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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 2
2. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................ 3
I. Overall Objective ........................................................................................................... 3
II. Especific Objectives ................................................................................................... 3
3. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................... 4
4. MATERIALS ......................................................................................................... 7
5. PROCESS .............................................................................................................. 9
6. DATA COLLECTED ............................................................................................ 10
7. RESULTADOS ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8. ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................... 13
9. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................. 14
10. REFERENCES................................................................................................. 15
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In the present report it is important in the area of engineering, due to the many applications
that it presents, since the study of flow in pipe networks is currently very important within
civil engineering, on the other hand to carry After a satisfactory analysis of the pipe networks,
it is necessary to recognize different types of pipes such as the pipes in series (this system
refers to different pipes connected one after the other for which all have the same flow) and
the pipes in parallel (in this system the pipes used have the same initial point and the same
end point) and in the most important cases the mixture of both pipes as we will use it in the
respective report. In addition, a pipe model, calibrated using the different contributions of the
Hazen-Williams theory and the Hardy Cross Method, will be presented.
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I. Overall Objective

 Study and analyze one of the methods used for the analysis and design of closed
networks of pipes or distribution networks of water supply systems such as the Hardy
Cross method.

II. Especific Objectives

 Establish the magnitude of the equivalent lengths of each of the accessories that
intervene in the network during the development of the practice.
 Extract the necessary volume and time values in order to determine the flow that
circulates in each of these procedures.
 Determine mathematically the model representative of the system, having as
variables the coefficient of Hazen-Williams (CH) and the equivalent lengths of the
accessories (Le).
 Describe the system presented by means of the three obtained flows.
 Calculate the losses due to friction as those caused in the system by the accessories
that it has.
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 Method of Hardy Cross

A network is a closed pipe system. There are several knots in which the pipes. The solution
by this method requires several successive guesses and approximations.

Fig No 1. Scheme of a pipe network.


The conditions that a pipe network must satisfy are:

1) The algebraic sum of the load losses in each circuit must be zero. For example, in the
figure 1:

ℎ𝑓𝐵𝑀 + ℎ𝑓𝑀𝑁 + ℎ𝑓 𝑁𝐵 = 0
(Ec. 1)

2) In each node the continuity equation must be verified.

3) In each branch the following equation must be verified:

ℎ𝑓 = 𝐾𝑄 𝑥

Where the values of K and x, depend on the particular equation that is used. As the
calculations are laborious, the method of Hardy Cross is used, where a flow is assumed in
each branch, verify that the equation of continuity is fulfilled in each node. For example, if
we use the formula of Hazen and Williams, it’s obtained that the loss of load in the pipe is:

ℎ𝑓 = 𝐾𝑄1,85
(Ec. 2) Hazen and Williams

Find de values of K for each of the circuits, by means of the following equation:

1,72 × 106 𝐿
𝐶𝐻1,85 × 𝐷4,866
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(Ec. 3) Values of k [Hazen and Williams]

To use this equation should be taken into account that; the value of the length must be in
miles [Km] and the value of diameter must be in inches [in]. And finally, the correction with
respect to the flow must be calculated, with the next equation:

− ∑ ℎ𝑓𝑜
∆𝑄 =
1,85 ∑ 𝑄

(Ec. 4) Correction


ℎ𝑓𝑜  Is the loss of load in each circuit

𝑄𝑂  Is the flow in each branch

Note: It’s very important to take into account the signs for each of the equation.

Nature of the Pipes [Walls] CH

Extremely smooth and straight 140
Smooth 130
Smooth wood and polished 120
Steel Riveted 110
Cast Iron – 20 years old 95
Cast Iron – 40 years old 60 - 80
Corrugated 40 - 50
(Table.1) Coefficients Hazen and Williams.

