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Problems on Puzzles

PROBLEMS ON PUZZLES ........................................................................................................................... 2

DIRECTIONS (01-05): ..................................................................................................................................................4

DIRECTIONS (06-10): ..................................................................................................................................................6

DIRECTIONS (11-15) ................................................................................................................................................... 8

DIRECTIONS (16-19) ................................................................................................................................................ 10

DIRECTIONS (20-24) ................................................................................................................................................ 12

DIRECTIONS (25-30) ................................................................................................................................................ 14

DIRECTIONS (30-34) ................................................................................................................................................ 16

DIRECTIONS (35-39) ................................................................................................................................................ 18

DIRECTIONS (40-44) ................................................................................................................................................ 21

DIRECTIONS (45-49) ................................................................................................................................................ 23

DIRECTIONS (50-54) ................................................................................................................................................ 25

DIRECTIONS (55-59) ................................................................................................................................................ 27

DIRECTIONS (60-64) ................................................................................................................................................ 29

DIRECTIONS (65-68) ................................................................................................................................................ 31

DIRECTIONS (69-73) ................................................................................................................................................ 33

DIRECTIONS (74-78) ................................................................................................................................................ 35

DIRECTIONS (79-83) ................................................................................................................................................ 37

DIRECTIONS (84-88) ................................................................................................................................................ 39

DIRECTIONS (89-93) ................................................................................................................................................ 41

DIRECTIONS (94-98) ................................................................................................................................................ 44

DIRECTIONS (99-103) .............................................................................................................................................. 46

DIRECTIONS (104-108) ........................................................................................................................................... 48

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DIRECTIONS (109-113) ........................................................................................................................................... 50

DIRECTIONS (114-118) ........................................................................................................................................... 52

DIRECTIONS (119-123) ........................................................................................................................................... 54

DIRECTIONS (124-127) ........................................................................................................................................... 56

DIRECTIONS (128-132) ........................................................................................................................................... 58

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Directions (01-05):
Study the following information carefully and answer the

questions given below.

A Guest house accommodates twelve persons in six rooms. The persons are A, B, C, D, E,
F, P, Q, R, S, T and U. The rooms are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Each room of the guest house
is coloured with different colours. Those colours are blue, green, yellow, black, pink and
white. Each room accommodates two persons.

A, B, Q, R, T and U are the only males in the group. Female’s rooms are odd

– numbered whereas male’s rooms are even-numbered.

i. A and B share room. C’s roommate is not D.

ii. E does not live in 6, which is yellow. Neither room 5 nor room 4 is blue or


iii. The pink room is an odd number but it is not room 3. F lives in room 5

with D

iv. P’s roommate is not S. The blue room is even numbered.

v. R lives in the green room whereas D lives in the white room.

vi. S does not lives in room 3. T’s room is blue.

Question 1

Who among the following are accommodated in the pink-coloured


1: E and S

2: C and S

3: P and C

4: Data inadequate

5: None of these

ANS – 4

Question 2

Who among the following are accommodated in room 3?

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1: P and C

2: P and E

3: C and E

4: Data inadequate

5: None of the above

ANS – 4

Question 3

In which A and B are accommodated?

1: 2

2: 4

3: 6

4: Data inadequate

5: None of these

ANS – 3

Question 4

Which of the following statements are definitely true?

i. U is the partner of T

ii. Q is the partner of D

iii. R is the partner of Q

iv. U is the partner of R

1: Only i

2: Only ii

3: Only iii

4: Both i and ii

5: None

ANS – 5

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Question 5

Which of the following statements is/are definitely false?

(A) A and B are accommodated in the yellow room

(B) Q is accommodated either in the blue room or in the green room

(C) C is accommodated either in the Pink room or in the black room

(D) U is accommodated in room 2

1: None

2: Only D

3: Only A & D

4: Only B & D

5: All are true

ANS - 2

Directions (06-10):
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

A dealer sold six bikes – Avenger, Bullet, Champ, Desire, Enfield and Fazer –

during a period of Monday to Saturday, one bike on each day.

i. The bike Champ was sold at least before three bike

ii. The bike Fazer was sold on Tuesday

iii. Both the bike Bullet and Enfield were sold at least before one bike.

iv. The bike Desire was sold immediately after the bike Champ.

v. At least four bike were sold after the bike Enfield.

Question 6

How many bikes were sold after the bike Desire?

1: Can’t say

2: 3

3: 2

4: 5

5: None of these

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ANS – 3

Question 7

How many bikes were sold before the bike Fazer?

1: Can’t say

2: 1

3: 2

4: 3

5: None of these

ANS – 2

Question 8

The bike Avenger was sold immediately after:

1: Monday

2: Tuesday

3: Wednesday

4: Friday

5: Saturday

ANS – 4

Question 9

If Ravi is the person who purchased the bike sold on Wednesday,

then the bike purchased by him is:

1: Avenger

2: Bullet

3: Champ

4: Desire

5: Enfield

ANS – 3

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Question 10

Which is the bike sold on Saturday?

