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There are 5 sheets to this spreadsheet: this instructional sheet, the Front, the Back, the Spell Sheet, an
which is a list of spells that makes it easy to pull into the Spell Sheet by simply typing the name. Follow
See the tabs below to access them.

Note that you need to print each sheet separately (Front, Back, and
perhaps Spells).
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The sheet is generally unlocked but some cells have formulas that
calculate values. These cells are all highlighted in Green and should
generally be left alone unless you know how to use formulas.

The ● (Dot) symbol is used to indicate proficiency or Yes. Some

skills include a multiplier, such as x2 or .5 - these correspond to the
Expertise trait (where you add double your proficiency) and Jack of
All Trades trait (where you add 1/2 your proficiency) to skills. An x
means you have disadvantage on the skill - usually due to armor.

Need a list of spells? See the Master Spell list tab! (read only). The
spell sheet is designed so you can type the name of the spell and the
rest fills in via formulas. Please DO NOT try to edit the Master Spell
List. You can't and will just break your sheet.

Feel free to make your own personal changes or adjustments too. Email me at
ideas or changes.

Change Log:
● Added Passive Investigation to front page (suggested by Clara L.)
Version 2.7:
● Added Prep spell amounts to 2nd page. (suggested by Clara L.)
● Fixed medium
● Multiclassing armor DexSince
Spellcaters: mod the
in AC calculation
top is tailored(thanks to Ryan
to a specific M forstat
caster catching it). I would advise dup
and level,
spellcasting class. Also, you will need to modify the formulas on the spell page to calculate your caster
● Clarified2.6:
some verbage on the README tab.
● Added Change Log to README tab. :-P
copy. DO NOT REQUEST me to share this.
racter sheet. Sorry, but it requires Google Spreadsheets.
's because your organization won't let you access it.
Copy" or log in with your personal Gmail account.
opy here

ront, the Back, the Spell Sheet, and the Linked Master Spell List,
by simply typing the name. Follow directions on each sheet.

s too. Email me at if you want to share


e Log:
catching it). I would advise duplicating the Spell Sheet for each
and level,
spell page to calculate your caster level correctly.
Vaha 3 Human Female Lawful Good
Character Name Level Race Gender Alignment
Medium Black Red 6'2 170 lbs Noble Knight
Size Hair Eyes Height Weight Background



STR 19 4 STR 6 ● Name Lvl Hit Dice
DEX 18 4 DEX 4 Shield Master 3 1d12
CON 18 4 CON 6 ●
INT 15 2 INT 2
WIS 16 3 WIS 3
CHA 16 3 CHA 3 Total: 3
Mod Prof Misc


Roll Skill Prof Adv Hit Points AC Armor Dex

4 Acrobatics (Dex) = 19 2
47 23
3 Animal Handling (Wis) Misc 1 Misc 2
4 Arcana (Int) ● 2
6 Athletics (Str) ●
3 Deception (Cha) Hit Dice Death Saves Downtime
4 History (Int) ● 1d12(x3) Success XXX
3 Insight (Wis) Failure XXX
5 Intimidation (Cha) ●
2 Investigation (Int) Weapon & Spells Hit #Atk Damage
3 Medicine (Wis) Morningstar 6 1 1d8+4
2 Nature (Int) Longbow 6 1 1d8+4
5 Perception (Wis) ● Shield Bash 2 1 1d6+4
3 Performance (Cha)

5 Persuasion (Cha) ●
2 Religion (Int)

4 Sleight of Hand (Dex)

4 Stealth (Dex) Special Attacks

3 Survival (Wis)
2 Proficieny Bonus
13 Passive Insight
12 Passive Investigation
15 Passive Perception


Armor: Medium, Heavy, Shields Race / Background / Feats

-Friends in Low Places
Weapons: Martial Weapons

Tools: Lute, Disguise Kit, Weaver's Tools

Languages: Common, Draconic, Elvish

Noble Knight

Hit Dice HP Con 900
1d12 35 12 Portrait

35 12 30


Dex Armor Worn Type AC Dex DA Wt.

2 Half-Plate M 15 2 X 40
Misc 2 Tower Shield Shld 4 0
Total: 19 2 X 40

Downtime Ammunition

Damage Rng Type Notes

1d8+4 5 P N/A
1d8+4 150/600 P Ammunition, heavy, two-handed
1d6+4 5 B Make DC 14 STR (fail) fall 10 ft

Special Defenses

-Master of Shields
-Untiring Arm
-Shield Bash
-Path of the Shield Master: Frontline Shield Master
-Armored Hide, Shield Wall, Offensive Defense,
Indominatble Force, The Walking Bastion
-Defense Fighting Style

Item & Location # Wt TL Item & Location # Wt TL Cash

Body Backpack 1 2 2 Gold Other Coin
Armor/Shield 40 Tattered Fine Clothes 1 6 6 25 0 sp, 0 cp

