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How to Solve Para Jumbles / Sentence Rearrangement Questions -―GovernmentAdda.


This handout Contains “PARA JUMBLES RULES” & 120 Practice Questions

Para Jumbles Rules

1. Acronym Approach: Full form vs short form

2. TSA - Time Sequence Approach: Either dates or time sequence indicating
3. EA - Examples Approach: Examples after an hypothesis or theory
4. AA - Articles Approach: Definite and indefinite articles
5. NPDA Approach – Noun, Pronoun, and Demonstrative Adjective: Limited
to not just noun and pronoun. Link the sentences.
6. OCS - Opening Closing Sentence: Supported or free, general or need
previous explanation.
7. KWA - Key Words Approach: (helpful for 6 sentences) Words repeated in
two consecutive sentences.
8. SA- Structure Approach: Link sentences logically
9. IWA - Indicating Words Approach: Take care of words that indicate
something helpful to decide sequence.
10. Ask Questions about TERMS appearing.

Detailed Explanation of all the rules :

RULE 1.ACRONYM APPROACH : Acronym Rule is that if both full form as well as
short form is present in different sentences, then the sentence containing full form will
come before the sentence containing short form.

RULE 2.TIME SEQUENCE APPROACH (TSA) : Be aware of the indication of time or

time sequence of events either by giving years - or by using time indicating words.
Arrange the sentences using their proper time sequence.


working as an example - place it after (not necessarily just after - because one has to
explain the idea) its hypothesis/ theory. It should not be before the idea that it explains.

RULE 4: ARTICLES : Articles can be divided into two categories - definite (the) and
indefinite (a and an). when the author uses 'a / an' - he want to make a general
statement - want to introduce the noun followed by a/an for the first time but when he
uses 'the' he want to refer back to some previously discussed noun. It means having
'the' is very unlikely in the opening sentence. If 'a/an' and 'the' both are used for the
same noun then the sentence containing 'the' will come after the sentence containing

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Pronoun - whenever will come - will come in the immediate sentence containing
respective noun. i. e. a sequence can be like this.......

or like

.............. no pronoun

i.e. the pronoun sequence will continue till it is halted by a break (i.e. a sentence
containing no pronoun) then if necessary it will start with a new noun again. We can't
write pronoun after a break. It is not a correct form of writing.


A sentence may be supported or free, a general statement or need previous


OCS is particularly useful in 4 sentence parajumbles (where opening sentence is not


Let's see the characteristics of an opening sentence -

It will introduce an idea first hand.

In most of the cases it will use indefinite article a/an. i.e. if both definite and indefinite
articles are used for the same noun then the sentence containing noun with indefinite
article a/an will come first (may be opening sentence).

The sentence can stand alone .

It will not have pronouns (exception: if respective noun is not mentioned anywhere).

It will not have contrast words / or words indicating continuation / or words like hence ,
therefore, so,

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Key Words Approach KWA (helpful for 6 sentences) Some words will get repeated in
two consecutive sentences.

In most of the cases we repeat some important words of one sentence in the sentence
that follows.

Hence if you are seeing any important (not like he, she, that, is, are type) words getting
repeated then chances are that these two sentences will be consecutive. Remember it
gives you an idea that which sentences can be consecutive but for CA or AC you have
to look for some other clue or meaning.


Structure Approach tells us to link sentences logically i.e. see what is the role played by
a specific sentence and then search for some proper sentence that should come before
or the one which will follow. Some roles that a sentence plays are -



Some words indicates some specific nature of sentences that will come before or that
will follow .

Look for the words like :


and think what they are indicating .

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Some General implementable Derivation about Para jumbles or

Sentence Rearrangement concluded from the rules :

1). If a sentence starts with a ‘name’ of a person, company...., then that

sentence may be the 1st sentence in the paragraph to be formed.

2). If an article namely ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ is present at the starting of a sentence.
Then the chances of that sentence to be the 1st in the arrangement is more.

3). If all the articles (a, an, the) are present as the starting words of different
sentences then they are arranged as follows
a) The sentence starting with ‘A’ comes first
b) The sentences starting with ‘An’ and ‘The’ will follow the sentence starting
‘A’ according to their content

4). The sentences starting with the words ‘That’, ‘These’, ‘Thus’ and ‘Those’ ,
then those sentences will not come 1st in the paragraph.

5). If a sentence starts with pronouns other than ‘I’ and ‘You’, then that
will not be the 1st sentence of the paragraph.

6). Try to find out the topic addressed by the paragraph. This can be done by
looking for the words that are repeated often in the given sentences.

7). If a particular word is repeated in more than one sentence then the
can be placed one by one in the paragraph.

8). If there are 3-sentences starting with the

words ‘But’, ‘So’ and ‘Now’ respectively. Then those 3-sentences will be
in the following order
a) sentence starting with ‘But’
b) sentence starting with ‘So’
c) sentence starting with ‘Now’.

9). If the given set of sentences consists of simple, compound and complex
sentences they are arranged in the following order

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(a)*simple sentence – a sentence that consists of basic elements like a

subject, a
verb and a completed thought. For example,
Rajeev waited for the train.

(b)*compound sentence – a sentence that consists of 2-independent clauses

connected to one another with a conjunction. For example,
Rajeev waited for the bus, but the train was late.

(c)*complex sentence – a sentence that consists of an independent clause

and one
or more dependent clauses connected to it. For example,
Rajeev realized that the train was late while he waited at the station.
Or, While he waited at the station, Rajeev realized that the train was late.

10) Try to find transitions words and linking words as it sometimes help to put
sentences in an order in sentence arrangement questions. They help the
reader to
flow more smoothly from one point to the next leads or follows the sentences
containing transition word.

Some of the most important transition words to observe in sentence

are:- also, again, not only....but also, neither....or, either....or, as well as,
besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, similarly, consequently, hence,
example, yet, but, ............

11) Look for short forms and abbreviations in the sentences. This trick is very
useful in paragraphs in which both short form or abbreviations and full name

The sentences containing full form will obviously come before the sentences
containing the abbreviation.

12). If a sentence starts with the words Hence, Finally or Therefore then that
sentencecomes last in the arrangement.

13) Events mentioned in the paragraph can be arranged in the chronological

order making it easy for you to identify the sequence and arrange them.

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A. That begins with bringing in data and analytics-based insights about what
really matters to customers and how best to deliver it to them
B. To not only stay in the game but capture new sources of value, incumbents
will need to reinvent their customer experience
C. Some companies fail to capture the full benefits of their improvement efforts
because they concentrate on optimising individual touch points rather than
tackling the customer experience as customers actually experience it a complete
journey that cuts across multiple functions and channels
D. Digital is reshaping customer experience in almost every sector
E. disrupting the ways that companies and customers interact and setting a
high bar for simplicity, personalisation and interactivity
F. Digital-first attackers are entering markets with radically new offers,

A. The idea needs to be nipped in the bud. Instead of more bank finance for
long-gestation projects, what we need is a thriving corporate bond market,
arm‘s-length financing and multiple vetting
B. which means that large industrial houses cannot take more than 10% stake
in these new financial institutions
C. A Reserve Bank of India discussion paper has called for the setting up of
wholesale banks that provide long-term finance for infrastructure and greenfield
D. Also, the licences are to be available ‗on tap‘, so as to boost supply of
loanable funds
E. The paper has proposed that the eligibility criteria for promoters of wholesale
and long-term finance banks be the same as those for a ‗universal banking
F. with a minimum capital requirement of Rs 1,000 crore

A. Over the decades, North Korea‘s ruling Kim family has itself used the threat
of force against South Korea and Japan as an effective bargaining chip.
B. Amid escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula, North Korea has warned
of a nuclear attack on the US at any sign of American aggression.
C. It has conducted five nuclear tests so far, and could conduct a sixth in the
face of recent US military moves.
D. This comes on the heels of Washington‘s recent decision to send a naval

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carrier strike group to the region and US strikes against a Syrian airbase for
purported use of chemical weapons.
E. That the US has already begun deploying the THAAD anti-missile defence
system in South Korea shows that Washington is preparing for all possible
F. That said, such American show of force is unlikely to move Pyongyang. On
the contrary, it is likely to harden Pyongyang‘s resolve to pursue its nuclear
G. It appears that Washington wants to keep all its options open to get
Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear programme.

A. Instead of more bank finance for long-gestation projects, what we need is a
thriving corporate bond market, arm‘s-length financing and multiple vetting.
B. which means that large industrial houses cannot take more than 10% stake
in these new financial institutions.
C. Also, the licences are to be available ‗on tap‘, so as to boost supply of
loanable funds.
D. The idea needs to be nipped in the bud.
E. A Reserve Bank of India discussion paper has called for the setting up of
wholesale banks that provide long-term finance for infrastructure and greenfield
projects, with a minimum capital requirement of Rs 1,000 crore.
F. The paper has proposed that the eligibility criteria for promoters of wholesale
and long-term finance banks be the same as those for a ‗universal banking

A. Most of the 40 amendments proposed have nothing to do with Article 110(1)
of the Constitution, defining a Money Bill: related to changes in taxation,
spending of taxpayer money, changes in Central or state accounting, etc.
B. Many of these amendments are ridiculous. The merging of tribunals is devoid
of rationale.
C. The government‘s move to tag substantive amendments, many of the 40
relating to diverse aspects of regulation and representation, on to the Finance
Bill is an unwelcome blow to the heart of Indian democracy.
D. The government‘s claim that these diverse amendments can be lumped
together as a Money Bill, outside the scrutiny of the Rajya Sabha, where the BJP
is in a minority, holds no water.

