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1. Among the following choices, which one should be the least priority in
the enforcement of the law.
A. saving the injured victim B. saving the property
C. cordoning the crime scene D. preservation of the evidence
2. An act of the person that copies the work or idea of another person and
presents it as his own.
A. Plagiarism B. Copying
C. Editing D. Copyright
3. An established and generally accepted moral values refer to:
A. Ethical Standards B. Morality
C. Integrity D. Judicious use of authority
4. Arresting a suspect without a warrant of arrest may tantamount to;
A. Neglect of duty B. Nonfeasance
C. Malfeasance D. Misfeasance
5. As a general rule, police officers are not permitted or allowed to
engage in any other business or calling.
A. Bribery B. Moonlighting
C. Neglect of duty D. Misconduct
6. Authority of a person he exercised over his subordinates.
A. chain of command B. command responsibility
C. responsibility D. command
7. A voice of reason bidding oneself to avoid evil and do good.
A. virtue B. value
C. dignity D. conscience
8. In the PNP basic issues, what is the key to professionalism?
A. Career Development B. Career Enhancement
C. Career Management D. Career Upliftment
9. It is designed to influence public opinion in favor of the police force.
A. Public Information Program
B. Public Relations Program
C. Civic Action programs
D. Mass Communications Programs
10. Public officers and employees who served with the highest degree of
integrity, loyalty, responsibility and efficiency manifests.
A. Love of country
B. Allegiance to the government
C. Allegiance to the constitution
D. Public office is a public trust
11. It refers to the sum total of dealings of the police with the people it
A. Police Community Relations B. Police Relations
C. Public Relations D. Human Relations
12. The best PCR a police officer can do to the community is
A. harass the people B. perform his job well
C. dress well D. always present in the office
13. Includes elective and appointive officials and employees, permanent or
temporary, whether in the career or non-career service, including military
and police personnel, whether or not they receive compensation, regardless
of amount.
A. Officials B. Public Officials
C. Government Employees D. Public Employees
14. The following are the canon of police ethics except one;
A. Proper conduct of behavior
B. Obedience to superior and loyalty
C. Attitude towards police profession
D. Firmness in refusing gifts or favors

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15. Discipline should be strict but must always be tempered with sympathy
and understanding. To abide by these principles, a superior officer must:
A. Investigate thoroughly all the facts before making a decision
B. Always implement the policies, rules and regulations
C. Treat all personnel equally
D. Maintain discipline
16. The leniency in due process refers to:
A. Over enforcement B. Under enforcement
C. Zero tolerance D. Preventive enforcement
17. The police officer must be trustworthy and upholds the truth at all
times. This is called in police ethics as?
A. Nobility B. Integrity
C. Trustworthiness D. Honesty
18. These are the specific indicators of shared priorities and respect.
A. Image and visibility B. Trust and competency
C. Misconduct and corruption D. Priorities and dependability
19. The study of standards of conduct and moral judgment.
A. community relations B. ethics
C. logic D. psychology
20. The wise use of one’s judgment, personal experience and common sense to
decide a particular situation.
A. Authority B. Decision
C. Discretion D. Evaluation
21. This as an unlawful act committed by policemen who caught gambling bet
collector, pusher, drug user.
A. Fixes B. Shakedowns
C. Gambling D. Gratuities
22. This is known as the moral obligation that depends upon freewill.
A. Task B. Duty
C. Services D. Rule
23. This refers to the sum total of dealings of the police with the people
it serves.
A. Human Relations B. Police Relations
C. Police Community Relations D. Police Public Relations
24. This refers to unfair or unjust acts usually given to friends or
A. Deviance B. Corruption
C. Favoritism D. Misconduct
25. This right is an individuals’ right in participating in government
A. Civil Rights B. Bill of Right
C. Political Right D. Human Right
26. What disciplinary measure, do you think, will most likely produce
discontentment and grievance?
A. Unusual strictness B. Inconsistent administration
C. Severity of punishment D. Impersonal attitude
27. What is the mental capacity to distinguish right from wrong?
A. Discernment B. Judgment
C. Knowledge D. Wisdom
28. What is the basic weapon of police officers?
A. Gun B. Uniform
C. Whistle D. Knowledge of the Law
29. Which of the following is a pleasant activity to be performed by a
police officer on duty?
A. Using firearm as for warning shot
B. Acceptance of gratuities and donations
C. Non-partisan police activities
D. All of these

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30. Which of the following is not a police custom on courtesy?

