Tuberculosis Associated Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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Tuberculosis associated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Article · February 2017


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4 authors, including:

Malay Sarkar Irappa Vithoba Madabhavi

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Received: 24 December 2016
| Revised: 3 January 2017
| Accepted: 26 February 2017
DOI: 10.1111/crj.12621


Tuberculosis associated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Malay Sarkar1 | Srinivasa2 | Irappa Madabhavi3 | Kushal Kumar4

Department of Pulmonary Medicine,
Indira Gandhi Medical College, IGMC,
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India Objectives: Reviewed the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, mechanisms, and
Department of Radiation Oncology, treatment of tuberculosis associated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Data source: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, and the CINAHL from inception to
Department of Medical and Pediatric
June 2016. We used the following search terms: Tuberculosis, COPD, Tuberculosis
Oncology, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
associated COPD, and so forth. All types of study were chosen.
MBBS, Indira Gandhi Medical College,
Shimla, India Results and Conclusion: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and
tuberculosis are significant public health problems, particularly in developing coun-
Correspondence tries. Although, smoking is the conventional risk factor for COPD, nonsmoking
Malay Sarkar, Department of Pulmonary related risk factors such as biomass fuel exposure, childhood lower-respiratory tract
medicine, Indira Gandhi Medical infections, chronic asthma, outdoor air pollution, and prior history of pulmonary
College, Shimla 171001, Himachal tuberculosis have become important risk factors of COPD, particularly in developing
Pradesh, India.
countries. Past history of tuberculosis as a risk factor of chronic airflow obstruction
has been reported in several studies. It may develop during the course of tuberculosis
or after completion of tuberculosis treatment. Developing countries with large burden
of tuberculosis can contribute significantly to the burden of chronic airflow obstruc-
tion. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis should be emphasized to lessen
the future burden of chronic airflow obstruction.

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, smoking, TOPD, tuberculosis, vitamin D deficiency

1 | INTRODUCTION increasing trend. COPD was the fourth leading cause of death
in 1990 and at present, it is the third leading cause of death
The global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease globally.5 Tuberculosis is a major killer of mankind. Accord-
(GOLD)1 defined chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ing to World Health Organization (WHO) report, in the year
(COPD) as “a common preventable and treatable disease, 2014, 9.6 million people developed active tuberculosis and
characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is usually 1.5 million died due to tuberculosis. It is the leading infectious
progressive and associated with an enhanced chronic inflam- cause of death globally.6 About 58% of world’s tuberculosis
matory response in the airways and the lung to noxious par- cases occurs in South-East Asia and India contributes to 23%
ticles or gases.” COPD is a major public health problem of the global tuberculosis burden.6 Developing countries are
worldwide due to its high prevalence, morbidity, and mortal- facing the dual epidemics of communicable diseases like
ity.2,3 It also poses a significant socioeconomic burden.4 The tuberculosis, and human immunodeficiency virus infection
global prevalence of spirometry–defined COPD is 11.7%.2 (HIV) infection, and noncommunicable diseases like smoking
The recent World Health Organization (WHO) report revealed and COPD.7 The convergence of these epidemics may
that in the year 2012, more than 3 million people died of increase the susceptibility to diseases. Optimal management
COPD, and more than 90% of these deaths occur in develop- of these conditions requires thorough assessment of all the
ing countries.3 The mortality due to COPD is also showing an interacting epidemics.

