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submitted to comply with one of the final task subjects SDGs

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Education is a very important requirement in this era. In Indonesia, education has been
the thing that everyone shall have. In the development of this era get a decent education
process become a regular thing we get, but in practice it occurs imbalance in the process of
education in Indonesia.

Resource is not yet even a barrier to educational inequality in this country. In the city
will easily get a high quality education so that they can excel and lead to produce an output
that is good also. It opposite happens in a few inland in Indonesia for learning to read becomes
the extraordinary and special.

Good quality education is certainly an impact on human resources is good, but in many
places in this country still do not have good human resources that can not produce a good
human resources as well. Therefore the guarantee education for citizens should be
implemented as well as possible to pass some obstacles. Both the obstacles are technical and

The government in this case is the Ministry of Education is responsible for the whole
process of education in Indonesia. Through several policies pertaining equalization Quality of
education and guarantee of receiving a good education and decent, generating some relief
program that is expected to help the process of receiving education both in the cities and

Keywords: Education, Quality, Human Resources, Government and Policy



Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT writer for blessings, grace and gift the author can
finished the preparation of this paper.

The preparation of this paper is only a sign that the preparation is far from perfect, no
other because of lack of knowledge, and the many difficulties and obstacles encountered. But
thanks to the efforts and help of various parties, finally I can finish this paper

The authors thank the coaches who have guided and provided assistance and
encouragement so that finally this paper can be resolved.

Furthermore, the authors apologize if in the preparation of this paper are still many
shortcomings. Therefore, the authors expect the advice and criticism from readers. Hopefully
this paper can be useful both for writers in particular and for the general reader.

Sumedang, January 2018



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................ 2

FOREWORD .......................................................................................................................... 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 5

1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Formulation of the problem .................................................................................... 5
1.3 Research purposes .................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Research methods ..................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION PROBLEM ............................................................................ 7

2.1 How We Help For Students In Eradicating Poverty ............................................. 7

2.2 The Government's efforts in poverty Membernatas ............................................. 8
2.3 How To Eradicate Poverty in Perspective of Religion .......................................... 9
CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................................... 12

3.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 12

3.2 Suggestion................................................................................................................ 12

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................. 13



1.1 Background

Education is learning the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people who are
passed from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education is
often the case under the guidance of others, but also allows a self-taught. Education has the
task of preparing human resources for development. Tramp always pursued development in
tune with the demands of the times. The times always bring up new issues that had never
occurred before.

Indonesia is a country that quality of education is still low when compared to other states
and even other members of the ASEAN countries of Indonesia human resource quality was
ranked the lowest. This happens because the education in Indonesia has not been able to
function optimally.

This is due to the attention of our government still feels very minimal. This picture is
reflected in the diversity of the educational problem more complicated. The quality of students
is still low, less professional teachers, the cost of education, education law rules even chaotic.
The impact of poor education that our country in the future getting worse. This deterioration
may also result from the average size of budget allocations for education at the national,
provincial, and city and county.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

1. How the Indonesian government's efforts to improve education?
2. How do students in advancing education in Indonesia?
3. How to view the progress of Pancasila in the field of education?

1.3 Aim
1. To know the Indonesian government efforts to improve education dalan
2. To find out how the students in advancing education in Indonesia
3. To find out how to view Pancasila education

1.4 Research methods

In writing this paper to get the expected data, the authors used several methods:

1. literature method, The method of collecting data from various sources of literature and
2. Interview, ie direct interviews of the speakers were deemed capable and has the ability
in the field.
3. Browsing methods, which is seeking data from various sources on the internet.



2.1 The efforts of the Indonesian Government Advancing Education World

Education also has an important role in the progress of a nation, in addition to their
education is advancing definite development of a nation, the better, along with the times that
gave rise to problems-new issue of making education more necessary and important to get,
because that of education more The priority for the community. Similarly in Indonesia,
education in Indonesia is advancing in line with the development of the times in this era of
globalization, which demands more thinking rationalist societies, educational, critical,
intellectual, and communicative. Although education in Indonesia can not be equated or
aligned with other Asian education more developed, but education in Indonesia experienced a
change for the better than before.

One of them can be seen with the program of government policies that
mencanangkankan that compulsory education for 12 years it is a proof that Indonesia
experienced a change for the better, this shows that the Indonesian government cares about the
development of education, but there are still many Indonesian people who do not get an
education compulsory education to 12 years due to economic reasons which do not enable, but
the Indonesian government did not lose the sense to work to improve education in Indonesia
by way of grants BOS (School Operational assistance) and the programs of scholarships for
higher-performing students who have a deficiency in the financial field, and besides the
benefits of the Internet now can be felt by many.The benefits of the Internet as one of the
world's largest media can be used as pendoronga advancement of education of the present and
the future.

But among the many advances and improvement of education today in Indonesia, not a
few shortcomings and problems that still surrounds education in Indonesia, but we as
Indonesian people, especially students and students we have obligation to help and contribute
to the government and especially the other communities to further advance the education

system in Indonesia to be equated with education in other Asia even better than education in

2.2 How To Students In Advancing Education in Indonesia

Students and education is an inseparable unity of existence. In accordance with the tri
dharma college education, research, and community service so that the presence of students is
vital in the world of public education in Indonesia. Students have the function of the agent of
change (generation change) which in this case acts as a change agent education to a better

Students are the future generation, the hands of the youth (student) was the one the
future of a nation, students are required to be able clicking ejawantahkan understanding and
competence as well as participate cope with the downturn being experienced by this nation.
Students are also expected to be sensitive-response issues around education, because in
essence, the student is intellectualism bridge of understanding of the concept to the lawyer-
ejawantahan on the order of reality. Students are entities who can enjoy the pleasure of the
concept of intellectualism at the college level. Therefore, it is not the time for students to be
selfish, do demonstrations for education policy in the campus alone (sometimes anarchist).
Now is the time students have to think of solutions to the problems in the world of education.

