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1. February 2, 1857 Behrampur mutiny by 19th Native lnfantry

2 March 29,1857 Barrackpore mutiny by 34th Native lnfantry,

f as hanged.

J. May 10, 1857

4 May 10-30 y and U.P.

Bahadur Shah ll wa peror of lndia.

5 June Mutinies at Gwalior, Bhara cknow

o. June Mutinies at lndore Jhelum Punjab)

7 English recapture Delhi, revo ks out in { 1


Central lndia. {
B Revolt breaks out in ."t

10 December, 185 of Kanpur

It. March, 1B5B

11. April,'1858 English captures Jhansi. First uprising in Bihar by

Kunwar Singh.

13 May, 1858 The English capture Bareilly, Jagdishpur and Kalpi.

Guerilla warfare begins in Rohilkhand region.

1A June, 17, 1B5B Rani Jhansi died

,15 July to December, 1B5B English authority'uvas restablished

P,4gflC/PArurS /ru rSCE REyCtr

1 Bahadur Shah Il Delhi

2 Laxmi Bai J hansi

3 Kunwar Singh Jagdispur

4 Hazarat Mahal Lucknow

.5 Maulavi Ahmadullah Faizabad

o. Tantia Tope Gwalior/Kanpur

7 Nana Saheb Kanpur

o. Mangal Pandey Barrackpore

I Hakim Ahsanullah Chief advisor to Bahadur Shah ll Delhi

10 Firuz Shah Relative of Bahadur Shah ll Delhi

11. General Bakht Khan Delhi

12 Rao Sahib Kanprrr

13 Azimulah Khan Kanpur

.14 Ahmad Ullah Lucknow
I .-r. Khan Bahadur Khan Bareilly

16 Amar Singh Jagdishpur


1. Delhi Bahadur Shah was the nominal leader. The real command was
under General Bakht Khan.

2. Kanpur Nana Sahib led the revolt. Tantia Tope did most of the fighting
Azimullah Khan was another loyal servant of Nana Sahib
3. Lucknow The revolt was led by Hazarat Mahal the begum of Avadh,
I Maulvi Ahmedullah of Faizabad was also one of the great

4. Jhansi Rani LaxmiBai assumed the Leadership of the sepoys. Later

she captured Gwalior with the help of Tantia Tope and Afghan
Bareilly Khan Bahadur Khan proclaimed himself as Nawab Nazim.

o Arrah Kunwar Singh, the ruined zamindar of jagdishpur was the main

Bahadur where he died in
Shah ll

Nana being defeated he escaped to

Nepal in early 1859, never to

The Begum of Avadh was Nepal after the

capture of Lucknow by Campbell.

The Rani of Jhansi died in the


Tantia Tope escaped lndia in April 1859.

captured and put to

b Kunwar died on gth May 1859 after



, 1. Gen John Nicholson Delhi
(a) Henry Bernard and Brq ',.., so:
besieged Dethi

(b) Accession of Kashmiri gate by J

Nicholson and captured city entrance and

(c) Bahadur Shah took shelter at Humayun


(d) Lt. Hudson arrested Bahadurshah and

killed his sons and grandsons.
2 tu1aj. Hudson Killed Bhadur Shah's sons and grandsons in
? Sir Hugh Wheeler Defence against Nana Saheb,s forces in the
4 Gen. Neil Kanpur (killed lndians as a revenge against the
killing of English by Nana Sahib,s forces)
Benaras, Allahabad
( Sir Colin Campbell Final recovery of Kanpur on 6th December 1857
Captured Lucknow on 21't March .1858
rr Henry Lawrence Chief Commissioner of Awadh (died)
7 Maj. Gen. Havelock Defeated the rebels (Nana Saheb,s force) on .l7rh
July '1857.
8 William Taylor & Eyre Suppressed the revolt at Arrah in August 1857
o Hugh Rose Suppressed the revolt at Jhansi

1 Sir J. Lawrence Meeting ied by selfish army

L.E.R. Rees War of fanatic religionists against christians
J- V. Smith Discontent and unrest widespread prevalent
Y / V.D. Savarkar

5 Disraeli
6i SN Sen
First war lndian lndependence

A national revolt

Inherited in the constitution of British Rule

An effort by the conservative elements to turn

back the clock.

