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Jl. Gading Pelangi No.

1 Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, Indonesia 14240

Phone : +62 21 4587 4222Fax : +62 21 4587 4225

Subject : Accounting Computers

Material : Entering Customer, Supplier, and Item card list
Class : XI Accounting
Meeting : One Meeting
Time : 5 x 45 minutes
Teacher : Trianita
ID : K7716071

A. Main Competence
1 : Live and practice the teachings of the religion they hold
2 : Live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (mutual
cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive and pro-active and
show attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively
with the social and natural environment and in placing ourselves as a reflection of
the nation in the world association.
3 : Understanding, applying, analyzing, and evaluating factual, conceptual, basic
operational, and metacognitive knowledge in accordance with the scope and scope
of work of the Institute of Accounting and Finance at a technical, specific, detailed
and complex level, regarding science, technology, art, culture, and humanities in the
context of developing their potential as part of school families, the world of work,
national, regional and international citizens.
4 : Carry out specific tasks using tools, information, and work procedures that are
commonly done and solve problems according to the Accounting and Financial
Institutions. Showing performance under the guidance of the quality and quantity
measured in accordance with work competence.
Demonstrate reasoning, processing and serving skills in an effective, creative,
productive, critical, independent, collaborative, communicative, and solutive manner
in the abstract domain related to the development of what they learn in school, and
able to carry out specific tasks under direct supervision. Demonstrate perceptual
skills, readiness, imitating, getting used to, proficient motion, making natural motion
in the realm of concrete related to the development of what is learned in school, and
able to carry out specific tasks under direct supervision.

B. Basic Competence and Achievement Indicator Competence

Basic Competence Achievement Indicator Competence

3.13 Analyze the recording of 3.13.1 Analyzing customer card balances at trading
customer card balances, company
debt cards, supplies 3.13.2 Analyzing supplier card balances at trading
items, or merchandise company
items, at trading 3.13.3 Analyzing items card balances at trading
companies company

4.13 Entering customer card 4.13.1 Enter customer card balances at trading
balance, debt card, company
supplies item, 4.13.2 Enter supplier card balances at trading
merchandise item, at a company
trading company 4.13.3 Enter items card balances at trading company
C. Learning Objectives
During and after following this learning process, students are expected to be able to :
Meeting Learning Objectives
3.13.1 Create and manage customer cards
3.13.2 Create and manage supplier cards
3.13.3 Create and manage items card
4.13.1 Entering the initial balance of the customer card in the MYOB
1 program
4.13.2 Entering the initial balance of the supplier card in the MYOB
4.13.3 Entering the initial balance of the items card in the MYOB

D. Material (attached)
1. Steps for making customer, supplier, and item cards
2. Entering customer, supplier and item initial balances

E. Learning Steps
Phase Learning Activities Time
Preliminary a. Orientation:
The teacher opens the lesson with greetings
The teacher asks for the presence of students
b. Apperception:
The teacher asks about the previous material and
relates it to the material to be learned which is to
create, manage, and enter the initial balance of the 5 minute
customer, supplier, and item cards on MYOB
c. Motivation:
The teacher conveys the basic competencies,
objectives and benefits of learning materials to create,
manage, and enter the initial balance of customer,
supplier, and item cards on MYOB.
The teacher conveys an outline of the material for
creating, managing, and entering the initial balance of the
customer, supplier, and item cards on MYOB and then
explains the activities carried out
Core a. Observe
Activities • The teacher demonstrates how to create, manage and
enter the initial balance of the customer, supplier and
item cards on MYOB
• Students are asked to observe the media that will be
used by the teacher in this learning, namely
• Students observe and search for information through
textbooks that are their guide.
b. Ask
• After delivering the material, the teacher gives the
opportunity to students to submit questions related to
the material that has been submitted
c. Explore / gather information
• The teacher explains the rules of the talking stick
• The teacher will give questions to students who last
held the stick
• After that the teacher gives practice practice
questions to each individual to create, manage, and
enter the initial balance of the customer, supplier, and
item cards on MYOB
• Students collect information from various learning
sources (modules, other reference books) to answer
questions given by the teacher.
• Teachers and students discuss solving problems
related to the material presented
Closing a. Conclusion
The teacher together with students make conclusions
from the material that has been studied
b. Reflection
The teacher asks students' opinions about the learning
process carried out
c. Assignment 5 minute
Learners are given the task to learn first the next
material which is steps to make a sales transaction on
d. Closing
Closing the lesson with greetings and prayer.

F. Learning Method, Media, and Learning Resources

Meeting Learning Method, Media, and Learning Resources
1 1. Learning Method
Approach to thinking : Scientific Learning
Learning Model : Discovery Learning
Learning Method : Demonstration, question and answer, discussion
and assignment
Learning strategy : Talking Stick
2. Media
Computer, Laptop, LCD Proyektor, PPT, White board, marker

3. Learning Resources
Mulyono, Agus. 2019 Komputer Akuntansi Kompetensi Keahlian
Akuntansi dan Keuangan Lembaga SMK/MAK Kelas XI. Jakarta
: PT Bumi Aksara
Triantoro, Arvian dan Bastian Saputra. 2012. MYOB V.18 Penyelesaian
Kasus pendekatan Bukti Transaksi. Bandung : Alfabeta

I. Assessment
1. Assessment Technique
No Rated Aspect Assessment Instrument
1 Kognitif Essay Written Test
2 Psikomotrik Practice test Test
3 Afektif Non Test Attitude observation sheet
(observasi sikap)

2. Instrument Assessment


Surakarta, November 2019

Headmaster, Teacher,

Sunarni, S.E Trianita

NIPP. 05690280 NIM K7716071

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