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E. By incorporating these amendments, which include subjects as diverse as the

mandatory necessity of Aadhaar numbers for income-tax returns, removing
transparency in political donations and government meddling in the process of
appointing appellate tribunals, the Bill seeks to bypass broader parliamentary
scrutiny and debate.

A. State-owned LIC is widely invested in many listed companies and should
acquire the capability to take a view on business strategy, performance or
approach to risks in an investee company.
B. Ditto for all other insurers.
C. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has done well
to ask all insurers to publicly disclose their voting policies in companies where
they hold stakes.
D. The need is for LIC to play an active role to understand how businesses are
run and enter into a dialogue with the board for better oversight.
E. The directive, part of IRDAI‘s guidelines on a stewardship code, will help raise
corporate governance and returns.
F. It is also in sync with the principles adopted by institutional investors such as
mutual funds, pensions funds and foreign portfolio investors,This is welcome.

A. A similar stand has been taken for tighter emission norms for power plants as
B. It is welcome that the government did not back down on the decision to
switch over to tougher emission norms codified as Bharat Stage IV (BS-IV) for
C. This changeover was announced years ago and industry had plenty of time to
switch production lines and be compliant by the deadline.
D. This is all to the good.
E. When the time comes for the automobile industry to switch over to BS-VI, on
April 1, 2020, industry will know that the goalpost would not shift and will be
ready with compliant vehicles probably ahead of schedule.
F. If it thought it could game the system and blackmail the government with
tales of inventory build-up that would be a dead loss, it thought wrong.


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A. It would make sense to deploy advances in imaging technology, ranging from
holography to virtual/augmented reality at or near sites that are difficult to
reach or too fragile to be exposed to the prying eyes and phone cameras of
visiting hordes.
B. That governments, central and state, are moving away from that model is
welcome news.
C. The breathtaking rock-cut temples at Ajanta and Ellora, world heritage sites
in Aurangabad district, Maharashtra, are a ready candidate for such
D. For long, governments have succumbed to threatened shocks to the system,
such as a spurt in unemployment and opted to let implementation slide.
E. Tourism can not just earn foreign exchange from visitors from abroad but
also educate India‘s own people about the richness and diversity of its cultural
heritage, creating the sensibility of tolerance and accommodation a prosperous
India calls for.
F. For too long, the Indian approach has been to frame laws and observe them
more in the breach than otherwise.

A. And yet, as disagreeable as the outcomes may have been so far, we must
continue to focus on the Arab Spring uprisings, in order to uncover their root
B. Like any landmark event, they have posed new and difficult questions.
C. But waning interest in the Arab uprisings reflects a deeper shift: hope for
new, more representative political systems has given way to despair, as
expectant revolutions have morphed into counter-revolution, civil war, failed
states, and intensifying religious extremism.
D. The sixth anniversary of the Arab Spring uprisings this year came and went
largely unnoticed.
E. And one of the most important is why economists failed to anticipate the
F. Unlike in previous years, there was no torrent of commentary about the
tumultuous events that shook the Arab world and seemed to promise a
transformation of its politics, Of course, novelty wears off over time.


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A. Likewise, the Delphi and nuTonomy driverless taxi services in Singapore have
started to replace taxi drivers.
B. The idea of a tax on robots was raised last May in a draft report to the
European Parliament prepared by MEP MadyDelvaux from the Committee on
Legal Affairs.
C. AndDoordash, which uses Starship Technologies miniature self-driving
vehicles, is replacing restaurant delivery people.
D. The public reaction to Delvaux‘s proposal has been overwhelmingly negative,
with the notable exception of Bill Gates, who endorsed it.
E. But we should not dismiss the idea out of hand, In just the past year, we
have seen the proliferation of devices such as Google Home and Amazon Echo
Dot (Alexa), which replace some aspects of household help.
F. Emphasizing how robots could boost inequality, the report proposed that
there might be a ―need to introduce corporate reporting requirements on the
extent and proportion of the contribution of robotics and AI to the economic
results of a company for the purpose of taxation and social security

A. Likewise, the Delphi and nuTonomy driverless taxi services in Singapore have
started to replace taxi drivers.
B. The idea of a tax on robots was raised last May in a draft report to the
European Parliament prepared by MEP MadyDelvaux from the Committee on
Legal Affairs.
C. AndDoordash, which uses Starship Technologies miniature self-driving
vehicles, is replacing restaurant delivery people.
D. The public reaction to Delvaux‘s proposal has been overwhelmingly negative,
with the notable exception of Bill Gates, who endorsed it.
E. But we should not dismiss the idea out of hand, In just the past year, we
have seen the proliferation of devices such as Google Home and Amazon Echo
Dot (Alexa), which replace some aspects of household help.
F. Emphasizing how robots could boost inequality, the report proposed that
there might be a ―need to introduce corporate reporting requirements on the
extent and proportion of the contribution of robotics and AI to the economic
results of a company for the purpose of taxation and social security


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A. Almost 20 years ago, a pathbreaking infrastructure project that connected
India like never before took off.
B. This not just connects major cities but reaches the entire country, every nook
and corner, and touches every single person within. Enter the goods and
services tax (GST).
C. This month, the blueprints of an expressway just as important, if not more,
may finally become a reality.
D. In more ways than one, the Golden Quadrilateral highway network has
contributed in a major way to our economy through increased trade, mobility
and accessibility.
E. The new highway goes beyond the Golden Quadrilateral.

A. With today‘s greater computing power and storage, deep learning is now a
practical possibility, and a deep-learning application gained worldwide attention
in 2016 by beating the world champion in Go.
B. Commercial enterprises and governments alike hope to adapt the technology
to find useful patterns in ―Big Data‖ of all kinds.
C. To ponder the future of AI is thus to acknowledge that the future is AI.
D. Artificial intelligence already plays a major role in human economies and
societies, and it will play an even bigger role in the coming years.
E. This will be partly owing to advances in ―deep learning,‖ which uses
multilayer neural networks that were first theorized in the 1980s.

A. Leading the charge are antagonistic forces – from populist political parties to
separatist groups to terrorist organizations – whose actions tend to focus more
on what they oppose than on what they support.
B. Nowadays, globalization‘s opponents seem increasingly to be drowning out
its defenders.
C. Every aspect of globalization – free trade, free movement of capital, and
international migration – is under attack.
D. If they get their way, the post-World War II international order – which
aimed, often successfully, to advance peace and prosperity through exchange
and connection – could well collapse.
E. At first glance, the outlook appears grim.
F. Can globalization be saved?

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A. Leading the charge are antagonistic forces – from populist political parties to
separatist groups to terrorist organizations – whose actions tend to focus more
on what they oppose than on what they support.
B. Nowadays, globalization‘s opponents seem increasingly to be drowning out
its defenders.
C. Every aspect of globalization – free trade, free movement of capital, and
international migration – is under attack.
D. If they get their way, the post-World War II international order – which
aimed, often successfully, to advance peace and prosperity through exchange
and connection – could well collapse.
E. At first glance, the outlook appears grim.
F. Can globalization be saved?

A. It‘s being said that America doesn‘t produce enough STEM (science,
technology, engineering, math) graduates of its own and will need to rely on
Indian talent, President Donald Trump‘s disinclination to admit foreigners
B. If we have the talent, why can‘t we have the institutions, thereby benefiting
India rather than America?
C. Isro may be one such institution but India needs many, many others.
D. Heavy-handed regulation of India‘s educational institutions has also stifled
creativity and innovation.
E. But why does Indian talent need to be married to American institutions to
F. In that sense, as MukeshAmbani has suggested, Trump may be a blessing in
disguise if he prompts India to rethink its fundamentals, and start producing
and innovating instead of just feeding talent to foreign shores.

A. It‘s being said that America doesn‘t produce enough STEM (science,
technology, engineering, math) graduates of its own and will need to rely on
Indian talent, President Donald Trump‘s disinclination to admit foreigners
B. If we have the talent, why can‘t we have the institutions, thereby benefiting

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India rather than America?

C. Isro may be one such institution but India needs many, many others.
D. Heavy-handed regulation of India‘s educational institutions has also stifled
creativity and innovation.
E. But why does Indian talent need to be married to American institutions to
F. In that sense, as MukeshAmbani has suggested, Trump may be a blessing in
disguise if he prompts India to rethink its fundamentals, and start producing
and innovating instead of just feeding talent to foreign shores.

A. It will also be transformational for the environment, since pollution from
large new coal-based power plants can be avoided.
B. Yet, performance has not matched intent and the target of installing 12 GW
solar capacity in 2016-17 is far from attainable, since it fell short by almost 10
GW as of December.
C. The levellised tariff — factoring in a small annual increase for a given period
of time — for the 750 MW Rewa project over a 25-year period is ₹3.29, which is
less than half the rate at which some State governments signed contracts in
recent years.
D. The progress of this clean source of energy must be deepened with policy
incentives, for several reasons. Arguably, the most important is the need to
connect millions of people without access to electricity.
E. There is everything to gain by accelerating the pace of growth that
essentially began in 2010, with the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.
F. A rapid scaling-up of solar capacity is vital also to meet the national goal of
installing 100 gigawatts by 2022, a target that is being internationally
monitored as part of the country‘s pledges under the Paris Agreement on
climate change.
G. In another barrier-breaking development, the auctioned price of solar
photovoltaic (SPV) power per kilowatt hour has dropped below ₹3 to ₹2.97
in Madhya Pradesh, providing a clear pointer to the future course of renewable

A. But, while teamwork is critical to success, so is recognition of the distinct
roles and responsibilities of governments in the industrialized and developing

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B. The global cooperation that has emerged lately is certainly welcome.

