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The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Acronyms 1
Executive Summary 2
1. Introduction 8
2. Research Methodology 10
3. Water Availability Assessment 14
4. Implications for Changes in Water Availability 19
5. Climate Change Research Context in Pakistan 31
6. Options for Addressing Priority Research Gaps or Barriers 35
7. Recommendations 42

Appendix 1: Key Informant Survey Report 52
Appendix 2: Water Availability Study 83
Appendix 3: Water Demand Study 120
Appendix 4: Energy Policy Brief 136
Appendix 5: Agriculture Policy Brief 148
Appendix 6: Water Quality and Health Policy Brief 155
Appendix 7: Road maps of potential options for addressing gaps 167
Appendix 8: National Symposium 200

List of Figures
Figure 1. Map of the Indus Basin 14
Figure 2. Comparison of five water demand scenarios
against a baseline period of 2015. 22
Figure 3. Percentage of respondents engaged in the identified fields of research 31

List of Tables
Table 1. Historical water demands by sector. 20
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

This report was prepared by Jo-Ellen Parry, Dr. Hisham Osman and Anika
Terton of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada
(, Dr. Saeed A. Asad and Dr. Toqeer Ahmed of the Centre
for Climate Research and Development ( at COMSATS
Institute of Information Technology Islamabad, Pakistan.
The project team would like to thank the many individuals from federal
and provincial government departments, research institutes, academic
organizations, non-governmental organizations and independent
consultants who provided their time and expertise to the project.
We thank Ministry of Climate Change and the Ministry of Water and Power
for their guidance and support during implementation of the project
and special thanks to the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
for their financial support to the project.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

GDP Gross Domestic Product
GOP Government of Pakistan
HKH Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya
KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
MoCC Ministry of Climate Change
MW megawatt
NCCP National Climate Change Policy
NGO non-governmental organization
NTDC National Transmission and Despatch Company
PPIB Private Power and Infrastructure Board
RCP Representative Concentration Pathway
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
WHO World Health Organization
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Executive Summary
Concern has been growing in recent years regarding the potential impact of climate change
on Pakistan’s already stressed water resources. Rising temperatures, increasing saltwater
intrusion in coastal areas, a growing threat of glacier lake outburst floods, more intense
rainfall, and changes in monsoon and winter rainfall patterns are just some of the ways
in which climate change is expected to affect Pakistan’s hydrologic resources. These risks
amplify an already problematic situation given that Pakistan is among the most water-
stressed countries in the world. Per capita access to surface and groundwater sources is
expected to continue to decline in the decades ahead, driven largely by rapid population
growth and urbanization.
Of particular concern is the potential for climate change to affect water flows within the
Indus Basin. The majority of Pakistan’s water is provided through the Indus River and its
tributaries, which are fed primarily by snow and ice melt in the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-
Himalaya mountains. Any change in water flow in the Indus basin will have significant
implications for food security in Pakistan given that 90 per cent of total agricultural
production occurs on arable land supported by the Indus Basin Irrigation System (Qureshi,
2011). Indus basin water flows also play a critical role in meeting domestic and municipal
water supply needs, as well as supporting the country’s energy production, manufacturing
and industrial processes.
While the potential for climate change to jeopardize the country’s efforts to increase its
water, energy and food security has been acknowledged by the Government of Pakistan,
there remains uncertainty regarding how changing climatic conditions are or could
adversely affect the country’s critical water resources (GOP, 2012). This uncertainty impedes
Pakistan’s capacity to move forward on planning and implementing adaptation response
strategies. Compiling existing research related to climate change and water in Pakistan
and systematically identifying priority research needs in this area would be a step toward
enhancing the country’s capacity to prepare for the impacts of climate change.
The research project, The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate
Change: Identification of Gaps and Recommendations for Action, was launched by the
Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC) and the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) in July 2015 in response to this situation. The project’s goal was to analyze how
climate change could adversely affect the availability of water resources in the Indus
basin, and therefore limit the country’s future economic and social development. It also
sought to identify significant research gaps and capacity barriers limiting Pakistan’s ability
to more completely understand its vulnerability to climate change and take actions that
would enhance its resilience. The project further aimed to increase comprehension by the
people of Pakistan regarding how climate change could alter the future availability of water
resources in the Indus basin. Outcomes of the project are expected to improve decision-
making capacity within government ministries, research institutes and the general public in
relation to water resources management in a changing climate.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Implementation of the project was guided by a detailed research methodology that

consisted of five main components:
• Key informant analysis to identify who is doing what in the area of climate change and
hydrology in Pakistan.
• Water supply analysis to synthesize the current state of knowledge regarding how water
flows in the Indus basin may or may not change in the future, based on a systematic
review of existing literature.
• Water demand analysis to summarize current projections regarding how water use rates
by different sectors will change under different scenarios in the years leading to 2050.
• Policy analysis to assess the implications of future changes in water supply and demand
for three key sectors—energy, agriculture and health—and to identify interventions that
could address identified research and capacity gaps.
• Outreach and communication to share project outcomes and raise public awareness of
climate change and its potential implications for Pakistan’s long-term economic and
social development.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change project
was implemented under the leadership of the MoCC in partnership with UNDP-Pakistan,
the Centre for Climate Research and Development at COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology Islamabad, Pakistan, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development,
Canada. Funding for the project was provided by the Overseas Technical Unit of the Italian
Embassy in Pakistan.

Main Observations
The following main observations emerged through implementation of the project’s five
• Climate change impacts on water flows in the Indus basin will be limited in the near
term. The systematic review of existing research on how climate change may affect the
hydrological regime of the Indus Basin found a limited number of comprehensive studies
encompassing this issue. Almost consistent agreement emerged from these studies that
climate change will only have a limited impact on total annual volumes of water flow
stemming from the glacial and nival (snow melt) regimes in the near and medium terms.
The impact of climate change in the period before 2050 is more likely to be reflected in
changes in the timing of peak flows and increased variability in flow levels, primarily due
to greater unpredictability in the rainfall (monsoon) regime.
• Large knowledge gaps remain regarding the impact of climate change on the Indus
basin’s hydrological regime. The systematic review also made evident the continuing
lack of knowledge regarding the physical processes that shape the hydrological regime
of the Upper Indus basin. Limited research has been conducted in this topographically
and climatologically complex region from which about 60 per cent of water flow in the
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Indus basin originates. Thus, there is no clear understanding of the relationship between
the glacial and nival regimes, how they respond to current climate conditions and how
they might change in the future. In part this situation stems from a lack of data due to
the limited number of hydrometeorological monitoring stations established in the
Upper Indus basin. As well, current climate models are unable to adequately reflect the
complexity of the region. Greater understanding of the hydrological regime in the Upper
Indus basin is required to inform estimates of future water availability.
• Strong action is needed to reduce growing water demand. A comparison of five water
demand scenarios, each of which took into consideration factors such as population
growth, urbanization rates, economic growth and potential changes in agricultural
practices, clearly demonstrates the likelihood of a growing water demand by 2050.
The analysis demonstrates the potential for significant reductions in water demand in
the near-term simply through the implementation of improved irrigation efficiency. It
also highlighted the risk associated with rising temperatures, which will further increase
water needs by the agricultural sector—which remains the dominant source of water
demand in the country (at almost 90 per cent) under all scenarios. The analysis reiterates
the conclusions of other studies that Pakistan faces a growing and significant risk of
increasing water scarcity on a per-capita basis unless strong water demand management
practices are introduced in the near term.
• Understanding of water demand is limited. A very limited number of studies of
water demand in Pakistan have been published. There is an absence of water demand
information at the subnational level and for particular industries. As well, projections have
generally relied on the use of simple linear regression models. A better understanding
of current and projected water demand patterns, and how they may be influenced by
climate change, is needed to inform water management decisions and sector-based
• Agriculture faces significant climate change-related challenges. The agriculture sector
is expected to experience significant adverse impacts due to greater competition for
water as temperatures increase and the population expands. Key issues were identified
as being: the potential for significant declines in the production of cash crops such as
wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton and maize; the need to shift cropping patterns and crop
rotations due to reduced water availability; and a decline in livestock production due to
greater stress on rangelands. Targeted interventions are needed to reduce the risk climate
change poses for future food security, such as increasing uptake of efficient irrigation
technologies, introducing new crop varieties, regulating groundwater use to stop over-
exploitation, encouraging rain and flood water harvesting, and developing more climate-
resilient livestock varieties.
• Energy production will be affected by climate change’s impacts on water resources.
Pakistan’s expanding thermal power production is highly dependent on water for steam
production and cooling, and sensitive to temperature increases. These installations may
face greater competition for water resources to meet its growing needs as the climate
changes. As well, run-of-the-river hydroelectric power installations may be affected by
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

greater variability in water flows, while large-scale hydropower plants are unlikely to be
significantly affected in the near to medium terms. Greater analysis is needed to better
understand the potential for trade-offs between energy sector water needs and those of
other sectors, particularly the agricultural sector.
• Climate change impacts on the health of Pakistanis is not understood. Research
conducted through this study highlighted the general absence of knowledge regarding
how the health of Pakistanis will be affected by climate change, such as through future
changes in water quality and the presence of water-borne diseases. A greater risk of
negative health outcomes due to poor water quality is likely as the frequency of heavy
rainfall events, floods and droughts increases with climate change. Moreover, it is well
recognized that climate change will influence the occurrence of water-borne and water-
related diseases such as malaria and cholera. However, understanding of the role of
climate change in influencing future disease patterns in Pakistan is quite limited.
• A limited number of researchers are engaged on issues related to climate change. A
survey of 77 experts from 42 organizations found that the majority of ongoing climate
change-related research is linked to the biophysical impacts of climate change (e.g.,
glaciology, hydrology) and in the fields of agriculture and irrigation. Less research is
being undertaken in areas such as human health, gender and poverty-related impacts.
The surveyed experts also identified a number of areas in which key research questions
remain to be answered. Many highlighted needs related to reducing water demand,
such as effective ways to raise public awareness regarding the need to engage in water
conservation, the potential for household-level rain water harvesting and the benefits
of high-efficiency irrigation systems. Other areas identified as requiring the immediate
attention of policy-makers were the revision of water pricing policies, updating the
academic curricula regarding sustainable development in a changing climate and
strengthening the country’s watershed monitoring networks.
• Researchers face data access, financial, human resource and technology barriers. A
majority of researchers and research managers stated that they are facing challenging
barriers, including: accessing high-quality, reliable data at a limited cost; financial
constraints; an absence of human resources training in specific areas of knowledge; and
an inability to access scientific tools for on-site data recording. The absence of a central
repository for water data was cited as a major impediment for scientists wanting to initiate
studies addressing the biophysical and socioeconomic impacts of climate change on
water resources. Researchers also were found to require additional resources for capacity
building and enhanced cooperation among the different organizations working in this

Priority Areas for Action

Taking into account these observations, “road maps” or action plans for four priority gaps or
barriers were developed. These areas were chosen based on how strongly the issue impeded
efforts to understand and respond to the vulnerability of the Indus basin’s water resources
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

to climate change, and the potential for a clearly definable action to be taken in response.
The actions prioritized for implementation are to:
• Accelerate uptake of sustainable irrigation practices by smallholder farmers: Increase
smallholder farmers’ capacity to adopt more efficient irrigation technologies and better
land management practices in order to improve the efficiency of water use within the
agriculture sector and increase the climate resiliency of the Indus Basin Irrigation System.
• Strengthen post-secondary education in the area of climate change: Develop curriculum,
capacity-building programs and exchange programs at the post-secondary level to
increase the number of individuals entering the work force that have the interest and
training needed to engage in impact, vulnerability and adaptation research and action.
• Establish a central repository of water data and analysis: Establish a centralized, open access
data portal through which researchers, scientists, academics and decision-makers can
access standardized surface and groundwater metadata sets, visualizations and related
analysis regarding hydrologic conditions in a changing climate.
• Modernize Pakistan’s streamflow monitoring network: Strengthen streamflow monitoring
in the Upper and Lower Indus basins to ensure the accurate and timely collection of data
that can be reliably used to inform decision-making in sectors such as agriculture, energy,
health and disaster risk management.

The research conducted as part of the Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the
Impacts of Climate Change project highlighted the need to increase capacity in Pakistan
to anticipate and minimize climate change’s impact on water resources in the Indus basin
by: deepening knowledge and action on water demand and ways in which to promote
more efficient water use; strengthening research capacity in the area of climate change
adaptation; and increasing efforts to fill critical hydrometeorological data gaps. The
following recommendations address these needs:

1. Research-focused actions:
• Establish a dedicated water demand research program to better understand future sector
demands, potential trade-offs between different water users, specific costing for different
water uses and actual water-use patterns.
• Establish a centralized, open-access water data portal that provides access to standardized
surface and groundwater metadata sets, visualizations and related analysis regarding
hydrologic conditions in a changing climate.
• Promote research on the socioeconomic impacts of climate change, particularly in the
areas of climate-smart agricultural practices, water quality and human health implications,
energy performance impacts, and potential economic costs.
• Investigate appropriate water pricing policies that will promote more efficient water use
and sustainable management of water infrastructure.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

2. Policy-related actions:
• Strengthen climate change education at the post-secondary level to build capacity to
undertake research and action to reduce vulnerability to climate change impacts.
• Establish a centralized federal water authority responsible for regulating and monitoring
surface and groundwater use in Pakistan.
• Increase the role of government in the promotion of water demand reduction strategies.
• Increase consideration of the implications of growing water demand and the impacts of
climate change in energy planning.

3. Implementation-focused actions:
• Accelerate the uptake of highly efficient irrigation technologies and sustainable land
management practices by smallholders.
• Implement Integrated Water Resource Management in a priority watershed of the Indus
basin to advance efforts to achieve equitable, sustainable and efficient management of
Pakistan’s limited water resources.

4. Infrastructure-focused actions:
• Strengthen streamflow monitoring in the Upper and Lower Indus basins.
• Install more hydrometeorological stations in the Upper Indus basin to better meet
optimum observational demands and amplified research regarding the region’s physical
processes and how they are affected by climate change.

5. Climate change adaptation actions:

• Undertake provincial-level vulnerability assessments to fully understand how climate
change will affect their water resources and the associated socioeconomic consequences
of these changes, as well as identify priority climate risk management strategies.
• Foster the development of a climate change community of practice in Pakistan.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

1. Introduction
Access to a safe and reliable water supply is recognized as an urgent concern for the people
of Pakistan. Water availability per person is low and decreasing in Pakistan, with the country
ranked as among the most water stressed in the world and expected to be classified as
“water scarce” in the coming years. This situation has negative implications for the millions
of Pakistanis who depend on irrigated agriculture for their livelihoods and food security.
It has adverse implications for energy production given the role of water in thermal and
hydroelectric power production; for domestic and industrial supplies in Pakistan’s rapidly
expanding urban centres; and for critical ecosystem services such as those provided by
wetlands and mangroves.
Within this context there is growing concern about the potential impacts of climate change
on Pakistan’s water resources, particularly those within the Indus Basin. Rising temperatures
spurring higher evaporation rates, rising seas leading to greater saltwater intrusion in
coastal areas, more glacial melt increasing the threat of glacier lake outburst floods, and the
potential for more intense rainfall and changes in monsoon and winter rainfall patterns are
just some of the potential impacts of climate change on the Pakistan’s hydrologic resources.
These impacts are expected to negatively affect sectors such as agriculture, energy, health,
manufacturing, and the provision of domestic and municipal water supplies.
While there is increasing awareness of the potential for climate change to enhance existing
water scarcity concerns in Pakistan, uncertainty remains regarding the degree to which this
change may occur and its potential implications for different sectors. As acknowledged in
Pakistan’s National Climate Change Policy (NCCP), Pakistan does not have a comprehensive
evaluation of how changing climatic conditions are or could adversely affect its critical water
resources and how to act to reduce its vulnerability to this risk (GOP, 2012). In particular, the
NCCP draws attention to the absence of a compilation of existing research related to climate
change and water in Pakistan, and the systematic identification of priority research needs
in this area.
In response to this situation the research project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water
Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for
action” was formally launched in July 2015. Developed by the Ministry of Climate Change
(MoCC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the project was initiated
to provide analysis regarding how climate change is or could adversely affect the availability
of water resources in the Indus River basin, and therefore limit the country’s future economic
and social development. More specifically, its objectives were to:
• Develop a fuller picture of current knowledge regarding the exposure of Pakistan’s
water resources to the impacts of climate change and the potential socio-economic
ramifications of these impacts.
• Identify priority research gaps and barriers to be overcome to fill these gaps.
• Present options to enhance understanding of and capacity to respond to the vulnerability
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

of Pakistan’s water resources to climate change through revised or new policies, research
programs and other initiatives.
• Increase comprehension by the people of Pakistan regarding how climate change could
alter the future availability of water resources.
By completing this analysis, the project aimed to improve decision-making capacity within
government ministries, research institutes, and the general public in relation to water
resources management in a changing climate. Knowledge gained through implementation
of the project also was expected to contribute to future efforts to develop a comprehensive
vulnerability assessment of Pakistan’s water sector and prepare a National Water Sector
Adaptation Plan. The project was implemented under the leadership of the MoCC, in
partnership with the UNDP-Pakistan, the Centre for Climate Research and Development at
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad, Pakistan, and the International
Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada. Funding for the project was provided by the
Overseas Technical Unit of the Italian Embassy in Pakistan.
This report captures the main messages and key deliverables from the project. It begins
by providing an overview of the methodology used to implement the project’s five main
components: key informant analysis, water supply analysis, water demand analysis, policy
analysis, and outreach and communication. Outcomes of these components are then
presented, beginning with a summary of a systematic review of existing research regarding
the projected changes in water availability in the Indus River Basin due to climate change.
The potential socio-economic implications of these changes are presented in section 3.
Specific analysis is provided regarding the growing gap between water supply and demand
in the country, and its potential implications for the development of Pakistan’s electricity
sector, the well-being of the economically critical agriculture sector, and for water quality
and human health. Section 4 presents outcomes of a key informant survey that gathered
information regarding the type of climate change research currently underway in Pakistan
and priority areas for research-related interventions that emerged from this study. Guidance
is presented in section 6 regarding possible strategies for overcoming observed priority
research gaps or barriers that must be overcome for Pakistan to more fully understand the
vulnerability of its water sector. The report concludes with recommendations regarding how
the Government of Pakistan (GOP) could move forward to enhance in-country capacity to
better understand the vulnerability of its water resources to the impacts of climate change
and develop strategies for reducing this risk.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

2. Research Methodology
A detailed research methodology was developed to guide implementation of the project’s
planned components and ensure achievement of its objectives. The methodology clarified
the scope of research to be undertaken and clearly defined the roles and responsibilities
of the project’s partner organizations. The methodology document served to ensure that
there was a common understanding of what the project would and would not achieve,
along with key deliverables and milestones toward project completion. Drafted in the fall
of 2015, the research methodology was reviewed within the project implementation team
prior to being presented at a meeting of the project’s Expert Working Group in November
2015 for review and endorsement. Revisions were subsequently made in light of feedback
from the Expert Working Group and the final version of the project’s research methodology
completed in early December 2015.

The research methodology consists of five main components, each of which builds on the
previous step:
i. Key informant analysis – which aimed to identify who is doing what in the area of climate
change and hydrology in Pakistan.
ii. Water supply analysis – the most significant portion of the project, this component
involved preparing a synthesis of the current state of knowledge regarding how water
flow levels in the Indus River Basin may or may not change in the future, based on a
systematic review of existing literature.
iii. Water demand analysis – which aimed to summarize current understanding of projected
changes in water demand in Pakistan, providing a basis of comparison with projected
changes in water supply.
iv. Policy analysis – research was undertaken to answer two primary questions:
o What are the implications of a changing climate for three key sectors—energy,
agriculture and health—based on the outcomes of the water supply and demand
o What are the main research gaps related to the projected changes in water supply
and what interventions are needed to address these gaps and strengthen capacity?
v. Outreach and communication – publication of research results and sharing of project
outcomes through key events such as a national symposium.
Further information regarding the methodology used to complete each of these research
components is provided in the remainder of this section.

Key informant survey. The first step in the research methodology was implementation of
a key informant survey to inform the subsequent research components focused on water
supply, water demand and policy analysis. In particular, the aim was to identify who in
Pakistan is undertaken research within the climate change and water nexus, and the focus
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

of this research. It further sought to clarify key gaps and barriers to conducting research on
the climate-water nexus in Pakistan from the perspective of the key informants. Through
completion of the key informant survey, the project also sought to identify grey literature
that could inform other components of the planned research, and key stakeholders with
whom to communicate the project’s outcomes.
To conduct the survey, an interview protocol was drafted consisting of key questions
regarding the profile of the respondent, the type of research they were engaged in, and
key findings of the research (published and unpublished) that they have completed. The
draft protocol was tested in October 2015 and revised in light of lessons gained through
this experience as well as feedback from the Expert Working Group. The survey was then
undertaken between December 2015 and February 2016, with interviews being conducted
in-person by members of the CCRD project team. All interview responses were recorded
and uploaded using SurveyMonkey into a common database. In total 77 experts from 42
organizations were interviewed. The responses collected were subsequently analyzed
qualitatively and quantitatively to draw out and verify conclusions. A synopsis of findings
from the key informant survey is provided in section 5 and the full report from this research
component is provided in Annex 1.

Water supply analysis. The objective of this portion of the project was to document the
current state of knowledge regarding how climate change will alter hydrological flows in the
Indus River Basin due to factors such as glacial retreat, changes in monsoon patterns, and
changes in winter precipitation patterns. Systematic Review methodology was selected for
conducting this research. This methodology is increasingly being used in the field of climate
change research, particularly when reviewing, synthesizing or tracking existing knowledge
related to a particular question. Its key feature is the explicit use of standardized criteria to
guide the identification and selection of documents and information to be included in the
review—helping to ensure that this process is less ad hoc and less open to research bias.
Following the parameters set for compliance with the systematic review approach, literature
for use in the analysis was identified between mid-December 2015 and mid-January 2016.
Peer-reviewed literature that meet established criteria was identified by searching three
online databases: Web of Science (formerly Web of Knowledge), Scopus and Google Scholar.
Grey literature was identified primarily through a general web search, while keeping in mind
the inclusion and exclusion criteria established by the project. After compiling an initial list
of references, the inclusion and the exclusion criteria were again applied to create a shortlist
of particularly relevant sources that contained a total of 27 peer reviewed and grey literature
sources. These sources were then carefully reviewed with respect to their key messages,
the rigour of the methodology used in the studies, and identified research barriers and
knowledge gaps. A summary of the outcomes of this assessment is presented in section 3
and the full report is provided in Appendix 2.

Water demand analysis. The third research component of the project focused on gaining a
macro-level understanding of projected changes in water demand in Pakistan. The aim of this
analysis was to present a synthesis of existing research regarding potential water demand in
Pakistan in the coming decades under different scenarios. Relevant peer-reviewed and grey
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

literature was identified through a general search using Google as well as the three online
databases used in the water supply analysis. The analysis sought take into consideration
factors such as population growth, urbanization, economic development, and potential
changes in agriculture practices. Findings from this research component primarily informed
the policy analysis component of the project.

Policy analysis. The policy analysis component primarily assessed the potential research,
socio-economic and policy-related implications of the project’s prior findings. It specifically
aimed to answer two main questions: (1) What are the implications of a changing climate
for Pakistan’s future water security and for three key sectors: energy, agriculture and water
quality / human health?; and (2) What are the main research gaps and research barriers
influencing current understanding of the potential vulnerability of Pakistan’s water resources
to climate change, and what interventions are needed to help fill these gaps?

To help provide a response to the first question, analysis was undertaken with respect to the
following themes:
A. Energy production: The energy component focused on potential scenarios for future
thermal and hydroelectric power production, based on existing government sources,
and the extent to which climate change impacts may or may not have implications for
these plans.
B. Agriculture production: A review of existing literature assessed the extent to which
research on this topic has been completed and the key messages that are emerged,
giving particular attention to changes associated with potential increases or decreases
in water availability.
C. Water quality and human health: Initial attention was given to current expectations
regarding how water quality and the incidence of water-related diseases could be
affected by climate change based on existing research.

A summary of findings from analysis on each of these topics is provided in section 4.

To address the second question within the project’s policy component, outcomes of the key
informant survey and water supply and demand studies were assessed to identify barriers
to gaining a more robust understanding of the potential implications of climate change
for Pakistan’s hydrologic system and the socio-economic consequences of these impacts.
Taking into consideration identified selection criteria, a short list of priority research barriers
was identified. For each of these shortlisted barriers, a practical action plan or “road map”
was created that outlines how the identified gaps could be filled and knowledge generated
to improve decision-making capacity related to the future management of Pakistan’s water
resources. Section 6 provides a synopsis of these roadmaps, which are presented in full in
Appendix 7.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Outreach and communication. Specific activities were undertaken to achieve the project’s
objective of increasing comprehension by the people of Pakistan regarding how climate
change could alter the future availability of water resources. In particular, a one-day national
symposium was held in May 2016 to share the project’s findings with researchers and policy
makers. The symposium also aimed to provide an opportunity for Pakistani researchers
working in the water resources and climate change fields to share their research on projected
changes in water supply and water demand, along with the potential socio-economic
implications of these changes and possible solutions. Presentations were selected through a
competitive call for abstracts. As well, invitations were extended to prominent experts in the
climate change and water fields to be keynote speakers. More than 130 participants from a
cross-section of regions and sectors attended the symposium, the outcomes of which are
presented in Appendix 8.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

3. Water Availability Assessment

The Water Supply Analysis component of the project aimed to provide a synthesis of the
current state of knowledge regarding how future water flows in the Indus Basin may change
in the face of climate change. To set the research in context, the assessment began by
providing a synthesis of the current “anatomy” of the hydrologic regime of the Indus Basin
and historic climate trends in the region. Outcomes of a systematic review of secondary
sources—both peer-reviewed publications and grey literature—regarding projected
changes in water flow in the Indus Basin due to climate change was then presented. Through
this review commonly cited barriers to gaining a fuller understanding of the potential
implications of climate change for water flow in the Indus River basin were also identified.

3.1 Hydrology of the Indus Basin

A good understanding of the hydrological processes that determine river flow in the Indus
Basin is required to assess how climate change will impact this system. The basin’s hydrology
is determined by the combined influence of three very distinct regimes and their responses
to climatic conditions: the glacial regime, the nival (snowmelt) regime, and the rainfall
regime. The glacial regime generates about 25 to 35 percent of water flow in the Indus River
(Immerzeel et al., 2010; Mukhopadhyay & Dutta, 2010; Savoskul & Smakhtin, 2013). Its flow
patterns are characterized by large variation in responses due to the inherently diverse
topography and climate of the region (Archer et al., 2010; Asian Development Bank, 2010;
Miller et al., 2012). Runoff rates in the glacial regime are positively correlated with summer
temperatures (i.e. higher temperatures leads to greater runoff ) and negatively correlated
with summer precipitation levels. The latter relationship may be due to rainfall clouds
reducing the concurrent heat energy input for ice melt and the consequence increase in
albedo from new snow cover.
The nival regime generates about 35 to 40 percent of total water flow in the Indus Basin
(Immerzeel et al., 2010; Mukhopadhyay & Dutta, 2010; Savoskul & Smakhtin, 2013), which
arises from the melting of snow that
fell during the preceding winter
plus spring precipitation. In contrast
to the glacial regime, a consistently
negative relationship between
runoff and temperature has been
reported for the nival regime (Yu et
al., 2013; Archer & Fowler, 2008). This
reduced in runoff as temperatures
rise has been attributed to greater
evaporative losses at higher
temperatures (Archer et al., 2010;
Singh & Bengtsson, 2005). The
Figure 1. Map of the Indus Basin
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

rainfall regime is largely dependent on variations in the timing and intensity of the Indian
monsoon, which is the primary factor influencing runoff in the southern foothills of the
Himalayas and the Indus Plains (Archer et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2013). The rainfall regime is the
main cause of lowland flooding as it produces more intense runoff.
As highlighted, flow patterns in the glacial, nival and rainfall regimes are influenced by a
combination of factors including physical factors (altitude and topography), timing, and
climatic conditions. A key driver of the whole system is winter precipitation, which shapes
the glacial and nival regimes by nourishing glacial areas and determines the accumulation
of snow cover. Changes in temperatures and precipitation patterns are the main variables
that influence changes in the Indus Basin’s hydrological regime as they in turn determine
factors such as seasonal extremes, evapotranspiration rates, glacier volumes, and rates of
snow and glacier melt.
While the above description provides a general picture of the factors influencing hydrologic
patterns in the Indus Basin, it is important to keep in mind that a limited number of studies
of the hydrology of the Upper Indus Basin have been completed. While the hydrology of the
southern portion of the Indus Basin is well studied, hydrologic patterns in the Upper Indus
Basin have been described as a “black box,” with current understanding of climate patterns,
local hydrology and glacier behaviour in the Upper Indus Basin is based on limited analysis
using a limited data base (Yu et al., 2013).

3.2 Historic climate and hydrology trends

Pakistan’s climate is beginning to change in response to the global process of climate
change. Studies of historical temperature datasets show a statistically significant warming
trend over all of Pakistan, with mean annual temperatures reported to have increased
by 0.6°C between 1900 and 1999 (Sheikh et al., 2009). Regional differences have been
observed, with the northern portion of Pakistan experiencing an overall warming trend
over the past 50 years while some parts of the lower Indus Basin have cooled. At the same
time, temperatures in the Upper Indus Basin show contrasting trends between winter and
summer, with average and maximum winter temperatures showing a statistically significant
increase (0.1 to 0.55°C per decade), while average and minimum summer temperatures
showed consistent cooling. Winter warming has been confined to lower altitudes while
summer cooling is greater at higher elevations (Fowler & Archer, 2006).
Existing annual and decadal variability in precipitation levels within Pakistan due to factors
such as variable in monsoon patterns make it more challenging to detect emerging
precipitation trends spurred by global climate change. Available studies for Pakistan as a
whole suggest that there has been an increase in annual and seasonal precipitation in the
past 30 to 50 years, although large differences between regions and seasons have been
observed. There has been a strong trend toward increasing precipitation levels in the Upper
Indus, Punjab and northern Baluchistan plateau, while the western Baluchistan plateau and
particularly the coastal belt has experienced declining precipitation levels (Yu et al., 2013).
Within the Indus Basin available studies are less consistent in terms of observed changes
but generally suggest that there has been an increase in winter precipitation levels in the
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Upper Indus Basin since the 1960s (Fowler & Archer, 2005; Khattak et al, 2011; Nepal et al.,
2015). They also suggest that there has been an increase in rainfall intensity, with more rain
falling in fewer rainy days, across the basin (Shrestha et al, 2015; Singh et al., 2011). However,
uncertainty remains regarding historical trends, particularly given the limited number of
studies and meteorological data available in the upper portion of the Indus basin.
Little research has been published to date on how hydrological patterns have or have
not changed in recent decades due to the observed increases in winter temperatures
and declining summer temperatures in the Upper Indus Basin and the variable trends in
precipitation levels. However, it is reported that gauge data from hydrological stations along
the Indus River and three of its tributaries document a decline in river flow in the kharif
season (April to August) (Khan, 2016) and a 5 percent overall decline in total water supply
between 1962 and 2012 (Qiu, 2016). This reported trend is consistent with the observed
decline in spring and summer temperatures, which would reduce the rate of ice and snow
melt in the Upper Indus Basin that is critical to downstream water flow. Further research is
required, though, to better assess historical trends in available hydrological data.

3.3 Projected changes in the climate and hydrological regime in the

Indus Basin
Climate projections suggest that temperatures in the Indus Basin will continue to rise in
the coming decades—in both the summer and winter—and that there remains significant
uncertainty regarding changes in precipitation, particularly with respect to winter
precipitation, as available projections are inconsistent with respect to changes on a seasonal
and spatial basis. How each of the glacial, nival and rainfall regimes respond to these climatic
changes will determine the future hydrology of the Indus Basin. As runoff in the glacial
regime is positively correlated to summer temperatures, higher summer temperatures are
expected to lead to higher rates of runoff (Yu et al., 2013; Singh & Bengtsson, 2005; Archer &
Fowler, 2008). However, it is difficult to predict the extent or timing of this increase over the
long-term given the uncertainties associated with climate projections, the topographical
complexity of the Upper Indus Basin, and the absence of a comprehensive inventory of
glaciers within in the basin. Most of the current studies available focus on changes in small
areas that are then extrapolated to present a regional overview.
Nival regime changes are of particular interest when trying to assess the potential
consequences of climate change for future hydrological patterns in the Indus Basin as it
comprises the greater portion of consistent downstream water flow (Archer et al., 2010;
Laghari et al., 2012). A higher rate of winter precipitation, which would be consistent with
historical trends, could lead to higher levels of summer runoff (Archer & Fowler, 2008; Laghari
et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2013). However, as winter precipitation projections from different
models contradict one another and are associated with great uncertainty, it is challenging
to anticipate how runoff rates from this regime might change in the future.
With respect to changes in the rainfall regime, most climate models predict that monsoon
rainfall will increase in most parts of Pakistan. An increase in inter-annual and intra-seasonal
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

variability is also projected. Collectively these changes point to a greater risk of flooding
during the monsoon season in the coming decades (World Bank, 2013). Overall, significant
uncertainty remains regarding not only how each of the glacial, nival and rainfall regimes
will be affected by climate change but also with respect to the interplay between them and
therefore the collective outcome of these changes.
A limited number of studies have been conducted that assess future changes in water flow
in the Indus Basin as a whole, both in the near and longer term. The three studies examined
as part of this review all concluded that the volume of water flow in the Indus Basin will not
change significantly prior to 2050 as decreases in glacial melt runoff will be compensated by
runoff generated from increasing monsoon rainfall (Laghari et al., 2012; Shrestha et al., 2015;
Yu et al., 2013). While no significant change in total flow volume is projected, modelling
results by Yu et al. (2013) show that the main impact of climate change prior to 2050 will
be a shift in the timing of peak flow to slightly earlier in the year. Immerzeel et al. (2009)
also projects that there will be a shift in the timing of peak flows in the Indus Basin, with
modeling results suggesting that peak flow will occur three to four weeks earlier compared
to a baseline of recorded flows between 2001 and 2005 in which peak runoff occurred in
weeks 26 and 27 of the calendar year (June/July) (Immerzeel et al., 2009).
In the long-term, available models suggest that water flow in the Indus Basin will decline
with the loss of glaciers in the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya (HKH) ranges. Modelling
by Immerzeel et al. (2009), for example, found that a 50 percent decrease in glacial cover
due to the temperature increases would result in a decrease in glacier runoff of only 22
percent. However, the total runoff in the basin would increase by 7 percent under this
scenario as glacial melt losses would be offset by significant increases (by 53 percent) in
rainfall concentrated in the period between June to August. In contrast, the discharge
drops significantly for the scenario in which there is complete loss of glaciers in the area.
These results are in agreement with the outcomes of a detailed modeling of climate change
impacts in the Upper Indus Basin by Akhtar et al. (2008), which found increases in discharge
for models that assume 50 to 100 percent glacier coverage, but substantial reductions when
there is a complete loss of glacier coverage.

3.4 Discussion
The systematic review generally concluded that current evidence suggests that climate
change will have a relatively low impact on overall annual discharge in the Indus Basin in
the near-term (i.e. prior to 2050). However, there may be a shift in peak flows to earlier in
the year. The review also highlighted a number of gaps and areas for building capacity to
enhance understanding in Pakistan of climate change’s impact on future water flows in the
Indus Basin:
• Hydro-meteorological monitoring network and data availability. In general, mountainous
regions are required to be equipped with more weather stations than the flat regions
to have a good representation of the mountain climate heterogeneity (Fowler & Archer,
2005). The current density in the Upper Indus Basin represents one gauge for precipitation
per 5,000 square kilometers, which falls short of the one gauge per 250 square kilometers
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

recommended by the World Meteorological Organization (1994). The Asian Development

Bank (2010) concluded that in order to meet the optimum observational demands, at least
75 automatic weather stations and 35 hydrological monitoring stations must be installed
in the high elevation areas of the Upper Indus Basin. Moreover, the predominance of
monitoring stations in the valley floor creates bias in the monitoring network of the
Upper Indus Basin. It is therefore essential to establish a dense network to capture the
seasonal variations across the basin, supported by a joint program to manage, maintain
and operate the hydro-meteorological monitoring network and data.
• Large uncertainties in precipitation projections and hydrological models. Large uncertainties
remain regarding precipitation projections for the Indus River Basin. While winter
precipitation is a key driver of the whole basin’s hydrologic regime, its future projections
are the most uncertain compared to other climate indicators. Moreover, most of the
current downscaling work is produced from high coarse resolution models, which
generate a crude overview of the future scenarios. It is therefore very difficult to determine
the impact of climate change at the sub-basin level, which is very important for water
resource development planning. In addition, current understanding and representation
of the different hydrological regimes of the Indus Basin is not yet well understood and
associated with large uncertainties. Better quantification of the hydrological processes
within the basin’s three regimes at different scales and obtaining better and higher
resolution winter precipitation projections would be essential steps toward obtaining a
more detailed and comprehensive picture of future water availability in the Indus Basin.
• Lack of comprehensive glacial data and understanding of its physical processes. Many studies
report that the glaciers of the HKH are not very well understood and remain a “black box.”
Most scientific research on Himalayan glaciers has focused on isolated data or individual
perception that does not provide an objective or systematic assessment of the evidence
base or true understanding of ongoing physical changes. As the glacial and nival regimes
contribute about 60 percent of the discharge in the Indus Basin, monitoring the evolution
of glacial cover in the Karakoram range and the HKH mountains more generally is required
to better inform estimates of future water availability and provide early warning of risks
such as glacial lake outburst floods.
• Strengthen research capacity within Pakistan. Only about 15 percent of the publications
identified for inclusion in the analysis was based on research conducted by Pakistani
researchers. Of these, most were produced by the Pakistan Meteorological Department.
However, these studies were focused more on historical trend analysis; future climate
projections using multiple models and the current RCP scenarios remain to be completed.
Greater capacity needs to be built within Pakistan’s government and academic research
institutes to be able to undertake these and other studies, and to publish research results.

The full report from this study is provided in Appendix 2 of this report.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

4. Implications for Changes

in Water Availability
The volume and timing of water flowing within the Indus River has a critical influence on a
wide variety of economic and social activities in Pakistan. Consequently, any future changes
in flow patterns in the Indus River—either in terms of increases or decreases or changes
in peak flow patterns—has implications for variety of sectors. These potential implications
were explored with respect to three key sectors:
• Energy production, with a focus on the prospects for electricity generation from thermal
power and hydroelectric power production.
• Agriculture, which is the main user of water resources in Pakistan and highly sensitive to
changes in hydrological and climatic conditions, particularly given the essential role of
irrigation in agricultural production and food security.
• Health, given the potential influence of climate change on water quality and water-borne
While these sectors are sensitive to changes in water availability, they are influenced by, and
contributors to, Pakistan’s current rising levels of water demand and growing water scarcity
per person. Climate change also is expected to influence future water demand, furthering the
challenges facing these sectors. As such attention is first given to understanding projected
changes in water demand in Pakistan prior to discussions regarding the implications of
climate change for water use by the energy, agriculture and health sectors.

4.1 Water demand implications

The Water Demand Analysis component of the project aimed to provide a macro-level
synthesis of projected changes in water demand in Pakistan by 2050 under five different
scenarios, taking into consideration factors such as population growth, urbanization,
economic development and potential changes in agricultural practices. The analysis was
based on a review of secondary sources identified through a general web search, drawing
on studies that discussed current and/or future water demand in Pakistan’s agricultural,
industrial and municipal sectors. Outcomes of the analysis were then compared to findings
from the water availability study to inform the development of recommendations related to
water, climate change and the energy, agriculture and health sectors.
Water demand is usually categorized in terms of its use by three main sectors: agriculture,
municipal and industrial. Looking back over the past five decades, it is clear that water
demand within each of these sectors has grown, with the greatest increase in absolute terms
occurring in the agricultural sector while the municipal sector experienced the greatest
proportional rate of increase—rising by 629 percent between 1975 and 2008 (see Table 1).
In Pakistan, the agricultural sector has always been the primary water user, responsible for
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

about 90 percent of water withdrawals. Much of this water is used within the Indus Basin
Irrigation System, one of the largest canal irrigation systems in the world, spreading over
14.87 million hectares of the flat plains of the Indus Valley (FAO, 2011).

Table 1. Historical water demands by sector.

Year Agriculture Industry Municipal water Total water withdrawal
(km3/year) (km3/year) (km3/year) (km3/year)
1975 150.3 1.534 1.534 153.4
1991 150.6 2.5 2.5 155.6
2000 162.7 3.47 6.39 172.6
2008 172.4 1.4 9.65 183.5
Source: FAO (n.d.)

