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The Start

The ancient Roman Civilization started on the Italian Peninsula during the
8th century. Funded in 753BC by its first king, Romulus, it grew into a rich
and powerful city during the next few hundred years. By AD 117 the Roman
Empire included the whole of Italy, all the lands around the Mediterranean
and much of Europe, including England, Wales and parts of Scotland.
Source:, Image: pinterest

2. Twinning

Roman legend says that Romulus had a twin brother named Remus. They
were abandoned in the area which later became Rome when they were
babies. A she-wolf found and raised them, but when they grew up,
Romulus fought and killed Remus and became the first ruler of Rome!
Source:, Image: wikipeida

3. Strong Army

The Romans built a huge empire and conquered new lands, thanks to their
strong army. The Roman army could march up to 40 km a day! That’s not
surprising since they had such a huge territory and no car.
Source:, Image: wikipedia

4. Life Expectancy
Life expectancy in Ancient Rome was just 20-30 years. This view was
propounded by Keith Hopkins in 1966.

5. World’s Population
Even at its peak, The Roman Empire just occupied 12% of the world’s
population. Militarily, the Roman Empire never controlled most of the world.

6. Largest
Though we talk so big of the Roman Empire, it was not really “big”. It was
just 28th biggest Empire in the world.
Source: wikipedia

7. Not Just a Fighter

The Romans didn’t spend all their time fighting; they were amazing
architects and engineers too! They built roads and walls too. Their
architecture like The Colosseum Museum, The Masion Carree, Leptis Magna
etc. are all very popular.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

8. Longest War
The war between Romans and Persians lasted for an unbelievable 721
years!!!! Yes, you heard it right. 721!
Source: wikipedia, Image:

9. Saturn
Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honor of the deity Saturn, held
on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities
through to 23 December. During this period, the master and the slaves
would switch places. The poet Catullus called it “the best of days”. Well,
why wouldn’t it be? …for slaves.
Source: wikipedia, Image:

10. Food
The Romans liked to enjoy their food lying down on a couch while eating
with their hands. They occasionally used a spoon, but they would never
ever use a knife and a fork. Rich Romans liked to pamper their taste buds
with exotic food, such as stork, roast parrot and even flamingo! Hungry?
Source:, Image:

11. Densely Populated

It was approximately 8 times more populated than the present day NYC

12. Toilet God

The Romans are alleged by some to have had a toilet god in the form of
Crepitus, who was also the god of flatulence and was invoked if a person
had diarrhoea or constipation.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
13. Sewer God

The sewer goddess, Cloacina was borrowed from Etruscan mythology and
was seen as the protectoress of the Cloaca Maxima, Rome’s sewage
system. She was later merged with the better-known Roman
goddess, Venus and was worshiped at the Shrine of Venus Cloacina in the
Roman Forum.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

14. Roman Dress

Tunics, two pieces of woolen fabric sewn together at the sides and
shoulders, with openings for arms and head, were the most common
clothes in Rome. Some Romans also wore togas, a kind of woolen shawl, to
show how wealthy they were.
Source: wikipedia, Image: flickr

15. WTF?
Urine was used to wash clothes in those days. If it didn’t make you say the
title of this point, you’re lying.

16. Lutetia

Paris was a Roman City called Lutetia. Thank God it is just plain and simple
“Paris” now.
Source: wikipedia, Image:

17. Atheists
Early Christians were called “atheists” by the Romans for they did not
follow the ritual of paying tribute to the Pagan Gods.
Source: wikipedia
18. Horsenator?

The emperor,
Gaius Caligula, made his horse a senator. Hold your horses, man!
Source:, Image: wikipedia

19. Not Worth the Salt!

A soldier’s pay, consisting in part of salt, came to be known as solarium
argentum, from which we derive the word ‘salary’. A soldier’s salary was
cut if he “was not worth his salt,” a phrase that came into being because
the Greeks and Romans often bought slaves with salt.

20. Beauty Secret

Hear up girls! Wanna know the secret of beautiful Roman dames? It was
the sweat of the Gladiators which they used to enhance complexion and
beauty. Now you know it.

21. Statue of Liberty

Wondering where did US come from in a Roman article? Well, the fact is
that Lady Liberty was inspired by the Pagan Goddess, Libertas.
Source: wikipedia, Image:

22. The Roman Mall

Trajan’s Market, the Roman mall, is a large complex of ruins in the city of
Rome, Italy, located at the opposite end to the Colosseum. The arcades
in Trajan’s Market are now believed by many to be administrative offices
for Emperor Trajan. The shops and apartments were built in a multi-level
structure, and it is still possible to visit several levels.
Source:, Image: wikipedia

23. Parricide
Poena cullei, under Roman law, was a type of death penalty imposed on a
subject who had been found guilty of parricide. The punishment consisted
of being sewn up in a leather sack, sometimes with an assortment of live
animals, and then being thrown into water.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia
24. Same-Sex Marriage

The first Roman emperor to have married a man was Nero, who married
two other males. The first was with one of Nero’s own freedmen,
Pythagoras, with whom Nero took the role of the bride. Later, as a groom,
Nero married Sporus, a young boy, to replace the teenage female
concubine he had killed and married him in a public ceremony. A friend
even gave the “bride” away as required by law.
Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

25. Mock Battle

The Romans once filled the Colosseum with water to perform an epic mock
sea battle. Talk about the myriad ideas for entertainment. Jeez!

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