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1. Marketing Definition: It includes

a. Identifying Customer Needs b. Designing the product c. Manufacturing the product
d. Marketing and Promotional Activities e. Distribution Channel f. After Sales Services
g. Customer Value
2. Types of utilities in Marketing:
a. Form Utility b. Place Utility c. Time Utility
3. Eras In marketing:
a. Production Era b. Product Era c. Sales Era d. Marketing Era e. Customer Relationship Era
4. Difference in Marketing & Selling: Selling is a subset of Marketing
Marketing Selling
a. Pull Strategy – Push Strategy
b. Long term Goal - Short Term Goal
c. Sense & Respond – Buy & Sell
d. Customer Relationship – Creating Volumes
e. Advertisements – Sales Promotion, Discounts
5. 4 P’s and 7 P’s of Marketing of Goods and Services.
6. MACRO ENVIRONMENT – Political Economic Social Technological Demographic Geographic
MICRO ENVIRONMENT – Porters 5 forces model – a. Threat of substitute products, b. the threat of established rivals, c.
the threat of new entrants, d. the bargaining power of suppliers, e. the bargaining power of customers..
7. Abbreviations – STP, PLC, CSR, SWOT, MIS, SCM, VCA.
8. Definition – Product differentiation, Price Leadership, Cross Selling, Product Line, Width, Depth.
9. Different Types of Sectors in India – Primary Sector, Secondary sector , Tertiary Sector.
10. Difference Between Industry, Sector, Field, Company.
11. BCG Matrix – Boston Consulting Group – Given by Bruce Henderson – 1970

12. Types of Competition:

a. Perfect Competition: Infinite sellers
b. Imperfect Competition: it is of various types
i. Monopoly ii. Monopsony iii. Monopolistic Competition iv. Oligopoly v. Cartels – Example – OPEC
13. Types of Diversification:
a. Horizontal – Natraj Notebook & pens, Bajaj Scooters & Bikes.
b. Concentric – Forward and Backward Integration.
c. Conglomerate – Tata Cars & Tata Salt.

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. -1-
Q.1What is Utility in reference to marketing?
Utility is the want-satisfying power of a good or service. There are four basic kinds of utility –
1. Form Utility : 2. Time Utility 3. Place Utility 4. Ownership Utility.
Form utility is created when the firm converts raw materials and component inputs into finished goods and services. Although
marketing provides important inputs that specify consumer preference, the organization’s production function is responsible for the
actual creation of form utility. Marketing function creates time, place and ownership utilities.
Time and place utility occur when consumers find goods and services available when and where they want to purchase them. Online
retailers with 24*7 format emphasize time utility.
Vending machines focus on providing place utility for people buying snacks and soft drinks.
The transfer of title to goods or services at the time of purchase creates ownership utility.
Q 2. If you are a Marketing Manager of a Firm, How you will "Create a Customer"?
‘creating’ a customer means identifying needs in the marketplace, finding out which needs the organization can profitably serve and
developing an offering to convert potential buyers into customers. Marketing managers are responsible for most of the activities
necessary to create the customers the organization wants, These activities include:
1. Identifying customer needs
2. Designing goods and services that meet those needs
3. Communication information about those goods and services to prospective buyers
4. Making the goods and services available at times and places that meet customers’ needs
5. Pricing goods and services to reflect costs, competition and customers’ ability to buy
6. Providing for the necessary service and follow-up to ensure customer satisfaction after the purchase
Q 3. What is the meaning of " Relationship Marketing" ?
Relationship Marketing focuses on needs/ wants of target markets and delivering superior value. Besides it also means to develop
'Long-term relationships with customers and other partners lead to success
Q 4. Which are the eras of Evolution of Marketing ?
There are five eras in the history of marketing the production era, the product era, the sales era, the marketing era and the
relationship marketing era.
Q 5. What was the focus of marketing in production Era?
In the production era, the production orientation dominated business philosophy. Indeed business success was often defined solely
in terms of production victories. The focus was on production and distribution efficiency. The drive to achieve economies of scale
was dominant. The goal was to make the product affordable and available to the buyers.
Q 6. What was the focus of Marketing in Product Era?
In the product era, the goal was to build a better mouse trap and it was assumed that buyers will flock the seller who does it.
However, a better mousetrap is no guarantee of success and marketing history is full of miserable failures despite better mousetrap
designs. Inventing the greatest new product is not enough. That product must also solve a perceived marketplace need. Otherwise,
even the best-engineered. Highest quality product will fail.
Q 7. What did the firms attempt in Sales Era?
In the sales era, firms attempted to match their output to the potential number of customers who would want it. Firms assumed
that customers will resist purchasing goods and services not deemed essential and that the task of selling and advertising is to
convince them to buy. But selling is only one component of marketing.
Q 8. Describe the marketing Era of Marketing History:
During marketing era the company focus shifted from products and sales to customers’ needs. It can be explained best by the shift
from a seller’s to a buyer’s market – one with an abundance of goods and services.
The advent of a strong buyer’s market created the need for a customer orientation. Companies had to market goods and services,
not just produce them. This realization has been identified as the emergence of the marketing concept.
The keyword is customer orientation. All facets of the organization must contribute first to assessing and then to satisfying customer
needs and wants.

