loan Other Income Total Net Paid
No. of All H/Cap to 11 Tax Paid Deductions
13 to 19

1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
1 Mar paid in Apr 36600 0 1830 1350 500 0 0 40280 0 0 30 3843 0 0 0 500 4373 35907
2 Apr paid in May 36600 0 1830 1350 500 0 0 40280 0 0 30 3843 0 0 0 500 4373 35907
3 May paid in Jun 36600 0 1830 1350 1000 0 0 40780 0 0 30 3843 0 0 0 500 4373 36407
4 Jun paid in Jul 36600 0 2562 1350 1000 0 0 41512 0 0 30 3916 0 0 0 500 4446 37066
5 Jul paid in Aug 36600 0 2562 1350 1000 0 0 41512 0 0 30 3916 0 0 0 500 4446 37066
6 Aug paid in Sep 36600 0 2562 1350 1000 0 0 41512 0 0 30 3916 0 0 0 500 4446 37066
7 Sep paid in Oct 36600 0 2562 1350 1000 0 0 41512 0 0 30 3916 0 0 0 500 4446 37066
8 Oct paid in Nov 36600 0 3294 1350 1000 0 0 42244 0 0 30 3989 0 0 0 500 4519 37725
9 Nov paid in Dec 36600 0 3294 1350 1000 0 0 42244 0 0 30 3989 0 0 0 500 4519 37725
10 Dec paid in Jan 36600 0 3294 1350 1000 0 0 42244 0 0 30 3989 0 0 0 500 4519 37725
11 Jan paid in Feb 36600 0 3294 1350 1000 0 0 42244 0 0 30 3989 0 0 0 500 4519 37725
12 Feb paid in Mar 36600 0 3294 1350 1000 0 0 42244 0 0 30 3989 0 0 0 500 4519 37725
13 DA Arrear-I 0 0 3660 0 0 0 0 3660 0 0 0 366 0 0 0 366 3294
14 DA Arrear-II 0 0 2196 0 0 0 0 2196 0 0 0 220 0 0 0 220 1976
15 LTC/ Arrears 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Edu.Allowance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 Salary Arrear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 Any Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 Any Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total 439200 0 38064 16200 11000 0 0 504464 0 0 360 47724 0 0 0 6000 54084 450380

Signature of Employee Signature of DDO with Seal

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Proforma for Calculation of Income Tax for the year 2018-19
( To be submitted in triplicate alongwith Attested Photostat copies of savings mentioned in Item No. G)

Name of the employee : ASHOK KUMAR

Designation : JBT/PRT
Office Name : GHS PREM NAGAR
Rs. Rs.
A. Salary and other Beninifits: 504464
( received during financial year 2018-19 )
B. Less: Income exemptu/s 10
1 Travel Concession or Assistance 0
2 House Rent Allowance 0
3 Fixed Conveyance Allowance (su. To actual expe) 0
4 Education Allwance Rs. 100 Per Month Per Child 0
Total 0 0
Income after exemption u/s 10 504464
Less: Standered Deducation U/S 16 40000
Income after standered Deduction u/s 16 464464
C Add: Income From House Property 0
Total 464464
D Less : interest paid in case of self occupied residential house(upto Rs.30,000)
(Rs 2,00,000/- in case construction of house is completed from borrowed capital on or after 1.4.99) 0

balance 464464
E Add: income from other sources including Interest from bank and other deposits or investments 0
F Gross Total Income 464464
G Add: Agriculture Income 0
H Total Income 464464
I Less: Deduction u/s 80c to 80ccf( Savings and investments made during the year)
a G.P.F/ N.P.S. 47724
b GIS- Recovery towards Group Insurance Scheme 360
c LIC- life insurance Premia Payment 20000
d ULIP- contribution to unit- linked Ins. Plan UTI/LIC 0
e Payment of House Loan 0
f Tuition Fee(maximum for 2 children) 0
g Investement in NSC (viii issue) 50000
h Accrued Interest on Nsc 0
i PPF 0
k Others 0
Total(limited to Rs 150000) 118084 118084
l Rajive Gandhi Equity Saving Scheme( Deduction Up to 50% of Max. 50,000) 0 0
m Less Deduction U/S 80E (Interest Paid on Loan for Higher Education) 0 0
n Self Contribution to NPS Account (Maximum 50000/-) 50000 50000
J Less: Deductions u/s 80D to 80U
i 80 D (Medical/Insurance Premiam upto 25000)…………………… 0 0
ii 80DD (Handicaped Dependent) 0
iii 80G ………………………………………… 0
iv 80U 0
v 80TTA (Interest of Bank Account Max. Rebet upto Rs. 10000/-) 0 0
vi Any other 0
K Total Deduction from 80C to 80U 168084
L Taxable Income(rounde off to nearest ten rupees) 296380 296380

