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1 Quarter Exam in MAPEH 9

Name:_______________________ Score:___________
Year and Section:_______________ Date:____________

I.Multiple Choice.Encircle the letter of the correct.

1.The total functional capacity to carry a desired task without undue fatigue or the capacity of a person to do
sustained physical activity.
a.Physical Fitness b.PPFT c.Sportfest d.PFSTT
2.The ability to move and change direction quickly.
a.power b.agility c.speed d.coordination
3.The skill test to determine the leg strength and power. pass b.40m.sprint c.standing long jump d.sit and reach
4.The purpose of this exercise is to prepare the body for a more strenuous work out.
a.stretching b.bending c.warm-up d.cooling down
5.Measure the total length of the trunk,neck and head.
a.height and weight b.sit and reach c.sitting height d.standing long jump
6.The ability to run very fast in a sudden burst of speed at high intensity.
a.40m.sprint b.1,500 m. c.800m. d.100 km.
7.Solve the BMI of a girl with 48 kilos weight and 1.54m. height.
a.20.25 b.26.25 c.14.25 d.30.25
8.You are performing this kind of physical Fitness when you are moving your arm from top of your left middle
finger is extended at shoulder level against a firm wall.
a.Sitting height b.shoulder flexibility c.firm wall d.arm span
9.Skill test which determine the strength of major abdominal muscle
a.Trunk lift b.90 degrees push up c.partial curls ups d.arm span
10.The skill test to determine the leg strength and power. pass b.40m.sprint c.stansing long jump d.sit and reach
11.Standing long jump measures the ability and endurance of the______________
a.arms b.head c.legs d.whole body
12.What is the formula of BMI?
a.Ht/wt b.wt/ht c.Ht?wt2 d.ht2/wt
13.What is BMI?
a.Body Mass Index b.Baby Mass Index c.Body Maximum Index d.None
14.What environmental problem happens when the soil and rocks are moved from one place to another by
wind,water,and gravity.
a.flashfloods b.coral reef degradation c.illegal mining d.soil erosion
15.Which is not an effect of climate change?
a.Dead trees from oil spillage b.Increased risk of drought and floods c.More health related illness d.Economic
16.Which does not describe a healthy community?
a. A clean and safe environment b.An environment that meets every one’s basic needs
b.An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities d.An environment that promotes social
harmony and actively involves every one
17.Which of the following problem is leading causes of environmental destruction?
a.Soil erosion b.Oil spill c.Illegal mining d.deforestration
18.Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development?
a.To attain a luxury of life keep the safety of the community live in a clean ,safe and
comfortable home maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
19.Which service is given by Maternal health care unit in your community?
a.Control of diarrheal disease b.Post-natal c.Tooth Extraction d.provision of
free medicine
20.Which is an old method of waste disposal through burning waste inton ashes?
a.Landfills b.Recycling c.Dumps d.Incineration
21.Which best describe the benefits of a healthy environment?
a.less disease,less health care cost b.Active community involvement c. More budget for health
problems,increased supply of medicines d.More community projects for community development
22.It is defined as the art and science of maintaining,protecting,and improving the health of all the
Members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts.
a.Community b.Community Health c.Environmental health d.Health
23.Environmental law which codifies,updates,and raises forestry law in the country.
a.P.D.389(P.D. 705) b.P.D. 704 c.P.D.463 d.P.D. 1251
24.It is a sudden flood of great volume,usually caused by heavy rain.
a.Illegal Mining b.Coral Reefs Degradation c.flashfloods d.Soil Erosion
25.Environmental Law which places the responsibility on the local government units for the solid
Waste management in their area of production.
a.P.D.856 b.P.D.825 c.P.D.984 d.R.A.8749
26.The period when the Christian church highly influenced culture and politics affairs in Europe was___
a.Medieval Period b.Renaissance Period c.Baroque Period d.None of the above
27. Is a form of a sacred musical composition that sets texts of the Eucharistics liturgy into music.
a.Mass b. Madrigal c. Kyrie d. Credo
28.It is a secular vocal polyphonic music composition which originated from Italy.
a.Madrigal b.Mass c.Credo d.Kyrie
29.He was a singer in the local cathedral from his boyhood and he became master of chorister there in
a.Thomas Morley b.Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina c.Adam de la Halle d. George Handel
30.________________became England’s favorite composer.
a.George Friedrich handel b.Antonio Vivalde c.Johann Sebastian Bach d.Thomas Morley
31.Derived from a Portuguese word “Barroco”which means ‘pearlof irregular shape’.
a.Renaissance b.Baroque c.Medieval d. none of the above
32.The term ______________comes from the word ‘renaitre’which means “rebirth”,revival and
a.Medieval b.Renaissance c. Baroque d.none of the above
33.He is said to be the greatest master of Roman Catholic Church music during the Renaissance period.
a.Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina b.Thomas Morley c.Adam de la Halle d.none of the above
34.A form of orchestral music that employs s solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra.
a.Concerto Grosso b.Concerto c.Oratorio d.Chorale
35.He was an Italian composer,a Catholic priest,and also known as “The Red Priest”.
a.Handel b.Vivalde c.Bach d.Adam de la Halle
36.A musical compositions that resemble a harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the Protestant
Church during the Baroque Era.
a.Oratorio b.Chorale c.Cantatas d.Masses
37. In what language was the selection written?
a.Greek b.Latin c.Spanish d.none of the above.
38.Also known as” Middle Ages” or “Dark Ages” that started with the fall of the Roman Empire.
a.Renaissance b.Medieval c.Baroque d.none of the above
39.It is an art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass,
Stones,or other materials.
a.Mosaic b.Painting c.Fresco d.Sculpture
40.It is a method of painting water-based pigments on a freshly applied plaster usually on a wall
a.Mosaic b.Fresco c.Encaustic d.Architecture
41.Developed by Greek ship builders,who used hot wax to fill the cracks of the ship.
a.Sculpture b.Encaustic c.Fresco d.Painting
42. ___________ are the most substantial ancient structures of the world.
a.Tomb of the Diver b.Queen Nefertiti c.Cave of Lascaux,I d.Pyramid of Giza
43.A combination of different colors especially the brilliant ones in an artistic manner.
a.Polycromy b.Encaustic c.Tempera d.Panel painting
44.A system of writing using picture symbols used in Ancient Egypt.
a.Outline b.Hieroglyphics c.Pyramids d.none of the above
45.It is a type of Egyptian tomb in the form of flat-roofed,rectangular structure with outward sloping sides.
a.Pyramid b.Mastaba c.Greek Architecture d.Sculpture
46.A painting,drawing,sculpture,photography,or other likeness of an individual of an individual especially the face.
a.Portraits b.Outline c.Sculpture d.Elaborated
47.A colored glass used to form decorative or pictorial designs.
a.Stained glass b.Mosaic c.Ionic d.Fresco
48.A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.
a.Era b.Realistics c.Medival Period d.none of the above
49.A massive monument of an Ancient Egypt having a rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating in a
Singular apex,built over around a crypt or tomb.
a.Pillars b.Pyramids c.Doric d. Ionic
50.One of the five classical orders of architecture,typically characterized by a flute column having as a capital convex
A.Doric b.Ionic c.Corinthian d.none of the above

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