Clin Respir J. 2017;1–11. V

C 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 1

Smoking is the conventional risk factor for COPD but defi- flow obstruction despite a very high prevalence of smoking in
nitely not the only risk factor. Nonsmoking related risk factors the study patients. There was no association between duration
such as biomass fuel smoke exposure, childhood lower- of active disease prior to presentation with airflow obstruction.
respiratory tract infections, chronic asthma, outdoor air pollu- Airflow obstruction was seen more commonly in patients with
tion, crop and animal farming, exposure to various dust, chemi- history of morning phlegm. Several studies in recent years
cals and pollutants, and treated case of pulmonary tuberculosis had further reinforced the earlier findings of positive associa-
are also important risk factors in disease causation, particularly tion between tuberculosis and development of chronic airflow
in developing countries.8,9 Past history of pulmonary tubercu- obstruction. Lam et al.19 in a population-based study involv-
losis has recently emerged as a risk factor for later development ing Guangzhou Biobank Cohort reported past history of tuber-
of COPD. If this relationship is correct, it would pose a signifi- culosis as an independent predictor of airflow obstruction with
cant burden on healthcare considering the fact that prevalence odd ratio of 1.37 after adjusting sex, age, and smoking expo-
of both the conditions are high in developing countries. Post- sure. However, in this study, pre-bronchodilator FEV1:FVC
tuberculous development of COPD is not a new thought; it has ratio was used instead of conventional post-bronchodilator
been mentioned in the literature in the past also.10–14 However, FEV1/FVC ratio to define airflow obstruction. Lee et al.20 in a
this issue has been studied in details only recently. Allwood cross-sectional population-based study based on data from
et al. named the condition of tuberculosis-associated obstruc- Second Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination
tive pulmonary disease as TOPD.15 However; it is still a matter Survey 2001, analyzed the effects of previous tuberculosis on
of debate whether chronic airflow obstruction and TOPD are the risk of obstructive lung disease development. Total 294
different or same entities. This commentary will review the epi- subjects had evidence of previous tuberculosis on chest radio-
demiological and mechanistic links between tuberculosis and graph. After adjustment for sex, age, and smoking history,
COPD/chronic airflow obstruction. radiological evidence of previous tuberculosis was independ-
ently associated with airflow obstruction with the odds ratios
of 2.56. The risk was present even in patients with minimal
1.1 | Tuberculosis and airflow obstruction
radiographic changes also. The multicenter population-based
Patients of pulmonary tuberculosis may develop airflow PLATINO study21 also evaluated the relationship between
obstruction either during the active phase or post-treatment past history of tuberculosis and development of airflow
phase of the disease. The prevalence of airflow obstruction obstruction in five Latin American countries. Subjects
in pulmonary tuberculosis is variable depending on the aged  40 years underwent pre- and post-bronchodilator spi-
nature of study, definition of airflow obstruction used, and rometry. The overall prevalence of airflow obstruction was
geographical locations. The relation between past history of 30.7% among those with a history of tuberculosis, compared
tuberculosis and later development of chronic airflow with 13.9% among those without a history of tuberculosis
obstruction has been reported even in 1950s and 1960s. with the odd ratio of 2.33 after adjustment for confounders
However, the major drawback in early studies was lack of like age, sex, schooling, ethnicity, smoking, exposure to dust
adequate controls; therefore; the confounding effect of smok- and smoke, respiratory morbidity in childhood and current
ing on airflow obstruction was not adjusted.16 morbidity. The risk is higher in males than in females with
adjusted odds ratio of 3.99 and 1.71, respectively. The associ-
ation between tuberculosis and COPD was even stronger in
1.1.1 | Epidemiological studies
never smokers. History of prior tuberculosis also indicates
Anno and Tomashefski in one of the early study reported more severe form of COPD. The burden of obstructive lung
impairment of respiratory function in pulmonary tuberculosis disease (BOLD) study had also shown past history of tubercu-
patients. There was an increase in the residual volume (RV), losis as a risk factor for developing airflow obstruction in later
residual volume/total lung capacity ratio and a reduction in life with the adjusted odd ratio of 2.51.22 Two recent systemic
the maximal breathing capacity in a selected group of tubercu- reviews also confirmed this association.23,24
losis patients.10 Gaensler et al.17 in a study done in 1959, Allwood et al.23 in a systematic review assessed the rela-
reported evidence of airflow obstruction in 61% of 1533 tuber- tion between pulmonary tuberculosis and the development of
culosis patients. In a cross-sectional study, snider et al.18 eval- chronic airflow obstruction. Total 19 studies including 1 case
uated 1403 patients of pulmonary tuberculosis admitted to a series, 3 case-control studies, 4 cohort studies, 8 single-
Chicago Municipal tuberculosis Sanatorium from 1964 to center cross-sectional studies, and 3 multicenter cross-
1966 and reported airflow obstruction [defined by forced sectional studies were eligible for final analysis. The authors
expiratory volume in one second and forced vital capacity confirmed a positive association between a past history of
(FEV1:FVC) ratio <70%] in 23% patients. The authors tuberculosis and the presence of chronic airflow obstruction.
noticed no significant association between smoking and air- This relationship was independent of cigarette smoking and
| 3