1: Bullet

2: Can’t say

3: Champ

4: Desire

5: None of these

ANS - 5

Directions (11-15)
Four persons sitting in a row-I, P, Q, R and S are facing South and the four

more persons sitting in another row-II T, U, V and W are facing North. Each

of them is from a different country. One of those countries is Australia. The

following is known about them.

1. The person from England is sitting second to the left of S and W is adjacent
to the person who faces the person from England.

2. Exactly one person sits between W and the person from Pakistan, who is not V.

3. The person who is second to the right of the person from Pakistan faces
the person from India.

4. The person from U.S.A faces the person from Japan. S is neither from Japan
nor adjacent to the person from India.

5. R faces the person from Bangladesh who is not W. The person from China is
not facing the person from India.

6. P is not at an extreme end and is not facing T. V is not from Bangladesh.

Question 11

How many persons are sitting between S and Q?

1: None

2: One

3: Two

4: Either (onE) or (two)

5: Cannot be determined

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ANS - 3 :Two

Question 12

Who are the persons sitting at extreme ends?

1: S and the person from Pakistan.

2: Q and the person from Bangladesh.

3: W and the person from England.

4: V and the person from USA.

5: Data inadequate.


4 :V and the person from USA.

Question 13

In the given arrangement in a certain way V is related to P and U is

related to R in the same way. Who is related to T?

1: P

2: W

3: S

4: Q

5 :Data inadequate


4 :Q

Question 14

4.Find the odd one out.

1: S

2: The person from India

3: W

4: The person from Japan

5: P


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5: P

Question 15

If U is from the USA and T is from China, then W is from______.

1: England

2: Pakistan

3: India

4: Japan

5: U.S.A


1 :England

Directions (16-19)
Directions for questions: These questions are based on the following information.

Eight persons A, C, E, F, G, L, M and P have different sim cards, viz. Docomo,

Airtel and BSNL. There are atleast two persons at most three persons who

have the same sim. They have recharged their sim with different amounts viz

Rs.20, Rs.30 and Rs. 40. No two persons, who have the same sim, recharged

with the same amount. At least two persons and at most three persons

reacharged with the same amount.

P recharged with Rs.40 and has BSNL sim. F and P have the same sim but F

did not recharge with Rs.20. F and L recharged with the same amount. The

persons with Docomo sim, did not recharge with Rs.30. G and E recharged

with the same amount. G and M have the same sim which is not the sim of L.

A and C recharged with the same amount but not with Rs.40. C and E have

different sims.

Question 16

Who among the following persons has Airtel sim?

1: C

2: M

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3: G

4: F

5: E


5: E

Question 17

_______sim does A have.


2: Airtel

3: Docomo

4: Either Docomo or Airtel

5: Cannot be determine


2: Airtel

Question 18

Choose the correct combination.

1: G – 40 – BSNL

2: L – 20 – Airtel

3: F – 30 – BSNL

4: A – 20 – BSNL

5: C – 20 – Airtel


3: F – 30 – BSNL

Question 19

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the

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given information and hence form a group. Find the one, which does not belong to that

1: A, Airtel

2: C, BSNL

3: E, Rs.30

4: M, Rs.20

5: G, Rs.40


3: E, Rs.30

Directions (20-24)
Directions for questions: These questions are based on the information given below.

Eight members – P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W of a family are sitting around a circular table. The

family members belong to three generations and each couple has at least one daughter
and one son.

Q, the grand father of U, has more number of children than the number of grandchildren.
S is opposite his mother T, who is adjacent to her granddaughter.

V is to the immediate left of her brother-in-law.

P’s daughter R, is to the immediate right of her aunt W.

P is third to the right of his sister.

Question 20

What is the position of R with respect to T?

1: Immediate left

2: Immediate right

3: Second to the left

4: Second to the right

5: Either (1) or (2)


1: Immediate left

Question 21

How many couples are there in the family?

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1: One

2: Two

3: Three

4: Four

5: Cannot be determined


2: Two

Question 22

What is the position of Q with respect to S?

1: Second to the left

2: Immediate right

3: Second to the right

4: Immediate left

5: Cannot be determined


5: Cannot be determined

Question 23

How is S related to U?

1: Uncle

2: Mother

3: Father

4: Aunt

5: Grand mother


1: Uncle

Question 24

Which of the following pairs are not siblings?

1: SW

2: PS

3: UR

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4: WP

5: PV


5: PV

Directions (25-30)
These questions are based on the following information.

Each of the six persons A, B, C, D, E and F belongs to a different tribe among

P, Q, R, S, T and U. Each of them belongs to one of the four countries

Bhutan, China, Mangolia and Pakistan. At least one and at most two persons

belong to each of the four countries. Each of them knows exactly one

language among Spanish, French, Dutch and Swedish. At least one and at

most two know each of these four languages. No two persons have the same

combination of country and language. The following information is known

about them.