Historic and future water demand in Pakistan is highly influenced by the country’s population
growth rate, which census data shows reached its highest point in the 1970s (3.77 percent
in the 1972 census) and has since declined to about 2.7 percent based on the last census
completed in 1998 (Amir & Habib, 2015). Estimates suggest that Pakistan’s total population
reached about 189 million people in 2015, and could reach 245 million people in 2030 and
309 million people in 2050 (United Nations, 2015). As total renewable water availability in
the country is relatively stagnant at 246.8 cubic kilometres (FAO, n.d.), this rise in population
and associated water demand has led to a steady decline in per capita water availability.
Based on the United Nation’s estimate of Pakistan’s population in 2015, per capita water
availability was just less than 1,000 cubic metres per person, classifying the country as water

Estimates of future water demand for five different scenarios were calculated based on
a number of assumptions regarding anticipated changes in Pakistan’s rate of population
growth, urbanization, industrial water withdrawals, and agricultural water withdrawals.
Specifically, these assumptions were that:
• The proportion of Pakistanis living in urban centre reached 38.8 percent in 2015 and will
increase to 46.6 percent in 2030 and 57.5 percent in 2050 (United Nations, 2015).
• Water use in rural areas averages 45 litres per capita per day and in urban areas averages
120 litres per capita per day. These use rates in combination with the above projected
changes in total and urban population in 2015, 2030 and 2050 was used to create a
baseline for municipal water withdrawals.
• Industrial water use is directly associated with the industrial Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) growth rate. As the relationship between water used and industrial GDP growth
rate in Pakistan is unclear due to paucity of available data, demand levels were estimated
under for low, medium and high rates of economic development based on case study
analysis conducted by Suttinon et al. (2009) in Thailand.
• Agricultural water withdrawals will primarily be influenced by changes in irrigation
efficiency, which is currently about 30 percent, as the country’s net sown area (and
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

associated total irrigated area) is relatively stagnant (Amir & Habib, 2015; Bhatti et al.,
2009; Qureshi, 2011).
Using this information, five water demand projection scenarios were developed:
1. Business-as-usual scenario: This baseline scenario assumed that the United Nations’
population projections (total and proportion living in urban areas) are realized, rates
of rural and urban water use per capita per day remain unchanged, a medium level of
economic growth occurs (leading to an industrial GDP growth rate of 6.9 percent), and
irrigation efficiency remains at 30 percent. Any potential impacts of climate change were
not considered.
2. Moderate water demand management scenario: Under this scenario, all assumptions within
the baseline scenario remained constant with the exception of an assumed increase in
irrigation efficiency (the average delivery ratio) from 30 percent to 37 percent, which
could be achieved by applying more sustainable irrigation methods such as sprinkler or
drip irrigation.
3. Strong water demand management scenario: In this scenario irrigation efficiency is
increased from 30 percent to 45 percent, while all other factors remain constant.
4. Above business-as-usual scenario with exceeded extrapolation of current water demands:
This scenario projects water demand will be greater than the baseline, business-as-usual
scenario due to a higher level of economic growth (leading to an industrial GDP growth
rate of 9.7 percent) and an increase in population 15 percent greater than the United
Nations’ estimate. All other factors remained constant.
5. Climate change impact scenario: The scenario assumes that temperatures increase by 3°C,
which would lead to an increase in agricultural water requirements of 6 percent by 2025
and 12 to 15 percent by 2050 according to research conducted by Amir and Habib (2015).
All other factors remain the same.
Outcomes of the analysis are presented in Figure 2, which demonstrates that under the
baseline, business-as-usual scenario total water demand will increase by about 15 cubic
kilometers by 2050, when total water demand will be 195.2 cubic kilometers. A much more
significant rate of growth is projected to occur under the climate change impact scenario,
in which total water demand increases to 219.6 cubic kilometers in 2050. In contrast,
significant reductions in water demand could be achieved in the near-term solely through
efforts to improve irrigation efficiency. The impact of these measures links to the continuing
role of the agricultural sector as the largest source of water demand under all scenarios.
It may be anticipated that additional reductions in water demand could be achieved
through implementation of a broader array of water demand management initiatives in the
agricultural, industrial and municipal sectors.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Figure 2. Comparison of five water demand scenarios against a baseline period of 2015

Taking into account experiences gained through conducting this assessment, a number of
general observations can be made regarding the nature and availability of literature related
to water demand in Pakistan:
• A very limited number of studies have been conducted that address various types of
water demand in Pakistan, an observation made as well by Amir and Habib (2015) in their
similar study.
• Most of the available studies are high level and use data “aggregated” to the national level.
Thus they lack detail regarding the implications of increasing water demand for different
regions of Pakistan. Moreover, the literature lacks information about industrial water
demands and potential trade-offs between irrigation needs and hydropower generation.
• Most of the future projections of water demand are based on simple linear regression
models, which is mainly attributed to the limited availability of time series data.
The study clearly exposed the potential for a significant increase in water demand in
Pakistan due to climate change and population growth, and the potential for water
demand management measures to help reduce this level of future demand. In the absence
of these measures, water demand will increasingly approach Pakistan’s total renewable
water availability (currently 246.8 cubic kilometres [FAO, n.d.]). Pakistan must invest more
in scientific research to better understand the impact of climate change on water demand,
particularly in the agricultural sector.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

4.2 Energy development implications

The implications for Pakistan’s energy sector resulting from altered trends in water supply
and demand due to climate change was explored through the project. Energy access is a
significant concern in Pakistan as the country faces power outages, cuts and rotational load
shedding. This situation stems from a growing gap between energy supply and demand.
The policies of successive governments have led to high power production costs, tariffs on
electric utility rates that are below the level sufficient to recover costs, and consequently
limited development of the energy sector. Attempts to restructure and liberalize the
electricity market in Pakistan have been difficult, resulting in sub-marginal electricity tariffs,
unpaid bills, and power shortages. Additionally, the country is dealing with an inefficient
power transmission and distribution system that currently records losses of 23 to 25 percent
due to poor infrastructure, mismanagement and theft (Private Power and Infrastructure
Board [PPIB], 2013). At the same time, energy demand is continuing to increase due to
population growth, urbanization and industrial development. According to National
Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC), electricity consumption is set to continue to
increase at a rate of about 8 percent each year (NTDC, 2011).
In response, the Government of Pakistan has developed a power policy to support
the current and future energy needs of the country that sets key targets in terms of the
demand-supply gap, affordability, efficiency, financial viability and governance of the
system (PPIB, 2013). Amongst these are key commitments to the development of thermal
and hydroelectric power. As the production of both of these sources of energy is sensitive
to climatic conditions and water availability, specific analysis was conducted regarding how
thermal power and hydroelectric power production and its future development could be
affected by climate change.
Thermal power generation currently stands at about 13,670 megawatts (MW) and generates
about 65 percent of Pakistan’s current electricity. However, a number of plans for expansion
of the sector are currently in development to further increase the electricity production. In
light of the discovery of one of the world’s largest coal deposits, the Thar coalfield, in 1991,
Pakistan is adding to its one existing coal-fired power plant by constructing and proposing
11 new projects. Data provided by the Planning Commission of Pakistan indicates that
24 more independent power producer plants will be added by 2025 (Q. Sabir, personal
communication, May 13, 2016), which could substantially add to the country’s power
generation capacity.
Thermal power production is sensitive to climate change due to two primary factors: its high
dependence on water for steam production and subsequently for cooling the steam; and
temperature increases. Analysis from the systematic review of studies on projected changes
in water flow in the Indus River completed as part of this project indicates that availability
will not change significantly in the short and mid-term (2050) although there could be
a shift in the timing of the peak flow to earlier in the year—potentially by three to four
weeks in the longer term (Immerzeel et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2013). Changes in water supply
are therefore unlikely to significantly affect current thermal power plant developments.
However, these utilities are likely to be affected to projected increases in air temperature,
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

which will decrease the efficiency of the thermal conversion process and result in a loss of
production or electrical output (Makky & Kalash, 2013). In turn this will lead to an increase
in water demand by the energy sector, leading to increased competition with other sectors
such as agriculture. However, it appears that national planning for power generation does
not fully account for how climate change might influence the issue of long-term competition
for water resources in the country. Such considerations could influence decisions regarding
whether or not there is a need to retrofit cooling systems or switch to more efficient cooling
Pakistan has significant hydropower development potential and is interested in facilitating
private sector investment in hydropower generation so at to address its current energy gap
and thereby support achievement of the country’s socio-economic development objectives.
While total installed hydropower capacity was 6,720 MW as of 2010, the total potential
capacity is about 60,000 MW. Almost all of this potential lies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-
Baltistan, Punjab and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (PPIB, 2011); 75 percent of all hydropower
potential in Pakistan is contained in the Indus River Basin (Qureshi & Akintug, 2014). Under
Pakistan’s Integrated Energy Plan 2009-2022, the government has mandated an increase
in hydropower production to 17,392 MW by the year 2022-2023 “at any cost” (Ministry of
Finance, 2009). Based on the projects that are currently being implemented (mostly small
hydel projects) along with the ones under consideration, the total hydel capacity can be
expected to potentially grow to 42,765 MW by the year 2030 (International Institute for
Sustainable Development, forthcoming).
Depending on the expected lifespan of newly constructed dams, the loss of glaciers beyond
the middle of this century and its potential impacts on water flows in the Indus River could
potentially affect water supplies and hydroelectric generation capacities. In the medium-
term (2050), however, reduced availability of water supply in the Indus River basin does not
appear to be a significant threat to large hydropower installations. Changes in the timing
and variation of daily water flows though could have a greater impact on run-of-the-river
hydroelectric projects.
What could be of concern is the potential for conflicting shifts in peak energy demand
and water run-off, given that hydropower reservoirs are an important source of irrigation
water. Projections suggest that there could be a shift in the timing of peak run-off, which
could significantly increase between weeks 14 and 25 of the calendar year (Immerzeel et al.,
2009). This time period coincides with the onset of the growing season for kharif crops and
therefore is a critical period for irrigation. Should energy demand also shift to earlier in the
year in response to rising temperatures (and therefore greater cooling needs), competition
for water could increase. Greater analysis is needed to better understand the potential for
growing trade-offs between irrigation and energy generation, as well as careful assessment
of the need for changes in water allocation rules.
Future energy development processes will need to take into consideration the inter-
relationship between climate change, energy production and water supply and demand.
Better management practices and conservation initiatives will be required to address
trade-offs and promote synergies, particularly with respect to management of competing
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

demands for water from a finite supply. As such it appears that there is a need to:
• Integrate water demand projections into the planning and development of new thermal
power plants and consider the most efficient cooling methods to reduce the amount of
water used in the cooling process.
• Increase promotion of water and energy conservation strategies through regulations
and incentives, recognizing the interdependencies of both resources across sectors and
• Review current water allocation rules to take into potential shifts in run-off patterns and
peak flows.
The full brief on Pakistan’s energy sector and how it might be affected to changes in climatic
conditions is provided in Appendix 4.

4.3 Agriculture implications

Agricultural production in Pakistan is intimately linked to the availability of water in the
Indus River and its tributaries that feed the Indus Basin Irrigation System and enable crop
growth in the largely arid and semi-arid Indus Plains. Land irrigated by the Indus Basin
Irrigation System generates about 90 percent of Pakistan’s total agricultural production.
Pakistan’s agriculture sector is also a critical source of local livelihoods; about 67 percent
of rural Pakistanis are economically dependent on agriculture in one way or the other
(Maqbool & Bashir, 2009). Agriculture also generates approximately 22 percent of Pakistan’s
GDP and 70 percent of its export earnings (FAO, 2015).
While the Indus Basin is richly endowed with land and water resources, agricultural
production within this region is challenged by a variable climate and hydrology, the impact
of natural hazards like floods and earthquakes, concerns regarding the sustainability of
agricultural production, and continued undernourishment of about 20 percent of the
population (FAO, 2016). An equally large concern is the Indus Basin’s increasingly inadequate
and aging water infrastructure, particularly its limited water storage capacity due to too few
reservoirs and the sedimentation of existing reservoirs. The Indus River Irrigation System
is also characterized by large inefficiencies at the canal, watercourse and field levels, due
in part to poor management and low water rates that do not generate sufficient funds to
cover existing operation and maintenance costs. In addition to these difficulties, Pakistan
is experiencing a decline in per capita water availability as its population increases and
economy grows. Water demand in the agriculture sector is projected to increase much
more than in other sectors to meet the growing food requirement needs of an expanding
population (Amir & Habib, 2015).
Climate change is an additional stressor on this already challenged system—leading to
agriculture being identified as perhaps the sector more vulnerable to changing climate
risks. The sector is expected to be affected by an anticipated rise in mean temperatures
on an annual and seasonal basis, changing precipitation patterns, the potential for more
frequent and intense extreme weather events such as floods and droughts, and by changes
in the growing season. Of particular concern is the potential impact of a changing climate
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

on water flows in the Indus Basin given the implication for irrigated agriculture. The Indus
Basin and its tributaries are largely fed by the melting of glacial and annual snowfall in the
HKH mountain ranges, which provides between 50 and 70 percent of the basin’s water flow
(Yu et al., 2013). Altered melt patterns in the HKH ranges along with potential changes in
monsoon patterns could result in changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of water
resources on an annual and inter-annual basis (GOP, 2012)—with subsequent implications
for irrigated agriculture and livestock production. At present it is anticipated that total
water flows in the Indus Basin in the near-term (i.e. before 2050) will remain relatively stable,
although there could be an increase in flows due to higher run-off as temperatures warm
and a shift in the timing of peak water flow to earlier in the year (Immerzeel et al., 2009).
These climatic changes will bring both risks and opportunities for Pakistan’s agriculture
sector. Potential impacts include: declines in water availability, which would lead to shifts in
crop rotations and alter sowing and harvesting patterns in the coming two to three decades;
a reduction in the production of the country’s main cash crops; reduced cereal production
in southern Pakistan of up to 20 percent while minor improvements may be experience in
the northern belt; and a potential decline in livestock production of up to 30 percent due
to greater stress on rangelands due to longer droughts and greater competition for limited
resources as people and animals migrate to riverine areas. At the same time there is the
potential for elevated temperatures to speed up crop growth and for yields to increase due
to a longer and hotter summer season (GOP, 2012).
Climate change will disproportionally impact agricultural production across the country.
In Punjab and Sindh, limited capacity to store water could take a toll on about 20 to 25
percent of cultivable land, rendering it unfit for agriculture. As well, it has been projected
that a 4°C increase in temperatures and 3 percent rise in precipitation by 2080 could result
in a loss in agricultural productivity of up to 13 percent in these two provinces (Dehlavi et
al., 2014). Similar results have been generated by Yu et al. (2013), who suggest that more
adverse change could potentially be experienced in Sindh. More positively, in Pakistan’s
northern foothills, wheat, maize and rice yields could increase due to longer and hotter
summer seasons (Rasul & Ahmed, 2012).
The potential implications for the country’s main cash crops has been the focus of most of
the (relatively limited) research completed to date on climate change and agriculture in
Pakistan. These studies have identified potential climate risks for specific crops:
• Wheat: A decrease of 8-10 percent in wheat yields may occur. The population will need to
reduce its dependence on wheat and shift to use of coarse grains such as barley, sorghum,
millets, oats and coarse rice (Janjua et al., 2010).
• Rice: Production may be reduced by up to 20 percent compared with current figures
(Tariq et al., 2014).
• Maize: Maize yield will be substantially decreased as temperatures increase up to 1.8oC
in central areas of Punjab. If the current scenario of a consistent increase in temperatures
continues, the commodity yield may decrease by 20 percent beyond 2050 (Khaliq, 2008).
• Cotton and sugarcane: Cotton (Raza & Ahmed, 2015) and sugarcane (Zhao, 2015)
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

production would be severely impacted by changing rainfall patterns, rising temperatures

and declining supplies of surface water. The negative impacts of temperature on cotton
production are more striking for Sindh. It has been projected that a 1°C rise in temperature
during the vegetative and flowering stages of growth would reduce yield by 24.14 percent
and 8 percent respectively (Raza & Ahmed, 2015).
Overall available research suggests the potential for water-intensive crops to be most
affected by climate change, resulting in significant reductions in crop yields.
Livestock production, which generates half of the agriculture sector’s current contribution
to GDP, will also be affected by a changing climate. Direct effects of climate change on
livestock may result in lowered milk and meat production and reduced reproductive
capacity as temperatures rise. Risks such as climate-related disease epidemics may also
increase. Decreased nutritional quality and palatability of forage plants due to increasing
concentration of carbon dioxide, competition for land between fodder and staple crops,
and increased water requirements present further impacts. The vulnerability of the livestock
sector to climate change is particularly high because it depends largely on grazing on
rangelands whose capacity for adaptation is very low (GOP, 2013a).
To enhance food and water security, a number of actions could be taken to address the
challenges Pakistan’s agriculture sector is facing due to climate change, including:
• Introduce new varieties of crops which are high yielding and less water intensive.
• Regulate groundwater usage to stop over exploitation and encourage rain and flood
water harvesting along with enhanced water storage capacity.
• Initiate water conservation technologies such as drip or sprinkler irrigation methods in
selected areas and promote raised bed technology, which could reduce by 50 percent the
need for irrigation water while increasing crop productivity.
• Implement waste water recycling in urban settings.
• Up-scale land leveling, which enables 30 percent water saving with corresponding
increases in productivity.
• Develop and introduce better varieties of livestock that have higher capacity to produce
milk and meat, are less prone to heat stress, and are more drought tolerant.
A fuller brief on the vulnerability of Pakistan’s agriculture sector to climate change is
provided in Appendix 5 of this report.

4.4 Water quality and health implications

A further critical impact of climate change is expected to be on water quality and the presence
of water-borne diseases such as malaria and cholera. Water quality in Pakistan is increasingly
being negatively impacted by factors such as population growth, agricultural contaminants,
environmental degradation, and the intensification of water use to meet rapidly growing
demands for agricultural production, urbanization and industrialization. These stressors
interact with factors like temperature, humidity, extreme events and changing in rainfall
pattern to influence the occurrence of water-related and water-borne pathogens and
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

diseases. Analysis therefore was completed as part of the project that reflected on potential
changes in the quality of water available to Pakistanis, potential changes in the incidence of
water-related diseases due to climate change, and potential actions to reduce these risks.

Climate change is likely to impact water quality and the presence of water-borne diseases
through two principle means:
• Temperature increases: Water quality parameters, including acidity levels, oxygen and
nutrient levels, are particularly sensitive to increasing water temperatures, which
influences the blooms of various planktonic species that are directly or indirectly
hazardous to human health. Thus, increasing water temperatures will likely mean an
increase in water-borne bacteria and harmful algal toxins. It can also lead to potential
increases in vector-related diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic
fever, chikungunya, yellow fever and filariasis. Clear evidence is available, for example, on
the effect of temperature on the risk of a cholera outbreak. Studies have shown that rising
temperatures leads to plankton blooms that, under suitable conditions, are followed by
increases in the reported cases of cholera (Hunter, 2003).
• Precipitation changes: Climate change may lead to changes in monsoon rainfall patterns
and other variations in precipitation levels that could lead to greater frequency of heavy
rainfall events and more extreme events like floods and droughts that have a direct
impact on water quality and water-borne and water-related diseases. Heavy rainfall
events such as those that occur during the monsoon season lead to water abundance
and quality deterioration because storm water runoff carries pathogens and dissolved
organic pollutants into surface and groundwater sources, resulting in high counts of
indicator bacteria as well as potential pathogens in drinking water. Flooding and heavy
rainfalls, particularly in urban areas, also cause large amounts of contaminants to be
transported from industrial and agricultural areas to rivers, further deteriorating water
quality. In contrast, drought conditions not only reduce water supply, they also impair
water quality as contaminants become more concentrated in the declining supply of
surface and ground water. Moreover, droughts conditions can force residents to use
contaminated sources of water for drinking and other uses. Reportedly, vegetables and
crops have been irrigated with wastewater, due to the unavailability of treated water.
Consequently, vegetables and crops are polluted with pesticides, heavy metals and other
Thus, climate change coupled with poor socio-economic conditions could exacerbate
deteriorating water quality and changing vector parameters, rapidly increasing the number
of people exposed to a high risk of water pollution, related diseases and health impacts.
Moreover, as decreasing water quality will reduce the amount of water available for
consumption, this process will likely compound Pakistan’s future water demand challenges
along with population expansion and economic growth.
Both malaria and cholera appear to be on an upward trend in Pakistan and, while there
is limited information currently available about climate change’s link to the occurrence of
these diseases in the context of Pakistan, international research suggests the potential for
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

greater prevalence of these diseases in the future. Temporal variations in the occurrence of
malaria is strongly associated with climatological variables like temperature and average
rainfall (Ahmad et al., 2015), with data confirming that the transmission of malaria in
Pakistan mainly occurs in the post-monsoon season (September-November) every year.
With changing rainfall patterns and increases in temperature due to climate change, the
population density and geographic distribution of malaria carrying mosquito species will
be changed and likely could increase. However, an increase in the occurrence of malaria will
not occur under all conditions. For example, floods can have a negative effect on the density
of mosquito populations because floods may wash or destroy their eggs and larvae.
Between 2005 and 1992, not a single case of cholera in Pakistan was reported to the
World Health Organization (WHO) (Naseer & Jamali, 2014). However, by 2014, 1,218
cholera cases were reported by Pakistan and it remains a public health problem related
to water contamination in the country (WHO, 2015). The deterioration of water quality
after floods—the occurrence of which may increase in Pakistan with climate change—and
the unavailability of clean drinking water can increase the risk of cholera and other water-
related diseases. The importance of providing basic health care facilities in affected flood
areas and infrastructure will be key to preventing and treating diseases such as cholera.
While the risk of climate change for human health and, to a lesser extent, water quality has
been identified and examined in detail in different regions of the world, this study found
that very little if any research has been published to date on the potential impact of climate
change on water quality and the presence of water-borne diseases in Pakistan. This presents
a sizeable gap in current understanding of the potential risk climate change poses for
Pakistanis—particularly given that increases in health risks has been identified as one of the
main climate change threats facing Pakistan (GOP, 2012). As climate change progresses, it
will become more important to monitor the annual outbreak of the diseases in Pakistan and
to enhance research on the likely impacts of climate change on water- and vector-borne
parasites, along with their control under changing climatic conditions.
Based on the above findings, the following recommendations emerged from the project
regarding actions that could be taken by the Government of Pakistan:
• Given the large research gap regarding the relationship between climate change impacts
and changes in water quality and water-borne diseases, it is highly recommended that
greater research be conducted on potential water quality scenarios under changing
climatic conditions and possible adaptive measures to reduce or avoid future impacts on
water quality.
• Given the important influence of water quality on human health, now and under
changing climatic conditions, greater emphasis should be put on the adoption of
sustainable agriculture practices, improved wastewater treatment, industrial design and
other measures to minimize water pollution.
• Few studies have been conducted in Pakistan to assess the quality of water in rivers.
Such studies should be conducted to provide a baseline against which to compare future
studies regarding the impact of climate change on bacteriological water quality.
• Water quality should be monitored during regular time intervals, especially pre- and post-
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

extreme weather events and natural disasters. It is recommended that water quality and
climate change be included in future water policies at the national and provincial levels.
• More research is needed on the potential impact of climate change on the abundance
and distribution of water- and vector-borne parasites, such as malaria, dengue fever and
cholera, as well as strategies for their control under changing climatic conditions. Such
action could reduce the future incidence of these diseases.
• Investment is needed in the health care system, particularly in flood affected areas, to
increase its capacity to manage the expected increase in the occurrence of water- and
vector-borne diseases associated with changing climatic conditions.
• Health campaigns and other awareness raising efforts that use modern techniques and
local languages are needed to inform those most at risk of the best strategies to control
malaria and cholera.
The full policy brief for this study is provided in Appendix 6.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

5. Climate Change Research

Context in Pakistan
As described in section 2, a key informant survey was undertaken between December 2015
and February 2016 that aimed to identify the Pakistani researchers and institutions engaged
in climate change and water research. It also sought to identify the type of research being
undertaken regarding the biophysical impacts of climate change on Pakistan’s hydrological
system and the potential socio-economic consequences of these changes. Another aim of
the survey was to identify key research gaps and barriers from the perspective of Pakistani
researchers. Participants were also asked to identify their recent research papers as part
of the grey literature data collection process. The responses collected were subsequently
analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively to draw out and verify the conclusions. The
following section presents the main results of the survey of 77 key informants from a total
of 42 organizations engaged in water and climate change-related studies.

5.1 Profile of key informants

Of the 77 respondents (70 men, 6 women), approximately 60 percent of key informants had
a background in the sciences, followed by those specialized in engineering (27 percent);
10 percent identified themselves as social scientists. Regardless of gender or the field of
specialization, more than 93 percent of the key informants were either master or higher
degree holders in their respective fields of expertise.
Research areas of the key informants surveyed are depicted in Figure 3. Data analysis
indicates that the greatest number of people (18 percent) interviewed were working in
the field of hydrology, followed by those from related disciplines such as irrigation (11

Figure 3. Percentage of respondents engaged in the identified fields of research

The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

percent) and water demand (10 percent). Scientists engaged with assignments in the fields
of climatology, agricultural crops and water quality constituted 8 percent of each of these
disciplines, whereas representation from the remaining identified areas of specialization
was approximately 6 percent. Further, the analysis indicated that researchers working with
climate change-related studies generally engage in a mix of biophysical and socio-economic
research, but those engaged in biophysical research are more likely to focus primarily in this
area, devoting 51 percent to 75 percent of their time to this aspect.

5.2 Survey Results

Results from the data collected through the key informant survey is presented below. The
subsequent discussion identifies significant barriers and gaps to conducting research that
address the biophysical and socio-economic impacts of climate change on water resources
in Pakistan as identified by the survey participants.
Research Areas. The main objectives of climate change-related research being undertaken
by a majority of the key informants and/or their organizations included: on-farm water
management to enhance agricultural productivity; development of water resources; and
cryosphere monitoring. Others were involved in research related to water conservation and
improving water storage for small-scale hydropower generation. Approximately 3 percent
of all those interviewed were engaged in monitoring surface and ground water quality while
a negligible number of candidates pursued studies related to climate change adaptation
Research Barriers. When respondents were asked about the major challenges to conducting
studies regarding the biophysical and socio-economic impacts of climate change on water
resources, a majority identified data access as the single factor which has most affected
their research initiatives. Moreover, the same interview participants were doubtful about
the quality of available data—an additional area of concern. Approximately 91 percent of
the interviewees and their respective organizations were facing financial issues which was
further exacerbated by the fact that already underfinanced individuals and organizations
are being asked to pay high fees to purchase data needed for research. One out of five
respondents documented a lack of human resources and particularly trained personnel for
specific projects such as data collection as a major impediment to work on climate change-
water nexus projects.
A considerable number of key informants (17 percent) reported the non-availability of
scientific equipment for on-site data recording as a challenging issue. Twelve percent of
respondents reporting other obstacles to engage in water-related research. Security
concerns were identified among these obstacles, particularly with respect to undertaking
research in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Baluchistan province, as well as along the Indus
River and its tributaries near the Afghanistan border.
Knowledge Gaps. Survey respondents were requested to highlight the main research
questions or knowledge gaps that they believe remain to be addressed regarding the
biophysical and/or socio-economic impacts of climate change on water resources of
Pakistan. A significant number of participants noted that climate change is a rather new
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

phenomenon in Pakistan, that it is not well understood, and that it has not received the
necessary attention at the research and policy levels. Interview participants proposed
that the inclusion of climate change-related courses in the curriculum at least of higher
education institutions may improve the situation.
Several key informants recognized that basic studies are lacking, leading to a lack of clarity
regarding whether glaciers are retreating at a faster rate compared with the previous three
decades. Interviewees linked the absence of a central data repository to the non-existence of
such reports. Capacity building of farmers, the revision of water pricing, rainwater harvesting
and water conservation were identified as themes that remain to be researched and legislated
to combat the country’s growing water stress. It was emphasized that farmers’ reluctance
to adopt new water-saving technologies and the inability of the national government to
implement regulations are core issues to be addressed. Respondents representing provincial
irrigation departments in Punjab and Sindh underlined that farmers’ involvement should be
sought to adopt high efficiency irrigation systems given their potential to save 50 percent
of irrigation water compared with conventional flood irrigation methods. It was also cited
that peoples’ attitudes toward water needs to be addressed, as non-judicious use of water
by households has very serious repercussions and is contributing to the growing demand
for this natural resource.
A very critical knowledge gap shared by an interview participant was that credible watershed
data does not exist. No work has been carried out on watershed network studies, and most
of the watershed forecasting is done using non-established procedures—a practice that
has resulted in incorrect data. Non-coordinated responses amongst all stakeholders to
extreme weather events such as floods was presented as another challenge. Furthermore,
it was observed that groundwater contamination and over mining concerns are missing
altogether in most studies conducted within the climate change and water nexus.

5.3 Observations and Discussions

Data access, quality and cost were observed to be the most serious concerns facing the
research community involved in climate change and water related studies in Pakistan. this
problem may be addressed by establishing a databank at the federal level that encompasses
all data from projects related to hydrology and climate change, and by strengthening
the network amongst researchers and data holding organizations. Data quality may be
improved by capacity building as it was observed that most organizations are understaffed
and face issues related to the availability of trained personnel. Moreover, the use of state
of the art techniques and equipment (e.g. early warning system) for on-site data recording
may further improve the situation.
Security concerns limiting or preventing data collection and site visits to remote areas, such
as those bordering Afghanistan and the tribal areas of KP and Baluchistan provinces, was
identified as being a severe challenge. This problem has increased scientists’ dependence
on other organizations to collect data, rather than recording information themselves
firsthand. A further challenge is the limited attention federal and provincial governments
have given to climate change-water nexus studies in the past and their lack of willingness
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

to prioritize this type of research. Given all of these challenges it is perhaps not surprising
that no notable progress has been made in advancing hydrological studies with reference
to climate change in the last decade.
Many research questions remain to be answered on an urgent basis, such as effective
ways to overcome the current lack of public awareness regarding the need for and ways
to engaged in water conservation such as rain water harvesting and the adoption of high
efficiency irrigation systems. To address these issues, it has been recommended that a water
resource regulatory authority be formulated after necessary legislation has been enacted.
This authority should be given the task of revising water pricing policies and regulations in
consultation with stakeholders. Water pricing, along with public education campaigns, may
encourage people to make more judicious use of water.
Another area seeking urgent attention is groundwater, which has largely been ignored in the
national water policy of Pakistan. Due to the non-existence of a designated regulatory body,
this natural resource has been over-mined as the supply of surface water has decreased.
Parallel with these research and policy shortcomings, negligible work has been conducted
on adaptation strategies to cope with water-related extreme events triggered by climate
change. Additionally, the impact of climate change on water quality and its consequent
influences on human health has not yet been studied. It is highly recommended that such
research be undertaken.
To conclude, a limited number of organizations and experts are studying hydrology with
respect to climate change, particularly in relation to its socio-economic implications, and are
facing challenging barriers related to data access, finance, human resources and technology
availability. The key informant survey demonstrates that researchers need additional
resources for capacity building, easy access to reliable data, and enhanced cooperation
among different organizations working in this field. It further identifies critical gaps of
climate change-water related research that need to be prioritized both at the research and
policy levels.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

6. Options for Addressing Priority

Research Gaps or Barriers
Insight into some of the gaps and barriers that currently impede understanding of the
vulnerability of the Indus River Basin’s water resources to climate change was gained through
the feedback provided by surveyed key informants and the literature review completed
within the water availability study. From this list of gaps and barriers, four priority needs
were selected taking into consideration criteria such as: the extent to which it addresses
an identified research-related gap or barrier; how strongly it emerged as an urgent need
through the project’s activities; and whether it could be addressed through clearly definable
actions that would attract the interest of international donors.
For each of the shortlisted priority needs, a “road map” or action plan for filling the identified
gap or barrier has been elaborated. These road maps provide a general description of the
main elements of the prioritized action, a rationale for its selection, expected results from
its implementation, possible implementation challenges, potential partners, and a general
timeline and estimated costs. They are intended to provide sufficient information regarding
the specific elements of the proposed initiative to enable the Government of Pakistan to
engage in discussions with potential funders. The content of each road map was informed
by desk-based research that looked at similar actions in other developing countries, as well
as feedback received through in-country consultations with relevant experts.
The actions prioritized for implementation are to:
• Accelerate uptake of sustainable irrigation practices by smallholder farmers
• Strengthen post-secondary education in the area of climate change
• Establish a central repository of water data and analysis
• Modernize Pakistan’s streamflow monitoring network
Summary descriptions of road maps for these priority options are provided in the pages
that follow. Full descriptions of each road map are provided in Appendix 7.

6.1 Accelerate uptake of sustainable irrigation practices by

smallholder farmers
Pakistan has experienced a steady decline in its water availability per capita over the past 50
years, driven by greater demand spurred by population growth, urbanization and economic
expansion. The greatest demand for water comes from the agriculture sector - a situation
that will remain unchanged in the coming decades. As demand increases while total water
availability remains on average constant, competition for this finite resource is expected
to grow. This situation puts greater pressure on Pakistan to improve the efficiency of its
irrigation system. At present only about 30 percent of water flowing through the Indus
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Basin Irrigation System is delivered to farms and it is not uncommon for farmers at the tail
end of the system to not receive water (GOP, 2013a). Climate change will place additional
pressure on this faltering system by, at a minimum, increasing evapotranspiration rates as
temperatures rise and exposing the system to greater risk of damage by extreme weather
events. The need to upgrade, extend and improve the efficiency of Pakistan’s irrigation system
is widely recognized as a key priority for the country. In response a number of initiatives are
underway that seek to improve the functioning of the Indus River Basin System. As noted by
interviewed experts, though, considerable effort remains to be undertaken to increase the
uptake of high efficiency irrigation systems by small landholding farmers.
This action therefore aims to increase the number of smallholder farmers adopting more
efficient irrigation technologies and better land management practices. An integrated and
holistic approach is planned that will promote the development of an irrigation system that
is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. As such it will put in place well-
designed incentive structures that encourage the provision of appropriate technologies
at prices smallholders can afford, engagement of the private sector in financing and
manufacturing high efficiency irrigation systems, use of more sustainable land practices, and
direct involvement of farmers in the management of local irrigation systems. Collectively
these actions are intended to reverse current trends of groundwater depletion, soil erosion,
waterlogging, and soil subsidence and salinization, while also increasing the climate
resilience of smallholder farmers and the Indus Basin Irrigation System as a whole.
The proposed main elements of a strategy for developing an integrated program that will
achieve these objectives are:
• Landscape analysis to identify the range of actors involved in efforts to improve Pakistan’s
irrigation systems and understand their current and planned activities focused on the
needs of smallholder farmers. This information will provide a baseline against which to
develop a new initiative that complements ongoing and planned initiatives, and avoids
• Best practices review to deepen knowledge regarding the most effective strategies for
enabling smallholder farmers to adopt sustainable irrigation and land management
practices, drawing upon lessons gained through past efforts in Pakistan and other South
Asian countries facing similar challenges.
• Identification of priority needs to ensure development of a program that targets particularly
vulnerable smallholder farmers in areas not supported through other initiatives. Priorities
will be assessed against economic, social and environmental criteria and take into
consideration federal and provincial government policies and plans, expert analysis,
farmers’ knowledge, and outcomes of the landscape assessment and best practices
• Detailed design of targeted program. A full proposal for a multi-year program of action that
addresses the priority needs identified will be developed and reviewed in a participatory
manner. Elements of the program are expected to focus on supporting farmers by
introducing sustainable financing strategies, holding farmer field schools, and forming
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

farmers’ councils. It will also provide complementary support to strengthen the capacity of
the private sector, provincial government officials, and research institutes and academia.
The planned irrigation program is expected to improve the socio-economic conditions
of smallholders, increase crop productivity per drop of water used, reduce smallholders’
vulnerability to climate variability and change, and better protect fertile land against
erosion, waterlogging and salinization.
Lead partners to be engaged within this initiative would be provincial departments
responsible for irrigation, agriculture and finance as well as local irrigation and drainage
authorities. Additional support would be provided by relevant federal government
departments, research organizations, local private sector suppliers, local large landowners,
and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It is expected that the project would be
implemented through three phases: a one year to 18-month design phase (approximate
cost of US$300,000 to US$350,000; a four to five-year pilot phase (approximate cost of
US$2.0 to $4.0 million, depending on the scope of planned activities); and a four to five-year
upscaling phase (approximate cost of US$4.0 to $8.0 million depending on the scope of

6.2 Strengthen post-secondary education in the area of climate

Limited numbers of people engaged in research and action related to the direct and indirect
impacts of climate change on Pakistan’s hydrological regime was identified as a fundamental
barrier to informed planning and decision-making by governments, the private sector
and civil society. Researchers currently engaged in this field cited the absence of required
human resources as a barrier to implementing the research that they are undertaking.
Perhaps more revealing is the limited amount of peer-reviewed and grey literature related
to climate change and hydrology identified through this research that had been produced
by Pakistani researchers. It was observed that research being produced and shared publicly
is largely emerging from national and international NGOs. The GOP also has identified the
need to address the absence of sufficient numbers of climate change experts, scientists,
modellers and technologists as part of the NCCP (GOP, 2012).
While several factors contribute to this situation, a specific identified gap was the limited
amount of quality education at the post-secondary level pertaining to climate change - its
drivers, potential manifestations and the possible implications for different regions, sectors
and people. Climate courses have been developed as part of the 2014 version of the Higher
Education Commission’s environmental sciences curriculum. Tailored course work on climate
change is needed in other field of research, such as engineering and health. As well, no post-
secondary education institution in Pakistan currently offers an associated degree program
at the Masters level that would provide an in-depth examination of the linkages between
climate change and different sciences and social sciences disciplines. As such the objective
of this road map is to increase the number of post-secondary graduates entering into the
work force that have a committed interest in climate change and the training needed to
engage in impact-, vulnerability- and adaptation-related research and action.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Strengthening post-secondary education in Pakistan will require efforts that address

multiple needs, such as: development of tailored curriculum in priority scientific and social
disciplines; improving the capacity of instructors to deliver in-depth and up-to-date climate
change-related knowledge; and creating opportunities for students to engage in research
and action in this field. Main elements of a strategy for meeting these needs could include:
1. Stakeholder analysis and engagement, which would include identification of stakeholders
within and outside of government who should be involved in shaping the content of
this program. A stocktaking of existing priorities and initiatives would also be undertaken
to identify existing climate change-related training, programs and initiatives being
implemented at the post-secondary level and efforts to strengthen education and
training institutions more generally.
2. Assessment of learning needs, to gain a deeper understanding of the knowledge and
technical skills required by employers in key sectors to ensure that education programs
produce graduates with capacities desired in the work place.
3. Assessment of delivery capacities that looks at the existing expertise and teaching capacity
of knowledge providers such as professors and instructors and assesses required learning
and skills development needs.
4. Development of an action plan designed to address priority gaps between identified
learning needs and delivery capacities. The plan’s content should be focused on
addressing individual learning needs as well as strengthening the capacity of learning
institutions. Potential elements of this plan could be: further development of curricula and
courses both for students and instructors; encouragement of professional development
opportunities; establishment of a competitive grants program; and additional linkages
with international research institutions. The action plan should be developed though
a multi-stakeholder process to ensure its continued relevance to both post-secondary
education institutions and potential employers in government and the private sector.
Outcomes arising from implementation of this action are expected to include improved
capacity to undertake climate change-related research that can inform future adaptation
policies and programs, and greater generation of knowledge regarding climate change-
related risks, vulnerabilities and risk reduction strategies.
Key partners to be involved in implementation of this actions are expected to be the MoCC,
the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, sectoral ministries, government research
institutions, universities, technical training institutes and NGOs. In implementing this action,
efforts would need to be made to ensure complementarity with existing initiatives such as
US-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies project funded by the United States Agency for
International Development and the activities of the Climate Change Centre at the University
of Agriculture, Peshawar funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
Implementation of the first steps in this action could take place over a period of 18 to 24
months, and it is estimated that it would cost between US$1.0 and $2.0 million, depending
on the scope of work undertaken.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

6.3 Establish a central repository of water data and analysis

An inability to access robust and reliable water-related data at little or no cost was identified
by Pakistani researchers as being a significant barrier to their climate change related work.
Difficulties are being experienced in terms of accessing what data is available regarding
glacial fluctuations, river flows and ground water levels, in part due to the high cost that can
be associated with purchasing it. Concerns regarding the quality of the data being provided
also were raised. Additional challenges are being experienced in terms of finding published
and unpublished technical reports, research papers and policy analyses on climate change
and water issues in Pakistan. These barriers impede the capacity of researchers to undertake
the analysis needed to inform water use planning and the development of adaptation plans
at the provincial and federal levels.
In response, it is proposed that the federal government establish a centralized, open access
data portal through which researchers, scientists, academics and decision makers can
access standardized surface and ground water metadata sets, visualizations (maps, graphs,
tables), and a curated library of technical reports, research papers, and policy assessments
pertaining to climate change and water issues in Pakistan. This proposal is consistent with
past recommendations, such as the Task Force on Climate Change, NCCP, and framework
for implementation of the NCCP. The Task Force on Climate Change, for example, called for
the establishment of a national data bank that would provide access to the hydrological,
climatological and agro-meteorological data required to inform decision-making in
a changing climate (GOP, 2010). Creation of the portal should be informed by a deep
understanding of the needs of its intended users so as to avoid the pitfalls that have been
experienced with past online climate change knowledge platforms (Hammill et al., 2013).
It is expected that the main elements associated with creation of the planned water portal
would be:
• Best practices review to glean from the experience and expertise of foreign national and
sub-national governments as well as international institutes that have established open
data water portals.
• Mapping of existing data sources and materials to identify potential content for the water
portal, as well as gain a detailed understanding of the collection, quality control and
management practice associated with different data sets. Discussions with data holders
also would be initiated to secure their involvement in establishment of the data portal.
• Stakeholder consultations to gain a clear picture of issues such as the type of water-related
data and derived products researchers would like to see provided through the portal, the
desired format for its delivery, and potential barriers to accessing the platform.
• Development of protocols for data quality, access and usage, such as quality control and
quality assurance protocols, to ensure that the data provided through the portal meets
international standards. Data access and use protocols would also be established to
ensure respect for existing copyrights, intellectual property rights and data agreements.
• Design, review, creation and launch of planned data portal through a participatory process
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

and drawing on knowledge gained through the best practices review and stakeholder
• Capacity building to ensure the presence of sufficient technical, managerial and knowledge
management skills to ensure the effective operation of the water portal.
Establishment of a water portal that provides access to reliable data suitable for the needs
of researchers within Pakistan is expected to improve the quality of research undertaken in
the country and to provide greater access to the information needed for informed decision-
Lead partners to be engaged in the development, launch and operation of the water data
portal are expected to be the Ministry of Science and Technology and its associated Pakistan
Council of Research in Water Resources, the MoCC, the Ministry of Water and Power, and
the Pakistan Meteorological Department. Key input would be expected from provincial
governments, federal and provincial research institutions, NGOs and international research
organizations. The estimated time required to establish the water portal is two years, at an
approximate cost of US$ 3.0 to 4.0 million.

6.4 Modernize Pakistan’s streamflow monitoring network

A number of data gaps currently impede understanding of past, ongoing and projected
future changes in water flow in the Indus Basin due to climate change. Many of these
knowledge gaps could be addressed by strengthening Pakistan’s existing network of
river and stream gauges and enhance its hydrological monitoring network. As noted in
Pakistan’s Framework for Implementation of National Climate Change Policy (GOP, 2013b),
strengthening this network would improve the national flood warning system as well as
capacity to understand the future hydrology of the Indus Basin in a changing climate.
The need for better watershed data was also emphasised by surveyed researchers, along
with the need to strengthen human and technical capacity to collect, analyse and develop
forecasts using globally established procedures. Studies by international organizations
and researchers have highlighted similar needs. Of particular concern is the absence of an
adequate streamflow network in the Upper Indus Basin, but a lack of monitoring stations in
main, branch and distribution channels of the Indus Basin Irrigation System has also been
cited as an impediment to efficient water allocation practices (Alford et al., 2016; Archer et
al., 2010; Briscoe & Qamar, 2007).
The objective of this action therefore is to improve streamflow monitoring in the Upper and
Lower Indus Basins to ensure that accurate and timely data is collected for use in decision-
making related to agriculture, energy, health, disaster risk management and other sectors.
The main elements of an initiative that aims to achieve this objective would be:
• Completion of a needs assessment to determine how the existing streamflow monitoring
network needs to be improved in light of factors such as international standards and the
growing requirement for data that can inform climate change research and modelling.
The assessment will also identify institutional and human resource capacity gaps that
should be filled.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

• Development of a detailed strategic implementation plan to address shortcoming in the

current monitoring network, taking into account outcomes of the needs assessment. The
plan will identify a strategic, stage-by-stage process for improving the monitoring network
over time. Central questions expected to be addressed within the plan include: where
efforts will be prioritized, the types of instruments to be used, and the locations in which
they will be placed. Issues related to the management and maintenance of the system
will also be addressed, such as training and institutional strengthening commitments,
equipment maintenance strategies, and processes for data access, synthesis, digitization,
analysis, storage and sharing.
• Undertaking capacity building activities in areas such as data collection and management,
operation of different monitoring stations, and the use of specific technologies. Training
as research assistants and technicians could also be provided to villagers in high altitude
locations near the monitoring stations.
• Strengthening information dissemination processes to make reliable data more available to
researchers and decision-makers. Implementation of this work element could be linked
to efforts to establish an open-access water data portal (as described in section 6.3).
The expected outcome of efforts to enhance streamflow monitoring in the Indus River Basin
would be greater capacity to identify changes in run-off volumes, prepare near-term flow
forecasts, and develop more reliable projections of future hydrological conditions. This
information in turn would enable the creation of more robust vulnerable assessments and
stronger adaptation plans.
Key partners in implementing this action would include the MoCC, the Ministry of Water
and Power, the Water and Power Development Authority, the Pakistan Meteorological
Department, the Indus River System Authority and the National Disaster Management
Authority. Additional implementation partners would include national and international
researchers as well as multilateral organizations involved in research and activities in the
Upper Indus Basin such as the World Bank and International Centre for Integrated Mountain
Development. The initial assessment and planning phase would be completed over a period
of 12 to 18 months, at an estimated cost of US$2.0 to 3.0 million. The timeline and cost of
subsequent phases of work would be determined in the planning phase.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

7. Recommendations
Research completed through “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts
of Climate Change” project has provided greater clarity regarding current scientific
understanding of how the climatic changes Pakistan is projected to experience over the
remainder of this century could affect Indus Basin water flows in the near-, medium- and
longer term. It has also provided new insight into the type of climate change adaptation
research that is being undertaken by Pakistani research institutes, government departments,
universities and NGOs. Significant data gaps and barriers to understanding the risks climate
change poses for Pakistan have been identified, along with areas in which greater research,
analysis and knowledge sharing is required.
Collectively, the project’s findings have clarified three priority areas in which the Government
of Pakistan needs to take action to increase its capacity to anticipate and minimize the
impacts of climate change on hydrological resources within the Indus Basin:
• Deepen knowledge and action on water demand and ways to promote more efficient water
use. With current estimates suggesting that Pakistan is already a water stressed country on
a per capita basis, priority attention needs to be given to accelerating efforts to promote
the use of water efficient technologies and practices. At the same time there is a need
to more fully understand water demand drivers and trends, and for this knowledge to
inform water allocations. In the absence of these actions, Pakistan can anticipate growing
conflict between water users, less capacity to adapt to climate change, and difficulties
achieving its water, energy and food security goals.
• Strengthen research capacity in the area of climate change adaptation. Limited research
is currently being undertaken in Pakistan specifically in the area of climate change—
its potential manifestations, possible impacts, current vulnerabilities and effective
adaptation strategies. While there is limited research across all issues, particular gaps exist
regarding the potential socio-economic impacts of climate change and the development
of appropriate climate risk reduction strategies. Additionally, there is a need to foster
a culture of data and knowledge sharing within Pakistan’s research community. The
absence of available analysis and sharing of what research is conducted limits the capacity
of Pakistan to effectively assess its vulnerability to climate change and engage in robust
adaptation planning.
• Increase efforts to fill critical hydrometeorological data gaps. A well-known critical barrier to
understanding the potential impacts of climate change on water flows in the Indus Basin
is the limited availability of hydrometeorological data, particularly in the Upper Indus
Basin. Targeted efforts are needed to improve the volume and quality of data available
to researchers and decision-makers by installing new hydrometeorological stations
and strengthening existing monitoring networks. In parallel, there is a need to increase
the amount of research being undertaken in the Upper Indus Basin and the capacity of
Pakistani researchers to participate in these opportunities.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Research completed through “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts
of Climate Change” project has provided greater clarity regarding current scientific
understanding of how the climatic changes Pakistan is projected to experience over the
remainder of this century could affect Indus Basin water flows in the near-, medium- and
longer term. It has also provided new insight into the type of climate change adaptation
research that is being undertaken by Pakistani research institutes, government departments,
universities and NGOs. Significant data gaps and barriers to understanding the risks climate
change poses for Pakistan have been identified, along with areas in which greater research,
analysis and knowledge sharing is required.
Collectively, the project’s findings have clarified three priority areas in which the Government
of Pakistan needs to take action to increase its capacity to anticipate and minimize the
impacts of climate change on hydrological resources within the Indus Basin:
• Deepen knowledge and action on water demand and ways to promote more efficient water
use. With current estimates suggesting that Pakistan is already a water stressed country on
a per capita basis, priority attention needs to be given to accelerating efforts to promote
the use of water efficient technologies and practices. At the same time there is a need
to more fully understand water demand drivers and trends, and for this knowledge to
inform water allocations. In the absence of these actions, Pakistan can anticipate growing
conflict between water users, less capacity to adapt to climate change, and difficulties
achieving its water, energy and food security goals.
• Strengthen research capacity in the area of climate change adaptation. Limited research
is currently being undertaken in Pakistan specifically in the area of climate change—
its potential manifestations, possible impacts, current vulnerabilities and effective
adaptation strategies. While there is limited research across all issues, particular gaps exist
regarding the potential socio-economic impacts of climate change and the development
of appropriate climate risk reduction strategies. Additionally, there is a need to foster
a culture of data and knowledge sharing within Pakistan’s research community. The
absence of available analysis and sharing of what research is conducted limits the capacity
of Pakistan to effectively assess its vulnerability to climate change and engage in robust
adaptation planning.
• Increase efforts to fill critical hydrometeorological data gaps. A well-known critical barrier to
understanding the potential impacts of climate change on water flows in the Indus Basin
is the limited availability of hydrometeorological data, particularly in the Upper Indus
Basin. Targeted efforts are needed to improve the volume and quality of data available
to researchers and decision-makers by installing new hydrometeorological stations
and strengthening existing monitoring networks. In parallel, there is a need to increase
the amount of research being undertaken in the Upper Indus Basin and the capacity of
Pakistani researchers to participate in these opportunities.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

To address these needs the following recommendations are made:

1. Research-focused actions:
• Establish a dedicated water demand research program. As noted in this study and others,
“water demand is a subject that has not been sufficiently studied in Pakistan” (Amir &
Habib, 2015: p.2). There is a general absence of water demand data and analysis, and
existing data is “aggregated” to the national level, limiting capacity to track and anticipate
changes in water demand in different regions of the country. The absence of this sub-
national information impedes capacity to undertake water demand forecasting and
design locally relevant water conservation strategies for different sectors. A large water
demand research program is therefore needed on an urgent basis to better understand
issues such as sector demands, potential trade-offs between different water users, specific
costing for different water uses, actual water use patterns, and policy gaps.
• Establish a centralized, open-access water data portal. As described in section 6.3, there is a
need for a user-driven portal through which researchers, scientists, academics and decision
makers can access standardized surface and ground water metadata sets, visualizations,
and related analysis of hydrologic conditions in a changing climate. This data could be
augmented by improved access to historical climate trends and downscaled multi-modal
climate projections using the most recent internationally agreed upon scenarios. Greater
access to this information would help inform decision making and improve the quality of
research conducted within Pakistan.
• Promote research on the socio-economic impacts of climate change. Significant gaps
were observed with respect to the amount of research being undertaken that looks at the
socio-economic impacts of climate change. While some research has been done within
the agriculture sector, more is needed given this sector’s economic importance and
existing food security concerns. More attention also needs to be given to other critical
sectors, such as the potential impacts of climate change on water quality and human
health. Other areas that could be prioritized include the potential economic costs of
climate change, its gendered impacts, how it may affect energy performance, and the
potential of climate change to aggravate existing social tensions and conflicts.
• Investigate appropriate water pricing policies. The need to revise water pricing policies
to promote more efficient use of water resources and recover sufficient funds to
enable consistent investment in water infrastructure emerged as a consistent message
throughout the project. Further research is needed to identify strategies for reforming
existing water subsidies that are driving unsustainable practices and modifying pricing
systems in a manner that protects the rural and urban poor. Research could also be
undertaken on how to communicate to the public the level of subsidies being provided,
the benefits of reforming this system, and how subsidy reform might be achieved.

