Communication 2

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Barriers of Communication: This far we have seen what we mean by the

process of communication. But, at times even after taking care of every

other detail some misunderstandings arise. So, to eliminate these
misunderstandings, we have to understand the most common barriers
to effective communication. Let us see what these Barriers of
Communication are!

A formal letter is one written in a formal and ceremonious language and follows a certain stipulated
format. Suchletters are written for official purposes to authorities,
dignitaries, colleagues, seniors, etc and not to personal contacts, friends
or family. A number of conventions must be adhered to
while drafting formal letters. So let us take a look at a sample format of
a formal letter.

formal letter is one written in a formal and ceremonious language and follows a certain stipulated
format. Such letters are written for official purposes to authorities, dignitaries, colleagues, seniors,
etc and not to personal contacts, friends or family. ... So let us take a look at a sample format of
a formal letter.

An informal letter is a letter that is written in a personal fashion. You can write them to
relatives or. friends, but also really to anyone with whom you have a non-professional
relationship with, although. this doesn't exclude business partners or workers with whom you're
friendly with either.

Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms such as text, audio, images,
animations, video and interactive content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use only rudimentary
computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material.
the use of a variety of artistic or communicative media.
Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text, graphics,
drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type
of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally.

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