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Ministry of Education ONTARIO STUDENT TRANSCRIPT 2018 09 26 1 of 1

Surname Given Names OEN/MIN Student Number Gender Date of Birth
Year Month Day

Prawdzik Emily Barbara 348191982 215142 F 2000 09 06

Name of District School Board / School Authority Number Name of School Number Date of Entry
Year Month Day

London District Catholic School Board 67032 Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School 704253 2014 09 02
Course Percentage
Year Month Grade/Level Course Title Course Code Grade Credit Compulsory Note

2014 07 10 Canadian History Since World War I CHC2D 80 1.00 X

2015 02 9 Drama ADA1O 83 1.00 X
2015 02 9 English ENG1D 88 1.00 X
2015 02 9 Core French FSF1D 92 1.00 X F
2015 02 9 Science SNC1D 93 1.00 X
2015 06 9 Geography of Canada CGC1D 90 1.00 X
2015 06 9 Religious Education HRE1O 88 1.00
2015 06 9 Principles of Mathematics MPM1D 90 1.00 X
2015 06 9 Healthy Active Living Education PPL1O 83 1.00 X
2015 11 10 Civics CHV2O 94 0.50 X
2016 02 10 English ENG2D 90 1.00 X
2016 02 10 Career Studies GLC2O 93 0.50 X
2016 02 10 Religious Education HRE2O 88 1.00
2016 02 10 Science SNC2D 96 1.00 X
2016 06 10 Core French FSF2D 91 1.00 F
2016 06 10 Principles of Mathematics MPM2D 97 1.00 X
2016 06 10 Healthy Active Living Education PPL2O 90 1.00 X
2016 06 11 Introduction to Computer Science, Grade 11, University Preparation ICS3U 92 1.00 X
2017 02 11 English ENG3U 91 1.00 X
2017 02 11 Biology SBI3U 92 1.00
2017 02 12 Philosophy: Questions and Theories HZT4U 90 1.00 X
2017 02 12 Computer Science, Grade 12, University Preparation ICS4U 91 1.00
2017 06 11 Functions MCR3U 94 1.00 X
2017 06 11 Chemistry SCH3U 90 1.00
2017 06 11 Physics SPH3U 92 1.00
2018 02 12 Religious Education HRE4M 92 1.00
2018 02 12 Mathematics and Data Management MDM4U 94 1.00
2018 02 12 Advanced Functions MHF4U 93 1.00
2018 02 12 Chemistry SCH4U 85 1.00
2018 06 12 English ENG4U 89 1.00 X
2018 06 12 Calculus and Vectors MCV4U 86 1.00
2018 06 12 Biology SBI4U 80 1.00
2018 06 12 Physics SPH4U 85 1.00
*** *** LAST OFFICIAL ENTRY *** *****


Community Involvement Provincial Secondary School Literacy Requirement Specialized Program

X Completed N/A X Successfully Completed N/A

Diploma or Certificate Date of Issue Authorization

Year Month
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (Ontario Scholar) 2018 06 John Marinelli
The collection and maintenance of this information are authorized under the Education Act, R.S.O., 1990, c. E.2, s. 266. Users of this information are supervisory officers and the principal and
teachers of the school. This is the official record of the student’s educational history. The contact person regarding the collection of this information is the principal of the school.

07-0297E (2013/09) © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2013

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