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Use of Technology in Language Learning

Annotated Bibliography

Nina Gill

Professor Dr. Sarah Tourtelotte

California State University Monterey Bay

November 10, 2017

Use of Technology in Language Learning 2

Bailey, T. L., & Brown, A. (2016). Online Student Services: Current Practices and

Recommendations for Implementation. Journal of Educational Technology

Systems,44(4), 450-462. doi:10.1177/0047239515616956. Retrieved 2016

This eye-opening article that discusses current practices, recommendations and

implementations of online services for students and emphasizes the role of active leadership and

their planning to retain students in an online course. The authors are Tabitha Bailey and Abbie

Brown. Tabitha Bailey is an e Learning Student Support Coordinator for Stanly Community

College. She designs and implements training for student centered support and process for online

and hybrid students. Abbie Brown is a Professor at East Carolina University teaching in

Instructional Technology Program.

The article emphasizes the need of readily available support to students who are studying

online, be it in the form teacher feedback, availability of material, answering common problems,

providing other resources like online library access and exam taking. If there is no proper support

system for students they tend to dropout. To retain students, they need to have a sense of

community and belonging. On line services are provided by means of learning management,

systems, websites, student portals and social media.

In order to run an efficient on line program great leadership which is upper level

administrative support, along with dedicated faculty and staff are key elements. On line

education is not easy for the learner and even more difficult task for the provider, if it is not

developed properly chances are that the program will not retain students. This article is very

relevant to my research as to implement technology in Defense language system the need is for a
Use of Technology in Language Learning 3

more efficient support system.

Bodomo, A. (2010). Computer-mediated communication for linguistics and literacy: technology

and natural language education. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Retrieved 2010.

The author Dr. Adams Bodomo from the University of Hong Kong analyzes and has

researched the relationship between human language and information technology. The focus of the

book is Computer- Mediated Communication (CMC) for Linguistics and Literacy. This book

investigates how humans communicate and use languages by means of technological gadgets like

mobile phones, iPad, emails, MSN. It also studies the implications of communication technologies

like automatic translations devices, voice recognition devices and other computer systems which

involve human language component.

In the chapter four the author talks about how the use of mobile phones is changing and

evolving language for instance emotional expressions while text messaging, using acronyms,

punctuation and mixing words and numbers. This study is relevant to my research because in

Defense Language Institute (DLI) majority of the teachers refrain from using technology and

gadgets like mobile phones, iPad and laptops just because they fear that while learning a new

language the students will not develop good writing, speaking and reading skills. Although there

are so many ways in which the technological tools are helping language learners to improve their

reading, listening and speaking skills but we can still very clearly see the disadvantages also.
Use of Technology in Language Learning 4

Li, L., Worch, E., Zhou, Y., & Aguiton, R. How and Why Digital Generation Teachers

Use Technology in the Classroom: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study.

International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,9(2).

doi:10.20429/ijsotl.2015.090209. Retrieved 2015

In this article, the authors examine the use of technology in the classroom by digital

native student teachers. They discuss the barriers that teachers encounter while using technology

in class. It is a common belief that teachers who are Baby Boomers and Generation X have a

conservative approach towards the integration of technology in classroom, with digital

generation student teachers, joining the teaching profession it is assumed that this problem will

be eliminated, but this study shows that this is necessarily not the situation. Furthermore, the

article talks about the external and internal barriers that digital generation student teachers face

while incorporating technology in classroom. The study also shows we cannot take it for granted

as the digital generation moves into teaching they would start integrating new technology into


It is very interesting to read about the internal barriers which are self-efficacy, risk taking,

attitudes and beliefs. Self-efficacy plays an important role in the motivation level and

performance of a teacher and it is not necessary that a tech savvy teacher will be willing to take

risks in class while incorporating technology in class. This research is helpful for my research as

it reveals that no matter what skills the teachers have there is always a need of technical support

and training required by the teachers to keep up the fast-paced technological environment.

Especially for teachers who are not natives of the digital era which are majority of teachers in

Use of Technology in Language Learning 5

Incorporating technology for language learning has a big downside in the Defense Language

Institute Monterey, the reason being most instructors are Baby Boomers and Generation X and

are intimidated by incorporating technology in classroom. Although with the digital generation

mobile learning has taken a place in linguistics but research shows that it has a negative effect on

the writing skill especially with grammar and spelling. (Computer-Mediated Communication for

Linguistics and Literacy, chapter 9, 2010). Many professors especially at Defense Language

Institute for see the disadvantages of ICT in language learning and hesitate to use it.

Brown, H. Q. (2016). Examining the Effects of School-Provided E-Readers on Middle School

Students’ Reading Ability. Journal of Educational Technology Systems,44(4), 404-410.

doi:10.1177/0047239515623050. Retrieved 2016

This is an extremely useful research article on e-readers and it discusses if there is role

reading plays in improving comprehension capabilities of readers who were opting for e-

readers. The author Quincy Brown works as an Assistant Professor of Human Capital

Development at the University of Southern Mississippi. In this study, Nook tablets were issued

to sixth graders in a private school environment on one to one basis and the subject was language

Arts. Lexile and Comprehension scores were used and these scores were compared with the

students who did not have this device.

The purpose of this study was to take into consideration the potential cost that goes into

the Implementation of instructional technology, since this incurs a huge financial investment.

And before investing in the e-readers the big question is “Do e-readers improve students’ reading

ability?” (Article, “Examining the Effects of School- Provided E-Readers on Middle School
Use of Technology in Language Learning 6

Students’ Reading Ability. Journal of Educational Technology Systems. Page 405)

This study had a mixed result however it however it revealed that the student scores

improved over all and there was no decline in the scores of the students who used e-readers.

Therefore, investment in this medium of education will be worthwhile in the future. This study

Is Relevant to my research as Defense Language Institute Monterey is already investing a big

amount in on-line resources for students who are learning various languages and if they can

have a good return on their investment in terms of achieving their target scores it will be very


Kay, R. and Carruthers, L. (2017). Examining school board leaders’ use of online

resources to inform decision making. Canadian Journal of learning and Technology, 43,

2-25. . Retrieved 2017.

This is a valuable study that talks about usefulness of online resources in the decision-

making process by publicly elected school board leaders. The study participants were 164 elected

school board trustees sampled from a population of 330 English –Language public school

trustees across Ontario, Canada. As their decisions have a huge impact on the lives of millions of

students studying in public schools throughout Ontario, Canada and also how billions of tax

dollars are being used once these decisions are made.

It is important for these decision makers to have reliable sources and data available to make these

important decisions. This study not only investigates what resources these individuals are using

and could be used but also reveals the several barriers that are encountered by many of them in
Use of Technology in Language Learning 7

acquiring the data. A very pertinent point mentioned in the study was that many of the trustees

stated the huge amount of time spent in order to use online resources and also making sure about

their trustworthiness. Another very important point discovered was how comfortable the trustees

were using technology and what resources were available to them. Inability to use social media,

clipping services and Google Scholar for research by some trustees was also an important finding

which makes it noteworthy for any organization not to take for granted that all employees are

tech savvy.

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