Intercultural Communication

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INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION A Practical Guide BY TRACT NOVINGER Suecessfully communicating wh peopl fom acter clare eqs tearing moe then jot the ngie Whe ambing word se my ene caren aking the wpoen cil ale tt ven pont ta ton can pel due or bosnepeope vl nine anyone wh comm ies crs ell foundries To lp You mod sich daa ale, Tey Novng scm ths aortas. practi or decipein a allow: tng the alta gover ces, demons how hs les ap seco Novinger besos by explaining how a mar proponion of communication thin ‘ute ocr oneal trough Bhanor and manners shared atte common fxpeciations and so om Then, sing re fe examples apd aneedots, she pnp the commonly occuring obstaces to communion that can ance when cares erin ther communication chain She shows how thse bss come nto a els Kets he US od Scns acess a mating the tmsplen rus of Mexia clare ey to cementing busines and sci reaton ips vg tice lh a ir ebl raiglso suceslly ce uniting acos elas ‘real eat owsientpalesonal curly residing im Austin, Teas, Tey Nowtnger nites from exenste reach an her peronal experiences of ing ad working in cultures as diverse as Aruba and Tait. Se was born nthe Caribe, Sutil i Drson slaps scr lng, he ter eens and has a masters degre communications ‘Thema neal iy dey. {nour word of expanding technology and shrinking geography, people of Aierent cultures have increasing frequency of contact and need for efetve ‘communication ona daily basis Speaking a diferent language isan obvious ‘obstacle o intercultural communication, but a greater and more dificult hurdles to “speak diferent cure. Eventhough we may lam the words, the grammar, and the recognizable pronunciation of «language, me may ‘tl noc knowhow to navigate around the peter obtacles vo communica ‘ion that are peesntd by cultural dilerence. ‘Commnication speci smae that rom two thirds to thre fourths of our communication takes place nonverbaly though behavior. Al be havior is communication, and since we cannot not behave, we cannot not communicate. During all ofthe waking hours hat we spend with other hu ‘man beings we “peak” volumes though the behavior our entre hat eed ico Fach of wt conditioned by our caltre fom bith. We een when t0 speak up and when to heep quiet. We lean that some facial expressions ‘meee with approval and others provoke a reprimand. We are taught which estures ae acceptable and which ae no, and whether we an publicly an- ‘wrap agit; we learn where to put out hands ata meal, wheter of not we ‘an make note with oar mowths when we eat, which able tens to use ‘emote, and in what fashion we may se thers. We learn Bow to addess ‘peopl aa manner approved by our culture, what rove of vice wo employ, ‘what postures ceaored and what i praised, when and how t9 make eye contact and for how long, and countless ther things tha would be impos sibletotemember consciously and weal atthe same te when nerating socially This communicative behaviors earned so well that it becomes i ‘eralized ata subconscious level, We are primary aware of deviations from four presribedcatural aoe, and we tend to natively ease any sich deviation, ‘Since we lean ou cultural bcavior in unit eis wsful artifice to com pare clara ferences in uns To Fear to communicate actos cultures ‘ore quickly and more fective, we en apply Framework of catepoies, of potenal obstacles (cultural units) to our own and to a target calere. part 1 ofthis book address the nced for succesful communication across cultares and defines what constutesaculure: Next, an original ax fonomy of potential intercleral communication obstacles ie constructed feom the hterature of communication, anthropology, poycholog, sociology busines, and current evens, as well as fom icervicws with persons of ‘moliculral backgrounds. The categories are explained, and many ae i Iasrated with aneedots, at I apples the framework of obstacles outlined in Part to the dit ferences in cual nie of the United States and Menio. This splice tion demonstrates how these cultural dferences create misunderstanding and ineectual communica n commonly occurring business and socal Pa I prescribes an fective appeoah wo inerculural communication erween any two cultures, using the framework of potential obstaks to efficiently obtain resus, We an act consciously to transcend the rules with, ‘which our own cular eps ws 1 Srie oF ounscurts ‘Wecanmet se communicate. Al hurr communcti, w oe he rons pe whe det an ‘commana sine wins ld td bel dove somemscne bes yg ted ‘Senmeneion By sere, commenindon aon of toner hae ‘ural communi bre ce han corteniine beeen Fr ‘sf he sae ctr” Al commen aes ple te mat of ores thee flere i cle the primary stad mee slleommuncation tome The rap ares tom aur ele, tae ehh atc enn meen that + pe commits Surny noneralteavor bhavne bong gotre legen ‘ene fice, de ba ng, teil cha ces) oe 0. Seen ee Ou clare eae bruv om ity ad mo of ot Wilner eres Three in edd th ed tat we ‘sendy ne dough or kart we wero comme da Inga the waking hour hat we spd wth ther hana ge We ‘Spcak" volumes ot ol or soutien sd hen inp fore omc ‘Atha ou weal ana cet arly ony het th cen cam tele hat et oe “arlene aod ht ‘ie vcr peat some dtc ewe coer he ‘eal ngage of beharior, mow people beet thew na ‘rl frm of comma ta fe ppl hae bend ant (Sole res Weedon ht wy te ose el ‘awe sold be altura thw shot tai ot ‘etl trea our Mow fax roby if ounce pros whoopee ough at conn el Mach fh ime, however se far othe vitro plese aout hs bones: Fenty forte Mec torn rea well He wl ot bare spends» manner be ad topped oink abr help ha Ieee an with iaton lth Spaeth wor bt he poi thatbedd ot th. Catraconttoan comrade beh bth ‘en nding he oh heh ued th sper om the man ‘esr hroagh a onc houph prec ‘arthur wnat tour rom ch, ni aught 0 tat we ier te ae ich vl Wear ow pa ad ‘hen okey go eer tha cera cl xen et eh Prova ander provokes repinand. eae ugh wich ue ae ‘ope and whch ae nd whether we con pubic wow» ‘ae noae wh oar mou when we at whch temas to eo oe ‘eter utp are acess wha bon we may then We ars how aes plein a manne ape by or ale wat oe of eto, wht pet cms and what pene ‘ben and how make ye cont sd orb eo oe the ‘ngs hat wll be pie concours eal a he te cinerea "Thi beh ere wells hat we cn pst scl ratiny y te teaver bcoers ined bee ef ur ion omg ‘George pro ts eabrathy wre aomcir rogram. lesen al erent tats oe ered By cm shoe and thought. We most fe ce aa the ns be Lestat we enpct rom one heen tes when sme ‘ecw th pore th have come expec Sch at es Covey eden of wget toe ny ey ea “On nm eon he mera er tans Wee cy oe oh ary of pe weno Span sqatag ct Th amr sol, mayor Urs Co ‘Tot and enc aue Con er fa ay a) Inarneat compro eerste 2 pot bn ea fess in igor npr pot They mee ‘stamaly we amir oem wach oe an Say ther Spnhepsen Th ns may ae dco Vo ‘ted poche nan ard op esc ig e p pcr e cn onc a Nar Ancram we, pom ern ri wag seperate pg ey ew pee Engh ey nme th ery sake enim me ‘ether meni on Epes nd Ne ‘eden ech he. equ bce pare ht bese ‘tenn nc sd nay sie od pss conn a (Supa meray nar omnia compe” “yor cen oman wheres oo te shanti Tih opus he ‘eats ml yon esl nee aig (Paced fo car ommnenon” hay te TER aeons oe i ‘Sethe unacaed p r ee p ‘Sahn on ene epee Loc. Sencar int Zee eelacommseroneryreme Sa Soni Tacs aoc oe ‘ine Sana dope Sion shag ipo tie Iso Nt Am Tim i et ppg en inne. 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