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Asterina, F.G. Kuhuwael
ENT- HNS DEPARTMENT of Hasanuddin University
Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar

Recurence of tumor at the tracheostoma is a devastating sequel to

total laryngectomy. The combination of airway obstruction,
bleeding and invasion of the deep mediastinal structures combine
to make the mortality high. Below, we reported one case of stomal
recurrence after total laryngectomy. A man, 65 years old was
undergone total laryngectomy with left hemithyroidectomy on
April 2004, then three months later he came to ENT Outpatient
Department with a mass just at the site of stoma which was similar
with granulation tissues. The mass was easily bleed but nontender.
The result of biopsy revealed a keratinized SCCA well
differentiated. Then the further treatment was planned but the
patient had been refused and loss follows up.
Key words: Glottic Carcinoma-Total Laryngectomy-Stomal

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