biomass fuel exposure. Byrne et al.24 in another systematic compared to those without airflow limitation (89.1 vs.
review and meta-analysis found that the association between 67.7%, respectively; P 5 .009). The annual decline of FEV1
prior history of tuberculosis and the presence of COPD was was lower in patients with airflow limitation group. It was
strongest in never smokers and younger people (<40 years). 2 mL in patients with airflow limitation and 36 mL in those
Development of chronic airflow obstruction also depends on without (P < .001). The rate of FEV1 decline depends on the
the geographical area. It is higher in high tuberculosis inci- baseline FEV1 value. Larger the baseline FEV1 value, greater
dence countries. The odds of chronic airflow obstruction is the rate of FEV1 decline. Lower baseline FEV1 value in
development were more than three times in countries with a the airflow limitation group can explain this finding. Rhee
reported tuberculosis incidence of more than 100/100 000 et al.31 in a retrospective study analyzed the clinical charac-
population/year (adjusted OR 3.13 for Korean adults;20 4.9 teristics of 595 patients with tuberculous destroyed lungs and
and 6.6 for South African males and females, respectively,25 compared the patients with and without airflow limitation.
and 6.31 for the Philippines26). Mean FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio, and bronchodilator
response were 2.06 6 .03 l (61.26% 6 0.79), 1.16 6 .02 l
(49.05% 6 0.84), 58.03% 6 0.70, and 5.70% 6 0.34, respec-
1.1.2 | Clinical characteristics of patients
tively. They also found significant correlation between the
with TOPD
number of lobes involved with FVC and FEV1 and exacerba-
There are few studies that have compared the clinical fea- tion frequencies. Therefore; patients with extensive paren-
tures of patients of TOPD with conventional smoking-related chymal involvement are at high risk of exacerbations and
COPD. TOPD involves people with young age (<40 should be given special attention. Follow up data of pulmo-
years)24 as tuberculosis-associated lung damages occur ear- nary functions results were also obtained to see the trend in
lier whereas smoking-associated lung damages occurs slowly FEV1 over time. The FEV1 value in patients with tubercu-
and later.23 Lee et al.27 in a case-control study evaluated lous destroyed lungs showed a decreasing trend like COPD
lung function parameters of 21 TOPD patients and compared with a mean annual decrement of 38.24 6 7.98 mL. The
it with COPD patients matched by age-, sex-, and FEV1% change in FEV1 on multivariable regression analysis showed
predicted. Hemoptysis was more common in TOPD com- correlation with age, initial FEV1(%) and number of exacer-
pared to COPD patients as patients with TOPD may develop bations. Bronchodilator response was an important difference
bronchiectasis. No significant differences were noted for between patients of tuberculous destroyed lungs and COPD.
dyspnea, cough, exacerbations, and hospitalizations between It was significantly lower in tuberculous destroyed lungs
these two groups. Patients of TOPD also had significantly group than in COPD. It signifies the presence of anatomical
lower FVC and post-bronchodilator FEV1 value compared to obstruction of airways caused by destruction of lung tissues
those of COPD patients. Positive bronchodilator response and bronchial stenosis. The authors also showed significant
was significantly lower in TOPD than in COPD patients, improvement in FEV1 with the use of long-acting muscarinic
indicating irreversible nature of airflow obstruction. Airway antagonists (LAMA), long-acting beta-2 agonists plus
resistance was also higher in patients with TOPD, although; inhaled corticosteroids (LABA 1 ICS). Gunen et al.32
it was not statistically significant. Seo et al.28 studied the divided COPD patients hospitalized due to exacerbation into
clinical features of TOPD and COPD patients admitted in the two groups: based on presence or absence of radiological old
intensive care unit (ICU) and observed a significantly higher tuberculosis scars. Past tuberculosis scars was characterized
frequencies of tuberculous pneumonia and tracheostomies in by earlier development and first progression of COPD. How-
patients of TOPD compared to COPD patients. Park et al.29 ever, mortality rate was similar between the two groups.
retrospectively reviewed the data of 38 patients of tubercu- There was total 598 COPD patients and 93(15.8%) had old
lous destroyed lungs from South Korea admitted to the ICU tuberculosis scars. COPD patients with a history of tubercu-
and mechanically ventilated. Majority was males and 52% losis were younger (P 5 .002). The first COPD diagnosis in
were nonsmokers. Pulmonary function tests reports available patients with old tuberculosis scars was also made five year
for 21 patients in the preceding 12 months showed very earlier compared to patients without tuberculosis scars
severe obstruction with a mean FEV1 of 0.77 L (29.3% pre- (58.6 6 12.3 years vs. 63.2 6 11.2 years, P value <.001).
dicted), mean FVC of 1.52 L (41% predicted) and a mean
FEV1/FVC ratio of 55.1%, respectively. However, due to the
1.1.3 | Time course of changes in lung
limitations in study designs, the impact of smoking could not
function parameters in patients with
be ruled out. Airflow limitation in patients with tuberculous
pulmonary tuberculosis
destroyed lungs is an independent risk factor for acute exac-
erbation.30 Kim et al.30 found significantly higher frequen- Pulmonary tuberculosis patients usually develop maximum
cies of acute exacerbation in patients with airflow limitation loss of lung function within six months of the diagnosis of

