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us Z n'e Cu rrent Differential

Protection Scheme for Stations
with Unequal Current
Transformer Ratios


Developed by
Research and Development Directorate, Tamil Nadu Electricity Board

New Delhi December 1977



Central Board of Irrigation and Power
Kasturba Gandhi Marg. New Delhi-110001

New Delhi December 1977


The safe and effective operation of power systems is mainly

dependent on the reliability, selectivity and fastness of the protective
schemes employed to clear the faults. As the power system network
grows up, the fault levels will also increase, demanding more stringent
requirements on the protective gear. In EHT substations the provi-
sion of bus-bar protection will also assume greater importance.
For some reason or the other the bus-bar protection is not in
extensive use in our country. One of the possible reasons could be
that the bus faults are rare. However, once the bus fault occurs it
creates a lot of dislocation in the system by throwing the entire system
out of gear.
(The prerequisite to have the conventional bus-bar protection
scheme in a substation is that all the current transformers connected
should have equal ratio. Where such facilities are not available, the
auxiliary current transformers have to be provided to fulfil the
condition. As such the Research Station of Tamil Nadu Electricity
Board have undertaken the development of solid state bus-bar
protection scheme which can be used in substations where the
current transformers of unequal ratio are also available and at a
Jesser cos9 This publication is a result of the study made by Tamil
Nadu Electricity Board and gives in detail the description, installation,
operation and maintenance of sensitive bus zone current differential
protection scheme developed by them. Different plug settings of
IDMT over-curr~nt relay have been used to achieve the current
!:>alance, where current transformers of different ratios are available.
,This scheme has been commissioned on experimental basis for trial
purposes at Trichy 110 k V substation since 1975 and so far the
performance has been found to be satisfactory. From the cost point
of view the cost ort~e protection scheme -6-esel'ibed··:iu t-he-publ-iGatron.
will be about Rs. 5,000 as against the conventional protection scheme
costing Rs. ~O,OOO.) This excludes the additional expenditure to be
incurred for providing auxiliary CTs in substations having CTs of
unequal ratios.
The Central Board of Irrigation and Power acknowledges the
good work done by Shri T. V. Subramanian, Director (Research),
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board and his team of engineers in developing
this protection scheme. We are sure that this will be extensively
adopted by the various State Electricity Boards in view of the
advantages over the conventional scheme and the necessity to have
such scheme due to increased fault levels.

c. V. J. VARMA
NEW DELHI Secretary
December 1977 Central Board of Irrigation and Power


Busbar protection has gained importance due to increasing fault levels and
the consequent high short circuit currents occurring in the networks. The
increasing short circuit currents present the protective relays with even greater
problems. Busbars require rapid protection, as in the event of a fault, all
energy of the whole network can be concentrated at this point and the protective
equipment must ensure that the likelihood of any damage resulting from a short
circuit is very retnote or absolutely impo;sible. These essentially have led to more
interest b;,ing taken in rapid bus protection. While addition of busbar protection to
the existing system is comparatively easy where C.T. ratios are equal, the problem is
difficult when unequal C.T. ratios commonly met with in p~ctice are involved.
With this in view, the Research and Development Directorate of-Tamil Nadu Electri-
city Board has evolved a simple and economical scheme of sensitfve bus zone current
differential protection for stations with unequal C.T. ratio~ The scheme has been
tried in service and its stability has been established by field trial. This report deals
with the description and [c~1hmissioning
and maintenance recommendations of the
protection scheme.oand it is hoped it will be useful to the various Electricity Boards
and other Electr~c Utilities :who are faced with problems in provision of busbar
/ .......

Technical Member
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, Madras



I. Introduction 1
2. General 1
3. The Frequency of Bus Zone Faults 1
4. Necessity for Bus Zone Protection 2
5. Busbar Faults 3
6. Main Requirements of Bus Zone Protection 3
7. System of Bus Zone Protection 4
8. Current Differential Sy<;tem 4
9. Necessity to adopt Unequal C.T. Ratios 5
10. Principle of the Scheme 5
11. Practical Schemes 6
12. Stability of the Scheme 7
13. Instantaneous Attachment for the Scheme 7
14. Supervision of Current Transformer Circuits 12
15. Comments on the I.D.M.T. Relay Scheme from Mis Reyrolle Protection Ltd., U.K. 12
16. Comments of T.N.E.B. R&D on Reyrolle's Letter 13
17. Economic Aspect 13
18. Installation, Operatiun and Maintenance Recommendations 14
19. Conclusion 14
20. References 14

Description, Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Recommendations of Sensitive Bus Zone Current
Differential Protection Scheme for Stations with
Unequal Current Transformer Ratios

1. Introduction as fast and as selective as possible. For this purpose

special protections have been developed for all elements
1.1 The protection schemes for a power system should of a network. Over the whole world it is u5ual to
cover the whole system against all probable types of protect generators, transformers, reactors. cables and
faults. Unrestricted forms of line protection, such. as lines by a special protection and there is no discu~5ion
over current and distance systems meet this reqUlre- or doubt about the necessity and opportunities of this
ment, although faults in the busbar. zone are cleared protection.
only after sometime delay and a~so In som.e case~ s~ch
protections are unable to provIde selectIve trIpp~ng 2.2 Concerning the protection of bus zones (which
of the faulty busbar. But if unit protection is applIed includes busbars and apparatus connected to the
to feeders and plant, the busbars are not inherently busbar) by a special bus zone protection there is not
protected. the same general opinion about its necessity and
lOuitability. This fact has several reasons:
l.2 Busbars have often been left without sp::cific
protection for various reasons. (a) The operating conditions of bus zone pro-
tection are much more different than of other
1.3 The busbars and switchgear have a high degr~e protection. Therefore, the circuits and the
of reliability and a fault occurrin? in ~he bus zone. IS co-operation of the apparatus of a bus zone
very small but it cannot be entIrely Ignored. ServIce protection are rather complex and complicated
experience showed that ~aults occur on t~e bus bars of and also more susceptible to disturbances and
switchgear at power statlOns and substatIons. Amongst maloperation.
the most typical causes of short circuits are flashover
at busbar insulators, damage to current transformers (b) It is feared that accidental operation of busbar
and lightning arresters and errors of attending personnel protection might cause widespread dislocation
when switchings are made in the switchgear. Damage of the power system which if not quickly
resulting from delayed clearance of fault, be~au~e of cleared would cause more loss than would the
concentration of fault MV A may be ver, extensIve and very infrequent bus faults.
might result in widespread and prolonged s~pp!y
interruption and also cause prolonged voltage dIp 111 (c) The busbars and switchgear have a high degree
the rest of the system. of reliability to the point of being regarded
1.4 Stable busbar protection free from unnecessary as intrinsically safe. Bus faults are compar-
operation is necessary to sys!em ~tability al!d atively rare. so that a special bus zone pro-
for restoring normal condItIons 1ll 9UlC~ tIme. W~de tection does not seem to be absolutely
current differential schemes when IdentIcal C. T. ratIos necessary.
are provided are available and can be installed, schemes
to suit unequal C.T. ratios are not available. The (d) Bus zone faults can be cleared by second zone
scheme described in this report based on research work tripping of stepped distance relay or directional
carried out by Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, R&D over current relays at the neighbouring stations
Wing can be adopted at alI locations with unequal without using a special bus zone protection.
C.T. ratios.
J. The Frequency of Bus Zone Faults
2. General
2. I Faults in a high voltage network must be cleared 3. I The following values might gi'vc a survey over


Cause of fault Type and number of faults Totals Percentage

Phase to Two phases Three phases-Three-pha-se--Un:-- of each
earth to earth to earth known cause of