(i) F and C belong to the same country and A and D belong to different


(ii) E belongs to China and tribe T. The person who belongs to tribe P knows


(iii) Two persons know Dutch and two persons belong to each of Bhutan and


(iv) B belongs to Bhutan. Two persons the one who belongs to the tribe R

and B know French.

(v) C knows Dutch and belongs to tribe Q.

(vi) Neither A nor the person who belongs to Pakistan knows French.

(vii) The persons who are belonging to the tribes Q and U know the same


Question 25

1.A belong to ______ country.

1: Bhutan

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2: China

3: Mangolia

4: Pakistan

5: Cannot be determined.


1: Bhutan

Question 26

F belongs to ___ Trade.

1: P

2: R

3: Q

4: T

5: S


1: P

Question 27

Choose the true statement about the persons who belong to the

tribes S and U?

1: One of them is F and the other one is B.

2: They both know the same language.

3: They both belong to the same country.

4: One of them knows Spanish

5: They do not have any common parameter.

3: They both belong to the same country.

Question 28

D know ______ language.

1: Spanish

2: Dutch

3: Cannot be determined

4: French

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5: Swedish

4: French

Question 29

Choose the true statement about the person who belongs to the

tribe P.

1: The person belongs to China.

2: The person is A.

3: The person knows the same language which the person from the country

Bhutan knows.

4: The person is from Pakistan.

5: None of these


4: The person is from Pakistan.

Directions (30-34)
These questions are based on the following information.

Six girls – A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row facing North and six boys –

P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting in a different row facing South, but not

necessarily in the same order. Each girl in a row is facing exactly one boy

from the other row. The following information is known about them.

P sits second to the right of the person who sits opposite B. B does not sit at

any end of the row. C and D are immediate neighbours of B, and one of them

sits at an extremes. E sits second to the left of D but not opposite R.

P is a neighbour of R but is not opposite F. Neither Q nor T are adjacent to P.

T is adjacent to either R or Q but not both. U is a neighbour of the person

who sits opposite E.

Question 30 1
________sits opposite to C.

1: S

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2: P

3: R

4: Q

5: T


5: T

Question 31

_____sits second to the left of R?

1: S

2: T

3: P

4: Q

5: U


2: T

Question 32

If S and D interchange their positions, then who sits to the

immediate left of D?

1: U

2: R

3: P

4: T

5: Q


3: P

Question 33

Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a

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group. Find the one which does not belong to that group?

1: U, A

2: P, B

3: D, S

4: C, R

5: D, T


5: D, T

Question 34

Which of the following is true, according to the given information?

1: U and C are at the extremes.

2: R sits second to the right of S.

3: T sits to the immediate right of Q.

4: B sits second to the left of A.

5: All the above


1: U and C are at the extremes.

Directions (35-39)
These questions are based on the following information.

Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular table

facing the center. Each of them works in a different city among Delhi,

Kolkata, Kanpur, Goa, Banglore, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune, but not

necessarily in the same order.

(1) A is third to the left of the person who works in Goa and opposite G.

(2) B is second to the right of E, who is not to the immediate right of G. E is

not adjacent to A.

(3) The persons who works in Kanpur and Delhi are opposite each other but

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they are neither B nor A.

(4) D, who works in Hyderabad, is third to the right of the person who works

in Kanpur.

(5) F and H are neither opposite nor adjacent to each other.

(6) C is neither adjacent to F nor adjacent to the person who works in


(7) Neither A nor G is from Chennai and the person who works in Chennai is

to the immediate left of the person who works in Kolkata.

Question 35

________works in Pune

1: H

2: G

3: A

4: B

5: C


4: B

Question 36

2.In ______city does A work.

1: Pune

2: Kanpur

3: Banglore

4: Delhi

5: Kolkata


5: Kolkata

Question 37

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Who is second to the left of the person from Hyderabad?

1: The person from Kolkata.

2: The person from Chennai.

3: C

4: G

5: None of these


2: The person from Chennai.

Question 38

Who is seated opposite C?

1: F

2: E

3: D

4: H

5: G


1: F

Question 39

Which of the following combinations is correct?

1: G-Pune

2: B-Chennai

3: F-Delhi

4: H-Kanpur

5: None of these


3: F-Delhi

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Directions (40-44)
These questions are based on the following information.

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, eight members of a family sit around a circular table. The

following information is known about them: There are three married couples

in the family. E is third to the right of B, and exactly two persons sit between

G and E. C is to the right of his grandson. F is the son-in-law of D and his

daughter is A who sits to the left of her aunt E, who is opposite D. G and E

are sisters-in-laws. H is unmarried, while F has no siblings. Each couple has

at least one child.

Question 40

________sits to the right of H.

1: A

2: B

3: C

4: D

5: None of these


3: C

Question 41

Who is wife of B?