C. Last November, while much of the world was trying to unpack Donald
Trump‘s election as US president, the United Nations Climate Change
Conference (COP 22) was held in Marrakesh, Morocco.
D. It was an important step forward, but the issue remains far more complex –
and politically charged – than most would care to admit.
E. Participants from all over the world, including 38 heads of state and
government, came together to create a plan for implementing the 2015 Paris
climate agreement, which aims to limit global warming to well below two
degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

A. But it makes sense to think of it as a prudent and affordable insurance policy.
B. This should make us think about smart, alternative solutions.
C. But one such alternative, geoengineering, is a solution that many people
refuse to entertain.
D. Geoengineering means deliberately manipulating the Earth‘s climate.
E. Even climate activists increasingly recognize that the lofty rhetoric of the
global agreement to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, concluded in Paris just
over a year ago, will not be matched by its promises‘ actual impact on
F. It seems like something from science fiction.

A. But it makes sense to think of it as a prudent and affordable insurance policy.
B. This should make us think about smart, alternative solutions.
C. But one such alternative, geoengineering, is a solution that many people
refuse to entertain.
D. Geoengineering means deliberately manipulating the Earth‘s climate.
E. Even climate activists increasingly recognize that the lofty rhetoric of the
global agreement to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, concluded in Paris just
over a year ago, will not be matched by its promises‘ actual impact on
F. It seems like something from science fiction.


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A. To understand these limitations, we have to first understand the nature and

mechanism of logic
B. European enlightenment exposed certain flaws in blind faith and ushered in
an era of rationality,
and logic became the dominant paradigm
C. Since ages, we have been witness to an incessant face off between faith and
D. Oriental metaphysical thoughts like the Advaita Vedanta are expounded on
as rational a ground as metaphysics could ever be
E. But at a certain point, they have to forsake logic due to its inherent
limitations and enter a realm where tools of logic are no longer applicable and
things have to be taken on faith.

A. Despite the increased funding, poor learning outcomes mark the education
system, irrespective of the school‘s ownership.
B. Improving learning outcomes will require looking beyond funding to the
central component of an effective education system: the teacher.
C. Expenditure on education as share of GDP has fluctuated between 3.55 per
cent and 4 per cent, falling short of the 6 per cent of GDP promised by
successive governments.
D. Assessments by private/non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and
government agencies find at least a third of students failing to meet the
required minimum learning levels in mathematics and reading comprehension.
E. Nonetheless, over the last decade, education has accounted for nearly 50 per
cent of total social services spending.

A. opening up the possibility of introducing the new,
B. A more realistic view would be to set the launch date of the new tax three
months after the final state and central GST laws are passed and the rules
C. Companies need time to prepare their accounting systems in order to draw
up an invoice that fully conforms to the requirements of the new tax on launch
D. It is indeed welcome that the Centre and the states have reached agreement
on the vexed issue of dual control of administering the goods and services tax

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E. paradigm-shifting tax regime on July 1 this year.

A. A National Human Rights Commission report points to an increase in the
frequency of mining-related accidents in recent years.
B. Isn‘t Indian infrastructure crumbling all around us?
C. Then the recent mine collapse at the Lalmatia open-cast coalfields owned by
ECL in Jharkhand came on the back of a year where there was a mining fatality
every 10 days.
D. with the horrific derailments of the Patna-Indore Express and the Sealdah-
Ajmer Express taking place near Kanpur within a month of each other.
E. Meanwhile the safety record of Indian Railways seems to be worsening
instead of improving,
F. Until just a year ago technical delays used to be a rarity on the Delhi metro
but now they seem to have become a daily affair.

A. It was suggested that he was exaggerating the problems with the food – that
the dal, for example,
B. When Border Security Force constable Tej Bahadur Yadav posted videos on
social media alleging sub-standard food being served to the jawans on the Line
of Control,
C. had settled at the bottom of the container he showed, making it seem even
more watery than it might have been.
D. the almost immediate reaction of the Armed Forces command was to attempt
to discredit him.
E. Yadav was said to be an alcoholic who had been jailed in the past for showing
insubordination towards his superiors.
F. Even without waiting for the promised investigation into the incident,

A. Of course, the post-Brexit forecasts may not be entirely wrong, but only if we
look at the long-term impact of the Brexit vote.
B. But now that British Prime Minister Theresa May has implied that she prefers
a ―hard‖ Brexit, a gloomy long-term prognosis is probably correct.

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C. Is the economics profession ―in crisis‖? Many policymakers, such as Andy

Haldane, the Bank of England‘s chief economist, believe that it is.
D. More recently, they misjudged the immediate impact that the United
Kingdom‘s Brexit vote would have on its economy.
E. True, some economists expected the UK economy to collapse during the post-
referendum panic, whereas economic activity proved to be rather resilient, with
GDP growth reaching some 2.1% in 2016.
F. Indeed, a decade ago, economists failed to see a massive storm on the
horizon, until it culminated in the most destructive global financial crisis in
nearly 80 years.

A. Skewed representation reflecting a bygone era, whether on the United
Nations Security Council or the International Monetary Fund‘s Board,
undermines global institutions‘ legitimacy and ability to respond to new
B. This has spurred a shift toward informal mechanisms like the G-20 and new,
untested institutions like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
C. The annushorribilis of 2016 is behind us now.
D. For years, the liberal order has been under strain. Perhaps most obvious,
there has been a lack of progress in the development of institutions and legal
E. In short, we have been trying to fit the round pegs of twenty-first-century
global power into the square holes of post-World War II institutions.
F. Unfortunately, those symptoms are now accelerating the system‘s decline.
G. But its low points – the United Kingdom‘s vote to leave the European Union,
the election of Donald Trump as US president, the ongoing atrocities in Syria –
were merely symptoms of a process of dissolution of the liberal rules-based
global system that began long before.

A. Skewed representation reflecting a bygone era, whether on the United
Nations Security Council or the International Monetary Fund‘s Board,
undermines global institutions‘ legitimacy and ability to respond to new
B. This has spurred a shift toward informal mechanisms like the G-20 and new,
untested institutions like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
C. The annushorribilis of 2016 is behind us now.

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D. For years, the liberal order has been under strain. Perhaps most obvious,
there has been a lack of progress in the development of institutions and legal
E. In short, we have been trying to fit the round pegs of twenty-first-century
global power into the square holes of post-World War II institutions.
F. Unfortunately, those symptoms are now accelerating the system‘s decline.
G. But its low points – the United Kingdom‘s vote to leave the European Union,
the election of Donald Trump as US president, the ongoing atrocities in Syria –
were merely symptoms of a process of dissolution of the liberal rules-based
global system that began long before.

A. that a good majority of sports-lovers in the country have found refuge in
nihilism and come to believe that nothing will change in the state of affairs.
B. very soon you realise it is nothing more than chimerical and it might be
foolish and useless to bravely make your way through the haze.
C. The best thing that has happened to sports in India in a long, long time —
longer perhaps than many of us have existed on this planet — is the laudably
idealistic yet remarkably pragmatic intervention of the Supreme Court into Wild
West territory — the landscape of cricket administration.
D. When you think that something has been transformed for the better,
E. So much of what the well-meaning lay people have expected of the men who
control sports has been trampled under mercilessly and maliciously,


Some Practice Questions :

A)Moreover, salaries in public sector enterprises are not as competitive as those offered by private or
foreign corporate.
B)This trend should be a wake-up call for stakeholders to examine why employee are seeking better
opportunities with private companies in India and abroad.
C)Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) have been experiencing severe challenges in attracting, motivating
and retaining their key staff.

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D)Having identified these as the reasons why employees leave PSEs, it is important to empower
stakeholders to find ways to remedy the situation.
E)One reason is that young employees lured away by private firms are more willing to undertake
professional risks.
F)Employees in specialist roles especially have become increasingly difficult to retain.


A)Ironically, the same parents who are considered to be ignorant are thought to be very enlightened in
choosing private schools over state-run ones.
B)This is all the more reason why we should include them during the planning and implementation of the
C)This is apparent at every stage from policymaking to implementation as critical decisions are made
without the participation of the stakeholders,an attitude that can only be described as either arrogance or
D)Inreality,every parent decides which school is a good one, based on his/her own set of
values,perceptions and aspirations.
E)The root cause of most of the ills that plague our education system is the enormous distance that
separates the power centres within the system and the schools where the action takes place.
F)It is often said in defense of such an approach that poor parents are too ignorant to be the partners in a
meaningful dialogue.


(A) The government would do well to accept a cap as well as the two other changes the Congress wants:
do away with the 1% Tax on inter-state sales and resolve tax disputes among the states or between the
Centre and the states through a mechanism that excludes parties to the dispute.
(B) This is less than half the current incidence of cascading indirect taxes on goods.
(C) A panel chaired by chief economic advisor Arivind Subramanian has reportedly recommended a
goods and services tax (GST) rate of 18%.
(D) And it is redundant as the centre stands ready to compensate the states for any revenue loss during the
(E) The rate is also the cap that the congress wants prescribed in the GST law.
(F) Continuing with a tax on inter-state sales on which the buyer cannot claim an input tax credit is
against the logic of GST.