Flashover 20 6 27 21.0
Breaker failure 16 2 2 20 15.5
Switchgear insulation
failure 19 2 22 17.0
Insulation failure other
than switchgear 4 3 9 7.0
Current transformer failure 3 3 2.3
Isolators opened on-load
or closed to earth 8 5 I 15 11.6
Safety earth left on 6 8 15 11.6
Accidental contact 5 7 5.4
Falling debris 4 6 4.7
Miscellaneous and unknown 28 5 3.9
Total of each type of fault 87 15 19 6 2 129
Percentage of each type of
fault 67.4 11.6 14.7 4.7 1.6 100

7. System of Bus Zone Protection 8.2 Stability to External Faults

7.t The systems cif bus zone protection used in various 8.2. I The main problem in the application of current
countries are as follows ll ) ; differential system is the stability on external faults:

percent (a) The great differences in the current values in

Current differential system 91 the various circuits connected to the busbar,
may cause different rates of saturation and
Directional comparison 4 ratio error. So the sum of all secondary
Frame leakage • I currents is not zero and is able to operate the
Other systems 4
(b) The high speed of operation required, which
It is evident that current differential system is widely makes the protection liable to transient out of
used due to its being most effective system. balance current.

8. Current Differential System ., 8.2.2 Hence, it foHows that the performance of the
C. Ts. is of greatest importance for the stability of the
8. I This system depends upon the sum of C. T. protection. Use of biased differential relays, provided
secondary currents being zero when the sum of the with restraint, usually from the arithmatical sum of
primary currents entering and leaving the bus zone is all currents by means of rectifiers or high impedance
zero, thus producing no differential current and making relays are methods applied to master the stability
the relay inoperative during load conditions or external problem.
faults. In the case of bus zone fault the relay is
energised by the sum of all secondary currents and 8.2.3 It would be evident from the above that the
thus it operates. prerequisite for current differential bus protection is

identical C. T. ratio on all the breakerseW)eW). TABLE IJJ

Though use of auxiliary C. Ts. has been suggested
when C.T. ratios are different their use should be SI. Terminals No. of SI. Terminals No. of
avoided(1)(5) as they reduce the electrical stability and No. turns of No. turns of
sensitivity. primary primary
winding winding
9. Necessity to Adopt Unequal C. T. Ratios
]. 0-1 N 15. 6-2 8/21 N
9. I It may not be possible to adopt equal C.T. ratios 2. 0-2 2/3 N 16. 6-3 3'14 N
for all the feeders especially those on 110 kV systems 3. 0-3 N/2 17. 6-4 4,'35 N
and below, just for the sake of busbar protection due 4. 0-4 2/5 N 18. 6-5 Ni21
to various problems like non-availability of the required
C.T. ratios, distance relay setting requiring different 5. 0-5 NJ3 19. 5-1 2/3 N
C. T. ratios, etc. The bus differential scheme developed 6. 0-6 2/7 N 20. 5-2 1/3 N
by Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Research and 7. 0-7 N/4 21. 5-,3 N/6
Development Wing overcomes the difIiculties met with 8. 7-1 3/4 N 22- 5-4 Nil5
in respect of stations with unequal C.T. ratios(1).
9. 7-2 5/12 N 23. 4-1 3/5 N
10. Principle of the Scheme(9) 10. 7-3 N/4 2.t. 4-2 4/15 N
11. 7-4 3/20N 25. 4-3 1/10 N
ro. f Figure 4 shows the prImary winding of an 12. 7-5 N/12 26. 3--1 N/2
I.D.M.T. over current relay. The plug setting multi- 13. 7-6 N/28 27 3-2 N/6
plier for the various terminal markings is given in 14. 6-1 5/7 N 28. 2-1 Nf3
Table II.
Terminals o 2 3 4 5 6 7
SI. Terminals No. of C.T_ ratio Secondary Ampere
No. turns to be current turns
Plug setting Common 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 of connected amperes 3x5
multipilier primary for 600
percent winding amps

10.2 For example if a feeder with 600/1 C.T. IS I. 0-1 N 600/1 1 N

connected between terminals 0 and I, i.e., 50 percent 2. 0-2 2/3 N 400/1 3/2 N
tap position having say N turns, second feeder on the
same bus with 300'1 C.T. ratio if connected to ter- 3. 0-3 N/2 3001 1 2 N
minals 0 and 3, i.e., 100 percent tap having N/2 turns 4. 0-5 Nf3 200/1 3 N
in a current differential mode will balance against each 5. 0-7 N/4 150/1 4 N
other under load and through fault conditions as the 6. 7-2 5/12 N 250(1 12/5 N
ampere turns produced by them will be equal and 7_ 7-3 N/4 150/1 4 N
opposite, thus, making the relay ino~~rative due to the
resultant operating flux: being virtually zero. When a 8. 7-5 N/12 50:1 12 N
bus fault occurs th;: ampere turns will add and the 9. 5-3 N/6 100[1 6 N
relay will operate. 10. 5-2 N/3 200(1 1 N
II. 5-1 2,3 N 400/1 312 N
10.3 Table III furnishes the'number of turns bet,veen
12. 3-2 N/6 100/1 6 N
various terminal combinations of I.D.M.T. over
current relay which can be made use"of in formulating 13. 3-1 N/2 300/1 2 N
bus differential schemes when unequal C.T. ratios are 14. 2-1 N/3 200/1 3 N
involved. The maximum number of turns which would
be between terminals for minimum plug setting multi-
plier is taken as "N".
(crooOOO?O?U?O~09000 0 ?OO oaoooot)
10.4 Table IV furnishes typical C.T. ratios that can
be connected to an I.D.M.T over current relay for o 7 6 5 4 3
providing bus zone differential protection and indicates FIGURE 4: Primary winding of I D M.T. oyer
how the balancing is achieved. current relay.

10.5 The resultant ampere turns in the relay is the

algebraic sum of all the ampere turns of the various 1101<1/ Feeder ''':
bus 6001:I
circuits. Under through fault conditions it would be ~
Primary windings
n-l R JrYVVT of 2 01\.. and I E"IL
At= L i(m) t(m)-ift tft
B ~~


L.J fV


Feeder'B' 0~~~ 50

" "
At=Resultant ampere turns 400/1
• "75

m=Circuit in which through fault has occurred

'. -----
n=Total number of circuits connected to the p-~

bus ~ """

~o"l~ ~
i= Fault current in the circuits 11111
t= Number of turns relating to the circuits, in ,J-v
the I.D.M.T. relay coil. ,.....,..,..,.. 20
In the ideal case the resultant ampere turns
L.. r-
under through fault conditions would be zero. ~v~

11. Practical Schemes group
11.1 Figures 5 & 6 schematically explain two practi- for power
transformer ,wV,"
cal schemes that can be adopted to provide current 200/1
differential bus protection when four different C.T. ~

ratios 600}1, 400/1, 300/L and 200/1 exist.

•J '" r::::..... . " "75 ~

;r c..--.J

Fer. jer 'Ii. 600/1 CT

110k ./
0'J5 ~
Primary windings ~ r
,--' - - _ . .....l •••• L .,- of 30 IL elements

f-~-~--.-- ojjif~<, 5<,

FIGURE 6: Bus differential scheme using I.D.M.T.
2 OIL and 1 EJL relay.

11.2 Figure 5 shows the scheme in three over current

,f" Feeder'S 4001j f-f-- mode of connections in which the minimum operating
~. - -:.. ~ -
,--f- --- current for both phase and ground faults is 300 amps
I .