A. Salute B. address/title
C. giving gifts D. courtesy call
31. A police Officer or person acting and or conducting himself according
to his professional conduct and ethical standard is –
A. An Ethical Person B. A disciplined Person
C. An ideal Professional D. A moral Person
32. It is the essence of good manners, a manifestation of sportsmanship and
an exposition of gentility and culture.
A. Courtesy B. Discipline
C. Loyalty D. Morale
33. It refers to the commitment, dignity and attitude of an individual
towards work and his integrity and his practice of the core moral value
A. Conduct B. Morality
C. Professionalism D. Ethics
34. It is the power of lawful authority to govern his subjects and to make
laws for them.
A. Right of Property B. Juridical rights
C. Right of Jurisdiction D. Alienable rights
35. Those actions which stand neutral in relation to the norm of morality.
They are neither good nor bad in themselves.
A. Moral actions B. Immoral actions
C. Amoral actions D. Semi- moral actions
36. Which of the following refers to the set of conducts and behavior
governing a group, a class, or organization?
A. Ethical Standards B. Professional Standards
C. Code of Conduct D. Group Ethics
37. The doing either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that
which the police officer had no legal right to do at all, as where he acts
without any authority whatsoever or exceeds, ignores or abuses his powers.
A. Incompetence B. Dishonesty
C. Misconduct D. Neglect of Duty
38. Higher levels of professional police service is on demand nowadays, in
view of ________.
A. the changing role of the police
B. the changing economic environment
C. higher pay scale due to standardization
D. more applicants to the police job
39. One common violation committed by law enforcement is the violation of
due process of law. Which of the following best explain due process of law?
A. Law which hears before it condemns
B. Law which proceeds upon inquiry
C. Law which renders judgment only
D. All of these
40. Who was the English person introduced the principles which might be
considered as a version of code of ethics?
A. Sir Henry Fielding B. Sir Robert Peel
C. Hippocrates D. Quetelet
41. A general approaches in police community relation program which is
directed towards the general public or various enclaves within the society.
A. Externally Oriented B. Service Oriented
C. Internally Oriented D. Youth Oriented
42. This must be performed by an agent who decides willfully to perform the
act. The statement is referring to:
A. morality B. acts of man
C. ethics D. human acts

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43. Which of the following is the distinction of human acts between acts of
A. deliberate B. physiological movement
C. instinctive D. biological
44. Avoiding a conduct of vandalism is a compliance of what duty?
A. affirmative duty B. positive duty
C. natural duty D. negative duty
45. It is a form of consequentialism, where punishment is forward looking
which was founded by Jeremy Bentham. It is the principles of
utilitarianism. Which became a part of what school of thought?
A. Utilitarianism B. positivist
C. retributive D. classical
46. In case it is obtain in violation of section 12 shall be inadmissible
in evidence against the person in accused. The statement is referring to:
A. incommunicado B. admission
C. torture D. secret detention
47. They are neither considered as moral or immoral and sometimes known as
psychic responses.
A. fear B. habits
C. violence D. passion
48. A feeling of frustration that dictated a person to think and give
consent in possible things that he might commit is called?
A. Human acts B. Commanded acts
C. Elicited acts D. Acts of man
49. The statement that “the Filipino is worth dying for” would greatly
A. duty B. obligation
C. rights D. value
50. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. canons B. standards of practice
C. tenets D. code of ethics


1. Above all, PNP members must be loyal to the constitution and the police
service as manifested their loyalty to their superiors, peers, and
subordinated as well.
A. Devotion to Duty B. Discipline
C. Loyalty D. Integrity
2. A mental or moral training that makes a man willing to be subject to
controls and regulations for the good of the entire group of which he is a
A. Courtesy B. Discipline
C. Loyalty D. Morale
3. All PNP members shall adhere to high standard of morality and decency
and shall set good examples for others to follow. This means PNP members
should show
A. Discipline B. Morality
C. Integrity D. Devotion to Duty
4. A social norm providing guidance for people in their dealings with one
another, as a standard against which actions are evaluated, and as a
prescription or requirement that people act justly.
A. Law B. justice
C. ethics D. conduct
5. Which of the following is not true about rights?
A. anything which is not owed B. it is residing inside the person
C. a moral power D. bound to be respected by others

