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(World Transport Policy and Practice; Vol.22.3 Oct.

2016, pp28-44)
Automated and Connected Vehicles: or guidance for a period of time to one or
High Tech Hope or Hype? another computerized systems. Cruise
Preston L. Schiller control, the ability of a motor vehicle to
Introduction: HOFOs, ADAS, AVs and maintain a set velocity with the driver’s
CCs foot off the fuel pedal, was an early form
The term ‘autonomous vehicle’ is com- of HOFO. At present there is a great deal
monly, and somewhat erroneously, of activity and attention and investment,
applied to several related but somewhat public and private, being made in each of
distinct technologies under development the three types of automated or semi-au-
for motor vehicles. The true AV is one in tomated vehicle technologies. The
which the vehicle is fully automated and ultimate connected car would operate with
capable (supposedly) of guiding itself or without a human presence, would not
through traffic to a destination chosen for have a steering mechanism for a human
it by its owner or controller. Through to operate under any circumstance, and
various forms of sensors and on-board would be in constant motion fetching or
devices the vehicle is supposed to be able delivering passengers and parcels as
to detect and respond to a variety of road directed from the all powerful internet
conditions; physical conditions of the cloud.
road, nearby traffic and animate beings--
two or four-legged--in or likely to enter its -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
path. The AV may or may not be
dynamically connected to the internet. An Automated vehicle: a motor vehicle (car,
automated vehicle dependent on its truck or bus) which has technology avail-
dynamic internet connection for guidance able to assist the driver so that elements
and control is known as a connected car of the driving task can be transferred to a
(CC). The early technology which allowed computer system.
a human-controlled motor vehicle to Autonomous vehicle: a fully automated
perform in a very limited semi-automated vehicle equipped with the technologies
manner is known as ‘hands-off, feet-off’ capable to perform all driving functions
(HOFO) for relatively familiar technologies without any human intervention.
such as the widely used ‘feet off’ cruise Connected vehicle: a motor vehicle
control, and some types of braking equipped with devices to communicate
systems and the first generation of human with other vehicles or the infrastructure
monitored assisted steering (hands off). via the internet.
More complicated than HOFO is the Cooperative – Intelligent Transport Sys-
continually developing Automated Driver tems (C-ITS): systems consisting of ve-
Assistance Systems (ADAS) technology. hicles accompanied by a communication
This ranges from already developed and and sensor infrastructure with which the
implemented HOFOs to an array of auto- vehicles – fitted with appropriate on-
mated guidance (steering), braking, crash board devices – are capable of communi-
prevention and even parking techologies. cation between themselves and with the
(Hummel et al 2011, Trimble et al 2014, infrastructure.
Choi et al 2016) (Source: EPRS, 2016, Glossary)29 World
Rather than precise labels, these phenom- Transport Policy and Practice Volume
ena suggest a spectrum of motor vehicle 22.3 Oct 2016
(MV) control and guidance ranging from
the conventional driver-vehicle arrange- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
ment, through HOFO and ADAS to AV and
CC. Differences between HOFOs, ADAS,
AVs and CCs also have significant philo-
sophical, cultural and legal implications.
(Glancy, 2012; Millar, 2014; Markoff,
2016; Quain, 2016)
By comparison, the European Parliament
Research Service (EPRS) Briefing of Jan.
2016 defines automated, autonomous and
connected vehicles in a slightly different,
but also useful, way:
Hands-off/feet-off (HOFO) and Automated
Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) vehi-
cles imply the presence of a human driver
ultimately in control who may cede control
History: From flying carpets to DARPA The development of surface AVs capable
and Google cars of navigating in real traffic, rather than
Autonomous vehicles have had a long his- just at the test facilities of automakers,
tory in myth, fiction and science fiction was limited to a few noteworthy
and a somewhat shorter history in experiments beginning in the 1980s such
application. The longer history can be as Ernst Dickmanns’ Mercedes van
traced back centuries to stories themed developed at Bundeswehr University,
with flying carpets moving persons about Munich, and a similar effort at Carnegie
for good or evil and then on to the lore Mellon University, Pittsburgh. (Weber,
that began to surround self-propelled or 2014; Nowakowski et al, 2014)
self-guided vehicles and weapons that U.S. governmental interest in the field
began to emerge in the nineteenth was also manifested in the 1991 Intermo-
century, including the auto-tiller for sailing dal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
ships and the self-guided torpedo for (ISTEA) which included a program and
maritime combat. (Weber 2014) Indeed, it funding for research and demonstration
is somewhat of a misnomer the personal projects for automated highways. This led
motor vehicle (PMV) developed in the late to the 1997 demonstration of highway au-
nineteenth century has popularly come to tomation in San Diego, CA, by the General
be known as the automobile, since it is Motors-led National Automated Highway
not, in fact, self-directed but until recent Systems Consortium (NAHSC). (Nowa-
experimentation, has always been under kowski et al 2014)
human guidance. The development of autonomous vehicles
It is also important to note that military switched into high gear fueled by the
purpose has guided or surrounded autono- interest and funding of the U.S. defense
mous vehicles, in fact or in fiction, since establishment’s Defense Advanced Re-
their earliest accounts. The desires of the search Projects Administration (DARPA)
automobile industry, exemplified in which began a series of contests
General Motors 1939 World’s Fair beginning with the 2004 $1 million desert
Futurama exhibit featuring the drive-to-- challenge. DARPA was hoping to develop a
drive-through America of the future significant fleet of military AVs by 2015.