tuberculosis and it stabilizes 18 months after completion of COPD.37 Prior history of pulmonary tuberculosis was found to
treatment.33,34 Hnizdo et al.35 observed a fall in FEV1 values be an independent risk factor for developing COPD (hazard
of 56.8 mL per month with the lowest FEV1 value (326 mL) ratio 2.054 [1.768–2.387]). The risk persisted for at least six
seen at approximately 6 months post-tuberculosis treatment years after tuberculosis diagnosis. Delayed initiation of anti-
and it stabilized 7 to 12 months later. Vargha et al.36 meas- tubercular treatment was an independent risk factor as it pro-
ured vital capacity (VC), FEV1, and RV in patients with longed the duration and increased the severity of airway
tuberculosis discharged in 1958/59. Total 40 patients had inflammation. It results in accelerated rate of lung destruction
obstructive pattern based on the FEV1/VC% ratio. Reassess- and subsequent loss of lung function. Therefore, early diagno-
ment was done in 1974. The change in FEV1 was 35.3 mL/ sis and prompt initiation of anti-tuberculosis treatment is essen-
year. However, the impact of other noxious environmental tial for controlling both tuberculosis and COPD epidemics.
factors could not be ruled out during such a long period of Patients with chest radiological changes incurred by
follow-up.34 Rhea et al. reported a mean annual decrement in tuberculosis should be a candidate for screening COPD.
the FEV1 value of 38.24 6 7.98 mL.31 Hwang et al.38 in a population-based survey evaluated the
Frequency and severity of airflow obstruction in pulmo- relation between radiologic changes by tuberculosis with air-
nary tuberculosis depends on the number of episodes of flow obstruction. Airflow obstruction was defined by GOLD
tuberculosis. Hnizdo et al.35 studied this relationship in criteria. The prevalence of airflow obstruction in subjects
27 660 South African Gold miners. Frequency of chronic air- with radiological changes was 26.3%. It was significantly
flow obstruction is directly proportional to the number of higher than patients without any radiologic changes. The
episodes of tuberculosis. The prevalence of chronic airflow unadjusted odds ratio for airflow obstruction based on radio-
obstruction after one episode of tuberculosis was 18.4%, logic change was 3.788 (95% CI: 2.544–5.642) and when
whereas the prevalence after two and 3 episodes were adjusted for smoking, it was over 3.12. Patients with radio-
27.1% and 35.2%, respectively. Structural damages of the logical changes were in higher GOLD stages. It can be
lungs increase with the increasing number of tuberculosis explained by greater lung function loss in tuberculosis
episodes and they persist in a large number of patients patients with radiological changes. Ross et al.39 had shown
despite anti-tubercular chemotherapy. The reported fall in accelerated loss of lung functions among South African Gold
FEV1 was also highest in this study, probably related to com- miners following pulmonary tuberculosis. The mean annual
pounding effects of other factors like smoking and dust loss of FEV1 was 40.3 mL/year after adjusting age, height,
exposures; adjustment for these was not done in this study. baseline lung function, silicosis, years of employment, smok-
Increase number of tuberculosis episodes also accelerates the ing, and other respiratory diagnoses. Interestingly; airflow
loss of FEV1 and the average loss after one, two, and three obstruction occurred mainly in patients with minimal radio-
or more tuberculosis episodes were 153 mL, 326 mL, and logic changes, indicating that the mechanism of airflow
410 mL, respectively. Plit et al.33 prospectively evaluated the obstruction is chronic airway inflammation rather than air-
impact of anti-tubercular chemotherapy on lung function of way fibrosis seen in advanced radiologic involvement.
newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Anti- Pulmonary tuberculosis is also a stronger risk factor for
tubercular chemotherapy resulted in improved lung function chronic airflow obstruction than smoking. The prevalence of
in 54% of patients. However, residual airflow limitation or COPD in Colombia (PREPOCOL) study evaluated the preva-
restrictive pattern was seen in 28% and 24% of patients, lence and risk factors of COPD in five Colombian cities situ-
respectively. The residual lung functions impairment ated at different altitudes. A strong association between a
depends on both pre- and post-treatment radiological extent history of tuberculosis and the development of airflow obstruc-
of the disease. This study suggested that lung functions tion was seen (odds ratio of 2.94) and it was greater than that
impairment may develop even after successful treatment of with smoking.40 Similarly, Ehrlich et al.25 in a nationwide sur-
tuberculosis. vey of 13 826 adults in South Africa, found that a history of
Various predictors of impaired pulmonary functions have pulmonary tuberculosis was a stronger predictor of COPD than
been reported in pulmonary tuberculosis patients and these tobacco smoking or biomass fuel smoke exposure. Ngahane
include smear-positive disease, extensive pulmonary involve- et al.41 studied the prevalence and predictors of lung functions
ment prior to anti-tubercular treatment, reduced radiographic impairment in a tuberculosis reference clinic in Cameroon.
improvement post-treatment, and prolonged duration of treat- They reported lung function impairment in 45.4% of patients.
ment.34 Delay in initiating anti-tuberculosis treatment is also Duration of symptoms and fibrotic radiologic pattern was inde-
an independent risk factor of COPD. In a population-based pendent risk factors for lung function impairment on multivari-
cohort study done in Taiwan, Lee et al. evaluated the impact ate analysis. Treated case of pulmonary tuberculosis patients
of pulmonary tuberculosis, delayed initiation and nonadher- may develop distal airflow obstruction defined by forced expir-
ence to anti-tubercular treatment on the future risk of atory flow at 25–75% of forced vital capacity (FEF25–75%)
| 5