2. Policy-related actions:
• Strengthen climate change education at the post-secondary level. As outlined in section
6.2, improving the level and quality of climate change-focused education at the post-
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

secondary level is required to improve climate change research and action in Pakistan.
Addressing this barrier will require: the creation of new curricula; building the capacity
of education planners, curriculum developers and teaching staff; and increasing the
number of academic exchanges between Pakistani and developed countries research
institutes and universities with strong teaching and research programs in the areas of
climate change and water.
• Establish a centralized federal water authority. An observed barrier to addressing Pakistan’s
growing per capita water scarcity and implementing water conservation practices is
the absence of a centralized agency with the capacity and authority to coordinate and
enforce improved water management practices. The mandate of existing agencies,
such as the Indus River System Authority, is limited and does not meet current needs
arising from a changing social and climatic environment. The envisioned federal water
authority would be responsible for regulating and monitoring surface and ground water
use in Pakistan. Among other possibilities, it could be given the tasks of: revising existing
water policies and regulations; monitoring water use, availability and quality; reviewing
water tariffs for domestic and commercial utilities; and promoting water conservation
practices and water saving technologies. The authority’s mandate should be developed
through consultations with a diversity of stakeholders and legislation passed to enact its
• Increase the role of government in promoting water demand reduction strategies.
Reflecting the risks arising from growing per capita water scarcity, provincial governments
should play a leadership role in promoting water conservation by the agricultural, industrial,
municipal and domestic sectors. This should include greater investment in programs that:
promote water conservation practices such as flood and rainwater harvesting, as well
as the use of high efficiency irrigation systems; improve the maintenance of irrigation
canals; promote the breeding and cultivation of less water intensive crops; implement
waste water recycling in urban areas; and install more efficient thermal cooling systems.
Governments should also introduce water pricing policies that better reflect the real-cost
of water usage.
• Increase consideration of water-related issues in energy planning. Greater consideration
should be given to the impact of energy developments on water demand when planning
new power generation infrastructure. As competition for water increases with rising
demand, the need to account for potential conflicts and trade-offs between sectors will
become increasingly important. So too will the need to understand and seek to optimize
potential co-benefits arising from energy developments, such as the possible role of hydro
dams in water retention, irrigation and flood protection. As well, the potential impacts of
climate change on new energy infrastructure (e.g., higher temperatures, more variable
rainfall) should be taken into consideration during the assessment and planning process.

3. Implementation-focused actions:
• Accelerate sustainable irrigation practices by smallholders. As described in section 6.1,
there is a need to increase the number of smallholder farmers adopting high-efficiency
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

irrigation systems. An integrated approach is needed to enable farmers to overcome

existing barriers to the use of these systems while also building an irrigation system
that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. A multi-year program of
activity is urgently needed that brings together efforts to improve incentive structures,
engage the private sector, promote sustainable land use practices, build capacity within
government departments, and strengthen linkages with the research community.
• Implement Integrated Water Resource Management in a priority watershed of the Indus
Basin. Effective management of water resources requires decision-making and action
at a watershed scale. Too often, however, decisions that influence water flow, storage
and quality are made in Pakistan on a sector-by-sector basis in an uncoordinated and
fragmented manner. This has led to the loss of ecosystem services, unsustainable use,
and negative economic and social outcomes. Integrated Water Resources Management
addresses these challenges by promoting a holistic, coordinated and participatory
approach to the development and management of water, land and related resources. To
promote expanded application of this internationally recognized cross-sector approach
in Pakistan, a program of action should be implemented in a selected sub-catchment of
the Indus Basin. This initiative would advance efforts to achieve equitable, sustainable
and efficient management of Pakistan’s limited water resources—while also supporting
adaptation to climate change.

4. Infrastructure-focused actions:
• Strengthen streamflow monitoring in the Upper and Lower Indus Basins. As outlined
in section 6.4, a more comprehensive and modern streamflow monitoring network is
required to address existing data gaps. This information becomes more important as
demand for a finite supply of water grows and the risk of over-extraction increases. The
existing network of river and stream flow gauges needs to be improved to prepare more
reliable near-term flow forecasts, inform flood risk assessments, enhance monitoring of
long-term trends in water flow patterns, and develop more reliable projections of future
hydrological conditions. The network should also be enhanced to better monitor water
quality and fish stocks. Along with the installation of improved physical infrastructure,
further capacity building is needed to ensure the quality, timeliness and sharing of
available data.
• Install more hydrometeorological stations in the Upper Indus Basin. Fundamental
questions remain to be answered regarding how climate change has begun to impact
the glacial, nival and snowmelt regimes of the HKH. In part this is because insufficient
data is currently available to analyze ongoing climatic changes in the Upper Indus Basin
at elevations above 1,000 metres, and particularly between 2,000 and 5,000 metres above
sea level. A denser network of stations is needed to capture the heterogeneity of mountain
climates. These investments should be complemented by amplified research regarding
the region’s physical processes and greater capacity to model projected changes in key
climate parameters and their potential biophysical impacts at the sub-basin level.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

5. Climate change adaptation actions:

• Undertake provincial-level vulnerability assessments for the water sector. Building on
outcomes of this study, assessments of the vulnerability of each province in Pakistan
to the impacts of climate change on their water resources should be undertaken.
Key steps in this assessment would be to: (1) understand the existing and anticipated
situation in a province regarding its water availability and demand, giving particular
attention to existing drivers of water-related stress and exposure to climate-related risks;
(2) understand the socio-economic situation in each province and the inter-linkages
between water availability and economic, social and ecological well-being; (3) develop
climate change projections for each province and assess the risk associated with different
climatic impacts on the water sector and the potential associated socio-economic
consequences; (4) identify, assess and prioritize the feasibility of implementing different
options for ameliorating the impacts of key climate risks; and (5) develop provincial
adaptation plans for the water sector that will guide the implementation of prioritized
climate risk management strategies.
• Foster the development of a climate change community of practice in Pakistan. While
institutions—in government, academia and civil society—are undertaking research on
the implications of climate change for water resources, there is little collaboration and
coordination between these groups. Limited sharing of research findings and lessons
learned through the implementation of climate adaptation strategies is presently
occurring in Pakistan, restricting the potential generation of new ideas and development
of informed policies and strategies. Efforts to improve collaboration between research
institutes, academia, government departments and NGOs engaged in climate change
research and action is needed. This objective could be achieved by hosting regular national
and regional workshops and conferences that provide an opportunity for discussion and
debate, as well as by creating online knowledge sharing opportunities.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

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The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

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The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Appendix 1:
Key Informant Survey Report
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change:
Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Author: Dr. Saeed A. Asad, Centre for Climate Research and Development
Reviewer: Jo-Ellen Parry, International Institute for Sustainable Development

Table of Contents
Executive summary 53

1. Introduction 56

2. Research Methodology 58
2.1. Methodology to develop and implement the key informant survey 58
2.2. Profiles of the respondents 59

3. Survey Results 60
3.1 Research areas 60
3.2. Focus, objectives and methodology for research undertaken by respondents 60
3.3. Research Barriers 62
3.4. Knowledge gaps 62
3.5. Socio-economic consequences of biophysical impacts of climate change 63
3.6. Literature and knowledge sharing 64

4. Observations and discussions 65

5. Conclusions 68

Annex A: Interview protocol 69

Annex B: Initial list of institutions to be engaged in the survey 75
Annex C: Respondents and their respective organizations 77
Annex D: List of literature provided/recommended by the key informants 80
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

The Key Informant survey was conducted in-person by members of project team from the
Centre for Climate Research and Development that included Dr. Saeed A. Asad, Dr. Toqeer
Ahmed and Dr. Amir H. Malik.

Research Team

From IISD, Canada: (

1. Jo-Ellen Parry
2. Hisham Osman
3. Anika Terton
From CCRD, COMSATS IIT, Islamabad: (
1. Dr. Toqeer Ahmed
2. Dr. Saeed A. Asad
3. Prof. Dr. Amir H. Malik
4. Ms. Asma Shabbir
5. Ms. Sara Gilani

Executive Summary
The project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change:
Identification of gaps and recommendations for action” was launched in July 2015 in
Islamabad. Prime objective of this project was to conduct a systematic review of current
understanding of the potential changes in Pakistan’s hydrological regime due to climate
change, identify critical knowledge gaps, and prioritize the means by which these gaps
might be filled on an urgent basis. Another objective of this project was to present options
for enhancing understanding of and capacity to respond to the vulnerability of Pakistan’s
water resources to climate change through revised or new policies, research programs
and other interventions. Developed by the Ministry of Climate Change and the United
Nations Development Programme, the project is being implemented jointly by the Centre
for Climate Research and Development at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Islamabad, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada.
The project’s objectives were achieved through implementation of a research methodology
consisting of five main components: (1) a key informant analysis intended to identify who
is doing what in the area of climate change and hydrology in Pakistan; (2) water supply
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

analysis to synthesize knowledge regarding how water flow levels in the Indus River Basin
may or may not change in the future; (3) analysis looking at projected changes in water
demand; (4) policy analysis to assess potential impacts on health, agriculture and energy,
as well as identify the main research gaps and interventions/investments to fill these gaps
and; (5) outreach and communication of the project’s outcomes via conference/symposium.
As a first step of the research methodology, a key informant survey was conducted to inform
the subsequent research components focused on water supply, water demand and policy
analysis. The specific aims of the key informant survey were to identify the type of research
being undertaken on the biophysical impacts of climate change on Pakistan’s hydrological
system, the potential socio-economic consequences of these changes and who is
undertaking this research. Along with these, other aims of this survey were to identify key
gaps and barriers in the research on the biophysical impacts of climate change on Pakistan’s
hydrological system, so as to inform the policy analysis component of the project. For this
purpose, an interview protocol was drafted consisting of key questions regarding the profile
of the respondent(s), the type of research they were engaged in or managing, and key
findings of the research they have completed. Interviews were conducted from a total of
42 organizations and 77 experts engaged in water and climate change-related studies. The
responses collected were subsequently analysed qualitatively and quantitatively to draw
out and verify the conclusions.
The analysis indicated that researchers working with climate change-related studies
generally engage in mix of biophysical and socio-economic research, but those engaged
in biophysical research are more likely to focus primarily in this area thereby devoting 51%
to 75% of their time to this aspect. Looking in to the barriers faced by researchers working
on climate and water related projects; majority of the respondents indicated data access
and its quality being the major bottlenecks affecting their research initiatives. About 91%
of the interviewees/organizations were facing financial issues. One out of five respondents
documented lack of trained human resources for specific projects as the major impediment to
work on climate change-water nexus projects. Significant number of interviewees reported
the non-availability of scientific equipment for on-site data recording as a challenging issue
to work on their research plans. Respondents reporting other obstacles to take up water-
related projects constituted 12% of total number of individuals being interviewed. Security
concerns in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan provinces were peaked at the top of the
list among those hardships.
As identified by the interviewees, priority areas that remain to be addressed regarding
the biophysical and/or socio-economic impacts of climate change on water resources of
Pakistan included; lack of basic knowledge about climate change and its consequences
where climate change being a new phenomenon in Pakistan is not quite understood and
has never been taken seriously, both at the research as well as policy levels. Moreover, the
absence of central body/repository to collect the data related to water projects and glacier
fluctuation/runoff was increasing the hardships of researchers engaged in such studies.
Among others, capacity building of farmers, revision of water pricing, rainwater harvesting
and water conservation were identified as key questions lacking the attention of researchers
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

and policy makers. A considerable numbers of survey participants indicated that credible
information on watershed data does not exist and most of the forecasting regarding
watershed is done whilst using wrong variables. Non-coordinated response amongst all
stakeholders in response to climate triggered extreme weather events such as floods is also
a challenge. Groundwater contamination and over mining concerns are missing altogether
in most studies conducted on the climate change-water nexus.
To conclude, a limited number of organizations/experts are studying the hydrology with
reference to climate change and are facing challenging barriers such as accessing quality
data, financial constraints, non-availability of scientific tools, and lack of trained human
resources. Researchers need additional resources for capacity building, easy access to data
and enhanced cooperation among different organizations working in this field. Other
areas of concerns such as; lack of public awareness regarding water conservation and rain
water harvesting at the household scale, and convincing farmers to adopt high efficiency
irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip) need to be addressed on priority basis. Other areas
seeking immediate attention are the revision of water pricing and updating the academic
curricula to address ways to engage in sustainable development in a changing climate.
These gaps need to be prioritized both at research as well as policy level, as climate change-
water related research has largely been ignored until recently.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

1. Introduction

The research project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate
Change: Identification of Gaps and Recommendations for Action” jointly developed by
the Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC) and the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) was formally launched on July 02, 2015, in Islamabad. The project responds to
the Government of Pakistan’s acknowledged need to better understand the vulnerability
of its water resources to the impacts of climate change. This need was enunciated in the
country’s National Climate Change Policy and subsequent framework for implementation
of the same. Each identifies the absence of an evaluation of how climate change is or could
adversely affect the availability of surface water resources as a limit to adaptation planning
in Pakistan. It also strives to address the existing uncertainty regarding how availability of
water flows in the Indus River Basin will change in the future given existing factors such as
the Karakoram anomaly.
The primary objectives of the project are completion of a systematic review of current
understanding of the potential changes in Pakistan’s hydrological regime due to climate
change, identification of critical knowledge gaps, and provision of recommendations on
how to fill these gaps on an urgent basis. In completing this analysis, the project aims to
improve decision-making capacity within government ministries, research institutes, and
the general public in relation to water resources management in a changing climate. The
project was being implemented under the leadership of the MoCC, in partnership with
UNDP, by the Centre for Climate Research and Development (CCRD) at COMSATS Institute of
Information Technology Islamabad, Pakistan, and the International Institute for Sustainable
Development (IISD), Canada.
A detailed research methodology was prepared to guide the project towards achievement
of its objectives. It consists of five main components: (1) a key informant analysis intended
to identify who is doing what in the area of climate change and hydrology in Pakistan; (2)
water supply analysis to synthesize knowledge regarding how water flow levels in the Indus
River Basin may or may not change in the future; (3) analysis looking at projected changes
in water demand; (4) policy analysis to assess potential impacts on health, agriculture and
energy, as well as identify the main research gaps and interventions/investments to fill these
gaps and; (5) outreach and communication of the project’s outcomes.
Consistent with this methodology, the first step in the project’s research methodology was
to conduct a key informant survey designed to inform subsequent research components
focused on water supply, water demand and policy analysis. The specific aims of the key
informant survey were to:
• Identify the type of research being undertaken on the biophysical impacts of climate
change on Pakistan’s hydrological system, and on the potential socio-economic
consequences of these changes; and who is undertaking this research within different
research institutes located within and outside of Pakistan.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

• Gather information to support implementation of other components of the research

methodology, mainly with respect to identification of climate and water-related research
organizations and sources of grey literature to support implementation of the water
supply analysis component of the project.
• Identification of gaps in the research on the biophysical impacts of climate change on
Pakistan’s hydrological system, which will inform the policy analysis component of the
• Identification of key organizations and individuals in Pakistan’s research and policy
communities with whom to communicate the project’s outcomes.
This report presents the outcomes of a survey of 77 key informants undertaken as part of
“The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change” project. The
sections below first present the methodology used to develop and implement the survey,
and then the main survey results. The report concludes by analysing the implications of the
research findings.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

2. Research Methodology

The process by which the key informant survey was designed, reviewed, revised, finalized
and implemented is presented in the paragraphs below. This is followed by a presentation
of the profile of the individuals who were surveyed.

2.1. Methodology to develop and implement the key informant survey

In support of the key informant survey, an interview protocol was developed by the IISD
and CCRD research teams in consultation with UNDP in October 2015. The protocol drafted
consisted of key questions regarding the profile of the respondent(s), the type of research
they were engaged in or managing, key research findings they have completed (published
and unpublished) spanning over a time frame between January 2005 and September 2015.
An initial list of key informants was also prepared.
After several rounds of modifications by the research teams, a final draft of the protocol was
piloted through five interviews conducted in-person with representatives from different
types of organizations (e.g. academia, government and NGOs) based within Pakistan. The
protocol was then modified according to the suggestions of the interviewees and the
observations of the CCRD research team. The revised protocol was then presented to the
Expert Working Group (EWG) established as an advisory forum for the project in November
2015, to ensure that key concerns and questions were addressed in the survey and that
all relevant informants had been identified. The final version was provided to UNDP and
MoCC in November 2015 and converted into a Survey Monkey form for use in online data
compilation. A copy of the final version of the key informant survey is provided in Annex
A. After the interview protocol was finalized, a list of possible national and international
research organizations, government departments and academic institutions to be engaged
in interviews was developed by CCRD in consultation with IISD as provided in Annex B.
In late November, CCRD sent the organizations/individuals listed in “Annex B” an invitation
by courier or email to participate in the survey. When no response to these invitations was
received, appointments were made with key informants via telephone calls and interviews
were conducted in-person by the CCRD project team to record the responses/data
collection. Interviews were conducted with a total of 77 experts from 42 organizations, as
some interviews involved more than one respondent from the same organization/institute.
Interviews were only conducted with people engaged in water and climate change related
studies. A list of individuals interviewed and their respective organizations appears as an
“Annex C” of this report.
Interviews data were compiled by entering all surveys into the shared database using the
Survey Monkey form. Depending on the nature of the questions originally asked, the data
collected was subsequently analysed either quantitatively through basic statistical analysis
or qualitatively using qualitative content analysis to draw out and verify the conclusions.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

2.2. Profiles of the respondents

As captured in Table 1, female respondents constituted 8% of the total population
interviewed. Of the 77 respondents, 31 persons had a dual role in their current position as
both a researcher as well as a manager of research projects, 27 interviewees had a research
managerial role, while the remaining 19 were primarily engaged in research activities/
assignments. Approximately, 60% of key informants had a background in one of the
sciences, followed by those specialized in engineering (27%) while 10% of total respondents
were social scientists. Regardless of gender or the field of specialization, more than 93%
of the key informants were either master or higher degree holders in their respective
subjects. Although the majority of interviewees (64%) had been working in their fields of
specialization over the last two decades, 70% of whole sample size were working in their
current positions as a researcher/manager for five years or less.

Table 1: Profiles and other attributes of the 77 key informants interviewed

Gender Age (yrs) Qualification Academic Time in Current Total Professional
Background Position (yrs) experience (yrs)
Male: 71 ≤ 25 0 Secondary school 0 Sciences 46 0-5 54 0-5 07
Female: 6 26 -35 14 Post- secondary 0 Social Sciences 08 06 - 10 17 06 - 10 10
36 - 54 41 Bachelor 05 Engineering 21 11 - 15 03 11 - 15 04
55 ≥ 22 Master 34 Business 01 16 - 20 01 16 -20 06
PhD 31 Others 01 ≥20 02 ≥20 50
Post Doc 07
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

3. Survey Results

The following results are based on the analysis of information shared by the interview
participants. The analysis presents the data collected with respect to the research areas of
the key informants surveyed, and the focus of current research. The analysis also identifies
the significant barriers and research gaps to conduct studies addressing the biophysical and
socio-economic impacts of climate change on water resources.

3.1 Research Areas

Research areas of the key informants surveyed are depicted in Figure 1. Data analysis
indicates that a greatest number of people (18%) interviewed were working in the field
of hydrology, followed by those from allied disciplines such as irrigation (11%) and water
demand (10%). Scientists engaged with assignments in the fields of climatology, agricultural
crops and water quality constituted 8% for each of these disciplines, whereas representation
from remaining specializations was ≤ 6% as illustrated in the Figure 1.

Figure 1: Research areas of the respondents. Different colours represent the percent of individuals from respective
backgrounds. Most of the interviewees had expertise or were working in more than one area of research.

3.2. Focus, objectives and methodology for research undertaken by respondents

Interview candidates were asked to mark themselves on a continuum scale (0-100%) in terms
of their degree of focus on the biophysical or socio-economic impacts of climate change
on water resources. Analysis revealed that 25 persons among the key informants focussed
from 51-75% their research activities on studying the biophysical impacts of climate change
whilst 17 interviewees have the same degree of focus in evaluating the socio-economic
impacts of climate change on water resources (see Figure 2). In contrast, 26 candidates
expressed that the limelight of their research may be scaled from 26-50% with reference to
socio-economic impacts, whereas on the same continuum scale, 18 experts were involved
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

in investigating the biophysical impacts 26-50% of their time. While looking into the data,
18 individuals were committing 76-99% of their to exploring the socio-economic impacts
of climate change, compared with 16 key informants studying the biophysical impacts of
climate change on water resources at the same extent of focus. Overall these results suggest
that researchers engaged in climate change-related studies generally engage in mix of
biophysical and socio-economic research, but that those engaged in biophysical research
are more likely to focus primarily in this area and are thereby devoting 51% to 75% of their
time to this aspect area.

Degree of research focus (%age)





01 02 03 04 05 0

Biophysical Socio-Economic
No. of person engaged in biophysical and socio-economic studies

Figure 2: Degree to which key informants’ research is focused on the (a) biophysical and (b) socio-economic
impacts of climate change on water resources.

The main objectives of the climate change-related research being undertaken by a majority
of the key informants and/or their organizations included; on-farm water management to
enhance agricultural productivity, development of water resources, cryosphere monitoring,
and suggesting adaptation measures during extreme events such as floods and cloud bursts.
Various others were involved in research related to water conservation and improving water
storage for small-scale hydropower generation. Approximately 3% of all those interviewed
were working with the monitoring of surface and ground water quality whilst negligible
numbers of candidates were engaged in studies related to adaptation measures that could
be implemented in reference to climate change triggered extreme events such as floods
and droughts.
Different research methods ranging from statistical analysis to remote sensing, field surveys
and questionnaires were being applied by the respondents in their research endeavors.
More than 30% were using remote sensing for glacial fluctuation/melting and runoff
studies. Those applying questionnaires, survey forms and statistical analyses techniques
constituted 20% of the total number of key informants. These techniques were used by
researchers to study cropping patterns, precipitation trends for best agricultural practices,
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

and sustainable use of water resources. Respondents associated with policy analysis and
water quality testing constituted 2% and 10% respectively of total sample size. Surprisingly,
15 (19%) of the respondents did not disclose the research methodology adopted and one
out of four respondents did not share the time frame of their research initiatives. Of those
that did share the temporal extent of their research, the time span of research carried out by
them extended from less than a year to over a decade, where about 15% of the individuals
were at the infancy stage of their research projects focused on the biophysical and socio-
economic impacts of climate change on water resources.

3.3. Research Barriers

In the interview protocol, research barriers were grouped in to five categories as; technical,
human resource, financial, data access and any other. When respondents were asked about
the major challenges to conduct studies regarding the biophysical and socio-economic
impacts of climate change on water resources, a majority of those identified data access as
the single factor which has most affected their research initiatives. Moreover, these interview
participants were doubtful about the quality of available data. Approximately 91% of the
interviewees/organizations were facing financial issues and this was further highlighted in
that already underfinanced individuals/organizations engaged in such studies are being
asked to pay high amounts of money to purchase the data for research. One out of five
respondents documented a lack of human resources and particularly trained personnel for
specific projects as the major impediment to work on climate change-water nexus projects.
This shortcoming was further explained by an interviewee who reported “their department
bought equipment about two years ago for monitoring the water supply at farm level,
but due to lack of trained personal that equipment was not even tried and tested since
its procurement”. Contrary to this observation, a considerable number of key informants
(17%) reported the non-availability of scientific equipment for on-site data recording as a
challenging issue. Respondents reporting other obstacles to the take up of water-related
research projects constituted 12% of total number of individuals being interviewed. Among
those hardships, security concerns were peaked at the top of the list, particularly in Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, along the Indus River and its tributaries near the Afghanistan
border, and in Baluchistan.

3.4. Knowledge gaps

Survey respondents were requested to highlight the main research questions or knowledge
gaps that they believe remain to be addressed regarding the biophysical and/or socio-
economic impacts of climate change on water resources of Pakistan. A significant number
of participants noted that since climate change is a new phenomenon in Pakistan it is not
quite understood and has never been taken seriously, both at the research as well as policy
levels. They proposed that inclusion of climate change-related courses in the curriculum at
least at higher education institutions may improve the situation.
Several key informants recognized that basic studies to establish whether glaciers are
liquefying/retreating at a faster rate compared with the last three decades are lacking. They
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

pointed out that no such report exists to clarify this uncertainty, which they linked to the
absence of central data repository to collect the glacier fluctuation and runoff data.
Capacity building of farmers, the revision of water pricing, rainwater harvesting and water
conservation were identified as themes that remain to be researched and legislated to
combat the water stress scenario faced by the country. Respondents representing provincial
irrigation departments from Punjab and Sindh underlined that farmers’ involvement should
be sought to adopt high efficiency irrigation systems to save 50% of irrigation water
compared with conventional methods of flood irrigation. It was further emphasized that
farmers’ reluctance to adopt new technologies and the inability of government at the
national level to implement regulations at farmers’ scale are core issues to be addressed.
It was also cited that people’s attitude towards water needed to be addressed, as non-
judicious use of water by households has very serious repercussions and is contributing to
the widening gap between demand and supply of this natural resource.
A very critical knowledge gap shared by an interview participant was that credible
information on watershed data does not exist, that no work has been carried out on
watershed network studies, and that most of the watershed forecasting is done whilst using
wrong variables resulting in wrong projections regarding drought and floods occurrence.
Other priority research areas identified by respondents as lacking attention included:
• Migration attributed to climate change and the consequent increased burden on
groundwater use in the areas to which the migrants move.
• Groundwater contamination and over mining concerns are missing altogether in most
studies conducted on the climate change-water nexus.
• Non-coordinated response from all stakeholders towards climate triggered extreme
events such as floods, and the building of reservoirs to store flood water as this may help
to cope with the reality of declining water resources.
It was pointed out by an interviewee that physical interventions to divert the Indus tributaries
(Neelum River for example) for hydropower generation would have serious implications on
future water availability in the Indus River system.

3.5. Socio-economic consequences of biophysical impacts of climate change

Respondents studying the biophysical impacts of climate change on water resources were
asked to identify any potential socio-economic consequences that might arise from these
impacts. A majority of the respondents expressed that the occurrence of extreme weather
events such as drought and floods were intertwined with the biophysical impacts of climate
change and have increased the vulnerability of communities and resulted in compromised
food security. Corollary to the biophysical impacts of climate are significant shifts in cropping
patterns that have been forecasted to increase crop water requirement by 20% until 2050,
while decreasing yield to the same degree could affect 80% of peasants and result in
compromised food security. One interviewee observed that a decreased supply of surface
water is evident from the increasing dependence on groundwater, which has resulted in
over mining and groundwater contamination. According to him, development of water
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

reservoirs is ultimately required to ensure the socio-economic development of the country.

Contrary to this perspective, a few respondents noted that, based on their observations,
crop yield in Pakistan has increased due to increased supply of water, leading to improving
livelihoods and ensuring food security and poverty reduction.

3.6. Literature and knowledge sharing

Guidance from the survey participants was sought regarding the provision/recommendation
of literature geographically focused on the Indus River basin that emphasized the projected
impacts of climate change on; water flow and demand, water quality, human health,
hydroelectric power production, and agriculture. According to the responses, 80% (63) of
the participants have completed or are currently working on the research projects in the
water-climate change nexus while the remaining 20% noted that they have not carried out
any investigation encompassing this criterion as they were performing the administrative/
managerial duties. Regarding the provision of literature, 78% agreed to provide, but despite
several reminders only 17 key informants provided the same. Most of the literature was
provided by representatives of NGOs and multinational organizations. Negligible no. of
reports or other literature was provided by government departments. A list of articles/
reports provided by the respondents is attached as “Annex D” of this report.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

4. Observations and Discussions

This study aimed to get the opinions of key experts regarding research related to the potential
impacts of climate change on Pakistan’s water sector. Moreover, their observations regarding
barriers to conducting studies on the climate change-water nexus and knowledge gaps that
need to be addressed on a priority basis were collected through the survey. Extracted from
the responses of the key informants, major findings and discussions are presented below.
Data access and its quality were observed to be the most serious concerns faced by the
research community involved in climate change and water related studies in Pakistan. On
top of this, the demand of huge sums of money to buy data for research purposes was
another issue given that respondents stated that more than 90% of their organizations
are under-financed. Data access problem may be addressed by establishing a databank at
the federal level that encompasses all data from projects related to hydrology and climate
change, and by strengthening the networking amongst researchers and data holding
organizations (the Pakistan Meteorological Department and Water and Power Development
Authority for example). Data quality may be improved by capacity building of organizations
as it was observed that most of the organizations were understaffed and facing issues
related to trained human resources for data collection. Moreover, the use of state of the art
techniques/equipment (e.g. early warning system) for on-site data recording may further
improve the scenario.
Limited or no access to remote areas due to security reasons, such as those bordering
Afghanistan and tribal areas in KP and Baluchistan provinces, was identified as being a most
severe challenge for researchers to collect data and site visits. This problem has increased
the scientists’ dependence on other organizations regarding data collection and they
have to rely on whatever data is available, rather than recording firsthand information by
Apart from quite a few, well-resourced organizations, more than 90% of institutions are facing
financial challenges to initiate climate change and water related studies. Unfortunately, the
major chunk of allocated funds is utilized to pay supporting staff salaries, many of whom
are only inducted due to political influence on recruitment processes otherwise they would
not be needed at the institutions. Eradication of political interference in the organizations
working in the areas of water and climate change sectors is required to maintain a technical
versus support staff balance for efficient work, and to divert maximum funds to research
activities rather than paying salaries for non-technical human resources.
Given these challenges is it is perhaps not surprising that notable progress has not been
made in hydrological studies with reference to climate change in the last decade. Along
with other obstacles, this might be because less experienced persons are available in the job
market, which is evident from the data stating that many among the interview participants
were in the first five years of their current assignments. This is not recognized as a very
exhaustive time span for hydrology and climate change studies. Another reason could be
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

the limited attention by federal and provincial governments to climate change-water nexus
studies in the past and a lack of willingness to prioritize research in the climate change-
hydrology nexus in the near future. Studies on the watershed network of different basins
have not been carried out using established procedures worldwide and thus correct data
regarding these watersheds is not available. Informants indicated that any projections made
on the basis of such data may have serious repercussions on watershed flood forecasting
and management.
Key questions that remain unaddressed so far at the research and policy levels were
highlighted by the respondents. For example, a water resource regulatory authority needs to
be formulated after necessary legislation has been enacted. This authority should be given
the task of revising water pricing policies and regulations in consultation with stakeholders.
Water pricing, along with public education campaigns, may encourage people to make
more judicious use of water.
Most of the water in the Indus River is diverted towards agriculture and farmers irrigate their
crops by conventional methods of flood irrigation requiring 40-60% more water compared
with high efficiency irrigation methods such as sprinkler or drip irrigation. Most of the
farmers with small land holdings are not even aware of these technologies. Apart from that
unknowing by key stakeholders, initial installation cost of these systems causes reluctance
among the peasant community. Installation cost issues may be addressed if government
(federal and/or provincial) shares the expenses to ease up the farming community to reap
the long term benefits.
Research on water pollution triggered by climate change has not attracted the attention
of researchers and policy makers so far. Extreme events such as drought and floods impact
human health and agricultural commodities both in quantitative as well as qualitative
terms. Consecutive occurrence of floods since 2010 has resulted in an alarming increase
of infectious diseases. For instance, an increase in mould after extensive flooding has been
observed in flood affected areas . Similarly, outburst of dengue fever in recent past has been
attributed to the climatic changes, particularly stagnant polluted flood water providing
suitable niche for the mosquitoes that transmit this disease to breed . This situation has
panicked the country as a whole and is getting worse with every passing year.
Another area seeking urgent attention is groundwater resources which have largely been
ignored in the national water policy of Pakistan. Due to the non-existence of a designated
regulatory body, this natural resource has been over-mined because of decreased supply of
surface water. Empirical studies noted that around 50 million acre feet of ground water are
extracted annually for agricultural, domestic and commercial utilities. This huge amount of
extraction of underground water demands equal importance to be given in the National
Water Policy. Parallel with these research and policy shortcomings, negligible work has been
conducted on adaptation strategies to cope with water-related extreme events triggered by
climate change.
Surface water resources are depleting due to urbanization and increases in temperature,
especially in Sindh and Baluchistan provinces. There is a strong need to assess the impact of
drought conditions on human and animals’ lives. Additionally, the impact of climate change
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

on water quality has not been studied yet. Therefore, it is highly recommended to study
the impacts of changing climate on water quality and its consequent influences on human
health in future projects. In some parts of Pakistan, especially in Sindh and Baluchistan,
water scarcity is forcing people to use the polluted and wastewater for irrigation purposes,
ultimately affecting human health.
To many in Pakistan, climate change is a new phenomenon and its implications on various
sectors are less studied and far less understood. In part this is because our academic
curriculum does not contain enough information on the subject. This situation demands a
revision to the curriculum of higher/technical institutes through the inclusion of teaching and
practical modules regarding climate change-water studies and sustainable development in
the changing climate. Basic knowledge regarding climate change’s implications on water
resources also needs to be disseminated through public seminars and media.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

5. Conclusions

From the current study it was concluded that only a limited number of organizations/experts
are involved in studies around climate change-hydrology nexus and these researchers
are facing challenging barriers such as accessing quality data, financial constraints and
a lack of trained human resources, along with the non-availability of scientific tools. The
non-existence of a water resource regulatory authority and a central databank were major
impediments for scientists wanting to initiate studies addressing the biophysical and socio-
economic impacts of climate change on water resources. Researchers require additional
resources for capacity building, easy access to data and enhanced cooperation among
different organizations working in this field. These barriers need to be addressed at the
policy level, as climate change-related research has largely been ignored until recently due
to a lack of political will and commitment.
Many research questions remain to be answered on an urgent basis, such as; effective ways
to overcome the current lack of public awareness regarding water conservation and the
potential to engage in rain water harvesting at the household scale, and to convince farmers
to adopt high efficiency irrigation systems (sprinkler, drip etc.) rather than conventional
methods of irrigation. So far, no serious efforts have been made to investigate the watershed
monitoring networks which has most often resulted in wrong water flow projections. Other
areas seeking immediate attention by policy makers are the revision of water pricing and
updating the academic curricula to address way to engage in sustainable development in
a changing climate.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Annex A: Interview protocol

The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification
of gaps and recommendations for action

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.

It is being conducted as part of the project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector
to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for
action,” which was formally launched in Islamabad in July 2015. The main focus of the
project is to:
• Complete a systematic review of current understanding of the potential changes in
Pakistan’s hydrological regime due to climate change;
• Identify critical knowledge gaps, and;
• Prioritize the means by which these gaps might be filled on an urgent basis.
By completing this analysis, the project aims to improve decision-making capacity
within government ministries, research institutes, and the general public in relation to
water resources management in a changing climate.
The purpose of this survey is to identify the types of research being undertaken on the
bio-physical impacts of climate change on Pakistan’s hydrological system, and on the
potential socio-economic consequences of these changes. It also seeks to understand
who is undertaking this research within different institutions and organizations located
within and outside of Pakistan.
We expect the results of this survey to inform other components of the research project,
and facilitate the collection of grey literature from institutions engaged in research on
water and climate change issues in Pakistan.
Please focus your answers on the primary context in which you work. All information
provided in response to this survey will be kept anonymous.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action


1. Name (for internal use only):
2. Age: 25 and under 26-35 36-54 55 and over
3. Sex: Female Male
4. Organization:

5. Position (for internal use only):

6. Time in current position

0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years >20 years

7. Qualification:
Secondary school Post-secondary diploma Bachelor degree
Masters PhD Post-doctoral studies

8. Academic or technical background:

Sciences. Specialization:
Social Sciences. Specialization:
Engineering. Specialization:
Business. Specialization:
Other (please specify):

9. Years of professional work experience:

0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years >20 years


1. What is your role with respect to the research on the implications of climate change for
Pakistan’s water resources being undertaken within your organization?
Researcher Manager/ supervisor of research?
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

2. What is the focus of the research being undertaken by yourself or those that you supervise in
relation to the projected bio-physical or socio-economic impacts of climate change on water
resources? (Please tick all boxes that apply).
Meteorology Climatology Geology
Glaciology Hydrology Biology
Water demand Water quality Agriculture – crops
Agriculture - Livestock Irrigation Human health
Education Capacity building Gender
Human rights Urban studies Community development
Poverty Economic development Other (please specify):

3. On a continuum, where would you place the research being conducted by you or your organi-
zation on the scales below in terms of its degree of focus on the bio-physical and/or socio-eco-
nomic impacts of climate change on water resources (please tick one box per scale)?

Bio-physical: 0% 1-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-99% 100%

Socio-economic: 0% 1-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-99% 100%

4. What was the primary objective or key issues being addressed in the current research being
conducted by you or your organization?

5. What methodology is being applied within this research? (If you or your organization is
engaged in more than one climate change and water related research initiatives, please identi-
fy each project and the methodology being used in it.)

6. What is the timeframe of this research? (If you or your organization is engaged in more than
one climate change and water related research initiatives, please identify each project and its

Supplemental question: If the respondent works in the area of the biophysical impacts of climate
7. Has the study identified any potential socio-economic consequences of these changes? If so,
please describe:
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

1. Based on your experience, what do you see as being the most significant barriers to building the
research and knowledge base regarding the bio-physical and socio-economic impacts of
climate change on water resources in Pakistan? (These could be technical, human resources or
financial barriers, but also could be challenges such as poor coordination between research
initiatives or problems accessing data sets.)
Please identify barriers related to any of the following categories:
Technical. Please describe:
Human resources. Please describe:
Financial. Please describe:
Data access. Please describe:
Other. Please describe:

2. What do you see as being the most significant knowledge gaps, or research questions that
remain to be answered, regarding the potential biophysical and/or socio-economic impacts of
climate change on water resources of Pakistan?


As noted previously, a principal objective of our study is to complete a systematic review of existing
research to understand the current state of knowledge regarding the potential impacts of climate
change on Pakistan’s hydrological regime.
We are also seeking to understand the current state of knowledge regarding how climate change
might impact water quality, human health, agriculture, and hydroelectric power production.
As part of this study we therefore want to identify peer reviewed and grey literature sources that
meet the following criteria:
i. Journal articles, technical reports, books, book chapters or conference proceedings published
from January 1, 2005 to date.
ii. Focus on projected impacts of climate change (i.e. how things might change in the future) in
relation to:
o Water flow in the Indus River Basin
o Water demand
o Water quality
o Human health
o Agriculture
o Hydroelectric Power Production
iii. Are geographically focused on the Indus River Basin (including changes in the HKH region that
will affect Pakistan)
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

1. Have you completed any studies that meet these criteria?

Yes No
2. If yes, could you please list up to three (3) publications that you feel best meet these criteria, and
would be of benefit to our study, at the end of this survey?
Yes No
3. If yes, would be able to provide us with copies of these publications?
Yes No


1. Are there any other comments that you would like to make?

2. While all of the information you have provided us will be kept anonymous, we would like to
recognize your participation in this survey in the acknowledgements section of our final report.
Do you agree to have your name and organization’s name included within this list?
Yes No

In closing, the interviewers should:

• Invite the interviewee to be in touch should they have any follow-up information to provide
or which to clarify any of their statements
• Remind the interviewee of how their information will be used.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Addendum: List of resources

Please list below up to three publications (peer reviewed or grey literature) produced by
yourself or your organization that you feel best meet the criteria outlined in Section 4 of this
survey and the objectives of our research.

The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Annex B: Initial list of institutions

to be engaged in the survey

Based on an initial review conducted by CCRD, the following list of key organizations
and external experts who could be engaged in the planned research, particularly the key
informant survey, was compiled.