1: C

2: E

3: A

4: D

5: G


2: E

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Question 42

______is the daughter of D

1: B

2: A

3: G

4: E

5: F


3: G

Question 43

______sits opposite C’s son.

1: H

2: E

3: G

4: F

5: Cannot be determined


1: H

Question 44

_____is 3 places away to the left of B

1: His son

2: His father

3: His mother

4: Her father

5: Either her mother or father


2: His father

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Directions (45-49)
Four persons A, B, C and D are sitting in row-I, facing South and another

four persons – W, X, Y and Z are sitting in row-II, facing North. Each person

in row-I is facing exactly one person from row-II. One of the persons is from


B sits second to the left of the person, who is opposite the person from MCA.

The person from MCA is an immediate neighbour of Y. Y is not from CSE, but

is immediate neighbour of the person from IT. W is not from IT, but sits

opposite the person from MBA, who is not at any extreme. A sits opposite the

person from Civil. C is from ECE and is an immediate neighbour of the person

from Mechanical. Z sits opposite the person who is immediate neighbour of C.

Question 45

_______persons are sitting between D and the person from


1: One

2: Zero

3: Two

4: Either (1) or (2)

5: Cannot be determined


1: One

Question 46

______sits opposite the person from Biotechnology.

1: D

2: The person from CSE

3: The person from ECE

4: B

5: Z

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3: The person from ECE

Question 47

______sits second to the right of X.

1: Y

2: W

3: Z

4: The person from MCA

5: The person from IT


1: Y

Question 48

Four out of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the

given information and so form a group. Find the one which does not belong

to that group?

1: B

2: C

3: The person from Civil

4: Z

5: The person from CSE


2: C

Question 49

Which of the following is true ?

1: The person from Mechanical is at the right extreme.

2: C is not sitting opposite Y.

3: The person from MBA and A are neighbours.

4: D is from MCA.

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5: ALL of these


3: The person from MBA and A are neighbours.

Directions (50-54)
These questions are based on the following information.

Of the five boys A, B, C, D, and E, two are good, one is poor and two are

average in studies. Two of them study in post-graduate classes and three in

under-graduate classes. One comes from a rich family, two from middle class

families and two from poor families. One of them is interested in music, two

in acting and one in sports. Of those studying in under-graduate classes, two

are average and one is poor in studies. Of the two boys interested in acting,

one is a post-graduate student. The one interested in music comes from a

middle class family. Both the boys interested in acting are not industrious.

The two boys coming from middle class families are average in studies and

one of them is interested in acting. The boy interested in sports comes from

a poor family, while the one interested in music is industrious. E is

industrious, good in studies, comes from a poor family and is not interested

in acting, music or sports. C is poor in studies in spite of being industrious. A

comes from a rich family and is not industrious but good in studies. B is

industrious and comes from a middle class family.

Question 50

Name the boy interested in sports.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D


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C. C

Question 51

Name the boy interested in music.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D


B. B

Question 52

Name the middle class family boy interested in acting.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D


D. D

Question 53

Name the boys studying in post-graduate classes.

A. A, D

B. A, E

C. B, C

D. D, E


B. A, E

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Question 54

Name the boy who is not industrious and is average in


A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D


Directions (55-59)
These questions are based on the following information.

There are seven students – A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Each of them has a

different favorite subject – English, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,

Sociology and Philosophy. Each of the students secured different marks in

the examination. C has secured second highest marks and neither English

nor Math is his favorite subject. E secured the least marks and neither

Sociology nor Math is his favorite subject. The favorite subject of D is Physics

and he secured more marks than B and G but less than A. The favorite

subject of B is Biology and his marks are more than the marks of E but less

than the marks of G. the favorite subject of A is Philosophy. The student

whose favorite subject is Chemistry got the highest marks.

Question 55

Chemistry is the favorite subject of

A. A

B. C

C. F

D. G

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C. F

Question 56

Which is the favorite subject of E?

A. Math

B. English

C. Biology

D. Data inadequate


B. English

Question 57

When all the seven students are arranged according to their

marks in descending order, what is the position of A from the


A. Second

B. Third

C. Fourth

D. Data inadequate


B. Third

Question 58

What is the favorite subject of G?

A. Math

B. Sociology

C. Either Math or Sociology

D. None of these


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A. Math

Question 59

5. Who got the second least marks?

A. C

B. D

C. G

D. None of these


D. None of these

Directions (60-64)
These questions are based on the following information.

Banking Complex is an 8 storeyed building located in suburbs of Mumbai. The

seven major banks of the country have their corporate offices on the

different floors of the building starting from 1st floor to 7th floor. 0th or

Ground floor has a parking lot. The different banks are namely CICIC bank,

DFHC bank, Cyndicate bank, VTI bank, Kanara bank, Korporation bank and

HFBC bank. Each of these bank is managed by a manager. The names of the

managers of these banks are Mr. K.Bangarappa, Mr. V.Kant, Mr. S.Raju, Mr.

