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Name :Ranti Agustini

NIM : 21117098

Class : PSIK 3C

Causes and Effects of Stress

Stress is a mental disorder faced by a person due to pressure. This pressure arises from
the failure of individuals in meeting their needs or desires. This pressure can come from within
or from outside. Everyone, including children, can experience stress. This condition does not
always bring bad effects and is generally only temporary. Stress will end when a condition that
causes stress or frustration is passed. In short, stress might be caused by some poinys and it
could also affect us.

The stress that is suffered by us can be caused by four things. The First, have too many
tasks (college assignments). When we are not able to manage the time to do the number of
tasks we have, then it will affect our psychological condition so that it can cause anxiety
because of not being able to complete the task properly. Second, have the tests (mid or final
test). When we are faced with many tests that must be passed, we will try to get the best results.
This is usually done by studying until late at night, so that makes our bodies feel tired and our
minds become burdened because of the fear we have. Third, getting broke. When we, feel bored
or bored with our daily activities, we usually start looking for entertainment by walking with
friends or shopping for things we want. Different things if at a certain time we do not have
money, then there are no activities that can entertain us when you are bored or bored, everything
will feel more difficult to do. And Fourth, losing someone or something we love. When we,
losing someone or something we love, the body will respond with various things that will cause
pressure in our minds, so we no longer focus on doing something because of the loss.

After we have discussed about the causes, here are some effect of being stress. The
First, becoming more sensitive. The point is that when we experience stress, our emotions
become out of control, someone who is stressed tends to become more angry, feel hopeless, or
be quiet. Second, having lack of sleep. This condition can be influenced by a pile of tasks or
the many problems we face that affect our minds and make us difficult to sleep because many
think about the problems faced. Third, losing appetizer. People who experience stress, will
think more about the feelings they experience rather than their food needs. This will cause the
condition of the body is weak because they do not eat. And the last, becoming sad. This is in
response to our bodies when the body is unable to hold the emotional we feel.

From the explanation above, we can conclude that stress can occur due to the large
number of college assignments, having a test, not having money and losing someone or
something loved. This can have an impact on our bodies, starting from us being more sensitive,
lack of sleep, loss of appetite and feeling sad. To prevent this from happening, we must be able
to regulate our minds to be able to deal with whatever work or problem we face so that it does
not cause stress.

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