Lesson 3-2

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ED 345Calvin University Teacher Intern Observation Template

Teacher Intern: Noah Treffers Date: November 11, 2019

Grade Level: 5/6 Subject/ Topic: Science
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 1 hour *The template
will expand as text is added.*
Main Focus/Essential Questions:
● What lives in these biomes?
● How are they able to survive (genetic variation of traits)?
Brief Context:
● This is the third lesson in a unit about biomes and climate. The students have learned about
different biomes, why they exist in these places, and why there are different climates around
the world.
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:
● Biomes
● Climate
Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments
Consider formative & summative tools

Please number objectives and the aligned assessment measures.

The learner will: I will assess learning by:

1. Define and find examples of 1. Worksheet
2. Identify adaptations within different 2. Worksheet
3. Compare different adaptations that 3. Worksheet
are needed for species to survive in
different biomes.

Standards Addressed in Lesson: (Include full standard.)

● MS-LS4-4 (Science) Construct an explanation based on evidence that describes how genetic
variations of traits in a population increase some individuals’ probability of surviving and
reproducing in a specific environment.
Instructional Resources:
● Projector
● Worksheet

Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement,
Representation, Action & Expression)& principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual
accommodations you will make in response to needs or interests of students.
● Pre-teach vocabulary and symbols, especially in ways that promote
connection to the learners’ experience and prior knowledge
● Encourage and support opportunities for peer interactions and supports
(e.g., peer-tutors)

* Supervisor’s Comments:


BUILDING RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS:(Note any specific ways in which you plan to establish rapport,
build mutual trust, monitor & maintain relationships. Consider student-teacher & student-student
● Students may sit where they choose, if they can prove that they are showing a mutual respect
by getting work done and listening.
● Classroom discussions
● Group work
ORGANIZATIONAL ROUTINES:(Identify ways that you have intentionally organized time, space,
materials, & students to minimize disruptions and maximize learning.)
● Use “Bum, bad, dah, bum, bum” … Students say “Eyes Up”
● Clap and have students repeat the clap back
● Students will sit in their seats that they choose
● Desk are placed in groups of three
● They will be faced towards the front of the room where they can see the screen

SPECIFYING & REINFORCING PRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR:(Note how expectations are specified,

productive behavior is reinforced and disruptive behavior is redirected.)
● Use positive reinforcements (“________ is doing a good job of working with their group”)
● Owe me 5 minutes at recess if being disruptive

*Supervisor’s Comments:


Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
● Give Quiz #3
● Go over the quiz with the whole class
○ Focus on having this being student led conversations and the teacher facilitating the
● Have students fix their mistakes with a different colored pen
● Collect the quiz
● Ask students what an adaptation is? What is the definition (it is one of our vocabulary words
right now)?
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
● Show this 15 minute video that does a great job of explaining adaptations.
○ https://www.pbs.org/video/natureworks-adaptation/
● Remind students that although this video focused on animals, plants can also have adaptations.
○ Cactus live in desert because they are waxy (keeping water in), and stem holds water
what because it thick and fleshy.
○ Seaweed has adapted to live in the water
○ Venus flytrap - traps insects for food
○ Different plants have different roots
○ Certain grasses can survive fires and grow back
● Have students get back with their groups that they did their biome project with.
● Have them work through the worksheet.
● Set expectations to work collaboratively in a community while doing the worksheet. There
should be conversation. There shouldn’t be people ahead or behind or not working.
● Go over the worksheet with the class.
Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an
assignment or independent practice.)
● Have the students think of an adaptation that would help plants or animals that are endangered
today? This will lead us into climate change which is the next lesson.

*Supervisor’s Comments: (Communication with students, questioning strategies, student engagement,

assessment in instruction, flexibility & responsiveness)

EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM: Please note recent evidence of your efforts as a professional.


This lesson went well. The students find the adaptations really interesting. The worksheet and
activity that I found to go with the lesson was very effective and had students think through many
different types of adaptations. The video also went over well and helped the students visually think
through these adaptations.

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