.. -" ~
primary which is obtained by multiplying the C.T.
ratio by percentage relating to the tap position ter-
---W~L.-.4-+--h minals between which it is connected, i.e., 600/I X 50
percent, 400/1 x 75 percent. 30D}! X 100 percent or
Feeder(C' 200/1 X 150 percent.
C:r ratio •
1I.3 The second scheme of Figure 3 shows connec-
tions in 2 OIL and 1 E}L mode in which the minimum
operating current for earth faults works out to 120
amps primary. For phase faults it is same as in the
first scheme, i.e., 300 amps.
11.4 The scheme of protection was adopted at
Tiruchy 110 kV substation of Tamil Nadu Electricity
Board Grid to cover ground faults on the 110 kV bus.
Figure 7 shows the scheme at Tiruchy where there are
two interconnecting 110 kV grid feeders, one radial
feeder and one 110 kV group control breaker for the
110 kV/66 kV auto transformers which feed four
FIGVRE 5: Bus differential scheme using I.D.M.T. numbers 66 kV feeders and step down (66 kV}1l kV)
3 OIL reJay~with three feeders and one
transformer group contro all having transformers. Particulars of relay used, settings adop-
differl'nt C.T. ratios. ted and tcsts carried out are included in the

Schematic diagram-one phase only shown I.D.M.T. relay are as follows:

Oalmia Radial feeder 300/1 C.T. (Includes watt meter and
ammeter burden) Primary current Operating time
vI 110 kV bus in amps in sec
group control 600 0.75
breaker 300/1
Erode grod feeder 200/1 Includes 30/l 1200 0.375
(Includes W g.VAR meter & relay and
'Ommeter burdenl 2400 0.26
ammeter burden)
no;-. ~

v v 4800 0.18

Trichy auto 5.5. 13.2 To reduce the time of operation which is inherent

/600"CT grid feeder

Clncludes backup
in the I.D.M.T. relay a solid state instantaneous unit
which works off the voltage drop across the current
coil of the I.D.M.T. relay was developed and con-
nected during March 1976 to actuate an alarm. The
v OIL & ElL relays
W/VAR meter & ammeter unit operates in 0.04 second for a fault current of 375
burden) amps, which would mean instantaneous clearance of
all earth faults on the bus. The bus differential pro-
50% -~ tection scheme with three instantaneous attachments
§ can be used to cover all types of bus faults.
100" ~c;:
150"j 13.3 The schematic diagram showing the bus differen-
'1 tial protection scheme together with the solid state
instantaneous attachment is given in Figure 8. The
voltage induced across the I.D.M.T. coil is rectified
Bus differential relay through a diode bridge network and then filtered. using
CI. O. M. T. r.elay I
condensers Cl and C2 and then impressed upon the
FIGURE 7: Busbar differential protection for ground potentiometer 25K. The moving arm sets the desired
faults-UO kV bus-Tirucby ltO kV voltage for the base circuit of transistor SL roO. When
substation. the voltage is sensed, it switches on the transistor SL
roo and a voltage is developed across 4.7K emitter
resistor and this is used to trigger silicone controlled
precommissioning test report vide Appendix I. The rectifier SN 100 through current limiting resistor 1.5K.
scheme was commissioned into service on 19 January Any unbalanced condition reached would immediately
1975 and connected for alarm to watch its performance set the relay into action.
under through fault conditions to establish its
stability. 13.4 When the silicone controlled rectifier acts the 6V
D.C. relay gets energised and this closes a pair of con-
12. Stability of the Scheme tact which in turn is made to actuate an alarm through
a master relay at Tiruchy substation to watch its per-
12. I Table V furnishes the details of I I 0 kV and 66 formance under through faults to establish its stability.
kV feeder ground faults during the per~d 19 January From the date of commissioning of the instantaneous
1975 to 25 September 1975, when a review was made attachment on 28 March 1976 to 2 September 1977
on the stability of the scheme. There were 9 Nos. there were twelve I ro kV and forty-one 66 kV
110 kV and 25 Nos. 66 kV feeder faults during the through ground fault trippings as per details furnished
period. The protection was stable for these faults and in Table VI. There has been no maloperation on any
had not maloperated on any of the occasions. of the occasions, which establishes the stability of ins-
tantaneous attachment.
12.2 The scheme was connected to trip the two 110 13.5 However, as a measure of abundant precaution
kV interconnecting grid feeders from Tiruchy auto
substation and Erode on 26 September 1975 with the solid state device has been connected to trip with a
suitable trip links for isolation during tests or any time delay of 0.2 sec on 2 September 1977. The alarm
other purpose. scheme is also retained with a view to establish its
stability further before the time delay can be dispensed
13. Instantaneous Attachment for the Scheme (1")
13.0 Particulars of tests carried out on the instan-
13.1 The time of operation of the scheme with the taneous attachment are furnished in Appendix If.

Details of trippings of 110 kY and 66 kV feeders off Tiruchy 110 kV substation of
Tamil Nadu Electricitl' Board.

SI. No. Date Time Name of feeder Relay indication Remarks


2 3 4 5 6

110 kV Feeders
1. 5-5-75 20.17 Erode Feeder RY ZOO Relay SO Indication Tripped at Erode end
zone TK 1 also
2. 11-5-75 18.10 R. SO Indica- -do-
" tion zone TKI
3. 11-5-75 18.20
" "
SO Indication Tripped at J Heavy
Erode end I wind &
also ~ Rain
4' 11-5-75 18.30 TO -do- J
5. 25-5-75 23.40 ,. R. S, T 0 Indi-
" cation Tripped at Erode also
6. 15-6-75 10.01 Tiruchy Auto Directional ElL (back up) Fault on Salem feeder
S.S. Link off Tiruchy auto S.S.
7. 15-6-75 10.12 Dalmia Feeder E,'L Feeder decIareG faulty.
Earthwire snapped at a
location 2~ miles from
8. 30-8-75 23.25 -do- -do-
9. 30-8-75 23.28 -do- -do- Feeder tripped on test
66 kV Feeders
1. 24-1-75 OL50 Karur Feeder E,'L Feeder declared faulty.
2. 24-1-75 2.21 • -do- E,'L
3. 24-1-75 2.26 -do- ElL
4. 4-3-75 11.33 . Tanjore Feeder E'L
5. 4-3-75 11.35 -do- E:L Feeder tripped on test
. charge .

6. 4-3-75 11.48 -do- E.'L Feeder declared faulty.

7. 6-3-75 3.16 Karur Feeder I O.L. YelIow phase ElL

8. 5-5-75 20.16 Karur O.L. Red phase EiLI Two feeders tripped
I Feeder II I I simultaneously.
~ Karur ~ EJL ~
I Feeder I ! I
9. 10-5-75 18.02 J -do- j E/Lj

T ABLE V (contd.)