(A) For the balance of power and for the staggered development of the world, it is very important to stop
the phenomena of brain-drain.
(B) For this purpose, development nations should help developing countries with necessary money and
(C) Ultimately, this will also ensure that each and every nation will have the ability to introduce itself as a
development nation.
(D) This will help a particular country use all skilled citizens for development and proliferation.
(E) This will ensure that each and every individual on this planet can have a good standard of living.

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(F) But to build these skilled workers at their native places, it is also important to provide them enough
work opportunities and living facilities.


A. Mines in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Australia are the obvious choice.
B. So, companies are rapidly tying up affordable long-term coal supply.
C. Coal is the cheapest fuel for power plants and steel factories, and also their single-big-gest recurring
D. It‘s almost a truism now that if we want more electricity and build more cities and infrastructure, the
country needs to shop overseas for quality coal.
E. Demand is growing 10% each year.
Ans : DCEBA.

A. India‘s demand for calories from fat has long outstripped supply from our oilseed fields.
B. As our energy needs spiral, these countries will become as critical for our growth as West Asia for
crude oil.
C. We are increasingly reliant on Malaysia and Indonesia for palm oil, which today sells in four out of
every 10 bottles.
D. Coal is one kind of energy, cooking oil or fat another.
E. The biggest market for palm oil is south India.

Ans : DACEB.

A. The hyena-like animal, Palaeonictis wingi, evolved from the size of a bear to the size of a coyote
during a 2,00,000 – year period.
B. Extinct carnivorous mammals shrank in size during a global warming event that occurred 55 million
years ago, according to a new University of Florida study.
C. Following this global warming event, Earth‘s temperature cooled and the animal evolved to a larger
D. Earth‘s average temperature in this period increased about 15 degrees Fahrenheit.
E. The study describes a new species that evolved to half the size of its ancestors during this period of
global warming.

Ans : BEADC.

A. She opted for Akshay Kumar instead of SRK for the lead role.
B. Now Sallu is Farah‘s close buddy.
C. Now priorities have changed and Farah Khan thinks SRK with whom she worked in ―Main Hoon Na‖
and ―Om Shanti Om‖ won‘t be suitable for her new flick, ―Tees Maar Khan.‖
D. Gone are the days when Farah Khan and Shahrukh Khan used to be think buddies.
E. The story doesn‘t end here, Farah Khan is now friend with the man whom King Khan dislikes the

Ans : DCAEB.


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A. She had certainly touched a chord.

B. That was greeted by much hooting, clapping and thumbs up sings by other ladies.
C. At one point a spirited lady declared dramatically, ―What I really need in my life is a wife!‖
D. ―Our‖ designated area was the smoke and alcohol free zone and ―our‖ conversation was restricted to
children, cooking, and maids.
E. We were at an Independence Day dinner at which two predictable camps had formed without anybody
trying-women on one side, men on the other.


A. We have converted it into something pretty anti-social.
B. But even here, we get it all wrong.
C. Our Touchy-Feely selves are pretty hard to restrain as anybody who has ever traveled by public
transport in India will confirm.
D. Indians are total ―rascalams‖ when it comes to taking advantage of gullible foreigners.
E. What is comparatively new to us in the big cities, involves the art of social kissing-we see on foreign
television and in the movies… and increasingly on local entertainment channels.
F. A social kiss is just that-social.


(A) At the same time, allowing restaurant drivers to take leftovers home in a ‗doggy bag‘ is a common
phenomenon in the US, but the practice is frowned upon in some EU countries.
(B) An approach to train waste-minimising habits is through cooking classes, for example, the local
authority of Brussels trained 1900 people in 2009 on how to minimise waste.
(C) Caterers can minimise waste by anticipating demand, informed by reservations and customer
feedback surveys.
(D) There are similar education opportunities in the hospitality industry as well.
(E) Societal efforts are needed to banish this embarrassment.
(F) The European Parliament has recommended that this practical training be incorporated in school


(A) ―Anything that you touch will turn into gold‖ - The king was delighted with his good future.
(B) Even though he was very rich he always craved for more and more.
(C) Everything he touched turned into gold. He turned trees, grass, tables, chairs, flowers, and vases into
(D) One day, he called his court magician and commanded, ―Find me a spell that can get me more
treasures than I already have‖.
(E) King Midas was a very greedy king.
(F) The magician said. ―Your majesty, I can give you a power that no one else in this world has‖.


A. He did whatever work was assigned to him and soon the lion became so fond of him that he promised
to give him a cart full of almonds as pension when he (the squirrel) retired.

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B. Once a squirrel joined the service of the king of the forest, the lion.
C. The squirrel had waited so long for this day but when he saw the almonds, he was seized with sadness
as he realised that they were of no use to him now when he had lost all his teeth.
D. However, he envied other squirrels in the forest because of their carefree life which he could not enjoy
as he had to be by the king‘s side all the time.
E. He consoled himself with the thought that at the end of this career, he would receive a cart full of
almonds, a food that only a few squirrels got to taste in their lifetime.
F. Finally, the day came when it was time for him to retire and so promised the king gave a grand banquet
in his honour and presented him with a cart full of almonds.


A. Is the international scholarly pecking order about to be overturned?
B. They have been unsurpassed since World War II in the sheer volume and excellence of the scholarship
and innovation that they generate.
C. They are building new universities, improving existing ones, competing hard for the best students, and
recruiting US-trained PhDs to return home to work in university and industry labs.
D. For decades, research universities in the United States have been universally acknowledged as the
world‘s leaders in science and engineering.
E. But there are growing signs that the rest of the world is gaining ground fast.


1. There is no question that the academic enterprise has become increasingly global, particularly in the
A. Half of the world‘s top physicists no longer work in their native countries.
B. Nearly three million students now study outside their home countries – a 57% increase in the last
C. Tsinghua and Peking universities together recently surpassed Berkeley as the top sources of students
who go on to earn American PhDs.
D. Foreign students now dominate many US doctoral programs, accounting for 64% of PhDs in computer
science, for example.
E. Faculty are on the move, too.
7. And major institutions such as New York University and the University of Nottingham are creating
branch campuses in the Middle East and Asia.

Ans : 1BDCEA7.

1. The expansion of knowledge is not a zero-sum game.
A. Indeed, the economic benefits of a global academic culture are significant.
B. On the contrary, it enhances what America knows and can accomplish.
C. More PhD production and burgeoning research in China, for instance, doesn‘t take away from
America‘s store of learning.
D. Chinese research may well provide the building blocks for innovation by US entrepreneurs – or those
from other countries.
E. Because knowledge is a public good, intellectual gains by one country often benefit others.
7. Just as free trade benefits both consumers and the most efficient producers, global academic
competition has enormously positive consequences for individuals, universities, and countries.

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Ans : 1CBEDA7.

1. Two weeks back, a Himalayan desert town, Leh was ravaged by a fatal cloudburst – but scientists insist
that there isn‘t sufficient evidence to confirm that it occurred as a result of global warming.
A. According to New Scientist, climate scientist Jayaraman Srinivasan of the Indian Institute of Science
in Bangalore said that the number of extreme events such as cloudbursts would increase with rising global
B. On 6th August, however, the cloudburst that attacked Leh, led to flash floods and mudslides, washing
away houses that weren‘t built to withstand such rainfall.
C. Heavy rainfall is common elsewhere in the Himalayas, but not in Ladakh.
D. Instead, it‘s a rain shadow area, making it a cold, high-altitude desert and receives a meagre average of
15 millimeters of rain during August.
E. More than 150 people have died and hundreds more are missing.
6. But added that there is not enough evidence to pin the Leh cloudburst on global warming.

Ans : CDBEA.

A. One powerful force is the use of language to tell stories.
B. But there is no Darwinian payoff to sacrificing our resources to anonymous strangers, particularly
those in faraway lands.
C. These can motivate us to think of distant people as if they were friends and family.
D. There is an adaptive logic to being kind to those with whom we continually interact; we scratch their
backs, they scratch ours.
E. The explanation for our expanded morality comes from intelligence, imagination, and culture.

Ans : DBEAC.

A. Indeed, one recent study found that spending money on others is more rewarding than spending it on
B. It feels good to be good.
C. The paradoxical finding here is that one great trick to being happy is to forget about being happy and
instead try to increase the happiness of others.
D. The effects of our kindness are not zero-sum.
E. Those who receive charity have their lives improved, but those who provide it also benefit.
F. It‘s not just short-term pleasure: those who donate wealth and time to others tend to be a lot happier in
their entire lives than those who do not.


A. The United States, as the most powerful member of the international system, tends to prefer ad hoc
approaches to global governance.
B. With its vast resources and alliances, ad hoc solutions allow the US to advance its interests effectively
without the entanglements of more enduring rules, customs, and structures.
C. Europeans prefer a more systematic reliance on the rule of law, and also on what has come to be
known as the global public-goods paradigm.