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. -2-
Q 9. What is the meaning of Relationship Marketing?
Organization’s carried the marketing era’s customer orientation one step further by focusing on establishing and maintaining
relationships with both customers and suppliers. This effort represented a major shift from the traditional concept of marketing as a
simple exchange between buyer and seller.
Relationship marketing, by contrast, involves long-term, value-added relationships developed over time with customers and
Q 10. The statement " Customer is King" comes from which era of marketing History ?
Marketing Era
Q 11. Today Marketing is Customer Oriented or Product Oriented or profit oriented?
Customer oriented
Q 12. What is the center Point of Marketing Concept?
Q 13. Which will you keep in modern marketing concept? "Make & Sell" or "Sense & Respond" ?
Sense & Respond
Compendium -2
Q.1 What are the marketing Functions?
There are 8 universal functions of Marketing, categorized into 3 broad categories:
Exchange Functions 1. Buying, 2. Selling,
Physical Distribution Functions 1. Transporting, 2. Storing,
Fecilitating Functions 1. Standardizing and grading, 2. Financing, 3. Risk taking 4. Securing marketing information.
Q.2 What are Concepts of Marketing ?
The 5 concepts of marketing are as follows: Needs, wants and demands Products Value and satisfaction
Exchange, transactions and relationships Markets
What are Different Steps in marketing Process?
Different Steps in Marketing Process are as follows:
Strategy formulation – the development of the broadest marketing/business strategies with the longest term impact
Marketing planning – the development of longer-term plans which have generally stronger impact than the short-term programs
Marketing programming, allocating and budgeting – the development of short-term programs which generally focus on integrated
approaches for agiven product and on the allocation of scarce resources such as sales effort orproduct development time across
various products and functions
Marketing implementation – the actual task of getting the marketing job done5. Monitoring and auditing – the review and analysis
of programs, plans and strategies to assess their success and to determine what changes must be made
Analysis and research – the deliberate and careful acquisition and examination of qualitative and quantitative data to improve
decision making
What are 5 C's of Marketing Decision Making?
Following are five major areas of analysis (5 Cs) that underlie marketing decision making :
Customer needs - What needs do we seek to satisfy?
Company skills - What special competencies do we possess to meet those needs
Competition - Who competes with us in meeting these needs?
Collaborators - Who should we enlist to help us and how do we motivate them?
Context - What environmental (say, cultural, technological or legal) factors limit what is possible?
Write a brief note on Nature of Marketing
Marketing is a universal activity Marketing is an art as well as science Marketing is a human activity
Marketing is a socio economical activity Product or service is the subject matter of marketing
For marketing presence of market is a must The basis of marketing is exchange
Marketing is consumer oriented and not product oriented
What Is Utility ?
Utility is the Want-satisfying power of a good or service