 Use of the formula of Hazen-Williams

Applying the Cross method to the analysis of the most important pipes of a supply network,
it is convenient to use a sufficiently precise resistance formula. The formula of Hazen -
Williams has been adopted.
𝑉 = 0.355𝐶𝐷0.63 𝑆𝑓 0.54

Being 𝑉 the speed in meters per seconds, 𝐷 the diameter of the tubes in meters, 𝑆𝑓 the unit
load loss (per meter of pipe) and 𝐶 a coefficient that depends on the material from which the
duct is made of the internal nature of its walls of the use of the pipe, etc. From the distribution
of that formula in the continuity equation:
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𝑄 = 𝐴𝑉 = 𝜋 𝑉
In which 𝐴 is the hydraulic area in square meters and 𝑄 the flow in cubic meters per second,
𝑄 = 0.2785 𝐶𝐷0.63 𝑆𝑓 0.54

Expression from which you get:

𝑆𝑓 =
(0.2785 𝐶)1.85 𝐷4.87

The total load loss ℎ𝑓 for the length 𝐿 of pipe will be:

1 𝐿
ℎ𝑓 = 𝑆𝑓𝐿 = 𝑄1.85
(0.2785 𝐶)1.85 𝐷4.87
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Hydraulic bench: Equipment designed to study the behavior of fluids, hydraulic theory and
the properties of fluid mechanics. The hydraulic bank consists of:

1) Volumetric tank.
2) Cutting valve.
3) Piezometric tube.
4) Water outlet.
5) Hoses.
6) Water tank.
7) Suction pump.



Fig. No.2 Exterior of the hydraulic bench. Fig. No. 3 Interior of the hydraulic bench.

Precipitate vessel: A beaker is a cylindrical vessel made of fine borosilicate glass that is
very commonly used in the laboratory, especially to prepare or heat substances, measure or
transfer liquids.

Fig. No.4 Tumbled beaker.

Stopwatch: It is a watch whose accuracy has been checked and certified by an institute or
precision control center.
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Fig. No. 5 Chronometer.

Orifice Equipment

1. Deposit.
2. Nozzles
3. Scale
4. Needles for measuring the trajectory.
5. Overflow
6. Calming plaque

Fig. No. 6 Orifice equipment.

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1. Verify the good condition of each one of the tools, instruments and equipment that
intervene in the development of the practice.
2. Turn on the hydraulic bank and flow through the system.
3. Open all the valves and purge the piezometers to eliminate the air that they may have.
4. Regulate the flow rate with the system outlet valve.
5. Measure the flow and take the differences in piezometric heights.
6. Repeat the procedure for two other different flows.
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 CASE NO. 1

No. Volume (mL) Time (s) Volume (L) Time (h) Flow (L/s) Flow (L/h)
1 1300 1,43 1,3 0,00039722 0,77482793 2789,38053
2 1320 1,755 1,32 0,0004875
3 1320 1,9 1,32 0,00052778
𝑿 1313,33333 1,695 1,31333333 0,00047083
Table No. 1 Values extracted experimentally from the first case.

T H1 H2 C (mm)
1 332 52 280
2 240 224 16
3 240 204 36
4 196 158 38
Table No. 2 Data extracted experimentally from the first case.


L (cm) 14 28,5 82 65 65 92 29,5 7
D (mm) 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5
Q (L/s) 0,77482793 0,27118977 0,50363815 0,11622419 0,11622419 0,40678466 0,36804326 0,774827925
D (in) 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,043307087
CH 150 150 140 150 150 150 150 150
Le (m) 1,67053085 6,77698215 4,6008992 2,84184398 2,84184398 4,6008992 6,77698215 0
LT (Km) 0,00168453 0,00680548 0,0046829 0,00290684 0,00290684 0,0046929 0,00680648 0,000007
K 0 0,89748037 0,70163757 0,38334322 0,38334322 0,61888119 0,89761225 0
v (m/s) 1,40482955 0,49169034 0,91313921 0,21072443 0,21072443 0,73753552 0,66729404 1,404829555
hfi 0 0,01105883 0,02981864 0,0008676 0,0008676 0,0171583 0,02037156 0
Q (L/s) 0,77482793 -0,27118977 0,50363815 -0,11622419 0,11622419 -0,40678466 0,36804326 0,774827925
hf 0 -0,08027505 0,19725694 -0,00715132 0,00715132 -0,11720111 0,1412543 0
hf 0 0,08027505 0,19725694 0,00715132 0,00715132 0,11720111 0,1412543 0
Suma 0 0,109830564 0,031204512 0
DeltaQ (L/s) 0 -0,079241156 -0,022997387 0
0 -285,2681632 -82,79059304 0
% Flujo 100 35 65 15 15 52,5 47,5 100
Table No. 3 Calculations from the first case.
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 CASE NO. 2

No. Volume (mL) Time (s) Volume (L) Time (h) Flow (L/s) Flow (L/h)
1 960 1,5 0,96 0,00041667 0,60082305 2162,96296
2 960 1,58 0,96 0,00043889
3 1000 1,78 1 0,00049444
𝑿 973,3333333 1,62 0,97333333 0,00045
Table No. 4 Values extracted experimentally from the second case.

