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Hobbies are a regular activities that is done for pleasure, during

leisure time. Every one of us may have different kinds of hobbies which
include : listening to music, painting, playing sports, creative writing,
blogging, fishing keeping and singing.

Some people claim that participating in a hobby is beneficial while

others disagree claiming it wastes time. Below are both advantages and
disadvantages of having a hobby.

 Advantages of Having a Hobby

1. Hobbies promote eustress (The positive kind of tress). Hobbies,

are one of the greatest ways to access that kind of stress. When
you're doing something you love—something you don't have to do
for any other reason other than the fact that you love it—you
feel a rush of excitement and joy.

2. Hobbies provide a perfect outlet to challenge oneself without

suffering from stress that characterizes work-related

3. Engaging in a leisure activity exposes you to a new world of

individuals who enjoy participating in the same activity.

4. It provides an avenue to release stress because you focus on a

non-work related activity.

5. Hobbies particularly those involving physical activity have physical

health benefits.
6. They can grow you spiritually. Doing something that inspires and
recharges you nourishes your soul.

7. Research has found that hobbies build self-esteem and enhances

self-confidence that will help you achieve your dreams.

8. Mentally intensive leisure activities like learning computer

coding and playing chess give your brain a great workout.

 Disadvantages of Having a Hobby

1. Hobbies have been found to provide an avenue to “escape reality”

and not deal with personal problems.

2. One may end up focusing on hobbies more than income-generating


3. When you become immersed in your hobby, you may end up

isolating yourself from loved ones.

4. Some hobbies like video games may lead to addiction which is

counterproductive for school-going children.

5. Certain aggressive smartphone games can make young people

become violent.

6. Concentrating on a hobby while traveling by public means can

make you forget to alight at the right destination.

7. Engaging in hobbies that involve sitting in front of a computer

screen for a long period of time can cause eye problems.

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