However, the big question again present, the student is not impossible to make
strategic decisions regarding the education system ?. Is not the student was not possible to
improve the quality of lecturers to conduct an independent certification program, building
infrastructure independently, and the things that are more strategic. So what can students do ?.

Role and Functions Students who should be applied as solutions in the field of
education. With practice Role and Functions of Students (PFM), students can make a
reconstructive thinking and solution-to issues around education in this nation. The ideas can be
donated to related parties. In addition, students can exercise control over government policies
in terms of education. Thus, communication between students, communities and governments
can work well to produce a solution to the deadlock problem of education.

Students as intellectual generation can only be appreciated by the quality of its
intellectual existence anyway, not with other things. If the student is no longer able to rely on
its intellectual brilliance, then other capabilities can be given to the students of this country.
Therefore, students have a major contribution to the improvement of the quality of education
of the nation. Some things you can do students include:

a) Self Development

Students develop her potential as a form of awareness of the fundamental nature of

education. Students are expected to be able to sell yourself (find talent and personal ability and
clicking ejawantahkan be ze red) and was able to develop her skills to become a source of
intellectual property that will be useful for the progress of themselves and their surroundings.

b) Control of Government Policy

In accordance with its role and functions, students are required to control government
policies, especially policies concerning the determination of the direction and characteristics
of the nation's education. So as to analyze policies and undertake no control.

c) Meet the need for improvement of the National Education System

Students should be able to respond and provide solutions to the needs for improving
the education system in Indonesia. The simplest thing is to excel in their respective fields.
With it, would be born many experts in many fields. The experts at the same time as giving
solutions to the problems of education in Indonesia.

By implementing these efforts, students are expected to actually play a role in

improving the quality of education in Indonesia. Indonesia does not need to change the
discourse. Indonesia took pe-change, the entity that could transform adversity into prosperity.
Students should be able to be a pe-changing entity that, for the sake of a better Indonesia and

2.3 The views of Pancasila in the Field of Education

Education is very important to have every citizen. Every citizen is entitled to a good
quality of education and it is guaranteed by the constitution and laws. 5th principle of
Pancasila, which reads social justice for all Indonesian people clearly states that every citizen
has the same rights memili and undifferentiated socially in education.

As for this time of education in Indonesia have been considered too expensive and
profitable party or those who can afford or people who have more wealth so that they can
afford to send her son even out of the country to get a decent education and adequate, in
contrast with the poor or many poor residents who struggle to send their children meet
government targets for a minimum of 9-year compulsory program until graduated from high
school or junior high school graduation, the parents have even resorted to sending their
children to work and drop out of school to help meet the economic needs of the family.

School class differences become obstacles in practice always discriminate against any
person based on social class. Berembel school-frills their favorites and the favorite does not
become an inequality where the quality of education provided will differ in terms of quality
and the learning process. Differences in school label is what makes the difference resources
produced so exacerbate existing inequalities.

In the favorite schools of course we can easily obtain the various facilities such as
laboratories, computer rooms, as well as wifi. It make a difference if we are in regular school
classrooms are to have any of their own grateful.

Such barriers can already be answered by Pancasila which if we describe items we can
make as a guide the advancement of education in Indonesia.

The first precept that reads divine god can we describe that the process of education in
Indonesia should be based on God or religion. Any religion that feels teach a favor and
become an error if the receiver is not coupled with religious education and faith.

Sila second with sound just and civilized humanity to guide us in the educational
process in which the process should be based on humanitarian and civilized. Where uphold
humanitarian foundation without violating etiquette andnorm in the life of the world.

Values contained in the principle of unity of Indonesia can not be separated with the
four other principles for all precepts is a unity that is systematic. Sila Association of Indonesia
is based on and inspired by the principle of unity of the Almighty and Just and Civilized
Humanity as well as the underlying and imbued sila Populist Led by Wisdom Wisdom in
Consultative Representatives and Social Justice For All People Indonesia.

Implications of the education precepts of justice in terms of the government is that the
government provide the same operational assistance to every school in accordance with their
level of education. The government provides assistance equal danadil order to equip school
facilities and infrastructure and inadequate facilities for the welfare of the school.



3.1 Conclusion

Education is an important thing in the progress of a nation. High quality and equitable
education should be held in Indonesia. The existence of human resources into the factors that
affect education in the region. With the resources that both tentuya can produce good
educational process became so yielding a good resource too.

Social differences that exist in Indonesia is still influential in the process of getting an
education where a person who has a high social level can receive a better education and decent
with someone who has a low social level.

Assistance in the field of education seems not yet to the maximum due to several factors
that exist. The cost of education becomes an answer for schools that want to run a good
educational process without dependence on government assistance which ultimately makes the
school more superior in the learning process in the appeal of other schools that depend on
government assistance.

3.2 Suggestion

Improvements in the education sector became mandatory in the evaluation annually by the
government. The real difference in getting an education is still widely available in various
regions of the country. The Government shall ensure the implementation of quality education
in every region of Indonesia in accordance with sound legislation.

The need for cooperation of various parties in improving the quality of education in
Indonesia. Things we can do as a student is to oversee the process of policy issued by the
government and assist in efforts to improve the quality of education to fall directly on the
people who have a lack of education as an effort to help the government.


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