Clothing/Outfit 1 5 5 Messkit 1 1 1 Gems

Morningstar 1 3 3 Bedroll 1 5 5

Signet Ring (damaged) 1 0 0 Tinderbox 1 1 1

Longbow 1 2 2 Torches 10 1 10

0 Rations (1 day) 10 1 10

0 Waterskin 1 4 4 Jewelry/Valuables
0 Hempen Rope (50 ft) 1 10 10

0 0

0 0
Belt Pouch 1 0.5 0.5 0

0 0 Consumables
0 0

0 0

0 Total in Backpack 49
0 Saddlebags (no enc) 1 3 3
Bandoleer/Quiver 1 1 1 Scroll of Pedrigree 1 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0
Total Encumbrance (no pack) 52 Total Encumbrance (w/pack) 101


Character Profile Storytelling

Personality Traits Character Bio
After years of dealing with people who Born into a high ranking noble family Valaria Allie Wynburn was the
expected me to act a certain way I can keep eldest child and the only girl, she was pampered and was treated like a
my cool even under the most stressful times. queen throughout her early childhood. However he would often glance
out and watch her younger brothers as they practiced and trained to
I never eat my fill in order to preserve my become knights of the house while Valaria would be the one to take over
figure. the manor and take her father's role becoming the jarl. She begin to
practice play fighting in her room and she worked her hardest to become
a swordswoman, her father would always scold her however and tell her
it wasn't very lady like and she needed to continue studying.

When it came time Vaha's father began to try and find her a suitor but
each and every one she turned down. She refused to take a suitor and
After years of dealing with people who Born into a high ranking noble family Valaria Allie Wynburn was the
expected me to act a certain way I can keep eldest child and the only girl, she was pampered and was treated like a
my cool even under the most stressful times. queen throughout her early childhood. However he would often glance
out and watch her younger brothers as they practiced and trained to
I never eat my fill in order to preserve my become knights of the house while Valaria would be the one to take over
figure. the manor and take her father's role becoming the jarl. She begin to
practice play fighting in her room and she worked her hardest to become
a swordswoman, her father would always scold her however and tell her
it wasn't very lady like and she needed to continue studying.
Proud. I wish to uphold my family name even When it came time Vaha's father began to try and find her a suitor but
though I have been disowned. (Lawful) each and every one she turned down. She refused to take a suitor and
instead continued to practice, her brother Damian helped her out and
would take the brunt of the whiplash whenever they were caught. One
day Vaha's father had enough of her not wanting to usurp his duties and
he appointed Damian to be the next in line shunning Valaria from the
family as a whole. Before she could leave Damian gave Vaha a set of
plate and a large tower shield. She set herself off practicing with her
new weapons until she had mastered them until she was suddenly
Bonds transported through time and space to where we are now.
I often think of the luxuries I had as a noble.

Allies & Organizations

use <ALT> + Enter to force line breaks in a field

I often manipulate others to get what I want.

Cash Magic Items

Other Coins
0 sp, 0 cp
Gems # Value

y/Valuables # Value

sumables # Used
Light 285 Heavy 285 Max 285

Misc Possessions


Additional Class Info

rn was the
treated like a
often glance
d trained to
one to take over
he begin to
rdest to become
ver and tell her