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D. Adherents of this view point first and foremost to the existence of certain vital global public goods,
climate being the most obvious example.
E. By definition, public goods mean a collective-action problem.
F. The global public-goods paradigm also implies some commensurability, if not uniformity, in the way
we respond to various global collective-action challen


A. A slight move of the steering wheel in the wrong direction would wreak havoc, but we
cruise carefree, because we have reasonable expectations about the behavior of other drivers.
B. That framework has to be based on global civics, a system of conscious responsibilities that we are
ready to take on-and corresponding rights that we are ready to claim-after due deliberation.
C. In an increasingly interdependent world, we need a corresponding global framework to put our minds
at relative ease.
D. Every day millions of people drive at high speeds encased in a ton of metal, and they do so extremely
close to others who are doing the same thing.
E. Our expectations of other drivers, which serve to mitigate the theoretical risks of driving, can exist
because people adhere to a framework of laws, habits and conventions about how to operate automobiles.

Ans : DAECB.

A. On a worldwide scale, nuclear energy is thus only a small component of the global energy mix, and its
share, contrary to widespread belief, is not on the rise.
B. Yet that renaissance never seems to come.
C. In July 2010, there was a total of 439 nuclear power plants with a net installed capacity of 373.038
GW(e), about 1.2 GW(e) more than at the beginning of 2006.
D. Nuclear fission‘s contribution to total electric energy has decreased from about 18% more than ten
years ago to about 14% in 2008.
E. Repeatedly in recent years there have been calls for a revival of civilian nuclear power.
F. Indeed, of the more than 200 countries in the world, only 30 use nuclear power.


A. Wind whips off the North Sea, blasting the shelters made of tarps, tents, plastic sheeting and scrap
lumber in this sprawling, ramshackle end of the line.
B. The roads in the camp are muddy; the portable toilets are filthy.
C. On the outskirts of the northern French town of Calais, a massive, makeshift refugee camp called ―The
Jungle‖ grows daily, swelling with asylum-seekers fleeing war in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Sudan and
D. Their countries of origin are a map of the targets of U.S. bombing campaigns.
E. More than 6,000 people in this, France‘s largest refugee camp, hope for a chance to make the last,
dangerous leg of their journey through the nearby channel tunnel to England.

Ans : CDEAB .

A. Accessing either type of train involves significant risk, and accidental deaths occur almost weekly
when people leap onto moving trains or stumble under vehicle tires.

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B. Most who arrive here have endured arduous journeys of thousands of miles, hoping to cross to the
United Kingdom.
C. A few days before we visited the camp, a Sudanese man named Joseph was killed when he was run
over by a car on the highway.
D. Camp residents were protesting that the police had not stopped the driver, holding signs reading ―We
are Humans, Not Dogs‖ and ―Do survivors of war not have the right to live in peace?‖
E. The channel tunnel offers asylum-seekers a way to make it to the U.K. without risking a dangerous
crossing of the English Channel, by stowing away on either a high-speed passenger train or a freight train.

Ans : BEACD .

A. The Senate panel was called ―Going Dark: Encryption, Technology, and the Balance between Public
Safety and Privacy.‖
B. FBI Director James Comey appeared before a Senate Committee on Wednesday, July 8, along with
U.S Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates.
C. ―Going Dark‖ is a term used when people encrypt their communications.
D. A joint statement from the duo, delivered by Yates, acknowledged ―citizens have the right to
communicate with one another in private without unauthorised government surveillance – not simply
because the Constitution demands it, but because the free flow of information is vital to a thriving
E. As the meeting convened, the frailty of our networks was on display for the world: The New York
Stock Exchange was shut down for half a day, supposedly due to a computer ―glitch‖; United Airlines
grounded flights when it lost access to its computer systems; and The Wall Street Journal website was
down due to ―technical difficulties.‖

Ans : BEACD .

A. An unusually complex magnetic eruption on the Sun has flung a large cloud of electrically charged
particles towards our planet, scientists have warned.
B. The explosion was aimed directly towards racing 93 million miles across space.
C. Several satellites, including NASAs new Solar Dynamics Observatory, recorded a small solar flare
erupting above sunspot 1092, the size of the Earth.
D. The Earth could be hit by a ―solar tsunami‖ anytime now.
E. The satellites also recorded a large filament of cool gas stretching across the Sun‘s northern
hemisphere also exploded into space.

Ans : DACEB.

1. Take the belief that there are currently at least one thousands kangaroos alive in Australia. That belief
is true, although it need not have been.
A. the claim that any contingent truth could instead have been false is not the fallibilist claim, because
fallibilism is not a thesis about truths in themselves.
B. So, the belief is only contingently true.
C. But even if we were to accept that all truths are only contingently true, we would not be committed to
D. By definition, any contingent truth could have failed to be true.
E. It could have been false – in that the world need not have been such as to make it true.
F. The recognition that contingent truths exist is not what underlies fallibilism.

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8. Instead, it is about our attempts in themselves to accept or believe truths. It concerns a kind of
fundamental limitation first and foremost upon our powers of rational thought and representation.

Ans : 1EBDCFA8.

1. Most of us are certain that we have free will, though what exactly this amounts to is much less certain.
A. Minimally, to say that an agent has free will is to say that the agent has the capacity to choose his or
her course of action.
B. According to David Hume, the question of the nature of free will is ―the most contentious question of
C. Let us then understand free will as the capacity unique to persons that allows them to control their
D. If this is correct, then figuring out what free will is will be no small task indeed.
E. But animals seem to satisfy this criterion, and we typically think that only persons, and not animals,
have free will.
7. It is controversial whether this minimal understanding of what is means to have a free will actually
requires an agent to have a specific faculty of will.

Ans : BDAEC.

(A) Man‘s mind is complex and a crucial entity and its capabilities are far-reaching in respect of its power
to dictate and shape each one‘s lot in samsara.
(B) While one learns to accept the inevitability of ageing and death that affect the body, hunger and thirst
that pertain to one‘s prana are perceived as natural demands that are to be met.

(C) Old age and death, hunger and thirst, sorrow and delusion — are the basic challenges of human life.
(D) The very purpose of human life is lost and defeated by failing to hold the mind in check.
(E) To lead the mind in the right direction is a tall order, for it is the source of endless desires.

Ans : CBAED.

(A) ―We start early, at 4.30a.m. or 5 a.m. The roads are wide and fairly empty at that time. Yet, a few
precautions are necessary,‖ says runner Babitha Xavier.
(B) One of the best ways to discover a city is on foot.
(C) Secunderabad Runners, an offshoot of Hyderabad Runners group, has many runners settled in
(D) Some of the runners provide commentaries on heritage sites as well.
(E) Runners explore different routes that pass through historical churches, temples and hills dotting

Ans : BCEDA.

(A) How you feel should define how you look and not the other way round. It always helps to analyse
your own strengths and weaknesses, and once you are aware of your positives, work towards enhancing
(B) Thus, not deriving your self-worth from what others think of you goes a long way in making you feel
secure and happy.

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(C) Granted, majority of people struggle with body image issues. Mostly women, who are burdened with
pressures -- culturally and socially -- to look a certain way.
(D) Most of these ideas are fed to them, from the glamour world - films and models.
(E) It‘s more socially acceptable for women to speak up about their physical insecurities, but men take
longer to open up because of fear of being considered vain.
(F) It‘s not just women who battle body image issues. Men face them too, and it affects them as much as
it does the fairer sex.


1. The need to identify a suitable mate is such a strong biological urge that the animal kingdom has
spawned a bewildering array of courtship rituals.
A. Humans also use dance as part of courtship but is has been difficult for scientists to pin down exactly
what it is about a dance that appeals to members of the opposite sex.
B. Such competitive displays depend on the speed, strength and size of an animal, which is why they
convey a measure of reproductive fitness.
C. Scorpions and sandhill cranes, for instance, dance to impress.
D. Hippo males fling their faeces, and humpback whales sing and leap above the ocean surface.
E. Dancing is popular among animals for similar reasons.
6. This is because factors such as facial attractiveness, height and even social status tend to confound any
attempt to judge the relative merits of a person‘s gyrations.

Ans : DBECA.

A. Carbon fibre is an expensive alternative to making things in steel or aluminium, but besides being
extremely strong it is also very light.
B. When his Formula 1 can be cartwheeled in a spectacular 306 kph crash at the recent Valencia Grand
Prix, what helped him to escape unscathed was the immensely strong carbon-fibre ―tub‖ that racing
drivers now sit in.
C. But if work by Germany‘s BMW proves successful, it could also become the material of choice to
mass-produce electric cars.
D. It is found in high-performance parts, like aircraft wings, bits of supercars and the frames of pricey
mountain bikes.
E. Mark Webber has a lot to thank tiny strands of carbon for.

Ans : EBADC.

1. Arguments for legalising prostitution depend on the strength of two arguments: that prostitution is a
choice for those in it and that the harms of prostitution are decreased if it is legalised. There is little
evidence that either of these arguments is true.
A. They usually have options for escape.
B. For most, prostitution is not a freely-made choice because the conditions that would permit genuine
choice are not present: physical safety, equal power with buyers, and real alternatives.
C. But zombie theories about prostitution never seem to die no matter how many facts we beat them down
D. The few who do choose prostitution are privileged by class or race or education.
E. Only a tiny percentage all women in prostitution are there because they choose it.

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6. Most women in prostitution do not have viable alternatives. They are coerced into prostitution by sex
inequality, race/ethnic inequality, and economic inequality.

Ans : CEBDA.