M Computation of Tax rate Taxable Amount Tax amount

1. on first Rs 2,50,000 Nil Nil Nil
2. Rs 2,50,001 to Rs 5,00,000 5% 46380 2319
4. Rs 5,00,001 to Rs 10,00,000 20% 0 0
5. Exceeding Rs 10000001 30% 0 0
N Tax On Total Income Total 2319
O Rebet U/S 87A 2319
P Tax Payable after rebet U/S 87A (item N-O) 0
Q Less: Income Tax on Agriculture income 0
R Tax Payable after Rebet on agriculture income 0
S Education, Health Cess &Higher Education cess@ 4% of above 0
T Tax Payable ( item R+S) 0
U Rebet U/S 89(1) 0
V Total Tax Payable 0
W Tax Deduced at source (enclose certificates) issued u/s 203 6000
X Balance Tax to be paid 0
Y Refundable Tax Amount 6000
I ……………….... Do hereby declare that what is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. Verified today the ……………… day of ……………. 2019


Date : 3/31/2019 …………… ……………… ……………
head of office Checked by signature of employee
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Form No. 16 [See rule 31 (1) (a)]
Part A
Certificate u/s 203 of Income Tax Act, 1961 for tax deducted at source on salary
Name and Address of Employer Name and Designation of Employee
PAN of the Deductor TAN of Deductor PAN of Employee
CIT (TDS) Assessment Year Period
Address ………………………………………………………………………………….. From To
……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2019-20
4/1/2018 3/31/2019
City ……………………………………….. PIN Code ……………………………..

Summary of Tax deducted at Source

Receipt numbers of original statements of Amounts of tax deducted in
TDS under sub-section (3) of section 200 respect of the employee Amounts of tax deposited
remitted in respect of the
Quarte employee

Part B (Refer Note 1)

1. Gross Salary
(a) Salary as per provisions contained in secion 17 (1) 504464
(b) Value of perquisites u/s 17 (2)
(as per form no. 12BB, wherever applicable) 0
(c) Profits in lieu of salary u/s 17 (3)
(as per form no. 12BB, wherever applicable) 0
(d) Total 504464
2. Less: Allowance to the extent u/s 10
Travel Concession or Assistance 0
House Rent Allowance 0
Fixed Conveyance Allowance (su. To actual expe) 0
Education Allwance Rs. 100 Per Month Per Child 0 0
Balance (1-2) 504464
3. Less Standered Deduction u/s 16 40000
Balance (2-3) 464464
4. Deductions:
(a) Entertainment Allowance 0
(b) Tax on Employment 0
(C) Interest Paid on HRA 0
5. Aggregate of 4 (a) and (c) 0
6. Income chargeanble under the head 'salaries' (3-5) 464464
7. Add: Any other income reported by Employee
Income From House Property 0
Income From Agriculture 0
Interest from Saving Bank Accounts 0 0
8. Gross Total Income (6+7) c/f 464464

8. Gross Total Income (6+7) b/f 464464

9. Deductions under chapter VI A Gross Deductibl
(A) Sections 80C, 80CCC, 80CCD Amount e Amount
i) GPF/NPS 47724
ii) GIS 360
iii) LIC 20000
iv) ULIP 0
v) Repayment of House Loan 0
vi)Tution Fee (Max. two children) 0
vii) Investment in NSC 50000
viii) Accrued Interest on NSC 0
ix) PPF 0
x) Any Other 0
Total of 9 (A) 118084 118084
(B) Less: Deductions u/s 80CCG to 80U
xi) Rajive Gandhi Equity Saving Scheme( Deduction Up to 50% of Max. 50,000) 0
xii) Less Deduction U/S 80E (Interest Paid on Loan for Higher Educa 0
xiii) Self Contribution to NPS Account (Maximum 50000/-) 50000
xiv) 80 D (Medical/Insurance Premiam upto 25000)…………………………………… 0
xv)80DD (Handicaped Dependent) 0
xvi)80G ………………………………………… 0
xvii) 80U 0
xviii) 80TTA (Interest of Bank Account Max. Rebet upto Rs. 10000/- 0
xix) Any other 0
Total of 9 (B) 50000 50000
10. Aggregate of deductible amounts under chapter VI-A 168084
11. Total Income (8-10) 296380
12. Tax on Total Income 0
13. Health and Education Cess @ 4% (on tax computed in Sr. No. 12) 0
14. Tax Payable (12+13) 0
15. Less: Relief under section 89 (attach details in form 10 E) 0
16. Tax Payable (14-15) 0
17. Tax Deduced at source (enclose certificates) issued u/s 203 6000
18. Balance Tax to be paid 0
19. Refundable Tax Amount 6000
I SH. RAM PARSAD working in the capacity of HM do hereby certify that a sum of
Rs. 0 [Rupees (in words)] has been
deducted at source and paid to the credit of the Central Government. I further certify that the information given
above is true and correct based on the books of account, documents, TDS statement, TDS deposited and other
available records.