<65% and a ratio FEV1/FVC  0.70. Pefura-Yone et al.42 shown that smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day increased
reported distal airflow obstruction in 62.9% of successfully the risk of recurrence of tuberculosis by 2-fold compared to
treated patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. Distal airflow that of never/former smokers. Active smoking also increases
obstruction was independently associated with persisting risk of lost to follow-up, greater severity of disease, drug
chronic pulmonary signs. resistant tuberculosis, slower smear conversion, and mortal-
The risk of later COPD development is not specific for ity.55 Because of the dual epidemic of tuberculosis and
Mycobacteria tuberculosis. It has been reported even with smoking present in many developing countries, the impact of
non-tuberculosis mycobacterium (NTM) species. Yeh et al.43 smoking on tuberculosis would be enormous. Number of
in a Taiwanese cohort of 3005 NTM patients showed that tobacco users in India is an enormous 275 million.56 There-
NTM patients have 3.08-fold increased risk of developing fore; public health policy must include smoking cessation as
COPD compared with the non-NTM cohort. Patients of a part of national tuberculosis control programme. The inter-
NTM with abnormal pulmonary function initially showed national union against tuberculosis and lung disease has
improvement after macrolides therapy.44 Early diagnosis and already endorsed this view.57 Lin et al.58 had shown that the
treatment of NTM disease should be an important goal to complete cessation of tobacco and solid-fuel use by 2033
prevent future COPD development. would reduce the tuberculosis incidence by 14–52% if 80%
DOTS coverage is maintained. The mechanistic link between
1.1.4 | Indian studies smoking and tuberculosis is not clear but may involve the
immunologic and oxidative pathway.7 Most of the immuno-
There are few Indian studies evaluating the relationship logical abnormalities developed due to smoking are reversi-
between past history of pulmonary tuberculosis and COPD. ble within six weeks of stopping smoking.59
Study done in 100 fully treated pulmonary tuberculosis
patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital in India, Brashier
et al.45 reported a 46% prevalence of airflow obstruction and 2.1 | Biomass fuel exposure
the prevalence increased with the duration after treatment In developing countries, biomass fuel exposure is the most
completion. Airflow obstruction was mild (FEV1 > 60%) in important nonsmoking related cause of COPD.9 Worldwide;
75%, moderate (FEV1 40–59%) in 10%, and severe number of people exposed to biomass fuel smoke is much
(FEV1 < 40%) in 15% patients. In the Gothi et al.46 series, higher than those exposed to smoking.59 There are several
obliterative bronchiolitis was the cause of chronic airflow studies from India, Nepal and Brazil that reported biomass
obstruction in 13% of patients and 78% of obliterative bron- fuel smoke exposure as an independent risk factor for
chiolitis was post-tubercular. Verma et al.47 reported a much tuberculosis.60–63 Misra et al.60 found that the odds ratio of
lower prevalence of airflow obstruction. In fully treated pul- developing active tuberculosis was 3.56 in persons living in
monary tuberculosis patients, obstructive spirometric pattern households that mainly use biomass fuel for cooking. This
was seen in 15(16.3%) patients and majority had irreversible risk is significant as a large number of people use biomass
airflow obstruction. fuel for heating or cooking in developing countries.