Federal Government Ministries and Authorities

Project Management and Policy Implementation Unit, Ministry of Water and Power, Government of
2 Ministry of Water and Power, Government of Pakistan/MoWP
3 Clean Development Mechanism/Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan/CDM, MoCC
4 Climate Finance Unit, Ministry of Climate Change/CFU, MoCC
5 Federal Water Management Cell, Ministry of National Food Security & Research/FWMC, MoNFSR
6 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency/ PAK-EPA
7 Federal Flood Commission, Ministry of Water & Power/FFC, MoWP
8 Indus River System Authority/IRSA
9 Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority/WAPDA
10 Pakistan Meteorological Department/PMD
11 National Disaster Management Authority/NDMA
12 National Engineering Services Pakistan/NESPAK
13 Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund/PPAF
14 Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Government of Pakistan/PCRWR
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Ministry of National Food Security & Research/PARC,
16 Agriculture Policy Institute, Ministry of National Food Security & Research/API, MoNFSR
17 Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture/NIFA, Peshawar
18 Climate Change, Alternate Energy and Water Resources Institute/CAEWRI, PARC, NARC
19 Baluchistan Agricultural Research and Development Centre/BARDC, PARC, NARC
Provincial Governments
20 Inland Water Transport Development Company, Government of Punjab/IWTDC
21 Punjab Irrigation & Drainage Authority/PIDA
22 Irrigation Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/ID, KPK
23 Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)Development Authority/(FATA)DA
24 Planning & Development Department/AJK
25 Barani Agricultural Research Institute/BARI, Chakwal, Punjab
26 Agricultural Research Institute, Sariab/ARI
27 Irrigation Department, Government of Sindh
28 Agriculture Department, Government of Baluchistan
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

(Government) Research Institutes and Universities

Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering/CEWRE, Univ. of Engineering and Technology,
30 Water Management Research Centre, University of Agriculture Faisalabad/WMRC, UAF, Faisalabad
USAID- funded Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Water, Mehran Univ. of Engineering and
Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh
32 Global Change Impact Studies Centre/GCISC
33 Integrated Mountain Area Research Centre, Karakorum International University
34 National University of Sciences and Technology
35 National Institute of Oceanography, University of Karachi
UN and Intergovernmental Organizations
36 World Food Program/WFP
37 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization/UNESCO
National and International NGOs and Research Programs/Individuals
38 Sustainable Development Policy Institute/SDPI
39 International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development/ICIMOD
40 International Union for Conservation of Nature/IUCN
41 World Wide Fund/WWF
42 International Water Management Issues/IWMI
43 LEAD-Pakistan
44 Ev-K2-CNR
45 Pakistan Water Partnership
46 Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
47 Danial Hashmi, Water and Power Development Authority, Lahore
48 Ms. Zaighum Habib, Independent consultant, Islamabad
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Annex C: Respondents and their

respective organizations

List of respondents along with their respective organizations interviewed as a part of

key informant survey. Responses from these interviewees were also uploaded on Survey
Monkey to develop an online data base.

Sr. No Organizations
Names of respective interviewees are provided in Italics under each organization
Federal Government Ministries and Authorities
1 National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Islamabad
Respondents; Ahmad Kamal, S. I. Alam
2 Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), Islamabad
Respondent; Muhammad Afzaal
3 Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), Islamabad
Respondent; Dr. Sheikh
4 Climate Change, Alternate Energy & Water Resources Institute (CAEWRI), Pakistan Agriculture
Research Council (PARC), National Agriculture Research Council (NARC), Islamabad
Respondents; Dr. B. Ahmed, Dr. M. Ashraf
5 Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Lahore
Respondents; M. S. Kamboh, M. A. Sheikh, Dr. Basharat, Danial Hashmi, Muhammad Nawaz, I. A.
6 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak-EPA), Islamabad
Respondent; Zia ul Islam
7 Indus River System Authority (IRSA) Islamabad
Respondent; Raqib Khan
8 Federal Water Management Cell (FWMC), Islamabad
Respondent; Tahir Anwar
9 Ministry of Climate Change, Islamabad
Respondent; Irfan Tariq
10 Punjab Irrigation Department, Lahore
Respondent; Dr. Javed
11 Irrigation Research Institute (IRI), Government of Punjab
Respondent; G. Z. Hussain
12 Planning and Development Department, Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Respondents; Dr. Ahmad, Muhammad Bashir, Dr. Khan, M. T. Khan, S. R. Shah
13 Barani Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) Chakwal
Respondent; Dr. Subhani
14 Irrigation Department, Government of Sindh
Respondent; Ayub Sumroo
15 Forest Department, Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK)
Respondents; R. T. Maqsood, S. G. Shah
16 Private Power Cell, Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK)
Respondent; N.Z. Gillani
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

17 Department of Agriculture, Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK)

Respondents; Dr. Butt, Mohammad Shafique
18 Department of Irrigation and Small Dams, Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK)
Respondent; Basharat Hussain
19 Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) Development Authority
Respondent; Aqiq Bangesh
20 Irrigation Division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Peshawar
Respondent; Zahoor Muhammad
21 Pakistan Meteorological Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Peshawar
Respondent; M.A. Shah
22 Irrigation Department, Government of Baluchistan (GoB), Quetta
Respondents; Sher Afghan, Shakeel Azam, Arif Ali, S. Z. Shah
Research Institutes/ Academia
23 University of Agriculture Faisalabad
Respondents; Dr. Hussain, Dr. Baksh, Dr. Farooq, Dr. Khaliq, Dr. Cheem, Dr. Alam
24 Center of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology
(UET), Lahore
Respondents; Dr. Shakir, Dr. Nabi
25 International Islamic University (IIUI) Islamabad
Respondent; Dr. Irfan
26 University of Karachi, Karachi
Respondent; Dr. Jillani
27 Water Management Training Institute (WMTI), Lahore
Respondent; Dr. Ahmad
28 U.S. Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCASW), Mehran University of Engineering
and Technology (MuET), Jamshoro
Respondents; Dr. Siyal, Dr. Maher, Dr. Kori, Waqas Ahmed, Rakshanda
29 NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi
Respondents; Dr. Mustafa, Dr. Ahmed
30 Climate Change Center (CCC), Agriculture University Peshawar
Respondent; Dr. Jawed
31 Karakoram International University (KIU), Gilgit
Respondents; Poonam Almas, Dostdar Hussain, Dr. Nafees
32 National Institute of Oceanography (NiO), Karachi
Respondent; Dr. Inam
33 Comsats Institute of Information Technology (CIIT)
Respondents; Dr. Tahir, Dr. Ahmed
34 Global Change Impact Studies Center (GCISC), Islamabad
Respondents; Dr. Hashmi, Arif Goheer
35 National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad
Respondents; Dr. Iqbal, Dr. Baig
36 Pakistan Forest Institute (PFI), Peshawar
Respondent; Ahmad Zameer
Non-Governmental Organizations/ Private Sector /Individuals
37 Sustainable Policy Development Institute (SDPI), Islamabad
Respondents; Dr. Saeed, Sadia Ishfaq
38 International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Islamabad
Respondent; Dr. Majeed
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

39 Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD), Pakistan

Respondents; Usman Mirza, Ayesha Asad
40 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Lahore
Respondent; Sohail Naqvi
41 International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Lahore
Respondent; A. A. Shah
42 International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Islamabad
Respondent; M. Muddasir
43 Independent consultant, Islamabad
Dr. Zaighum Habib
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Annex D: List of literature provided/

recommended by the key informants
1. Recommendations for water policy reforms Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), (2012).
2. Ali Akhtar., Environment, natural resources, and agriculture. (2013). Indus Basin Floods:
Mechanism, Impacts and Management. The Asian Development Bank (ADB).
3. Ali Hasnain Syed. (2012). Climate Change and its Realities for Pakistan. Worldwide Fund
for Nature (WWF)
4. Anwar, S., Yu, B., & Nabi, G. (2012). Application of weather generator for environmental
parameters estimation for upper Indus basin. Soil & Environment, 31(1).
5. Cheema., & Pawar. (2015). Bridging the Divide: Trans-boundary Science & policy
Interaction in the Indus Basin. Stimson Environmental Security Program: Visiting Fellows
6. Chevallier, P., Arnaud, Y., & Ahmad, B. (2011). Snow covers dynamics and hydrological
regime of the Hunza River basin, Karakoram Range, Northern Pakistan. Hydrology and
Earth System Sciences, 15(7), 2259-2274.
7. Democratic friends of Pakistan. (2010). Task Force on climate Change. Planning
commission of Pakistan
8. Engr. Asrar-ul-Haq., Muhammad Aamir Khan., & Muhammad Hasnain Khan. (2012).
Water resources management in Pakistan: the challenges, climate change implications
and way forward. Centenary Celebration (1912 – 2012).
9. Inam, A., Clift, P. D., Giosan, L., Tabrez, A. R., Tahir, M., Rabbani, M. M., & Danish, M. (2007).
The geographic, geological and oceanographic setting of the Indus River. Large rivers:
geomorphology and management, 333-345.
10. Iqbal, M. M., & Arif, M. (2010). Climate-change aspersions on food security of Pakistan. A
Journal of Science for Development, 15.
11. Jawad Ali., Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters
(BRACED) Department for International Development (DFID). (2014). Climate Change
and adaptation - farmer’s experience from rainfed areas of Pakistan.
12. Jawad Ali., Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters
(BRACED) Department for International Development (DFID). (2014). Climate scenarios
2011-2040 districts Haripur, Swabi, Attock and Chakwal Pakistan.
13. Karim, R., Nafees, M. A., Khan, T., Khan, M. Z., Wafi, S., & Ali, S. (2014). Studies in assessment
of environmental degradation and tourism in the Karakoram Mountain Ranges using
water quality characterization. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences
(JBES), 5(2), 260-267.
14. Mirza Hamid Hasan. (2014). Policy Briefings – II: Water Policy & Institutions in Pakistan.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

15. Nabi, G., Latif, M., & Azhar, A. H. (2011). The role of environmental parameter (degree
day) of snowmelt runoff simulation. Soil & Environment,30 (1).
16. Nafees, M. A., Ahmed, K., Ali, S., Karim, R., & Khan, T. (2014). Bacteriological analysis of
drinking water sources in CKNP region of Gilgit–Baltistan, Pakistan. International Journal
of Biosciences (IJB), 5(4), 54-59.
17. Nafees, M. A., Ahmed, K., Ali, S., Karim, R., & Khan, T. (2014). Bacteriological analysis of
drinking water sources in CKNP region of Gilgit–Baltistan, Pakistan. International Journal
of Biosciences (IJB), 5(4), 54-59.
18. National Water policy draft.
19. Pervaiz Amir & Zaighum Habib. (2015). Estimating the impacts of climate change on
sectoral water demand in Pakistan. ACT Report
20. Pervaiz Amir., Simi Kamal & Khalid Mohtadulah. (2012). Development of Integrated River
Basin Management for Indus Basin. Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
21. Raqib Khan. (2015). Development of GIS/MIS centre and decision support the system
to enhance the capacity of Indus River System Authority. Indus River System Authority
22. Report FY 2012: Climate Change in Pakistan, Climate Change in Pakistan Focused on
Sindh Province
23. Shah, S. H. H., Vervoort, R. W., Suweis, S., Guswa, A. J., Rinaldo, A. S. E. A. T. M., & van der
Zee, S. E. A. T. M. (2011). Stochastic modeling of salt accumulation in the root zone due
to capillary flux from brackish groundwater. Water Resources Research, 47(9).
24. Shahid Ahmad., (2013). Indus water Treaty and Water Cooperation for managing
apportioned rivers. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
25. Tahir, A. A., Chevallier, P., Arnaud, Y., Ashraf, M., & Bhatti, M. T. (2015). Snow cover trend
and hydrological characteristics of the Astore River basin (Western Himalayas) and its
comparison to the Hunza basin (Karakoram region). Science of the Total Environment,
505, 748-761.
26. Tahir, A. A., Chevallier, P., Arnaud, Y., Neppel, L., & Ahmad, B. (2011). Modeling snowmelt-
runoff under climate scenarios in the Hunza River basin, Karakoram Range, Northern
Pakistan. Journal of Hydrology, 409(1), 104-117.
27. Van der Zee, S. E. A. T. M., Shah, S. H. H., & Vervoort, R. W. (2014). Root zone salinity and
sodicity under seasonal rainfall due to feedback of decreasing hydraulic conductivity.
Water Resources Research, 50(12), 9432-9446.
28. Van der Zee, S. E. A. T. M., Shah, S. H. H., Van Uffelen, C. G. R., Raats, P. A., & Dal Ferro, N.
(2010). Soil sodicity as a result of periodical drought. Agricultural water management,
97(1), 41-49.
29. Waqas Ahmad. (2014). Thesis: GIS and systems support in water infrastructure projects
for Hyderabad, hydro informatics: How technology can help in water resources planning.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

30. Winston Yu & Yi-Chen Yang., The Indus Basin of Pakistan. (2013). The Current Water and
Agriculture, Context, Challenges and Policies. International Bank for Reconstruction and
31. Yaseen, M., Rientjes, T., Nabi, G., & Latif, M. (2014). Assessment of recent temperature
trends in Mangla watershed. Journal of Himalayan Earth Science, 47(1).
32. Zhu, T., Ringler, C., Iqbal, M. M., Sulser, T. B., & Goheer, M. A. (2013). Climate change
impacts and adaptation options for water and food in Pakistan: scenario analysis using
an integrated global water and food projections model. Water International, 38(5), 651-
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Appendix 2: Water Availability Study

Water supply in the Indus Basin under
changing climatic conditions: An
analysis of current research
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change Project
Prepared by: Hisham Osman, International Institute for Sustainable Development

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 84
2.0 Methodology 86
3.0 Hydrology of the Indus Basin 88
4.0 Historical Climate and Hydrology Trends 91
5.0 Projected Changes in the Climate and Hydrological Regime of the Indus Basin 98
6.0 Discussion 108
7.0 Conclusions 111

References 113

Annex 1: List of peer-reviewed and grey literature used in the systematic review 117

CRU Climatic Research Unit
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
HKH Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya
PMD Pakistan Meteorological Department
UIB Upper Indus Basin
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

1.0. Introduction

Flowing out of the Hindu Kush, Karakoram and Himalaya mountain ranges through dry
plains to the Arabian Sea, the Indus River and its tributaries are central to water, energy
and food security in Pakistan. The Indus Basin is Pakistan’s primary source of fresh surface
water and actively replenishes its ground water resources. Its rivers are the main source of
Pakistan’s hydropower production (Laghari et al., 2012) and their water plays an essential role
in thermal power generation. The Indus River is also critical to agricultural production—a
mainstay of the national economy. As the climate of the Indus River plains is largely arid and
semi-arid, about 90 percent of agricultural production is grown on 18 million hectares of
irrigated lands; nearly 80 percent of the country’s irrigation water comes through the Indus
River Irrigation System, the largest contiguous irrigation system in the world (Yu et al., 2013).
Given the importance of the Indus River system to Pakistan’s economy, ecology and society,
any changes that affect its water flows are of critical interest to the nation. This sensitivity is
augmented by Pakistan’s growing degree of water stress as per capita water availability has
declined to an estimated 1,017 cubic meters per person (International Monetary Fund, 2015),
largely due to rapid population growth and knock-on impacts such as greater agricultural
water demand to meet rising food production needs. Various studies project that Pakistan
will soon become classified as “water scarce” as per capita availability falls below 1,000 cubic
meters per person, and could become the most water stressed country in South Asia by
2040 (World Resources Institute, 2015).
Particular concern has been expressed regarding how climate change will impact future
water flows in the Indus Basin. As water flow in the basin is derived primarily from the
melting of snow and glacial ice in the western Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya (HKH)
region, its flow regime is sensitive to temperature and precipitation changes that affect
the accumulation of snow and ablation of glaciers in the Upper Indus Basin (Fowler &
Archer, 2005; Archer et al., 2010; Immerzeel et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2013; Shrestha et al., 2015).
However, the complexity of geographic, cryospheric, hydrologic and atmospheric factors
that influence the Indus Basin’s hydrological regime make it challenging to anticipate
climate change’s impact on future water flows. In particular, there is uncertainty regarding
current and future changes in the Karakoram range’s glacial regime; while glaciers in most
of the Himalayas have been observed to be retreating to varying degrees, some in the
Karakoram have been found to be either advancing or stable (Kilroy, 2015; Khan & Pervaiz,
2012; World Bank, 2013). This uncertainty regarding future water flows in the Indus Basin
makes it more challenging to assess the vulnerability of Pakistan to climate change and
engage in robust adaptation planning. Gaining better awareness of the risk climate change
poses for Pakistan’s water resources has therefore been prioritized in its National Climate
Change Policy and subsequent framework for implementation of this policy.
As a contribution toward gaining a fuller understanding of the vulnerability of Pakistan’s
water resources to the impacts of climate change, this paper provides a synthesis of the
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

current state of knowledge regarding how water flow levels in the Indus Basin are projected
to change in the coming decades. It provides an overview of the Indus Basin’s hydrological
regime before examining current and projected temperature and precipitation conditions
expected to drive changes in this hydrological regime. The outcomes of a systematic review
of recent research on how climate change will alter hydrologic flows in the Indus Basin is
then presented. It looks at current understanding of how factors such as glacial retreat,
changes in monsoon patterns, and changes in winter precipitation patterns may affect the
hydrology of the Indus Basin in the near and longer terms. The potential implications of the
findings from the systematic review are then discussed prior to presentation of the research
This paper was prepared as part of the project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water
Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations
for action” (2015–2016) led by the Pakistan Ministry of Climate Change and implemented
in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, the Centre for Climate
Research and Development at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad,
and the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Funding for this project was
provided by the Overseas Technical Unit of the Italian Embassy in Pakistan.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

2.0. Methodology

To assess the current state of research and knowledge regarding how climate change
will alter hydrologic flows in the Indus Basin, a structured review of secondary sources—
both peer-reviewed publications and grey literature—was undertaken. Systematic review
methodology was selected for use in conducting this structure review. Systematic review
methodology has been defined as “a focused review of the literature that seeks to answer
a specific research question using a set of standardised techniques and explicitly outlined
and reproducible methods” (Berrang-Ford, Pearce & Ford, 2015: p.756). Widely used for
decades in the health sciences field, systematic review methodology is increasingly being
used in the field of climate change research, particularly when reviewing, synthesizing or
tracking existing knowledge related to a particular research question. Its key feature is the
explicit use of standardized criteria to guide the identification and selection of documents
and information to be included in the review—helping to ensure that this process is less ad
hoc and less open to researcher bias (Berrang-Ford, Pearce & Ford, 2015).
The specific parameters used in the systematic review of available literature on projected
changes to the Indus River hydrological regime were selected by the research team and
reviewed by an external advisory group comprised of Pakistani experts from relevant
fields of knowledge. The parameters selected for use in the systematic review to ensure an
unbiased process for identifying a comprehensive literature sample were:
i. Source of literature to be reviewed: Peer review literature (accessed using Web of
Science, Scopus and Google Scholar) and grey literature published by Pakistan-based
organizations (government departments, research institutes, universities, NGOs) and
international organizations.
ii. Types of literature: Journal articles, technical reports, books, book chapters and
conference proceedings.
iii. Publication timeframe: Sources published between January 1, 2005, and September 30,
iv. Keywords: The following research terms were used to identify literature for inclusion in
the study, using three categories – place names, generic terms and biophysical terms:
a. (“Pakistan” OR “Himalaya*” OR “Karakoram” OR “Karakorum” OR “Hindu Kush” OR
“Tibetan Plateau” OR “Indus” OR “Jhelum” OR “Chenab” OR “Ravi” OR “Beas” OR
“Sutlej”) AND
b. (“global warming” OR “climate change”) AND
c. (“precipitation” OR “temperature” OR “runoff” OR “snow” OR “glacier*” OR “glacial
melt” OR “monsoon” OR “flood*” OR “drought”).
v. Language: English
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Prior to finalizing the above parameters, test searches were conducted in October 2015
using different keyword combinations. The outcomes of these searches were validated
against references contained in known publications such as Yu et al. (2013) and Archer et
al. (2010). The formal search was performed between mid-December 2015 and mid-January
2016. Peer reviewed literature was identified by searching Web of Science, Scopus and
Google Scholar and grey literature through a general internet search using the designated
keywords. A snowballing technique subsequently was used to identify additional relevant
sources that involved reviewing the references contained in the literature identified through
the online search.
After compiling an initial list of references, additional inclusion and exclusion criteria were
applied to ensure that the literature list only included publications dealing with impacts
occurring or predicted to occur due, at least partially, to post-industrial climate change and
impacts that are biophysical in nature. The outcome of this process was the creation of a
shortlist of publications for review which contained a total of 27 sources: 22 per peer reviewed
publications and five grey literature sources. These identified literature sources are listed in
Annex 1 of this report. The majority of the shortlisted publications documented research
conducted by international institutes; research conducted by Pakistan-based researchers
accounted for only about 15 percent of the total number of selected publications.
Additional research drawing on a range of literature sources was conducted to set the
content of the shortlisted publications into context. This research was used to develop
a synthesis about the “anatomy” of the hydrologic regime of the Upper Indus Basin, and
current understanding of how the regime responses to changes in the climatic drivers.
It also was used to gain insight into historic climate trends in the Indus Basin. Available
literature was analysed as well to develop a synthesis of projected changes in the regions
temperature and precipitation regimes. A general understanding was also gained regarding
the results from different global circulation models to quantify the range of uncertainty
associated with the different climate change projections. Collectively the hydrologic regime
and climate information was used to inform conclusions regarding how climate change
could affect runoff in the Indus Basin and also to identify the main barriers and gaps related
to research within this field of knowledge.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

3.0 Hydrology of the Indus Basin

The Indus Basin encompasses a total area of about 1.12 million square kilometers, portions
of which fall within the territorial boundaries of four countries: Pakistan (47 percent), India
(39 percent), China (8 percent) and Afghanistan (6 percent) (see Figure 1). Within Pakistan the
basin covers about 65 percent of the country’s total territory, including all of the provinces
of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab, most of Sindh, and the eastern part of Balochistan
(Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], 2011). The HKH mountain ranges of its upper
reaches run approximately in an arc that extends from the west and north (the Hindu Kush
and Karakoram mountains) to the south and east (the main Himalaya mountain chain).
Commonly known at the “third pole”, the HKH region has the highest concentration of snow
and glaciers outside the polar region (Bajracharya et al., 2015) and the basin contains some
of the highest mountains in the world (including K2). Forty percent of the total basin area
(1,137,819 square kilometres) lies at an elevation higher than 2,000 meters above sea level
(Harrington et al., 2009; Babel and Wahid, 2008; Laghari et al., 2012).
The Indus River has a total length of approximately 2,900 kilometres, making it the twelfth
largest river in the world (FAO, 2011). Originating in the Tibetan Plateau, in its upper reaches
it is fed in part by catchments of the Shyok, Shigar, Hunza, Gilgit and Astore rivers (Yu et al.,
2013). In its lower reaches, the Indus River is fed by two main tributaries: the Kabul River
flowing in from the western side and the Panjnad River flowing in from the eastern side.
The Panjnad River itself is the confluence of five significant rivers: the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi,
Beas and Sutlej. Use of these rivers is governed by the Indus Water Treaty signed in 1960 by
India and Pakistan. Under this treaty, all of the waters in the eastern tributaries of Sultej, Beas
and Ravi are allocated to India for unrestricted use until they finally enter Pakistan. Waters in
the western tributaries of Jhelum and Chenab are allocated for unrestricted use by Pakistan
(FAO, 2011). On average, approximately 180 cubic kilometres of water enters the basin on an
annual basis, of which around 125 cubic kilometres is diverted annually into the Indus Basin
Irrigation System (Yu et al., 2013).
Although the flow characteristics
of the rivers within the Indus Basin
differ, generally their hydrographs
start to rise in the April to June
period as a result of snow melt
in the Upper Indus Basin and
monsoon rains in the basin’s lower
portion. Approximately 60 percent
of total mean annual river flow is
derived from the headwaters of
the Indus River, of which about
80 percent enters into the system
between June and September (Yu
Figure 1. Map of the Indus Basin
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

et al., 2013). Peak flows usually happen in the period between July and August. During the
winter or rabi season (October to December) runoff into the basin is low—about one-tenth
of summer flow—because of limited ice and snow melt (Kahlown & Majeed, 2003).
A good understanding of the hydrological regimes that determine river flow in the Indus
Basin is required to assess how climate change will impact this system. The basin’s hydrology
is determined by the combined influence of three very distinct regimes and their responses
to climatic conditions (Archer et al., 2010; Immerzeel et al., 2010; Sharif et al., 2013; Laghari
et al., 2012; Reggiani et al., 2015):
• A glacial regime. About 25 to 35 percent of water flow in the Indus River is derived
from glacial melt (Immerzeel et al., 2010; Mukhopadhyay & Dutta, 2010; Savoskul &
Smakhtin, 2013). This water flows into the tributaries of high altitude catchments such
as the Hunza and Shyok in the Karakoram and Hindu Kush mountains (Sharif et al., 2013).
The regime’s flow patterns are characterized by large variation in responses due to the
inherently diverse topography and climate of the region (Archer et al., 2010; ADB, 2010;
Miller et al., 2012). Many studies report that there is a significant positive relationship
between summer temperatures and runoff rates (Yu et al., 2013; Singh & Bengtsson, 2005;
Archer and Fowler, 2008). Annual water flow from the glacial regime is therefore highly
dependent on summer temperature and solar radiation conditions in the current year. At
the same time, it also has been observed that there is a significant negative relationship
between summer precipitation and monthly streamflow on a seasonal and maximum
basis (Yu et al., 2013; Archer and Fowler, 2008). The main explanation provided for this
negative relationship is that rainfall clouds reduce the concurrent heat energy input for
ice melt and consequently this increases albedo from new snow cover.
• A nival (or snowmelt) regime. At middle altitudes (above 2,500 metres [FAO, 2011]), flow
is predominately dependent on the melting of snow that fell during the preceding winter
plus spring precipitation. As the area of winter snow cover is an order of magnitude
greater than the area of the perennial snow and ice (Frenken & Spottorno, 2012), the nival
regime generates the greatest portion of water flow in the Indus River (Archer et al., 2010;
Laghari et al., 2012). Its contribution to total water flow has been estimated as being 35 to
40 percent (Immerzeel et al., 2010; Mukhopadhyay & Dutta, 2010; Savoskul & Smakhtin,
In contrast to the glacial regime, a consistently negative relationship between runoff and
temperature has been reported for the nival regime—both for the coexisting summer
temperature and prior season temperature (Yu et al., 2013; Archer and Fowler, 2008).
This negative relationship between temperature and runoff may be attributed to greater
evaporative losses from snow cover at higher temperatures, which leads to a reduction
in runoff (Archer et al., 2010; Singh & Bengtsson, 2005). Thus, while higher temperatures
increase the amount of runoff from glacial regime, it reduces the amount of flow from the
nival regime, and vice versa.
• A rainfall regime. In the southern foothills of the Himalayas and the Indus plains to the
south, the basin’s hydrologic regime is mainly controlled by runoff from rainfall that
occurs primarily in the monsoon season (Archer et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2013). The literature
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

reports that the contribution of the rainfall

regime to the total flow of the Indus River is
less than the combined flow from the nival and
glacial regimes, generating about 40 percent of
total flows (Gebre & Ludwig, 2014; Immerzeel et
al., 2010). The rainfall regime is the main cause
of lowland flooding as it produces more intense
runoff. For example, the catastrophic floods
that took place in 2010 and affected more than
20 million people occurred largely as a result
of the heavy rainfall that occurred during that
year’s monsoon (Laghari et al., 2012; Lau & Kim,
2012; Archer et al., 2010).
As different catchments within the Indus Basin
are feed to varying degrees by water flow from
these three regimes, the timing of their annual
maximum mean daily flow also varies as shown
in Figure 2 (Sharif et al., 2013). As illustrated,
annual peak flow in the high altitude catchments
of the Hunza and Shyok rivers (Graphs A and
B respectively) occurs in late July and August,
reflecting the large contribution of glacial melt
to their runoff volume. In catchments located at
middle altitudes, such as those of the Astore and Gilgit rivers, annual peak flow occurs earlier
in the year—in June and July (Graphs C and D respectively). In these catchments water flow
is predominantly governed by the nival regime. Annual peaks on the main stem of the Indus
River, as represented by measurements at the Besham gauging station located immediately
upstream of the Tarbela Reservoir (Graph E), reflect a combined contribution from both the
glacial and nival regimes. Here the annual peaks range from the end of June to mid-August.
Peak flow dates along the Swat River (represented in Graph F) are characterised by a broader
range that extends from April (generated by spring rainfall and early snowmelt) to July and
August (due to monsoon-related peaks).
While the above descriptions provide a general picture of the factors influencing hydrologic
patterns in the Indus Basin, it is important to keep in mind that a limited number of studies
of the hydrology of the Upper Indus basin have been completed. While the hydrology of
the southern portion of the Indus River is well studied, hydrologic patterns in the Upper
Indus Basin have been described as a “black box” (Yu et al., 2013). Current understanding of
climate patterns, local hydrology and glacier behaviour in the Upper Indus Basin is based on
limited analysis using a limited data base (Yu et al., 2013).
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

4.0 Historical Climate and Hydrology Trends

The climate of the Indus Basin varies significantly both spatially and temporally, with the
lower portion of the basin being sub-tropical arid and semi-arid to temperate sub-humid
while the mountainous Upper Indus Basin has an alpine climate (FAO, 2011). The basin’s
climate is shaped by four seasons: a cool dry winter from December to February; a hot pre-
monsoon season from March through May; a rainy monsoon season from June through
September; and a post-monsoon period from October to November (Blood, 1996). The
length of these seasons varies depending on location in the basin.
Significant temperature differences are found within the basin, with average maximum
summer temperatures in the southern plains reaching more than 35oC while the temperature
only rise to an average of 10oC to 15oC in its upper reaches. In contrast, minimum winter
temperatures currently vary from an average of 10oC to 15oC in the south to an average of
less than -20oC in the high alpine areas (see Figure 3) (Shrestha et al., 2015).

Figure 3. The spatial and temporal distribution of temperatures across the Indus Basin.
Source: Shrestha et al. (2015)
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Similar diversity is found within the

region’s precipitation regime (see Figure
4). While annual precipitation in the
lowlands of the basin ranges between
100 and 500 millimeters per year, it rises
to about 600 millimetres at 4,400 metres
above sea level and can reach 1,500 to
2,000 millimetres per year on mountain
slopes located 5,500 metres above sea
level. However, along northern valley
floors, precipitation can be as little as
100 to 200 millimetres per year (FAO,
2011; Fowler & Archer 2005; Laghari et
al. 2012; Mukhopadhyay & Khan 2014;
Wake 1989). As it receives significantly
Figure 4. Precipitation gradients in the Indus Basin.
more precipitation than the lower basin,
Source: Laghari et al. (2012)
the Upper Indus Basin plays a critical role
in water availability in the whole basin
throughout the year (Archer & Fowler, 2004; Shrestha et al., 2015; Laghari et al., 2012).
In terms of precipitation dynamics, the HKH region typically has been characterized by two
main sub-regions (Archer & Fowler 2004; Palazzi et al., 2014; Syed et al. 2006; Yadav et al.
• The western Hindu-Hush Karakoram, including the Indus Basin, in which precipitation
(largely in the form of snow) is generally carried by the westerly winds during the winter
and spring. This winter precipitation falling from October to March, largely in high-
altitude and mid-altitude catchments, is the main source of snowfall accumulation that
feeds glaciers and, upon melting, runoff into the Indus River (Archer, 2006; Bocchiola et
al., 2011; Miller et al., 2012).
• The eastern Himalaya in which precipitation is controlled by the summer monsoon.
In the Indus Basin, falling to the west of the Himalaya divide, the summer monsoon and
local circulations only account for one-third of annual precipitation (Ali et al. 2015; Young
& Hewitt 1990). While the foothills of the HKH in Pakistan derive some precipitation in the
monsoon season (Miller et al., 2012), the high mountains of the Upper Indus Basin limit the
intrusion of the monsoon, whose influence weakens northwestward (FAO, 2011).
How key climate parameters, namely temperature and precipitation, have already begun
to change and may be expected to change in the future will directly influence future
hydrological conditions in the Indus Basin given their direct influence on the glacial, nival
and rainfall regimes. The remainder of this section summarizes available research on recent
temperature and precipitation trends and highlights some observed changes in hydrological
patterns associated with these changes.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

4.1 Temperature: Historical trends

Many studies have been conducted that analyse historical climate trends in Pakistan and
the Indus Basin (e.g. Fowler & Archer, 2006; Farooqi et al., 2005; Singh et al., 2008; Sheikh
et al. 2009; Zahid & Rasul, 2009; Yu et al., 2013; Shrestha et al., 2015). Among those looking
specifically at changes in temperature within the political boundaries of Pakistan, Sheikh
et al. (2009) undertook trend analysis using Climatic Research Unit gridded data. Their
study found an overall increase in temperature by +0.6°C over the 1900s with a statistical
significance level of 99 percent. They also report that these trends do not follow a consistent
regional pattern. The country’s north, including the Upper Indus Basin, has experienced
a warming trend over the past 50 years while some parts of the lower Indus Basin have
cooled. This conclusion is in agreement with a trend analysis conducted by the Pakistan
Meteorological Department (Afzaal et al., 2008) that found an overall warming of 0.64°C in
Pakistan between 1900 and 2007, and a 95 percent confidence level that cycles of increasing
and decreasing temperatures occurred during this period.
In a study focused on the Upper Indus Basin, Fowler and Archer (2006) concluded that
there is a strong contrast between winter and summer temperature trends and between
maximum and minimum temperatures. Using data obtained from seven instrumental
records of stations located between 1,370 and 2,390 metres above sea level, seasonal and
annual trends over the period 1961 to 2000 were examined. Their analysis reveals that
average and maximum winter temperatures exhibited statistically significant increases (0.1
- 0.55°C per decade), while average and minimum summer temperatures showed consistent
cooling. Their results also show that summer cooling is dependant on elevation, with greater
cooling taking place at higher elevations, while winter warming has been confined to lower
altitudes (Fowler & Archer, 2006).
Fowler and Archer’s findings are in agreement with a study by Sheikh et al. (2009) in
which they concluded that mean maximum temperatures in the pre-monsoon season
have experienced statistically significant warming trends in most parts of Upper Indus
Basin between 1951 and 2000. As illustrated in Figure 5, looking specifically at the Greater
Himalayan region of Pakistan, mean maximum temperatures (Figure 5a) have increased in all
season except the monsoon season. In contrast, mean minimum temperatures (Figure 5b)
have decline in all seasons, with larger cooling trends occurring in the monsoon season and
the post-monsoon period. When mean temperatures are examined (Figure 5c) it appears
that there has been a significant increase in temperatures in the pre-monsoon season and a
large decline in temperatures in the monsoon season, leading an overall modest increase for
the year as a whole. This change reflects an enhanced range of diurnal temperature, which
means that days have become warmer and nights colder (Sheikh et al., 2009). Explanations
to this phenomenon are not yet clear, but Fowler and Archer (2006) anticipated that it may
be associated with a coupling of regional feedbacks, such as aerosol cooling, to large-scale
climatic processes. More recently, it is report that Fowler et al. have suggested that this
observed decline in summer temperatures may be due to monsoon rains moving further
northward as the climate warms, pushing dry, westerly winds northward and increasing
cloud cover (Qiu, 2016).
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

A study by Khattak et al. (2011) also reported that maximum winter temperature between
1976 and 2005 demonstrate an increasing trend of 0.45°C, 0.42°C and 0.23°C per decade for
the upper, middle and lower parts of the Indus Basin respectively.
In summary, analysis of historical temperature datasets shows a statistically significant
warming trend over all of Pakistan in the pre-monsoon season, and cooling trends for the
monsoon season in most parts of the country. However, for the Upper Indus Basin region in
particular, temperature exhibits a strong increase in the winter and pre-monsoon seasons,
but it also shows a cooling trend during the monsoon period.

Figure 5. Seasonal historical trends for maximum, minimum and mean temperature levels in the Indus Basin.
Source: Shiekh et al. (2009)
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

4.2 Precipitation: Historical trends

Existing annual and decadal variability in precipitation levels within Pakistan due to factors
such as changes in monsoon patterns makes it more challenging to detect emerging
precipitation trends spurred by global climate change. Available studies for Pakistan as a
whole have generally reported a lack of any notable trends in past precipitation records,
although they do suggest that there may have been an increase in annual and seasonal
precipitation in recent decades.
In their examination of changing climatic trends throughout Pakistan, Yu et al. (2013)
reported a trend of increasing annual precipitation in the 1900s at a statistically significant
level of 1 percent. As illustrated in Figure 6, though, their report also notes that the extent
and direction of change in mean annual and seasonal precipitation levels between 1951
and 2000 has varied substantially between different regions of the country. There has been a
strong trend toward increasing precipitation levels in the Upper Indus, Punjab and northern
Balochistan plateau, whilst the western Balochistan plateau and particularly the coastal
belt has experienced declining precipitation levels (Yu et al., 2013). On a seasonal basis,
a number of studies indicate that summer (monsoon) rainfall has been on a statistically
significant increasing trend since 1961, and that this positive trend is spread over almost all
parts of Pakistan (Fowler & Archer, 2006; Sheik et al., 2009; Archer et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2013).
In terms of changes specifically within the Indus Basin, Shresta et al. (2015), as illustrated
in Figure 7, and Singh et al. (2011) suggest that the period of the 1950s to the early-1980s
was much drier compared to the period of the 1980s to the 2010s. Both studies reported
a trend toward increased rainfall over the past 30 years, as well as a notable increase in
the frequency of heavy rainfall events. However, Singh et al. (2011) report that while the
southern part of the Indus Basin has experienced a slight increase in precipitation, most of
the stations in the northern half of the basin report a significant decline in both total annual
precipitation and summer precipitation.
In their review of the potential impacts of climate change on the Indus Basin, Nepal and
Shresthra (2015) present results of a statistical analysis (linear regression) of historical
precipitation records from 1985 to 2005. Their analysis did not identify any significant
long-term trends, either increasing or decreasing, in any of the seasonal or annual series
investigated. However, the analysis also compared recent precipitation levels to more
historic levels and found a statistically significant increase in annual precipitation since
1961, with an upward trend in winter precipitation at all stations north and south of the
Himalayan divide. For summer rainfall since 1961, however, there has been a statistically
significant increase only at stations north of the Himalayan divide (and therefore outside of
the Indus Basin). There was no clear evidence regarding whether this difference is the result
of more frequent monsoon storms or a stronger influence by the westerly winds (as cited in
Archer & Fowler, [2004]).
Khattak et al. (2011) also investigated historical trends (1967-2005) in the Upper Indus
Basin. They applied a non-parametric statistical test (Mann-Kendall) on data sets for several
meteorological variables from 20 meteorological stations. Their results show a statistically
significant increase in precipitation in the summer season (June to August) with a rate
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

of increase of 23.9 millimetres over the 39 years examined. A statistically non-significant

increase in precipitation was also observed for the winter and spring seasons.
Finally, Fowler and Archer (2005) in their analysis of the historical climate record (1961-
1999) concluded that winter, summer and annual precipitation across the Upper Indus
Basin region shows evidence of a positive trend. Winter precipitation showed statistically
significant trends at the sub-catchments level, with increases ranging between 16 and 18
Taken as a whole, these studies suggest that the Upper Indus Basin has experienced an
increase in precipitation levels in the past three decades, particularly in the winter. They also
suggest that there has been an increase in the intensity of rainfall, with more rain falling in
fewer rainy days. However, there is uncertainty remaining regarding historical trends given
the limited number of studies and meteorological data available.

Figure 6. Precipitation trends over the different regions in Pakistan.

Source: Adapted from Yu et al. (2013)

4.3 Hydrology: Historical trends

Little research has been published to date on how hydrological patterns have or have
not changed in recent decades due to the observed increases in winter temperatures
and declining summer temperatures in the Upper Indus Basin and the variable trends in
precipitation levels. However, it is reported that gauge data from hydrological stations
along the Indus River and three of its tributaries document a seasonal decline in river flow
(Qiu, 2016). Based on data collected at the Tarbela dam, the Pakistan Water and Power
Development Authority suggests that, between 1962 and 2012, flows declined during the
kharif season (April to August) while increasing slightly during the rabi season (October to
December) (Khan, 2016). Overall their results suggest that there has been a decline in river
flow between 1962 and 2014 (Qiu, 2016).
This reported trend is consistent with the observed decline in spring and summer
temperatures, which would reduce the rate of ice and snow melt in the Upper Indus Basin
that is critical to downstream water flow. The observed reduction of temperatures in these
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Figure 7. Indicators of changes in precipitation in the Indus Basin between the period 1951 to 1980 and
between 1981 and 2007.
Source: Shrestha et al. (2015)

seasons also may help explain the “Karakoram anomaly,” a unique phenomenon in which
some glaciers in the Karakoram region are reported to have either slightly gained mass or
stayed neutral (Qiu, 2016). Further research is required, though, to better assess historical
trends in available hydrological data.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

5.0 Projected Changes in the Climate and

Hydrological Regime of the Indus Basin
The Indus Basin is already experiencing changes in its climatological regime, as witnessed
by the recorded changes in its temperatures and precipitation patterns. Given the intimate
role that climate plays in the Indus Basin’s hydrological regime, ongoing shifts from
historical norms may be expected to alter water flow patterns in the region. Any changes in
climatological parameters will have an impact on the distribution and timing of precipitation
(snowfall and rainfall) and on the melting of snow and ice, and therefore on the hydrological
regime of the Indus Basin. Drawing upon the content of the literature identified through
the systematic review, this section begins by synthesizing available information regarding
projected changes in the region’s temperature and precipitation patterns. It then looks
at projected changes in the basin’s different hydrological regimes—the glacial, nival and
rainfall regimes—before presenting a summary of current analysis regarding potential
overall changes in its hydrologic patterns.

5.1 Temperature: Projected changes

Although a number of regional climate models provide guidance regarding how South Asia’s
climate might change in the coming decades, only a few multi-model climate projections
have been developed for Pakistan. Climate projections at the sub-national scale remain to
be completed.
One of these analyses is a study conducted by Gebre and Ludwig (2014) that assessed the
spatial and temporal impacts of climate change on the Indus Basin’s climatological and
hydrological regimes. Their study used 0.5 by 0.5 degree resolution data for five different
(bias corrected) CMIP5 climate models and used the Representative Concentration Pathways
(RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5 emission scenarios. The analysis used ordinary kriging geospatial
interpolation techniques to spatially analyse precipitation and temperature (maximum
and minimum) projections for the period of 2035 to 2064 and from 2071 to 2100 against a
baseline period of 1971 to 2005.
The projections developed by Gebre and Ludwig (2014) suggest that mean monthly
maximum temperature projections will continue to increase under all scenarios and for all
future time periods. Maximum summer temperatures (June to August) could increase by 1°C
to 4°C by the period of 2071 to 2100 under RCP 4.5 scenario, compared to a baseline period
of 1971 to 2005. As shown in Figure 8b, the temperature change in the Himalayas and other
high elevation regions is projected to be higher than in the southern parts of the basin
(Gebre and Ludwig, 2014). This latter trend has also been reported by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, which reported in its Fourth Assessment Report that warming of
the Himalayas is occurring at a rate three times that of the global average (Parry et al., 2007).
Similar to Gebre and Ludwig (2014), Shrestha et al. (2015) in their Himalayan Climate and
Water Atlas demonstrate that major parts of the Indus Basin are projected to warm in the
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

summer by 2°C to 5°C under RCP 4.5 between 2021 and 2050, against a baseline period of
1961 to 1990. Even greater warming is projected under RCP 8.5, particularly in the Upper
Indus Basin region. They also report that winter temperatures could increase by 2°C to 4°C
across the basin in both scenarios, with only a few areas experiencing temperature changes
that exceed 4°C or are lower than 2°C (see Figure 9).