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. -3-
What Is Marketing?
Marketing is the Process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services
to create and maintain relationships that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.
What Do You Mean By Marketing Concept?
It is basically consumer orientation done by a firm of organization to achive the objective of long-run success in the business.
What Do You Mean By Relationship Marketing?
Relationship marketing is the development and maintenance of long-term, cost-effective exchange relationships with individual
customers, suppliers, employees and other partners for mutual benefit
What is Customer Orientation?
Customer orientation is basically a business philosophy which incorporates the marketing concept that emphasizes first determining
unmet customer needs and then designing a product/service for satisfying them.
What Is A Market ?
A market is a set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service.
What Is The True Meaning Of Demand ?
Human wants that are backed by buying power. If that is not backed by buying power it can't be called a demand. It can be called
Who Is A Buyer ?
Buyer is the person who makes an actual purchase. Actual transaction of money / product ownership is necessary.
What Is Barter ?
The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering some other object and not currency in return.
What Is A Product ?
Any physical object, service, person, place, organization and idea that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or
consumption that might satisfy a want or need.
What Is A Potential Market?
The set of consumers who express or possess some level of interest ( so that they may buy later) in a particular product or service is
called a potential market.
What is Consumer Behavior?
The buyer behaviour of ultimate consumers is called consumer behavior.
There are four types of Utilities : Form, Place, Time & Ownerships
2.There are some myths about marketing and selling:
Marketing and selling are synonymous The job of marketing is to develop good advertisements
Marketing is pushing the product to the customers Marketing is transaction-oriented than relationship-oriented
Marketing is a short-term business strategy Marketing is an independent function of a business
Marketing is part of selling
3.There are 5 Eras of Evolution & Marketing:
Production Era : Cut costs. Profits will take care of themselves Product Era: A good product will sell itself’
Sales Era : Selling is laying the bait for the customer Marketing Era : The customer is King!’
Relationship Marketing Era : Relationship with customers determine our firm’s future’
4.There are 4 Ps of Marketing
Product, Place, Price and promotion
5.There are a few types of marketing :
Product marketing, Service marketing, Consumer marketing, Industrial marketing, International marketing,
Non-profit marketing
6.Nature of Marketing:
Marketing is a Human Activity It’s a socio economic activity
The subject matter of marketing is products and services Certain Type of market is a must for marketing to happen
It’s a consumer oriented process and not a product oriented process
Marketer performs the marketing and consumer is required to do marketing
The base of marketing is Exchange Its an art as well science It is a universal activity

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. -4-
7. There are five major areas of analysis (5 Cs) for marketing decision making:
customers, company, competitors, collaborators context.
1. The 5 C's of analysis of marketing Decision making are as follows:
Customer needs - What needs do we seek to satisfy?
Company skills - What special competencies do we possess to meet those needs?
Competition - Who competes with us in meeting these needs?
Collaborators - Who should we enlist to help us and how do we motivate them?
Context - What environmental (say, cultural, technological or legal) factors limit what is possible?
2. The external Environment of Marketing comprises:
Competitive environment Political-legal environment Economic environment
Technological environment Social-cultural environment
3. Competitive Environment:
In involves direct competition and indirect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly etc.
4. Political-legal Environment:
Rules of the game must be understood before a new marketer starts marketing. The politico-legal environment involves:
Laws and their interpretations: Ignorance of laws, ordinances and regulations or failure to comply with them can result in fines,
embarrassing negative publicity and possibly expensive civil damage suits.
Designing, labeling, packaging, distributing, advertising and promoting goods and services.
The national foreign policy can dominate the international business decisions of the local firms
The political ideology of the Government can affect the international brands wanting to enter a market
The competitors who work closely with the government can help erect trade barriers for a firm
Global trade organizations can enforce trade barriers when their regulations and guidelines are not observed
A host nation may levy anti-dumping duties on a foreign firm and such a decision may be dominated by the local businesses lobbying
with the government
Copyright infringements, trademark and intellectual property rights violations
Direct comparative advertisements may not be allowed in few countries
Use of children is advertising and advertising to children are banned in certain countries
Price regulations preempt any pricing strategy of a firm
A detailed displaying of the ingredients in product labels is mandatory in most countries
The channel members are given the additional responsibility of verifying the eligibility of the prospective buyers for certain products
Use of certain raw materials or methods of manufacturing are prohibited in certain countries
Industry watch dogs and consumer groups are always on the prowl for any unethical trade practices
Each one of the above issues has serious implications for the marketer in his marketing decision making. Ignorance of the law is no
excuse and breaking of the law is an offence.
5. The Economic Environment
The overall health of the economy influences how much consumers spend and what they buy.This relationship affects marketing. All
marketing activity is directed toward satisfying consumer wants and needs, marketers must understand how economic conditions
influence consumer buying decisions.
Economic environment consists of forces that influence consumer buying power and marketing strategies. They include
The stage of the business cycle, Inflation, Unemployment, Resource availability Income.
6. Technological Environment
It represents the application to marketing of discoveries in science, inventions and innovations. New technology results in new
goods and services for consumers; it also improves existing products, strengthens customer service and often reduces prices through
new, cost-efficient production and distribution methods. Technology can quickly make products obsolete, but it can just as quickly
open up new marketing opportunities.
7. The Social-Cultural Environment
It involves the relationship between marketing and society and its culture. Marketers must cultivate sensitivity to society’s changing
values and to demographic shifts such as population growth and age distribution changes.
It involves demography, cultural aspects, Psychographic aspects and Consumer behavior.