R.Sanjay, Mr. A.Subodh, Mr. D.Shishir and Mr. B.Krishna (not necessarily in

the same order). Further, information is given as

a. Either VTI bank or HFBC bank is on the top or first floor respectively.

b. D. Shishir is the manager of the bank which is on 5th floor.

c. DFHC and Korporation bank are on the consecutive floors.

d. K. Bangarappa and Mr. A. Subodh are the managers of the CICIC bank

and Kanara bank respectively.

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e. Mr. S. Raju and Mr. D. Shishir are the managers of the banks which are on

consecutive floors.

f. Mr. V.Kant, who is the manager of DFHC bank, and Mr. K. Bangarappa

have one bank in between their respective floors.

g. Mr. S.Raju, who is the manager of the Cyndicate bank sits on the floor just

above the Korporation bank.

Question 60

Which bank is on the immediate next floor to Kanara bank?

A. DFHC bank

B. CICIC bank

C. Either (A) or (B)

D. Cyndicate bank


C. Either (A) or (B)

Question 61

Mr. D.Shishir is the manager of which bank?hich bank is on

the immediate next floor to Kanara bank?

A. Korporation bank

B. Kanara bank

C. DFHC bank

D. Either (A) or (B)


A. Korporation bank

Question 62

If Mr. R.Sanjay is the manager of the bank on 1st floor, who

is the manager of VTI bank?

A. Mr. R. Sanjay

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B. Mr. K. Bangarappa

C. Mr. A. Subodh

D. Cannot be determined


D. Cannot be determined

Question 63

The manager of the Cyndicate bank sits on which floor?

A. Second

B. Third

C. Sixth

D. Fourth


C. Sixth

Question 64

If HFBC bank is on top floor, how many banks are in between

DFHC bank and HFBC bank?

A. Two

B. Four

C. One

D. Three


A. Two

Directions (65-68)
These questions are based on the following information.

Amit, Bunty, Reena, Veena and Dolly were selected for prizes because of

their excellent performance by the school. On this occasion their parents

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were also invited by the school authority. Brajest, Jayant, Manoj, Ritesh and

Vinod were the fathers of the individuals but not in the same order. Anju,

Babita, Punam, Rita and Vinita were the mothers of the individuals but not in

the same order. Among the children only two are males. The first letter of

the name of any parent was not same as the first letter of eth name of their

child. The same was true of spouses also.

The first letter of the name of Dolly’s father was the same as that of Reena’s

mother. Similarly, Dolly’s mother’s name started with the first letter of

Reena’s father name. Brajesh and Manoj were not the fathers of Veena and

Amit respectively. The first letter of Bunty’s mother was the same as the first

letter of the name of Veena’s father. Anju is not Dolly’s mother. Jayant is the

husband of Punam. Reena’s performance was best among all; that is why her

mother Babita praised her.

Question 65

Who among the following is the father of Amit?

A. Manoj

B. Vinod

C. Jayant

D. Brajesh


C. Jayant

Question 66

Who among the following is the son of Rita?

A. Amit

B. Bunty

C. Either Amit or Bunty

D. Can’t say


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B. Bunty

Question 67

Father’s name of Reena is?

A. Can’t say

B. Vinod

C. Brajesh

D. Manoj


B. Vinod

Question 68

Who of the following couples is correctly matched?

A. Vinod, Babita

B. Manoj, Punam

C. Brajesh, Anju

D. None of these


A. Vinod, Babita

Directions (69-73)
Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

W, X, Y, Z, M, N and O are travelling in three buses P , Q and R

with at least 2 of them in any of these buses. Each of them has a

favourites country such as Denmark, Russia, Britain, Malaysia,

Germany, Kenya and USA.

X travelling in bus Q with M. M’s favourite country is USA.

Those who travel in bus P do not like Denmark and Malaysia. The one

who likes Russia travels only with O in bus R. The one whose

 Useful Links

favourite country is Germany does not travel in the same bus with

either M or O. W does not travel in bus Q. W likes Kenya. Z and N are

travelling in the same bus. N does not like Britain. The one whose

favourite country is Malaysia does not travel in Bus Q.

Question 69

In which bus W, Z and N travelling ?

A) Cannot be determined

B) P

C) Q

D) R

E) None of these


B) P

Question 70

2. Whose favourite country is Denmark ?

A) X

B) W

C) Y

D) Z

E) None of these


A) X

Question 71

What is M’s favourite country?

A) Kenya

B) Malaysia


D) Germany

 Useful Links

E) None of these



Question 72

Which of the following combination is right ?

A) W – R: Russia

B) O – P: Germany

C) N – R: Malaysia

D) Z – P: Britain

E) None of these


D) Z – P: Britain

Question 73

Y travelling in which bus ?

A) P

B) Q

C) R

D) Cannot be determined

E) None of these

Answer.C) R

Directions (74-78)
Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions

A group of 7 persons P, Q, R, S, T, U AND V works as Clerk, IT

officer, Agricultural Officer, Forest Officer, Terminal Operator,

Research Analyst and Economist for the banks A, B, C,D , E, F and G.

