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Organic Chemistry



1. When NaCl heated its particles remain the same there was no changes happened
because sodium chloride has its heat absorption properties in which salt has the very high
boiling point of 800.8o C because of this high boiling point salt or NaCl absorb heat very
effectively because of its particular physical and chemical properties. When sucrose heated
caramelization occur. Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. When dry
sucrose is heated to its melting /decomposition point, then more complex things happen.
Significant amounts of glucose are initially detected. Continue heating leads to
"caramelization". Caramelization is a condensation process where water is eliminated from
sucrose; the initial loss of water is followed by isomerization and polymerization. When this
complex mixture is cooled, it is no longer sucrose.
2. C12H22O11+O2 12O2 + 11H2O
3. For the substance to conduct electricity there needs to be a charged species that can “move”
freely. In metals there are delocalised electrons and in solutions we have ions. Inorganic
substances are for example HCl or HI but they do not conduct electricity. The reason is that
there are no charged particles present thar could transfer the charge.
5. C3H8 + 2O2 3C + 4H2O + Heat
6. Because of the CO2 from the breath reacts with lime water CaCO3 is formed.
7. a. HCl ------- Green
b. Kl---------- Violet
c. CHCl3----- Green
d. KBr-------- Orange
8. Pb (aq) + SO4 (aq) PbsSO4 (s)


1. Dichloromethane is organic solvent used to extract caffeine from aqueous extract of
tea powder because caffeine is more soluble in dichloromethane (140mg/ml) than it is in
water (22mg/ml).The dichloromethane - caffeine mixture can then be separated on the basis
of the different densities of dichloromethane and water because dichloromethane is much
denser than water and insoluble in it. Resulting the caffeine to dissolve into the
dichloromethane which will be extracted.

2. It works on the principle that solids have a weak intermolecular force hence a higher
vapour pressure which converts it into directly vapour state. It is applicable in forensic
science, purification of compounds and frost-free refrigeration. Then, Sublimation is a process
in which a solid turns directly into gas without passing into liquid state.
(Please observe attachments for the drawing/illustration)


1. Four Criteria of a Good Solvent in recrystallization.
1. 1. The solvent should be volatile.
1.2. The solvent should dissolve soluble impurities well at room temperature.
1.3 .The solvent should not dissolve insoluble impurities even at the solvent’s
boiling point. These insoluble impurities can then be removed by gravity filtration.
1.4. The solvent must not react with the substance to be purified.
2. The principle behind recrystallization is that the amount of solute that can be
dissolved by a solvent increases with temperature. In recrystallization, a solution is created by
dissolving a solute in a solvent at or near its boiling point. At this high temperature, the solute
has a greatly increased solubility in the solvent, so a much smaller quantity of hot solvent is
needed than when the solvent is at room temperature. When the solution is later cooled,
after filtering out insoluble impurities, the amount of solute that remains dissolved drops
3. Colored impurities present in the most organic substances may be removed by the
addition of animal charcoal or boneback which absorb impurities. Upon cooling, the organic
compound separates in crystallization from leaving soluble impurities.
4. In gravity filtration, the flow rate is maximized by using fluted filter paper. Usually, a
wide bore short stemmed funnel is used. The solution, while still in the funnel is kept warm by
the use of a hot water funnel or by heating the receiving flask containing a little solvent.
Atmospheric pressure then forces the liquid through the filter. These techniques help avoid
premature crystallization which occur when hot solution is quickly cooled upon contract with
the filter paper.
5. It is useful in supporting the identification of a compound, as well as serving as a
rough guide to the relative purity of the sample.
6. Please observe attachments for the drawing/illustration
7. Solid organic compound have impurities that proved that it affect the melting point of
solid by lower the melting point by disrupting the pristine crystal lattice and it affect the liquid
by raising its boiling point as the solution phase entropy. it raises the boiling point of liquid
and lowers the melting point of solids.
8. Please observe attachments for the drawing/illustration
9. Distillation is a widely used method for separating mixtures with impurities based on
differences in the conditions required to change the phase of components of the mixture. To
separate a mixture of liquids, the liquid can be heated to force components, which
have different boiling points, into the gas phase.
10. Distilled water is usually used in all experiments in laboratories because of its purity, there
is no impure substance left for it undergo the distillation process in which impurities was remove. Also,
it used as a cleaning agent for the apparatus and any laboratories equipments that already used in lab.

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. F
10. T

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