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. -5-
8. Consumerism:
Changing social values have led to the consumerism movement which is a social force within the environment designed to aid and
protect buyers by exerting legal, moral and economic pressures on business. Consumerism also advocates the rights of the
consumers such as:
1. The right to choose freely – consumers should be able to choose among a range of goods and services
2. The right to be informed – consumers should have access to enough education and product information to make responsible
buying decisions
3. The right to be heard – consumers should be able to express legitimate complaints to appropriate parties – be it manufacturers,
sellers, consumer assistance groups and consumer courts.
4. The right to be safe – consumers should feel assured that the goods and services they purchase will not cause injuries in normal
use. Product designs should allow average consumers to use them safely.
9. Stimuli of buying Behavior
The 4 ps and 4 types of Marketing environment given as above function as stimuli of Consumer Behavior which ultimately lead to
buyer's response.
10. Importance of Marketing
To obtain physical distribution function Maximise the profit of the Firm & Minimise the cost (per unit)
Innovation Maximise sales Reach the Target Consumer
Goodwill creation Market Information and Research Employment Social Values
Corporate Social Resposiblity (CSR) Optimum Use of Resources Increase in Income of nation
1. Factors affecting Buyer behavior
Consumer behavior is affected by many internal, personal factors, as well as interpersonal ones. Each individual brings unique needs,
motives, perceptions, attitudes learning and self-concepts to buying decisions.
2. What is Market Segmentation?
The market place is heterogeneous with differing wants and varying purchase power. The heterogeneous marketplace can be
divided into many homogeneous customer segments along several segmentation variable. The division of the total market into
smaller relatively homogeneous groups is called market segmentation.
3. Roles Market Segmentation Plays
Segmentation helps the marketer by identifying groups of customers to whom he could more effectively ‘target’ marketing efforts
for the product or service
Segmentation helps the marketer avoid ‘trial-and-error’ methods of strategy formulation by providing an understanding of these
customers upon which he can tailor the strategy
In helping the marketer to address and satisfy customer needs more effectively,
segmentation aids in the implementation of the marketing concept
On-going customer analysis and market segmentation provides important data on which long-range planning (for market growth or
product development) can be based.
4. Characteristics of a market Segment ?
Segments must be internally homogeneous --- consumers within the segment will be more similar to each other in characteristics
and behavior than they are to consumers in other segments.
Segments must be identifiable --- individuals can be ‘placed’ within or outside each segment based on a measurable and meaningful
Segments must be accessible --- can be reached by advertising media as well as distribution channels. Only then, the segments can
be acted upon.
Segments must have an effective demand --- the segment consists of a large group of consumers and they have the necessary
disposable income and ability to purchase the good or service.
5. Variables of Market Segmentation:
Geographic Segmentation Demographic Segmentation Psychographic Segmentation General Life style
Product Usage Product Benefit Decision process
6. Geographic Segmentation :
Geographic segmentation is one of the oldest and most basic of market descriptors. In most cases, it alone is note sufficient for a