2 | COMMON RISK FACTORS 2.2 | Low socio-economic status

There are some common risk factors for both the conditions Low SES is a risk factor both COPD and tuberculosis. SES
such as smoking, low socioeconomic status (SES), biomass is a composite measure of several indices such as income,
fuel exposure and vitamin D deficiency.48,49 Smoking is a education, occupation, house conditions, location of resi-
conventional and well-established risk factor for COPD.50 In dence, and crowding index.64 Low SES is also responsible
addition; there is considerable evidence now available to for poor health related quality of life in COPD patients.65
incriminate smoking as a risk factor of tuberculosis also. Kanervisto et al.66 in a population-based study had shown
There are three systematic reviews and meta-analyses that basic educational level as an independent risk factor for
have implicated active smoking as a risk factor for tuberculo- COPD (odd ratio of 1.8). In a case-control study involving
sis infection, active tuberculosis disease, and tuberculosis 250 consecutive tuberculosis patients, Gupta et al.67 found-
mortality.51–53 The impact of active smoking is more on poor SES as a risk factor for tuberculosis. In multivariate
tuberculosis disease than on tuberculosis infection. Other logistic regression analysis, following factors were found to
effects of active smoking include risk of recurrence of tuber- be significantly and independently associated with a higher
culosis and tuberculosis mortality. Active smoking can cause risk of tuberculosis; age, level of education, crowding, type
recurrent tuberculosis after satisfactory completion of treat- of housing, water supply, and number of consumer articles
ment for a previous tuberculosis episode. Yen et al.54 had in the household. There are several risk factors that a person

with low SES is exposed such as malnutrition, indoor air pol-

lution, alcohol, crowded and less ventilated places, unhealthy
cooking practice that may increase the risk of tuberculosis.68

2.3 | Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is a potential risk factor for both tuber-
culosis and COPD. Nnoaham et al.69 in a systematic review
and meta-analysis evaluated the relation between low serum
vitamin D levels and risk of active tuberculosis. Seven obser-
vational studies published between 1980 and July 2006 was
included for analysis. Higher risk of active tuberculosis was
seen in patients with low serum Vitamin D level. Zeng
et al.70 in a meta-analysis identified the serum Vitamin D
ranges associated with increase tuberculosis risk. They FIGURE 1 is showing the mechanisms of airflow obstruction due to
reported a statistically significant association between serum tuberculosis
Vitamin D level of  25 nmol/L with risk of tuberculosis.
Nursyam et al.71 in a randomized clinical trial studied the inflammation and/or susceptibility to bacterial infection. The
impact of Vitamin D supplementation on tuberculosis out- systemic inflammation and use of corticosteroids may also
come. Compared to placebo, vitamin D supplementation increase the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.81
resulted in higher rate of sputum conversion and radiological
improvement. Vitamin D plays an important role in host
immune defense against Mycobacterium tuberculosis via OBSTRUCTION DUE TO
innate and adaptive immune system.72,73Vitamin D also has a TUBERCULOSIS
role to play in COPD initiation, COPD pathogenesis, COPD
exacerbations and development of musculoskeletal comorbid- The exact mechanism of CAO in post-tuberculosis patients
ities of COPD.74 Early life event has been recognized as a is not clear. Following mechanisms have been proposed for
risk factor for COPD and any event that impairs lung growth the development of tuberculosis-associated CAO. These
at early life may lead to an increased COPD risk.75 Vitamin include bronchiectasis, bronchiolar narrowing and bronchio-
D is required for lung development and its deficiency has the litis obliterans and accelerated emphysematous changes.23
potential to initiate chronic lung diseases at early age.76 Figure 1 is showing the mechanisms of airflow obstruction
due to tuberculosis.
2.4 | Diabetes mellitus
The interaction of diabetes with tuberculosis is bi-directional. 3.1 | Small airway involvement
Jeon et al.77 in a systematic review and meta-analysis of 13 Small airways are non-cartilaginous airways with an internal
observational studies evaluated the relation between diabetes diameter <2 mm.82 Tuberculosis lesions may involve the
and tuberculosis. There is a 3-fold higher risk of developing small airways that results in airflow obstruction. Im et al.
active tuberculosis in diabetics compared with people who reported centrilobular nodules, “tree-in-bud” appearance and
are nondiabetics. The risk is higher in insulin-dependent dia- poorly defined nodules in 95% of individuals with pulmo-
betes mellitus (IDDM) than in noninsulin dependent diabetes nary tuberculosis.83 These lesions disappear by 5 months
mellitus (NIDDM). Olmos et al.78 in a longitudinal- after initiation of chemotherapy. In tuberculosis endemic
retrospective study reported the 10-year actuarial probability countries, tuberculosis is an important cause of obliterative
of developing tuberculosis of 24% in IDDM and 48% in bronchiolitis. In the Gothi et al.46 series, 92% cases of oblit-
NIDDM. There is also increased risk of progression to active erative bronchiolitis were post infectious, and 78% of them
disease in diabetics patients.79 Baker et al.80 in a systematic being post-tubercular. Characteristics radiological feature of
review showed that tuberculosis patients with diabetes are at bronchiolitis is gas trapping characterized on computed
a higher risk of failure, relapse, and death while on anti- tomography (CT) scan as areas of reduced attenuation on
tubercular treatment. Diabetes and COPD also interact in bi- expiratory CT scans. This radiologic feature may persist after
directional way. The progression and prognosis of COPD is tuberculosis treatment although the endobronchial and paren-
worsened by comorbid diabetes. It does so by several mecha- chymal changes undergo resolution.84 Jeong et al.85 also
nisms: direct effects of hyperglycemia on lung physiology, reported small airway involvement in patients with NTM
| 7

