My Opinion On The Cantinflas Video

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I think that Cantinflas’s speech is correct, I totally agree on the issue of respect for ideologies and
thoughts among different people and reasons of others, regardless of the magnitude of them. I
also support the fact that during his paper he gave a very concrete explanation of his blank vote so
to speak.

In my opinion, no one is better than the other, and even if they were, we all deserve the same
respect, as the phrase "your rights go to where others' begin." If all countries respected their
ideologies, without needing fighting to impose their own could be considered the world in a state
of peace, because there would be no more wars or conflicts.

During the interpretation of a paper in the UN, the following phrase was mentioned: ("the day we
think alike and act the same, we will stop being people to become machines") with which I totally
agree; I could also emphasize the fact that we can´t agree with a different ideology, but even so
we have to respect it and finally I could say that it was very good that he, as an actor, put the face
for the world, giving a concise opinion from a position not very high, implanting with it the fact
that a representative can´t impose a way of thinking, that everything they say is not true because
their procedures are not adequate and that based on respect we will achieve peace.

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