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. -6-
meaningful consumer segmentation. It involves
Region of product distribution Cultural differences Mobility of consumers
7. Demographic Segmentation:
Also basic and included as a variable in most segmentation analyses. Demographic profiles of segments are important especially
when making later advertising media decisions. It Involves:
Age Sex Income Educational level Social status
8. Psychographic Segmentation:
Psychographic variables are more useful because there is often no direct link between demographic and market behavior variables.
These consumer profiles are often tied more directly to purchase motivation and product usage. It involves:
Personality traits Perceptual styles Attitudes Reference groups Social roles
9. Segmentation on General Life Style :
Provides a rich, multi-dimensional profile of consumers that integrates individual variables into clearer pattern that describes the
consumer’s routines and general ‘way of life’ It Involves:
Correlation of demographic and psychographic variables Activities and interests
10. Segmentation on Product Usage
Segmenting the market into heavy, medium, light and non-users gives good understanding of present situation in market. It involves
Frequency of brand/product use Brand loyalty Attitudes toward product
11. Segmentation on Product Benefit:
Very useful if product can be positioned in a number of ways. Primary use of this variable segments the market into groups that look
for different product benefits. Involves: Expectations of product performance Needs product must fill
Perceptions of brands Satisfaction ( and dissatisfaction measures)
12. Segmentation on Decision process : Use of this variable segments the market into price/non-price sensitive, shoppers/impulse
buyers and other segments which characterize the market behaviour of each group. Must be used in conjunction with analysis of
consumer characteristics to allow identification of the individuals involved. It involves :
Shopping patterns Media-use patterns Product information searches
Sensitivities to price, to promotion and to place (channel)
13. Positioning:
The concept of positioning seeks to place a product in a certain ‘position’ in the minds of the prospective buyers. Positioning is the
act of designing the company’s offer so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customers’ minds.
An oligopoly is a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers (oligopolists). The word is
derived from the Greek oligo 'few' plus -opoly as in monopoly and duopoly. Because there are few participants in this type of
market, each oligopolist is aware of the actions of the others. The decisions of one firm influence, and are influenced by, the
decisions of other firms. Strategic planning by oligopolists always involves taking into account the likely responses of the other
market participants. This causes oligopolistic markets and industries to be at the highest risk for collusion.
In economics, a monopoly (from Greek monos / μονος alone or single + polein / πωλειν, to sell) exists when a specific individual or
an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other
individuals shall have access to it. Monopolies are thus characterized by a lack of economic competition for the good or service that
they provide and a lack of viable substitute goods.[2] The verb "monopolize" refers to the process by which a firm gains persistently
greater market share than what is expected under perfect competition.
Monopolistic competition is a common market structure where many competing producers sell products that
are differentiated from one another (ie. the products are substitutes, but are not exactly alike). Many markets are monopolistically
competitive, common examples include the markets for restaurants, cereal, clothing, shoes and service industries in large cities. The
"founding father" of the theory of monopolistic competition was Edward Hastings Chamberlin, in his pioneering book on the
subject,Theory of Monopolistic Competition (1933).
Monopolistically competitive markets have the following characteristics:
There are many producers and many consumers in a given market, and no business has total control over the market price.
Consumers perceive that there are non-price differences among the competitors' products.
There are few barriers to entry and exit. Producers have a degree of control over price.

