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Jal Irani
+91-22- 6620 3087 / +91 98215 24578

November 2019
Quality of growth matters; ESG as the measure

Quality of growth matters; ESG as the


ESG investing is big globally, taking hold

in India

Big opportunity for investors as well as

corporate India

Why ESG matters? Future-proofing businesses!
Regulatory tightening or operating risks for businesses, particularly those not-compliant

Higher economic returns over the long term in spite of short-term cost trade-offs;

Good companies enjoy a lower cost of capital;

Goodwill for businesses within the sociopolitical space they operate in.

ESG investing is big globally, taking hold in India

ESG investing is already 32% of global assets at USD 31 trillion – nearly doubled in 6 years.

Most popular in Europe, Australia and Canada, with about half of the funds benchmarked to ESG

Nascent in India – as in Asia in general - India more than doubled to USD 25 billion from USD 13 billion
over the period, but India’s share is a miniscule 0.1% globally, and 7% of total foreign equity ownership.
Similarly, only 2-4 domestic funds at present; this is set to change with a few underway.
SRI Assets as a % of Total Assets % of Global SRI Assets by Region - 2018
(SRI Assets as a % of Total Assets)

63 Canada Australia/NZ
59 6% 2%
60 53
49 51 51 Japan
45 38
30 26
22 Europe
18 17 18
0 United States
Europe United States Canada Australia/NZ Japan 39%
2014 2016 2018
ESG investment strategies

Given the styles of ESG investments, we spot a gradual but discernible shift from negative screening to
progressive preference for positive and actively managed ESG funds.

Sustainable investing strategies

Source: GSIA
Prominent global ESG indices

Big opportunity for investors, ESG indices outperform
NSE ESG Index performance vs NSE100 Index











Annualised Returns of MSCI India ESG Leaders Index vs Parent Index

MSCI India ESG Index has outperformed MSCI India
8.2 Index both in the near as well as long-term, while NSE
(Annualised Return %)

6.2 ESG index has only recently started outperforming the
6.0 5.1 4.9 base index
4.0 2.9

2.0 MSCI India ESG Index enjoys a lower beta than the
0.0 parent Index, and has lower maximum drawdown over
3Y 5Y 10Y

MSCI India ESG Leaders MSCI India

a specified time period
MSCI India ESG leaders index analysis

MSCI India ESG Index has a higher Sharpe ratio across years
Valuations are higher 0.60
0.47 0.49
Risk is lower: beta, maximum drawdown 0.38

(Sharpe Ratio)
0.36 0.30
Risk-adjusted returns are higher: 0.49x over 10 0.24 0.19
years versus 0.30x for MSCI India 0.12

Maximum Drawdown (indicator of downside 3Y 5Y 10Y

risk over a specified time) lower MSCI India ESG Leaders MSCI India

MSCI India ESG Index trades at a higher P/E (Fwd) and P/BV (H) MSCI India ESG Index has low beta and maximum drawdown
25.0 1.2
19.7 1.00
20.0 17.5 1.0 0.89
15.0 0.7 0.67


10.0 0.5

5.0 3.1 2.6 0.2

0.0 0.0
P/E Fwd P/BV (H) Beta Maximum Drawdown

MSCI India ESG Leaders MSCI India MSCI India ESG Leaders MSCI India



India: Evolution of corporate governance framework


Corporate India embedding SDGs in strategic values

India’s securities watchdog Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has mandated the top 500
listed Indian companies to report non-financial parameters.

Such companies must, hence, generate a Business Responsibility Report (BRR) capturing their
nonfinancial performance across economic, environmental and social factors.

ESG initiatives as well as disclosures have shot up, but still lag global standards.

But, we see these gaps, at the country level, narrowing.

Our interviews of captains of industry too suggest chairpersons and CEOs are putting in
disproportionately greater time and effort "Seeking Growth – The ESG Way". Leading corporates are
going beyond BRR standards.

ESG in India: Bottom-up aggregation

The Social disclosure levels more than doubled over 2010–17; in fact, India dramatically outscores USA
on Social disclosures.

India lags on the Environment and Governance parameters by far. Being a signatory to the Paris Treaty
and COP21, India must abide by the stringent environmental targets it has set for itself
ESG disclosure score comparison : India vs Global peers India’s ESG disclosure scores have improved over the years
80 55

(Disclosure Score)

25 28.0

20 15 25.0
Overall ESG Environment Social Governance FY12 FY14 FY16 FY18

India Europe US Global E S G ESG (RHS)

Sector-wise ESG Disclosure Scores: India vs Global

At an India-level (top 100 stocks), ESG Disclosure score stands at 38/100. This lags global peers (200+
stocks across regions, sectors) which scores 43/100.
Of the 11 large sectors, only three sectors (IT, Cement & Engineering) in India have higher ESG
disclosure scores than their global counterpart sectors.
Sectors such as BFSI, Consumer, Energy, Pharma and Telecom lag global peers across all three
categories of E, S & G
Sector-wise ESG disclosure score comparison: India lags global peers in 8 of 11 sectors
52 53
50 45 44 46 47
43 43 42 43
(ESG Disc. Score)

39 37 38
30 30
30 27 27



Cement IT Engg. Oil and Gas Auto Metals FMCG/Retail Telecom Power Pharma BFSI

India Global

Source : Bloomberg, Edelweiss research 14

CASE STUDY 1: Mahindra Group - Early starter

One of India’s first business groups to embrace

ESG, as early as 2007.

The strategic decision-making at the Mahindra

Group preemptively takes into consideration
stakeholder concerns, thoughts, attitudes and
ideas towards social, environment and
economic issues.

The importance of involving shareholders at this

stage instils a sense of trust and belonging, and
finds relevance in the larger scheme of things.

Periodic evaluations of such material concerns,

and marrying them with business processes
helps in shaping course of action inclusively and

ESG initiatives generate high returns.

STUDY 2: RIL– Linking 17 SDGs & stakeholder values

CASE STUDY 3: Birla - Think about tomorrow, today

The Aditya Birla Group (ABG) embarked on the path of sustainability relatively late in 2012, but with a
comprehensive roadmap and to shape up sustainable businesses. Chairperson Mr. K M Birla defined the
Aditya Birla Group Sustainability Vision and set up the Group Sustainability Cell.

ESG investing sectoral themes

Seeking Growth – The ESG Way

• ESG reflects qualitative aspects of business.

• Big in investing world: USD 31 trillion in assets;
outperforming; growing rapidly; and coming to
• India is catching up on ESG quotient and
approach – in part regulatory, but also a rising
belief about its good among corporate India.
• Biggest business groups in India are leading the

Aditya Narain Head of Research


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