Ramesh Ananth Assignment13 ISE500

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ISE500 Fall 2018

Assignment 13

Due on 11/28/2018 11:59 P.M.

Individual Assignment
Read the first 6 sections of Winkler Chapter 5.
1. Do the following problems from that Chapter: 2,3, and 4 (1.2 points)
The problems are also shown below.
ISE500 Fall 2018
Assignment 13

2. Given α=.05 and β=0.1, AQL = 0.5 %, LTPD = 3%, construct a single level
inspection plan. Calculate and display both the P(A) and AOQL graphs and
determine the resulting AOQL and α and β. (0.5 points)
3. Given the utility curve with the equation y = -7E-08x2 + 0.0004x + 0.4524
and the worst payoff of -$1000 and best payoff of $3000 from a true coin flip, find the
Risk Premium (0.3 points)
4. For a free extra point complete the end of semester questionnaire on the log in
page to my website (1 point – not in the denominator of percentage score)

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