Signature of the person responsible for deduction of tax

Date Desgination HM

Note: 1. If an assessee is employed under more than one employer during the year, each of the employers shall issue part A of the certificate in form no. 16 pertaining to the

period for which such assessee was employed with each of the employers. Part B may be issued by each of the employers or the last employer at the option of the assessee

2. Government deductors to enclose Annexure-A if tax paid without production of an Income Tax Challan and Annexure-B if tax paid accompanied by an income tax Challan.
3. Non-Government deductors to enclose Annexure-B.

4. The deductor shall furnish the address of the Commissioner of Income Tax (TDS) having jurisdiction as regards TDS statements of the assessee.

5. This form shall be applicable only in respect of tax deducted on or after 1st day of April, 2015.

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Form No. 10E
[See Rule 21AA]
Form for furnishing particulars of income u/s 192 (2A) for the year ending 31st March, 2017 for
claiming relief u/s 89 (1) by a Government servant or an employee in a company/ cooperative
society/ local authority/ university/ institution/ association or body.

1 Name and Address of Employee ASHOK KUMAR


2 Permanent Account Number ADZPK0074

3 Residential Status Resident

Particulars of income referred to in rule 21A of Income Tax rules, 1962, during the previous
year relevant to assessment year 2017-18.

1 a) Salary received in arrears or in advance in accordance

with the provision of sub-rule (2) of rule 21A 0
b) Payment in nature of gratuity in respect of past
services, extending over a period of not less than
5 years in accordance with provision of sub-rule (4)
of rule 21A 0
c) Payment in nature of compensation from the
employer or former employer at or in connection
with termination of employment after continuous
service of not less than 3 years or where the
unexpired period of term of employment is also not
less than 3 years in accordance with provision of
sub-rule (4) of rule 21A 0
d) Payment of commutation of pension in accordance
with provisions of sub-rule (5) of rule 21A 0
2 Detailed particulars of payments referred to above may be given in the Annexure I,
II, IIA, III or IV, as the case may be.

Signature of Employee

I, ASHOK KUMAR ,do hereby declare that the above
particulars stated by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Verified today, the …………………………. day of …………………2019.

Signature of Employee


Date 3/31/2019
Annexure I
[See item 2 of form 10E]


1 Total salary (excluding salary received in arrears or in
advance) 296380
2 Salary received in arrears or advance 0
3 Total Income (as increased by salary received in arrears
or in advance) (add item 1 and 2) 296380
4 Tax on total income (as per item 3) 0
5 Tax on total income (as per item 1) 0
6 Tax on salary received in arrears or in advance (4-5) 0
7 Tax computed in accordance with table A (brought from
column 7 of table A) 0
8 Relief under section 89(1) [Indicate the difference
between the amounts mentioned against items 6,7] 0

Table - A
[See item 7 of Annexure I]

Previous Years Total Salary Total Income Tax on total Tax on total Difference in Tax
income of received in (as increased income (as income (as per (Subtract 5 from
the relevant arrears/ in by salary per column 2) column 4) 6)
previous advance received in
year relating to arrears or
the relevant advance) of
previous year the relevant
mentioned in previous year
column 1 mentioned in
column 1
(Add 2 and 3)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2018-19 296380 0 296380 0 0 0
2017-18 0 0 0 0 0 0
2016-17 0 0 0 0 0 0
2015-16 0 0 0 0 0 0
2014-15 0 0 0 0 0 0
2013-14 0 0 0 0 0 0
2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 0
2011-12 0 0 0 0 0 0
2010-11 0 0 0 0 0 0
2009-10 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2008-09 0 0 0 0 0 0
2007-08 0 0 0 0 0 0
2006-07 0 0 0 0 0 0
2005-06 0 0 0 0 0 0
2004-05 0 0 0 0 0 0
2003-04 0 0 0 0 0 0
2002-03 0 0 0 0 0 0
2001-02 0 0 0 0 0 0
2000-01 0 0 0 0 0 0
1999-00 0 0 0 0 0 0
1998-99 0 0 0 0 0 0
1997-98 0 0 0 0 0 0
1996-97 0 0 0 0 0 0
1995-96 0 0 0 0 0 0
1994-95 0 0 0 0 0 0
1993-94 0 0 0 0 0 0
1992-93 0 0 0 0 0 0

Note: In this table, details of salary received in arrears or in advance relating to the different
previous years may be furnished.

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