r a suitor but
a suitor and
Misc Info
Name Explanation
Master of Where most warriors spend their time learning how to fight with weapons, you have practiced how to bes
Untiring Arm are wielding
A shield doesanot shield and are
burden younot
aids you instead. you When
may add your
using shield’syou
a shield, AC do
not tofeelanyitsDexterity saving
weight- meanin
Defense Stance use
Whilea tower
you are shield you do
wearing not have
armor, disadvantage
you gain a +1 bonusontoAttack
AC. rolls. You still, however, have disadvantage on S
Untiring Arm A shield does not burden you but aids you instead. When using a shield, you do not feel its weight- meanin
Shield Bash use a tower
A shield mayshield
mainly you
bedofornot have disadvantage
defense, but you knowon how Attack rolls. You
to utilize still,
it just as however,
deftly as ahave
weapon.disadvantage on S
At 2nd level
Extra Protection shield.
You know Youjust
your proficiency
to put your bonus
shield toto get
bestroll. If the attack
protection from hits,
it. Atyou
5th deal
you+are yournow Strength M
Sunken In you
When gain
additional +1 tointo
to settle your AC when wielding
a defensive a shield
stance, there on top
aren’t many of who
the current
can breakbonus
At 7th level, if yo
that all attacks made against you are done with disadvantage. In
Shielded Mind You have not only become the master of shields, but also the master of a shielded mind. addition, if a creature tries to leave
At 9th level,your
you att
against being charmed, frightened, or being controlled. If you have the fey ancestry
Armor Piercer Defense is what you’re all about. So you know just where to hit to find the weakest point. At 11th level, whe trait any attempt to char
Brutal Force Action
ignore has 2 points
taught of you
AC when
to putmaking
your fullyour roll If
weight you opponent
against your shield is using
bash.aAtshield. If the whenever
13th level, attack hit
Hostile Barrier knock them
You might prone
not be theor heaviest
disarm them.
ignoringshould you amanage
you isn’t to trap an
wise decision. enemy
At 15th between
level whenever you anandenemy
a wa
your shield. If it manages to hit while you are Sunken In, then their movement
Mobile Defender Though you do best when you’ve set yourself up in your position, you’ve learned how to maintain that sortspeed is reduced to 0 and theo
Power Bash feet. In addition,in
Your experience you mayyour
using nowshield
movenot 15 feet
onlyand stilldefensive
for its be able to maintain your
properties, Sunken
but also In offensive
for its status. capabilitie
Shield Bash you may take up your Bonus Action to make the attack a Power Bash. If the attack hits, the targe
Name Explanation
Armored Hide It takes a lot to get through your defense, as enemies will soon learn. At 3rd level, You gain a +1 Bonus to A
Shield Wall You were made to protect your allies and be their shield. As such, at 6th level any attacks made against your
Offensive allies
Defense near you
can when
make theyour
or ability
at leastisas
far asbenefit
you’refrom the bonus
concerned. AC your
At 10th levelshield provides
you are able toFurthe
Indominatble a
Your defense capabilities are practically second to none. At 14th level, you have advantage on anyroll.
Shield Bash and it successfully hits, you add an additional 1d4 piercing damage to your damage saves that
Walking Bastion your
You are“Sunken In” ability
essentially is active,
a walking you at
fortress arethis
point; to being
your knocked
defensive prone or moved
capabilities from your
are legendary spot. At 20t
in nature.

Name Explanation

Name Explanation
Friends in Low After being disowned you have found kinship in the wretches and criminals of the cities. You can gain info
Places You may also gain residency with them in conditions ranging from wretched to comfortable.
, you have practiced how to best utilize a shield for not just defense but offense as well. At 1st level, whenever you
AC do
ou bonus
not to any
feel itsDexterity saving throw
weight- meaning you
that its make does
weight against
spell or other harmful
towards AOE effect.
encumbrance. In addition, whenever you
however, have disadvantage on Stealth rolls.
ou do not feel its weight- meaning that its weight does not count towards encumbrance. In addition, whenever you
deftly as ahave
weapon.disadvantage on Stealth
At 2nd level, on your rolls.
turn you may take an Attack action to bash your opponent with your
you deal 1d6 + your Strength Modifier. The
5th level, you are now resistant to all non-magical target must
formsthen make a Strength
of bludgeoning, Saving
slashing and throw ofdamage.
piercing 8 + your In
rrent bonus it gives.
an break past it. At 7th level, if you do not use your movement on your turn you go into a defensive stance. Meaning
a creature
ielded mind. tries to leave
At 9th level,your
you attack range andwith
gain proficiency you manage
wisdom to hit them
saving throws.withYou
opportunity attack, you
have advantage reducethrows
on saving their
ncestry point.
weakest trait any attempt
At 11th to whenever
level, charm, frighten,
you make or control youagainst
an Attack is additionally
anothermade withyou
creature, disadvantage.
may use up your Bonus
is using a shield. If the attack hits, then the very next attack done against
eld bash. At 13th level, whenever you make a Shield Bash against a creature and they fail, youthe creature has advantage.
may choose to either
At 15th level whenever an enemy steps into your Attack range, you may take an opportunity attackwill
n enemy between you and a wall while performing a shield bash, if the target fails the save they take an
against them with
nt speed is reduced to 0 and they cannot contiue their move, if there is a medium or
rned how to maintain that sort of stability even after moving. At 17th level your movement speed increases larger size object 5ft toby
ur Sunken In status.
t also for its offensive capabilities has made you all the more effective in using it. At 18th level, whenever you make a
Bash. If the attack hits, the target will be pushed back 10 feet regardless. However, now if they fail to make a Strength
d level, You gain a +1 Bonus to AC when you are using light or medium armor
el any attacks made against your allies when they are 5 feet from you are done with disadvantage. In addition, any
us AC your
t 10th levelshield provides
you are able toFurthermore, you may
modify your shield use your25Reaction
(spending gold) soto provide
that one ally within
it is equipped 5ft of Now
with spikes. you ¾when
coveryou do
mage to your damage roll.
ave advantage on any saves that determine whether or not you are knocked prone or moved from your space. When
rs moved from your
are legendary spot. At 20th level, Enemies roll with disadvantage against you
in nature.


s of the cities. You can gain information from your many contacts, the infamous and those derelicts beneath notice.
d to comfortable.

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