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CAD tip # 11970:

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ACAD Civil
How to find the map coordinate system of a drawing?
*   CAD
AutoCAD allows to select, assign and transform hundreds of frequently used mapping (GIS) coordinate systems from the whole world, by their name or EPSG 10.8.2018    

For this, you can use either the specialized functions available in AutoCAD Map 3D and Civil 3D, or - sice version 2015 - also a plain AutoCAD and its function
GEOGRAPHICLOCATION. If you need to find out, which coordinate system is currently assigned, you can detect it directly in the CAD application's status bar:

This option in the status bar can be enabled in Civil/Map through the command MAPSTATUSBAR with its option Show/Hide. And in AutoCAD through the
setting "GIS coordinates" in the hamburger menu "Customize" in the right down corner. This setting is stored in the Registry in

Another option for displaying the current coord.system (CS) is the dialog of the mapping command ADESETCRDSYS (N/A in plain AutoCAD):

Under the button "Select Coordinate System" (or through the command MAPCASSIGN) you can find the EPSG code of a given system - search for the name of
the CS from the first dialog box:

The next method of listing the name of the current coordinate system is the LISP function in the mapping versions of AutoCAD:

(setq cscode (ade_projgetwscode))

A similar function can be achieved (and also in plain AutoCAD) using the variable CGEOCS.

Note: the variable GEOMAPMODE carry the current display mode of any map overlay from the online service Microsoft BING.

applies to: AutoCAD · Civil 3D · AutoCAD Map 3D ·

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See also:
Limi le
Tip 12222: How to find elevation (altitude) of a given point on Google Maps? INSTAL
Tip 12198: How to remove duplicate points and COGO points from a DWG?
Tip 12049: AutoCAD display (status bar) jumps and flickers while zooming.
Tip 11511: Assigning elevations to 2D contours (isolines).
Tip 10682: Automatic classification of drawing objects by their properties.

Selected tip: MDT can not find Excel 2000 Deutsch (German)version.

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