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Lesson Plan in TLE 8 (NOV 5 TO 8)


Date: __________________

I.Learning Objectives:
Identify the cleaning tools, equipment, supplies and materials
II. Subject Matter: Use and maintenance of cleaning tools and equipment
Reference: Crop Production Horticulture TLE_bFHC10P pp
Materials: Pictures, learning module, books chalk

III. Procedure
Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Energizer
4. Checking of attendance
5. Passing of assignments
6. Review of the past lesson
The teacher shows a series of picture

a. Activity
The students will divided by 5 groups and let the students arranged the jumbled
letters to form a word.

b. Analysis
What have you see the pictures?
What have you noticed the pictures?
What is the use of these materials?
Does these materials help students to do properly thier performance?

c. Abstraction
Broom- is a cleaning materails implements for sweeping made of bundles of straws
or twigs to a long handle.
Dustpan – is a cleaning tool commonly used to scoop the dirt and waste on the floor.
Vacuum cleaner – is a device that uses an air pupm to create a partial vacuum to
suck up dust and dirt.
Water hose – are hollow tubes desinged to carry fluids from one location to another.
Pls. Refer to LM page 8

d. Application
Directions: Identify the fallowing tools, equipment, supples and materials used in
cleaning. Pls refer LM page 11

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Macth the meaning and functions in colum A and colum B. Write the
letter only.
____________1. It is used in cleaning to hold the water or any liquid solution
used in cleaning
___________2. It is a cleaning tool commonly used to scoop the dirt and
waste in the floor
___________3. It is used to removed the contaminants of any tool and
___________4. They are deviced used to achieve a task but not consmed
during the process.
___________5. An implement for sweeping.

V. Assignment
Bring some cleaning tools.

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