complete with automated highways and The 2004 results were disappointing but
vehicles, have also influenced public the 2005 contest produced a number of
perceptions around AVs (Weber, 2014)1. vehicles capable of navigating the Mojave
The shorter history of the AV in Desert (California) course successfully. By
application can be traced back to 2007 the contest became an “Urban
inventions such as the 1930s Sperry Challenge” in a simulated urban driving
Gyroscope autopilot for aircraft and Nazi environment where contestant vehicles
rocketry in World War II, then on to RCA’s had to obey traffic regulations while
Sarnoff Laboratories AV work that began addressing road blockages and moving
in 1949 which led to its teaming with GM obstacles; several experimental AVs were
in the 1950s to develop a highway able to successfully complete the course.
automation demonstration and (Weber, 2014; Fagnant & Kockelman,
prototypical AVs such as the late 1950s 2015; Nowakowski et al, 2014)
Firebird III. But it was the development of As AV technology and performance im-
computers, especially microprocessors, proved through the years between 2000
and advances in programming, especially and 2010 most automakers, large and
around artificial intelligence (AI), robotics small, West and East, began to direct
and space exploration, from the 1960s more and more attention to its
onward, that accelerated the development development, or at least to the
of AVs and began its significant funding. furtherance of related technologies such
Parallel to the development of surface AVs as HOFO. By 2010 the Google car was
was the development of autonomous or sufficiently advanced that the issue of AVs
semi-autonomous underwater and air ve- began to attract regulatory attention.
hicles such as the Predator drone, mostly Since discussion of AVs has 30 World
1 also see the discussion of Futurama in Schiller, et Transport Policy and Practice Volume 22.3
al, 2010 used for military purposes, Oct 2016
although with some valuable civilian uses.
become part of daily life in most motoring societies attention needs to be given to how and
why this curious invention is being promoted--and by whom.
The promotion of HOFOs, ADAS, AVs eral ambitious directions ... .
and CCs Founders (Larry) Page and (Sergey)
The promotion of HOFOs, ADAS, AVs and Brin especially liked to take on pivotal
CCs has been undertaken over many problems a few uncomfortable but
years by several major players, these exciting notches short of being
include: solved, what they termed “moon
• National or International Governments: shots.”
The governments of the United States, An early example had been Street
European Union, China, Canada and nu- View for Google Maps, co-developed
merous other countries are actively spon- by ... Thrun. In 2008 he encouraged
soring programs of research funding and another self-driving veteran on his
legislation formation to facilitate the de- team, Anthony Levandowski, in a side
velopment and production of AVs Chignall, project called the Pribot – a Prius
2016; Markoff and Mozur, 2016). The U.S. modified for the stated goal of
has long had programs supporting what is fetching pizza on its own.
has termed intelligent vehicles and high- The Pribot’s success helped convince
way systems (IVHS) and intelligent trans- Google’s founders that self-driving,
portation systems (ITS) and advancing too, might be a technology on the
the cause of AVs and CCs is the highest cusp. They assigned the Pribot ... a
priority of the ITS program: series of challenges such as driving
“The ITS Strategic Plan’s framework is 100,000 miles on public roads, and
built around two key ITS Program pri- even descending San Francisco’s
orities— realizing connected vehicle im- twisty Lombard Street. It passed, and
plementation and advancing automa- they made Thrun co-head of a new
tion. The priorities reflect stakeholder effort, Google X, geared to launching
feedback on the need for the ITS Pro- “moon shot” ventures.
gram not only to conduct research, but
Thrun recruited Levandowski and
also to help with deployment and im-
many of the other top researchers in
plementation of specific technologies
the field, including Urban Challenge
related to connected vehicles and au-
star Chris Urmson. The team began
the hard work of transforming the
(ITS Joint Program Office 2014; Barbares-
raw capabilities demonstrated in
so et al, 2014; Sessa, C. and M. Fioretto
desert Challenges into a consumer
2013). As noted above in the history sec-
system; one polished enough to
tion there has been a long and extensive
safely carry living passengers in the
involvement of military interests in AVs
real world of traffic, and commuting,
and the considerable presence of the U.S.
and family vacations.
Department of Defense (DOD) in research
and development (R&D) involving AI and Google’s system has guided a fleet of
automation as applied to weapons devel- Prius and Lexus vehicles over half a
opment has also aided the development of million miles without causing any
AVs. accidents, and the firm is a leading
• State-Provincial-Regional-Local Gov- advocate for fully self-driving cars. But
ernment: Many states, provinces, regional as to how it might deploy the
technology, Google is keeping its
and local governments are creating fund-
options open.
ing mechanisms, often in partnership with
auto industries, as well as well as devel- (Source: Weber 2014)31 World
oping strategies and processes aimed at Transport Policy and Practice Volume
22.3 Oct 2016
the regulation of AVs. Some cities, either
already influenced by high tech interests
Sebastien Thrun; AI, AV and pizza-
fetching Pribot developer
... Sebastian Thrun, (was the) team lead-
er for Stanley, winner of the 2005 Grand
Challenge. Thrun lost a friend to an auto
accident in his youth, which motivated
him to research self-driving. When he led
the (2005) team he was Director of the
Stanford AI (artificial intelligence) Lab. ...