7 J. Outram & W. Taylor A Hindu-Muslim conspiracy

B, T.R. Holmes Conflict between civilizatton and Barbarism

I J.G Medley A war between blacks and blacks supported


10 R.C. Majumdar nor national nor war of independence

11 Marxist Historian struggle against foreign and

12 Anglo-Ame

13 Maulana d lndian national k very low.

14. Eric It was an uprising t could catch a

society moving i y stages of


15 John Selfish sepoy mutiny ar support

to. 'Valenti Came like storm troying

,;.t] ,\'

17. Ashok

t6. Jawahartal the shape of Civil

of feudalistic though
e nationa ments were also present

19 Christian Mission God

LW- Evengelicals Cnsis sent by God

21 S.B. Chaudhary Common Civil rebellion

22 P.C. Joshi National & spreaded crisis among common


?-3. Dr Tarachand Specifically Medieval but efforts of powerless

class to get their lost po',.;er


S.N. Sen 1857

P.C. Joshi Rebellion, 1857

H.P. Chattopdhyaya The Sepoy Falutiny, 1957

A.T. Embree 1857 in lndia

Q-c. Majumdar The sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of 1857

S.B. Choudhury Civil Rebellion in the lndian Mulinies, 1857-59, Theories of

the lndian Mutiny

Etic Stokes The peasant and the Raj

Maulana Abul kalam Azad Eighteen Fifty Seven.

v.D. savarkar The lndian war of lndependence 1g57

Ashok Mehta 1857 A great Revolt

John Caye History of Sepoy War

Holms Sepoy War

1. Commenting on the role of telegraph played in Suppressions of the revolt. The Time of
London Commented "Never since its discovery has the electric telegraph played so
important and daring a role as it now does in lndia".

2. ln the moment of crisis, Canning the Governor-General Said "l the Sindhia joins the
Mutiny, I shall have to pack off tomorrow"

3. Lord Cromer remarked - I wish the young generation of the English would read, mask,
learn and inwardly digest the history of lndian mutiny . it abounds in lessons and
Queen's proclamation stated - The lndian states had served as breakwaters to the
storm which would otherwise have swept over us in one great wave._


1 Chuar (Midnapur Bengal 1766-1772 & 1895-1816). Bengat
Famine 1760, enhanced revenue demand and economy
distress. British suppressed the revolt through use of force.

2 Hos (Chhotanagpur & Singhbhurn 1820, 1B2Z & t B32)

Occupation of Singhbhum by British and exploitation of
Tribals, The Hos tribals were suppressed by the British.

) Led by Buddhu Bhagat The
of outsiders -Muslims &
military operation.

.4. 1828-33) L . Attempts to

incorporate Ahom terri rebellion, British
adopted a pacific policy pper Assam to
Purander Singh. The com the uprising by
dividing the kingdom. The against the
British in 1828-33 due to f the pledges of
the Company after the

5. (Khasi hills Assam and 2) Led by Tirat

and Bar Ma of Nunklo Molim respectively.
Jantia and Garo by
pressed in 1833.

o. Bhills desh[17-19, 1 71831, 1847) Led by Sewaram

owing to agrarian hardship. Finally
suppressed by the British.