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. -7-
1. A 'Call' in marketing jargon means
(1) A phone call (2) Browsing the net (3) To call on a prospect (4) A Call centre (5) A place of worship
2. The task of marketing involves
(1) Opening new branches (2) Buying a company (3) Selling a company
(4) Selling products and services of a Company (5) Mergers
3. Service Marketing is the same as
(1) Relationship Marketing (2) Transaction Marketing (3) Passive Marketing
(4) Internal Marketing (5) Instant Marketing
4. 'Conversion' means
(1) To convert losses into profits (2) To convert profits into losses
(3) To change a product suitably to suit each customer (4) A buyer retracting the sale
(5) To convert a prospect into a buyer
5. The type of Marketing involved in banks is
(1) Transaction marketing (2) Service marketing (3) Commodity marketing
(4) Ruthless marketing (5) Indifferent marketing
6. Market space means
(1) Place where goods are sold (2) Trade fairs and melas (3) Road shows
(4) Scope available for selling (5) Competition
7. A 'lead' means
(1) A leash (2) A leader (3) An interested buyer (4) A DSA (5) A cold call
8. A DSA's (Direct Selling Agent's) main job is
(1) To design products (2) To sell to the target group (3) To do Market Survey
(4) To distribute profits (5) To earn incentives
9. Transaction marketing involves selling of
(1) Mere goods (2) Mere services (3) Ideas and thoughts (4) Repair work (5) After-sales service
10. A 'Prospect' means
(1) Newly designed Product (2) A Team leader (3) A likely buyer
(4) ATM usage (5) Internet transaction
11. Marketing techniques include
(1) Good arguing skills (2) Good joking skills
(3) Effective negotiation skills (4) Walking skills (5) Story telling skills
12. Service marketing implies selling of
(1) Only Goods (2) Only Services (3) Web servers (4) Various commodities (5) Goods and services
13. Marketing Channels means
(1) Outlets from where sales take place (2) Channel Financing (3) Focusing sales on one single group
(4) Home Delivery (5) Courier service
14. Market share means
(1) Share capital of the Company (2) Staff strength of the Company
(3) Employees Stock Option (4) Share price quoted in the market
(5) Percentage share of business of the Company, as compared to peers
15. The target group for Tractor Loans is
(1) Cold Storage Plants (2) Farmers with large land holding (3) Farm labourers
(4) Agriculture Colleges (5) Vegetable vendors
16. "Cross-selling" means
(1) Selling to enemies (2) Selling new products (3) Reversal of a sale
(4) Selling other products to existing customers (5) Public Relations
17. The target group for an ATM-cum-Debit Card is
(1) All Primary School children (2) All prisoners (3) Firms
(4) All existing and prospective customers (5) Other bank's customers
18. The target group for a Car Loan is
(1) All High Income Individuals (2) All Car dealers (3) All students

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. -8-
(4) All BPL persons (5) Blind persons
19. A Savings Account with Insurance benefit is
(1) Along term loan account (2) A running Overdraft facility (3) A non-fund facility
(4) A type of remittance facility (5) A value-added deposit account
20. The leads for a Car Loan can be got from
(1) Car Manufacturing Companies (2) Car dealers (3) Car owners
(4) Car mechanics (5) Back Office staff
21. Marketing has taken a prominent position during the last decade due to _________
(1) Increased competition (2) Better literacy rate (3) Foreign compulsions
(4) Government instructions (5) Reserve Bank of India Policy guidelines
22. Marketing is definitely required when __________
(1) Demand exceeds supply (2) Supply exceeds demand (3) Supply equals demand
(4) Staff is in excess (5) There is monopoly
23. The traditional Marketing style involves __________
(1) Door-to-door campaigns (2) Sending e-mails (3) Tele-marketing
(4) SMS campaigns (5) Virtual marketing
24. Telemarketing campaigns are resorted to __________
(1) Avoid face-to-face interactions (2) Avoid 'buyer resistance (3) Reach a larger clientele
(4) Increase cold calls (5) Reduce profits
25. The most essential quality of a good sales person is ____________
(1) Questioning skills (2) Goad appearance (3) Production skills
(4) Good Communication skills (5) Curiosity
26. Direct Marketing means ________________
(1) Seminars and Conferences (2) Face-to-face selling (3) Banners
(4) Cold calls (5) Sales presentations
27. Selling process includes ____________
(1) Publicity (2) Lead generation (3) Data collection (4) Product Designing (5) Product Re-designing
28. Web marketing involves _____________
(1) Selling websites (2) Door-to-door canvassing (3) E-mail chatting
(4) Browsing the Yellow Pages (5) Web advertisements
29. Marketing strategies mean ______________
(1) Ideas for new employment (2) Techniques for mergers (3) Methods to improve marketing activities
(4) More hits per ATM (5) Networking
30. The first step in Marketing is ____________
(1) Production work (2) Planning work (3) Receiving feedback
(4) Telephone calls (5) Sending e-mails
31. Good competition helps in ____________
(1) Better technology (2) More market share (3) Rise in profits
(4) Bigger branch network (5) Improved customer service
32. 'Push' marketing style requires ___________
(1) Collective effort (2) Good pushing strength (3) Lengthy talks
(4) Ability to identify the leads (5) Aggressive marketing
33. Communication skills in the case of a DSA means _____________
(1) Giving Lengthy speeches (2) Sending Good SMS messages (3) Being Talkative
(4) Ability to convince the customer with the right choice of words (5) Being Multi linguist
34. Effective selling skills depend on ______________
(1) Good dress sense (2) Territory Allocation (3) Sales Call Planning (4) Good eye-contact (5) Past performance
35. `Buyer Resistance' means _________
(1) Buyer's dislike for the product (2) Fight between buyer and the seller (3) Buyer's hesitation in buying the product
(4) Exchange of products (5) Buyer retracting the sale