By the late 2000s Google had moved
beyond its core search business in sev-
in their vicinities, or hoping to attract high (Boudette and Isaac, 2016;
tech and automaking firms, are rolling out Kageyama, 2015; Ohnsman, 2014).
welcoming mats by encouraging them to use • Several of the major automakers
their roads to test AVs. While the federal and ride-hailing services are forging
government of Canada is only minimally links as part of their joint strategies to
involved in supporting AVs, the Province of sell AVs in the future and do away
Ontario is quite involved in working with with drivers and increase profitability
automakers in these regards. (Isaac and Boudette, 2016; Davies,
(Ticoll 2015; Dougherty, 2015) 2016).
• The armaments industries are very in- • Many promoters of automated vehi-
terested in AVs due to the cles believe that AVs will reduce
interrelationship of AV technology with crashes and, therefore, save money
weaponry, including unpiloted air and on insurance claims that should
undersea vehicles such as the Predator translate into rate reductions for
drone and undersea automated vehicles; vehicle owners. The automobile
the first DARPA contests aimed to have a insurance industry appears superfi-
battlefield AV capability. cially supportive of AVs in the belief
• The non-military high tech sectors of that this technology will reduce
national economies are deeply involved in crashes and concommitant repair and
developing automated vehicles or liability costs. But many observers do
software and other products related to not believe that insurance premiums
AVs. Some--like EMBARQ, who have been will be lowered in proportion to such
supported in the past by fossil fuel and savings in the near term, but rather
highway interests have been boosters of that the reduced costs will only inflate
approaches such as bus rapid transit industry profits. The situation for
(BRT), and have led the attack against automobile insurers is less clear
electrified rail transit--are more recently further out in the future (III, 2016).
coming around to a multi-pronged • The transportation research and
approach to urban transportation including policy establishment--especially those
newer high tech (and often unproven) aspects of it which tend to promote
urban transportation applications and mobility--is extremely active in
planned integration of communications, advancing automated vehicle
transportation and land use planning approaches. These efforts are often
(Gazibara et al, 2010). greatly assisted by relations with uni-
• Apple Inc. is developing an AV as well versity-affiliated transportation
as forging a relation with Didi Chuxing, research centers such as very
China’s biggest ride-hailing service. Goog- sophisticated testing facilities
le is, of course, investing heavily in the sometimes operated in close
development of an autonomous car, as cooperation with automakers.
well as exploring an AV ride-hailing (Boudette, 2016b). Some curious
service that would replace most vehicle combinations of mobility research
windows with screens--the better to units, automobility and
attract attention to numerous flashing telecommunications interests and
advertisements. Google and NGOs purporting to support
are investing heavily in on-demand alternatives to automobility have also
delivery services and associated software; emerged around AV issues (Gazibara
perhaps if Amazon’s delivery drones don’t et al, 2010). The development of AV
work out then either a Google or Amazon technology also presents challenges
AV will bring your package to your and opportunities for aspects of the
driveway and flip it onto your porch? engineering profession closely linked
(Newcomb, 2016; Isaac, M. and V. Goel, with automobility infrastructure, such
2016; Pyle, 2014; Gazibara et al, 2010) as the profession of civil engineering.
• The automobile industry, worldwide, is Some prominent AV promoters have
deeply involved with HOFO-ADAS-AV-CC urged that profession to take notice
research and implementation, many of and begin to form cooperative and
them promising to have vehicles with supportive relation32 World Transport
some or all of these advanced features Policy and Practice Volume 22.3 Oct
available within a few years, although 2016
there are significant differences in opinion
and approach among them as to which is
the best approach and most likely
trajectory for applications in these areas
ships with a range of automated vehicle enjoy a stress-free, enjoyable travel
interests: experience.
“ITE (Institute of Transportation Engi- (Ipsos MORI, 2016, bolded in
neers) should reach out and form ro- original)
bust collaborations with vehicle manu- According to this analysis it appears
facturers, systems and app developers, that the only thing that the AV-CC will
professional organizations, and gov- not do is cook your breakfast and
ernmental bodies that are already ac- serve it to you whilst you are whizzing
tively promoting autonomous vehicle along in perpetually flowing traffic that
technologies, and strive to find ways to never experiences a problem or a
achieve synergies that will benefit not pedestrian.
only ITE members but also society as a Issues, Questions, Promises and
whole” (Lutin, et al, 2013). Problems
• When a new technology with vast glo- Given the many broad claims and
bal reach and penetration emerges can boasts that AV boosters have
the marketing, advertising and public launched, such as the Ipsos list cited
relations (PR) enterprises be far behind? above as well as sweeping claims by
One might expect that they would be some academics (LutinKorn-
working to position themselves in the hauerRevDevAV.pdf), it is not unfair
forefront of the promotion of this to ask for more narrowing, more
technology, especially since its emergence specifics. For a start one might query:
will be prominently featured in a wide “Just what is the problem that AVs are
array of media; print, broadcast and meant to solve? Is it congestion?