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6. It is everyone’s duty and obligation regardless of his intelligence,

degree of education, social standing, religion, sect, or color etc. this is
in relation to the
A. Promotion of human rights
B. Service to the public
C. Loyalty and love of country
D. Faithful allegiance to the government and constitution
7. It refers to the commitment, dignity and attitude of an individual
towards work and his integrity and his practice of the core moral value
A. Conduct B. Morality
C. Professionalism D. Ethics
8. The doing either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which
the police officer had no legal right to do at all, as where he acts
without any authority whatsoever or exceeds, ignores or abuses his powers.
A. Incompetence B. Dishonesty
C. Misconduct D. Neglect of duty
9. The PNP should live in accordance with the PNP core values and posses
the virtues of honor, integrity, valor, justice, humility, charity and
loyalty to the service best describe to:
A. Police Lifestyle B. Equality in the service
C. PNP image D. Delicadeza
10. The police officer shall be mindful of his special identification by
the public as an upholder of the law, this statement best suited to:
A. Conduct towards community
B. Use of proper means to obtain ends
C. Proper conduct & behavior
D. Cooperation with public officer
11. The state tries to convince potential criminals that the punishment
they face is certain, swift, and severe so that they will be afraid to
commit an offense.
A. Specific Deterrence B. General Deterrence
C. Incapacitation D. Retribution
12. This is present in a person who is force by circumstances beyond his
control to perform an act which he would not do under normal condition.
A. Direct voluntariness B. Imperfect voluntariness
C. Simple voluntariness D. Conditional voluntariness
13. This refers to any physical force exerted on a person by another free
agent for the purpose of compelling said person to act against his will.
A. Fear B. Habit forming
C. Passion D. Violence
14. This refers to the concealment of or distortion of truth in a matter of
facts relevant of one’s office or connected with the performance of his
A. In competency B. Dishonesty
C. Disloyalty D. Misconduct
15. What ethical standard is being observed when police officers follow
logical procedures in accomplishing their duties in order to minimize waste
of time, money and effort?
A. Morality B. Ethics
C. Code of Ethics D. Orderliness
15. When PNP members and their families involved themselves in religious,
social, and civic activities in the community, it enhances ___________
which will work well for the image of the police.
A. Camaraderie B. Social awareness
C. Responsiveness D. Effectiveness
16. Excessive use of force or police brutality by some members of the PNP
is a violation of human rights and police ethical standards. It is mandated

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that all PNP members shall exercise proper and _______ use of authority in
the performance of duty.
A. Proportionate B. Ethical
C. Effective D. Legitimate
17. Once a decision is made, all PNP members shall take legitimate means to
achieve the goal even in the face of internal or external difficulties and
despite anything which might weaken their resolve in the course of time. It
means PNP members should practice
A. Humility B. Justice
C. Orderliness D. Perseverance
18. PNP members shall perform their duties with integrity, intelligence and
competence in the application of specialized skills and technical knowledge
with excellence and expertise. This requirement of police standards is
known as police_______.
A. Capability B. professionalism
C. Efficiency D. competence
19. A police officer should conduct himself in an upright manner at all
times because:
A. Misconduct encourages other to misbehave
B. Misconduct causes personal embarrassment
C. Any misconduct will prejudice his career
D. Individual actions are reflective of the police office
20. In police community relation, what does CRAC refers to:
A. Control Referral and Action Center
B. Complaints Referral and Action Center
C. Command Referral and Action Center
D. Complaints Referral and Action Command
21. Eviction or demolition of squatters calls for the policemen to,
A. Exercise limited force
B. Exercise maximum tolerance while giving security assistance
C. Participate in actual demolition
D. Exercise maximum force in dealing with squatters
22. The purpose of a police public relations program is,
A. Train police officers in community relation program
B. Recruit new members for community relation program
C. Develop mutual understanding between the police and the public
D. Plan for a police-community relation program
23. Which of the following statement should not be the attitude of the
police officer when attending in trial court?
A. He must say nothing but the truth
B. He must be irrational and straightforward
C. He must be conscious of his personal appearance.
D. He must speak loudly enough to be heard.
24. Which of the following best describes conscientiousness?
A. Imaginative-practical B. sociable-withdrawn
C. dependable-undependable D. compassionate-antagonist
25. The following is not true about values.
A. a concept that describes the beliefs of an individual
B. literally means “to be worth”
C. considered subjective and vary across culture
D. may be placed into the notion of a value system
26. Generally, this type of depression is characterized by persistent but
less severe depressive symptoms. At least how many years dysthymia may last
for a person to experience?
A. 3 years B. 5 years
C. 6 years D. 4 years
27. This perspective focuses on how humans evolved and adapted behaviors
required for survival against various environmental pressures.

