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Hey Mukesh,

I get emails from guys every day telling me about how they have big goals. They tell me
things like:

"I want to travel the world for 12 months!"

"I want to hit the gym and eat healthy every single day!"

"I want to rebuild my entire wardrobe!"

But usually, the emails would turn into something like this:

"I want to travel the world for 12 months… but I need money."

"I want to hit the gym and eat healthy every single day… but I don’t have money for the gym,
and healthy food is too expensive."

"I want to rebuild my entire wardrobe… but nice clothes cost so much."

Basically, these emails are saying:

I don’t have money, and because of this, I can’t achieve my goals.

Honestly, I get a little frustrated whenever I get these emails. Because the truth is,
there’s money out there EVERYWHERE to be earned!

You don’t need to apply for another job, you don’t need to have a boss, you don’t even
need to spend all day working.

By doing a little research and planning, anyone can start their own “side hustle” for
earning more money!

So how exactly do you start a side hustle? Well, it’s actually really simple.

Earning money on the side comes down to only 2 steps:

Step 1. Find a problem that you can solve

Step 2. Offer to solve that problem for people in exchange for money.
It’s that simple.

For example, here are 3 problems that I can solve:

Problem 1. A lot of new influencers have trouble growing their Instagram following.

Since I’ve grown my IG to a few hundred thousand followers, I can definitely help these
aspiring influencers solve this problem. I can help them start growing their following!

Problem 2. Many young Brazilian exchange students struggle with English when they
come to the U.S. for the first time.

Since I’ve gone through this struggle myself in the past, I can definitely help them with
some English tutoring (although this is not something I would want to do for work at the
moment lol).

Problem 3. Google is known to be a tough company to get in to. A lot of people try but
fail to get through the interview process.

Since I’ve worked at Google past, I can coach these people and show them the things to
say at these interviews so they have a better chance of getting hired!

These are just 3 little examples for myself. I have probably at least a dozen more ideas!

So what are some problems that you can solve?

Maybe you love editing photos with Lightroom. Many online businesses and influencers
out there need help making their product photos look professional -- you could help their
pages look amazing!

Maybe you’re good at public speaking. Tons of people are scared of speaking in front of
crowds -- but because of work or school, they NEED to get over this fear. You could be
the one to coach them!

Maybe you’re into building websites. Plenty of stores in your neighborhood struggle to
keep their online presence up to date -- maybe you can help them with that.

You see…

By finding problems you can solve, and solving these problems for people, you get to
quickly start your side hustle and start earning extra income.

So, what goals are you not reaching right now because of money?

What problems can you solve to kickstart your side hustles?



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Alex Costa, 7878 165st, Surrey, BC V4N0M2, Canada
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