internet-social. Public reception will need Crash reduction? More mobility for
to be shaped and clever messages will those feeling travel constrained?” This
have to be formulated in order to assure section will look at a range of issues
its commercial success--and that of the and questions that surround AVs as
promotional industries facilitating it. One well as explore some of their promises
major global PR player appears to be and problems. The following section
positioning itself for AV promotion through will assess the reality, rather than the
a number of reports aimed at influencing hype, of AV development at present
corporations, involved publics and govern- and the foreseeable future. Among the
mental entities. According to its analysis, several major issues that confront the
“The Future of Driving: Five Ways Con- development of AVs are numerous
nected Cars Will Change Your Life,” the technical challenges facing HOFOs-
public can expect wondrous services from ADAS-AVs-CCs a few of which are:
AVs: • The shortcomings of its detection
1. You’ll be safer: Automated driving systems to distinguish among things
will greatly reduce the chance of acci- that appear similar in shape, such as a
dents – and remove the need for traffic pothole or a puddle, discern
lights! differences between shadows and
2. You’ll have more “me” time: Your car structures, or to identify road
will be able to drive itself and park itself. markings, signage, etc. in bad
So stretch out and read a book, or chat weather.
with your friends online as you travel. • The limitations of the algorithms
Jump out the car at the restaurant and that are guiding them, especially the
meet your friend for lunch, whilst your car inability to respond sufficiently to
goes to park itself. other unconnected vehicles or moving
3. You’ll have more money: Your insur- objects in mixed traffic, as when the
er will never worry about your driving Google car swerved and crashed into a
history again. And get your car “uber- transit vehicle because its algorithm
ing” or start ride sharing. “expected the bus to get 33 World
4. You’ll visit the doctor less: Your car Transport Policy and Practice Volume
will become the most advanced mobile 22.3 Oct 2016
device that you use, capable of
becoming a “clinic” through its health-
care apps. Get a health check-up whilst
you’re being driven to the office!
5. You’ll want to commute more often:
Your connected car will be part of a
network that provides a commuting
service for you. You’ll finally be able to
out of its way.” The inability to detect cle standards; crash worthiness,
and identify the side of a large truck that product safety matters (seat belts, air
was crossing its path was a causative bags, etc.), fuel efficiency, emission
factor in the widely publicized Tesla HOFO standards, vehicle classfication and
crash in 2016 (Vlasic and Boudette, also has some influence over speed
2016). limits on federal roadways, etc. The
• The limitations of computerized map- policies and regulations for vehicle
ping and GPS guidance, especially when operation, with the possible exception
they may not be up-to-date with current of long-distance trucking and some
road conditions or infrastructure changes. aspects of long-distance passenger
• The ethical and technical dilemma of services, are left to the states and
whether the computer algorithm guiding provinces; licensure, most speed and
the car can navigate the complex ethical load limits, etc. It is unclear where
dilemmas inherent in vehicular mobility. AVs, ADAS or even HOFOs, might fit
The classical “trolley problem” of ethics into this division of powers and
and philosophy, whereby an operator (in responsibilities. For instance, if the
this case a computer algorithm) has to controls CCs are connected by an
choose between whose lives to save, will interstate internet system, what will
find its analog in AVs, especially when the jurisdictional arrangements be?
glitches in programs surface. How will the integrity of the internet-
The world of traffic is extremely complex, based system be assured? Could there
perhaps in certain simple situations the be multi-state impacts similar to the
computer may make the correct decision, situation of large power grid failures?
but the blanket promise of AVs safety may At present only a few state, provincial
be something of an over-reach. Still, it is and local jurisdictions are allowing AVs
a great PR ploy as a television advertise- and ADAS to operate on their road-
ment from a major manufacturer of luxury ways and the federal governments are
vehicles demonstrates: either watching or very slowly
“The 2014 Mercedes-Benz E-Class in- beginning to think about national
cludes cars that can see like a human. implications. There is a great deal of
It can stop itself. For example, a young murkiness-if not a vacuum,
girl chases after her soccer ball into the surrounding regulation and restriction
street, which triggers the E-Class to at all levels of government: What will
stop immediately. It doesn’t just see the situation be if and when AVs
the future, it is the future” (, become more available and grow in
2014). numbers? (Nowakowski et al, 2014;
The “ball in the street” trope has long Kessler, 2015)
been used by automobility interests to • Despite the regulatory vacuum at
frighten parents by exaggerating the the federal level in the U.S. and
dangers of children playing in or near Canada, several automakers are
streets and to justify anti-pedestrian charging ahead with the development
restrictions. In today’s situation, where and marketing of HOFO-ADAS
traffic calming and shared or features in new vehicles and nothing
pedestrianized streets has become more is slowing the various developers of
popular, the fright of children running into AVs and CCs from charging forward
the street (where children shouldn’t be!) with their development efforts and
is a latter day version of the automobility marketing hype (Kessler, 2015).
interests undying commitment to preserve Possible positive features of
all streets, even in low traffic residential HOFOs, ADAS, AVs and CCs34
areas, as the unquestioned domain of the World Transport Policy and Practice
motor vehicle. Volume 22.3 Oct 2016
(Boudette, N.E., 2016a; Vlasic and
Boudette, 2016; Davies, A., 2016; Zolfa-
gharifard, 2015; Jaipuria, 2015; Norton,
P.D. 2008)
There are several complex public policy
and governmental regulation issues
emerging around AVs:
• In the U.S., and Canada to a certain
extent, the federal government develops
an array of policies and regulations guid-
ing and governing safety issues and vehi-
• Deep market penetration needed: ogy of electrical generation.
