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I. Indicate whether each sentence is true (T) or false (F): (3 POINTS: 12X 0,25P.)

1. Children with ear infection will sometimes tug on their ears.

2. “Pink eye” is another term for “conjunctivitis”.
3. A droopy eye is swollen and itchy.
4. Dry eye is caused by fatigue.
5. Glaucoma can lead to blindness.
6. Another word for “airplane ear” is “deafness”.
7. If a child is suffering from croup, the vocal chords are affected and his voice will be hoarse and produce a
loud, barking sound.
8. A person with bronchitis may experience fatigue, shortness of breath and itchness.
9. Allergens such as pet dander, dust mites, molds and pollen can trigger asthma.
10. Tuberculosis can be successfully treated with antibiotics.
11. A person with tuberculosis will wheeze.
12. One of the causes of emphysema is cigarette smoking.

II. Choose the correct answer from a, b and c: (3 POINTS: 12 X 0,25 P.)

1. Dyspnea is another word for: a. wheezing; b. shortness of breath; c.puffs

2. Another word for pertussis is: a. hacking cough; b. persistent cough; c. whooping cough
3. Bronchial tubes refer to: a. nasal passages; b. air passages; c. the windpipe
4. A chronic infection: a. is sudden and lasts a short time; b. recurs often;c. is sudden and lasts a long time
5. ”To hold your breath” means: a. to be worried; b. to be relaxed; wait for something that is going to
6. ”To get something off your chest” means : a. to remove a heavy pressure; b. to let someone know that
something is annoying you; c. to be angry and anxious
7. A common ear condition in infants is: a. swimmer’s ear; b. middle ear infection; c. fungal infection
8. Sweaty skin is: a. dry; b. moist; c. flaky
9. Glaucoma can lead to: a. farsightedness; b. blindness; c. lazy eye
10. Nearsightedness is a: a. painful rash on the skin caused by a virus; b. a scrape; c. an eye condition
11. Styes are: a. floaters; b. infected lumps on the eyelid; c. an ear infection
12. Styes are examples of: a. cataract; b. a pimple; c. an infected bump on the eyelid.

III. Describe the meaning of the following terms: (1 POINT: 4 X 0,25 P.)
1. Swimmer’s ear-
2. Cataract-
3. Cystic fibrosis-
4. Pneumonia-

IV. Write a dialogue of at least 150 words between a nurse and a patient suffering from breathing problems/ an
eye condition. (2 POINTS)


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