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We are often told that we should choose our career on the basis

of things that we love to do. Now this may seem easy but don’t
be fooled. Choosing a career is regarded as a very important step
in a student’s life, and the need for being secure has instilled a
fear amongst many of us. This has unfortunately has a tendency
to turn our hobby into a source of income, making it much less

But just because it’s intimidating doesn’t mean that it’s not
possible to enjoy your hobby as a job. It’s definitely possible to
do something you love and make a living out of it.

The first thing to realize when you turn your hobby into a career
path is that it will be difficult. People assume that just because
you love what you do, it will be a piece of cake. Sure, loving your
job makes it easier for you to bear with it when things get hard,
but you still need to hustle. Remember that just because you
loved doing it in your free time doesn’t mean you’ll love it
during your work time as well.
Perseverance is the key to success. You cannot expect a huge pay
in the first or second or even your tenth deal. It’ll take time for
things to settle but you can’t give up if you want to do what you
love. A friend of mine had always been a great dancer, so while
pursuing higher education she started a small dance academy in
her own house where she taught little kids in her locality. Soon
she started training them for competitions in their schools. Now
she plans on expanding by creating batches for different age
groups and training more kids and even maybe rent a dance
studio if things work out well. This wasn’t an overnight process
and surely not an easy one, but the point is that she persevered
and it paid off.
Learn to take in constructive criticism, and ask for feedback.
When you start something new it is very important to ask advice
from other people in the same/similar markets. This doesn’t
mean that you let people force you into changing your ways and
your style, but there might be some things you can possibly
improve on to become the best possible version of yourself.
In the end, life is short, so do what you love and
love what you do.


The Sparks Foundation

Our Vision Statement A world of enabled and connected little minds,

building future. Our Mission Statement To inspire students, help them
innovate and let them integrate to build the next generation humankind.

 Hobby

 Jobs

 Profession

 Income

 Perseverance

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