While it is difficult to separate the likely • Parking reductions: A huge reduction
“wheat” from all the hype “chaff” in parking demand is promised by AV
surrounding vehicle automation, it is likely & CC boosters. But this would likely
that there could be some aspects that only occur in a scenario where private
would be beneficial. But the greatest ownership of vehicles is minimal and
promises of automated vehicles are not most motorists would avail themselves
likely to be realized short of at least a of AVs through car-shares or
ninety per cent market penetration and, automated on-demand ride-hailing
even then, only on fully grade separated services. As indicated below, gener-
roadways--not in ordinary urban and ated traffic could consume the road
suburban traffic situations. Their promise space relieved by lessened parking
is also unlikely to be realized unless and and thereby reduce this potential
until the overwhelming majority of benefit.
motorists eschew private ownership in • Traffic congestion reductions: Under
favor of some sort of car-share arrange- optimal market penetration scenarios,
ments (Fagnant and Kockelman, 2015). AVs and CCs could reduce congestion
• Energy and GHGs: Automated vehicles, on grade-separated and controlled
especially AVs and CCs, will likely be fully “smart highways, smart
electric powered and, with complete or infrastructure” or, possibly, on a
near complete market penetration, could completely separated “smart lane.”
shed many pounds or even tons of weight This could be accomplished through a
since they will not need heavy engines variety of vehicle stacking and
and drive trains or some of the heavy platooning phenomena. But without a
emissions and safety structural features major realistic and large-scale
now built into internal combustion engine demonstration it is not yet clear
(ICE) only or hybrid vehicles. A lighter whether AVs and CCs would reduce
weight would be dependent on advances vehicular congestion on most urban
in electric storage technology allowing AVs streets due to the great complexities
to operate with a smaller, lighter of their traffic situations, especially if
batteries. If all the vehicles on the road pedestrians and cyclists are to be
were AVs or CCs there would not be the appropriately accommodated.
risk inherent in lighter vehicles crashing Certainly a major reduction in crashes
with heavyweights and there could be will help urban traffic flow, but the
some additional energy efficiency from buy-back phenomenon of traffic
regenerative braking. This could translate generated from increased demand for
into significant energy use and GHGs travel from currently unserved and
reductions, especially on automated underserved populations may offset
highways where closer packed platooning vehicular congestion reductions
might be possible and depending on the (Fagnant and Kockelman, 2015).
sources of the electricity and the time of • Freight movement: automated or
day (or night) when charging occurs. It is robotic vehicles are already used
unclear how much energy and GHGs widely in carefully controlled
reduction would occur under some environments in certain industrial
scenarios of urban traffic and deadheading applications, from warehousing to
deployment (running empty one way to or mining. There is also considerable in-
from passenger origins or destinations). terest and activity in the development
Additionally, it is unclear as to how much of electric HOFOs and AVs for long
generated traffic and increased demand distance trucking. This would require
for personal vehicular transport would be the existence of carefully controlled
created with AVs; most scenarios see special lanes and a fair amount of
increased demand for segments of the “smart infrastructure” to allow
population currently unable to or unlikely platooning and other energy and
to drive such as children and the elderly highway space saving effects. The
which would lead to increased levels of idea of freight electrification is not
energy consumption. new (Gilbert & Perl, 2008) but the
• Pollution: There would almost surely be possibility of fleets 35 World Transport
a significant reduction of local air pollution Policy and Practice Volume 22.3 Oct
with the adoption of electrified HOFOs, 2016
AVs or CCs. Whether there would be sig-
nificant reductions in regional air pollution
depends upon the fuel source and technol-
of automated trucks could do much to re- might have negative consequences in
duce some of freight movement’s exter- less wealthy countries where jobs in
nalities as well as enhancing its safety for transit and paratransit are major
operators and other persons and vehicles sources of income for many people.
in its operating environment. If policy will • Mitigate roadway expansions: It is
and funding are made available at suffi- possible that, if the most optimistic of
cient levels this aspect of HOFOs and AVs AV scenarios were to be realized, that
could be realized within a fairly short time demands for increasing the capacity of
frame, especially since several fairly viable major highways could be mitigated by
vehicle models, especially HOFOs, are al- the compression of high speed traffic
ready well-developed (Ticoll, 2015; Taso made possible by AV and CC
and Botha, 2003; Markoff, 2016b). technologies. But, then, what does
• Public transportation--transit: Full au- one do with all these extra motor
tomation has already been successfully vehicles once they leave the exit
implemented in a number of urban rail ramp? Would the historic congestion
transit-fixed guideway-grade separated and slowing of traffic now common to
systems. Automated busways could prob- most expressways simply be
ably be successfully developed in similarly transferred to urban streets?
grade-separated and intersection control- Possible negative consequences of
led corridors, such as Los Angeles’ transit HOFOs, ADAS, AVs and CCs:
system’s (LACMTA) Orange Line bus rapid Several researchers, in addition to the
transit (BRT) and similar BRT systems authors of this article, point to a
around the world. It is conceivable that number of possible or probable
urban and suburban transit providers negative consequences that could flow
could better address the problem of the from wide-scale adoption of ADAS,
“last mile;” how to deliver passengers to AVs and CCs (Wadud et al, 2016;
and from the transit line closest to their Bruun and Givoni, 2015):
origin or destination when that line is • Travel speeds may increase on auto-
greater than comfortable walking mated highways, due to reduced crash
distance. A small automated transit risk, which would increase energy
vehicle accommodating no more than consumption.