Figure 8. Multimodal base line average seasonal minimum temperature (1971- 2005) (a) compared to five General
Circulation Models spatial distribution of base line average seasonal minimum temperature (b).
Source: Gebre and Ludwig (2014).
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Figure 9. Change in average seasonal temperature in the Indus Basin over the period 1961-1990 and future projection
for the period 2021-2050 under both RCP scenarios 4.5 and 8.5.
Source: Shrestha et al. (2015)
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

5.2 Precipitation: Projected changes

Studies examining potential future precipitation patterns in the Indus Basin have generally
found that precipitation levels may increase during this century, but that considerable
uncertainty remains.
In their recent study, Shrestha et al. (2015) concluded that precipitation levels in the Indus
Basin will increase during the summer period (June to August) over its upper, central-
eastern and southern regions. As shown in Figure 10, portions of these regions could see an
increase in precipitation of 10 to 25 percent between 2021 and 2050 under both RCP 4.5 and
8.5 scenarios compared to a baseline period of 1961 to 1990. During the same season and
timeframe, precipitation is projected to decrease in the central-western portion of the basin,
potentially by as much as 25 percent under RCP 8.5 scenario. In the winter, similar patterns
are projected. The central-western portion of the basin is projected to experience declines
in precipitation, with larger decreases projected under the RCP 4.5 scenario compared to
the RCP 8.5 scenario, while increases are projected to be experienced in other portions of
the basin (Shrestha et al., 2015).
Analysis by Rajbhandari et al. (2014) using the Regional Climates for Impacts Studies (PRECIS)
model project an overall increase in the number of the rainy days in the upper part of the
basin and decreases over the southern part. Their projections also show that the middle
part of the basin will have fewer rainy days but that this change will be accompanied by
an increase in rainfall intensity. On a seasonal basis, Rajbhandari et al. (2014) observed that
projected changes in summer monsoon precipitation was non-uniform across the basin,
and that different simulations produced significantly different spatial patterns. Therefore,
they concluded that uncertainty remains regarding future changes in this season. Winter
simulations were more consistent, showing an increase in precipitation over that Upper
Indus Basin and a decrease over the lower part of the basin (Rajbhandari et al., 2014).
The findings of Rajbhandari et al. (2014) are consistent with the conclusions of Gebre and
Ludwig (2014), who report General Circulation Models projections that show an increase in
precipitation in the Upper Indus Basin at the end of the century and a decrease in the lower
part of the basin. Through a comparison of outputs from five General Circulation Models
using the RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios, Gebre and Ludwig (2014) projected that average
monthly precipitation levels will increase during the summer season (June to August) and
decrease in the winter season, with changes being more pronounced in the period of 2071
to 2100 compared to the period of 2035 to 2064.
As illustrated in Figure 11, the average seasonal (June to August) spatial precipitation
distribution changes for 2071 to 2100 of RCP 4.5 shows an overall positive indication of
increasing precipitation in the future, particularly in the northern part of the basin, based on
results from five different Global Circulation Models. However, there is considerable variation
between the model results with one suggesting a decline in precipitation over most of the
basin while others suggest large increases in precipitation (up to 40 to 60 percent).
As it can be noted from this review, great uncertainty remains regarding how precipitation
patterns in the Indus Basin will change in the future, particularly with respect to winter
precipitation—with some studies indicating that it will increase and others indicating
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

the opposite for different regions of the basin. The number of variances between studies
regarding the extent and distribution of future precipitation changes can most likely be
attributed to differences in methods, data periods, and sources of climate projection data.
This uncertainty has a critical influence on efforts to anticipate future runoff in the Indus
River given the importance of winter precipitation to the system’s current hydrological

Figure 10. Change in average precipitation for the period 2021-2050 compared to a baseline period of 1961-1990.
Source: Shrestha et al. (2015)
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Figure 11. Multimodal baseline average seasonal precipitation (1971-2005) (a) compared to five General Circulation
Models spatial distribution of baseline average seasonal precipitation (2071 to 2100) (b).
Source: Gebre & Ludwig (2014).
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

5.3 Projected changes in the glacial, nival and rainfall regimes

Available projections suggest that temperatures in the Indus Basin will continue to rise in the
coming decades—in both the summer and winter—and that, while there is less certainty,
there could be an increase in mean annual precipitation in the Upper Indus Basin and a
decline in the lower portion of the basin. However, available projections are inconsistent
with respect to changes on a seasonal and spatial basis. How each of the glacial, nival
and rainfall regimes respond to the climatic changes that occur will determine the future
hydrology of the Indus Basin. Significant uncertainty remains regarding not only how each
of these regimes will be affected by climate change but the interplay between them and
therefore the collective outcome of these changes.
Significant attention has been given in recent years to how climate change is already
changing the rate of glacial melt in the HKH region, what further changes might be expected
in the future, and the socio-economic implications of these changes. Glaciers are known to
be very sensitive indicators of climate change because they respond quickly to changes
in their surrounding climate by gaining or losing mass in the form of snow and ice (Archer
et al., 2010; Sharief et al.,2013; Shrestha et al., 2015). As previously noted, many studies
have reported that the glaciers of the HKH region are losing mass and strongly retreating
(National Research Council, 2007; Gautam et al., 2013; Shrestha et al., 2015). However, a
number of studies in recent years have also reported the “Karakoram anomaly” of expanding
or neutral glaciers in the Karakoram region. This unique phenomenon is now a subject of a
great interest and extensive scientific research (Hewitt, 2005; Gardelle et al., 2012; Minora
et al., 2013). This contrast in trends within the same glacial region supports the hypothesis
that changes in glacial regions such as the HKH are more likely to be controlled by local
dynamics than by regional or global trends (Singh et al., 2011).
Runoff in the glacial regime is positively correlated to summer temperatures, with high
summer temperatures leading the higher rates of runoff (Yu et al., 2013; Singh & Bengtsson,
2005; Archer & Fowler, 2008). The results of analysis by Singh and Bengtsson (2005) reflect
this existing relationship. As illustrated in Figure 12, results from their modeling show that
a rise in temperature by 1°C to 3°C will increase flow from glacial melt by 16 to 50 percent.
However, they note that it is very difficult to predict the impact of climate change on the
glacial regime in the absence of a comprehensive inventory of glaciers that covers the entire
Upper Indus Basin region. Most of the current studies available, including that of Singh and
Bengtsson (2005), focus on changes in small areas that are then extrapolated to present a
regional overview.
Nival regime changes are of particular interest when trying to assess the potential
consequences of climate change for future hydrological patterns in the Indus Basin as it
comprises the greater portion of consistent downstream water flow (Archer et al., 2010;
Laghari et al., 2012). Higher winter precipitation provides the potential for higher levels of
summer runoff (Archer & Fowler, 2008; Laghari et al., 2012; Yu et al., 2013). While historical
trends have shown an increase in winter precipitation levels, projections from different
models contradict one another and are associated with great uncertainty.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Figure 12. Impact of temperature change on annual melt for different types of basins in the Himalayan region.
Source: Reproduced from Singh & Bengtsson (2005).

The negative correlation between temperature and runoff in the nival regime also makes
projections of future change more challenging. Singh and Bengtsson (2005) also modeled
potential changes in annual snowmelt at different temperature levels for different
catchments. As seen in Figure 12, their results show a reduction in runoff from snow-fed
catchments as higher rates of evaporation lead to greater loss of water to the atmosphere.
Their results project a decline in runoff of about 18 percent for a 2°C rise in mean temperatures
and a 25 percent reduction for a 3°C rise in mean temperatures. This situation in which there
is potential for climate change to drive both increases and decreases in runoff from the nival
regime makes it problematic to assess future changes in runoff from snowmelt.
With respect to changes in the rainfall regime, most climate models predict that monsoon
rainfall will increase under both RCP 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios in most parts of Pakistan. Available
studies looking at South Asia as a whole also suggest that there will be greater inter-annual
and intra-seasonal variability in monsoonal precipitation. Should mean annual global
temperatures reach 4°C, it has been projected that annual mean monsoon intensity could
increase by 10 percent and year-to-year variability could increase by 15 percent compared
to average levels during the first half of the 1900s. “Taken together, these changes imply that
an extreme wet monsoon that currently has a chance of occurring only once in every 100
years is projected to occur every 10 years by the end of this century” should mean annual
global temperatures reach 4°C (World Bank, 2013: p.107-108). Such increases in future
monsoon precipitation of the Indian sub-continent will increase the risk of more frequent
flooding. However, as previously noted, future precipitation projections for the Indus Basin
still remain very uncertain due to the complexity of the region’s topography and marine
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

5.4 Projected changes in Indus Basin discharge

A limited number of studies have been conducted that assess future changes in water flow
in the Indus Basin as a whole, both in the near and longer term. These include Shrestha et al.
(2015), Yu et al. (2013) and Laghari et al. (2012), which have provided projections for near-
term changes in the basin’s hydrology. All three of these studies conclude that the volume
of water flow in the Indus Basin will not change significantly prior to 2050. These studies
draw this conclusion based on the projections which forecast that decreases in glacial melt
runoff (prior to 2050) will be compensated by runoff that is generated from the increasing
monsoonal rainfall. While no significant change in total flow volume is projected, modelling
results by Yu et al. (2013) show that the main impact of climate change in the short term
could be slight shifts in the timing of peak flow to earlier in the year.
Two studies looking at the potential changes in the basin’s hydrological regime in the longer
term (e.g. by 2100) also were examined as part of this review. In their research, Immerzeel
et al. (2009) used hydrological models that incorporated snowmelt runoff to examine the
potential impacts of climate change on water discharge in the basin. Using the output of
Regional Climates for Impacts Studies (PRECIS) regional simulation for the period 2071 to
2099 under the A2 SERS scenario, they examined potential flows should the glacier area
of the Indus Basin decrease by 0 percent, 50 percent and 100 percent. The model used the
period 2001 to 2005 as a base line and was calibrated by using daily flow from Besham
Qila, a gauging station just upstream Tarbela reservoir. As illustrated in Figure 13, under
the hypothesis of a 50 percent decrease in glacial cover due to rising temperatures, glacier
runoff was decreased by only 22 percent. However, total runoff in the basin increased by
7 percent as the loss in glacier runoff was offset by a significant increase (53 percent) in
(monsoon) rainfall concentrated in the period between June to August. In contrast, under
the hypothesis that there would be a 100 percent decrease in glacial runoff, the projected
discharge drops significantly. It should be noted that under existing models it is projected
that the earliest at which there will be a 50 percent loss of glacier cover is the mid-2070s and
complete loss of glacier cover in the HKH region in the mid-2100s based on an assumed,
conservatively estimated, annual melting rate of 1 percent of the glacial cover per year
(Immerzeel et al., 2009).
Like Yu et al. (2013), Immerzeel et al. (2009) also projects that there will be a shift in the
timing of peak flows in the Indus Basin. Under the three scenarios examined in their study,
modeling results suggest that there will be a significant increase in discharge rates between
weeks 14 and 25 of the calendar year (approximately April to mid-June) compared to a
baseline of recorded flows between 2001 and 2005. Overall, peak flow is projected to move
three to four weeks earlier in the year compared to its current peak period of weeks 26 and
27 of the calendar year (June/July) (Immerzeel et al., 2009).
An earlier study by Akhtar et al. (2008) generated similar results as Immerzeel et al. (2009).
Their detailed modeling of climate change impacts in the Upper Indus Basin using the SRES
A2 scenario for 2071 to 2100 found that discharge increased as long as glacier coverage
remained at 50 to 100 percent. However, discharge reduced substantially under conditions
in which there was 0 percent glacier coverage.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Overall these near- and long-term modelling results for the impact of climate change on
hydrological patterns in the Indus River Basin suggest that significant differences in water
flow will not be experienced until after 2100. In the near-term the most likely change to
occur is a shift in the timing of peak of flow to earlier in the year, a shift that can be expected
to have implications for agricultural production in Pakistan. An increase in flows into the
Tarbela reservoir earlier in the year may, for example, increase the volume of water available
to support irrigated agriculture throughout the basin.
However, as observed by Yu et al. (2013: p.58), there is “no compelling evidence either for or
against the impact of a changing climate on the hydrometeorology and glaciers of the UIB.”
This lack of compelling evidence stems from the continued absence of sufficient data upon
which to track past trends and develop projections; the challenge of creating scenarios with
the extreme climate of the Upper Indus Basin; and the lack of knowledge regarding changes
in the glaciers of the Karakoram range.

Figure 13. Modelled weekly stream flow at Besham Qila, a gauging station just upstream Tarbela reservoir (2001-2005),
and for three climate change scenarios with different glacier extents (0, 50 and 100%).
Source: Immerzeel et al. (2009).
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

6.0 Discussion

The glacier and snow-pack dependent rivers basins of South Asia have been identified
as climate change “hot-spots” due to their sensitivity to changing climatic conditions and
the dependence of more than a billion people on the water resources they provide (De
Souza et al., 2015). Varying levels of glacial retreat has been observed throughout much
of the HKH region, with potentially negative implications for downstream livelihoods and
economies in the near- and long-term. However, despite ongoing intensive research, the
impact of changes in temperature and precipitation on the HKH region are not yet clear or
fully understood (Archer et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2013; Shrestha et al., 2015).
This situation is perhaps particularly acute in the Indus Basin. While the Himalayas comprise
the most studied area within the HKH region, only a limited number of studies have looked
at climate change implications for the whole region of the Upper Indus Basin. Most available
studies focus at the sub-basin level, and the limited number of studies completed make
it challenging to look at the whole region as one connected system. Further reflecting
the limited research that has been undertaken in this basin’s vast and complex upper
reaches, there is uncertainty regarding the contribution of glacier melt to annual stream
flow volume and the extent to which flow results from other sources such as snowmelt and
monsoon rainfall. The complex topography of the HKH region also limits the credibility of
available climate projections for the region and therefore projected changes in downstream
hydrology patterns.
The evidence that is available suggests that climate change will have a relatively low impact
on overall annual discharge in the near-term (i.e. prior to 2050). However, there may be a
shift in peak flows to earlier in the year. This shift, along with any changes in future monsoon
rainfall patterns, may be expected to impacts crops growth and yield (Imran et al., 2014).
More studies are needed, though, to understand potential intra-annual changes and how
extreme events may be impacted (Nepal & Shresthra, 2015).
Through this review of available literature, it has also become evident that the following
gaps exist that limit understanding of climate change’s impact on future water flows in the
Indus Basin:
• Hydro-meteorological monitoring network and data availability: In general, the
mountainous regions need to be equipped with more weather stations than the flat
regions to gain a good representation of the mountain climate heterogeneity (Fowler
& Archer, 2005). The existing network of weather stations in the Upper Indus Basin
mountain region almost falls short by one order of magnitude of the minimum number
recommended by World Meteorological Organization (1994). It recommends having
one precipitation gauge per 250 square kilometres; in the Upper Indus Basin the actual
density is less than one gauge per 5,000 square kilometres (Archer et al., 2010). The Asian
Development Bank (2010) has recommended that least 75 automatic weather stations
and 35 hydrological monitoring stations be installed in the high elevation areas of the
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Upper Indus Basin to meet optimum observational demands. The Pakistan Meteorological
Department (PMD) has stated that at least 50 more meteorological stations are needed
in the Upper Indus Basin, adding to the 18 currently operated by the Water and Power
Development Authority and 11 operated by PMD.
A further challenge is the predominance of monitoring stations in valley floors, which
creates a bias in the whole monitoring network of the Upper Indus Basin. To obtain an
assessment that is regionally representative, it is essential to establish a dense monitoring
network that is able to capture seasonal variations across the region. This would allow
more effective modelling of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the entire Upper Indus
Basin. In addition, a joint program is needed to maintain and operate Pakistan’s existing
hydro-meteorological monitoring network to enable better management of data and the
network itself.
Briscoe and Qamar (2007) and Archer et al. (2010) also concluded that a significant
measurement limitation lies in the lack of monitoring stations along the main, branch and
distribution channels of the Indus Basin Irrigation System. This lack of flow measurements
in the Indus Basin Irrigation System drives the use of simple time-based water allocation
practices, and consequently restricts the ability of the government to sustainably regulate
water flow in the system.
• Large uncertainties in precipitation projections and hydrological models: Large
uncertainties remain regarding precipitation projections for the Indus Basin derived
from different General Circulation Models (Lutz et al., 2014; ADB, 2010). While winter
precipitation is a key driver of the whole basin’s hydrologic regime, its future projections
are the most uncertain compared to other climate indicators. Moreover, most of the
current downscaling work is produced from high coarse resolution models, which
produces a crude overview of the future scenarios. More refined models are needed
in particular to capture the complexity of mountainous areas. In the absence of better
modelling capacity, it is very difficult to determine the impact of climate change at sub-
basin level, which is very important for water resources development planning. In addition,
current understanding and representation of the different hydrological regimes of the
Indus Basin is not yet well understood and associated with large uncertainties. Better
quantification of the hydrological processes within the basin’s three regimes at different
scales and obtaining better and higher resolution winter precipitation projections would
be essential steps toward obtaining a more detailed and comprehensive picture of future
water availability in the Indus Basin.
• Lack of comprehensive glacial data and understanding of its physical processes: Many
studies report that the glaciers of the HKH are not very well understood and remain a
“black box.” Most scientific research on Himalayan glaciers has focused on isolated data
or individual perception that does not provide an objective or systematic assessment of
the evidence base or true understanding of ongoing physical changes. Moreover, current
scientific knowledge is still unable to explain the reason for the Karakoram anomaly.
As the glacial and nival regimes contribute about 60 percent of the discharge in the
Indus Basin, monitoring the evolution of glacial cover in the Karakoram range and the
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

HKH mountains more generally is required to better inform estimates of future water
availability and provide early flood warning of risks such as glacial lake outburst floods.
While early warning systems have been established in three valleys of the Upper Indus
Basin, appropriate systems are needed in all vulnerable valleys.
• Strengthen research capacity within Pakistan. Through the systematic review process,
it was observed that only about 15 percent of the publications identified for inclusion
in the analysis was based on research conducted by Pakistani researchers. Most of the
relevant publications were produced by PMD, whose studies were focused mostly on
historical trend analysis. Future climate projections using multiple models and the current
RCP scenarios remain to be completed. Greater capacity needs to built within Pakistan’s
government and academic research institutes to be able to undertake these and other
studies, and to publish their results.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

7.0 Conclusions

The objective of this study was to assess the current state of knowledge regarding how
climate change will alter hydrologic flows in the Indus Basin due to factors such as glacial
retreat, changes in winter precipitation patterns, and changes in monsoon patterns. The
analysis was based on a systematic review of literature that included both peer-reviewed
publications and grey literature.
Analysis of historical temperature datasets shows a statistically significant warming trend
over Pakistan with mean annual temperature having increased by about 0.6°C over the last
century. However, different trends have been observed in different regions of the country
and between seasons. In the Upper Indus Basin, temperatures in the winter season show
a strong increasing trends, while in the summer they show a cooling trend. When future
projections are examined, though, most models are in agreement that there will be an
increase in mean temperatures on an annual basis and within both the winter and summer
season. Available projections under RCP 4.5 scenario suggest that temperatures will increase
by a range of +1°C to +4°C across the Indus Basin by the end of the century.
Most of the reviewed studies report a lack of any strong historical trends in precipitation
levels. However, they suggest that there has been an increase in annual and seasonal
precipitation in the past three decades. Analysis for winter precipitation, which is positively
correlated to basin discharge, was typically found to have an upward trend. It has also been
suggested that the Upper Indus Basin is experiencing more intense rainfall, with more
rain falling in fewer rainy days. In the remainder of the basin it is suggested that rainfall
intensity has decreased and the number of the rainy days has remained almost the same.
Future precipitation projections based on different model runs indicate that mean annual
precipitation may increase by the end of the present century. However, the uncertainty
margin for precipitation projections remains very large, with different models giving
significantly different results. In particular, there is significant uncertainty regarding future
changes in winter precipitation levels.
Indus Basin discharge is driven by three different regimes: the glacial regime, the nival
(snowmelt) regime, and the rainfall regime. It has been repeatedly reported that about 60
percent of the basin’s discharge comes from the glacial and nival regimes as ice and snow
melt. The glacial regime is driven by temperature and solar radiation conditions of the current
summer, and also is characterized by large variations in responses due to the inherently
diverse topography and climate of the Upper Indus Basin. Winter precipitation drives
nourishment of the glacial areas and the accumulation of snow cover. Understanding the
physical processes and dynamics of these regimes is a key element of efforts to quantifying
the potential impact of climate change on downstream flow levels and therefore future
water availability in the basin.
Future projections show that water availability in the short and mid-term (i.e. until about
2050) will not change significantly, but indicate a possible shift in the timing of peak flow to
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

slightly earlier in the year. Results of longer term projections are less conclusive, but some
modelling efforts conclude that even with a 50 percent reduction in glacial cover there will
not be a signification change in discharge as loss of glacial melt will be counterbalanced by
an increase in runoff from higher rainfall amounts during the monsoon season.
In conclusion, the available literature suggests that significant changes in water flow in
the Indus Basin are not expected to occur in the near future and that significant gaps in
data and analysis remain which makes long-term projections highly uncertain. Stronger
understanding of likely future water flows in the Indus Basin will require improvements in
hydro-meteorological monitoring networks in the Upper Indus Basin and greater access to
available data. It will also require improvements in hydrological and climate modeling to
better represent the complexity of the Indus Basin. There is also a need to shed light on
the so-called “black box” of current understanding of the extent and physical processes of
the glaciers in the catchments that feed the Indus Basin. Finally, greater effort is needed to
strengthen the capacity of researchers and institutions in Pakistan to undertake the data
collection and analysis needed to inform domestic decision-making as the country prepares
for the consequences of a changing climate.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

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The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Annex 1: List of peer-reviewed and grey literature

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upper Karakoram, Pakistan. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 113(3-4), 611–641.
Farhan, S. B., Zhang, Y., Ma, Y., Guo, Y., & Ma, N. (2014). Hydrological regimes under the
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Forsythe, N., Fowler, H. J., Kilsby, C. G., & Archer, D. R. (2012). Opportunities from Remote
Sensing for Supporting Water Resources Management in Village/Valley Scale Catchments
in the Upper Indus Basin. Water Resources Management, 26(4), 845–871. http://doi.
Forsythe, N., Kilsby, C. G., Fowler, H. J., & Archer, D. R. (2012). Assessment of runoff sensitivity
in the Upper Indus Basin to interannual climate variability and potential change using
MODIS satellite data products. Mountain Research and Development, 32(1), 16–29.
Fowler, H. J., & Archer, D. R. (2006). Conflicting signals of climatic change in the Upper Indus
Basin. Journal of Climate, 19(17), 4276–4293.
Gautam, M., Timilsina, G., & Acharya, K. (2013). Climate Change in the Himalayas: Current
State of Knowledge (Policy Research Working Paper No. 6516). The World Bank.
Hassan, M., Shamim, M. A., Hashmi, H. N., Ashiq, S. Z., Ahmed, I., Pasha, G. A., … Han, D.
(2015). Predicting streamflows to a multipurpose reservoir using artificial neural networks
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by S. Hasson et al. Earth System Dynamics Discussion. 6, C437-C449.
Hewitt, K. (2005). The Karakoram anomaly? Glacier expansion and the ’elevation effect,’
Karakoram Himalaya. Mountain Research and Development, 25(4), 332–340. ICIMOD.
(n.d.). The Himalayan Climate and Water Atlas.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). (2007). Climate Change 2007: The
physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007. Solomon, S., Qin, D., Manning,
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

M., Chen, Z., Marquis, M., Averyt, K.B., Tignor, M. and Miller, H.L. (eds.). Cambridge and New
York: Cambridge University Press.
Kilroy, G. (2015). A review of the biophysical impacts of climate change in three hotspot
regions in Africa and Asia. Regional Environmental Change, 15(5), 771–782.
Kulkarni, A., Patwardhan, S., Kumar, K. K., Ashok, K., & Krishnan, R. (2013). Projected climate
change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region by using the high-resolution regional climate
model PRECIS. Mountain Research and Development, 33(2), 142–151.
Miller, J. D., Immerzeel, W. W., & Rees, G. (2012). Climate Change Impacts on Glacier Hydrology
and River Discharge in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas A Synthesis of the Scientific Basis.
Mountain Research and Development, 32(4), 461–467.
Minora, U., Bocchiola, D., D’Agata, C., Maragno, D., Mayer, C., Lambrecht, A., … Compostella, C.
(2013). 2001–2010 glacier changes in the Central Karakoram National Park: a contribution
to evaluate the magnitude and rate of the “Karakoram anomaly.” The Cryosphere
Discussions, 7(3), 2891–2941.
Mukhopadhyay, B., & Dutta, A. (2010). A Stream Water Availability Model of Upper Indus Basin
Based on a Topologic Model and Global Climatic Datasets. Water Resources Management,
24(15), 4403–4443.
Mukhopadhyay, B., & Khan, A. (2015). A re-evaluation of the snowmelt and glacial melt in
river flows within Upper Indus Basin and its significance in a changing climate. Journal of
Hydrology, 527, 119 – 132.
National Academy of Sciences. (2012). Himalayan Glaciers: Climate Change, Water Resources,
and Water Security. Washington, D.C., USA: The National Academies Press.
Nepal, S., & Shrestha, A. B. (2015). Impact of climate change on the hydrological regime of
the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins: a review of the literature. International
Journal of Water Resources Development, (ahead-of-print), 1–18.
Palazzi, E., von Hardenberg, J., Terzago, S., & Provenzale, A. (2015). Precipitation in the
Karakoram-Himalaya: a CMIP5 view. Climate Dynamics, 45(1-2), 21–45. http://doi.
Rasul, G., Afzal, M., Zahid, M., & Bukhari, S. (2012). Climate Change in Pakistan: Focused on
Sindh Province (Technical No. PMD-25/2012). Islamabad, Pakistan: Pakistan Meteorological
Sharif, M., Archer, D. R., Fowler, H. J., & Forsythe, N. (2013). Trends in timing and magnitude
of flow in the Upper Indus Basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(4), 1503–1516.
Singh, S. P., Bassignana-Khadka, I., Karky, B. S., & Sharma, E. (2011). Climate change in the
Hindu Kush-Himalayas: the state of current knowledge. International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (ICIMOD).
Soncini, A., Bocchiola, D., Confortola, G., Bianchi, A., Rosso, R., Mayer, C., … Diolaiuti, G.
(2015). Future Hydrological Regimes in the Upper Indus Basin: A Case Study from a High-
Altitude Glacierized Catchment. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16(1), 306–326. http://doi.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Soncini, A., Bocchiola, D., Confortola, G., Nana, E., Bianchi, A., Rosso, R., … Vuillermoz, E.
(2015). Hydrology of the Upper Indus Basin Under Potential Climate Change Scenarios.
(G. Lollino, A. Manconi, J. Clague, W. Shan, & M. Chiarle, Eds.).
Yu, W., Yang, Y.-C., Savitsky, A., Alford, D., Brown, C., Wescoat, J., & Debowicz, D. (2013). The
Indus basin of Pakistan: The impacts of climate risks on water and agriculture. World Bank
Zhang, G., Yao, T., Xie, H., Wang, W., & Yang, W. (2015). An inventory of glacial lakes in the
Third Pole region and their changes in response to global warming. Global and Planetary
Change, 131, 148–157.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Appendix 3: Water Demand Study

Future Water Demand in Pakistan:
Potential changes under different
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification
of gaps and recommendations for action

Prepared by: Hisham Osman, International Institute for Sustainable Development

1. Introduction

It is widely recognised that Pakistan is headed toward a serious water crisis. Climate change,
population growth, inefficient use of water for irrigation, and groundwater overexploitation
limit the country’s water security. Several studies have concluded that Pakistan is going to
face physical water scarcity by 2025 (International Monetary Fund, 2015; Mustafa et al, 2013;
World Wildlife Fund, 2003). The agricultural sector, the mainstay of the country’s economy,
uses more than 80% of the total available water. As a consequence, the gap between water
availability and water demand particularly widens during the summer growing season
when crop water requirements are at their highest levels. Despite these existing stressors
and expectations of greater water scarcity in the future, issues related to water demand
have not yet been adequately addressed in Pakistan. This situation limits the country’s
preparedness to sustainably manage its water resources.
This report provides a macro-level analysis of projected changes in water demand in Pakistan.
It synthesizes of existing research regarding potential water demand in Pakistan in 2050
under five different scenarios that each take into consideration factors such as population
growth, rates of urbanization, economic development and potential changes in agricultural
practices. Outcomes of this analysis are compared to current knowledge regarding likely
changes in future water flows in the Indus Basin in light of climate change. This assessment
is intended to inform policy measures that could be taken by the Government of Pakistan as
it seeks to enhance its future water, energy and food security.
This briefing note was produced as part of project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water
Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations
for action” (June 2015 to July 2016) led by the Pakistan Ministry of Climate Change and
implemented in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme, the Centre
for Climate Research and Development at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology,
Islamabad, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Funding for this
project was provided by the Overseas Technical Unit of the Italian Embassy in Pakistan.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

2. Methodology

This study is based on a review of secondary sources identified through a general web search
using Google, Google Scholar and Web of Knowledge. The main criteria for the selection
and inclusion of literature used in the analysis reflect the primary focus of the study, namely
studies focused on Pakistan and at least discussing current and/or future (2050) water
demand for one of the following three sectors—agriculture, industry and municipal use.
A list of secondary literature sources relevant to water demand in Pakistan identified and
reviewed as part of this study is provided in Annex A.
After identifying relevant available literature, these sources were reviewed and analyzed
to provide an understanding of historical water demand trends by sector and, to the
extent possible, the factors likely to drive future water demand. This information was used
to establish a baseline for water demand to be compared with future scenarios. Water
demand was then identified and calculated for five scenarios: a business-as-usual scenario;
a moderate water demand management scenario; a strong water demand management
scenario; an above business-as-usual scenario with exceeded extrapolation of current
water demands; and a climate change scenario. Outcomes of these demand scenarios were
then compared to projected levels of water availability in the Indus Basin, which covers
about 65 percent of Pakistan’s total territory and is its primary source of water (Food and
Agriculture Organization [FAO], 2011). The final step of the analysis was to identify gaps and
limitations that emerged from the assessment and draw out relevant recommendations for

3. Current State of Water Demand in Pakistan

Historical water demands:
Pakistan is very arid country, with a long-term mean precipitation rate of 365 mm per
year, most of which is delivered during the monsoon season (June to August). Significant
variation occurs between different regions of the country, with the southern regions
(including the Baluchistan Plateau) being drier than the northern regions (Panday et al.,
2011; Shrestha et al., 2015). The main source of renewable water in Pakistan is the Indus
River and its tributaries. The Indus Basin provides approximately 80% of the water used in
irrigated agriculture, which produces about 90% of agricultural output (Yu et al., 2013). A
significant portion of the country’s electricity also is generated from the rivers (Laghari et
al., 2012). According to global water information system database, AQUASTAT, produced by
the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, n.d.), the long-term basin-wide surface water
availability is approximately 246.8 km3, of which about 55 km3 is internal renewable water.
In general, water demand is usually categorized into three main sectors: agricultural,
municipal and industrial. In the Pakistani context, with the Indus Basin Irrigation System
(IBIS) having been in operation since the British colonial period, the agricultural sector has
always been the major component (almost 90%) of the country’s total water demand. The
IBIS is one of the largest canal irrigation systems in the world, spread over the flat plains of
the Indus Valley, irrigating an area of 14.87 million ha (FAO, 2011). Figure 1 represents water
availability and demand in Pakistan in 2008 (FAO, n.d.), recording water demand for the
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

agricultural sector at 172.4 km3, for municipalities at 9.7 km3, and for industrial sectors at
1.4 km3.
Figure 2 and Table 1 show the historical trend of total water withdrawals as well as water
withdrawals for each of the three key sectors. It can be observed that total demand has
increased significantly during the last two decades compared the 1990s and the 1980s, by
a rate ranging between 7% to 11%. The rate of increase in water demand for agriculture
varied between 6% and 8%, while municipal water withdrawals grew by more than 150%
between 1990 and 2000, and by 50% between 2000 and 2008. Interestingly, industrial
water demand dropped during the last decade from 3.47 km3 to 1.4 km3 according to the
FAO (n.d.) and the World Bank (2016). This negative trend in industrial water withdrawals
might be attributed to the considerable economic variability that the country experienced
in the mid-2000s (GOP & UNEP, 2013); several studies have reported that there is a linear
relationship between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and industrial water demand (Wada et
al., 2011; Shen et al., 2008; Oki & Kanae, 2006).

Figure 1. Water availability and demand

in Pakistan in 2008.
Source: FAO (n.d.)

Figure 2. Historical water withdrawal and

availability in Pakistan.
Source: FAO (n.d.)
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Table 1. Historical water demand by sector in Pakistan.

Year Agriculture (km3/ Industry (km3/year) Municipal water Total water withdrawal
year) (km3/year) (km3/year)
1975 150.3 1.534 1.534 153.4
1991 150.6 2.5 2.5 155.6
2000 162.7 3.47 6.39 172.6
2008 172.4 1.4 9.65 183.5
Source: FAO (n.d.).

In any water demand study, population growth rate is one of the main parameters used
when projecting future demand levels. Other parameters include water prices (prices
elasticity), climate, regulations and economic development. In the Pakistani context, the
most likely increase in future water demand will come from the expansion of cities and
urban development (Mustafa et al., 2013).
Since Pakistan’s independence in 1947, five national censuses were conducted in the years
1951, 1961, 1971, 1981 and 1998 (Amir & Habib, 2015). These censuses found high population
growth rates in the country, ranging between 2.4% and 3.77% (see Table 2). The United
Nation’s Department of Economics (2015) estimated that Pakistan’s population would grow
to about 189 million people by 2015, and projected that the country’s population would
reach 245 million people in 2030 and 309 million people in 2050 (see Figure 3).

Table 2. Historical population distribution in Pakistan (in 1000s)

Year Growth Total Population by province
rate (in %) Population Punjab Sindh KPK Baluch- FATA Islam-
istan abad

1951 - 33,740 20,541 6,048 4,557 1,167 1,332 96

1961 2.43 42,880 25,464 8,367 5,731 1,353 1,847 118
1972 3.77 65,309 37,607 14,156 8,389 2,429 2,491 238
1982 2.9 84,254 47,292 19,029 11,061 4,332 2,199 340
1998 2.7 132,352 73,621 30,440 17,744 6,566 3,176 805
2015 2.7-1.59 188,438 104,819 43,339 25,263 9,348 4,522 1,146
Source: Amir & Habib (2015)

Figure 3. Projected population of

Pakistan in thousands.
Source: UN (2015)
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

One of the most common approaches used to describe the degree to which a population
is experiencing water scarcity is the ratio between the available renewable water resources
and human population, which is referred to as annual per capita water. The Falkenmark
water scarcity indicator is perhaps the most used measure on a country scale. Based on per
capita usage, the water condition in a country is defined as presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Water scarcity indicator

Index (m3 per capita) Condition
>1,700 No Stress
1,000-1,700 Stress
500-1,000 Scarcity
<500 Absolute Scarcity
Source: Falkenmark (1989)

Figure 4 shows the relationship between water availability, usage and population in Pakistan
between 1967 and 2011. As it is evident from the figure, water availability per capita is
declining dramatically in the country, having decreased from 5,260 m3 in 1951 to roughly
1,040 m3 in 2010 (Mustafa et al., 2013; Amir & Habib, 2015). Therefore, based on the United
Nation’s estimation for population in 2015, Pakistan is currently a water scarce country with
less than 1,000 m3 of water available per capita.

Figure 4. Population growth and water availability per capita.

Source: Mustafa et al (2013)

4. Future Water Demand Scenarios

The level of water demand in Pakistan will be determined by a range of interacting factors
such as population growth, urbanization rates, economic development, agricultural
production and climatic conditions. To inform estimates of future water demand in the
country, four main drivers are considered: population dynamics, rates of municipal water
withdrawals, estimated rates of industrial withdrawal and projected changes in agricultural
water withdrawals. Expected trends within these key drivers have then been used to inform
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

the development of five scenarios for future water demand out to 2050: a business-as-
usual scenario; a moderate water demand management scenario; a strong water demand
management scenario; an above business-as-usual scenario with exceeded extrapolation of
current water demands; and a climate change scenario.

4.1 Assumed changes in key drivers of demand

Population dynamics:
As discussed in Section 3, the average annual population growth rate in Pakistan was 2.61%
for the period 1961 to 2011. At the same time, the average growth rate of 1.81% for the
last decade (2001 to 2011) suggests that population growth is declining (Mustafa et al.,
2013). Nonetheless, population projections assume that there will be 309 million people
in Pakistan by 2050 (UN, 2015), with the rate of urbanization rapidly increasing. Studies
indicate that the proportion of Pakistanis living in urban areas was 38.8% in 2015 and will
reach 46.6% in 2030 and 57.5% in 2050 (United Nations, 2014)

Municipal water withdrawals:

In this study, the forecast for the municipal water demand is based on the commitments
of the National Drinking Water Policy (Government of Pakistan, 2009), which defines water
access as the availability of 45 litres per capita per day (l/c/d) in rural areas and 120 l/c/d in
urban areas (Amir & Habib, 2015). By using the anticipated changes in Pakistan’s population
structure (UN, 2014) and rates of water use per capita per day in urban and rural area, the
projections presented in Table 4 were calculated for municipal water demand.

Table 4. Projection of municipal water withdrawals

Urban Rural Total

Year Water Water Water

Population Population Population
Demand Demand Demand
(in millions) (in millions) (in millions)
(billion m3) (billion m3) (billion m3)
2015 73.303 3.21 115.622 1.90 188.925 5.11
2030 114.131 5.00 130.785 2.15 244.916 7.15
2050 178.043 7.80 131.597 2.16 309,640 9.96

Industrial water withdrawals:

Water is used by the industrial sector in Pakistan for different industries such as textiles,
food, chemicals and thermal generation (cooling systems) (Suttinon et al., 2009). In their
study, Amir and Habib (2015) reported that there is minimal direct information available on
water demand for the country’s industrial sector. They therefore based their calculations on
standard data and references from other countries (mostly India) and estimated industrial
water withdrawals in 2005 at 2.5 billion m3.
Suttinon et al. (2009) calculated future water withdrawals for industrial purposes (for
different groups of industries) in Pakistan as a function of the industrial GDP growth rate.
They based their analysis of industrial water demand on two main variables: the economic
value and the consumption of water unit (used in processes) per value of production. The
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

economic value was calculated as industrial cost of production in monetary value by using
the Supply and Use (Input-Output) tables produced by the National Accounts of Pakistan
(1999-2000). Water consumption was then forecasted as the amount of water needed to
produce a product in monetary term (e.g. m3 per day to produce 1US$ million) for each
major industrial group.
Suttinon et al. (2009) used the year 2002 as the baseline for their calculations, and adopted
the details of water use pattern in each industry from a case study from Thailand. They
projected the water withdrawals for years 2020 and 2030 under three economic development
scenarios: low (industrial GDP growth rate 2.7%), medium (6.9%) and high (9.7%). In this
study, we adopted the approach used by Suttinon et al. (2009) to forecast industrial water
use up to 2050 (see Figure 5).

Figure 5. Projection on industrial water demands under three GDP growth rates.
Source: Adopted from Suttinon (2009)

Agricultural water withdrawals:

In Pakistan, the agricultural sector is characterized by increased demand for higher
agricultural productivity, and the considerable low efficiency of the IBIS system (about
30% delivery ratio) due to age and poor maintenance (Qureshi, 2011; Bhatti et al., 2009).
Pakistan’s net sown area is repeatedly reported as having become almost stagnant at around
16 million hectares, while the cropped area still has a slightly positive trend (see Figure 6)
(Amir & Habib, 2015).
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Figure 6. Total cropped and sown area of Pakistan.

Source: Amir & Habib (2015)

4.2 Future water demand scenarios

Business-as-usual scenario:
The business-as-usual scenario is based on the assumption that all of the parameters
driving water demand in the municipal, industrial and agricultural sectors remain the same
without considering the effects of climate change. Moreover, this scenario assumes that
the irrigated area and level of irrigation system efficiency will follow the same trend as in
the previous decade. The projection results from this scenario (Figure 7) show that there
will be an increase in water demand of 15 km3 in 2050 compared to 2015. As a result of the
projected significant increase in population and urbanization in 2050—309 million people,
of which 57% is urban—domestic water demand will be almost double compared to 2015.
However, water withdrawals from the industrial sector will only slightly increase (from 2.3 to
2.72 km3) based on an assumed industrial GDP growth rate of 6.9%.

Figure 7. Business as usual scenario projections

The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Moderate water demand management scenario:

The scenario examines the effects of a moderate water demand management policy with
technical interventions to increase the average delivery ratio from 30% to about 37%. This
improved efficiency could be achieved through more sustainable irrigation methods such
as sprinkler or drip irrigation. This scenario assumes that all other factors remain with the
same as in the business-as-usual scenario. The results (Figure 8) show that although the
growth rate of agriculture has been kept the same, water withdrawals for 2030 and 2050
have significantly decreased. The amount of water that will be conserved under this scenario
compared to the business-as-usual scenario is about 11 km3 in 2030 and 12.5 km3 in 2050.

Figure 8. Moderate water demand management scenario projection.

Strong water demand management scenario:

In this scenario a greater number of measures are assumed to be taken to better manage
water demand in the agricultural sector. The scenario does not take into consideration the
potential impacts of climate change and assumes that all other factors remain the same as
in the business-as-usual scenario. Assuming that the overall efficiency of Pakistan’s irrigation
system increases to 45%, the scenario projects that agricultural water demand will decline
by 10 km3 in 2030 and 7 km3 in 2050 from the current water demands.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Figure 9. Strong water demand management scenario projection

Above business-as-usual scenario with exceeded extrapolation of current water

This scenario projects water demand (Figure 10) for a scenario in which demand exceeds
the extrapolation of current water demand levels (i.e. greater than the business-as-usual
scenario) due to greater economic development and a larger rate of population growth
(a 15% increase compared to that estimated by the UN), which would affect the growth in
municipal water demand. To reflect the impact of a higher rate of economic development,
the industrial GDP growth rate was increased from the medium projection used by Suttinon
et al. (2009) of 6.9% to the high industrial GDP growth rate of 9.7%. To account for the higher
rate of growth in municipalities water demand, the figures in Table 4 were re-calculated
using a new rate of population growth of 15%. As a result, total water demand for this
scenario increased by about 3 km3 in 2030 and 5 km3 in 2050 compared to the same years
in the business-as-usual scenario.

