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Wave particle duality


The Complementarity Principle says that sometimes electrons have the

properties of particles and sometimes the properties of waves, but
never both together. Their two types of behaviour complement each
other but never coexist. The type of behaviour that is shown usually
depends on the measurement technique being used. To put it another
way, ask a wave-type question and you will get a wave’s answer. Ask a
particle-type question and you will get a particle’s reply.

Bohr’s interpretation was that the two irreconcilable descriptions should

be applied in turn but cannot be applied simultaneously. They are never
in direct conflict, because it is impossible to determine at the same time
all the information required to make the two images precise.

This relates to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. The more precise the

observations of one picture, the less precise the other becomes. Define
the wavelength of an electron sharply enough and the attempt to apply
the particle model will surely fail. Localize the electron definitely enough
and the wave model fails.

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