7 Kolis (Sahyadri Hills - Gujarat - Maharastra 1824, 1828, 1839,

1844-48). Against the imposition of British rule and
dismantlement of the forest of the Kolis tribals. The revolt

vras finally suppressed

3 Koyas (Rampa, Godavari region of Andhra pradesh. 1840, 1845,

t 1858, 1861-62, 1879, 1880, 1886, 1 916, 1922_24) In
1922-24 Led by Alluri Sitarmaraju

I Santhals (Rajmahal Hills - Santhal pargana, Bihar 1855-56) ted by

Sidhu and Kanhu.
1n Naikda (Panch Mahals - Gujarat 1B5B-59 and 1868) led by Rup
Singh and Joria Bhagat. Against the ban on use of forest
for grazing and timber. They also wanted to establish their
own laws Dharma Raj.

11 Kacha Naga (Cachar Assam 1882) led by Sambhudam. Revolted

against the British activities in their areas. They attacked
the whites but were suppressed.

12 Mundas Chotanagpur 1899-90. Known as Ulgulan led by Birsa

Munda. Against the erosion of their Kuntkatti land system,
recruitment of forced labour (Beth-Begar) and against the
activities of the Christian mrssionary. They attacked
churches and police station. The British took prisoner Birsa
Munda and the movement was suppressed. Munda died in
jail because of cholera.

13 Bhils (Banswara, Suthi Dungarpur-Rajasthan 1913) led by

Govind Guru. BeEan as a temperance and purification
movement and developed into movement for Bhil Raj
Suppressed by British armed intervention.

14 Oraons ( Tana (Chottanagpur 1914-15) led by Jatra Bhaghat and Tana

Bhagat Bhagat. Started by Jatra Bhagat for monotheism.
Movement) Abstention from meat, liquor and return to shifting
cultivation. It was suppressed by the British.

15 Kukis (Manipur 1917-19) led by Jadonang and Rani Gaindinlu.

Resentment against recruitment of force labour and band
on shifting cultivation. lt was finally suppressed.
I 16 Ramoshi Hill tribes of Western Ghats against British Pattern of
administration and heavy land assessment ln 1822, under
leadersirip of Chittur Singh. ln 1822-29 the rose against
deposition of Raja Pratap Singh of Satara in 1839
Narsimha Rao Dattaraya Petkar captured the fort of
Badomi but was defeated by the British

17. Chanchus (1921-22) ln Andhra Pradesh against control over forest by

the British in Nallamalla Hills. Led by Hanumantha,
Venkattapaya. Gandhi visited Cuddapah in 1927.
Among the Santhals in '1870's, earlier in 1855 by Sidhu
IU Sapha Har
and Kanhu against Dikus.

19 Pahariyas their territory led to an uprising by

aj Mahal Hills in 1778. The,
by declaring their

20 The Kharwars of Bi monotheism and

reform, started a campaig ue settlement
activities in the 1870s.

21 and The revolt in Keonjhar ( yans who were

joined by the juangs and test against the
installation of a British throne after the
death of their Raja in 1 rising of 1867-68
under the I ayak. The second
r nayak forced the

22 Singphos in Assam in early 1830 was

they continued to organize revolts.
An uprising in 1839 saw the death of the British Political
Agent. Chief Nirang Phidu led an uprising in 1843, which
involved an attack on the British garrison and the death of
many soldiers.

tc. Zeliangsons The Zeliangsong Movement of the Manipur nagar was

launched by the Zemr, Llangmei and Rongmei tribes after
the failure of the British to protect them during the Kuki
violence of 1917-19

24 Naga Under Jadonang (1905-31), The Naga Movement began

as a reform movement but developed into a political
struggle against the British rule and for the setting up of a
Naga Raj. The other leader was Gaidinliu who led the
Heraka cult. The movement was quelled in 1g32 but it
gave rise to tribal organization such as the Kabul Naga
Association (1946)

25 Khonds 91846- (Orissa) . Led by Chakra Baishya.

48, 1955, 19141

1. Sanyasi Revolt Rebellion after great famine of 177O.Led by religious
(Bengal 1770- monks and disposed Zamindars. Against restrictions

- imposed by the English company on visit of holy places

1 820)
and ruin of peasant and zamindars.