R works for bank E and is neither a Economist nor a Forest officer. T

 Useful Links

is an Research Analyst and works for bank C. P works as a Clerk and

does not work for bank B or D. The one who is an IT Officer works for

bank F. The one who works for bank D works as a Forest Officer. U

works for bank B. V works for bank A as a Economist. S is not an IT


Question 74

Who among the following works as Terminal Operator ?

A) P

B) Q

C) R

D) S

E) None of these


C) R


Question 75

Who working in the bank B ?

A) U

B) V

C) S

D) T

E) None of these

Answer-A) U

Question 76

Which of the following combination is correct ?

A) F – Agricultural Officer

B) C – Clerk

 Useful Links

C) A – Economist

D) G – Forest Officer

E) None of these


A – Economist

Question 77

What is the profession of R ?

A) Clerk

B) Terminal Operator

C) IT officer

D) Economist

E) None of these


Terminal Operator

Question 78

Which of the following is correct ?

A) S – Bank C

B) V – Bank B

C) R – Bank D

D) P – Bank G

E) None of these


P – Bank G

Directions (79-83)
I. Study the following information to answer the given questions

P, Q, R, S, T,U and V are seven employees in the Big company.

 Useful Links

Three of them are in 1 grade and 2 of them in other 2 grades among

A, B and C. Each of them earns different amount as salary.

There are 3 ladies among them one each in each grade. R and

her husband only are in grade B. V earns the maximum and he along

with only S are in grade A. S earns more than only P. U and her friend

Q are in Grade C. P is not in Grade C. U earns less than R but more

than Q. T earns less than Q.

Question 79

Who are the following in Grade A ?




4)Both S and V


Both S and V

Question 80

Who earns greater than R ?




4)Both U and V


Question 81

The one who earns the maximum in which Grade ?



 Useful Links


4)Data inadequate


Question 82

Who among the following earns the minimum Salary ?






Question 83

Which of the following Group belongs to Grade C ?







Directions (84-88)
Study the following information to answer the given questions


7 players A, B, C, D, E, F and G from 7 different countries such

as Canada, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Kenya and

Maldives participate in the Games but not necessarily in the same

 Useful Links


All of them participate in 7 different games, viz Badminton,

Swimming, Boxing, Hockey, Netball, Rugby and Tennis. The one who

participate in Boxing does not belong to South Africa. D is from

Singapore and he does not participate in Hockey. The one who is

from Sri Lanka participates in Badminton. The one who is from India

does not participate in Hockey or Netball. A is from Maldives. G from

Canada and participates in Rugby. C participates in Table tennis but

he is neither from Kenya nor South Africa. B participates in

Swimming and E participates in Boxing.

Question 84

Who among the following Participated in Rugby ?






Question 85

The one who is from Kenya participated in which of the

following games ?







Question 86

 Useful Links

C belongs to which of the following Country ?


2) Sri Lanka





Question 87

Which of the following Combination is correct ?

1)B- South Africa – Swimming

2)G -India – Badminton

3)D-Maldives – Tennis

4)A-Canada – Swimming


B- South Africa – Swimming

Question 88

The one who is from Canada participated in which of the

following games ?







Directions (89-93)
Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.

 Useful Links

A, B, C, D, E, F and G live on 7 different floors of building but

not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor is numbered

1, then 2,3 and so on. Each one of them also likes a different colours

namely violet, yellow, green, pink, white, blue and red.

A lives on an odd numbered floor but not on the floor

numbered 3. The one who likes white lives immediately above A.

Only 2 persons live between D and the one who likes white.

The one who likes yellow lives on one of the odd numbered

floor above D. Only 3 persons live between C and the one who likes

yellow. The one who likes green lives immediately above C.

The one who likes violet lives immediately above one who

likes red. G lives on an odd numbered floor. Only one person lives

between B and E. B lives on one of the floors above E. Neither C nor A

likes pink. E does not like green.

Question 89

Which of the following colour does E likes ?

A) Red

B) Violet

C) Blue

D) Pink



Question 90

Who among the following lives on the floor numbered 5 ?

A) F

B) D

C) B

D) A

 Useful Links


Question 91

Which of the following combination is correct ?

A) C – Blue

B) G – Violet

C) A – Green

D) F – Yellow


C – Blue

Question 92

Which of the following combination is not true ?

A) D – 3th floor

B) G – 7th floor

C) E – 4th floor

D) C – 5th floor


C – 5th floor

Question 93

Who lives between E and F ?

A) D

B) G

C) C

D) B


 Useful Links

Directions (94-98)
Study the given information carefully to answer the given


Seven people P, Q, R, S, T, U and V have their weekly offs on

different days of the week(Sunday – Saturday but not necessarily in

the same order).Each of them has a liking for different cuisine –

Indian, Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Spanish, Thai and Continental not

necessarily in the same order.

Q likes Thai food and get its weekly off on Thursday. S likes

Italian food and does not have off on Sunday. T has weekly off on

Saturday. V has weekly off on Tuesday. U likes Continental food,

where as the one who have weekly off on Monday likes Mexican

food. R does not like Spanish food and has weekly off on Wednesday,

the one who likes Indian food does not have weekly off on Tuesday

or Wednesday.