(A) Kofi Amero didn‘t like giving charity, and he was quite annoyed Abaro asked for something.
(B) One sunny day, after Kofi Amero had taken his breakfast, he was relaxing, when all of a sudden he
caught sight of Abaro dressed in the most tattered and shabby clothing.

(C) When he had eaten every last bite, and licked his fingers in the process, he straightened himself and
before Amero‘s astonished eyes changed into an angel of god.
(D) Kofi Amero was a very strict man, but he wasn‘t fair, no, he was nasty and selfish.
(E) But he had some uncooked kokoyam lying around under the window, so he took a small dry piece and
threw it at the beggar.
(F) He was a little surprised when the man addressed him and asked for some food.


(A) Phoenix started sharing out all the scraps of food she had stored up all over the forest. Now every
single bird, large and small, wanted to be her friend. Thanks to phoenix all the birds had something to eat
every day.
(B) One day a great storm hit the Amazon forest, and what phoenix had been worrying about all these
years came to pass. Leaves and whole branches were blown off the trees and carried far away by the
powerful wind.
(C) The phoenix was a real worrier. She was always telling the other birds to be careful and to prepare for
a time that food might not be so plentiful.
(D) Birds didn‘t forget their new friend, phoenix. To show their gratitude every bird in the whole forest
selected its most beautiful and colourful feather and presented it to phoenix. When they were finished
phoenix had been transformed into the most fantastic and multi colourful creature in the forest.
(E) In the Amazon forest all birds ignored Phoenix; some even started calling her nasty names. They
carried on with their usual wasteful habits.
(F) As most of the birds had colourful plumage, phoenix was quite ordinary to look at. Some might say a
little ugly, even.


(A) ―Mr. Vulture, I wonder if you are planning to attend the wedding next week?‖
(B) Mr. Tortoise really wanted to attend the wedding, he loved parties, but he had no idea how to get
there. While he was mulling over this problem, a vulture landed near him, looking for scraps of food left
behind by other animals.
(C) Once upon a time there was a wedding in the sky. The bride and groom invited all the animals in the
whole land.
(D) Vulture came round to where tortoise lived, and collected him. Tortoise clung onto vulture‘s back,
and they arrived at the wedding in the sky without any mishaps.
(E) Then the tortoise asked if Mr. Vulture would consider giving him a lift. Vulture shook his head, ―That
might be a bit difficult‖, he said.

Ans : CBAED.

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(A) ―Hello, my dear, I see you may need a little more help, and can you pay me my fees?‖ said a voice.
(B) The girl gave him a shiny emerald ring and the wheel went whhirrwhhirr, and the dwarf hummed, ,
the bobbins went whizzz and the night went faster than any shooting star in the sky. When he had
finished, the dwarf bowed before the girl, then disappeared as fast he had come.
(C) The king‘s obsession was fairly well known throughout his kingdom, and one day a miller, who had a
very beautiful daughter, thought he could take advantage of this. He told the king about his daughter,
claiming that she could spin straw into gold.
(D) In a kingdom far to the east, all the citizens were very wealthy and the whole land was covered in
fields of wheat, which grew abundantly and apparently effortlessly. This way, some of this kingdom‘s
citizens were just as wealthy as the king.
(E) The rich kingdom's king wasn't happy and he had been looking at the straw, as it was brought from
the fields, and the colour of the straw reminded him very much of the colour of gold. So he began to think
of ways to turn the straw into gold, and this became an obsession.
(F) But of course the poor girl had no idea how to turn straw into gold; she was not even very good at
using a spinning wheel. She started to cry, when she was asked to do so, locked in a room.


(A) They calculated they would have more success against him. So it came to pass that they raised a great
army and invaded Britain.
(B) My father had fought many battles with invading Danes and Saxons, and had always successfully
defended his realm, but these foreign invaders rejoiced greatly after his death, when they heard that
Constantius the Monk, as people referred to him, had been crowned king.
(C) My name is Uther Pendragon, and I was the third and youngest son of a great king, Constans.
(D) Once upon was a time, long before the inhabitants of Britain wrote down their histories for us all to
read, that country was inhabited not just by people like you and me, but wizards, ghouls, monsters,
dragons, tricksters, and worse, demons.
(E) During this time some of my father‘s most loyal friends took my brother Aurelius and myself out of
the country, and across to sea to Brittanny, or Little Britain as it was then commonly known, in a country
which you now know as France.
(F) Along with the sons of The great Constans, I fought a gruesome battle which lasted a fortnight and
successfully caught hold of our ancestors' reign.


(A) He spent the whole night moving the tree inch by inch and at last was rewarded with all the gold.
(B) One day a hurricane blew through the town; after it had passed the place looked even worse than
before, but the worst thing was that an enormous tree had been blown over and thrown right across the
main road leading to the market place.
(C) Lazy Town's Chief made his servants dig a hole under the tree and he hid some gold there. A weak
lad the other night thought of elder's discomfort as the tree block the main road.
(D) There was a town where all the people were exceedingly lazy.
(E) Lazy Town's inhabitants didn‘t like to do any kind of work at all! They didn‘t clean up their yards,
they didn‘t keep their streets clean, and they couldn‘t be bothered to weed their vegetable patches.
(F) The chief heard about the tree blocking the road. He asked; ―Why don‘t some of these people get
together and move it?‖ But days went by and nobody did anything about it and the tree remained where it

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Sentence Rearrangement / Para Jumbles Set 2

Directions for questions 1 to 50: A number of sentences are given below, which, when properly
sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the
four given choices to construct a coherentparagraph.

1. A. Realists believe that there is an objective reality “out there” independent ofourselves.
B. This reality exists solely by virtue of how the world is and it is in principle discoverable
by application of the methods ofscience.
C. They believe in the possibility of determining whether or not a theory is indeed really true
or false.
D. Ithinkitisfairtosaythatthisisthepositiontowhichmostworkingscientistssubscribe.


2. A. There is a strong manufacturing base for a variety ofproducts.

B. India has come a long way on the technologyfront.
C. But the technology adopted has been largely of foreignorigin.
D. There are, however, areas such as atomic energy, space, agriculture and defence
where significant strides have been made in evolving relevant technologies within


3. A. In emission trading, the government fixes the total amount of population that is acceptable
to maintain a desired level ofquality.
B. Economists argue this approach makes air pollution control more cost‐effective than the
current practice of fixing air pollution standards and expecting all companies to pollute
below thesestandards.
C. USA uses emission trading to control airpollution.
D. Itthendistributesemissionpermitstoallcompaniesintheregion,whichadduptotheoverall
acceptable level ofemission.


4. A. The individual companies vary in size, from the corner grocery to the industrialgiant.
B. Policies and management methods within firms range from formal, well‐planned
organization and controls to slipshod day‐to‐dayoperations.
C. Various industries offer a wide array of products or services through millions of firms
largely independent of eachother.
D. Variation in the form of ownership contributes to diversity in capital investment,

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volume of business, and financialstructure.


5. A. All levels of demand, whether individual, aggregate, local, national or international are
subject to change.
B. At the same time science and technology add new dimensions to products, their uses, and
the methods used to marketthem.
C. Aggregate demand fluctuates with changes in the level of business activity, GNP and
national income.
D. The demand of individuals tends to vary with changing needs or risingincome.


6. A. Secret persons shall strike with weapons, fire orpoison.

B. Clans mutually supporting each other shall be made to strike at the weakpoints.
C. He shall destroy their caravans, herds, forests and troopreinforcements.
D. The conqueror shall cause enemy kingdom to be destroyed by neighboring kings, jungle
tribes, pretenders or unjustly treatedprinces.


7. 1. What does the state do in a country where tax morality is verylow?

A. It tries to spy upon thetaxpayers.
B. It investigates income sources and spendingpatterns.
C. Exactly what the tax authority tries to do now even ifinconsistently.
D. It could also encourage people to denounce to the tax authorities any
conspicuously prosperous neighbours why may be suspected of net paying their
6. The ultimate solution would be an OrwellianSystem.


8. 1. The fragile Yugoslav State has uncertainfuture.

A. Thustherewillsurelybechaosanduncertainlyifthepeoplefailtosettletheirdifferences.
B. Sharp ideological differences already exist in thecountry.
C. Ethnic, regional, linguistic and material disparities areprofound.
D. Thecountrywillalsolosetheexcellentreputationitenjoyedintheinternationalarena.
6. Atworst,itwilloncemorebecomevulnerabletointernationalconspiracyandintrigue.


9. 1. India’sexperienceofindustrializationischaracteristicofthedifficultiesfacedbyanewly‐
independent developingcountry.
A. In 1947 India was undoubtedly as underdeveloped country with one of the lowest per
capita incomes in theworld.
B. Indian industrialization was the result of a conscious deliberate policy of growth by
an indigenous politicalelite.

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C. Today India ranks fifth in the international community of nations if measured in terms
of purchasingpower.
D. Even today, however, the benefits of Indian industrialization since independence have
not reached themasses.
6. In India has been a limited success; one more example of growth withoutdevelopment.


10. 1. The New Economic Policy comprises the various policy measures and changes introduced
since July1991.
A. There is a common thread running through all thesemeasures.
B. The objective is simple – to improve the efficiency of thesystem.
C. The regulator mechanism involving multitude of controls has fragmented the capacity
and reduced competition even in the privatesector.
D. The thrust of the new policy is towards creating a more competitive environment as a
means to improving the productivity and efficiency of theeconomy.
6. This is to be achieved by removing the barriers and restriction on the entry and growth
of firms.