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A. Humanistic approach B. Social learning

C. Biological approach D. Cognitive approach
28. Which of the following best describes extraversion?
A. Imaginative-practical B. sociable-withdrawn
C. dependable-undependable D. compassionate-antagonist
29. The major depressive episode of the mother after birth may be developed
for how many months?
A. 30 days after birth B. within one month after birth
C. 60 days after birth D. during one month after birth
30. In this stage masturbation often becomes frequent and leads to orgasm
for the first time.
A. anal stage B. oral stage
C. phallic stage D. genital stage
31. All but one is the manners of fighting depression.
A. watching movies B. volunteer work
C. eating out D. fight insomnia
32. Which of the following is true about depression?
A. it could be functional or dysfunctional
B. will not happen to those families without history of it
C. lose of interest on things in life
D. most common on the four sources of frustration
33. Mario has a strong sexual desire to women but could not show it so he
started painting nude pictures. The statement best describes:
A. sublimation B. displacement
C. suppression D. projection
34. In the assumption that the investigators were not convinced on the
alleged defense of the accused, what particular rule should prevail?
A. Durham rule B. McNaughton Rule
C. RPC D. Insanity Rule
35. “A man will not be responsible for an act if he does not know what he
is doing”. This state is a notion coming from what presumption rule?
A. product test B. presumption of sanity
C. presumption of insanity D. irresistible impulse
36. This usually accompanied by feelings of guilt, inferiority and anxious
type of depression.
A. anxiety reaction B. depressive reaction
C. conversion reaction D. dissociative reaction
37. This has reference to any physical intellectual quality the lack of
which substantially incapacitates one to perform the duty. What is best
described in the statement?
A. dishonesty B. malfeasance
C. incompetency D. all of these
38. Component of a moral science which deals with the duties and
responsibility which a law enforcement officer owes to the community and
A. Loyalty B. Courtesy
C. Police ethics D. Police community relations
39. Is the process of constantly endeavors to obtain good will cooperation
and support of public for effective law enforcement and to accomplish
police objectives?
A. Public relations B. Police public relations
C. Community relations D. Police community relations
40. They prescribe professional standards of conduct necessary for the
ethical enlightenment of practitioners if they are to lead a professional
career. The statement is referring to:
A. professional conduct B. police creed
C. police ethics D. code of ethics

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1. Which of the statement best suits on the phrase “ignorance of the law
excuses no one”
A. A taxi driver who fails to carry with him his driver’s license.
B. Uneducated person who does not know how to read violated an
C. A man who kills another person just to save himself from danger.
D. An idiot person shouting that there is a bomb at the plaza.
2. Unusual emergencies that happens and absence of superior officers leaves
the policeman to handle the situation properly, the best procedure to
follow is?
A. Take no action
B. Confer with any other superior
C. Act according to one’s judgment
D. Confer immediately with other police officers on the best
action to take
3. A criminology students that have a high hopes of getting a higher grades
and thinks of his brighter future has a chance of having a better life.
This statement carries a modifier of human acts which would be best
attributed to:
A. Passions B. Positive emotions
C. Negative emotion D. Habit forming
4. A police officer on witness stand is not called upon to express his view
about the case, nor to tell what he heard others say about it, nor to make
a speech. Of the following, the most accurate statement of this situation
is that –
A. Be courteous
B. To tell the truth and nothing but the truth
C. Do not volunteer
D. Wait for the question before responding
5. Police officers shall treat official business as such, and shall not
impart the same to anyone except those for whom it is intended, or as
directed by his superior officer, or as required by law.
A. criminal investigation B. admission
C. confession D. confidential information
6. A police officer in uniform is prohibited from carrying any package or
bundle unless it is needed in the performance of his duty. The likelihood,
the said officer will be misinterpreted to ______.
A. Have accepted favors
B. A trim appearance while in uniform is important
C. Be a comprador for his wife
D. All of the forgoing
7. A group of men by force entered the residence of Mr. Ford. They
destroyed the window that made up of glass and then bagged all the
jewelries and other belongings which may cost millions. But Mr. Ford just
let them take all the valuables than his life. What will be the factor
modified the action of Mr. Ford?
A. Violent B. Violence
C. Fear D. Habit
8. PO1 Rolly was task to conduct a patrol in Roxas St. and together with
his team, they went to the area but instead of observing they arrested all
the side walk vendors and confiscated all their goods. Their actions could
be categories as:
A. nonfeasance B. misfeasance
C. malfeasance D. violation of law
9. Oddy is displaying an odd behavior in which it could be explained and
sometimes it is not conforming with the norms that indicating that he is
somewhat confused. In what category of abnormal condition Oddy belongs?
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A. impaired functioning B. bizarre behavior

C. disruptive behavior D. long period of discomfort
10. Changy keeps on changing the topic when his mom will ask him about his
grades in school. The situation is referring to:
A. acting out B. dissociation
C. avoidance D. denial

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