2. Revolt of Velu Led by Velu Thampl, Dewan of Travancore. Financial

Thampi burden imposed on the state by the British through the

(Travancore subsidiary system, defeat of Velu Thampi and fall of

1 808-09) Trravancre to British in 1809.

J. Rebellion of the Led by Raja of Khurda & later by Jagabandhu. British

Paiks occupation of Orissa and resentment of paiks against
(Orissa 1804-06) British land revenue polices. Finally suppressed by the

4 Revolt of Rao Led by Rao Bharmal ruler of Kutch. lnference of the

Bharamal British in the internal affair of Kutch. Final defeat &

(Cutch disposal of Rao Bharmal.
Kathiawar 1819)

5 Kittur Rebeltion Led by Channamma & Ryappa. Refusal of British of

(Kittur in British to recognize the adopted son of the shivaringa

Karnataka 1824- Rudra (Chief of Kittur) as the Chief after the death of

30) shivalinga and assumption of administration Kittur by

British.Rebels killed collector of Dharwar

o Sambhalpur Led by Surendra Sai. lnterference of British in the

Uprisings internal affairs of sambalpur, Surendra Sai was finally

(Orissa 1840-4U arrested and imprisoned by the British (1840)

7 Bundela Revolt Shahand Jawahar Singh of Sagar. He

(Bhundelakha ecuted by the British.

o Gad
of Kolhapur by
Reb British and resen against revenue
policy. Final suppres t by the

I t Led by Phone Savant and of Khen

( Savant, ruler of Sata of people
18 against British system of

10. Led by Birabhadra was dispossessed

defied the British

11 Reddi Rebell eddy. Narasimha Reddy,

(Kornool 1846- of Karnol broke into rebellion of
47) government refusal to pay his lapsed pension. He was
finally suppressed.

12 Pagal Panthis Led by Karan Shah and his son Tipu a semi
- religious
sect. Rose against the oppression of the Zamindars.

i3 Farazi Movement Led by Haji Shariatullah and his son Dadu Mian.

(Faridpur, Degeneration of lslamic society and loss of power to the

Bengal 1838-57) British. lt supported the cause of tenanis against the
Zamindars Dadu Mian was finally arrested and confined
to Alipore jail.

14 Cutch Rebellion Against deposition of Rao Bharmal in 1819 by the

British in favour of his son Chief of Cutch revolted.
Suppressed by the British.

15 Surat Salt Against Company's raising of salt duty from fifty paises
Agitation to Rupee f . in 1844, the British Government finally
withdraw the enhanced rate.

16 Ranze Rebellion Birbhadre Ranze rose into rebellion after he was

deposed in 1827. Finally captured by the British.

17 Kattabomman Against the attempt of the British to impose suzerainty

Revolt over the ruler of Panchalakurichi. Leader was Vira
(17e2-e8) Pandya Kattabomman. The territory was annexed by
the British in 1799
tu. Sawantwadi The revolt rn 1844 was led by a Maratha chief, Phond
Revolt Sawant of Sawantwadi with the support of other
sardars The rebels captured forts in fighting the Britlsh
but wee finatly forced to seek refuge in Goa. The
rebellion came to an end with the capture of the rebels.

19 Bundi's Raja Pratp Singh of Satara was stripped of his title and
Rebellion banished and this led to a revolt by the Bunds in 1840-

(1840-41) 41.. Dhar Rao of Karad was the popular leader of the

20 The Poligar When the Poligar Narsimha Reddi of kurnool was

Uprising denred his lapsed pension, he organized an armed
uprising in 1846-47.