twelve passengers would be able to • Energy consumption might rise from
navigate neighborhood streets better than increased travel as the cost of drivers’
a standard bus. The success of services time is reduced and travelers,
such as “Uber Pool” demonstrates that a especially commuters, can make their
market for such a service exists. With in-the-vehicle time more productive
imaginative planning and policy it is which could lead to longer commutes.
possible that public and private providers As previously noted it is possible that
could cooperate within a “Mobility as a deadheading (a dispatched AV or CC
Service (MaaS)” framework so that the running empty on one of its trip legs)
best features of mass transit could be could increase energy consumption.
combined with the most attractive and There is already concern in some
cost-effective aspects of ride-hailing safety quarters about HOFOs
services to fill this service gap. It is increasing distracted driving
possible that such vehicles could provide a considerably, including more sex in
good mobility option for many persons moving vehicles. (Pedwell, 2016)
now relying upon paratransit service and Since the privacy of the automobile,
perhaps even provide some local parcel albeit mostly parked in an out of the
delivery services without filling the way location, has often been
neighborhood skies with drones (Heikkilä, associated with teen sex, one can only
2014; Manjoo, 2016a; Taso and Botha, imagine how much time ADAS, AVs
2003; Pyle, 2014; Bruun and Givoni, and CCs will spend on the road
2015). facilitating such trysts--especially
While this scenario might work for wealth- when GoogleCar has its way and
ier countries where personnel now en- replaces most of the windows with
gaged in driving transit vehicle could be computer screens flashing pop-up
redeployed to other service provision ar- ads.36 World Transport Policy and
eas, such as security and information, it Practice Volume 22.3 Oct 2016
• Older persons, children and other pop- and surface transit. There are limits to
ulations traditionally excluded from the how many personal motor vehicles,
driver’s wheel may increase their travel automated or not, can be crammed into
demands when AVs and CCs become urban space without rendering it
widespread and readily available. This unliveable and unworkable. In their rush
could increase transportation energy to usher in a new motor vehicle
consumption and demand for space on millennium, the boosters of AVs and CCs
urban streets, thus eliminating the have simply not done their homework;
potential for gaining urban space through they’ve not done the spatial analyses nec-
the elimination of on-street parking. essary to test their beliefs and promises
• There may be health consequences; (Bruun and Givoni 2015; Shin et al, 2009;
researchers have already documented the Fraade, 2015).
likelihood of increased motion sickness as- What might the reality of automated ve-
sociated with AV travel. (Sivak and Sch- hicles be?
oettle 2015) In this article we have reviewed many of
• Depending upon pricing regimens, the claims made by promoters of AVs and
travel demand could increase if AVs and we have tried to assess some of their
CCs lower the marginal costs of driving major positive and negative features. The
through the elimination of parking fees, boosters of AVs and CCs have been busily
vehicle maintenance costs, insurance, etc. painting a rosy picture of their future and
A sort of AV Jevons paradox2. conveniently ignoring or dismissing con-
• Similarly, if automating freight--either cerns about them. But more than positive
local or long distance, reduces the costs or negative conjecture about the future, a
and time penalties associated with goods sober assessment of the realities of the
delivery, an increase or acceleration in present and future--near-term and long-
consumption might occur. Imagine the term, is sorely needed:
glut that might ensue when consumers • AV and CC technologies, hardware and
don’t have to wait ten days to try ten software--including telecommunications,
pairs of shoes to find the right fit in a might not develop as expected. There is
shoe; when automated logistics shortens considerable difference between real world
that time span to one day; freeing the experience and laboratory, simulation or
consumer to engage in nine extra internet virtual experiences. For all their
shopping days. Or imagine what happens shortcomings as motorists, humans are
when automated freight allows you to still remarkably competent in reacting to
order exactly what you want for travel the challenges of the road; visual acuity,
while in a long line at an airport and have depth perception, recognizing hazards,
it delivered to the baggage department or etc. When sober, that is. There are prob-
lodging at your destination (Wadud et al, lems in robotics that are extremely
2016). difficult to solve; simple human walking
• Traffic infiltration of previously low traf- and running is proving to be extremely
fic neighborhood streets could increase complex and difficult to imitate, which is
significantly with the advanced naviga- why such robots look pitifully clumsy and
tional systems that would be incorporated unlikely to win any Olympics track and
into AVs and CCs. Such systems would field competitions any time soon. Perhaps
choose the most direct and least con- perfect driv37 World Transport Policy and
gested pathway for the vehicle, regardless Practice Volume 22.3 Oct 2016
of neighborhood concerns or local traffic
policy. Some GPS devices may already be
doing this in some areas (, 2016).
2 Jevons noted that with the increased efficiency of
coal burning in the industrial revolution, more coal,
not less would be burned due to its growing
attractiveness as a fuel.
• Urban densities and activity intensities
may be viewed as inversely proportional
to high levels of per capita car use,
although dense cities are often very
congested due to their proportionally
lower amount of land devoted to roads.