Question 94

Who likes Indian Cuisine ?

A) R

B) T

C) V

D) S


Question 95

S have weekly of on which of the following Day?

A) Tuesday

B) Saturday

 Useful Links

C) Friday

D) Monday


Question 96

R like which of the following Cuisine ?

A) Mexican

B) Italy

C) Thai

D) Chinese


Question 97

Which of the following pair is correct ?

A) V Chinese

B) R Spanish

C) P Mexican

D) Q Indian


C) P Mexican

Question 98

Which of the following pair is not correct ?

A) Q – Thursday

B) S – Friday

C) V – Tuesday

D) T – Monday


D) T – Monday

 Useful Links

Directions (99-103)
Study the following information carefully to answer the questions

given below.

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are 7 friends left for 7 different cities –

Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chandigarh and

Jaipur, each one on a different day of the week. C left for Jaipur on

Monday. On the last day of the week, the person left for Bangalore. E

left the next day of A who left for Chandigarh and on the previous

day of G. D left for Kolkata on Friday. B didn’t leave for either

Hyderabad or Bangalore and G left for Delhi.

Question 99

On which day of the week did B leave ?

A) Sunday

B) Saturday

C) Monday

D) Tueday

E) None of these


Question 100

Who left for Bangalore ?

A) E

B) B

C) G

D) F

E) None of these


D) F

 Useful Links

Question 101

Who left on Tuesday ?

A) A

B) C

C) G

D) F

E) None of these


A) A

Question 102

On which day of the week did E leave ?

A) Friday

B) Sunday

C) Wednesday

D) Thursday

E) None of these


C) Wednesday

Question 103

Which of the following Combination is not right ?

A) C – Jaipur

B) F – Bangalore

C) A – Chandigarh

D) E – Kolkata

E) None of these


D) E – Kolkata

 Useful Links

Directions (104-108)
Study the following information carefully to answer the questions

given below.

P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are 7 friends who travel to college

everyday by a particular train which stops at 5 stations – 1, 2, 3, 4

and 5 respectively after it leaves base stations. 3 among them get in

the train at the base station. S gets down at the next station at which

U gets down. Q gets in with 2 persons and does not get down with

either P or T. V alone gets in at station 3 and gets down with R after

1 station. P travels between only 2 stations and gets down at station

5. None of them gets in at station 2. R gets in with U but does not get

in with either Q or S. T gets in with 2 others and gets down alone

after S. Q and S going to same college and they get down together at

station 3. None of them gets down at station 1.

Question 104

At which station does T get down ?

A) Station 2

B) Station 4

C) Station 3

D) Station 5

E) None of these

Question 105

At which station does R, U get in ?

A) Base station

B) Station 2

C) Station 1

D) Station 3

 Useful Links

E) None of these


C) Station 1

Question 106

After how many station does Q get down ?

A) 4

B) 3

C) 1

D) 2

E) None of these


D) 2

Question 107

At which of the following station does Q and T get in ?

A) Base Station

B) Station 1

C) Station 2

D) Station 3

E) None of these


A) Base Station

Question 108

Which of the following is correct ?

A) T gets in at the base station

B) R gets in at the Station 3

C) V gets down at Station 5

D) U gets down at Station 2

 Useful Links

E) None of these


A) T gets in at the base station

Directions (109-113)
Study the following information carefully to answer the questions

given below.

Seven members P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are working in different

cities Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Delhi

and Mumbai not necessarily in the same order. Each one has a

different mother tongue Tamil, Kannada, Telungu, Hindi, Marathi,

Punjabi and Bangla not necessarily in the same order.

R works in Bangalore and his mother tongue is not tamil or

marathi. S’s mother tongue is Punjabi and he works in Ahmedabad. T

and U do not work in Chennai and none of them has marathi mother

tongue. Q works in Hyderabad and his mother tongue is telungu. The

one who works in Delhi has bangle mother tongue. V works in

Mumbai and his mother tongue is hindi, T does not work in Kolkata.

Question 109

What is R’s mother tongue ?

A) Tamil

B) Kannada

C) Punjabi

D) Hindi

E) None of these


B) Kannada

Question 110

 Useful Links

Who works in Delhi ?

A) T

B) U

C) V

D) S

E) None of these


A) T

Question 111

What is U’s mother tongue ?

A) Telungu

B) Hindi

C) Tamil

D) Marathi

E) None of these


C) Tamil

Question 112

4. Who works in Chennai ?

A) S

B) R

C) Q

D) P

E) None of these


D) P

Question 113

 Useful Links

Which of the following is correct ?

A) Q – Hyderabad – Punjabi

B) T – Ahmedabad – Bangla

C) V – Mumbai – Hindi

D) S – Delhi – Telungu

E) None of these


C) V – Mumbai – Hindi

Directions (114-118)
Study the following information carefully to answer the questions

given below.