2 3 4 5 6

10. ]0-5-75 ] 8.13 Karur

Feeder II No indication
11. 10-5-75 18.18 -do- ElL
12. 10-5-75 18.22 -do- ElL
13. 10-5-75 18.30 -do- ElL
14. 11-5-75 2UO Karur Feeder I EjL
15. 12-5-75 6.11 Tanjore
Feeder I ElL
16. 14-5-75 17.51 Tanjore
Feeder I & II EjL
17. 14-5-75 17.55 Tanjore Tripped on test charge.
Feeder I EjL
18. 14-5-75 19.01 Karur
Feeder I & II EjL
19. 19-5-75 13.24 Tanjore
Feeder II No indication
20. 20-5-75 17.02 Tanjore
Feeder II EjL
21. 23-5-75 19.39 Karur Feeder I EjL
22. 21-7-75 13.39 -do- ElL
23. 22-7-75 15.24 Tanjore
Feeder I & II ElL
24. 8-9-75 14.33 Karur Feeder I ElL
25. 13-9-75 07.45 -do- ElL
- ------

Details of trippings of 110 kV and 66 kV feeders off Tiruchy 110 kV substation.
• (28 March 1976 to 2 September 1977)
Sl. No. Date Time Name of feeder Relay indication Remarks
2 3 4 5 6

110 kV Feeders
1. J7-4-76 18.29 Erode Feeder R, 0, TKI and TK2 Tripped at Erode and
also on I zone
2. 28-4-76 15.52 Dalmia Feeder ElL
3. 28-4-76 19.10 -do- EjL
TABLE VI (conld,)
2 3 4 5 6

4. 28-4-76 19.12 Erode Feeder R, S. T. 0 "1 ~eavy ram and lightn-

I mg
5. 2S-4-76 19.24 -do- Sand T I
6. 28-4-76 19.36 -do- T and 0 >- Tripped at Erode end
I also
7. 28-4-76 19.40 -do- Sand 0 TKI and TK2 J
8. 13-9-76 19.24 -do- Sand 0 Heavy rain and lightn-
9. 19-9-76 18.35 -do- O. TK 1 , TK 2 • TK 3. and TK~ -do-
lO. 6-2-77 10.15 Dalmia Feeder ElL
11. 11-3-77 06.10 -do- OIL R phase and E,'L
12. 14-3-77 06.22 -do- ElL
66 kV Feeders
1. 28-4-76 19.40 Tanjore Flashover observed at
Feeder II E/L Talljore end

2. 10-5-76 14.13 Tanjore

feeder I EjL

3. 16-5-76 2UO Karur I

Feeder II ElL >- Heavy rain at Karur end
4. -do- 2I.I2 -do- ElL j
5. 17-5-76 19.10 Tanjore
Feeder II No indication Cloudy

6. 17-5-76 19.15 -do- EiL

7. 1-6-76 19.00 Tanjore
Feeder I No indication

8. 10-6-76 19.20 -do- EjL "1

9. 10-6-76 19.20 Tanjore I
Feeder II ElL >- Lightning
10. 10· 6-76 19.25 Tanjore I
Feetler II ElL j
II. 17-6-76 17.55 Karur
Feeder II No indication

12. 17-6-76 17.56 -do- No indication

13. 17-6-76 18. IS .do- ElL
14. 22-6-76 00.55 Tanjore
Feeder II No indication

IS. 3-7-76 20.51 -do- No indication

16. 20-9-76 09.45 Tanjore

Feeder I EjL

TABLE VI (contd.)

2 3 4 5 6

17. 20-9-76 09.49 Tanjore

Feeder II No indication

18. 20-9-76 09.52 Tanjore

Feeder J EjL
19. 25-10-76 19.05 Tanjore
Feeder J & II OIL Y phase, B phase and ElL
20. 25-10-76 19. I 6 Tanjore
Feeder I ElL A spark observed on line

21. 25-II-76 nUl Tanjore I

Feeder] & II ElL I
22. 25-11-76 18.33 -do- ElL r A spark observed near
Tanjore S.S.
23. 25-11-76 18.34 -do- ElL I
24. 25- II-76 18.40 -do- ElL J
25. 4-12-76 09.37 -do- E/L
26. 21-12-76 13.37 -do- ElL
27. 15-4-77 16.58 -do- E/L
28. 15-4-77 19.58 -do- ElL
29. 18-4-77 11.10 Tanjore
Feeder II ElL
30. [7-5-77 18. ]2 Tanjore
Feeder J & II ElL
31. 17-5-77 18.19 -do- ElL
32. 17-5-77 18.22 -do- ElL
33. 21-5-77 17.05 -do- ElL
34. 21-5-77 17.12 -do- ElL

35. 21-5-77 17.17 -do- ElL
36. 24-5-77 17.47 Tanjore J ElL
37. 4-6-77 05.46 Karur
Feeder II E/L
38. 25-6-77 07.42 .'-do- ElL
39. 29-7-77 15.15 Tanjore
Feeder II NFD
40. 9-8-77 16.40 -do- NFD
41. ] 0-8-77 ] 8.20 Tanjore
Feeder I & II NFD

Instantaneous relay
r------------~A.~ _________ ~

_ 6V.D.C-

( A.C. current circuit one phase only shown)

I. O. M.T. relay tripping Moster tripp ing relay
Contac.~ rela con - (hand resetting type)
o 0 a t

y to X c==. Alarm
r.M7a-s7te-r~t-r~ir-~ ~~O~o~oo~o~O~OO~\L--------~o
+ relay con- To trip circuit breaker of Erode
CD Push switches
tgct feE!der and Trichy auto S.S.feeder @ Milli VOltmeter
ofutpul c:onfa
,n~neous Wh IC h f or;m th e f eeding sources
---c rela (hand resetting type I
Moster reloy~--;---;---,
===0 co~~ro~c~t__~~~nrn~~ ____~
L - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =
o 0
Tim er contact X to Y

FIGURE 8: Schematic diagram showing the bus differential protection for ground fault for 110 kV bus
at Tiruchy 110 kV substation including the solid state instantaneous relay.

14. Supervision of Current Transformer Circuits 15.3 The relay operating current is that derived from
the unbalance between the current transformers.
14.1 Provision is made for checking manually the Stability under normal load and through fault condi-
condition of C. T. circuits by means of two push button tions depends very largely on summation of currents
switches and a millivoltmeter connt!cted in parall el with in the saturating core of the relay which is very diffi-
the solid state instantaneous unit. cult to analyse. Stability is also governed by current
balance between current transformers. It is most im-
14.2 The method which is shown in Figure 8 is base.d portant in current balance schemes using low impe-
on the fact that if the output of a current transformer IS dance unbalanced relays that the current transformers
lost ampere turn balance is lost resulting in operating are tested as a group to determine the maximum
flux causing a voltage drop across the I.D.M.T. relay expected spill current at the maximum specified stability
coil. When the push buttons are preised the millivolt- level, the relay then being set with an accepted safety
meter will read giving indication about the faulty margin.
condition for taking further action to rectify the
defect. 15.4 Transient stability of the schemes considered is
virtually assured by the relatively long time of opera-
14.3 A photograph of the complete scheme as installed tion. When considering transient stability it is necessary
at Tiruchy 110 kV substation is shown in Figure 9. to consider the pulse time of operation. However, it is
reasonable to assume that the pulse time of LD.M. T.L.
15. Comments 00 the lO.M.T. Relay Scheme from relay is enough to maintain transient stability. To
Mis Reyrolle Protection Ltd .• U.K. analyse the performance under transient stability the
pulse time curve for the relay should be taken with
15. I Extracts from letter received from Mis Reyrolle energisation by third harmonic current and mixture of
Protection Ltd., U.K. through M;s Easum Engineering third harmonic and fundamental. This in relation to
Co. Ltd., Madras are furnhhed below. records of spill current will give some indication of the
stability factor but is no substitute for full scale
15.2 We note that the scheme utilises low impedance tests.
inverse time delay relay as opposed to our standard
type imtantaneolls high impedance type relays. 15.5 To summarise this scheme of protection has a

FIGURE 9: Hils differential protection at Tiruchy 110 kV substation.