T H1 H2 C (mm)
1 368 204 164
2 312 292 20
3 312 294 18
4 288 266 22
Table No. 5 Data extracted experimentally from the second case.


L (cm) 14 28,5 82 65 65 92 29,5 7
D (mm) 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5
Q (L/s) 0,600823045 0,21028807 0,39053498 0,09012346 0,09012346 0,3154321 0,28539095 0,600823045
D (in) 1,043307087 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,043307087
CH 150 150 140 150 150 150 150 150
Le (m) 1,670530852 6,77698215 4,6008992 2,84184398 2,84184398 4,6008992 6,77698215 0
LT (Km) 0,001684531 0,00680548 0,0046829 0,00290684 0,00290684 0,0046929 0,00680648 0,000007
K 0 0,89748037 0,70163757 0,38334322 0,38334322 0,61888119 0,89761225 0
v (m/s) 1,089343767 0,38127032 0,70807345 0,16340157 0,16340157 0,57190548 0,51743829 1,089343767
hfi 0 0,00664955 0,01792959 0,00052168 0,00052168 0,01031708 0,01224918 0
Q (L/s) 0,600823045 -0,21028807 0,39053498 -0,09012346 0,09012346 -0,3154321 0,28539095 0,600823045
hf 0 -0,05014551 0,12322071 -0,00446722 0,00446722 -0,07321215 0,08823749 0
hf 0 0,05014551 0,12322071 0,00446722 0,00446722 0,07321215 0,08823749 0
Suma 0 0,068607983 0,019492558 0
DeltaQ (L/s) 0 -0,061445789 -0,017832811 0
0 -221,2048391 -64,19812014 0
% Flujo 100 35 65 15 15 52,5 47,5 100
Table No. 6 Calculations from the second case.
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 CASE NO. 3

No. Volume (mL) Time (s) Volume (L) Time (h) Flow (L/s) Flow (L/h)
1 487 1,7 0,487 0,00047222 0,27009524 972,342857
2 472 1,75 0,472 0,00048611
3 459 1,8 0,459 0,0005
𝑿 472,666667 1,75 0,47266667 0,00048611
Table No. 7 Values extracted experimentally from the third case.

T H1 H2 C (mm)
1 368 330 38
2 352 348 4
3 354 348 6
4 348 346 2
Table No. 8 Data extracted experimentally from the third case.


L (cm) 14 28,5 82 65 65 92 29,5 7
D (mm) 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5 26,5
Q (L/s) 0,27009524 0,09453333 0,1755619 0,04051429 0,04051429 0,1418 0,12829524 0,270095238
D (in) 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,04330709 1,043307087
CH 150 150 140 150 150 150 150 150
Le (m) 1,67053085 6,77698215 4,6008992 2,84184398 2,84184398 4,6008992 6,77698215 0
LT (Km) 0,00168453 0,00680548 0,0046829 0,00290684 0,00290684 0,0046929 0,00680648 0,000007
K 0 0,89748037 0,70163757 0,38334322 0,38334322 0,61888119 0,89761225 0
v (m/s) 0,48970586 0,17139705 0,31830881 0,07345588 0,07345588 0,25709557 0,23261028 0,489705857
hfi 0 0,00134379 0,00362336 0,00010542 0,00010542 0,00208496 0,00247541 0
Q (L/s) 0,27009524 -0,09453333 0,1755619 -0,04051429 0,04051429 -0,1418 0,12829524 0,270095238
hf 0 -0,01142502 0,02807429 -0,0010178 0,0010178 -0,01668047 0,02010381 0
hf 0 0,01142502 0,02807429 0,0010178 0,0010178 0,01668047 0,02010381 0
Suma 0 0,015631469 0,004441135 0
DeltaQ (L/s) 0 -0,027622467 -0,008016599 0
0 -99,44088221 -28,8597561 0
% Flujo 100 35 65 15 15 52,5 47,5 100
Table No. 6 Calculations from the third case.
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 Through the pipe network laboratory, a pipe system was analyzed that has two meshes,
which was performed and calibrated by the method of Hardy Cross and the application
of the equation of Hazen-Williams.