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. -9-
36. Buyer Resistance can be overcome by
(1) Good friendship between buyer and seller (2) Good after sales service (3) Good arguments
(4) Good technology (5) Persuasive communication
37. 'Benchmark' means ____________
(1) Sales performance measurement (2) Marks given to sales persons (3) Appraisal
(4) Standard values for comparison (5) Automation
38. Innovation in marketing means __________
(1) New technology (2) Globalization (3) Intense competition
(4) New business models (5) Internal marketing
39. Marketing Opportunities mean __________
(1) Scope for marketing (2) Proper and effective training (3) Market planning
(4) Availability of sales outlets (5) Market data
40. The USP of a Current Account is ____________
(1) No restrictions on transactions (2) Low TDS (3) High minimum balance
(4) High interest payable (5) No need for KYC norms fulfillment
41. Marketing of Services is adopted in
(1) Grocery stores (2) Garment trade (3) Medicine shops (4) Fruit stalls (5) Hotels
42. Selling is
(1) Same as marketing (2) More than Marketing (3) Offering discounts
(4) A sub-function of marketing (5) Nothing to do with marketing
43. Indirect marketing is the same as
(1) Onsite selling (2) Using a smart-phone (3) Viral marketing (4) Advertisements (5) Online marketing
44. Benchmark means
(1) A Standard value for comparison (2) Basic products (3) Court cases
(4) financial targets (5) Sales persons' targets
45. A Call in marketing terms means
(1) A newly introduced product (2) Territory allocation for sales persons (3) A Call Centre
(4) A sales meeting (5) To visit a Prospect
46. A Cold Call means
(1) A futile exercise (2) Calls made in cold countries (3) Sales talk
(4) Old product with new wrapping (5) Calls made without prior appointment
47. A Lead means
(1) ATM usage (2) Product offering (3) Discount sales (4) A likely buyer (5) A type of credit card
48. 'To Close a Call' means
(1) To look for new clients (2) Telemarketing (3) To clinch the sales deal
(4) Online marketing (5) Indoor marketing
49. Delivery channels means
(1) Place from where the products are sold (2) Courier service (3) Distribution agencies
(4) Delivery time (5) Offsite banking
50. Market size also means
(1) Market planning (2) Market pricing (3) Market space (4) Market distribution (5) Market channels
51. A fall in the market share implies
(1) Sales have gone up (2) Profit has gone up (3) Prices are erratic
(4) Competition has increased (5) Business is wound up
52. Market share can be increased by increasing
(1) Raw material cost (2) The staff strength (3) The sales (4) The safes staff (5) Competition
53. More number of conversions indicates
(1) More sales (2) More purchases (3) More staff (4) More products (5) More technological progress
54. Financial Inclusion means
(1) Financial statements (2) Financial data (3) Wholesale Banking
(4) Retail. Banking (5) Bringing all poor people under banking net