Climate change scenario:

The climate change scenario takes into consideration the impact of rising temperatures on
water demand while assuming no change in demand management efforts, and keeps all
other factors the same. Based on available temperature and precipitation projections for
Pakistan, a 3°C rise in temperature was adopted to represent the impact of climate change.
Amir and Habib (2015) in their study reported that a temperature increase of 3°C by 2050
could result in an increase in agricultural water requirements of 6% by 2025 and 12 to 15%
by 2050. The results of the projections in this scenario show a dramatic increase in water
demand to 206.2 km3 in 2050 compared to 182.5 km3 for the same year in the business-as-
usual scenario.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Figure 10. Business as usual scenario with exceeded demand

Figure 11. Climate change scenario projections

5. Discussion
After conducting this review, a number of general observations can be made regarding the
nature and availability of literature related to current and future water demand in Pakistan:
• Only a limited number of studies are available that address various types of water demand
in Pakistan, an observation also made by Amir and Habib (2015) in their comprehensive
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

• Most available studies are high level and use data that is “aggregated” to the national
level. Thus, they lack details on the potential implications of increasing water demand in
different regions of the country. Moreover, the literature lacks information about industrial
water demands and the trade-off between irrigation needs and hydropower generation;
• Most of the future projections on water demand are based on simple linear regression
models, which is mainly attributed to the limited availability of time series data.
Based on this study, it is clear that in the absence of moderate to strong water conservation
measures there will be a significant increase in the level of water demand, and the gap
between water demand and water availability will become wider, particularly when the
impacts of climate change are taken into consideration. Temperature increases by 2050 as a
result of global warming will have the greatest impact on the water demand levels. To date,
however, Pakistan has not undertaken significant scientific research to better understand
the impact of climate change on future water demand, particularly within the agriculture

6. Conclusions
This paper sought to develop a macro-level understanding of projected changes in water
demand in Pakistan. Using secondary sources, it assessed potential demand for water in
Pakistan in 2050 under five different scenarios. Based on the completed analysis, the
following key messages emerge:
• The current classification of Pakistan on most international water stress indices is as a water
stressed country, with water availability per capita just above 1000 m3 and decreasing
exponentially as the population continues to grow.
• Total water demand under a business-as-usual scenario is projected to be almost 200
km3 by 2050, of which agricultural demand would be 182 km3.
• The water demand management scenarios show that just increasing irrigation efficiency
by ratios as small as 7% and 10% can conserve a considerable amount of water—
approximately 10 km3 to 15 km3 respectively.
• Climate change will have a significant impact on future water demand, with a temperature
increase of 3°C potentially increasing water demand in 2050 by almost 24 km3 compared
to the business-as-usual scenario.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action


Amir, P. and Habib, Z., (2015). Estimating the impacts of climate change on sectoral water
demand in Pakistan. Action on Climate Today.
Bhatti, A. M., Suttinon, P., & Nasu, S. (2009). Agriculture water demand management in
Pakistan: a review and perspective. Society for Social Management Systems, 9(172), 1-7.
Falkenmark, M. (1989). The massive water scarcity now threatening Africa: why isn’t it being
addressed? Ambio, 112-118.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (no date). AQUASTAT Home [web site]. Retrieved
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). (2011). Indus basin. Retrieved from http://www.
Government of Pakistan (2009). National Drinking Water Policy. Ministry of the Environment.
Retrieved from:
Government of Pakistan (GOP) and the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP). (2013). The Environment and Climate Change Outlook for Pakistan.
Retrieved from
International Monetary Fund. (2015). Issues in managing water challenges and policy
instruments: Regional perspectives and case studies. Retrieved from
Laghari, A. N., Vanham, D., & Rauch, W. (2012). The Indus basin in the framework of current
and future water resources management. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(4),
Mustafa, D., Akhter, M., & Nasrallah, N. (2013). Understanding Pakistan’s water-security
nexus. United States Institute of Peace, 2301.
Oki, T. & Kanae, S. (2006). Global hydrological cycles and world water resources. Science,
313(5790), 1068-1072.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (2005). Glossary of Statistical
Terms: Physical supply and use tables. [web page] Retrieved from
Panday, P., K. Frey, B. Ghimire (2011). ‘Detection of the timing and duration of snowmelt in
the Hindu Kush-Himalaya using QuikSCAT, 2000–2008’, Environmental research letters, 8
(1): 014020-014033.
Qureshi, A. S. (2011). Water management in the Indus basin in Pakistan: challenges and
opportunities. Mountain Research and Development, 31(3), 252-260.
Shen, Y., Oki, T., Utsumi, N., Kanae, S., & Hanasaki, N. (2008). Projection of future world water
resources under SRES scenarios: water withdrawal. Hydrological Sciences Journal,53(1),
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Shrestha, A., Agrawal, N., Alfthan, B., Bajracharya, S., Maréchal, J., van Oort, B. (Eds.), 2015. The
Himalayan Climate and Water Atlas: Impact of Climate change on water resources in five
of Asia’s major river basins. ICIMOD, GRID-Arendal and CICERO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Suttinon, P., Bhatti, A. M., & Nasu, S. (2009). Industrial and household water demand
management: a case study of Pakistan.
United Nations. Department of Economic. (2014). World Urbanization Prospects 2014:
Highlights. United Nations Publications.
United Nations. Department of Economic. (2015). World Population Prospects: The 2015
Revision. United Nations Publications.
Wada, Y., Van Beek, L. P. H., & Bierkens, M. F. (2011). Modelling global water stress of the
recent past: on the relative importance of trends in water demand and climate variability.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,15(12), 3785-3808.
World Bank (2016). Data: Pakistan. Retrieved from
World Wildlife Fund (WWF). (2003). Agricultural water use and river basin conservation.
Gland. Switzerland.
Yu, W., Yang, Y. C., Savitsky, A., Alford, D., Brown, C., Wescoat, J., & Debowicz, D. (2013). The
Indus basin of Pakistan: The impacts of climate risks on water and agriculture. World Bank
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Annex A: Identified Sources

The following sources have been identified as being relevant for informing the content of
the water demand report:

Archer, D. R., Forsythe, N., Fowler, H. J., & Shah, S. M. (2010). Sustainability of water resources
management in the Indus Basin under changing climatic and socio economic conditions.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14(8), 1669-1680.
Amir, P. & Habib, Z. (2015). Estimating the impacts of climate change on sectoral water
demand in Pakistan. Action on Climate Today.
Bhatti, A. M., Suttinon, P., & Nasu, S. (2009). Agriculture water demand management in
Pakistan: a review and perspective. Society for Social Management Systems, 9(172), 1-7.
Falkenmark, M. (1989). The massive water scarcity now threatening Africa: why isn’t it being
addressed? Ambio, 112-118.
Kahlown, M. A., & Majeed, A. (2003). Water-resources situation in Pakistan: challenges and
future strategies. Water Resources in the South: Present Scenario and Future Prospects,
Laghari, A. N., Vanham, D., & Rauch, W. (2012). The Indus basin in the framework of current
and future water resources management. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(4),
Majeed, Z., & Piracha, A. (2011). Water Conservation of Pakistan’s Agricultural, Municipal and
Industrial Water. International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environment, 1(3),
Mustafa, D., Akhter, M., & Nasrallah, N. (2013). Understanding Pakistan’s water-security
nexus. United States Institute of Peace, 2301.
Naheed, G., & Rasul, G. (2010). Projections of crop water requirement in Pakistan under
global warming. Pakistan Journal of Meteorology, 7(13), 45-51.
Oki, T. & Kanae, S. (2006). Global hydrological cycles and world water resources. Science,
313(5790), 1068-1072.
Panday, P., K. Frey, B. Ghimire (2011). Detection of the timing and duration of snowmelt in
the Hindu Kush-Himalaya using QuikSCAT, 2000–2008, Environmental research letters, 8
(1): 014020-014033.
Piracha, A., & Majeed, Z. (2011). Water use in Pakistan’s agricultural sector: water conservation
under the changed climatic conditions. Water Resour. Arid Environ, 1(3), 170-179.
Qureshi, A. S. (2011). Water management in the Indus basin in Pakistan: challenges and
opportunities. Mountain Research and Development, 31(3), 252-260.
Seckler, D. W. (1998). World water demand and supply, 1990 to 2025: Scenarios and issues
(Vol. 19). International Water Management Institute.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Shen, Y., Oki, T., Utsumi, N., Kanae, S., & Hanasaki, N. (2008). Projection of future world water
resources under SRES scenarios: water withdrawal/Projection des ressources en eau
mondiales futures selon les scénarios du RSSE: prélèvement d’eau. Hydrological Sciences
Journal,53(1), 11-33.
Shrestha, A., Agrawal, N., Alfthan, B., Bajracharya, S., Maréchal, J., van Oort, B. (Eds.) (2015).
The Himalayan Climate and Water Atlas: Impact of climate change on water resources in
five of Asia’s major river basins. ICIMOD, GRID-Arendal and CICERO, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Suttinon, P., Bhatti, A. M., & Nasu, S. (2009). Industrial and household water demand
management: a case study of pakistan.
United Nations. Department of Economic. (2014). World Urbanization Prospects 2014:
Highlights. United Nations Publications.
United Nations. Department of Economic. (2015). World Population Prospects: The 2015
Revision. United Nations Publications.
Wada, Y., Van Beek, L. P. H., Viviroli, D., Dürr, H. H., Weingartner, R., & Bierkens, M. F. (2011).
Global monthly water stress: 2. Water demand and severity of water stress. Water
Resources Research, 47(7).
Wada, Y., Van Beek, L. P. H., & Bierkens, M. F. (2011). Modelling global water stress of the
recent past: on the relative importance of trends in water demand and climate variability.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,15(12), 3785-3808.
Wada, Y., Wisser, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Gerten, D., Haddeland, I., ... & Tessler, Z. (2013).
Multimodel projections and uncertainties of irrigation water demand under climate
change. Geophysical research letters, 40(17), 4626-4632.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF). (2003). Agricultural water use and river basin conservation.
Gland. Switzerland.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Appendix 4: Energy Policy Brief

Climate Change Implications
for Future Energy
Development in Pakistan
A briefing paper prepared as part of the project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the
Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action” - May 2016

Prepared by: Anika Terton, International Institute for Sustainable Development

1. Introduction
This briefing paper outlines the current state of Pakistan’s energy supply sector, with a
specific focus on thermal power and hydroelectric power production, and how its future
development plans could be affected by climate change. It has been completed as part of
“The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification
of gaps and recommendations for action” project led by the Ministry of Climate Change
and implemented in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme—
Pakistan, the Centre for Climate Research and Development at COMSATS Institute of
Information Technology Islamabad, Pakistan, and the International Institute for Sustainable
Development (IISD), Canada. The analysis of future trends in energy production draws on
research completed as part of the IISD-led Low Carbon Scenario Analysis project.

2. Pakistan’s energy sector

Pakistan’s energy sector faces a continuous series of crises, characterized by power outages,
cuts and rotational load shedding. The country also experiences concurrent water shortages
and has been identified as one of the most water stressed countries in the world (ADB,
2013). With a surging population estimated at 185 million (World Bank, 2016) and projected
to grow, increasing urbanization and an expanding industrial base, the demand for energy
and water is reaching new heights in Pakistan.
Pakistan relies mainly on hydro and oil for its generation of power from modern sources, as
well as natural gas, resulting in a total electricity generation capacity of 23,412 megawatts
(MW) (in 2011). Based on 2010-11 figures, Pakistan’s total mix of modern energy sources
was comprised of 65 percent thermal generation, 28 percent hydropower, 3 percent nuclear
power generation, and 1 percent comes from other sources, including coal, wind and solar
(UNIDO, 2013).
Electricity generation is mainly carried out by the public sector and independent power
producers. The three public corporate entities responsible for electricity generation are the
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commissions (PAEC), which is responsible for energy produced
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

from nuclear resource; the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), which
is responsible for water and hydropower development; and the Pakistan Electric Power
Company (Pepco), which handles the management of WAPDA’s 14 public limited companies
in thermal power generation, transmission, distribution and billing. All three entities report
to the Ministry of Water and Power. Two other public entities also report to the Ministry
of Water and Power: the Private Power and infrastructure Board (PPIB) and the Alternate
Energy Development Board (AEDB) (International Business Publications, 2015).

Figure 1. Electricity generation in Pakistan

Source: Adapted from UNIDO, 2013

The severe electricity crisis currently facing Pakistan reflects a growing gap between demand
and supply over the past several years (Qureshi & Akintug, 2014). According to the National
Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC), electricity consumption is set to continue to
increase at a rate of about 8 percent each year (NTDC, 2011). Successive governments have set
tariffs on electric utilities below the cost recovery level and funded the difference in the form
of subsidies. The gap between the high cost for power generation and regulated electricity
prices resulted in utilities being unable to cover the cost of production and investments.
Attempts to restructure and liberalize the electricity market in Pakistan have been difficult,
resulting in sub-marginal electricity tariffs, unpaid bills, and power shortages. For instance,
Pakistan experienced a shortfall of almost 6,000 MW in the year 2011-12, as the demand
was at 18,876 MW and supply remained at 12,775 MW, leading to brownouts and blackouts
across the country and power rationing (Qureshi & Akintug, 2014; PPIB, 2013). Additionally,
the country is dealing with an inefficient power transmission and distribution system that
currently records losses of 23-25 percent due to poor infrastructure, mismanagement and
theft. In response, the Government of Pakistan has developed a power policy to support the
current and future energy needs of the country that sets key targets in terms of the demand-
supply gap, affordability, efficiency, financial viability and governance of the systems (PPIP,
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

3. Thermal power generation in Pakistan

Thermal power generation in Pakistan is derived from oil and coal. Oil is mostly imported
by Pakistan, arriving in the form of crude oil and finished gasoline products. Petroleum
imported in 2014-15 was worth $11.7 billion, a major portion of the country’s trade bill
(Muzamil, 2015).
A key petroleum product produced is furnace oil, the use of which increased substantially
due to the build-up of thermal power plants. Installing furnace oil based power plants is
considered a cheap and quick method to produce electricity in large quantities. Furnace
oil also often sells at a lower price compared to diesel or gasoline. Between 2002 and 2008,
furnace oil had become very expensive, but is now more affordable again due to low crude
oil prices (Muzamil, 2015; ICCI, n.d.).
Currently, thermal power generation stands at about 13,670 MW and generates 65 percent
of Pakistan’s electricity. At present, Pakistan has 44 existing thermal power stations in
service, including those operated by independent power producers and state-owned
generation companies (Q. Sabir, p. comm., May 13, 2016). Thermal power generation faces
a number of issues due to a highly politicized government-controlled power sector, with
the government unable to improve poor performance. The state-owned plants have low
conversion efficiencies, are costly to maintain and operate, and face limitations of the
transmissions and distribution system. Privately owned power-sector thermal power plants
are more efficient but suffer from fuel availability and circular debt problems resulting in
their under-utilization (International Business Publications, 2015).
The majority of existing plants can be found in Punjab and Sindh, Pakistan’s most populous,
urbanized and industrialized provinces, which demand large amounts of water and energy.
The Indus River provides key water resources for both provinces, in particular the breadbasket
of Punjab province, which accounts for most of the nation’s agricultural production.

Future development plans

While Pakistan’s energy portfolio is complemented by an increasing share of natural gas and
renewable energy sources, one of the largest coal deposits in the world was discovered in
the country in 1991, the Thar coalfield (Muzamil, 2015). This has raised questions regarding
the potential to convert existing fuel oil fired power plants to coal, using local resource
deposits. At present, Pakistan operates only one coal-fired power plant but is currently
constructing and proposing 11 projects, including a proposal by China (Gadani Energy
Park) to install 10 coal power plants of 660 MW each at a cost of $1.4 billion (The Express
Tribune, 2014). However, large uncertainties remain around the actual implementation of
the project due to a lack of investor commitment and economic viability (Ghumman, 2015).
As per data provided by the Planning Commission of Pakistan, 24 more new independent
power producer plants will be added by 2025 (Q. Sabir, p. comm., May 13, 2016), which could
substantially add to the country’s power generation capacity. Future development plans
could also be influenced by the government’s decision to further privatize public sector
thermal power plants, which would create incentives for power generation companies to
strengthen their technical capabilities, make plants fully operational, and also improve their
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Implications of climate change

Thermal power production is sensitive to climatic changes given its high dependence on
the use of water resources as well as its sensitivity to temperature changes. Thermal power
plants generate electricity by converting heat into power. Most heat water to transform
it into steam, which spins the turbines that produce electricity (UOCS, n.d.). After passing
through the turbine, the steam is cooled down and condensed to start the cycle again. All
power plants need to cool down the steam and most of them use water to do so, which
requires them to be near a water source, such as a river, lake or ocean. The process of power
generation from thermal power plants therefore consumes large amounts of water and
cooling steam, with usually about 90 percent of the total water amount being used for
cooling purposes. The efficiencies of a thermal power plant can be affected by the cooling
methods deployed, not so much by the type of fuel that is used. For example, dry cooling
requires less water than cooling towers (GWF, 2015).
A systematic review of recent projections of water supply in the Indus River Basin indicates
that availability will not change significantly in the short and mid-term (i.e. prior to 2050)
but could result in a shift in the timing of the peak flow (Immerzeel et al., 2009). While the
results of future projections and modelling for longer terms appear to be inconclusive,
some modelling efforts conclude that even a 50 percent reduction in glacial cover will
not change discharges to the Indus River significantly as loss of glacial meltwater will be
counterbalanced by runoff from increased rainfall.
However, projected increases in air temperatures may affect thermal power plants by
decreasing the efficiency of the thermal conversion process. Within this process, thermal
energy is converted into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy using steam
turbines that depend on thermodynamics of the heat cycle (heat and temperature and their
relation to energy and work). The efficiency of this process is “determined by the temperature
of the heat source and the heat sink (air or water).” An increase in air temperature would lead
to reduced efficiency of the process resulting in a loss of production or electrical output
(Makky & Kalash, 2013). For gas turbines, a small number of studies estimated that a rise of
5.5°C in ambient air temperature may reduce output by approximately 3 to 4 percent (ADB,
While the projections foresee limited changes in water supply in the near- and medium-
term, climate change is likely to lead to an increase in water demand by the thermal sector.
However, it appears national planning for power generation does not fully account for
the issue of long-term water demand in the country. In order to make informed decisions
and avoid irreversible consequences, it will be crucial to understand water and energy
interdependencies, along with a full understanding of what the water requirements of
thermal power stations in Pakistan are now and in the future. No figures or information
were available about the water use intensity of thermal power plants according to fuel
type and cooling system. This kind of information and data could inform decisions such
as retrofitting cooling systems or switching to more efficient cooling methods that would
allow a reduction in water demand, especially in areas where priority is given to other water
uses, such as irrigation.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

4. Hydroelectric power production in Pakistan

Pakistan is a country with abundant hydropower resources that is keen to facilitate private
investors to promote hydropower generation as it presents a stimulator for the socio-
economic uplift of the country. Moreover, as a country with limited fossil fuel reserves,
hydropower systems present strong economic incentives (Siddiqi et al., 2012) and
simultaneously can be a catalyst for climate change mitigation (MOCC, 2015).
The hydropower sector is managed by the Water and Power Development Authority,
which is also the largest electric power producer in Pakistan. It is estimated that Pakistan
has hydropower potential of about 60,000 MW, almost all of which lie in the provinces of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, Punjab and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (PPIB, 2011).
The total installed capacity of hydropower capacity was 6,720 MW as of 2010, which
represents only 11 percent of the country’s total proved hydropower potential. Figure 2
presents an overview of the total hydropower potential by province, followed by Figure
3 that categorizes hydropower potential in terms of available basin, river, and small hydel
potential sites available in the country. Out of the 60,000 MW, 75 percent of all hydropower
potential in Pakistan is contained in the Indus River Basin (Qureshi & Akintug, 2014).

Figure 2. Hydropower resources in Pakistan in MW

Source: Private Power and Infrastructure Board, 2011

Figure 3: Distribution of hydro

power potential in Pakistan by
Source: Qureshi and Akintug, 2014
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Figure 4 provides an overview of how the total installed capacity of hydropower projects is
distributed among the provinces. Up to 2010, the country produced 6,720 MW, out of which
3,849 MB was in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 1,699 MW in Punjab, and 1,039 MW in Azad Jammu
and Kashmir. This distribution reflects the greater potential for hydropower generation in
Pakistan’s northern mountainous areas. Hydropower resources located in the southern part
are scarce and mainly comprised of small to medium schemes on barrages and canal falls
(PPIB, 2011).

Figure 4: Pakistan’s hydropower installed capacity

Source: Private Power and Infrastructure Board, 2011

Future development plans

Given the deepening energy and water crises in Pakistan and the large potential and
characteristics of hydropower in promoting the country’s energy security and flexibility
in system operation, the government has tried to accelerate hydropower development
through a number of policy initiatives. Through its Integrated Energy Plan 2009-2022, the
Government of Pakistan developed a long-term plan to ensure energy security with major
emphasis on indigenous energy resources. The plan lays out how all energy resources
are utilized to meet the growing energy demand of the country. For the production of
hydropower, the plan mandates to increase capacity to 17,392 MW by the fiscal year 2022-
23 “at any cost,” emphasizing the secondary goal of hydropower projects ability to store
water to meet water requirements. According to the plan, this would require simultaneously
constructing 3 to 4 large dams (MOF, 2009).
The country’s National Power Policy sets out a vision for Pakistan to develop the most
efficient and consumer centric power generation system that meets the needs of its
population and boosts its economy in a sustainable and affordable manner. It therefore
emphasizes the government’s intention to significantly push towards building medium and
long-term hydel capacity in the country, including large scale hydro projects such as Bunji
(7,100 MW potential) and Diamer-Bhasha (4,500 MW potential) that could move Pakistan
closer to energy independence and security (PPIB, 2013). At the same time, it would also
reduce its dependency on any single source, particularly imported fossil fuels.
WAPDA has been working on an ambitious plan called the National Water Resources and
Hydropower Development Programme Vision 2025 with the goal to develop 16,000 MW of
hydropower capacity. Further objectives include to compensate and adjust for predicted
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

climatic changes, protect the agricultural sector from droughts, increase reservoir capacities
and prevent water shortages in the future (MWP, 2003).
Over time, a lot of feasibility studies and engineering design work has been carried out
to determine the country’s hydropower potential. Table 1 presents large-scale hydropower
projects that are currently under consideration until 2030. If developed, the projected
hydropower generation of these projects alone would be 25,530 MW by 2030 (IISD,
forthcoming). Based on the projects that are under implementation (mostly small hydel
projects) along with the ones under consideration, the total hydel capacity can be expected
to potentially grow to 42,765 MW by the year 2030 (IISD, forthcoming). Given that the
current installed hydropower capacity in Pakistan is 6,720 MW (PPIB, 2011), this represents
approximately a six-fold future increase.

Table 1: Large-scale Hydropower projects currently under consideration until 2030

Name of Project Potential Capacity (in MW)

Bunji 7100
Dasu 4320
Diamer Basha Dam 4500
Kohala 1100
Munda (Mohamand) 800
Patan 2300
Tarbela 4th extension 1410
Thakot 4000
TOTAL 25530
Source: IISD, Low-Carbon Scenarios Analysis for Pakistan (forthcoming)

While there is a reliable level of certainty for smaller future hydropower projects to be built
in Pakistan, large projects encounter a number of barriers. Large hydropower projects have
a number of social, political and technical issues associated with them. Various factors have
contributed to the slow pace of hydropower development in Pakistan such as the lack of
adequately investigated projects, environmental concerns, resettlement and rehabilitation
issues, land acquisition problems, regulatory issues, long clearance and approval procedures,
power evacuation problems and, in some cases, inter-provincial issues and law and order
problems. Over the past three decades, construction of new dams on the Indus River system
have been a major source of conflict between the upper and lower riparian provinces. The
Province of Sindh has been strongly opposing new dams on the Indus River due to concerns
about the socio-economic impacts of large dams, particularly on the province’s flood plains
and delta (Bhutto et al., 2012). Finding appropriate financing models adds another barrier.
Lengthy lead times for planning, permitting and construction along with high-up front cost
create a challenging environment for private investment (Siddiqi et al., 2012).
In comparison, small hydropower projects (up to 25 MW) have emerged as an alternative
and preferred option, especially in mountainous terrain. Small hydro systems are beneficial
from a variety of perspectives, including low upfront cost, suitability for private sector
development, and minimal or no requirement for power transmission infrastructure
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

(which makes them ideal for deployment in rural areas), along with reduced impacts on
the environment. The development of these projects has been actively encouraged and
projects have been given exemptions from initial environmental examination requirements
(Siddiqi et al., 2012; Bhutto et al., 2012). While small and micro hydropower projects are
a beneficial tool for local sustainable energy development, in particular in mountainous
off-grid areas, the scale of power they generate will not meet the growing energy demand
Pakistan is experiencing in highly populated and industrialized regions. Nonetheless, they
provide a suitable option for mountain and isolated rural communities.
Despite the potential of hydropower to contribute to Pakistan’s future energy demands,
mitigate hazardous greenhouse gas emissions and other vital services, such as water storage
capacity, a substantial increase in hydropower development remains uncertain. In response
to the pressures of large-scale hydropower projects and historical experience, it is likely that
the list of projects currently designated as “under implementation” may in realty either take
years for commissioning or will never be built. Based on the former, Figure 5 compares two
future scenarios, one that considers full implementation of all hydropower projects currently
“under implementation” and “under consideration,” while the second excludes the projects
listed in Table 1 due to the likelihood that they will not be implemented fully considering
their size and the socio-political barriers that they would have to overcome.

Figure 5: Hydropower capacity scenarios in Pakistan

Source: IISD, Low-Carbon Scenarios Analysis for Pakistan (forthcoming)

Implications of climate change

In spite of the challenges large-scale hydro power projects face, both future scenarios
presented in Figure 5 foresee a growth in installed hydropower capacity in Pakistan. Climate
change will present an additional stressor as potential changes in patterns of monsoon rains,
winter precipitation, and snow and ice melt could alter the spatial and temporal distribution
of water. Significant uncertainties remain regarding not only how each of these regimes will
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

be affected by climate change but the interplay between them and therefore the collective
outcome of these changes. It is therefore important to provide a better understanding of
how the possibility for changing flows and hydrology of the Indus River may lead to an
increase or decrease in hydropower potential. Subsequently, this could inform decision-
makers if large-scale hydro projects are the most optimal and feasible option compared
to alternatives, such as a combination of small, medium and large hydropower projects or
alternative energy sources to achieve the country’s objectives laid out in the National Power
Depending on the expected lifespan of newly installed hydro dams, the progressive loss of
glaciers beyond the middle of this century and its potential impacts on water flows in the
Indus River in the 2100s could potentially affect hydroelectric generation capacities and
water supplies. In the near-term, however, reduced availability of water supply in the Indus
River basin does not appear to be a significant threat.
Perhaps of greater concern is the potential for a shift in the timing of the peak run-off.
Analysis completed by Immerzeel et al. (2009) suggests that under different scenarios
of glacial retreat, discharge could significantly increase between week 14 and 25 of the
calendar year, which currently coincides with the onset of the growing season and therefore
a critical period in which irrigation waters are needed. Energy demand is currently high in
the summer season, but with a rise in temperatures, peak demand could begin earlier in the
year, potentially leading to conflicting water demands, particularly given Pakistan’s current
inadequate storage facilities. Shifting peak flows could undermine the current balance
between agricultural production and energy generation. Thus, greater analysis is needed
to better understand the potential for growing trade-offs between irrigation and energy
generation and careful assessment of the need for changes in water allocation rules.
Lastly, run-of-the-river hydroelectric projects that generate electricity by using part of
natural stream flows and natural elevation differences may be more sensitive to changing
flow patterns. As flowing water causes the turbines to spin, flow patterns directly influence
the amount of energy generated. The impact of a changing climate on monsoon patterns
and glacial and snow melt will influence the timing and variation of daily flow patterns,
creating uncertainties regarding electricity generation. Better quantification of the current
hydrological regime will be beneficial in providing a more detailed assessment of anticipated
changes in flow patterns.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

5. Conclusions
This briefing paper outlined the current state of Pakistan’s energy supply sector, with a
specific focus on thermal power and hydroelectric power production. It aimed to shed light
on how future energy development plans could be affected by climate change.
Future projections regarding water supply analysis in Pakistan have concluded that water
availability in the basin prior to 2050 will not change significantly but could result in a shift
in the timing of peak flow. Thermal power production is sensitive to temperature changes
and is highly dependent on available water resources. Projected temperature increases for
Pakistan will likely affect thermal power plants by decreasing the efficiency of the thermal
conversion process resulting in a loss of electrical output. While total water availability
may be relatively steady at least until the mid-century, industrial and population growth
will become greater stressors on water demand. To the author’s knowledge, it appears that
national planning for power generation does not fully account for the issue of long-term
water demand in the country. No figures or information were available about the water use
intensity of thermal power plants. This kind of information and data could inform decision-
making with regards to retrofitting cooling systems or switching to more efficient cooling
methods that would allow a reduction in water demand, especially in areas where priority is
given to other water uses, such as irrigation.
Despite the potential of hydropower to contribute to Pakistan’s future energy demands and
the government’s initiatives to accelerate hydropower, a substantial increase in hydropower
development in Pakistan remains uncertain due to the social, political and technical issues
associated with them. In spite of these challenges hydro-power electricity generation is
forecasted to grow. While changes in water flow patterns in the Indus River Basin will not
necessarily result in any implications for large hydro projects, a projected change in peak
run-off and increasing temperatures could lead to conflicting water demands between
different users. It is therefore important that the resulting growing trade-offs between other
water users and energy generation are considered and changes in water allocation rules are
carefully assessed.
Demands for greater amounts of energy and water may be expected to occur with
population growth, urbanization and industrialization—leading to greater likelihood of
competing demands between different users. Future energy development processes will
have to take into account the water and energy inter-linkages and employ management
practices and conservation initiatives to address trade-offs and promote synergies where
possible among competing water users.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action


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Challenge. Retrieved from
Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2012). Climate Risk and Adaptation in the Electric Power
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Clarke, M. (2015). Climate change mitigation and adaptation considerations for hydropower
projects in the Indus Basin. 35th Annual Conference of the International Association
for Impact Assessment. Retrieved from
Global Water Forum (GWF). (2015). Water for thermal power plants: Understanding a piece of
the water energy nexus. Retrieved from
Ghumman, K. (2015). Gadani energy park won’t be completed during PML-N govt term, NA
told. Dawn. Retrieved from
Immerzeel, W.W., Droogers, P., de Jong, S.M., and Bierkens, M.F.P. (2009). Large-scale
monitoring of snow cover and runoff simulations in Himalayan river basins using remote
sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment. 113 (2009): 40-49.
International Business Publications. (2015). Pakistan Energy Policy, Laws and Regulations
Handbook (Volume 1). Strategic Information and Basic Laws. Retrieved from https://books. Po
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). (forthcoming). Low-Carbon
Scenarios Analysis for Pakistan.
Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry. (n.d.). An Overview of Electricity Sector in
Pakistan. Report. Retrieved from
Makky, M. and Kalash, H. (2013). Potential Risks of Climate Change on Thermal Power Plants.
Retrieved from
Ministry of Climate Change (MOCC). (2015). Pakistan Intended Nationally Determined
Contributions (INDCs) (zero draft). Government of Pakistan. Retrieved from http://www.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Ministry of Finance (MOF). (2009). Integrated Energy Plan 2009-2022. Report to Expert
Energy Group. Government of Pakistan. Retrieved from
Ministry for Water and Power (MWP). (2003). Pakistan’s Vision of Water Management.
Paper presented at Pakistan Development Forum. Retrieved from http://siteresources.
Muzamil, H. (2015). Pakistan’s energy mix: power and politics. Dawn. Retrieved from http://
National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC). (2011). Electricity Demand Forecast
based on Multiple Regression Analysis. Period 2011 to 2035. Retrieved from http://www.
Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB). (2011). Hydropower Resources in Pakistan.
Government of Pakistan. Retrieved from
Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB). (2013). National Power Policy 2013.
Government of Pakistan. Retrieved from
Qureshi, F.U. and Akıntuğ, B. (2014). Hydropower Potential in Pakistan. Retrieved from https://
Siddiqi, A., J. Wescoat Jr., S. Humair, K. Afridi. (2012). An empirical analysis of the hydropower
portfolio in Pakistan. Energy Policy 50 (November).
Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI). (2012). Pakistan Power Sector Outlook:
Appraisal of the Karachi Electricity Supply Company (KESC) in Post Privatization Period.
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The Express Tribune Pakistan. (2014). Helping hand: China signs agreements worth
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The World Bank. (2016). Pakistan. Retrieved from
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and International Center on
Small Hydro Power (ICSHP). (2013). World Small Hydropower Development Report 2013.
Pakistan. Retrieved from
Union of Concerned Scientist. (n.d.). How it Works: Water for Power Plant Cooling. Retrieved
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Appendix 5: Agriculture Policy Brief

Climate Change Implications for
Pakistan’s Agriculture Sector
A briefing paper prepared as part of the project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the
Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action”

June 2016
Prepared by: Dr. Saeed A. Asad and Jo-Ellen Parry

Pakistan’s agriculture, and thus its food and water security, is largely dependent on the
Indus River and its tributaries, from which it draws around 90% of its water for agricultural
purposes. As observed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its Fourth
Assessment Report, (IPCC, 2007), South Asian countries are expected to be significantly
affected by the world’s changing climate and worst case scenarios could be observed in the
region’s water and agriculture sectors. Influenced by climate change the likely consequences
for these sectors could be:
• Less water availability, resulting in shifts in cropping patterns and crop rotations.
• Significant reduction in the production of Pakistan’s main cash crops such as wheat, rice,
sugarcane, cotton and maize.
• Reduced cereal production by up to 20% in southern Pakistan compared with minor
improvements in yield in the country’s northern belt.
• Livestock production is anticipated to decline by 30% as rangelands become increasingly
stressed by longer droughts and by human and animal migration around riverine areas.
Although it is not clear how precipitation patterns and run-off from snow and glacier melt
could change in the future, it is generally anticipated that climate change will lead to changes
in seasonal water flow patterns in the Indus River system, with a potential for higher run-off
and river flows in the coming decades, followed by an overall decrease in flows beginning
sometime in the 2100s. As influenced by changes in temperature and precipitation, a
decrease of 8-10% in wheat yields may occur whereas rice productivity may decrease by up
to 20% compared to current figures. Maize yield likely will be substantially decreased with
increasing temperatures up to 1.8oC in central Punjab and if the current scenario of further
increases in temperature continues, yields from this commodity may decrease by 20% by
2050. Cotton crops would be equally affected by temperature increases whereby studies
have projected that a 1ºC rise in temperature during the vegetative and flowering stages
of growth could reduce yields by 24.14% and 8% respectively. These negative impacts of
temperature on cotton production are most striking for Sindh. Responding to the current
and projected scenarios of water availability several measures should be initiated to ensure
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

water and food security in a changing climate such as: enhancing water storage capacity,
launching low cost water saving technologies (high efficiency irrigation systems), increasing
rain and flood water harvesting, regulating ground water resources, and breeding/
cultivating less water intensive crops. The development of livestock breeds that have higher
productivity potential for milk and meat, and are less prone to heat and drought stress, also
should be strengthened.

1. Pakistan: An Agrarian Economy

Pakistan by birth is an agricultural country; 45% of the total labor force—30% of which are
women—is engaged in agricultural production (Ministry of Finance, 2013; Salik et al., 2015).
Moreover, around 67% of the population living in rural areas are dependent on agriculture
in one way or the other (Maqbool and Bashir, 2009). Today, approximately 22% of national
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 70% of Pakistan’s export earnings are derived from the
agricultural sector (FAO, 2015b). However, the sector’s contribution to national GDP varies
from year to year, reflecting in part its vulnerability to climate risks (Yu et al., 2013).
Food self-sufficiency is a growing concern in Pakistan. Food supply varies from year to year
and falls below the global average of 2,797 kilocalories (kcal) per capita per day. Despite
increased food production, there has been little change over the past two decades in the
estimated proportion of the population that is undernourished, which has declined from
24% in 1999-01 to 20% in 2010-12 (FAO, 2016).

2. The Water and Agriculture Nexus

Agricultural production in Pakistan is intimately linked to the availability of water resources,
particularly the amount of water flowing through the approximately 576,000 square
kilometers of the Indus River basin (GOP and UNEP, 2013). This dependency stems from
the fact that out of Pakistan’s 26 million hectares (Mha) of agricultural lands, about 90% of
total agricultural production is derived from the 18 Mha of irrigated lands (Yu et al., 2013).
As of the 1990s, Pakistan’s irrigation system consisting of the Indus River and its tributaries
was recognized as the world’s largest contiguous irrigation system. Its total length is 58,000
kilometers, which expands to over 1.6 million kilometers when farm water channels and
field ditches are included.
Fed by snow melt in the Karakoram and Himalayan mountain ranges along with monsoon
rains, the Indus River and its tributaries bring approximately 191 million acre-feet (MAF)
of water annually to Pakistan, most of which is diverted for irrigation. Despite this level of
flow and the presence of one of the most extensive irrigation and canal networks in the
world, Pakistan is classified as a water stressed. Water availability is just over 1,000 cubic
meters per capita today, against 5,600 cubic meter per capita availability at the time of
independence, and current scenarios suggest that the country will become water scarce
by 2035 (LEAD Pakistan, 2014). In part, this is because demand for water by the agriculture
sector, particularly for irrigation, is expected to increase at a higher rate than all other sectors
to meet the rising food production requirements of an increasing population.
While the Indus River basin is richly endowed with land and water resources vital for the
country’s agricultural economy, it faces high levels of variability and uncertainty due to factors
related to climate, hydrology, agricultural sustainability, food consumption, and natural
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

hazards. Water availability for agriculture is also influenced by a number of infrastructure

related concerns. For example, due to the non-availability of enough storage facilities and
sedimentation of existing reservoirs, approximately 25 to 30 MAF of water flows in to the
sea annually (Ministry of Water and Power, 2005). As well the Indus River Irrigation System
is characterized by large inefficiencies at the canal, watercourse and field levels. In large
part this is due to the lack of adequate recurrent expenditures and in part due to system
efficiencies that result in farmers at the tail end of the canal system rarely getting water.
Furthermore, water charges are low, recovery rates are limited, and collected water revenues
go to the general revenue budget rather than to provincial irrigation departments. In Punjab
province, for example, water is charged at a flat rate of Rs. 85 per cropped acre during the
summer (kharif season) and Rs. 50 per acre during the winter (Rabi season), which generates
revenues equivalent to only 68% of operation and maintenance expenditures (GOP, 2013).
Similarly, the gap between operation and maintenance expenditures and revenue collection
is 80 and 77% in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, respectively (GOP, 2013).
The need for major reforms in the water sector are well recognized and a number of initiatives
related to changing the institutional setup, raising and rationalizing water charges, and
improving water use efficiencies are required. A renewed political commitment by the
federal and provincial governments will help implement the changes needed to ensure a
viable, more efficient and sustainable irrigation system for Pakistan.

3. Climate Change and Water Availability

Along with the challenges of inadequate and ageing water infrastructure, increasing water
demand, and poor management of the Indus River Irrigation System, climate change is
projected to be an additional stressor on Pakistan’s water resources. Changes in Pakistan’s
climate have already been observed, with mean annual temperatures reported as having
risen by 0.6°C over the course of the 20th century. Several reports also state that there
has been an observed overall trend of rising precipitation levels, particularly during the
monsoon season, but patterns vary by region and season. Thus, while precipitation levels
in the Upper Indus Basin have been increasing, they have been declining areas such as the
western Baluchistan plateau and coastal areas. Changes in precipitation trends are more
visible in the southern portion of Pakistan (Yu et al., 2013).
Global and regional climate models consistently indicate that Pakistan’s climate will see
a continued increase in mean annual temperatures in the coming decades. Multi-modal
projections such as those developed by Shrestha et al. (2015) suggest that major parts of
the Indus Basin could warm in the summer by 2°C to 5°C under a low emission scenario
by 2050, and even more under a high emission scenario, particularly in the Upper Indus
Basin region. Winter temperatures are also projected to increase by 2°C to 4°C across the
basin in both low and high emission scenarios by 2050, with only a few areas experiencing
temperature changes that exceed 4°C or are lower than 2°C.
Future precipitation projections suggest that mean annual precipitation will increase across
the Indus Basin by 2100, with increases particularly occurring between June and August.
However, projections for future winter precipitation patterns in the Upper Indus Basin are
not in agreement and lack consistency. This uncertainty is problematic given that winter
precipitation in Upper Indus Basin is a key driver of the whole hydrologic system of the
Indus Basin.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Driven by these changes in climatic conditions, the spatial and temporal distribution of
water resources are expected to change on an annual and inter-annual basis (GOP, 2012).
These changes will be driven by altered glacial melt patterns in the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-
Himalaya ranges and potential changes in monsoon patterns. It is estimated that between
50% and 70% of the water flow in the Indus River basin comes from snow and ice melt.
Considerable uncertainty prevails regarding how each of these factors will be affected by
climate change and therefore how associated run-off is likely to change in future (Yu et al.,
2013). The literature also indicates that glacial lake outbursts in the Himalayas in the coming
two to three decades are anticipated to increase the risk of downstream flooding (Bajracharya
et al., 2015), which could have implications for Pakistan’s agricultural production.
Uncertainty remains regarding how monsoon patterns might change in the future, with
some studies suggesting that there could be increases in mean precipitation levels and
rainfall extremes (Christensen et al., 2013), as well as greater inter-annual and intra-seasonal
variability in monsoon rainfall (World Bank, 2013). Other studies, though, suggest that
monsoon rains could decline by 20% by the end of next century, which would have serious
repercussions on rainfed agriculture. Under this scenario, the anticipated deficit in water
needed for agriculture by 2030 is evaluated to be between 25% to 30% (Rasul and Ahmed,
Overall, in the near-term (i.e. before 2050), total water flows in the Indus Basin are anticipated
to remain relatively stable, although there could be an increase in flows due to higher run-
off as temperatures warm (particularly if there is a reversal of the current summer cooling
trend) and a shift in the timing of peak water flow to earlier in the year. Looking beyond the
end of this century, continued increases in temperature could lead to the complete loss
of glaciers in the Upper Indus Basin, which would result in a significant decrease in overall
flows. Such a change naturally would have critical, long-term implications for Pakistan’s
agriculture sector.

4. Agriculture and Climate Change Vulnerability

Agriculture is perhaps the sector most vulnerable to potential climate risks triggered by
climate change such as uncertain monsoon patterns, rising mean annual temperatures,
higher levels of spring run-off, and possibly reduced flows in the dry season. Changes in
water availability may alter sowing and harvesting patterns in the coming two to three
decades. Significant reductions in crop yields could also result from elevated temperatures
speeding up crop growth, resulting in a shortening of the growth period and potentially
leading to reduced productivity of crops and fodder (GOP, 2012).
Similar to crops, the livestock production is also very vulnerable to the impacts of climate
change. Together with poultry, the livestock production contributes half of the value
provided by the agriculture sector to the national GDP (GOP, 2009). The direct effects of
climate change on livestock may result in lower production of milk and meat and reduced
reproductive capacity as temperatures rise. Risks such as climate-related disease epidemics
may also increase. Additionally, the indirect impacts of a changing climate could include,
among others: negative impacts on fodder crop productivity; decreased nutritional quality
and palatability of forage plants due to increasing concentration of carbon dioxide (resulting
in a carbon:nitrogen imbalance); competition for land between fodder and staple crops;
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

increased water requirements (by both fodder crops and animals); and host-pathogen
interactions. The vulnerability of the livestock sector to climate change is particularly high
because it depends largely on grazing on rangelands whose capacity for adaptation is very
low (GOP, 2013).
Studies have identified risks for specific crops. As suggested below, water-intensive crops
such as sugarcane and rice potentially could be the most affected by climate change:
• Wheat: A decrease of 8-10% in wheat yields may occur. The population will need to reduce
its dependence on wheat and shift to use of coarse grains such as barley, sorghum, millets,
oats and coarse rice (Janjua et al., 2010).
• Rice: Production may be reduced by up to 20% compared with current figures (Tariq et al.,
• Maize: A recent study by the University of Agriculture Faisalabad revealed that maize
yield will be substantially decreased as temperatures increase up to 1.8oC in central areas
of Punjab. If the current scenario of a consistent increase in temperatures continues, the
commodity yield may decrease by 20% beyond 2050 (Khaliq, 2008).
• Cotton and Sugarcane: According to some recent research, cotton (Raza, 2015) and
sugarcane (Zhao, 2015) production would be severely impacted by changing rainfall
patterns, rising temperatures and declining supplies of surface water. The negative
impacts of temperature on cotton production are more striking for Sindh. It has been
projected that a 1ºC rise in temperature during the vegetative and flowering stages of
growth would reduce yield by 24.14% and 8% respectively (Raza, 2015).

Regional differences are also expected:

• In Punjab and Sindh, water shortage could take a toll on about 20% to 25% of cultivable
land, rendering it unfit for agriculture (Malik, 2012). As well, it has been projected that a
4oC increase in temperatures and 3% rise in precipitation by 2080 could result in a loss
in agricultural productivity of up to 13% in Punjab and Sindh (Dehlavi, Groom and Gorst,
2014). Similar results have been generated by Yu et al. (2013), with more adverse change
potentially being experienced in Sindh.
• In Northern areas of the country, wheat, maize and rice yields could increase due to
longer and hotter summer seasons (Rasul and Ahmed, 2012).
In response to an increasingly water stressed situation, farmers may shift from the
production of staples to alternate, less water intensive crops such as pulses and oil seed
crops. Overall, in monetary values, these changes in production could result in up to a 5%
decline in agricultural GDP from its base value by the end of 21st century (Husain, 2015).5.
Key findings
Pakistan’s agriculture sector will be particularly affected by the following climatic changes:
• Rising mean annual temperatures
• Changes in precipitation patterns, including uncertain monsoon patterns, that will likely
vary depending on season and location
• Variable river flows, with the potential in the near-term for higher run-off in the spring
and reduced flows in dry season.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Factors that make Pakistan’s water sector vulnerable to the impacts of climate change
• Increasing demand of water due to an ever increasing population
• Water logging, salinity, and poor maintenance of the Indus River canal system
• Water pricing that is inadequate to cover existing operation and maintenance costs
• Lack of capacity building among the farming community for water conservation
• A water table rapidly lowering by more than 20 feet annually due to over-exploitation of
ground water in parts of Sindh, Baluchistan and populated cities such as Lahore, Quetta
and Karachi.

Overall, the issues arising from climate change for Pakistan’s agriculture sector are:
• Less water availability resulting in shifting of cropping patterns and crop rotations
• Significant reduction in the production of cash crops such as wheat, rice, sugarcane,
cotton and maize.
• Reduced cereal production by up to 20% in the southern part of the country compared
with minor improvement in yield in northern belt.
• Livestock production is predicted to decline by 30% in part because rangelands will
become increasingly stressed by longer droughts, which to led to people and animals
migrating to riverine areas and greater competition over available resources.