infection. Allwood et al. evaluated patients with healed pul- destruction.96 Therefore, MMPs are a common mediator that
monary tuberculosis and airflow obstruction by dynamic may connect both the disorders. However, we need more
quantitative CT lung imaging and spirometry, plethysmogra- studies to clearly elucidate MMPs role in the pathogenesis of
phy and diffusion capacity. Patients with chronic airflow tuberculosis and COPD. Singh et al.97 studied the impact of
obstruction with definite previous TB had higher gas trap- various antimycobacterial agents on MMPs levels in tubercu-
ping, fibrosis and emphysema score than subjects with no losis patients. Levels of MMPs like MMP-1, 22,-3, 27, 28,
previous tuberculosis. The diffusion capacity was also signif- and 29 were elevated in the broncho-alveolar lavage fluid of
icantly lower in patients with definite previous TB.15 tuberculosis patients and showed correlation with
tuberculosis-associated tissues damages. Various anti-
mycobacterial agents for example rifampin, moxifloxacin,
3.2 | Bronchiectasis and azithromycin showed an immunomodulatory effect by
Post-tuberculous bronchiectasis is common in developing decreasing the epithelial cell gene expression and secretions
countries particularly in patients who had a history of recur- of MMPs. We need further study to explore whether anti-
ring tuberculosis.86 Palwatwichai et al.87 in a prospective tubercular therapy can prevent future COPD development by
study from Thailand found a history of tuberculosis in 32% inhibiting MMPs expression in the airway epithelial cells.
of 50 patients with bronchiectasis, making it the most com-
mon underlying etiology of bronchiectasis. Natarajan et al.88 4 | IMPACT OF COPD ON
in a prospective study from Western India reported allergic TUBERCULOSIS
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and post-tuberculous seque-
lae as the commonest causes seen in 23% each. Bronchiecta- Patients of COPD are also at increased risk of developing
sis develops due to endobronchial obstruction or tuberculosis. Inghammar et al.98 studied the impact of COPD
peribronchial fibrosis or obstruction by enlarged lymph on tuberculosis incidence and mortality. A total of 115 867
nodes and is an important cause of chronic airflow obstruc- patients of aged more than 40 years and discharged from
tion.89 Bronchiectasis within areas of scarring is called trac- Swedish hospital with a diagnosis of COPD were evaluated
tional bronchiectasis. Tuberculosis patients may also develop for tuberculosis risk. There was a 3-fold higher risk of devel-
bronchostenosis and features of airway obstruction. Chae oping tuberculosis in COPD patients than controls and the
et al.90 reported atelectasis (84%) and emphysema with bron- incidence of tuberculosis was inversely related to FEV1
chiectasis (89%) as the most common CT findings in patients value. In addition; the risk of death from all causes was 2-
with tubercular destroyed lungs. fold higher within first year after the tuberculosis diagnosis
in COPD patients with active tuberculosis compared to gen-
3.3 | Accelerated parenchymal destruction eral population control subjects with tuberculosis. Lee
et al.99 studied the risk factors for pulmonary tuberculosis in
Lung parenchymal inflammation in tuberculosis may lead to COPD patients. Among 23 594 COPD cases and 47 188
destruction of the pulmonary extra-cellular matrix (ECM), a non-COPD control subjects, cox regression analysis revealed
feature similar to that of COPD.91 Matrix metalloproteinases COPD as independent risk factors for tuberculosis with the
(MMPs) are a family of calcium-dependent zinc-containing hazard ratio of 2.47. COPD patients who developed tubercu-
endopeptidases92 that mediates tissue remodeling in tubercu- losis received more oral corticosteroids and oral b-agonists.
losis.93 MMPs are involved in the pathogenesis of both tuber- Inhaled corticosteroid use has also been related to a higher
culosis and COPD by degrading components of ECM, the risk of tuberculosis and the risk is more with the use of high
scaffold of the alveolar wall. Different MMPs have different dose of inhaled corticosteroids equivalent to fluticasone
role in mycobacterial infection. MMP-9 helps in production 1000 mg/d or more.100 Therefore, in tuberculosis endemic
of stable granuloma, thereby containing the infection. How- countries, it should be mandatory to rule out tuberculosis
ever, reactivation of latent TB leads to MMP-1 secretion. infection/disease before high dose inhaled corticosteroid is
MMP-1 causes alveolar destruction and is responsible for used. Corticosteroids increase the risk of tuberculosis by
cavitation in tuberculosis.94 Finlay et al.95 found alveolar causing immune suppression.101 Shang et al.102 studied the
macrophages as a significant source of MMPs in the emphy- immunological response to M. tuberculosis in cigarette
sematous lung. They found significant quantity of MMPs smoke exposed mice. The lung and splenic macrophages and
particularly MMP-9 in BAL fluid of COPD patients com- dendritic cells released lower levels IL-12 and TNF-a in cig-
pared to normal healthy volunteers. Similarly, Imai et al. arette smoke-exposed mice. Therefore, cigarette smoke expo-
found increased expression MMP-1 in the lung parenchyma sure alters the protective immune response to M.
of COPD patients compared to normal controls. It is the type tuberculosis. The immune impairment in patients with pul-
II pneumocyte which makes MMP-1 and takes part in lung monary tuberculosis and COPD combined is much more