 As a result, the behavior of the pipe network was observed taking into account the flow
rates and the heights of each node.

 With the help of the Hardy Cross method, it could be deduced that the grater the number
of iterations, the corresponding correction for the flow was decreasing, that is, they are
inversely proportional. Because this method following different successions in order to
find a value for ∆𝑄. In this way, is a positive or negative value is obtained, the initial flow
is added or subtracted, respectively. In order to obtain a next flow rate is closer and closer
to the real data, by means of the value of the losses for each branch.

 Each of these flows is assumed at the beginning by the Hardy Cross method, and they
decrease or increase according to the correction for each circuit, due to the conservation
of energy.

 It was also possible to analyze that where there were high values of energy losses, it is
where there is discharge or exit of water.

 In a network of pipes with different diameters, the distribution of the flow can be clearly
observed, assuming at the outset that it’s distributed in equal values for each of the
branches, that is uniformly.

 Finally, it was possible to verify that the energy losses in a pipe depend on the nature of
each material for example; the roughness or the number of accessories that is has. Due to
this in the analyzed network there was evidence of loss due to the quantity of accessories.

 Additionally, through this laboratory, the process was known and also the necessary
knowledge for the design of piped.
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 It was proved experimentally that the energy losses in a pipeline are a function of the
characteristics of the material such as roughness, of each of the flows that flow through
its interior and by the amount of accessories that the network has, in this case the high
number of elbows, teas and valves.
 Through the adequate application of the concepts, formulas and processes studied
throughout the laboratory test, each of the necessary activities was developed step by step
in order to mathematically determine the representative model of the system, having as
variables the coefficient of Hazen-Williams (CH) and the equivalent lengths of the
accessories (L), experimentally demonstrating the effectiveness and performance of each
of the procedures performed, taking into account that the practice was developed even
without ideal conditions.
 From the network test, the general configuration of the system analyzed was described
experimentally, analyzing the procedures carried out step by step. Based on the volumes
and times extracted during the three different procedures throughout the practice, it was
possible to quantify the main flows. By means of the graph of equivalent lengths of
accessories located in the data part, it was possible to make the representative model of
the system analyzed in the laboratory.
 The values obtained from the Hardy Cross method show that the system obtains large
energy losses, making it possible to visualize that the knots are possibly knots of
consumption, that is, there may be a discharge or exit of water. The behavior of the flows
that pass through each of the pipes is reflected in each piezometer, since it records high
measurements can be interpreted that the flow is high and on the other hand that the pipe
is thinner so the pressure is higher.
 In a closed network with different pipe diameters, the distribution of the flow can be
evidenced differently. From the Hardy Cross method, a more exact value can be reached
in front of each of the different flows that pass through said pipe, assuming that the flow
part of equal forms by the intersections. It should be noted that the magnitude of the
piezometric levels is approximate due to the movement generated by the pumps attached
to the network, alternating the reading of the water piezometers.
 From the networks and piping systems, it is possible to supply. To different places the
possibility of supplying water in that case. By means of the Hardy cross method we found
that each correction that was presented was smaller, thus fulfilling what was expected in
the formulation.
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1. Godoy, S. (2018). Número de Reynolds. [online] Coquimbo, p.3. Available at: [Accessed 12
Apr. 2018].
2. Sotelo, (2012). Hidráulica General: Limusa
3. Estudiar Física. (2008). Dinámica de fluidos: línea de flujo. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 11 Apr. 2018].
4. Salas, A. (2008). Principios de la hidráulica. [online] openCourseWare. Available.
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Annex No. 1 Equations to determine the equivalent length of each of the accessories
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Annex No. 2 Equations to determine the equivalent length.

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