Category Malolos Constitution 1935 Constitution 1973 Constitution 1987 Constitution Form of Government and Separation of Powers

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Jancarlo R.

Revilla EC2-1
Readings in Philippine History

CATEGORY Malolos 1935 1973 1987

Constitution Constitution Constitution Constitution
Form of The Malolos Declared that The Philippines The Philippines
Government and constitution Philippines is a is a republican is a democratic
Separation of declared that republican state. state. and republican
Powers sovereignty Sovereignty Sovereignty State.
resides resides in the resides in the Sovereignty
exclusively in people and all people and all resides in the
the people. government government people and all
Divided into authority authority government
three branches. emanates from emanates from authority
them. Divided them. Divided emanates from
into three into threethem. Divided
branches branches into three
Provisions on Bill of rights are Bill of rights are Bill of rights are Bill of rights are
Civil Liberties relatively relatively similar relatively relatively similar
similar in all in all versions similar in all in all versions.
versions. versions.

Provisions on States that States that States that The States that The
Taxation or Power of taxation shall be rule of taxation rule of taxation
revenue sharing taxation shall uniform. shall be uniform shall be uniform
be exercised to and equitable. and equitable.
the end that The National The Congress
provincial and Assembly shall shall evolve a
municipal evolve a progressive
taxation do not progressive system of
come into system of taxation
conflict with the taxation.
power of
taxation of the
Provisions on n/a n/a n/a Declares that
Political Dynasty the he State
shall guarantee
equal access to
for public
service, and
prohibit political
dynasties as
may be defined
by law
Provisions on n/a If the President- In case of In case of
changing/removi elect shall have permanent death,
ng the head of died, the Vice- disability, permanent
the state or the President-elect death, removal disability,
president shall become from office, or removal from
President. resignation of office, or
the President, resignation of
the Speaker of the President,
the National the Vice-
Assembly shall President shall
act as become the
President until President to
a successor serve the
has been unexpired term.
elected for the
portion of the
term of the

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