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. - 10 -
55. Find the correct sentence
(1) KYC norms are not applicable for Financial Inclusion (2) Loans can be granted to students at low rate of interest
(3) Home loans are not useful for public (4) NRI customers are not profitable customers
(5) Online marketing is very costly
56. Margin contribution in the case of a loan account means
(1) Money paid by bank to borrower (2) Same as EMI (3) Borrower's own contribution for the venture
(4) Stamp duty (5) Registration charges
57. Mutual Fund business from existing bank customers can, be mobilized by
(1) Online marketing (2) Cross-selling (3) Telemarketing (4) Carpet bombing (5) Road-shows
58. Digital Marketing is the same as
(1) Online marketing (2) Cross-selling (3) Website designing (4) Road-shows (5) Door-to-door marketing
59. "Load" means
(1) Log of wood (2) Fee charged when one buys or sells the units of a fund
(3) Share price at the time of buying (4) Stamp duty (5) Fund value
60. In a Savings Account, money can be deposited on
(1) Monthly basis (2) As per the convenience of the depositor (3) Annual basis
(4) In one lump sum (5) Quarterly basis
61. Marketing is the function of __________________________
(1) Only Sales persons (2) Only counter staff (3) Only qualified persons
(4) Top Bosses (5) A collective function of all staff
62. The performance of a sales person depends on __________________________
(1) Ability and willingness of the sales person (2) Incentives paid
(3) Size of the sales team (4) Team leader's attitude (5) His aggressive nature
63. Good marketing strategy envisages good and proper__________________________
(1) Product distribution (2) Networking of branches (3) High Pricing
(4) Placement of counter staff (5) Relationship management
64. Service Marketing is resorted to in __________________________
(1) All MNCs (2) All production houses (3) Industrial units
(4) Insurance companies and banks (5) Fish markets
65. Customisation results in __________________________
(1) Customer exit (2) Customer retention (3) Customer complaints
(4) Better Balance Sheet figures (5) Better technology
66. Current Accounts are basically meant for__________________________
(1) Investment purpose (2) Savings purpose (3) Identity purpose
(4) To earn Foreign Exchange (5) Day-to-day needs of one's business
67. The sole aim of marketing is to __________________________
(1) Improve the Balance Sheet figures (2) Increase recruitment (3) Increase profits
(4) Increase production (5) Increase branch network
68. Aggressive Marketing is necessitated due to __________________________
(1) Globalisation (2) Increased competition (3) Increased production
(4) Increased job opportunities (5) Increased staff
69. Value added services means__________________________
(1) Substituted products (2) Highly valuable products (3) Old products
(4) Extra services in addition to existing ones (5) At par services
70. Savings Accounts can be opened by__________________________
(1) All individuals fulfilling KYC norms (2) All tax payers only
(3) All individuals above the age of 18. (4) All businessmen only (5) All students below the age of 18.
71. The best promotional tool in any marketing is__________________________
(1) Pamphlets (2) Newsletters (3) Word of mouth. Publicity
(4) Regional Advertisements (5) Viral marketing
72. Market Information means__________________________
(1) Knowledge level of DSAs (2) Information about marketing staff

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. - 11 -
(3) Information regarding Share market (4) Knowledge of related markets
(5) Latest knowledge about technology progress
73. Efficient marketing style requires __________________________
(1) Proper planning (2) Good debating skills (3) Arrogant staff
(4) Knowledge of many languages (5) Ignorant customers
74. The target group for SME loans is__________________________
(1) All SSIs (2) All College Professors (3) All students
(4) All Nurses (5) A salaried persons
75. Market segmentation means grouping__________________________
(1) The sales teams (2) The customers as per their reads and tastes (3) Selling arrangements
(4) The counter staff (5) The back-office staff
76. Target group means__________________________
(1) All employers (2) All sales persons (3) Intended buyers
(4) All industries (5) Call Centre persons
77. SME means__________________________
(1) Selling and Marketing Employees (2) Sales and Mergers of Entities
(3) Small and Micro Entities (4) Small and Medium Enterprises
(5) Sales Performance Measurement Program
78. A short term loan is repayable within __________________________
(1) 20 years (2) 3 years (3) As per the borrowers' wish
(4) As per the guarantor's wish (5) There is no need to repay short term loans
79. "USP" in marketing language means__________________________
(1) Uniform Selling Practices (2) Unique Sales Person (3) Unique Selling Proposition
(4) Unique Savings Plans (5) Useful Sales Persons
80. An IPO Loan is meant for__________________________
(1) Meeting personal needs (2) For higher education (3) Medical treatment
(4) For starting a new industry (5) For purchase of shares

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
3 4 1 5 2 4 3 2 1 3 3 2 1 5 2 4 4 1 5 2
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
1 2 1 1 4 4 1 5 3 2 5 1 4 4 3 5 4 4 1 1
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
5 4 5 1 5 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 1 5 2 3 2 1 2 2
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
5 1 5 4 2 5 3 2 4 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 2 3 5

I. B. S. : SCO – 108-109, Top Floor, Sector- 8/C, Madhya Marg, Beside State Bank Of Patiala, Chandigarh.
Phone: 092161-78310, 4668810. - 12 -

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