1. I.D.M.T. bus differential relay.
2. Instantaneous attachment.
3. Time delay relay.
4. Check feature.
S. D.C. healthy indication.

relatively slow operating time and an indefinable stabi- 0.8 sec through distance relays obtaining hitherto. To
lity which makes its application difficult. improve the time of operation the instantaneous attach-
ment has since been developed and commissioned into
16. Comments of T.N.E.B. R&D on Reyrolle's service.
16.5 Taking a practical view and considering all the
16.1 Mis Reyrolle Protection Ltd., U.K. have opined above facts the application of the scheme may not pose
that the stability of I.O.M.T. Relay Scheme depends problems.
on the summation in the saturating core of the relay
which is very difficult to analyse. They have also men- 17. Economic Aspect
tioned that the transient stability of the scheme is
assured by the relatively long time of operation. They 17.1 The cost of relay portion of a full scheme to cover
have concluded that the relatively slow operating time both phase and ground faults would be Rs. 5.000 as
and the indefinable stability limit of the scheme makes against Rs. 10,000 of conventional scheme which may
its application difficult. necessitate import of certain relays and which can be
implemented only when identical C.T. ratios are avail-
16.2 The scheme was evolved to provide a current able. Replacement of existing current transformers or
differential protection when C. T. ratios are different. even provision of additional sets may be necessary for
Manufacturers do not come forward to ~trer full current the conventional scheme which would increase the cost
differential bus protection schemes when c.T. ratios considerably as a set of three numbers of 110 kV
are different as identical ratio is considered a must for current transformers costs Rs.60,000.
such protection and use of auxiliary current transfor-
mers is not considered desirable. Only an Electronic 17.2 The cost of relay portion of the scheme provided
Swiss Rclay(S) with its complexity of circuits provides at Tiruchy 110 kV substation to cover ground faults
a satisfactory solution. only is Rs. 1.500. The cost of relay portion of a low
impedance scheme with directional blocking with its
16.3 The stability of the scheme has been established limitations. available from indigenous sources works
by field trial over a period of eight months when it out to Rs. 15,000.
was kept connected for alarm and subsequently it has
been connected for trip. 17.3 The scheme evolved is simple and cheap and can
he implemented at any station with unequal c.T. ratios
16.4 As regards time of operation the figure of 0.18 sec with 1.0.M.T. relays readily available in the market
or 0.26 ~ec already furnished would be accepted as from various manufacturers in the country and with the
superior to the fault getting cleared by the tripping of solid state instantaneous attachment \vhich can be
feeders at far-end in ~ccond zone time of 0.5 sec to rigged up easily.

18. Installation, Operation and Maintenance Recom· APPENDIX I


18.1 The details are furnished in Appendix J[[. PRE-COMMISSIONING TEST REPORT

Busbar Differential Protection for Ground Faults 110

19. Conclusion kV Bus-Tiruchy 110 kV Substation Schematic Dia-
gram attached (Figure 7).
19.1 The simple. economic and sensitive current diffe-
rential bus protection scheme evolved by T. N.E. B. Relay Used
R&D Wing making use of l.D.M.T. over Current
Relays and Solid State Instantaneous attachment there- E.E.Co. make I amp I. D.M.T. OIL Relay type
to for use at locations having different C. T. ratios and CDG 11 connected for ground fault protection-30
installed at Tiruchy 110 kV substation of Tamil Nadu V D.C. used with series resistance for lIO V D.C. ope-
Grid has proved to be stable and reliable. ration 50 percent, 100 percent and ISO percent tap
connections brought out.
19.2 Unless such a simple scheme is adopted to suit Relay Settings
our conditions there may not be anv inclination to
provide bus differential protection to -cover all types Current-Equivalent at 300 amps. Primary time
of faults and the existing conditions will have to be setting-0.07S.
Relay Tests
20. References Operation check-The relav was found to operate
as per characteristic curve. -
(1) STiMMER, H: "Protection of Bus Bars in High Vol·
tage Stations." ClGRE, 1966, Vol. I II. Time of Operation
(2) ATABE KOV, G. I.: "The Relay Protection of H.V. Net- Second current equivalent to 2400 amps. primary
works." Pergamon Press, London. -0.26 sec.
(3) CHERN 0 BROVOV, N. : "Protective Relaying." M.I.R. Second current equivalent to 4800 amps primary
Publishers. Moscow.
-0.18 sec.
(4) WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN. c.: "Protective Relays- (Note-The fault current at the 110 kV bus at
Their Theory and Practice." Vol. 1., Chapman and Hall, Tiruchy 110 kV substation is 4600 amps).
Stability check: Satistilctory with 5.25 amps in 50
(5) MASON-C. RUSSEL: "The Art and Scien~e of Protective
Relaying." John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York. percent tap winding and 15.75 amps in
opposition in 150 percent tap winding.
(6) "Protective Relays Application Guide (Se.:ond Edition)."
Publhhed by GEC MeasuremeDls, Stafford, England. C.T. Tests

(7) "Research Review-Power Engineering." Irrigation and Polarity and ratio-checked.

Power Journal of Central Board of Irrigation and Power,
New Delhi, April 1975, Vol. 32, No.2 . Magnetisatioll Characteristics
• Checked up to 320 V on one of the C.Ts on Erode
(8) HAUG, H. and FORSTEAR, M.: "Electronic Busbar Pro-
tection." Brown Boveri Review 53, No.4, April 1966. feeder which arc similar to those on G.c. breaker.
Knee point not reached.
(9) SUBRAMA.NIAN, T. V. "A Simple and Economic Bus
Zone Current Differential Protection Scheme for Stations Checked up to 400 V on one C.T. identical to those
with Unequal C.T. Ratios." Proceedings of the 45th Annual on Tiruchy Auto Substation feeder on Dalmia feeder-
Research Session of Central Board fif Irrigation & Power, Knee point not reached.
New Delhi, Vol. V (Power), June 1976.
Secondary Resistance
(10) SUBRAMANIAN, T. V. "A New Bus Differential Protec-
tion Scheme." Invention Intelligence, July 1977 of Tiruchy auto substation feeder-6.00 ohms
National Research and Development Corporation, New
Delhi. Erode feeder -2.00 ohms

(II) JARRETT, G. S. H. "Busbar Protection." Power System Dalmia feeder -6.00 ohms
Prote~tion. Vol. 2, Edited by the Electricity Council of
U.K., Macdonald. London. G.C. breaker -3.00 ohms

Knee Point Voltage for MaXimum Fault Current III. All three phases connected In series-Tests on
individual feeder:
2xMaximum fault current (sec)x(RCT+R lead + R
other burdens)
Sf. No. Name of Primary Second Burden across
Erode feeder -200 V feeder current current bus differential
amps at relay volts
Dalmia feeder -282 V differential
relay amps
G.C. breaker -210 V --------------------
(a) Erode feeder 100 1.5 I. 5 across 150%
Tiruchy auto winding
substation feeder -216V
(b) Dalmia feeder I()() 1.0 2.3 across 100%
The C.T. characteristics are satisfactory for bus winding
differential protection. (c) G.C. breaker 110 I.I 2.5 across 100%
Primary Injection Tests
(d) Tiruchy auto sub-
I. On individual feeders (single phase injection) : station feeder 100 0.5 3.8 across 50%

Name of feeder Primary Voltage drop bus

current differential relay During Test III the operation of the bus differential
amps. volts
relay was also checked.

(a) Dalmia feeder 125 1.1 across 100 ~,~ tap The primary injection test results confirm that the
winding C.Ts. and bus differential relay connections have been
made properly.
(b) G.C. breaker 130 1.1 •do·

(c) Erode feeder 125 0.85 acroSS 150% tap

(d) Tiruchy auto Tests Conducted on InstantaDeous Attachment to Bus
substation feeder 150 1.8 across 50% tap Differential Protection at Tirucby 110 kV Substation
(Figure 8).

Maill Relay Used

II. Through fault check (single phase injection) :
E.E.Co. make I amp I.D.M.T. OJLRelay type
(a) G.c. breaker and Dalmia feeder in series COG 11 connected for ground fault protection.
primary current 130 amps.
Components used for the Illstantaneous Attachment
Burden Across Bus '1 Nil (across 100% (Figure 8)
Differential Relay J windiyg)
6 V D.C. Relay I No.
(b) G.C. Breaker and Tiruchy auto substation
Thyristor SN 100 1 No.
feeder in series primary current 125 maps.
Tran~istor (NPN) SL 100 ] No.
I Nil (not readable)
Burden Across Bus I across 50% tap wind- Diodes IN 400{ 5 Nos.