6. Recommended adaptation actions

Following actions could be taken to adapt to the changing circumstances to ensure the
national food and water security:
• Breed/cultivate less water intensive crops.
• Encouraging rain and flood water harvesting.
• Regulate ground water usage to stop over exploitation.
• Initiate water conservation technologies such as drip or sprinkler irrigation methods
in selected areas, raised bed technology that save up to 50% of irrigation water, and
increased crop productivity.
• Enhance water storage capacity.
• Implement waste water recycling in urban settings.
• Up-scaling of land leveling, which enables 30% water saving with corresponding increases
in productivity.
• Develop and introduce better varieties of livestock which have higher productivity of
milk and meat, are less prone to heat stress, and are more drought tolerant.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Appendix 6: Water Quality and Health Policy Brief

Climate Change Implications

for Water Quality and Human
Health in Pakistan
A briefing paper prepared as part of the project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the
Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action”

June 2016
Prepared by: Dr. Toqeer Ahmed, Centre for Climate Research and Development, COMSATS Institute of
Information Technology, Islamabad

Health-related vulnerabilities due to changes in water quality and the distribution of water-
and vector-borne diseases are increasing due to changing climatic conditions. Pollution
from urban runoff already is deteriorating the quality of water used for drinking and other
purposes. As well, floods pollute both surface and groundwater resources and have a direct
impact on water quality as flood waters carry contaminants into drinking water sources. With
climate change, higher temperatures and greater risk of the occurrence of floods, droughts
and heavy rainfall events could more heavily impact water quality in the future. Microbial
water quality will vary with changing temperatures as the growth of microbes is directly
correlated with temperature; some bacteria grow at a higher temperature while others
are more likely to grow at moderate temperatures. Water quality indicators also respond
immediately to changes in flow rate, which is climate-dependent; a low discharge rate along
with increasing temperatures will surge microbial growth. Glacier melting can affect water
chemistry and river runoff, and may increase in the future as the climate changes. Water-
borne and water-related diseases, such as cholera, can increase due to more polluted surface
water in flood affected areas. Vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, are also influenced by
water availability and temperature. International studies have documented the potential
for water quality to be negatively affected and for both water-borne and water-related
diseases to increase due to climate change. However, few studies have been conducted
to assess the water quality, including the bacteriological water quality, of the Indus River
and other surface and ground water sources under changing climate scenarios in Pakistan.
Information on the impacts of climate change on water quality and health is insufficient
and it is therefore highly recommended to explore how water quality might be altered
under different climate scenarios. The potential impacts of climate change on water quality
also should be integrated into relevant national policies. It should be monitored regularly,
especially post severe weather events and natural disasters. There is also a need to protect
water sources and improve water quality to address severe health impacts stemming from
water-borne and related diseases now and in the future.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Climatic conditions and water quality

The quality of water in Pakistan is increasingly vulnerable to factors such as the growth
in population, anthropogenic activities and urbanization along with industrialization.
These are severely impacting surface water pollution due to heavy metals, sediments,
nutrients, pesticides, and organic pollutants among others. Increase in microbial contents
in natural water resources impact the whole ecosystem and human health. At the same
time, there is growing concern about the potential impact of changes in climatic conditions
like temperature, precipitation, floods, water scarcity or droughts on current and future
water quality and water-borne diseases. Water quality parameters like pH, dissolved
oxygen, micronutrients, organic pollutants and pathogens are directly affected by different
climatic conditions, like drought, temperature and rainfall that affect water availability and
seasonal fluctuations. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, high
temperature and variation in extremes events like floods and drought are projected to effect
water quality and will increase water pollution intensity (Bates et al., 2008).
Changes in rainfall patterns are impacting both the availability and quality of water.
Climate change will influence glacier melting which can affect water chemistry and river
runoff. As reported in the past studies, water availability is decreasing from 5,600 to 1,017
cubic metres per capita and going to decrease further in the future because of rising
temperatures, excessive use of water, poor water conservation strategies and ground water
over-extraction. Additionally, certain regions of the country (Sindh and Baluchistan) face
drought conditions while other parts (Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) will experience
the opposite. These climatic conditions affect both chemical and biological water quality.
Decreases in water availability will negatively impact water quality indicators such as faecal
coliform and E. coli, while increases in water availability can have the opposite affect (Liu
and Chan, 2015).
Floods pollute surface and ground water resources, deteriorating water quality. Floods
increase urban runoff that brings pollutants into these water resources. Large amounts of
contaminants are transported from industrial and agricultural areas to rivers. Areas affected
by flooding often experience an increase in the demand for clean drinking water. Difficulties
providing sufficient drinking water results in increases of waterborne and other water-
related diseases due to polluted surface and ground water people consume instead in flood
affected areas.
Drought affects water quality because less water is available to dilute contaminated water.
Drought conditions force inhabitants to use contaminated sources of water for drinking
and for other uses. In some parts of the country, wastewater (highly contaminated water)
is used for irrigation because treated water is unavailable. Consequently, vegetables and
crops are polluted with pesticides, heavy metals and other pollutants. The practice of dual
clean water use is taking place in the country and people are using the clean water both for
irrigation and drinking purposes.
Similarly, temperature and rainfall conditions affect water quality. During monsoon season,
the rainfall leads to water quality deterioration because of transport of pathogens, dissolved
organic pollutants and mixing of pollutants with drinking water supplies, including
both surface and ground water supply. Fecal indicator bacterial growth increases during
monsoon. Heavy runoff transports the contaminants from one area to another but when
the opposite conditions occur, water quality will be of more inferior quality. In contrast,
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

when low rainfall takes place less water is available to dilute pollutants within surface and
ground water resources (Mirza et al., 2007). Shift in density of water in the reservoir may
change the bacterial population in environment (Guillaume and Rita, 2009).
Increases in temperature are expected to decrease water quality of water resources
because of temperature stability, low discharge, increase in phosphorus and other nutrients
from sediments and transformed mixing behaviors. Low discharge rates with increasing
temperature increase microbial growth. Increasing temperatures are expected to increase
microbial growth. Biochemical processes occurring in the water bodies depend on a
number of external conditions. Higher temperature will definitely increase the reaction
rate. Global warming can affect the oxygen concentration in water bodies. Physicochemical
parameters will be negatively affected by increase in temperature. Zhang et al. (2015) found
potential positive effects of temperature increase on water quality parameters (nitrate,
nitrogen and total phosphorous) with changes in seasonal conditions. Another study also
supports the idea of decrease in water quality with increased temperatures (Zwolsman and
van Bokhoven, 2007). The impacts of climate change on water resources and related health
risks are discussed in Figure 1.
Human influences on both surface and ground water, heavy metal, pesticides pollution
and deteriorated water quality of the Indus River and other Pakistan water resources has
already been reported (Ata et al., 2013; Jabeen et al., 2015). Zhang et al. (2015) reported
that water quality of the Indus River and other water resources in the Himalayan region are
under the influence of climate change due to glacier melting which affects the river runoff
and water chemistry. Saeed and Attaullah (2010) studied the impact of floods on ground
water quality in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Charsadda and Nowshera) by collecting post-flood
samples which were found to be contaminated. They concluded that floods have a direct
impact on water quality and water quality becomes no more reliable after an area is hit by
flooding. Oxfam has reported that the ground water quality situation of coastal areas has
deteriorated (Abbass, 2009).
Fig. 1. Impacts of climate change on water
resources and drinking water quality
(adopted from Delpla et al., 2009).
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Water quality and its impacts on human health:

Access to clean water is important for healthy living. Poor water quality has severe effects
on human health, and are more common in developing countries, where their impacts are
increasing day by day. Anthropogenic activities and a lack of education and awareness are
exaggerating these conditions. Empirical studies conducted in the past by government,
private organizations, universities and NGOs reported that management and monitoring of
water quality is poor (Azizullah et al., 2011; Murtaza et al., 2008; Ahmed et al., 2015; Watto
et al., 2006). Some are relating it to low water availability or water scarcity. Microbial water
quality has the worst effects on human health.
Similarly, pesticides and other chemical pollutants generated by industries are contaminating
our water resources affecting water quality. Farmers are at high risks of pesticides due to
their direct exposure which are also found in both surface and ground water resources and
have both acute and chronic effects on human health (Tariq et al., 2007; Azizullah et al.,
2011). Even essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and others can
cause serious problem like hypercalcemia and other related issues when they exceed the
permissible limit. Nitrates in excess can cause blood disorders, cancer and geno-toxic effects
(Azizullah et al., 2011).

Climate change, water-borne diseases and water-related diseases:

Climate change is impacting both water- and vector-borne diseases throughout the world
and is expected to become one of the most significant public health complications. Changing
climatic conditions are expected to lead to shifts in the prevalence of water- and vector-
related diseases like malaria, dengue fever and cholera. Climatic factors like temperature,
humidity, change in rainfall pattern, and floods, along with environmental factors linked
to urbanization and other anthropogenic activities, control the distribution, life cycle and
efficiency of transmission of these diseases. Increases in vector-related diseases like malaria,
dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, chikungounia, yellow fever, filariasis etc. due to
polluted surface water have been reported. Similarly, water-borne diseases like cholera,
typhoid, dysentery and others prevail due to unhygienic and polluted drinking water
Water abundance, scarcity and pollution also affects various water-borne diseases (e.g.,
Cholera, Typhoid, Amoebiasis, Giardiasis, etc.), water-washed diseases (e.g., skin and
Trachoma diseases, dysentery, Amoebiasis, Enteroviral diarrhea etc.), water-based diseases
(e.g., Schistosomiasis), and water-related diseases (e.g., malaria, dengue, yellow fever,
filariasis etc.) (World Health Organization [WHO], 1996). Typhoid alone effects 17 million
people per year, and 6 million people become blind annually due to Trachoma. According
to a report by the Pacific Research Institute, 76 million people will die by 2020 due to
preventable water-borne and water-related diseases (Gleick, 2002).
As Pakistan’s climate varies greatly between regions and across its four seasons (as seen
in Figure 2), the occurrence of water-borne and water-related diseases varies within the
country. For example, malaria and other water-related, vector-borne diseases flourish in
Pakistan after the monsoon season, especially during the period of August to November.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Fig.2. Comparison of average temperature of 2012 with normal in the past (1981-2010) (adopted from PMD, 2012)

According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2016), 3.2 billion people (half of the
world population) are at risk of getting malaria, more than 200 million people globally were
infested by malaria in 2015, and of these about 438,000 died. The disease particularly affects
poor people. Before 1970, it was epidemic in only nine countries but in recent decades it has
spread throughout the world. Malaria is now found in more than 100 Asian, African and other
developing countries worldwide. According to American Mosquito Control Association,
40% of the world’s population is susceptible to malaria and one child is killed by malaria
every 40 seconds. The disease is of particular concern in Pakistan as, according to Country
Coordination Mechanism-Pakistan, it is second most prevalent, serious, and sometime fatal
ailment amongst the top 10 priority sicknesses in the country (CCM-Pak, 2016).
Malaria is caused by biting female mosquitoes of the Anopheles species, of which Anopheles
gambiae is the most active one. They transmit one of four different types of parasites of
the genus Plasmodium into the blood of humans: Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale,
or P. malariae (CDC, 2016). Mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant surface water, pools etc., and
complete their four-stage life cycle in 7 to 20 days. The Anopheles species is mostly active
at night. Transmission and severity of disease depends on location and the age of the
person. High temperatures negatively affect the virulence capacity of Anopheles. Malaria is
not a contagious disease but it can spread from mother to unborn child or through blood
transfusion. Major symptoms include high fever with shivering, headache, nausea, body
pain and weakness.
In Pakistan, malaria is caused by transmission of the parasites Plasmodium malariae, P.
falciparum (12% of cases), and P. vivax (80% of cases) (WHO, 2015c). Transmission occurs in
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

the post-monsoon season (September to November) every year. The major mosquito species
that transmit these parasites are Anopheles culcifacies and A. stephensi (WHO, 2015c). The
mosquito species A. fulviatilis and A. annularis were recently identified in Baluchistan and
the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Mukhtar, 2009). The proportion of cases spread
through P. falciparum in 2013 differed between the regions of Pakistan as depicted in
Figure 3. Between 2010 and 2014, as illustrated in Figure 4, the majority of malaria cases in
Pakistan were due to P. vivax and there was an increase in the incidence of confirmed cases
during this time period (WHO, 2015c). Pakistan’s Directorate of Malaria Control has a goal of
reducing by 75% the malarial disease burden in high, moderate and low endemic districts
of Pakistan by 2020.

Fig.3. Proportion of number of cases spread through P. falciparum in Pakistan in 2013 (adopted from WHO, 2015c).

Fig. 4. Proportion of malaria cases due to P. falciparum, P. vivax and others between 2010-2014 and change in incidence
of confirmed cases between 2000-2014 (adopted from WHO, 2016).
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Temporal variation of malaria is strongly associated with climatological variables like

temperature and average rainfall in the area (Ahmad et al., 2015). Surface water, vegetation,
and mid-season temperature provides habitat for breeding and supports the growth of the
mosquitoes that carry the disease-causing parasites. With changing rainfall patterns and
increases in temperature due to climate change, the population density and geographic
distribution of malaria carrying mosquito species will also be changed. Yi et al. (2014)
have reported on global warming’s effect on mosquitoes, the diseases they transmit, and
their control strategies. They report that higher rainfall can increase vector populations
and transmission of diseases by providing more habitats and breeding places. However,
this increase does not occur under all conditions; floods can have a negative effect on the
density of mosquito populations because floods may wash or destroy their eggs and larvae.
Malaria can be controlled by different methods like chemical, biological, physical, personal
protection measures and environmental management. Environmental management, health
education programs, spraying and protection by different ways can be helpful. Mukhtar
(2010) discussed the method for prevention and control of vectors and related diseases in
detail. Integrated vector management strategies are being applied that are cost effective
and environment friendly. Ahmad et al. (2015) studied the water-based malarial diseases
using modelling techniques and suggest paying more attention to water supply, solid waste
and sewage collection systems, and to include GIS-based surveillance.
Given the changing climate it will be important to monitor the annual parasite incidence in
Pakistan. This need already has been included in government policy. Additionally, it would
be fruitful if climate change impacts on water- and vector-borne parasites could be studied,
along with their control under changing climatic conditions. Such action could reduce the
future of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.

Cholera is a water-borne diarrheal disease caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholera, which
is naturally present in water environments. Vibrio cholera enter into the body through
fecal oral route and is spread through contaminated water and food. It can cause severe
problems if left untreated. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 1.4
to 4.3 million cases of cholera, and 28,000 to 142,000 deaths, occur annually due to this
disease (WHO, 2015a). Two serotypes (O139 and O1) can cause outbreaks. As reported,
V. cholera (O139) was the major cause of illness, particularly among elderly persons and
children. About 80% have minor or mild symptoms but the remaining 20% can have severe
diarrhea along with dehydration (WHO, 2015a). Symptoms include abdominal cramps,
diarrhea, gastrointestinal illnesses but in severe cases causes watery diarrhea along with
other complications. Untreated cases may lead to severe dehydration and death.
According to Naseer and Jamali (2014), not a single case of cholera in Pakistan was reported
to WHO between 1992 and 2005. In 2010, about 99 cases of V. cholera (O1) have been
reported to WHO by the Ministry of Health, with incidence occurring in flood affected
provinces like Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh. According to WHO (2015b), 1,218
cholera cases were reported by Pakistan in 2014 and it remains a public health problem
related to water contamination in the country.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

In developing countries like Pakistan, problems such as urbanization, population growth,

declining water availability and quality, and poor infrastructure are factors that make
them more vulnerable to the occurrence of cholera. This disease is linked with deprived
environmental management and people that have inadequate sanitation facilities, such
as Internally Displaced Persons, travelers (especially children) and pregnant women, are
more vulnerable to this disease. Deterioration of water quality after floods—the occurrence
of which may increase in Pakistan with climate change—and the unavailability of clean
drinking water can increase the risk of cholera and other water-related diseases.
Cholera can be prevented and controlled by adopting better sanitation and clean drinking
facilities, and by establishing better infrastructure and health care facilities in flood affected
areas. Vaccination against cholera can provide short-term relief along with other control
measures. In the long-term, though, there is need for the provision of clean drinking
water, better sanitation and improved environmental management. Cholera can easily be
treated by providing basic health care facilities in affected areas as 80% of cases can be
cured by providing oral rehydration and clean drinking water. Health campaigns and raising
awareness by using modern techniques among the affected people in the local languages
can be the best strategies to control cholera.

Research gaps and recommendations:

Climate change impacts on human health, either through its implications for water quality
or for vector- or water-borne diseases have not yet been well recognized in Pakistan and
few studies focused on its implications for the country have been undertaken. Yet it can be
predicted that with changing climatic conditions, future water quality might be effected
negatively, and that both water-borne and water-related diseases might increase.

Given this observation, the following research gaps have been identified and
recommendations are suggested accordingly:
• Given the large research gap regarding the relationship between climate change impacts
and changes in water quality and water-borne diseases, it is highly recommended to
explore the water quality scenario under changing climatic conditions. Poor water quality
has serious health impacts and it must be explored under current and future climatic
• Empirical studies have been conducted in the past related to the issue of climate change on
water quality in Vietnam and the knowledge gaps suggest that adaptive measure should
be undertaken to avoid mishaps related to climate change in the future (Whitehead et al.,
2009; Hien et al., 2016). Similar studies are suggested on the Indus River and other water
resources in Pakistan. There is need to study the challenges to cope with the risk of water
scarcity, quality with special reference to climate change.
• Globally, less attention has been paid to study the impact of climate change on
bacteriological water quality and few studies have been conducted to assess the water
quality of rivers. Similar studies should be conducted in the future in Pakistan.
• Water quality should be monitored at regular time intervals, especially pre- and post-
extreme weather events and natural disasters and it is recommended that water quality
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

under changing climate change should be included in existing national climate change
and water policy documents.
• Given the important influence of water quality on human health, now and under changing
climatic conditions, greater investment is needed in actions that protect water quality
and water resources, so as to decrease the future of water-borne and related diseases.
• More research is needed on the potential impact of climate change on the abundance
and distribution of water- and vector-borne parasites, such as malaria, dengue fever and
cholera, as well as strategies for their control under changing climatic conditions. Such
action could reduce the future incidence of these diseases.
• Investment is needed in the health care system, particularly in flood affected areas, to
increase its capacity to manage the expected increase in the occurrence of water- and
vector-borne diseases associated with changing climatic conditions.
• Health campaigns and other awareness raising efforts that use modern techniques and
local languages are needed to inform those most at risk of the best strategies to control
malaria and cholera.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action


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The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Appendix 7:

Road maps of potential

options for addressing gaps
A briefing paper prepared as part of the project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the
Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action”
Prepared by: Jo-Ellen Parry, International Institute for Sustainable Development

This appendix provides detailed descriptions of the priority options identified through this
study for strengthening Pakistan’s capacity to undertake the research and action required to
reduce the risks arising from the impacts of climate change on water resources in the Indus
River Basin. Action plans or road maps are presented for the following options:
• Accelerate uptake of sustainable irrigation practices by smallholder farmers
• Strengthening post-secondary education in the area of climate change
• Establishing a central repository of water data and analysis
• Modernizing Pakistan’s streamflow monitoring network

7.1 Road map: Accelerating sustainable irrigation

practices by smallholder farmers

This action will support smallholder farmers in the adoption of more efficient irrigation
technologies and better land management practices in order to improve the efficiency of
water use within the agriculture sector and increase the climate resiliency of the Indus Basin
Irrigation System.

Main elements
This action seeks to increase the ability of small landholder farmers in Pakistan to access
and use water-efficient irrigation technologies and sustainable land management practices
through an integrated and holistic approach that will overcome existing barriers. The action
will promote development of an irrigation system that is:
• Economically sustainable by establishing a well-designed incentive structure that ensures
that appropriate technologies are available to smallholders at an affordable price—
while also encouraging access to private sector finance and the development of local
manufacturing and distribution systems.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

• Socially sustainable by ensuring that the approach increases crop productivity, improves
farmer incomes and livelihood sustainability, and provides more opportunity for
smallholders to be directly engaged in managing the irrigation system.
• Environmentally sustainable by ensuring that the system provides the targeted capacity
building and incentives needed to reverse current trends of groundwater depletion, soil
erosion, waterlogging, and soil subsidence and salinization.
Achievement of these objectives will increase the climate resilience of smallholder farmers
by enhancing their ability to adapt to a more uncertain climatic future and by improving the
resiliency of the irrigation system as a whole.

The main tasks associated with designing an integrated initiative that will achieve these
objectives are:
1. Landscape analysis. A range of actors are currently working to improve the functionality
and productivity of irrigated agriculture systems in Pakistan, prominent among which
are provincial irrigation departments, research institutes (e.g. the Pakistan Agricultural
Research Council), multilateral organizations (e.g. the World Bank), and non-governmental
organization (e.g. World Wildlife Fund). A mapping of these actors, their current and
planned activities focused on supporting smallholder farmers, and the location of
these initiatives will be undertaken as a first step. Information will be gathered through
key informant interviews, complemented by desk-based review of relevant project
documents. This information will provide a baseline against which to develop a new
initiative that complements ongoing and planned initiatives, and avoids duplication.

2. Best practices review. In conjunction with the landscape analysis, a review will be
undertaken of lessons learned regarding the most effective strategies for enabling
smallholder farmers to adopt sustainable irrigation and land management practices.
Through interviews and a review of secondary sources, this assessment will take into
account experiences not only within Pakistan but also in other South Asian countries
facing similar challenges. Particular attention would be given to successful strategies
related to topics such as: smallholder farmers’ capacity to access finance to purchase
appropriate technologies and transition to new agricultural practices, such as through
micro-finance schemes or tailored incentives (subsidies) that are economically, socially
and environmentally sustainable; developing integrated value chains that promote local
manufacturing, marketing and maintenance of appropriate high efficiency irrigation
technologies; building the capacity of agricultural extension workers and farmers; and
community-based management of irrigation systems.

3. Identification of priority needs. Based on a review of federal and provincial government

policies and plans, as well as expert analysis and farmers’ knowledge regarding the
barriers to the uptake of sustainable irrigation systems and practices, priority locations
and interventions for improving smallholder irrigation systems will be identified. This
prioritization process will take into consideration outcomes of the landscape assessment
and best practices review. Economic, social and environmental criteria will be used
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

to determine priority needs, so as to target smallholder farmers that are particularly

economically less privileged and are not currently being supported through other
initiatives. The outcomes of this process would be validated through provincial and local
stakeholder consultation processes.
4. Detailed design of targeted program. A full proposal for a multi-year program of action that
responds to the identified priority needs in a selected location will be developed and
reviewed in a participatory manner. Elements of program are expected to include:
• Strengthening the private sector’s capacity to develop and finance low-cost, high
efficiency irrigation systems, such as drip, bubbler and sprinkler irrigation systems,
so as to foster creation of a permanent local market for these technologies.
• Developing sustainable strategies for providing farmers with access to the
financing needed to purchase appropriate irrigation technologies, such as through
microfinance schemes, targeted incentives and the reform of existing subsidies.
• Delivering farmer field schools to promote among other topics: improved land
management practices such as land leveling and the use of raised bed technology;
soil conservation strategies; planting less water intensive crop varieties; crop water
requirements; and the management and distribution of irrigation water.
• Strengthening the capacity of provincial government officials, including extension
officers, to communicate and work with smallholder farmers to select, use and
maintain sustainable irrigation and land use management practices; and to
effectively and efficiently manage irrigation systems.
• Forming of farmer’ councils to increase community-level management of irrigation
• Strengthening the capacity of research institutes and academia to undertake
applied research that meets the needs of smallholder farmers, and develop
stronger coordination between academia, research and extension departments.
• Communication and outreach at the local level regarding the need to conserve
water and increasing efficiency of its use, particularly as a strategy for increasing
resilience to climate change.

Rationale for selection of this action

Pakistan is rapidly moving from becoming a water stressed to a water scarce country, driven
primarily by factors such as population growth, industrialization, urbanization and the loss
of existing sweet water sources to pollution. Even in the absence of climate change, these
factors will continue to drive increasing water demand and growing competition for a finite
resource. The vast majority of water demand at present comes from the agricultural sector,
largely to support the approximately 14.3 million hectares of land (or about 85 percent of
Pakistan’s cropped area) irrigated through the Indus Basin Irrigation System (USAID, 2009).
The agricultural sector will continue to be the dominant user of water in Pakistan in the
At the same time, Pakistan’s irrigation system is highly inefficient at the canal, watercourse
and field levels, with only about 30 percent of water flowing through the Indus Basin
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

“Without a better understanding of the timing and sources of runoff from the
catchment basins of the upper Indus, the nature and severity of any climate change
impacts cannot be assessed with confidence” (Alford et al., 2016: p.61).

Irrigation System being delivered to farms and farmers at the tail end of the system rarely
getting water (GOP, 2013a). This situation is known to arise from a combination of factors
including aging infrastructure and poor maintenance (Qureshi, 2011; Bhatti et al., 2009),
which in turns stems in large part from weak management, an absence of regulatory
enforcement, and poorly designed financial incentive and recovery systems. Water usage
rates do not reflect the real cost of operating and maintaining the system and recovery rates
of limited, leading to a lack of appropriate, sustained investment in the country’s irrigation
system (GOP, 2013a). Poor design of the system also incents farmers to overwater their
crops, which has led to waterlogging and salinization. Climate change will place additional
pressure on this faltering system. Even in the absence of potential changes in peak flow
patterns and run-off volumes, climate change will expose the system to higher rates of
evapotranspiration and greater damage from extreme weather events.
The need to upgrade, extend and improve the efficiency of Pakistan’s irrigation system, to
both increase resilience in the face of climate change and enhance food security, is widely
acknowledged. Pakistan’s Vision 2025 commits to establishing irrigation policies that
“ensure efficient use of water” (GOP, 2014: p.82) and calls for more effective methods for
water distribution, minimization of wastage, rationalization of pricing, and more efficient
use so as to enable sustainable social and economic development (GOP, 2014). Pakistan’s
National Climate Change Policy and its associated framework for implementation both call
for the rehabilitation and upgrading of the country’s irrigation infrastructure, reducing losses
from the irrigation system, adoption of more efficient irrigation techniques, development of
(financial) incentives for the adoption of efficient irrigation techniques, and using improved
irrigation and land management techniques to enhance crop productivity per unit of water
(GOP, 2012; 2013b). Similar statements and recommendations are contained in the Task
Force on Food Security (2009), National Economic and Environmental Development Study
(2011), and the draft Agriculture and Food Security Policy (2013), amongst many others.
While significant investments are needed to upgrade and expand the existing irrigation
system, there is a complementary need to improve the capacity of smallholder farmers to
adopt water-efficient irrigation technologies and water-conserving agricultural practices
that increase productivity per drop of water used. There is also a need for rationale pricing
policies that avoid the creation of market distortions through poorly designed subsidies
and incentives. Investment in such initiatives will enable creation of the sustainable and
climate resilient irrigation system Pakistan needs to ensure its future water, energy and food

Current status
A number of large projects focused on improving Pakistan’s irrigation system are currently
being implemented with funding from organizations such as the World Bank, the Asian
Development Bank, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Among these initiatives are:

• The Punjab Irrigated Agricultural Productivity Program (US$ 423.50 million) supported
by the World Bank, which is providing farmers with more efficient irrigation systems and
better technologies to improve the efficiency of water use in crop production (World
Bank, 2014).
• The Sindh Irrigated Agricultural Productivity Enhancement Project, for which the World
Bank has approved US$187 million to support more efficient water usage, including
through the introduction of high efficiency irrigation systems (World Bank, 2015).
• The Punjab Irrigated Agriculture Investment Program financed by the Asian Development
Bank, through which upgrades are being undertaken of existing barrages and some
support provided to enhance the capacity of farmer groups to engage in management of
the irrigation system.
• The Gomal Zam Irrigation Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa funded by USAID (US$
76.5 million), which is financing the construction of an irrigation and drainage system
downstream of this dam.
Many of these large projects have a significant infrastructure development and/or
rehabilitation component, with less funding being allocated to working directly with
smallholder farmers. In parallel, efforts to engage farmers in the uptake of high-efficiency
irrigation systems and better land management practices are the primary focus of a number
of smaller initiatives, such as those being implemented by:
• The Climate Change, Alternate Energy and Water Resources Institute of the National
Agricultural Research Centre within the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, which
is developing and testing different water conservation systems and strategies such as
drip and sprinkler irrigation systems, centre pivot sprinkler irrigation systems, furrow-bed
systems, and integrated water resource management (CAEWRI, n.d).
• The Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, which is working to provide
farmers with appropriate technologies and support, such as by: working with more than
100,000 farmers to install drip irrigation systems in Punjab; providing advice on when
and how much water is required by different crops given anticipated weather conditions;
and introducing flow monitors on some irrigation channels (M. Ashraf, personal
communication, June 7, 2016).
• Oxfam Novib’s Inclusive Water Governance Programme, which strives in part to promote
more effective use and better delivery of water resources by encouraging smallholder
farmers to adopt better water use techniques and engage in the operation and
maintenance of water resources (Oxfam, n.d.).
• The Indus Consortium, which is working with smallholder farmers and those at the tail
end of irrigation canals in Punjab and Sindh to improve the governance of local irrigation
systems (H. Jarwar, personal communication, June 2, 2016).
A scaling up of these efforts that directly engage farmers in the adoption of more sustainable
irrigation practices is needed for Pakistan to address its growing competition for a finite
supply of available water resources and vulnerability to climate change.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Expected impacts/ resultS of action

Outcomes from implementation of this action are expected to include:
• Uplifting of the socio-economic conditions of smallholder farmers.
• Improved productivity of staple crops, such as rice, with less water, thereby increasing
food security and strengthening the national economy.
• Reduced vulnerability of small landholder farmers to greater climate variability, including
climate change-driven increases in the risk of droughts, heavy rainfall events, and floods,
and the associated impact of these changes on the timing and volume of water available
for irrigation.
• Protection of fertile land against erosion, waterlogging and salinization due to a decline
in the use of conventional irrigation methods.

Outputs are expected to include:

• Increased uptake by smallholder farmers of water-efficient irrigation technologies due
to improved access to micro-credit, the availability of locally-manufactured appropriate
technologies, and greater knowledge regarding the benefits and effective use of
sustainable irrigation systems.
• Improved land management practices by smallholder farmers.
• Active and well-trained farmers’ councils engaged in the operation and maintenance of
local irrigation systems.
• Improved coordination amongst different provincial and federal government departments
with respect to the adoption, use, monitoring and financing of irrigation systems tailored
to the needs of smallholder farmers.
• Greater awareness within Pakistani research organizations regarding the needs
of smallholder farmers and increased collaboration with provincial government

Key concerns, barriers or challenges

Potential challenges to successful implementation of this action include:
• Successfully designing a program tailored to the specific circumstances of the targeted
region that will achieve the goal of enabling smallholder farmers to overcome existing
economic and social barriers to adopting new agricultural practices and irrigation
• Ensuring complementarity, and avoid duplication, of actions being implemented as
part of current and planned initiatives led by international, federal, provincial and local
• Vested interests who have a desire to maintain existing political and social-economic
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Potential implementation partners

The lead partners to be engaged within this initiative would be provincial departments
responsible for irrigation, agriculture (particularly agricultural extension workers), and
finance as well as local Irrigation and Drainage Authorities. Additional support would be
provided by:
• Federal government entities with responsibilities related to country’s irrigation systems
such as the Indus River System Authority.
• Research organizations such as the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council and the
Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, who would support the development
and dissemination of appropriate technologies and land use management practices.
• Local private sector technology suppliers able to manufacture and sell appropriate high
efficiency irrigation systems at affordable prices.
• Local large landowners, whose support often will be required for effective change to take
• Non-governmental organizations able to support outreach and capacity building with

This action will be implemented through three phases:
• Design phase: a one year to 18-month design phase in which the landscape analysis,
best practices review, priority needs assessment and detailed project design would be
• Pilot phase: a 4 to 5-year pilot phase in which the initiative would be launched in each
Union Council within the selected project location, outreach undertaken with a cross-
section of target villages, farmers’ councils formed, engagement activities undertaken
with the private sector, and capacity building activities undertaken with provincial
government officials and farmers.
• Upscaling phase: a 4 to 5-year phase in which activities will be extended to all villages
in the Union Council, incorporating lessons learned through the pilot phase, and joint
councils are formed that involve very small land holders (those having less than three
acres of land).

Estimated cost of the action

The estimated cost for undertaking this work would be: US$300,000 to US$350,000 for the
design phase; between US$2.0 to $4.0 million for the pilot phase, depending on the scope
of planned activities; and US$4.0 to $8.0 million for the up-scaling phase. This estimate takes
into consideration the previously identified ongoing initiatives in Pakistan as well as the
following additional examples of similar initiatives:
• The Strengthening Irrigation Management System including Agriculture Extension
through Farmers’ Participation in the Punjab Province implemented between 2009
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

and 2013 with financial support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency
(approximately 200 million Yen or about US$ 1.9 million) that aimed to improve the
management and maintenance of irrigations systems in three irrigation zones in
Punjab, and increase water use efficiency and on-farm productivity (Japan International
Cooperation Agency, n.d).
• Horti-Sempre, an income generation project in Mozambique financed by the Swiss
Development Cooperation (€ 4.25 million) that included a component in which farmers
evaluated new micro-irrigation technologies and then support was provided to encourage
the local private sector to make these technologies available (GFA Consulting Group, n.d).
• The Participatory Irrigation Development Programme in Tanzania implemented by the
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). This six year, US$25.3 million
project sought to strengthen irrigation and low-cost water control systems, improve
agricultural productivity, strengthen farmers’ organizations, and improve the capacity of
local institutions to advance smallholder irrigation development (IFAD, n.d.).
• The Irrigation Technology Pilot Project to Face Climate Change project in Jordan (US$4.5
million over four years) which will promote sustainable, reliable and economically
competitive irrigation technologies (IFAD, 2015).

Immediate next steps

• Stakeholder consultations with irrigation departments, extension workers, technology
suppliers, and non-governmental organizations regarding engagement in the initiative
and priority areas for intervention.
• Consultations with bilateral donors regarding their current and planned initiatives.
• Consultations with a cross-section of chairmen of Union Councils and farmer’s
representatives to assess their interests with respect to improved irrigation systems and
observed barriers to their use.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action


Bhatti, A. M., Suttinon, P., & Nasu, S. (2009). Agriculture water demand management in
Pakistan: a review and perspective. Society for Social Management Systems, 9(172), 1-7.
Climate Change, Alternate Energy and Water Resources Institute (CAEWRI) (no date).
Agricultural Water Management Program. Retrieved from
GFA Consulting Group (no date). Horti-Sempre – income generation through microirrigation,
Mozambique. Retrieved from
Government of Pakistan (GOP). (2012). National Climate Change Policy. Islamabad: Ministry
of Climate Change.
Government of Pakistan (GOP). (2013a). Agriculture and Food Security Policy (Draft).
Islamabad: Ministry of National Food Security and Research.
Government of Pakistan (GOP). (2013b). Framework for Implementation of Climate Change
Policy (2014-2030). Islamabad: Climate Change Division.
Government of Pakistan (GOP). (2014). Vision 2025: One Nation – One Vision. Islamabad:
Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform. Retrieved from
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). (no date). United Republic of
Tanzania: Participatory Irrigation Development Programme (PIDP). Retrieved from https://
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). (2015). Jordan: Irrigation
Technology Pilot Project to Face Climate Change. Retrieved from
Japan International Cooperation Agency (no date). Strengthening Irrigation Management
System Including Agriculture Extension through Farmers’ Participation in the Punjab
Province. [web page] Retrieved from
Oxfam (n.d.). Indus Inclusive Water Governance. Retrieved from
Qureshi, A. S. (2011). Water management in the Indus basin in Pakistan: challenges and
opportunities. Mountain Research and Development, 31(3), 252-260.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID). (2009). Pakistan’s Food and
Agricultural Systems. Retrieved from:
World Bank. (2014). Improving Punjab Irrigation: More crops from every drop. Retrieved
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

World Bank. (2015). World Bank Approves US $187 million to Enhance Agriculture Productivity
in Sindh. Retrieved from

Annex: Sample of recent and ongoing irrigation projects in Pakistan

Project Name Objective Funder Timeframe

Sindh Irrigated To improve irrigation water management at World Bank 2015-2021
Agriculture Productivity tertiary and field level in Sindh. (Total: US$ 242
Enhancement Project million)
Additional Financing The objective of the additional financing World Bank 2015-2019
for Sindh Water Sector for the First Phase of Sindh Water Sector (US$ 138 million)
Improvement Phase 1 Improvement Project for Pakistan is to improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of irrigation
water distribution in Ghotki Area Water Board
(AWB), Nara AWB, and Left Bank AWB, all in the
Province of Sindh, particularly with respect
to measures of reliability, equity and user
Punjab Irrigated The projects main objective is to improve World Bank 2012-2018
Agriculture Productivity productivity of water use in irrigated (US$ 423.5
Improvement Program agriculture. This will be achieved through million)
Phase-I improved physical delivery efficiency and
irrigation practices, crop diversification
and effective application of inputs that will
translate into greater agricultural output per
unit of water used. The projects objectives
would contribute to increased agricultural
production, employment and incomes, higher
living standards and positive environmental
Punjab Irrigated The project seeks to promote economic Asian 2007-2016
Agriculture Investment growth, increase farm incomes and improve Development
Program - Project 1 resource sustainability through enhanced Bank
productivity of irrigated agriculture and (US$ 281 million)
improved management of Punjab's water
Punjab Irrigated A new Khanki Barrage will be constructed Asian 2012-2016
Agriculture Investment on River Chenab at 275m downstream of the Development
Program - Project 2 existing khanki headworks. It will replace a 120 Bank
years old existing structure. (US$ 309 million)
Punjab Irrigated Pakpattan Canal and Suleimanki Barrage Asian 2013-2017
Agriculture Investment Improvement Project is located in Punjab Development
Program Tranche 3 Province of Pakistan. Improvement of Bank
Suleimanki Barrage will ensure reliable water (US$ 85.4 million)
supply to 1.01 million ha through its three
canals including Pakpattan, Fordwah and
Eastern canals and will benefit more than
360,000 farming families.
Punjab Irrigated Undertaking infrastructure upgrades, Asian 2015 – 2017
Agriculture Investment complemented by efforts to form farmer Development
Program – Tranche 4 groups, to increase agricultural production Bank (US$ 26.57
and farm income in the Lower Bari Doab Canal million)
command area.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Project Name Objective Funder Timeframe

Jalalpur Irrigation An International organization/NGO will Asian 2013-2015
Project mobilize farmers, establish water users’ Development
groups and manage their training through Bank
participatory consultation and on-site (US$ 900,000)
demonstrations. It will explain the project
objectives, major outputs and outcome to
the farmers. The consultation will help in
implementation on-farm and institutional
components of the project.
Gomal Zam Irrigation The project seeks to provide flood control and USAID 2007-2015
Project round­the­year supply of irrigation water in the (US$ 76.5 million)
Tank and Dera Ismail Khan (D.I.Khan) districts
of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Through this project,
USAID funds construction of an irrigation and
drainage system downstream from the Gomal
Zam Dam situated in South Waziristan. When
completed, the irrigation system will provide
nearly 325,000 acre­feet of water annually to
irrigate 191,000 acres of farm land in KP.
Satpara Development The Satpara Development Project is USAID 2012-2017
Project constructing on­farm irrigation systems on (US$ 20 million)
15,500 acres downstream from the Satpara
Dam in Gilgit­Baltistan. The project is improving
the supply of irrigation water by lining the
primary, secondary and tertiary level water
courses and ensuring efficient water use
through the introduction of drip and sprinkle
irrigation systems. These improvements
increase the productivity and availability of the
region's high­value fruit, vegetable and fodder
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

7.2 Roadmap: Strengthen post-secondary education in the area of

climate change

This action will strengthen climate change education at the post-secondary level in
Pakistan, increasing the number of individuals entering into the work force that have a
committed interest in this issue and the training needed to engage in impact, vulnerability
and adaptation-related research and actions.

Main Elements
The objective of this option is to strengthen the capacity of Pakistan’s post-secondary
education system (universities and technical institutes) to provide training related to
climate change and water studies, as well as sustainable development in a changing climate
more generally. Achieving this objective will require a systematic and long-term approach
that builds the capacity of learning institutions as well as develops the skills of individuals.
Actions will be needed to:
• Develop tailored curriculum in priority scientific and social disciplines
• Strengthen teaching capacity through the development of teaching and practice modules
as well as through the creation of professional development opportunities
• Create learning opportunities for students
• Increase opportunities to share climate change-related research and foster development
of a national community of practice in the field of climate change adaptation
The main tasks associated with the design and implementation of this option are described
1. Stakeholder analysis and engagement. Building on initial work completed as part of this
project, an analysis will be undertaken to identify stakeholders within government and
academia who are or could be involved in strengthening post-secondary education in the
field of climate change, with a particular focus on water-related issues. This will include
national and provincial ministries directly engaged in shaping learning systems as well as
relevant sectoral ministries (water and power, agriculture, infrastructure, health, etc.).
A stocktaking of existing priorities and initiatives will also be undertaken as part of this
step that takes into consideration:
• Existing climate change-related training, programs and initiatives being implemented
at the post-secondary level by universities and technical institutes—to understand
what training is already available, who is delivering this training, its quality and lessons
that have been learned through these ongoing efforts.
• Existing efforts to strengthen post-secondary education and training institutions
more generally, as reflected in national and provincial policies and existing capacity
development initiatives, to better enable alignment with ongoing initiatives.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

This process could be facilitated through a national planning workshop in combination

with expert interviews and a policy review. An outcome of this process will be an
assessment of the potential interest of different educational institutions in strengthening
their capacity to deliver quality climate change-related training, which will be a step
toward identification of key implementation partners.

2. Assessment of learning needs. A needs assessment will be undertaken to gain a deeper

understanding of the climate change-related knowledge and technical skills required
by key sectors and assess their current and future level of demand for these skills. This
information will be used to ensure the development of curricula and climate change
education programs that produce graduates with capacities desired in the work place.
Implemented through focus group discussions, workshops and expert interviews, the
assessment will reach out to federal and provincial government ministries (such as those
responsible for water, health, hydrometeorology and agriculture) as well as the private
sector, research institutions and NGOs that currently are or could be engaged in climate
change and water related research and actions. Key questions that could be asked as part
of this assessment include (Haipaap, Horstbrink & Mackay, 2013):
• What types of functions and tasks related to climate change adaptation need to be
undertaken by individuals within these surveyed organizations and institutions – now
and likely in the near future?
• What skills, knowledge and competencies are needed to undertake these functions
and tasks?
• How sufficient are existing human resource capacities and skills to perform these
functions and tasks?
Priority areas in which to provide learning and skills development will be identified out of
this process. This analysis would complement past efforts to identify priority knowledge
gaps, which suggest that there is a need to build human resource capacities in areas such
as: regional climate modelling, weather forecasting services, numerical weather predictions
(spatial and temporal), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, hydrology,
flood forecasting, hydrometeorology, integrated flood management, glacial monitoring,
climate change monitoring, communications (such as of forecasts and warnings), and
institutional coordination and collaboration (GOP, 2012; WMO, 2010).
3. Assessment of delivery capacities. As effective delivery of education in the field of climate
change depends on the expertise and teaching capacity of knowledge delivery agents
(professors and lecturers), an assessment of the capacities of learning institutions will be
undertaken to determine required learning and skills development needs. The assessment
could be conducted using methods such as document review, focus groups and expert
interviews. Based on similar assessments conducted as part of the UN CC:LEARN program,
guiding questions that could be used in this assessment include (Haipaap, Horstbrink &
Mackay, 2013: p.27):
• “Does the institution offer learning activities or courses on, or related to, climate
change? Which programmes? Which specific topics are covered?
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

• “What expertise do professors/teachers working for the institution have concerning

specific topics of climate change?
• “Is there a specific topic related to climate change that the institution would like to
provide within a programme but currently lacks the human or financial resources to do
• “Has the institution developed any learning materials, training modules, e-learning
courses, etc. relevant for climate change?”
Information gathered through this process would be used to develop a profile of the
existing training being provided in the area of climate change. Through a comparison of
outcomes of the needs assessment completed in step 2 and the assessment of existing
capacities to deliver climate change and water learning opportunities, priority gaps will
be identified.

4. Development of an action plan. Taking into account the identified priority gaps in existing
learning opportunities, an action plan will be developed to support individual learning
and strengthen the capacity of learning institutions through professional and curriculum
development. The action plan should be developed though a multi-stakeholder process
to ensure its continued relevance to both post-secondary education institutions and
potential employers in government, the private sector, etc. The resulting action plan
could be presented in terms of short term (1 to 3 years), medium term (4 to 10 years) and
long-term (more than 10 years) objectives.
Expected elements of the resulting action plan include:
• Preparation of curricula and courses to support professional learning and skills
development for course instructors, professors and researchers.
• Professional development opportunities to increase the capacity of education planners,
curriculum developers and teaching staff to effectively deliver climate change-related
courses and engage in relevant research. This could be achieved through international
exchanges, study tours, and participation in programs such as the Asia-Pacific Network
for Global Change Research’s CAPaBLE program.
• Establishment of climate change-focused curricula and Masters-level associated degree
programs tailored to the needs of different sciences and social sciences disciplines.
• Development of a competitive grants program to promote research in the area of
climate change and water that is designed to address identified priority knowledge
gaps, such as the links between climate change and water quality and health, the
effectiveness of different adaptation options, or ways to promote water conservation
through water pricing or efficient irrigation technologies.
• Provide young researchers with targeted scholarship opportunities to undertake
climate change focused research and training at reputable international higher
education institutions.
• Improve Pakistani teaching staff, researchers and students’ linkages with experts based
at international research institutions through guest lectures and teaching exchange
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

• Create greater opportunities for the dissemination of research within Pakistan, such as
through regularly scheduled climate change research symposiums and establishment
of relevant journals (either print or online).

