8a. Typology of Family NursingHealth Problems 2

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(Copied from Maglaya, A. Nursing Practice in the Community, 5th Ed, 2009 pp 67-72)


FAMILY HEALTH PROBLEMS) 7) Poor home/environmental condition/sanitation –
I. Presence of Wellness Condition – stated as potential or specify:
readiness – a clinical nursing g judgment about a client in 1. Inadequate living space
transition from a specific level of wellness or capability to 2. Lack of food storage facilities
a higher level (NANDA, 2001). Examples of these are the 3. Polluted water supply
following: 4. Presence of breeding or resting sites of
a. Potential for Enhanced Capability for: (… nursing vectors of diseases (e.g. mosquitoes,
judgment on wellness state or condition based on flies, roaches, rodents, etc.)
client’s performance, current competencies or 5. Improper garbage/refuse disposal
clinical data but no explicit expression of client 6. Improper drainage system
desire. 7. Poor lighting and ventilation
1. Healthy life-style – e.g. nutrition / 8. Noise pollution
diet, exercise / activity 9. Air pollution
2. H e a l t h m a i n t e n a n c e / h e a l t h 8) Unsanitary food handling and preparation
management 9) Unhealthful lifestyle and personal habits/
3. Parenting practices – specify:
4. Breastfeeding 1. Alcohol drinking
5. Spiritual well being – process of client’s 2. Cigarette/tobacco smoking
developing / unfolding of mystery 3. Walking barefoot or inadequate
through harmonious interconnectedness footwear
that comes from inner strength / 4. Eating raw meat or fish
sacred source / God (NANDA, 2001) 5. Poor personal hygiene
6. Others, specify: ___________________ 6. Self-medication/substance abuse
b. Readiness for Enhanced Capability for: (…nursing 7. Sexual promiscuity
judgment on wellness state or condition based on 8. Engaging in dangerous sports
client’s performance, clinical data and explicit 9. Inadequate rest or sleep
expression of desire to achieve a higher level of 10. Lack of/inadequate exercise/physical
state or function in a specific area on health activity
promotion and maintenance. 11. L a c k o f / i n a d e q u a t e r e l a x a t i o n
1. Healthy life style activities
2. H e a l t h m a i n t e n a n c e / h e a l t h 12. Non-use of self-protection measures
management (e.g. non-use of bednets in malaria and
3. Parenting filariasis endemic areas)
4. Breastfeeding 10) Inherent personal characteristics – e.g. poor
5. Spiritual well being impulse control
6. O t h e r s , specify: 11) Health history which may precipitate/induce the
______________________ occurrence of a health deficit, e.g. history of
difficult labor
II. Presence of Health Threats – conditions that are conducive 12) Inappropriate role assumption – e.g. child
to disease and accident, or may result to failure to assuming mother’s role, father not assuming his
maintain wellness or realize health potential. Examples of role
these are the following: 13) Lack of immunization/inadequate immunization
1) Presence of risk factors of specific diseases (e.g. status specially of children
lifestyle diseases, metabolic syndrome) 14) Family disunity – examples:
2) Threat of cross-infection from a communicable 1. Self-oriented behavior of member (s)
disease case 2. Unresolved conflict of member (s)
3) Family size beyond what family resources can 3. Intolerable disagreement
adequately provide 15) Others, specify:
4) Accident hazards: examples _______________________________
1. Broken stairs
2. Pointed/sharp objects, poisons, and III. Presence of Health Deficits – instances of failure in health
medicines improperly kept maintenance. Examples include:
3. Fire hazards A) Illness states, regardless of whether diagnosed or
4. Fall hazards undiagnosed by a medical practitioner
5. O t h e r s , specify: B) Failure to thrive/develop according to normal rate
_____________________ C) Disability – whether congenital or arising from illness,
5) Faulty / unhealthful nutritional/eating habits or transient or temporary (e.g. aphasia or temporary paralysis
feeding techniques or practices – specify: after a CVA) or permanent (e.g. leg amputation secondary
1. Inadequate food intake both in quality to diabetes, blindness from measles, lameness from polio)
and quantity
2. Excessive intake of certain nutrients IV. Presence of Stress Points / Foreseeable Crisis Situations –
3. Faulty eating habits anticipated periods of unusual demand on the individual or
4. Ineffective breastfeeding family in terms of adjustment/family resources, transitions
5. Faulty feeding practices (i.e. passage from one life phase, condition or status to
6) Stress-provoking factors – specify: another, causing a forced or chosen change that results in
1. Strained marital relationship the need to construct a new reality). Examples of these
2. Strained parent-sibling relationship include
3. Interpersonal conflicts between family A. Marriage
members B. Pregnancy, labor, puerperium
C. Parenthood
D. Additional member – e.g. newborn, lodger
E. Abortion
F. Entrance at school
G. Adolescence
H. Divorce or separation
I. Menopause
J. Chronic illness
K. Loss of job
L. Hospitalization of a family member
M. Death of a member
N. Resettlement in a new community
O. Illegitimacy
P. Others, specify

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