High levels of motor vehicle saturation
and asphalt domination will work against
preserving open space or having an
environment amenable to walking, cycling
ing may be beyond the reach of ways, of which only a few are of interest
engineers? (Chalodhorn et al, 2010; to the matters under discussion in this ar-
Manjoo, 2016b) ticle. Computer savvy owners may hack
• The bugs and glitches of HOFOs, ADAS their car’s computer in order to manipu-
and AVs are still abundant, as the crashes late certain data, such as the true amount
of Tesla and Google vehicles remind us. of miles/kms driven and other matters
Perhaps not insurmountable, but perfec- that may impinge upon its resale value or
tion is likely more than just a couple years adherence to safety or environmental
away. It is likely that HOFO and ADAS regulations. As the recent diesel emissions
technology, which still expects attentive- control scandals have demonstrated,
ness on the part of the driver, might lead some manipulation is undertaken by au-
to increased risk from the distractedness tomakers themselves on a vast scale in
now commonly associated with the use of order to evade environmental regulations.
cell phones and related devices while One can only imagine what might happen
driving (Editorial Board, 2015; Greene- when computer savvy adolescents decide
meier, 2016). It is ironic that the Google that they want to race each other, or
car crashed into a transit bus and forced when mischievous experts or cyber-
considerable inconvenience for its pas- terrorists decide to hack AV systems to
sengers who had to deboard and wait for see what it would be like to shut down all
another transit vehicle. Google admitted, the freeway traffic of a major city
not without a hint of arrogance, that their (Perlroth, 2015; Hoag, 2012; Billingto
automated car expected the bus to swerve Cybersecurity, 2016; FlyerTalk Forums,
and avoid their erroneous lane intrusion: 2010).
“In the wake of the accident, Google ac- • Fleet turnover takes a long time: At the
knowledged its role in causing the crash, very least it can take on average a decade
noting that the car (computer program) or more to turn over an existing standard
“predicted that [the bus] would yield to us personal motor vehicle (PMV) fleet. At
because we were ahead of it.” While the present the rate of market penetration for
mainstream media has seized upon the electric vehicles (EVs) is at most two per
relatively poor record of experimental cent of new PMV purchases in most
automated vehicles, in fairness to Google countries where substantial automobile
and other AV developers it must be noted markets exist--even after considerable im-
that when the University of Michigan’s provements in EV range and operational
Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) features. The market penetration for car-
studied the crash records of the ex- sharing is even smaller, less than two per
perimental models undergoing road test- cent of the car rental market in the U.S.
ing, it found that, while the available data and an infinitesmally small portion of the
indicated that such vehicles were over- total car ownership, car rental and driving
represented in crashes and crash-related totals. Since most of the positive features
injuries, the AVs were not at fault for such of AV domination can only occur once
crashes and that injury severity was lower their market threshold surpasses ninety
than for conventional vehicles (Ewing, per cent penetration, it could be many
2016; Zolfagharifard, 2015; McHugh, decades before this could happen
2015; Vlasic and Boudette, 2016; Quain, (GlobalEVmarket032415.pdf, Fagnant &
2016b; Davies, 2016; Ziegler, 2016; Isi- Kockelman; Young, 2015).
dore, 2015; Schoettle and Sivak, 2015). • Infrastructure transformation needed for
• The hackability, manipulation of or con- AV domination could be extremely ex-
trol of car computers and their software pensive and may be beyond the reach of
by persons other than the owner and des- most cities or nations. While it does not
ignated service personnel is a well-estab- appear that any reliable cost estimates
lished problem for owners, regulators and exist of the expense transforming all the
the general public. For as many years as requisite transportation infrastructure of a
automakers have been incorporating com- whole large city to accommodate AVs or
puters into the operational controls of mo- CCs, one can only surmise that the cost
tor vehicles, owners and computer hack- 38 World Transport Policy and Practice
ers have been finding ways of defeating Volume 22.3 Oct 2016
their integrity in a number of interesting
would be gigantic. It could be especially vote against traffic signal cameras to de-
expensive with CCs as every piece of the tect and deter persons who speed and run
system would be expected to communi- through red lights embrace centrally mon-
cate with every other piece. There would itored and controlled personal vehicles?
have to be uniform standards for how Will a public, especially in many of the
each piece communicates. At present a wealthier societies, that is more and more
simple vehicle sensor at a fairly simple wary of centralization support such a mas-
signalized intersection costs thousands, if sive endeavor? Will those concerned about
not tens of thousands, of dollars. Even the ‘surveillance state’ or society embrace
granting AHS-AV-CC a validity to their such monitoring? (Francois, 2014)
claim that regular traffic signalization as • If the California experience provides any
we now know it would become obsolete guidance, the regulatory hurdles may be
under a true AHS regimen, there would formidable and it may take much longer
still be enormous costs to developing and than AV and CC promoters admit for these
deploying the sensor technology needed to be drafted, tested, authorized and
to keep AVs and CCs rolling. Every implemented (Dougherty, 2015; Now-
roadway would have to have a continuous akowski, et al, 2014).
sensor capability along it. Multiplied by the • Will the vehicles be affordable for the
tens of thousands of intersections and average user? Will the monthly telecom-
thousands of miles of urban roadways, munications packages that will, no doubt,
just this one cost would be enormous. accompany the vehicles be affordable?