11. 1. It is significant that one of the most common objections to competition is that it isblind.
A. This is important because in a system of free enterprise based on private property chances
are not equal and is indeed a strong case for reducing that inequality ofopportunity.
B. Rather it is a choice between a system where it is the will of a few persons that decides
who is to get what and one where it depends at least partly on the ability and the
enterprise of the peopleconcerned.
C. Although competition and justice may have little else in common, it is as
much a commendation of competition as of justice that is no respecter of
D. The choice today is not between a system in which everybody will get what he
deserves according to some universal standard and one where individual shares are
determined by chance orgoodwill.
6. The fact that opportunities open to the poor in a competitive society are much more
restricted than those open to the rich, does not make it less true that in such a society the
poor are more free than a person commanding much greater material comfort in s different
type ofsociety.


1. The necessity for regional integration in South Asia is underlined by the very history of the
last 45 years since the liquidation of the British Empire in this part of theworld.
A. After the partition of the Indian Subcontinent, Pakistan was formed in that very which
the imperial powers had always marked out as the potential base for operations
against the Russian power in CentralAsia.
B. Because of the disunity and ill‐will among the South Asian neighbors, particular India and
Pakistan, the great powers from outside the area could meddle into their affairs and
thereby keep neighborsapart.

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C. It needs to be added that it was the bountiful supply of sophisticated arms that
emboldened Pakistan to go for war like bellicosity towardsIndia.
D. As a part of the cold war strategy of the U.S , Pakistan was sucked into Washington’ s
military alliance spreading over theyears.
6. Internally too, it was the massive induction of American arms into Pakistan which
empowered the military junta of that country to stuff out the civilian government and
destroy democracy inPakistan.


1. Commercial energy consumption shows an increasing trend and poses a major challenge
for thefuture.
A. The demand for petroleum during 1996‐97 and 2006‐07 is anticipated to 81 million tons
and 125 million tonsrespectively.
B. According to the projections of the 14thpower Survey Committee Report, theelectricity
generation requirements from utilities will be about 415 billion units by 1996‐97 and
824 billion units by 2006‐07.
C. The production of coal should reach 303 million tons by 1996‐97 to achieve plan targets
and 460 million tons by2006‐07.
D. The demand for petroleum products has already outstripped indigenousproduction.
6. Electricity is going to play a major role in the development of infrastructural facilities.


1. The success of any unit in a competitive environment depends on prudent
management sources.
A. In this context it would have been more appropriate if the concept of accelerated
depreciation together with additional incentives towards capital allowances for recouping a
portion of the cost of replacements out of the current generations had beenaccepted.
B. Added to this are the negligible retention of profits because of inadequate capital
allowances are artificial disallowances of genuineoutflows.
C. One significant cause for poor generation of surpluses is the high cost of capital and
its servicingcost.
D. The lack of a mechanism in India tax laws for quick recovery of capital costs has received
its dueattention.
6. While this may apparently look costly from the point of view of the exchequer, cost to
the government and the community in the losses suffered through poor viability will be


15. 1. Count Rumford is perhaps best known for his observations on the nature ofheat.
A. Heundertookseveralexperimentsinordertotestthetheoriesoftheoriginoffrictionalheat
B. According to the colorists, the heat was produced by the ‘’ caloric’’ squeezed out of the
chips in the process of separating them from the larger pieces ofmetal.
C. Lavoisier had introduced the term ‘’caloric’’ for the weightless substance heat, and
had included it among the chemical elements along with carbon, nitrogen

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D. In the ammunitions factory in Munich, Rumford noticed that a considerable degree of
heat developed in a brass gun while it was beingbored.
6. Rumford could not believe that the amount of heat generated could have come from the
small amount of dustcreated.


16. 1. The death of cinema has been predictedannually.

A. It hasn’thappened.
B. It was said that the television would kill it off‐and indeed audiences plummeted,
reaching a low in1984.
C. Film has enjoyed a renaissance, and audiences are nor roughly double of what they
were a decadeago.
D. Then the home computer became the projected nemesis followed bysatellite television.
6. Why? probably because even in the most atomized of societies, we human beings feel
the need to share out fantasies and ourexcitement.


A. That Hollywood is a man’s world is certainly true but it is not the wholetruth.
B. EvenRenaissancefilmactressJodieFosterwhohoststhiscompendiumofmoviehistory,
confess surprise atthis.
C. She says that she had no idea that women were so active in the industry eventhose days.
D. During the silent era, for example, female script writers outnumbered males 10 to1.


18. 1. Visual recognition involves storing and retrieving ofmemories.
A. Psychologists of the Gastaltschool maintain that objects are recognized as a whole in a
parallel procedure.
B. Neural activity, triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brain’s memory system
that constitutes an internal representation on the viewedobject.
C. Controversy surrounds the question of whether recognition is a single one‐step procedure
or a serial step‐by‐stepone.
D. When an object is encountered again, it is matched with its internal recognition and
thereby recognized.
6. Theinternalrepresentationismatchedwiththeretinalimageinsingleoperation.


19. 1. The history of mammals dates back at least to Triassictime.

A. Miocene and Pliocene time was marked by culmination of several groups and
continued approach towards moderncharacters.
B. Development was retarded, however until the sudden acceleration of evolutional change
that occurred in the oldestPaleocene.
C. In the Oligocene Epoch, there was further improvement, with appearance of some new
lines and extinction oftheories.

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D. This led in Eocene time to increase in average size, larger mental capacity, and
special adaptations for different modes oflife.
6. The peak of the career of mammals in variety and average large size was attained in
this epoch.


20. A. There was the hope that in another existence a greater happiness would rewardone
B. Previous existence, and the effort to do better would be less difficult toowhen
C. It would be less difficult to bear the evils of one’s own lifeif
D. One could think that they were but the necessary outcome of one’s errors ina


21. A. he can only renew himself if hissoul

B. he renews himselfand
C. the writer can only be fertileif
D. is constantly enriched by freshexperience


22. A. but a masterpieceis

B. untaughtgenius
C. a laborious career than the lucky flukeof
D. more likely to come as the culminating pointof


23. A. What interests you is the way in which you have a created the illusion
B. They are angry with you, for itwas
C. the public is easily disillusioned andthen
D. the illusion they loved, they do not understandthat


A. To have settled one’’ s affairs is a very good preparation to leading the rest one’s life
without concern for thefuture.
B. When I have finished this book I shall know where Istand.
C. One does not die immediately after one has made one’s will, one make’ s one ‘s will
as a precaution.
D. I can afford then to do what I choose with the years that remain tome.


A. ItissaidthatIndiahasalwaysbeeninahurrytoconformtothewesternthoughtespeciallythe
B. Even the smaller countries have the guts to take a firm contrarian stand if they feel the
policies happen to compromise their country’ sinterest.

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C. It’ one thing to sprout theories on liberalization, and entirely another to barter the interests
of the nation in itsname.
D. Inthiscasetoo,whilealargenumberofcountriesareyettoratifytheGATT,Indiahasnotonly ratified
the treaty, but is also preparing to amend the patentsAct.


27. A. But instead you are faced with another huge crag and the weary trailcontinues.
B. No, the path winds on and another mountain bars yourway.
C. When for days you have been going through a mountain pass a moment comes when you
are sure that after winding around the great mass of rock in front of you, you will come
upon the plain.
D. Surely after this you will see theplain.


A. During one exhibition, however, some air became mixed with the hydrogen, and in the
words of the shaken performer: ‘’The explosion was so dreadful that I imagined all my
teeth had been blownout’’
B. An entertainer would finished his acts by blowing the hydrogen he had inhaled
towards a lighted candle: as the hydrogen caught fire, flames would shootmenacingly
from his lips.
C. A paper bag filled with hydrogen amazed guests by zooming off intospace.
D. When people learned about its unique lighter‐than‐air property, they began to use it in
all sorts of parlourstunts.


29. A. It is exciting andvarious.

B. I am a writer as I might have been a doctor or alawyer.
C. The writer is free to work in what hebelieves.
D. It is so pleasant a profession that it is not surprising if a vast number of persons adopt it
who have no qualifications forit.


30. 1. It is often said that good actors can get out of a play more than the author has put intoit.
A. A good actor, bringing to a part his own talent, often gives it a value that the layman on
reading the play had not seen it, but at the utmost he can do no more than reach the ideal
that the author has seen in his mind’seye.
B. I all my plays, I have been fortunate enough to have some of the parts acted as I wanted;
but in none have I had all the parts soacted.
C. That is nottrue.
D. He has to be an actor of address to do this; for the most part the author has to be
satisfied with an approximation of the performance hevisualized.
6. This is so obviously inevitable for the actor who is suited to a certain role may well be
engaged and you have to put up with the second or third best because there is no help

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31. 1. I can think of no serious prose play that has survived the generation that gave itbirth.
A. They are museumpieces.
B. They are revived now and then because a famous part tempts a leading actor or a manager
in want of a stop gap thinks he will put on a play on which he has no loyalties topay
C. A few comedies have haphazardly travelled down a couple of centuries orso.
D. The audience laugh at their wit with politeness and at their farce withembarrassment.
6. They are not held nor taken out ofthemselves.


