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1. Describe a leisure activity you like doing in your free time.

You should say:

 what kind of activity it is
 how often you do it
 who you do it with
And explain why you enjoy doing it.
Dear ABC,
It’s Đình Linh here, long time no see. How do you do these days? I’ve heard that
you are doing well at university. I want to write to you about my free time in VN
Military Medical University.
As you know, I am an person so I spend most of my free time in room. After class
and exam revision, I’m keen on practicing the guitar and singing although my
voice is not very smooth. I love music, it help me relax and calm down after stress
and also makes me feel happier, so I want to play some instrument. I’ve learned to
play the guitar myself for 3 years, to improve my skill I used to practice 4 times
per week, but now just 1-2 times/week due to my studying here. It’s fun when me
and a friend in dorm play the guitar together, it’s really mood sharing. We often
help each other in practicing too. Sometimes I’ll play the guitar and they sing along
together. It must be one of my best memory here.
How about your free time in university? I’m looking forward to hearing from you
2. Describe how you usually spend your allowance
You should say:
 Where you get your allowance
 What you usually spend it on
 How much you can save a month
And explain if your allowance is enough for you or not.


Lovely to hear that you are doing well there. It’s interesting to know that your
school have allowance like mine and thanks for sharing how you use it with me.
Now I will talk about my allowance every month.
Since being a student of Vietnam Military Medical University, I receive allowance
like any soldier-student here from school, it’s about 800 thuosands dong per
month. It’s not a big amount, but it helps me to reduce finance’s pressure. I’m not
keen on shopping very much, and I don’t have to worry about eating and living
problem due to student policy here, so I usually use my allowance for day-off with
friend, eating out or to buy some presents for my family. I also spending money on
growing a cat, which is my favourite pet. Most of time I am at school, so I can save
a little bit too, just about 100-200k/month. This saving amount will be spent on
birthday gift and buying ticket to my hometown, sometimes in emergency case.
Now winter is coming, maybe I’ll have to buy some coats and jumpers.

Hope to see you soon,


3. Describe an art and craft activity you did at school

You should say:
 What it was
 What you did for this activity
 Who you did it with
And explain how you felt about this activity.

Dear ABC,
How are things in university? I’ve heard that you have joined some club there, it
seems funny. I want to share with you about my club at VMMU too.
Since I want to make more friend and become more dynamic, I decided to participate
in some club at school. As you know, I like dancing very much, so I and my room
mate registered for the Dancing Club named XXX. I have to prepare one perfomance
for the recruitment day so I practiced a lot in one week for it. Fortunately, I passed and
becom an offical member now. Our club practice three times per week, we also
perfome in some big events at school. I have made lots of new friends in this club,
they are very interesting and funny, we usually help each other to improve dancing
skills, sometimes we go out for dinner or party too. I think XXX is a very good choice
and I’m luckily to be here with them. I’ve learned a lot from them and have so many
memorable moments.
How about you? Do you have any craft activity at school?
Best wishes,

4. Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.

You should say:
 when and where you had the dinner
 what you had
 who you went with
and explain why you enjoyed the dinner.

Dear mom,
Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry I haven't written for so long but I've been really
busy studing English to pass B1 test. It's great to hear that you and dad are fine. I want
to share with you about my recent day-off.
Last weekend I have a met with my old friends, they were in the same class with me
in secondary school. We haven’t met for 3 years and decided to go out for dinner at
the weekend. We have dinner at a Korean buffet restaurant in Thanh Xuan district. It’s
a wonderful meal with lots of delicious dishes which I haven’t had for long time. We
ate and talked a lot about our memories, I was really excited because of good food and
good friends. We had a great nigh and what surprised us the most was the really low
price and well service. Hope I can take you to that restaurant some day.
I have to get back to work now. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

5. Describe a method to save money

You should say:
 What the method is
 When you started to use it
 How you knew it
and explain why it is helpful.
Dear ABC,
Thanks for writing to me last week, I’m so pleased to hear that you have a part time
job now. As you want to save the money for your holiday, I would like to share you
some of my tips!
Saving money is what most of people, especially student like us want to do, but not
everyone can do it well, and I’m trying to find out the best way for me too. My
finance comes from allowance of school and supported from family. I’m not keen on
shopping very much, and I don’t have to worry about eating and living problem due to
student policy here, so I can save a little bit. I only spend money on what i really need
like books for studying, some clothes and sometimes gift for friends/ family. I usually
use online saving on internet banking. Every month I’ll send about 100-200k to my
online saving wallet, it’s hard to take the money out until the end of the period. I have
shared this tip to some of my room mates and it really work!
Lots of love,

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