21 The Kuka Revolt The Kuka movement started as a religious movement
(1860 -1870) though it later began to acquire political overtones. The
movement was began in '1840 by Bhagat Jawahar Mal
or Sian Saheb in West Punjab The movement aimed to
purge Sikhism of its ills by preaching abolition of castes
and similar discriminations and discouraging the eating
of meat and taking of drugs. Women were encouraged
to step out of seclusion. After the British conquered the
Punjab, the movement began to focus on achieving
Sihk sovereignty. The British followed extremely
repressive measures from '1862 to 1872to suppress the

Fakir Uprising Led by Majnum Shah and Chirag Ati. Hindu leaders
(Bengal: 1776 Bhawani Pathak and Devi Chaudhurani also supported
1777) it

1 Indigo Revolt Led by Bishnu Biswas ansd Diagambar Biswas. lt was

(Bengal 1859-60) the revolt of indigo peasants against the British the
Brtish planters and their oppression refusal to take
advances and enter into contract.

2 Pabna Movement Led by lshwar Chandra Roy, Shabu Pal and Khoodi
(Bengal 1870-80) Mollah The movement rose as a result of high increase
in zamindari rent. The pesant demanded changes in
measurement standard, abolition of abwabs and
reduction in rent.

3. Deccan Riots Led by traditional headmen (Patel). The fall in the prices

(Maharastra and of cotton and hike in land revenue forced the pesants to

Six Taluks of take loans on high rates from Gujarat and Marwari
Poona & moneylenders. The movement took the form of forceful

Ahmednagar seizure & burning of debt bonds by peasants.

r+- itamosi Led by Vasudev Balwant phadke. Owing to harcjships
fuj!ovement caused to the peasants by the Deccan famine of .1876-

{Maharashtra 77 Phadke organized the Ramosi peasants & revolted

r B7s) against the British and though of estabrishing a Hindu
( l"'{oplah Uprising Leaders Sayyed Alwi & Sayyid Fazi. The movement

{Malabar 1838- arose against the vasfly enhanced rights of Hindu

54, 1 g96, 1921) Namboodri & Nair Jenmis which had worsened the
condition of Muslim lease holders and cultivators the
Moplahs. The Moplahs attacked the Jenmis property &
temples it was purely agrarian in nature.
f) Bijolia Movement Leaders Sitaram Das, Vijay pathak Singh, Manik Lal
(Rajasthan 190S, Verma & Haribabu Upadhya. The movement arose due

1913,1916,19271 to the imposition of 86 different types of cesses on the

Kisans. The Peasants refused to pay cesses, and
cultivate their land and fried to migrate to neighbouring
areas. ln 1927, peasant adopted satyagrah methods to
fight fresh cesses & begaar.
7. Champaran It was the movement of indigo peasants (working
Satyagraha tinkathiya system) against the oppression of the
(Bihar 19171 planters. Gandhi asked the peasants to resort to
tl. Kaira (Kheda) Leader Vallabhai pater. The peasants arose against
Satyagrapha demand of land revenue Government was forced to

{Gujarat 1918) offer forms acceptable to the peasants.

I Borsad Led by Vallabhai patel. Against the Bombay

Satyagraha governments decision to hike the revenue on
cotton by
(Gujarat 1928) 22 per cent while its prices decrined in the internationar
market. The peasant organized no revenue movement.
Ultimately the government gave up their prans to revise

r 10 Tebhaga

(Bengal 1946-47)
the rate.

To implement the Flaud Commission recommendations

of Tebhaga that is 2/3 of crop to the bargadars working
on the land rented from the jotadars.

11 Telegana Biggest peasants guerilla war in lndian hisiory. lt rose

Movement against the exploitation of peasant by Desmukh and
(Andhra Pradesh jagirdars. The movement retained dimensions of
1946-48) national llberation struggle against the Nizams.

12 U.P. Kisan Sabha Founded by lndra Narayan Dwivedi & Gowri Shankar

(1e18) Mishra. The organization was agarnst the threat of

the Jajmani system.
IJ. Oudh Mishra. Main leader Baba
Sabha demanded abolition of
(Uttar social boycott of
19 oppressive zaminda

14. Founded by Madari Pas' emands of the

t---- (A movement was conversion atai) into cash.

15. Forest Led by N.V. Rama Nai Ranga, it was

(South started against the op


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