Differential Relay ~ ing O.! V across 100% Diode SR 100 I No.
tap winding
25 K. Potentiometer r No.
(c) G.c. breaker and Erode feeder in series
Resistances 3 Nos.
primary current 125 amps.
1000 !J.F Condenser 2 Nos.
1 0.1 V across 100%
Burden Across Bus Itap winding Illsula/ioll Check
Differential Relay ~ 0.15 V acrose 150%
J tap winding

and ground ,lIld dl~o bet\\een protectIon ~en~mg these are nOfI1ulh mounted on the Ime SIde of the
cIrcuIt and D C lIreUlt \\ ele checked dnd found to be CIrcUIt break.el ~ The eAI~tmg C T cores themseh es
satlsfdctol' can be used ctfter checkmg the magnetl~atJOn charactel-
l~tlCS and ma\II11Um ~econd'lr) voltage mcludmg all
Rela) Te\t~
the bUl dens to ensure ttl'lt knee pomt \\ III not be
The JI1st Intdneou~ attdchment \'vdS connected dC.IOSS touched
the 50 percent rel,l\ cOIl \\mdmg of the I D M T Bus
dIfferentl.!1 proteltJOII rela} dnd <it tlOn of the reId) \\ a~ I 2 Mam Relal \
chel-ked .md the foIlo\\ II1g ob~ef\ dtlOn-. \\ ere mdde 1 2 1 The qandald I D M T lela) \\hlch IS ~elf-re:,et­
(1) Plc.k up cunent thlOugh I D M T tmg dnd hac; the reqUIred he.lvy dut, contacts dnd a
relay fOI the JIlstdntdneous hand re~ct fllg m'!\ be med The ,>olId state In~t,m­
attdchment to ,1Ct 0 625 amps taneous dt/ctc.hment md, be .IS :.hown III FIgure 8

(2) "oitdge mea~U1 ed across &emmg 1 1 1 nppl1lg alld A farm Refa) s

teIlUlndl~ at pJc.k. up 'Value ~ 5V
(3) ActIOn of ma~ter relay and alarm 1 1 lOne h lI1d I eset tnpplllg rela, ,\ Ith bUIlt m flag
of mstantaneou~ attdchment rna, hc u5ed to tau~e tnppmg of the breaker!> and also
through ~clOnddry mjectlOn a~ Checked sound <In 'll,um as mdIcated m FIgure 8
under Item (1) abm e OK 1 4 Testmg alld Isolatmg Lrnks
(4) Check of tlmmg umt of tnp Checked
CircuIt of 1I1c;t'lntaneous attach tIme del a, J 4 I LJJ1k~ Jre pro'lded to faclittate testmg and short
ment of 200 mllh l.IrcuItmg of the wnent transfOlmer!> Test hnks are
fitted 111 the rein ClfWltc; for !>uch purposes a~ msert-
OK mg dn ,tmmLteI 01 I<;oldtIng the relay for sewndary
mJettlOn te~tll1g
(5) ActIOn of md~teJ rela" of tflP
CIrCuIt thlough tlmmg umt of Checked 1 42 WIthdr,mable m'iulated lInks are fitted In each of
Instantdneous attachment 0 K the tnp urCUIts for IwlatJOn purposes
Primal J InjectlOlI Test 1 5 Tllp Supph [solatIOn

(1) The operatIOn of mc;tantdneous dttachment was 1 5 1 Sepa[,lte Defuses are prOVIded for the scheme,
checked for the pIlmary current 1I1jectlOn of ISO amps \\ hllh can be made u!>e of for makmg the protectIOn
WIth aU the three pha<;es of pnm,lr) of G C breaker mopel atIvc
connected m sene~
2. InstallatIOn
(2) Through fault lheck fOl the protectIOn WdS
done as follo\\ ~ 2 I Testlllg EqUIpment RequlI ed
A current of 150 amps was Injected through the (I) A 1000 \ olt msulatwll tc'>tmg &et
red phase of group contlOI breaker and Dalmla feeder
breaker The voltage across the 100 percent wmdmg (2) A heav) WIrent transformer capable of prOVI-
of I D M T relay COil "as zero and hence there \'vas dmg a cunent of about 500 amps \\Ith an out-
no spIll voltage aCIOSS the Instantaneous umt put of about 5 kV A
Te~t on C hed Featul e (3) A \anable raho tran!>former (e g a \anac)
Readmg on check featUl e voltmeter checked b) <;lIJt.lble for wntrollmg the mput to the heavy
<'Ul rent tfamformer, dnd also conductIng
causmg unbaldnced LUrrent condItIons 011 the I D M T
relay and pressmg the push buttom-O K magnetlsatwl1 charactemtIc tests on the
APPENDIX III (4) A secondar~ mjectlOn relay testmg set WIth
(5) An ammeter and metenng current transformer
1. Protection Equipments for mcasurmg pnmary currents to about 500
1 1 CUI relit TrallsjOl mel S
I lIThe slhemc reqUlre~ one current transformer pel (6) T\\o muiupurpo!>e Indlcatmg mstruments, e g.
phase 111 e'ver) IIlcommg and outgomg lIrcUlt, and A\ometers A mIllIammeter

(7) Two ammeters for mea')unng currents at (4) Tnp supply Isolatmg sWltche,> closed
,anous pomt') In the second,uy CircUits
(5) Relay test lmks m the norm tl p05.ltlOn
(R) A 10\\ range dip on ammeter (ThIS wIll faclh-
tate check wIthout maklOg dl')connectIon In 2 6 2 Measure the InsulatIOn resistance at the followmg
\\ IrIng) ~ pomts and at as many other as IS neces<;ary to cmer all
the wIrIng
(9) An ohmmeter
(1) The free Side of earth Imks the termmal blocks
(10) Battery cells-2 to 4 volt') mSlde
(11) ConnectOI S for prImarY-InJectIOn tests (2) The dead Side of supply Imks and fuse between
2 2 Programme of Tests A C and D C CIrCUIts