32. 1. The wind had savageallies.
A. If it had not been for my closely fitted helmet, the explosions might have
shatteredmy eardrums.
B. Thefirstclapofthundercameasadeafeningexplosionthatliterallyshookmyteeth.
C. I did not hear the thunder I actually felt it – an almost unbearable physicalexperience.
D. I saw lightning all around me in every shapeimaginable.
6. It was raining so torrentially that I thought I would drown in midair.


1. All human beings are aware of the existence of a power greater than that of the mortals –
the name given to such a power by individuals is an outcome of birth, education
A. Logically, therefore such a power should be remembered in good timesalso.
B. Their other philanthropic contributions include the construction and maintenance of
religious places such as temples orgurudwaras.
C. Industrial organizations also contribute to the veneration of this power by
participating in activities such as religious ceremonies and festivities organized by
D. This power provides an anchor in times of adversity, difficulty andtrouble.
6. The top management/ managers should participate in all such events, irrespective of
their personalchoice..


34. 1. A thorough knowledge of the path or course to be followed is essential for achievingsuccess.
A. Seniors must show the path clearly by laying down the precise expectations of
the management in terms of job description, key result areas and
B. They should also ‘light the path’ by personalexample.
C. Advice tendered or help offered must be objectively evaluated for its effectiveness
in achieving the desiredgoal.
D. A display of arrogance and a false sense of ‘self‐worth’ in order to belittle those who come
up to help, provedysfunctional.
6. The individuality of each employee must berespected.

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35. 1. Currency movements can have a dramatic impact on equity returns for foreigninvestors.
A. This is not surprising as many developing economies try to peg their exchange rates to the
US dollars or to a basket ofcurrencies.
B. Many developing economies manage to keep exchange rate volatility lower than that in
the industrialeconomies.
C. India has also gone in for the full float on the current account and abolished the
managed exchangerate.
D. Dramatic exceptions are Argentina, Brazil andNigeria.
6. Another emerging market specific risk is liquidityrisk.
1. Total forgiveness for a mistake generates a sense of complacency towards target
achievement among theemployees.
A. In such a situation, the work ethos gets distorted and individuals get a feeling that they can
get away with anylapse.
B. The feeling that they develop is whether I produce results or not, the management
willnot punish me or does not have the guts to punishme.
C. Also, excess laxity damages management credibility because for a long time
themanagement has maintained that dysfunctional behavior will result in punishment and
when something goes wrong, it fails to take specific punitiveaction.
D. The severity of the punishment may be reduced by modifying it but some action must be
taken against the guilty so as to serve as a remainder for all others in theorganization.


37. 1. But the vessel kept goingaway.

A. He looked anxiouslyaround.
B. There was nothing to see but the water and emptysky.
C. He could now barely see her funnel and masts when heaved up on a highwave.
D. He did not know forwhat.
6. A breaking wave slapped him in the face chokinghim.


1. Managers must lead by example they should not be averse to giving a hand in manual
work; if required.
A. They should also update their competence to guide their subordinates; this would be
possible only if they keep in regular touch with new processes, machines, instruments,
gauges, systems andgadgets.
B. Work must be allocated to different groups and team members inclear, specific terms.
C. Too much of wall‐building is determental to the exercise of the ‘personal charisma’ of
the leader whose presence should not be felt only through notices, circulars or memos,
but by being seenphysically.
D. Simple, clean living among one’s people should be insistedupon.

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6. This would mean the maintaining of an updated organization chart; laying down job
performance to meet organizationalgoals.


39. 1. The top management should perceive the true worth of people and only then makefriends.
A. Such ‘true friends’ are very few and veryrare.
B. Factors such as affluence, riches, outward sophistication and conceptual abilities are
not prerequisites for genuinefriendship.
C. Such people must be respected and kept close to theheart.
D. Business realities call for developing a large circle of acquaintances and contacts; however,
all of them will be motivated by their own self‐interest and it would be wrong to treat
them as genuinefriends.
6. There is always a need for real friends to whom one can turn for balanced, unselfish
advice, more so when one is caught in adilemma.


1. Managers, especially the successful ones, should guard against ascribing to themselves
qualities and attributes which they may not have, or may have in a measure much less
than what they think they have!
A. External appearances can bedeceptive.
B. Toinitiateactionwithoutbeinginpossessionoffullfactscanleadtodisastrousresults.
C. Also one should develop confidents who can be used as sounding boards in order to
check one’s own thinking against that of theothers.
D. It is also useful to be receptive to feedback about oneself so that a real understanding of
the ‘self’exists.
6. A false perception can be like wearing colouredglassers – all facts get fainted by colour of
the glass and the mind interprets them wrongly to fit into theperception.


1. Conflicting demands for resources are always voiced by different functions/ departments in
an organization.
A. Everymanagerexaminesthetaskentrustedtohimandevaluatestheresourcesrequired.
B. Availability of resources in full measure makes task achievement easy because it reduces
the effort needed to somewhatmake‐do.
C. A safety cushion is built into demand for resources to offset the adverse impact of any
cut imposed by theseniors.
D. This aspect needs to be understood as areality.
6. Dynamic, energetic, growth‐oriented and wise managements are always confronted with
the inadequacy of resources with respect to one of the four Ms( men, machine, money
and materials) and the two Ts (time andtechnology).


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1. Despite the passage of time, a large number of conflicts continue to remain alive, because
the wronged parties, in reality or in imagination, wish to take revenge upon each other,
thus creating a viciouscircle.
A. At times, managers are called upon to take ruthless decisions in the long‐term interests of
the organization.
B. People hurt others, at times knowingly, to teach them a lesson and at other times
because they lack correct understanding of other person’sstand.
C. The delegation of any power to any person is neverabsolute.
D. Everyruthlessdecisionwillbeacceptedeasilyifthesituationatthemomentofcommitting the
act is objectively analyzed, shared openly and discussedrationally.
6. Power is misused; its effects can last only for a while, since employees are bound to
confront it someday.


1. Managers need to differentiate among those who commit an error once, those who
are repetitively errant but can be corrected, and those who are basicallywicked.
A. The persons in this category will resort to sweet‐talk and make all sorts of promises on
being caught, but, at the first opportunity will revert to their badways.
B. Managers must take ruthless action against the basically wicked and ensure their
separation from the organization at theearliest.
C. The first category needs to be corrected softly and duly counseled; the second category
should be dealt with firmly and duly counseled till they realize the danger of persisting with
their errantbehavior.
D. It is the last category of whom the managers must be mostwary.
6. The punishment must be fair and based on the philosophy of giving all the
possible opportunities and help prior to taking ruthlessaction.


A. Where there is division, there must be conflict not only division between man and woman
but also division on the basis of race, religion andlanguage.
B. We said the present condition of racial division, linguistic divisions has brought out so
many wars.
C. Also we went into the question as to why does this conflict between man and manexist.
D. May we continue with what we were discussing lastevening?


A. No other document gives us so intimate a sense of the tone and temper of the first
generation poets.
B. Part of the interest of the journal is coursehistorical.
C. And the clues to Wordsworth’s creative processes which the journal are of
decisive significance.
D. No even in their own letters do Wordsworth and Coleridge stand so present before us

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than they do through the references in thejournal.


A. These high plans died, slowly but definitely, and were replaced by the dream of a huge
work onphilosophy.
B. In doing whatever little he could of the new plan, the poet managed to write speculations
on theology, and politicaltheory.
C. The poet’s huge ambitions included writing a philosophic epic on the originof the evil.
D. However, not much was done in this regard either with only fragments beingwritten.


47. A. We can never leave off wondering how that which has ever been should cease tobe.
B. As we advance in life, we acquire a keener sense of the value oftime.
C. Nothing else, indeed, seems to be of any consequence; and we become misers in thissense.
D. We try arrest its few last tottering steps, and to make it linger on the brink of thegrave.


48. A. There is no complete knowledge aboutanything.

B. Our thinking is the outcome of knowledge, and knowledge is alwayslimited.
C. Knowledge always goes hand withignorance.
D. Therefore, our thinking which is born out of knowledge, is always limited under
all circumstances.


A. Still, Sophie might need an open heart surgery later in life and now be more prone
to respiratoryinfections.
B. But with the news that infant daughter Sophie has a hole in her heart, he appears
quite vulnerable.
C. Whiletheconditionsoundsbaditisnotlifethreateningandfrequentlycorrectsitself.
D. SylvesterStallonehasmademillionsandbuiltathrivingcareeroutoflookinginvincible.


A. However, the severed head could not grow back if fire could be applied instantly to
the amputatedpart.
B. To get rid of this monstrosity was truly a Herculean task for as soon as one head was cut
off two new ones replacedit.
C. Herculesaccomplishedthislabourwiththeaidofanassistantwhocauterizedthenecksasfast as
Hercules cut off theheads!
D. One of the twelve labours of Hercules was the killing of hydra, a water monster with
nine heads.

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Answer Key:

1. 1 2.3 3.3 4.2 5.4

6.1 7.1 8.1 9.4 10.2
11.1 12.2 13.1 14.3 15.3
16.3 17.1 18.4 19.1 20.4
21.1 22.2 23.3 24.2 25.2
26.3 27.3 28.1 29.4 30.3
31.1 32.1 33.3 34.4 35.4
36. 2 37.3 38.4 39.4 40.1
41.2 42.4 43.2 44.2 45.1
46.4 47.2 48.4 49.3 50.3

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