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Some years ago the work in the farms are very heavy because the persons how works in this area
not only have to plant tending and harvesting the aguacates , now days the farms are bigger than
1950 for propose an example, and now the process to plant became more industrial, for this reason
you don’t have to take to much care in this process, and now when you have to harvesting the
aguacates not all have the same size and have the same time to eat, some of the are smaller than
other, or maybe a few pieces of them can’t be transport a long distance, for this reason is necessary
to classify it in groups in order to pack them correctly, this job could be made by a human but when
the process is repetitive they can made some mistakes, and the speed that they does the job could be
Now you can choose and machine that make the job faster and efficiently, the way that it could
select the aguacate an classify it could be do if that machine work with a neural network, that make
the job. The neural network need inputs to work this could be sensors, one of color, and other for
weight depending of the inputs the NN take a decision in what type classify it.
Neural Networks used for classify fruit where introduced in tomatoes classification because the
requirements to export these vegetables and fruits are very strict this is because the food
manufacturers are required to observe quality standards and deliver products in accordance with the
retailer specifications, for our example we want to classify agucates, the reason of this is because
the aguacate is one of the fruits more exporter from Mexico to the word is important implement a
system to classify them, in this case the system is a neural network that is going to get the first value
of the fruit to be classify from two sensors and processes these values to take a decision in what
category put the aguacate.
For the project we only are going to simulate the neuron we do not have sensor to get the values of
the fruit, these values we are going to assignats by hand, but the sensors that we can use If we need
to make hardware are the following.
Force sensor, this sensor is use to measure the weight of the aguacate in order to see how heavy is,
for example if the aguacate is less than 200 grams we consider it ass a small aguacate and it is going
to be in the same box that the other that has the same weight, we consider than the weight it is
related with the size, otherwise if the aguacate is more than 200 grams we consider that it is a big
aguacate. This is the first part of out classification using neural networks.
For the second part we consider that are using a sensor for color, this works if the sensor detect a
color more dark it classify to the box with agucates that can not be transported long distances, and if
it is more colorful or green it is consider that can be transport longer distance that the other ones.
Also in this project can implement an optical sensor, that take more meashures that the other two,
but it suppose a high price if we want implement it, and also I have little knowledge ab about
artificial vision, and it could be a big problem implement it on my neural network, because I don
going to use sensor for take measures to a real fruit we are going to simulate it , we are going to
introduce the values and then the system is going to classify the aguacate.
Implement a neural network system in one application and develop the software.
Block diagram
First we are going to make a flow diagram to show who create the neuron.
Once that we define our proyect we need to give size of the paterns in the neuron.

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