Since, as noted above, a successful fleet What cost controls, if any, might be ex-
turnover would likely take decades to ac- acted from the profitability-fixated private
complish there would likely be calls from monopolies that will likely generate these
the AHS-AV-CC promoters to create AHS costs by an ever-weakening public sector?
systems parallel to existing mixed traffic • Can the infrastructure necessary for AVs
roadways. The U.S. does not seem to be and CCs be made foolproof, even if it can
politically capable of raising its fuel taxes be made hacker resistant? Can its fail-safe
by even a small increment; its reliability be proven to a likely skeptical
conventional funding source, the Highway public? Can it be made completely glitch-
Trust Fund, is bankrupt. In Europe public free? If the public and media response to
budgets are reeling under austerity the Tesla (semi-automated) crashes is any
measures. Even if a highly unlikely public indicator, there may be grounds for skep-
consensus about road and full cost pricing ticism about the absolute safety of AVs
of transportation operations were to and CCs (McHugh, 2015; Zolfagharifard,
ensue, where will the new hundreds of 2015).
billions or trillions of investment dollars be • Following the above point about infra-
found? structure; widespread use of AVs and CCs
Public resistance to automated vehicles will probably not likely to be adaptable to
There may be several major points of most developing countries, despite India’s
public resistance to the adoption of AVs or efforts to create its own AV. The physical
CCs. In addition to all the possibly nega- and operational shape of Indian cities
tive problems associated with automated works against a larger share for personal
vehicles listed above there is the minor motor vehicles (PMVs), especially AVs,
matter of public resistance or acceptance: and India and many similar countries
• There is often inertia or resistance to probably would be unable to afford the
major change that affects one’s lifestyle, sorts of infrastructure changes demanded
daily life, or stemming from perception, for these vehicles (Mohan, 2015; Stewart
misperception, understanding or misun- and Bertaud, 2015).
derstanding of the proposed or impending • Will the timeline for the development of
change. This should not be overlooked or a truly reliable automated vehicle be 39
underestimated by researchers, planners World Transport Policy and Practice
or policy makers. Volume 22.3 Oct 2016
• Will the public that has been known to
so long and far into the future that all urban environments without core mass
involved; developers, researchers, the transit systems. Instead of wishful think-
public sector funders and the public simply ing about small AVs replacing bus and rail
tire of hearing decade after decade of transit it might be more fruitful to look at
promises and turn away from the AV hype ways in which AV technology could be ap-
and towards other solutions--like walking plied to some of these. Some existing BRT
or cycling or transit? (Boudette, 2016b) lines, such as the Orange Line in Los An-
• The power of the car culture to shape geles, probably could be readily converted
mobility expectations, from early child- to automation. For the foreseeable future
hood car-seats through teen hot-rodding we are probably going to need plenty of
to the elderly refusing to relinquish their human controlled buses, more than at
drivers’ licenses, the hold that automobili- present, to address urban transportation
ty has upon motoring societies is deep needs. ADAS could also help such needs
and strong. The many billions of dollars as well as helping freight movement con-
that automakers and their allies spend siderably.
annually glamorizing the car and selling it The most optimistic scenario would have
as an extension of self and a powerful tool ride-sharing on-demand AVs or CCs satu-
of self-expression may have succeeded in rating the vehicle fleet, which is necessary
keeping power fantasies and dangerous for their most positive energy, congestion,
driving near and dear to the hearts of urban space saving (mostly parking) and
many. Large swathes of the motoring pub- safety effects to ensue. This assumes that
lic may simply be unwilling to relinquish the motoring population would forego the
their control of their vehicles (Schiller et hold of the car culture, and personal own-
al, 2010, esp. Chapters 1 and 2, Schiller ership, in order to have a completely rea-
and Kenworthy, forthcoming 2017; Quain, sonable and orderly personal transporta-
2016a). tion system.
Conclusions Perhaps we could go one step further and
There are many attractive aspects of propose that humans have RIDF chips im-
automated and semi-automated vehicles. planted under their skin so that the
But there are many uncertain, vehicles can find them and whisk them to
unpredictable or even undesirable aspects Whereverland and back. Like most
of these as well. From a perspective of utopias, this is not likely to occur. Rather
environmentally sustainable transportation the worst of all automated vehicle worlds
the desirability of widescale adoption of might occur: Motorists will refuse to
these is questionable at best and relinquish personal ownership (or even
retrograde under the worst imaginable control) of AVs, vehicle ownership rates
scenario. In a thoughtful appraisal of the will rise, demand for AVs will rise among
future, AV advocate John Niles thinks that traditionally non-driving populations
it is unlikely that the timetable of AV (young, elderly, mobility challenged, etc),
developers will be met. Instead of a five and cities will become even more car
to ten year timeline, it is more likely that saturated and congested. The sexual
ADAS technology will likely occur with activities of passengers, predicted to
“future creep” over a much longer time increase with ADAs and AVs (Pedwell,
period to a point where most of the motor 2016 ), may be rudely interrupted when
vehicle fleet will have become hackers gleefully shut the system down
automated3. One possible scenario is that periodically. Humans will have invested
there could be an AV “transit leap” trillions of dollars in systems that leave
whereby the technology is developed for them worse off and more stranded in traf-
small transit vehicles and that these could fic than before.
replace most urban transit (Grush and It is possible that the ultimate technologi-
Niles, 2016). While there certainly could cal problems are insoluble for AV and CC
be some useful applications of small AV fleet domination to occur. Urban traffic
transit, especially for first and last mile may be too complex for even the smartest
3 personal communication John Niles, Global 40 World Transport Policy and Practice
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