than each of the individual disease.103 Tang et al.103 meas- areas in future will definitely provide better ideas about the
ured various cytokines in the peripheral blood of 152 cases condition TOPD.
of pulmonary tuberculosis-COPD combined, 150 cases of
patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, 157 cases of patients
with COPD, and 50 cases of healthy volunteers. The
tuberculosis-COPD combined patients had significantly
Past history of tuberculosis is an important risk factor of
lower percentage of CD41 T cells than that in the non- COPD and tuberculosis is also common in COPD patients.
COPD tuberculosis patients. The tuberculosis patients had Development of chronic airflow obstruction may be related
significantly higher percentage of CD81 T cells than that in to common risk factors or tuberculosis associated lung dam-
control group. Cytokines like sIL-2R, IL-6, TNF-a, IFN-g ages. Both COPD and tuberculosis are major health problem
levels were significantly higher in COPD patients with tuber- in developing countries. Early diagnosis and institution of
culosis than those in COPD patients without tuberculosis. adequate treatment of tuberculosis should be emphasized to
High levels of these cytokines by producing an exuberant reduce the future burden of COPD. Emphasis should also be
inflammatory response may cause progression of tuberculo- given to avoid common risk factors like smoking and bio-
sis in COPD patients. COPD patients itself develop dysfunc- mass fuel smoke exposure to prevent development of both
tion of alveolar macrophages independent of steroids which tuberculosis and COPD in future.
poses an additional risk of tuberculosis.104,105 Macrophages
are one of the key cells in tuberculosis and also play a role in C O N F L I C T O F I N T ER E S T
wound healing and resolution.106 They may cause remodel-
The authors have stated explicitly that there are no con-
ing of the airways. Mycobacteria within lungs may lead to
flicts of interest in connection with this article.
uncontrolled activation of wound-healing macrophages,
resulting in remodeling of the airways and development of
chronic airflow obstruction.107
Dr. Malay Sarkar, Dr. Irappa Madabhavi, Dr. Kushal Kumar,
Dr. Srinivasa: collecting data. Dr. Irappa Madabhavi, Dr.
5 | TREATMENT OF TOPD Kushal Kumar: English correction. Dr. Malay Sarkar: write up.

Treatment of TOPD is no difference than treatment of COPD

alone. Yum et al.108 studied the efficacy of inhaled tio-
tropium bromide for 2 months period on 29 patients with No human or animal studies were done so no ethical clear-
tuberculous destroyed lungs. There was a significant ance is required.
improvement in FEV1 and FVC value over baseline with tio-
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