Make the follo\\ mg tests 2 6 3 SatIsfactory values of the varIOUS readmg'> depend
(1) General check of connectIOns on the amount of WIfIng concerned Where consIder-
able multlcore WIfIng IS mvolved a readmg of 2 0 to 3 0
(2) Prehmmary msulatlOn-reslstance test megohms IS satIsfactory For short length of wmng
on the panel the readmgs should be hIgher A value
C~) Test of operatIOn of auxIhary relay,> and alarm
of IOmega-ohms should not normally be con'>Idered
and mdIcatmg devIces
(4) Current transformer magnetIsatlon characterIs-
tiCS 2 7 Test of Operatzon of AUXIliary Re/a}s alld Alarm
and Indlcatll1g DeVices
(5) Current transformer ratIO and polarIty tests
2 7 1 See that the lInks fuses and Isolatmg SWitches are
(6) Test of 1>ettmgs of mam relay and C T superVI- as follows
5.lOn arrangement by secondary Injection
( 1) Tnp lInks removed
(7) Test of fault ~ettIngs and current-transformers
superVISIon arrangement by prImary IllJectJon (2) Supply lInks and fuse llOks mserted
(8) Through-fault check by prImary lDjectIon (3) Tnp supply Isolatmg SWItches closed
(4) Relay test hnks In the normal positIOn
(9) Tnppmg test
272 Check the trIppmg sequences and the operatIon
(10) FmallDsulatlOn-reslstance test of the varIOUS alarm and mdlcatmg deVIces by manual
2 3 Details of Tests operatIOn of the appropnate relays and make sure
that all operatIOns are In accordance WIth the
2 3 1 To ensure that the protectIOn system IS fully schematiC diagram Tabulate results obtamed for future
tested to ,>tudy the ,>chematlc and wIrIng dIagrams m reference
conjunctIon WIth the followmg detaIls of tests
2 4 PrecautIOn 2 8 C T MagnetrsatlOn C/zal actenstlc Test
2 4 1 Take care throughout the tests not to open cIr- 2 8 1 WIth pnmary of the C T open Circulated a smu-
CUIt the secondary of aCT while t~ere IS a current sOldal voltage from local mams supply IS apphed to
m Its pnmary OtherWIse a I11gh voltage wIll be pro secondary wmdmg and the magnetlslOg current b
duced m Its secondar) measured for different values of apphed voltage makmg
Ul>e of \anable autotransformer Movmg Iron or
25 Gene/al Check of ConllectlOns dynamometer type ammeter may be used clnd after
25 1 With all the auxdlalY supplIes Isolated check that reaLhmg maxImum valve apphed voltage may be pro-
all the wIrIng ha,> been completed and that all the con gre5.slve/y reduced to zero before mterruptmg supply as
nectIOn~ are tight at all the pomts .- a precautIOn to aVOId high rate of change of flux,
mducmg voltage lIk.ely to damage secondary Ifl'>ulatIOn
2 6 Pre/unwary InsulatIOn-Resistance Test Where pOSSIble and found necessary tesb may be car-
ned out to e5.tabhsh the knee pomt voltage
2 6 1 See that the lmks, fuses and Isolatmg sWltche1> are
<is follo\\ ~ 290m ellt nansformer RatIO alld Polallt} Tests
(1) Tnp lmks removed 29 1 Smce the wnnectlOn'> of the protel-tJon S\:.tem
(2) Supply fuse lmh lemoved arc m l-urrent dlfferentlll mode It 1<; Import lnt the
r ItHh of the ('ulfcnt tr Ln~former~ .lre 1..01 n . Lth .1~5e~,>ed
(3) £ lrth Imk. open and conneded to the lppropn it... termm 11 of the

LD.M.T. relay with correct rela:ive polarity. Ratios (3) Trip supply isolating links of the relay closed.
may be checked by primary current injection and
measuring the secondary current. Polarities may be (4) Relay test links in normal position.
checked by D.C. flick method.
Operate the main and sensitive solid state relays
2.10 Test of Resistance of C.T. Secondary and Pilots manually and check that the master tripping relay
operates and sounds alarm. Make sure that each
2.10. I Connect an ohmmeter across the secondary circuit breaker opens only when the appropriate trip
winding to measure its resistance. Resistance of pilot links have been inserted.
leads may be obtained by short circuiting pairs at one
2.14 Fina/Insulation Resistance Tests
end are measuring the resistance at the other end.
Individual pilot lead resistance may be had by calcula- 2.14.1 Repeat the preliminary insulation resistance
tion from the values obtained as above. test described in para 2.6. The measured values should
be the same as in that test.
2.10.2 Check the measured values relating to the C. Ts.
with those furnished by the C. T. manufacturer and 2.15 PUtting into Service
those relating to the pilots by calculation.
2.15.1 To put the protection system into serVlce with
2. J I Test of Settings of Main Relays alld C. T. Supen'i- automatic tripping proceed as follows :
sion Arrangement by Secondary Injection (1) Put all relay links in their normal position.
2.11.I The main purpo!.e of this test is to provide a (2) Check that all relays and relay flags are reset.
check for future maintenance tests.
(3) Insert all trip supply links and fuse links.
(1) Trip links removed. (4) Insert all trip links.
(2) Supply links and fuse links removed. (5) Check that the spill voltage in each relay circuit
(3) Trip supply isolating-switches open. is zero or negligibly small.
(4) Relay test links removed after incoming ter- 3 Operation
minals are short circuited. 3.1 Manual Check of C.T. Circuits
2.11.2 Test relays as follows making use of the secon- 3.1.1 In schemes in which current transformer super-
dary injection relay testing kit energise the I.D.M.T. vision is provided by a millivoltmeter and push button
relays through each tap setting point made use of and switches. check the spill voltage in each relay circuit
current time characteristics may be obtained. The vol- daily. If there is an open circuited C.T. this will be
tage drop across the solid state instantaneous device indicated by a definite reaJing on the millivoltmeter.
may be measured for the pick up value of the output The actual reading will depend upon the value of
relay. With relay energised the millivoltmeter will read current in the primary of the open circuited C.T.
when the manual supervision check push buttons are
pressed. 3.1.2 If an open circuited c.T. is indicated proceed
as described in Section 3.3.
2.12 Primary Injection Tests 3.2 BushaI' Fault
2.12.1 Pick up current values of main relays and 3.2.1 When a fault occurs in the busbar protection
voltage of solid state device may J:>e chec~ed by primary zone the main relays operate to actuate the master
injection tests on each phase. Indlcat10n m the manual tripping relay to open the concerned circuit breakers.
supervision check millivoltmeter may also be checked As soon as the fault has been cleared the main relays
by operating the push buttons. reset themselves, leaving their flags in the operated
2.12.2 Through fault condition may be simulated on position.
all feeders by taking one circuit as reference and it 3.2.2 When the alarm sounds and busbar fault is
may be ensured that the. ~oltage across the ~.D.M.T. indicated cancel the alarm, note which relays have
relay coil is zero or neghglbly small thus provmg that operated: and as soon as possible reset the flag of the
the connections have been made properly. master relay and on other hand-reset relays or flags
before the busbars affected are put back into service.
2.13 Tripping Tests
3.2.3 The number of main relays that have operated
2.13.1 See that the links fuses and isolating switches will depend upon the type of protective scheme and
are as follows: the type of fault.
(1) Trip links removed. 3.3 Protection Defective
(2) Supply links and fuse links inserted. 3.3.1 If protection proves defective during manual

check it indicates that one of the C.Ts. is open circui- energised by the trip supply to actuate an alarm on loss
ted. Thi~ unbalances the ampere turns in the I.D. M.T. of trip supply voltage.
relay, and if the load current or a through fault current When trip supply failure is indicated take steps to
in the affected circuit is equal to or greater than the restore to trip supply as soon as possible.
fault setting the protection scheme will operate. This
may cause inadvertent tripping. 4. Maintenance
3.3.2 Take the protective equipment out of com- 4.1 General
mission by opening its associated trip supply and
remove all the trip links. 4.1.1 The relay test links, trip links and trip supply
isolating arrangements are fitted to enable the equip-
3.3.3 The voltage obtained across the relay circuit ment to be tested easily and to provide maximum
during this condition may be relatively high depending safe-guard against inadvertent tripping of the circuit
on the primary current flowing in the circuit associated breakers during maintenance. Therefore, make full use
with the defective C.T. It is therefore advisable to of them during tests.
short circuit the relay circuits by applying short
circuiting connectors. In view of the higb voltages 4.2 Maintenance Tests
which may be present, perform this operation with 4.2.1 The following tests may by carried out every
care. year and when necessary, before recommissioning the
protective equipment after working on it.
3.3.4 The faulty secondary circuit can be traced by
checking the currents at various points. 4.2.2 Precaution
3.3.5 To avoid possible damage to the C.T. due to Take care not to open circuit the secondary
core heating disconnect its pr-mary circuit from the bus- of a C.T. while there is a current in its primary; other-
bars with no unnecessary delay. Reset all the relays wise a high voltage will be produced in its secondary.
and flags and restore the protection by closing the trip 4.2.3 General Check of Relay
supply and replacing the trip links. Check and maintain all relays in accordance
3.4 Trip Supply Failure with the manufacturers recommendations.
3.4.1 In the standard tripping schemes the trip supply 4.2.4 Insulation resistance test
is that which energise the tripping relays and, therefore, Test as during commissioning.
if it fails the main relays cannot operate the individual
tripping relays and automatic tripping cannot OCcur 4.2.5 Test of operation of auxiliary relays and alarm
in the event of busbar fault. The trip supply is and indicating at devices.
generally fused independently of the supply that Test as during commissioning.
energise the trip coils of the circuit breakers. 4.2.6 Test of settings of main relays and C. T. super-
Continuous monitoring can be had by providing visory device.
lamp indication or through a contact or type rclay Test as during commissioning.