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are 7 friends. Each of them likes a

particular fruit and city. The choices of fruits and favourite city not

necessarily in the same order.

Fruit: Apple, Banana, Pear, Guava, Orange, Mango, Waterlemon

City: Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Cochin

B likes Mango and her favourite city is Chennai, The one whose

favourite city is pune, likes waterlemon. E’s favourite city is Kolkata.

C likes guava and his favourite city is not Mumbai. G’s favourite city

is cochin and he does not like either banana or pear. The favourite

city of the who likes orange is Hyderabad. E does not like pear. A’s

favourite city is neither pune nor Hyderabad. D does not like waterlemon.

Question 114

What is F’s favourite city ?

A) Delhi

B) Mumbai

C) Pune

D) Kolkata

 Useful Links

E) None of these


C) Pune

Question 115

Who like Pear ?

A) C

B) F

C) B

D) A

E) None of these


D) A

Question 116

Which fruit does G likes ?

A) Apple

B) Banana

C) Waterlemon

D) Orange

E) None of these


A) Apple

Question 117

Which of the following combination is correct ?

A) D Kolkata Apple

B) E Hyderabad Banana

C) G Cochin Orange

D) A Mumbai Pear

E) None of these

 Useful Links


D) A Mumbai Pear

Question 118

Which of the following combination is not correct ?

A) B Chennai Mango

B) F Pune Watermelon

C) E Kolkata Banana

D) C Cochin Apple

E) None of these


D) C Cochin Apple

Directions (119-123)
Study the following information carefully to answer the questions

given below.

Seven specialist doctors B,M,K,P,D,F and H visit a polyclinic on four

days- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday – In a week. At

Least one doctor but not more than two doctors visits the Polyclinic

on each of these days. Each of One is Specialist in different Fields –

ENT, Orthopaedics, Paediatrics, Neurology, Ophthalmology,

Radiology and Oncology.

P visit on Friday with Radiologist.

The Paediatrician does not visit on Saturday nor with D and H.

The Oncologist F visit alone on Tuesday.

M visits on Wednesday and he is not Paediatrician.

K visit on Wednesday. H is not Radiologist.

The Paediatrician visits with the ENT specialist.

The Neurologist visits on Friday.

 Useful Links

B is neither Orthopaedician nor Radiologist.

Question 119

What is the Speciality of B?




4)Data inadequate

5)None of these



Question 120

On which day of the week does D visit?




4)Wednesday or Saturday

5)None of these



Question 121

Who among them visits the Polyclinic along with B?

1) H



4)Either H or P

5)None of these


1) H

 Useful Links

Question 122

What is P’s Profession?




4)Data Inadequate

5)None of these


5)None of these

Question 123

On which of the following days do the specialists in

Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology visit?




4)Data inadequate

5)None of these



Directions (124-127)
Study the following information carefully to answer the questions

given below.

Seven candidates Harish, Samir, nilesh, shailaja, Nikita, Laxman and

Sujata are to be interviewed for selection as Trainee officers by

different panels 1 to 7 for different banks Bank of India, SBI, Bank of

Maharashtra, PNB, Axis, HDFC and ICICI not necessarily in the same order.

 Useful Links

Nilesh is interviewed by panel 4 for Bank of India. Samir is

interviewed by panel 3 but not for PNB or Bank of Maharashtra.

Harish is interviewed for SBI but not by panel 1 or 2. Nikita is

interviewed by panel 6 for Axis Bank. Panel 7 conducts the interview

for HDFC. Shailaja is interviewed by panel 1 but not for Bank of

Maharashtra. Panel 2 does not interview Laxman.

Question 124

Shailaja is interviewed for which Bank?

1)Bank of India




5)None of these



Question 125

Panel 2 conducts interview for which Bank?

1)Bank of Maharashtra




5)None of these


1)Bank of Maharashtra

Question 126

Who is interviewed for ICICI?


 Useful Links




5)None of these



Question 127

Which candidate is interviewed by panel 5?





5)None of these



Directions (128-132)
Study the following information carefully to answer the questions

given below.

Eight persons A,B,C,D,E,F,H and I are going to three different

destinations Gujarat, Amritsar, Hyderabad in three different cars-

Chevrolet, Ford, Hyundai. Out of these three are females and also

one in each car. At Least two persons are there in each car.

1E, a male, is travelling with only I and they are not going to Amritsar.

A is travelling in Chevrolet and and is going to Hyderabad.

C is not travelling with B and H.

C and F are travelling together. H is not going to Amritsar.

 Useful Links

D is the sister of A and is travelling by Hyundai.

Question 128

Members of which cars are going to Amritsar?


2)Can’t be determined





Question 129

In which car are four members travelling?







Question 130

Which of the following combinations represents the three

female members?




4)Can’t be determined


4)Can’t be determined

Question 131

 Useful Links

Who is travelling with H?




4)Can’t be determined



Question 132

Members of which of the following are travelling in Chevrolet?




4)None of these




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