The action plan will be supported by an implementation framework that clearly defines
responsibilities with respect to:
• Coordination of the activities to be implemented under the action plan
• Implementation of each of the planned activities
• Establishment and implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system, including
identification of a baseline and measurable indicators
• Identification of fund raising strategies

For Pakistan to effectively respond to the impacts of climate change on its hydrological
regime, significant in-country expertise and capacity will be required to monitor and
forecast changes in biophysical parameters, assess the potential ramifications of these
changes for different economic sectors, regions and peoples, and develop and implement
strategies for minimizing expected adverse impacts. At present, however, this in-country
expertise is largely absent—significantly impeding the capacity of Pakistan to understand,
plan for and respond to the threat posed by the impacts of climate change now and in
the decades to come. As stated in the National Climate Change Policy, Pakistan “does not
have enough climate change scientists, modelers, technologists and experts who can
handle international negotiations” and “there is a lack of credible institutions in Pakistan
to deal with comprehensive climate change science, modeling, management, adaptation,
mitigation, and policy issues” (GOP, 2012: 30).
Findings from this study confirm this statement. Only a limited number of Pakistani
researchers were found to have published research conducted in the field of climate change
impacts and adaptation both in peer-reviewed publications and grey literature. The bulk of
available climate change research and analysis pertinent to Pakistan has been conducted
and published by international academic researchers, multilateral organizations, and NGOs.
As well, it was observed that while a number of different organizations in Pakistan reported
that they are engaged in climate change research, their involvement seemed to be more
opportunistic (i.e. driven by available project funding) as opposed to being a principal focus
of their work (exceptions being organizations such as the Global Change Impact Studies
Centre). There is a clear need to increase the number of researchers within Pakistan who are
deeply engaged and interested in pursuing research in this area on its own merit and have
the capacity and opportunity to pursue work in their field of interest.
A central factor impeding the emergence of a robust climate change research community in
Pakistan is the limited attention given to climate change and its implications in the existing
education curriculum. While climate change education needs to be delivered at all levels,
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

a priority concern is the limited availability of robust climate change education within
higher education institutions (universities and technical institutes). This impediment has
been understood for a number of years. The NCCP, for example, cites “limited investment
in climate change education” as a constraint on Pakistan’s capacity to meet the climate
change challenge (GOP, 2012: 30) and calls for the “introduction of the climate change
issue in higher education curricula” (GOP, 2012: x). Strengthening research capacity is also
identified as priority action in the Ministry of Climate Change’s Work Programme for Climate
Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Despite these acknowledgements, efforts to overcome
this recognized capacity gap have so far been limited and a significant ramping up of effort
is required.

Current Status
At present, Pakistanis with expertise in the area of climate change generally have degrees
granted by international universities. In part this situation stems from the fact that no
post-secondary education institution in Pakistan currently offers a Masters or PhD degree
program specifically specialized in the field of climate change, either in the sciences or
social sciences. As well, at present climate change is not offered as an associate degree by
any academic institution in Pakistan.
Climate change is beginning to be taught as part of individual courses, though, in
accordance with the Higher Education Commission’s environmental sciences curriculum
revised in 2013. At the undergraduate level, the curriculum includes a required fourth year
course, “Climate Change,” that provides a general introduction to climate change mitigation
and adaptation, and the possible implications of climate change for society. The course
outline draws particular attention to links between climate change and water resources
management. At the Master degree level, “Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” is
one of four recommended core courses. It is intended to provide graduates with a Master of
Science in Environmental Science with an understanding of the drivers of climate change
and its impacts on different economic sectors and society.
While climate change has been integrated into the Environmental Sciences curriculum,
it remains to be integrated into the curriculum of other disciplines such as agriculture,
engineering and disaster mitigation. Moreover, surveyed experts expressed concern
regarding the degree of expertise of the faculty teaching climate change science within
Pakistan, and the need for better basic education regarding climate system dynamics.
Specific projects underway to strengthen the capacity of Pakistan’s post-secondary sector to
deliver quality education related to climate change are limited. Among being implemented
in this area is the five-year, US$127 million USAID-funded U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced
Studies project officially launched in early 2015 in collaboration with the Higher Education
Commission of Pakistan (Siddiqui, 2015). The objective of the project is to further build a
culture of applied research in Pakistan through actions such as modernization of curricula,
undertaking joint research by US and Pakistani universities, and fostering exchanges
between students and faculty. The partner universities and their focus areas are as follows
(USAID, 2016):
• Water, involving Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, and the
University of Utah.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

• Agriculture / food security, involving the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, and

University of California Davis.
• Energy, involving the National University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, the
University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, and Arizona State University.
As part of this initiative, the Center for Advanced Studies in Agriculture at the University
of Agriculture, Faisalabad, has established five chairs, including a Climate Change Chair
that will undertake analysis related to climate change risks and impact. It will also identify
strategies for achieving climate smart development and maximizing food security. Among
the intended deliverables of the Climate Change Chair are the establishment of an accessible
Climate Data Bank, development of climate scenarios using General Circulation Models, and
developing adaptation and resilience strategies for Pakistan’s agricultural sector (University
of Agriculture, Faisalabad, n.d.). Plans are underway to start a graduate program in 2016
focused on climate change and agriculture intended to attract candidates with background
in areas such as agronomy, agricultural engineering, veterinary sciences, forestry, soil
sciences, plant genetics and agricultural economics.
Activities within the Center for Advanced Studies in Water at Mehran University are focused
on waste water and solid waste treatment, and at present there appear to be no plans to
strengthen teaching related to climate change as part of this initiative. Thus while the U.S.-
Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies project is expected to make a positive contribution to
improve post-education within Pakistan, additional action is needed to enhance education
within the water and climate change nexus across a broader range of institutes.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation is also providing funding to support
the development of a climate change centre at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar.
Established in 2014, the centre has been established to help farmers and other interested
parties access the information needed to mainstream climate change adaptation into
their activities, with a focus on needs in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Its objectives also include
sensitizing relevant University departments and helping them enrich their teaching and
research related to climate change adaptation, and providing research and learning
opportunities for University staff, faculty members and students (University of Agriculture
Peshawar, n.d.). To date the Centre has conducted research related to, for example, the
impacts of climate change on specific crops as well as supported PhD studies (Business
Recorder, 2016).

Expected impacts / results of action

Outcomes arising from implementation of this action are expected to include:
• Improved capacity to meet the needs of the Pakistani work force with respect to
undertaking the activities and analysis required to advance adaptation planning and
mainstreaming efforts.
• Increased knowledge regarding climate change-related risks and vulnerabilities, and
strategies for ameliorating these risks.
Outputs would include:
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

• Greater awareness within higher learning institutions of the relevance of climate

change research to existing disciplines and fields of study
• Further development of relevant curricula and learning materials
• Improved capacity of teachers to teach climate change related issues.

Key concerns, barriers or challenges

Engaging senior officials within government and institutes of higher learning on the need
to strengthen the educational opportunities related to climate change could be challenging
as it is anticipated that many will have limited or no understanding of climate change issues
and concerns.

Potential implementation partners

Key partners are expected to include:
• Ministry of Climate Change, which would play a coordination and facilitation role.
• Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, to support curriculum improvements
or development, enhance teaching capacities, provide technical expertise on
development of education strategies, and support implementation.
• Sectoral ministries and government research institutions at the national and provincial
levels, who would provide input regarding learning needs in their sector.
• Universities and technical training institutes, who will be engaged in implementation.
• NGOs who have experience with climate change training programs and awareness of

The first phase of activity (needs assessments and development of action plan) will be
implemented over a period of 18 to 24 months. The action plan could be implemented over
a period of five years, followed by review and potential revisions and renewal.

Estimated cost of the action

The estimated cost for this initiative is US $1.0 – $2.0 million, depending on the scope of
work undertaken. This estimate based on the funding provided in support of the ongoing
U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies program as well as other comparable initiatives
in other countries:
• The USAID/Uganda Education and Research to Improve Climate Change Adaptation
project, a US$4 million initiative over four years working to build “a hub of academic,
professional development, and research excellence in climate science, climate
adaptation, and related disciplines,” with a priority focus on agriculture (USAID, n.d).
Activities underway within this project include improving undergraduate, graduate
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

and post-graduate education in relevant disciplines and supporting research in the

agricultural sector related to climate change impacts and adaptation.
• The Climate Change Adaptation Research and Capacity Development in Ghana project,
which is working to improve climate change science teaching, research and learning
at the University of Ghana. The International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
provided approximately US$1.0 in support of this project (IDRC, n.d.).
• The Regional Capacity Building for Sustainable Natural Resource Management
and Agricultural Productivity under a Changing Climate project being undertaken
in Uganda, Ethiopia and South Sudan with NOK 18 million (approximately US$2.1
million) in funding from NORAD. Focusing in the areas of agriculture and natural
resource management, the project aims to strengthen the human and institutional
capacities to better enable them to respond to climate. Actions include reviewing
and strengthening academic programs, strengthen research and teaching capacities,
improving educational and research management capacity at the doctoral and post-
doctoral levels, and supporting staff exchange and joint collaborative research.

Immediate next steps

• Ministry of Climate Change to secure the support of the Higher Education Commission
in further efforts to strengthen the provision of post-secondary education related to
climate change.
• Engage in discussions with potential funders of this action.
• Initiate stakeholder engagement process to secure the interest of potential partners,
particularly within the education system.

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research. (no date). CAPaBLE. Retrieved from http://
Business Recorder (2016). SDC launches climate change centre at UAP. Business Recorder
(June 15). Retrived from
Haipaap, A., Horstbrink, A. & Mackay, A. (2013). Guidance Note for developing a National
Climate Change Learning Strategy: Strengthening human resources and skills to advance
green, low emission and climate resilient development. Prepared for the One UN Climate
Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:LEARN). United Nations Institute for Training and
Research. Retrieved from
International Development Research Centre (IDRC). (no date). Climate Change Adaptation
Research and Capacity Development in Ghana. Retrieved from
Government of Pakistan (GOP). (2012). National Climate Change Policy. Islamabad: Ministry
of Climate Change.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Siddiqui, R.H. (2015). US-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies Launched. Pakistan Link.
Retrieved from
United States Agency for International Development (USAID). (no date). USAID/Uganda
Education and Research to Improve Climate Change Adaptation. Retrieved from: https://
United States Agency for International Development (USAID). (2016). Centers for Advanced
Studies Program. Retrieved from
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (no date). Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in
Food Security/Agriculture: Climate Change Chair. Retrieved from
University of Agriculture, Peshawar (no date). Climate Change Centre (CCC): Adaption to
climate change in 21st century. Retrieved from
World Meteorological Organization. (2010). WMO Fact-Finding and Needs-Assessment
Mission to Pakistan, Islamabad, 4-8 November 2010: Mission Report. Retrieved from:
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

7.3 Roadmap: Establish a central repository of water data and


This action will support climate adaptation decision-making and planning by establishing
a centralized, open access data portal through which researchers, scientists, academics and
decision makers can access historic and present standardized surface and ground water
metadata sets, visualizations, and related analysis regarding hydrologic and meteorological
conditions in a changing climate.

Main Elements
The objective of this action is to establish a central online repository for water data,
research and analysis that meets the identified needs of intended users, which are expected
to primarily include researchers based in different research institutes, government
departments, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations. The envisioned
water portal would provide access to hydrology metadata sets (flow rates, withdrawal rates,
quality parameters), visualization products (maps, graphs, tables), climate data (historic
and projections), and a curated library of technical reports, research papers, and policy
assessments pertaining to climate change and water issues in Pakistan. The portal will
make available data for all regions of Pakistan and would be supported by a GIS interface
and content management system to enable access to locally and regionally appropriate
The purpose, content and structure of the platform will be determined based on a clear
understanding of the needs of the intended users of the site. In the absence of such an
understanding, knowledge platforms can be created that provide services that do not meet
the platform’s intended purpose, duplicate efforts compared to what is being undertaken
by others, lead to further gaps in information and knowledge provision, and generally result
in a misuse of resources (Hammill, Harvey & Echeverria, 2013).
The objectives of this action will be achieved through implementation of the following work
1. Best practices review. National governments throughout the world, as well as some
international organizations, have established open data portals that provide access to
streamflow and ground water data. A review of these existing portals will be undertaken
to ensure that the water portal developed for Pakistan is informed by international best
practice. Desk-based analysis will be complemented by interviews with data managers to
better understand issues such as data collection, data access, quality control procedures,
metadata management, access agreements, user protocols, content management
systems, and portal management.
2. Mapping of existing data sources and materials. Through desk-based research and the
stakeholder consultation process, existing water data sets will be identified along with
past research and technical reports related to water and climate change that may be
housed within the portal. Interviews with relevant experts and data managers will also
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

be undertaken to gain a detailed understanding of the collection, quality control and

management practice associated with different data sets.
3. Stakeholder consultations. To ensure that the structure, orientation and content of the
water portal meets the needs of intended users, extensive consultations will be held with
key stakeholder groups through local and national workshops and expert interviews. The
consultations will strive to gain input regarding the type of water-related data required
by researchers, the desired format for providing this data, and issues related to accessing
the data that should be considered. In parallel with this activity, discussions also will
be initiated with data holders regarding their support for the creation of the open data
portal, including the potential inclusion of their data sets.
4. Development of protocols for data quality, access and usage. Quality control and quality
assurance protocols will be developed to ensure the reliability of the data provided
through the established portal. Guidance will be sought from international organizations
when devising these protocols to ensure that requirements of the International
Standard Organizations for certification etc. are fulfilled. Agreements (memorandum
of understandings) with data providers will be negotiated and finalized. Procedures by
which users may access data provided through the site will also be determined. These
procedures will maintain respect for any existing copyrights, intellectual property rights
and data agreements. Drafted protocols and procedures will be reviewed through focus
group discussions with experts to ensure their robustness and validity.
5. Design, review, creation and launch of planned data portal. The structure and content
management system for the portal will be developed, drawing upon knowledge gained
through the best practices review and input from the stakeholder consultations. The most
appropriate institution to host the site will also be determined (potentially the Ministry
of Science and Technology). Draft plans will be presented to stakeholders for feedback
through a national workshop, prior to proceeding with the establishment and official
launch of the portal.
6. Capacity building. Prior to and following launch of the web portal, capacity building
opportunities will be provided to strengthen the ability of personnel to effectively
engage in activities such as adherence to quality assurance and quality control standards,
web portal management, curation of online literature, and user engagement and
feedback processes. The latter might involve the creation of offline knowledge sharing
opportunities hosted by the water portal management team. Such events can serve to
raise awareness about the platform’s services, build users’ trust and knowledge regarding
its content, and serve to share research based on data contained within the portal.

Rationale for selection of this action

Various provincial and federal departments and agencies currently collect water-related
data for different purposes, be it related to streamflow levels, allocations and use for
irrigation, or for water quality monitoring. Researchers monitoring glaciers, snow cover
and meteorological changes in the Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalayan (HKH) mountains
also are generating relevant databases. By and large, however, this data is not publically
available and has not be archived in a format that enables it to be used by future researchers.
Moreover, it has been collected, classified and stored using different approaches, which
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

limits comparability between different sources and the data’s capacity to contribute to
evidence-based policy and decision making.
In light of this situation, data access has been identified as a significant barrier to conducting
research related to hydrology and climate change in Pakistan. Researchers have highlighted
challenges associated with locating available data regarding parameters such as glacial
fluctuations, surface water runoff and ground water levels, as well as published and
unpublished technical reports, research papers and policy analyses. They also have pointed
to the high cost of purchasing data for research, and concerns regarding the quality of
the data that is being provided. This inability to access reliable, quality controlled water
metadata and/or its derived products limits the capacity of researchers to produce the
analysis needed to inform planning for current and future water needs. In turn this limits
Pakistan’s capacity to undertake climate vulnerability assessments and develop federal and
provincial adaptation plans.
Establishment of an open access data portal or repository focused on surface and ground
water resources would help to overcome these challenges. The envisioned data portal
would be accessible to researchers from all regions of Pakistan, and supported by a well-
trained team responsible for timely and accurate updates, the production of associated
knowledge products, and the maintenance of a data and information archives. The site
would also provide access to climate related data, and could eventually contain data related
to natural resources (e.g. forest cover)
The need for such as portal has previously been recommended, with the Task Force on
Climate Change calling for the establishment of a “National Data Bank for climatological,
hydrological, agro-meteorological and other climate change related data to cater for the
needs of all relevant institutions” (GOP, 2010: p.75). This recommendation is reflected in the
National Climate Change Policy, which notes the need to establish a “national clearing-house
for regularly updated climate change related data sharing and networking” (GOP, 2012:
p.32). Moreover, the Framework for implementation of the national climate change policy
identifies the need to establish a “water resources database for knowledge management and
dissemination of necessary information” as part of efforts to ensure that water allocations
reflect changes in sectoral demand spurred by climate change (GOP, 2013: p.23).

Current status
Through national and regional initiatives, data related to topics such as hydrology,
meteorology and glaciology are beginning to be made available through different online
platforms. The amount of information accessible through these platforms, though, can be
limited and not necessarily of specific relevance to Pakistan. The creation of a one window
operation or “one-stop shop” web portal tailored to the needs of Pakistani researchers
that links provincial, national and international data sources would help to overcome this
Some current efforts underway within Pakistan upon which the creation of a new water
data portal could build include:
• Plans to establish an integrated water resources database, the Water Resources
Management Information System, that will be warehoused within the Pakistan Council
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) (within the Ministry of Science and Technology)
with the support of the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The goal of this warehouse
would be to support science-based decision making in integrated water resources
management (USGS, n.d.). PCRWR has initiated establishment of this database, which
is expected to bring together existing data networks into a single system that provides
access to information regarding discharge rates, temperature, rainfall levels etc. The
planned system would build on PCRWR’s existing GIS and database laboratory (PCRWR,
• The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) makes available river flow
information in the current year through its web site, namely: levels, inflow and outflow
for the Indus River at Tarbela dam and the Jehlum River at the Mangla dam; inflow for the
Kabul River at Nowshera and the Chenab River at Marala; and total stream inflows for the
current date, the previous year and the average of the last 10 years. Information is also
provided regarding flows below the Kotri barrage in the current year (WAPDA, n.d.).
• The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) also makes available some real-time data
through its flood forecasting division. This includes daily rainfall data recorded at different
stations for the current and previous month, flow data for the Tarbela and Mangla dams,
and real-time data from five automatic weather stations (PMD, n.d.).

Several international sites also provide access to water resource data for Pakistan, among
which are:
• The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has established
a Regional Flood Information System for the Hindu Kush Himalayan region that provides
access to eight stations located in Pakistan. Online data is provided for a limited period
(e.g. three months) while access to longer data sets can be requested (ICIMOD, n.d.1).
• ICIMOD has also established a geoportal that provides baseline information on the status
of glaciers in the HKH region, disaggregated by major basins and sub-basins, that is
presented in interactive maps (ICIMOD, n.d.2). Access is also provided to snow cover data
in the HKH region (ICIMOD, n.d.3).
• The Water Data Portal of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) provides
a range of water and agriculture related data, including hydrological and meteorological
data as well as hydrological model set-ups. This includes free access to data sets related to
the Indus Basin and historical flood risk maps for the Indus Basin (IWMI, n.d.).
While these sites provide access to some data, better access to longer data sets is desirable
for research and modelling. As well, concern has been expressed that some sites do not
screen the quality of the data collected by others or provide information regarding the
story behind the data presented. Few available sites also provide complementary access to
analysis that interprets the data to make it more accessible to decision-makers, or provide
access to climate change-related research and analysis.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Expected impacts / results of action

Outcomes arising from implementation of this action are expected to include:
• Improved research quality and better evidence for decision-making
• Less redundancy and more efficiency in the collection, analysis and maintenance of
available data.
• Stronger relationships between researchers and data collecting organizations
Outputs are expected to include:
• Water portal able to provide reliable water data presented to a consistent standard for
use in research and analysis.
• Derived products (maps, briefing notes) suitable to meeting the needs of decision-makers
within and outside of government.
• Greater capacity within Pakistan to manage and ensure the quality of metadata sets and
online document curation.

Key concerns, barriers or challenges

Challenges to successful implementation of this action could include:
• Hydrometeorological databases currently exist in the HKH region but typical are not
shared as all data related to streamflow, for instance, has been treated as confidential
information. Countries in the region, including Pakistan, therefore have not produced
readily available, digitized monitoring records for hydrological data in different catchment
basins (Alford et al, 2016).
• Water related data is currently being collected and housed by different federal and
provincial departments and agencies in an uncoordinated manner, leading to a lack of
compatibility in terms of data collection, reporting and storage, along with concerns
regarding data quality and reliability. As well, significant data remains to be put into a
digital format. Integrating these existing data systems and architecture into a coherent
whole will be challenging.
• The ability of government departments and research institutes to access and use the data
portal given current technical limitations such as internet access, processing speeds, and
the cost of data transmission.
• Limited technical capacity to establish and maintain an end user informed data portal
that also curates relevant research and analysis.

Potential implementation partners

The lead partners engaged in formation of the online data portal would be the Ministry of
Science and Technology and its associated Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources,
the Ministry of Climate Change, the Ministry of Water and Power, and the Pakistan
Meteorological Department. Each of the ministries has a central role to play in terms of
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

shaping the objectives of the portal and providing access to existing datasets and research.
The actions should also involve representatives from the following stakeholder groups to
ensure that the developed portal is informed by the needs of its end users:
• Provincial government departments, particularly those responsible for water
management, disaster risk management, irrigation and agriculture.
• Federal and provincial research institutes engaged in research related to climate change
and water.
• Federal agencies such as the Indus River Systems Authority and the Pakistan Bureau of
• Non-governmental organizations engaged in climate change awareness raising and
• International research organizations, such as ICIMOD and IWMI, to ensure complementarity
with existing initiatives.

The best practices review and consultation process will be conducted over a period of six
months to one year, following by development and launch of the portal and completion of
capacity building activities over an additional 12 months.

Estimated cost of the action

The estimated cost for undertaking this work would be US$300,000 to $400,000 to establish
the portal. Additional funds would subsequently be required to enable continuous site
maintenance, upgrading and data access, as well as for outreach and engagement activities.

Immediate next steps

• Collaboration with the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources regarding its
existing initiative to establish a Water Resources Management Information System.
• Ministry of Climate Change to initiate discussions with key ministries and departments,
such as the Ministry of Water and Power and the Pakistan Meteorological Department.
• Mapping of stakeholders to be engaged in the consultation process and selection of
international examples of water portals for examination.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action


Government of Pakistan (GOP). (2010). Task Force on Climate Change: Final Report.
Islamabad: Planning Commission.
Government of Pakistan (GOP). (2012). National Climate Change Policy. Islamabad: Ministry
of Climate Change.
Government of Pakistan (GOP). (2013). Framework for Implementation of Climate Change
Policy (2014-2030). Islamabad: Climate Change Division.
Hammill, A., Harvey, B. & Echeverria, D. (2013). Understanding Needs, Meeting Demands:
A user-oriented analysis of online knowledge broker platforms for climate change and
development. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development. Retrieved
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). (no date 1). Stations –
Pakistan. Retrieved from
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). (no date 2). Status
of Glaciers in the HKH Region. Retrieved from
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). (no date 3). The
MODIS Snow Cover data of HKH Region. Retrieved from
International Water Management Institute. (no date). Water Data Portal. Retrieved from
Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR). (2015). Water Resources
Management Information System (WRMIS). Proposal.
Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). (no date). Flood Forecasting Division. Retrieved
United States Geological Survey (USGS). (no date). Activities of the USGS International Water
Resources Branch. Retrieved from
Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). (no date). River inflow in Pakistan.
Retrieved from
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

7.4 Roadmap: Modernize Pakistan’s streamflow monitoring network

This action will strengthen streamflow monitoring in the Upper and Lower Indus Basins to
ensure the accurate and timely collection of data that can be reliably used to inform decision-
making in sectors such as agriculture, energy, health and disaster risk management.

Main Elements
An enhanced streamflow monitoring network within the Indus River Basin would serve
to improve capacity in Pakistan to identify changes in run-off volumes, prepare near-term
flow forecasts, and develop more robust projections of future hydrological conditions.
The updated network should provide runoff and downstream flow information “over a
sufficient range of catchments with differing input sources” so as to be able to inform “water
resources design and management, hydropower development, flood risk assessment, and
river ecology” (Alford et al., 2016: 69). Strategic installation of individual and networked
streamflow gauging stations also could provide more information that would help to answer
climate change-related questions, such as by supporting assessments of the contribution of
glacial melt, seasonal snow melt and rainfall to streamflow (Alford et al., 2016).
The objective will be achieved by implementing the following steps:
1. Needs assessment. Implementation of this action would begin by documenting the
current status of Pakistan’s streamflow monitoring system and undertaking a complete
assessment of its suitability in light of international standards and the need to improve
understanding of climate change impacts. Questions that may be answered include
the desired objectives of the strengthened system, the locations in which data gaps are
most critical, and the types of technology best suited to local conditions and needs. The
assessment will also identify institutional and human resource capacity gaps and needs
that should be addressed. This information will be gathered in part through a stakeholder
engagement process involving leading individuals from government agencies such as
the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), government research institutes,
international researchers, and potential funding agencies.
2. Development of a detailed strategic implementation plan. Taking into consideration the
desired scope and objectives of a strengthened system and the identified shortcomings
of the current system, a detailed plan for revitalizing Pakistan’s streamflow monitoring
system will be developed in collaboration with agreed partners. The plan will identify
a strategic, stage-by-stage process for improving the monitoring network over time.
Central questions will be addressed such as: prioritization of efforts (i.e. where to first
upgrade or install monitoring systems); selection of instruments and determination of
their placement; development of required human resources and institutional capacities;
determination of strategies for instrument maintenance; and processes for data access,
synthesis, digitization, analysis, storage and sharing (Alford et al., 2016). Attention could
also be given to options for improving transboundary data sharing on a real time basis.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

3. Capacity building activities. To enable implementation of the developed strategic plan,

a capacity building strategy will be elaborated in collaboration with key stakeholders.
This strategy could include workshops on appropriate data collection processes,
standard operating procedures for different monitoring stations, or on the use of specific
technologies. The strategy also could include the development and implementation of
training for local villagers in high altitude locations as research assistants and technicians.
Engaging local people in routine data collection and equipment maintenance and repair
would not only provide benefits in terms of timeliness of data collection and cost savings
(Alford et al., 2016) but would also generate local jobs and economic opportunities that
could slow out-migration from the region.
4. Strengthening information dissemination. A key objective of the improved streamflow
monitoring system should be to make reliable data available to researchers and decision-
makers. This could be enable through the development of an open data portal, as well as
forecasts and projections in formats tailored to the requirements of end users. Capacity
to identify information needs and prepare appropriate knowledge products should be
enhanced in conjunction with the extension and upgrading of the streamflow monitoring

Rationale for selection of this action

A robust and reliable streamflow network is essential to the generation of data regarding
water resource availability in the short-, medium- and long-term, and the monitoring of
changing trends in water availability, which is required to inform sectoral planning and
action. A lack of basic data can lead to erratic water planning, deficient initiatives, and
unsustainable practices (Asian Development Bank, 2014). It has also been observed that
greater transparency regarding water availability, distribution, accounting and measurement
has the potential to build trust between different actors (World Bank, 2008).
At present, however, Pakistan’s watershed monitoring system is inadequate and its need for
strengthening has been previously acknowledged by the federal government. Pakistan’s
Framework for implementation of the national climate change policy draws attention to
the need to strengthen Pakistan’s existing network of river and stream gauges to improve
the provision of real-time water availability readings to the Indus River System Authority.
It notably sets forward a strategy for “Strengthening the present hydrological network
to monitor river flows and flood warning systems” through the completion of an initial
assessment, development of a response plan, and seeking opportunities for real-time
transboundary hydrological data sharing (GOP, 2013: p.18).
The recently completed survey of individuals and organizations engaged in research
pertaining to climate change and water resources again emphasized the need for better
access to credible watershed data. The need to strengthen human and technical capacity
within the country to collect, analyze and develop forecasts using globally established
procedures was also noted. Studies completed by the World Bank and the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) have also drawn attention to the need for transparent,
real-time water delivery measurement systems and for enhanced capacity in the Indus
River Authority and WAPDA related to decision-support systems, data management, and
hydrological modelling for river and flood forecasting to be enhanced (WMO, 2010; Yu et
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

al., 2013). A general lack of procedures for data management has been cited as key reason
for stream flow data in mountain basins not being readily available in Pakistan (Alford et al.,
Of particular concern is the absence of an adequate streamflow network in the Upper
Indus Basin. Current research indicates that the primary zones for specific runoff, total
runoff volume, ice cover area and glacial ablation occurs within the altitudinal zone of
3,000 to 6,000 meters above sea level. However, the vast majority of hydrometeorological
monitoring stations across the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region are located below 1,000 metres
above sea level. As such it has been recommended that efforts to strengthen monitoring
stations occur within this zone (Alford et al., 2016), with the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
recommending 35 hydrological monitoring stations be established in high elevation areas
of the Upper Indus Basin to meet optimum observational demands (ADB, 2010).
Additionally, a lack of monitoring stations in main, branch and distribution channels of the
Indus Basin Irrigation System has also been cited as a data gap (Archer et al., 2010; Briscoe
& Qamar, 2007). This lack of flow measurements drives the use of simple time-based water
allocations practices, which limits capacity to sustainably regulate flow in the system.

Current status
Efforts are underway in Pakistan that seek to strengthen the water monitoring network and
capacity within the Indus Basin, including:
• The World Bank is currently funding the second phase of the“Water Sector Capacity Building
and Advisory Services Project”. The first phase (US$38 million in 2008-2016) provided
modern tools to federal water management institutions, improved the management
skills of their staff, and undertook targeted studies to inform policy development. The
second phase of activity (US$35 million in 2016-2021) will support scaling up of ongoing
activities. Priority aims are to strengthen the Indus’ systems institutional and regulatory
framework and improve technical capacity (e.g. for physical and numerical modeling)
in the Ministry of Water and Power, WAPDA, the Indus River System Authority, and the
Water Section of the Planning Development and Reform Division (World Bank, 2015). The
project has supported upgrading of five telemetry stations, and is expected to upgrade
five more by 2021 (World Bank, 2016).
• WAPDA has established a Glacier Monitoring Research Centre as part of the Tarbela 4th
Extension Hydropower project (2012-2018, US$6.0 million) financed by the World Bank
(Climate Himalaya, 2011; Hashmi, 2013) that aims to monitor glaciers in the Upper Indus
Basin to inform water resource management decisions in light of climate change (Alford
et al., 2016). It will conduct mass balance studies for five major glaciers in the Upper Indus
Basin, monitor changes in 52 large and medium glaciers, install six new High Altitude
Automatic Meteorological Stations, and forecast future water availability (Hashmi, 2013).
The German Development Bank (KfW) is presently funding construction of office buildings
for the Centre in Lahore and Skardu (WAPDA, 2016).
It is unclear the extent to which these initiatives are or plan to invest in improved streamflow
monitoring stations in the Upper (or Lower) Indus Basin.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Expected impacts / results of action

Outcomes arising from implementation of this action are expected to include:
• More informed planning and decision-making based on improved access to reliable
streamflow data, forecasts and projections.
• Greater understanding of the changes in streamflow occurring in the Indus Basin,
particularly the Upper Indus Basin
• Refined capacity to assess availability of future supply against estimates of future demand.
• Increase in local employment and economic opportunities, particularly in the Upper
Indus Basin.
Outputs would include:
• Increased and more reliable streamflow data
• Greater human resources and institutional capacity to engage in data collection, analysis,
processing, storage and sharing.

Key concerns, barriers or challenges

Establishment of a robust streamflow monitoring network in the Upper Indus Basin will
be challenged by natural factors such as the region’s topography and climatic conditions.
Maintenance of the stations once established could also be problematic given the difficulties
associated with having government officials undertake missions to remote locations for
several weeks, particularly if there is no provision for extra allowances for work completed
under harsh conditions (Alford et al., 2016). Security concerns will likely also be a barrier in
particular areas of the basin.

Potential implementation partners

Key partners within the federal government are expected to include: the Ministry of Climate
Change, the Ministry of Water and Power, the Water and Power Development Authority, the
Pakistan Meteorological Department, the Indus River System Authority and National Disaster
Management Authority. Additional implementation partners would include national and
international researchers as well as multilateral organizations involved in research and
activities in the Upper Indus Basin such as the World Bank and the International Centre for
Integrated Mountain Development.

The initial assessment and planning phase of activity would be completed over 12 to 18
months. The timeframe for subsequent phases of work would be determined in the detailed
implementation plan.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Estimated cost of the action

The assessment phase of the project could require $200,000 to $300,000 to implement.
The potential cost associated with implementation of the improved system will need to
be determined based on factors such as the number of gauging stations required, the
technology selected, and the desired location of new installations.

Immediate next steps

• Engagement of the Ministry of Water and Power, the Ministry of Climate Change and
WAPDA in leading design and implementation of the initiative.
• Initiation of a review of current status of the existing hydrological monitoring system in
relation to international standards and prior recommendations.

Alford, D., Archer, D., Bookhagen, B., Grabs, W., Halvorson, S., Hewitt, K., Immerzeel, W.,
Kamp, U. & Krumwiede, B. (2016). Monitoring of Glaciers, Climate, and Runoff in the
Hindu Kush-Himalaya Mountains. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group. Report No.67668-
SAS. Retrieved from
Archer, D. R., Forsythe, N., Fowler, H. J., & Shah, S. M. (2010). Sustainability of water resources
management in the Indus Basin under changing climatic and socio economic conditions.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14(8), 1669–1680.
Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2010). Glacial Melt and Downstream Impacts on Indus
Basin-Dependent Water Resources and Energy. Retrieved from
Asian Development Bank (ADB). (2014). Water Balance. Achieving Sustainable Development
through a Water Assessment and Management Plan. The Case of Federally Administered
Tribal Areas, Pakistan. Retrieved from:
Briscoe, J. and Qamar, U. (2007). Pakistan’s Water Economy Running Dry. Karachi: Oxford
University Press. Commissioned by World Bank.
Climate Himalaya. (2011). WAPDA gets WB funding for glacier monitoring and research
centre. Retrieved from
Government of Pakistan (GOP). (2013). Framework for Implementation of Climate Change
Policy (2014-2030). Islamabad: Climate Change Division.
Hashmi, D. (2013). Initiatives of the WAPDA in Monitoring Upper Indus Basin. Retrieved from
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Water and Power Development Authority (WADPDA). (2016). WAPDA seeks NCA support to
develop concept design for GMRC buildings. Retrieved from
World Bank. (2008). Project Information Document: Water Sector Capacity Building and
Advisory Services Project (WCAP). Retrieved from:
World Bank. (2015). World Bank approves Pakistan loan for energy, water, climate. Press
release. Retrieved from
World Bank. (2016). Water Sector Capacity Building & Advisory Services Project (WCAP)
(P110099): Implementation Status & Results Report: Sequence 19. Retrieved from http://
World Meteorological Organization. (2010). WMO Fact-Finding and Needs-Assessment
Mission to Pakistan, Islamabad, 4-8 November 2010: Mission Report. Retrieved from:
Yu, W., Yang, Y., Savitsky, A., Alford, D., Brown, C., Wescoat, J., Debowicz, D., and Robinson, S.
(2013). Executive Summary. In The Indus Basin of Pakistan: The Impacts of Climate Risks
on Water and Agriculture. Washington, DC: World Bank.
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Appendix 8: National Symposium

Overview of the National Symposium on “The
Vulnerability of Pakistan Water Sector to the
Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps
and recommendations for action”
A briefing paper prepared as part of the project “The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the
Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action”

June 2016
Prepared by: Dr. Saeed A. Asad
Centre for Climate Research and Development, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad

To support achievement of “The Vulnerability of Pakistan Water Sector to the Impacts of
Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action” project’s planned
objective of increasing comprehension amongst the people of Pakistan regarding how
climate change could alter the future availability of water resources, a one-day symposium
was organized on May 31, 2016, in Islamabad by project partners. The Symposium aimed to:
• Provide an opportunity for Pakistani researchers working in the water resources and
climate change fields to share their research on projected changes in water supply and
water demand, along with the potential socio-economic implications of these changes
and possible solutions.
• Share the project’s findings with researchers and policy makers in Pakistan, providing
them with up-to-date knowledge regarding how Pakistan’s water resources are expected
to be affected by climate change, potential risks to key sectors, and priority information
and knowledge gaps.
To address these objectives, a call for papers was extended to experts from government
research institutes, academia and non-governmental organizations working in the climate
change and water fields, as well as representatives from federal and provincial government
ministries. As limited research is being conducted in the climate change and water nexus in
Pakistan, a limited response was observed in terms of the number of papers submitted in
response to this call. Moreover, many of the papers were not of a high quality. This experience
reflects the limited extent to which climate change is currently being addressed at both the
policy and research levels in Pakistan.
After rigorous review, nine of the 32 papers submitted in response to the call for abstracts
were selected for presentation at the national symposium. The agenda for the day was
organized around three themes: water supply, water demand and policy analysis. Three
presentations for each of the three themes were chosen from the nine selected abstracts.
Additionally, a keynote lecturer was invited to speak at the start of each of the three themes.
The keynote speakers were Dr. Ghulam Rasul (Director General, Pakistan Meteorological
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Department), Dr. Bashir Ahmed (National Agricultural Research Centre) and Mr. Shams ul
Mulk (ex-Chairman of the Water and Power Development Authority). The final agenda for
the national symposium is provided in the Appendix of this briefing paper.

Approximately 130 delegates from throughout the country participated in the National
Symposium. The Chief Guest was His Excellency Mr. Stefano Pontecorvo, Ambassador of
Italy in Pakistan. The accompanying guests were: Dr. Domenico Bruzzone, Head of Italy’s
Development Cooperation Agency in Islamabad; and Syed Abu Ahmad Akif, Federal
Secretary, Ministry of Climate Change, Islamabad. The event’s other participants represented
federal and provincial governments ministries/departments, national and international non-
governmental organizations, academia, students and research institutions. Participating
federal government ministries included the Ministry of Climate Change, Ministry of Water
and Power, Ministry of National Food Security and Research (federal water management cell),
National Disaster Management Authority (Islamabad), Pakistan Environmental Protection
Agency, Water and Power Development Authority, Pakistan Meteorological Department,
National Engineering Services Pakistan (Lahore), Pakistan Agricultural Research Council,
Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture (Peshawar), Baluchistan Agricultural Research
and Development Centre (Quetta), and the Water Management Training Institute (Lahore).
Academia and research students from the following institutions also attended the symposium:
International Islamic University Islamabad, Bahria University Islamabad, National University
of Science and Technology Islamabad, COMSATS University Islamabad, and the Fatima
Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi. As well, representatives from the following national
and international non-governmental organizations participated: the International Union for
Conservation of Nature, LEAD-Pakistan (Islamabad), Ev-K2-CNR, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation
Fund, Health and Rural Development Services Foundation, Oxford Policy Management
(Islamabad), and Sugag Sansar Organization (Sindh). They actively participated in the
symposium and greatly appreciated the organization of a learning activity addressing one
of the core issues of Pakistan.

Outcomes of the symposium:

The main points arising from the questions raised by the audience following each thematic
session focused on how Pakistan’s vulnerability to climate change is constraining its already
limited ability to conserve water. In the future, the changing climate means that business-as-
usual practices will no longer guarantee the country’s water and food security given that per
capita water availability is already very low. Stakeholders need to consider climate change
and the country’s predicted vulnerability to this process to fully understand Pakistan’s
position when mapping plans for its current and future water resources. The conclusions of
the discussions held during the symposium confirmed that climate change and its impacts
on Pakistan’s water availability and agricultural productivity pose a serious threat to the
country’s food and water security.
Presentation focussing on water demand under changing climate scenarios (such as
increasing temperatures and precipitation rates) warned that under unaltered conditions
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Pakistan’s agriculture sector, the major consumer of water resources, will bear irreparable
losses with reduced productivity of staple crops of up to 20% by 2050. Other key messages
delivered by the symposium’s speakers and participants were as follows:
• Climate change is a cross-cutting issue not to be ignored; it requires the immediate
attention of policy makers and researchers so as to be incorporated into the planning
and management activities of all sectors.
• Pakistan’s present state of per capita water availability is one of the biggest threats to
attaining food security.
• Water availability is an important predictor of adaptation and a key driver of agricultural
productivity and sustainability.
• The actual brunt of climate change is faced at the farm level. There is a strong need to
build capacity, in both human and financial terms, to increase resilience at the farm level.
• Rain water harvesting and water conservation at the household level are areas that
have been neglected so far; implementing these practices may stop the country from
becoming classified as “water scarce” in the immediate future.
• Building water reservoirs to store flood water and provide water during dry spells was
emphasized as a priority action for making the country more water- and food-secure.
• The need to build the ability of farmers to adapt to a changing climate and enhance their
capacity to adopt high efficiency irrigation system (which could save 50% of the water
needed for irrigation) was highlighted.
At the end of the symposium, Ms. Tracy Vienings, Deputy Country Director, UNDP, thanked
all the participants for their attendance and contributions, and appreciated the efforts of all
the partners for making this event a success.

Photo credit: UNDP. Additional photos from the National Symposium may be
accessed at:
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

Appendix A: Final Agenda for National Symposium

The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the
Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps
and recommendations for action
Date: May 31, 2016; Time: 0900 - 1600 Hours; Venue: Shamadan Hall-II, Serena Hotel, Islamabad.

S.No Agenda Items Time

1 Arrival of delegates and registration 09:00
2 Guests to be seated 09:25
3 Recitation of Holy Quran 09:30
4 Welcome address by H.E. Mr. Stefano Pontecorvo, Ambassador of Italy in Pakistan 09:35
5 Welcome Remarks by Dr. Domenico Bruzzone, Head - Italy’s Development Coopera- 09:45
tion Agency/ AICS - Islamabad
6 Opening Remarks by Ministry of Climate Change 09:50
7 Presentation by IISD and CCRD on water project 10:00
8 Discussion/ Q&A Session 10:30
9 Tea Break 10:50
Theme 1: Climate change and water supply in the Indus basin
Moderator: Ahmed Kamal
10 Keynote Lecture by: Dr. Ghulam Rasul, Director General, Pakistan Meteorological 11:10
11 Climate Change Impact on Water Resources of Upper Indus Basin: Challenges & Op- 11:30
tions for Risk Management
Speaker: Dr. M. Arshad Ashraf, NARC, Islamabad
12 Statistical Downscaling of GCM Output for Estimation of Discharge for Impact Studies 11:42
under Climate Change
Speaker: Engr. Dr. M. Mahboob Alam, Iqra National University, Peshawar
13 Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Groundwater of Quetta Valley 11:54
Speaker: Imran Hameed Durrani, Baluchistan University of Information Technology
Engineering & Management Sciences, Quetta
14 Discussion/ Q&A Session 12:06
Theme 2: Climate change and water demand for agriculture, energy and health
Moderator: Jo-Ellen Parry
15 Keynote Lecture by: Dr. Bashir Ahmed, Principal Scientific Officer, Climate Change, 12:20
Alternative Energy and Water Resources Institute, National Agricultural Research
Council, NARC, Islamabad.
16 Climate Trends and Its Impact on Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agriculture 12:40
Speaker: Dr. Samreen Babar, Bahria University Islamabad
17 Climate Change impacts on Water Demand of Various Sectors 13:52
Speaker: Dr. Zaigham Habib, Independent consultant, Islamabad
18 Water Resources of Kachho and Future Situation in the context of Climate Change 13:04
Speaker: Gulsher Panwher, Sujag Sansar Organization, Karachi
The Vulnerability of Pakistan’s Water Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change: Identification of gaps and recommendations for action

19 Discussion/ Q&A Session 13:16

20 Lunch 13:30
Theme 3: Policy analysis - Knowledge gaps and recommendations for action
Moderator: Amanullah Khan
21 Keynote Lecture by: Engr. Shamsul Mulk, Ex-Chairman, Water and Power Development 14:30
Authority (WAPDA)
22 National Climate Change Policy of Pakistan and Future Water Management 14:50
Speaker: Dr. Seeme Mallick, Center for Climate Research and Development CCRD,
COMSATS Islamabad
23 Water Related Vulnerability of Agriculture Sector to Climate Change in Pakistan 15:02
Speaker: Dr. Amir Raza, Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture, Peshawar
24 Studying Detriments to WASH Response in Vulnerable Women Populations during 15:14
Flood Emergencies in Pakistan: A review of interventions from a climate risk lens
Speaker: Mr. Ehsen Gulsher, Nur Center for Research and Policy, Fatima Memorial
System, Lahore
25 Discussion/ Q&A Session 15:26
26 Any other items with permission of the Chair 15:41
27 Closing remarks by UNDP/ MoCC 15:50
28 Tea/ Departure of delegates 16:00

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