A. Annual Reviews
Annual Reviews, Research Scheme on Power from 1963 to 1977·
B. Reviews
(I) Review No. I - Review on Corrosion in Earthing Equipment.
(2) Review No.2 - Reclamation of Used and Unserviceable Insulating Oils.
(3) Review No.3 - Single Wire Earth Return System for Rural Electrification.
(4) Review No.4 - Line Loss Reduction in Primary and Secondary Distribution.
(5) Review No.5 - Interference.
C. Technical Reports
(I) Manual on Transformers:
Section A: General.
Section B: Distribution Transformers up to 100 kVA and II kV.
Section C: Distribution Transformers.
Section D: Power Transformers up to 20 MVA and 132 kV.
Section E: Generator Transformers for Thermal Stations up to 220 kV.
Sect ion F: Power Transformers above 20 M V A and for Voltage up to 220 k V
Section G: Generator and Auto Tran~formers for 400 kV Systems.
Section H: Specification for Earthing Transformers.
Section J : Test Manual for Transformers.
Section K: Erection. Maintenance and Commission Manual.
(2) Maintenance Schedules for Distribution System.
(3 ) Manual on Layout of Substations.
(4) Design. Development and Construction of Solid State Hybrid Computer.
(5) Steel Grounding Systems-Where Grounding Mat is not needed.
(6) Design and Development on Static Excitation System for Synchronous Machines.
(7) Design and Development on Solid State Sensitive Protection Schemes.
(8) Design and Development of 2 Me Volt Van de Graaff Generator.
(9) Manual on Transmission Line Towers.
(10) Design, Development and Fabrication of an Electronic Differential Analyser.
(II) Report on Single Wire Earth Return System.
(12) Design and Development of Magn~ ic Blow-out for Lightning Arresters-For 400 kV A·C. and 1500 V D.C.

D. Technical Papers

(I) Evaluating the Performance of Insulators and Lightning Arresters in Polluted Atmosphere.

E. Miscellaneous
(1) Achievements-cum-Performance Report.
(2) Assessment of Benefits.

51. Salli e of the Publicatioll Pllblicatioll SI . Sallie of the Publicatioll Publicatiull

No. No. /"". No.
I. Hydraulic Diagrams in Metric Units ( 1976; 4 *23. Symposium on "Load Despatch Techniques
and Integraled Operation of Power
2. Manual on River Behaviour, Con trol and Systems"- Vols. I and II ( 1969 ) 103
Training by Dr. D .V. Joglekar ( 1958 \,
Revised Edition 1972 ) 60 "24. Pattern of Tariffs and Power Supply Condi-
tion in India ( 1969 ) 105
*3. Development of Irrigaii-?"".Ai~Jndia (1966) 76
"15. Generator Proteclion Relaying- A Survey
*4. Administration and Finan~fli1! - of Irrigation of Ihe Relay SLliemes on E)o..isling Generator
Works in India- by Shri N. D. uulhati Units in India ( 1971) 106
26. Sympos ium on "Flood Forecasling, Control
*5. Irrigation Researc h in India- by Dr. D.\'. and Flood Damage Protection"-Vols.l
JogleKar ( 19 66 1 78 and II \ 1970 ) 107
6. Sediment Control in Rivers and Canals- by *27. Sympo;iull1 on "Energy losses in Power
Dr. H.L. Uppal ( 1967 79 Systems"- Vols. I and II ( 1970) 108

7. Ganesh Iyer's Volute Siphons ~ by Prof. 28. Elimination of Continuous Aerial Earthwire
N.S. Govinda Rao ( 1966) 80 on High Voltage Transmission Lines in
India ( 1976) 109
8. S)mposium on "Manufacture of Power
Generating Equipment in India" ( 1968 ) 81 *29. Proceedin\(s, Adoplion of 400 kV or 500 kV
fDr Trammis,ion Line in India (1971) III
9. Symposium on "Canal Lining" ( 1968
*30. Reron on T'lermal Generating Equipment
10. Sy mposium on "Efliciency of Water Di;tri- \ 1971 I 12
billion and Use on the l.and" ( 1963 ) 84
"31. Sympo sium on "Integrated De\elopment of
II. Symposium on "Ec onomics and I- inan c ing Surface and SlIb ~ surface \Vater Resources"
or lrr igalion, Drain a ge and l' lood Control - Vois . I and 11 ( 1972 ) 113
Works" ( 1968 ) 85
*32. S'111pos ium on "Cho ic e of Unit Sizes for
12 . Symposium on " Single Wire l a rth Return Future Generating Sta tions" - Vols. I and
System for Rural I:.lect1 ification" ( 1969) 87 I 1 ( 1972) I 14

13. Manual on Capa c ity Survev of l~e s ervoirs ­ *33. Report on ELonomic Design of Trans-
by Shri B.N. Murth y 1969 ) 89 mission Lines ( 1972 ) I 15

*14. Sympos ium on" In igation \\'ater Manage- *34. Report on H)dro-electric Plants and
ment" ( 1972) 90 Equipment ( 1973) 117

* 15. Symposium on "Sediment Problems in 35. Symposiulll on "Vv'aterlogging-Causes and

Irrigation and Drainage Channels" ( 1972) 91 Measures for its Prevention"-Vols. I, I I
and 111 ( 1972) 118
16. Symposium on "l\!anagement of Irrigation *36· Symposium on "Fuel Poli .:y for Power
Waters" ( 1970 92 Generating Stations"-Vols. I and II ( 1972) 119
17. Symposium on "Optimum Requirements *37. Prote~liveRelay Schemes for High Voltage
and Utilisation of Water for Irrigated Feeders 33 kV and above Power Trans-
Crops" ( 1971) 94 formers Bus Zones ( 1973) 120
18. Spe.:ifications for Power and Distribution 38. Symp05iull1 on "Management Probkms in
Transformers-Revised in Sections 97 Irrigation and Power Systems"-Vols. r, II
and III 1974) 122
19. Manual on La yout of Sub-stations ( 1969) ,
Revised ( 1975 ) 98 39. Symposium on "Special Problems Connec-
ted with Operation and Maintenance of
20. Symposium on "Precast Techniques in Thermal Stations"- Vols. I ,1nd II ( 1975) 124
Irrigation and Power Structures'- Vols. I
and 11 (1968 99 40. Symposium on "Silting of Reservoirs with
Special Reference to Estimaling the Life of
*21. Symposium on "Forecasting the Future Reservoirs and '\1easures 10 Arrest the Rate
Demands of a Po'>'er System"- Voi s. I and of Sedimentation - Vols. J & II (1977). 126
II ( 1968 ) 100
41. Symposium on "Slandardisation of Design
*22. Symposium on "Simulation Techniques on and Layout to Speed up the Conslruction of
Prototype Beha\iour in \\-aler Re sources Thermal and Hyde l Power Stations"-
System"-\'ols. I and II 1969 ) 102 Vols. I and II ( 1977 127

• Out of stock. Rakesh Press, Narain;), New Delhi (1200 Copies )

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