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Reverberations: Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Shailendra Education

Society’s Arts, Commerce and Science College - ISSN no. 2454-1494


Asst. Prof. Sony Paul
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Shailendra Education Society’s Arts, Commerce and Science College
Dahisar (East), Mumbai-68
E-mail id :

Six Sigma is a problem- solving methodology that can be applied to any process to eliminate the
root causes of defect (errors) and associated cost. Resource conservation and waste recycling are
the accepted norms in the governance of cities all over the world. As all agrees there is nothing
waste as such in the world, recycling is the only solution available for Solid Waste Management.
Here, I like to equate the quality of waste management to the amount of waste that had been
recycled. The first section of this paper gives a brief history of Six Sigma and explains different
statistical tools used in DMAIC methodology of Six Sigma Methods. Section 2 deals with
present scenario of SWM in urban area especially in Mumbai city, which is followed by section
3, in which we will examine the feasibility of Six Sigma methodology in SWM. Section 4 is a
case study of DMAIC methodology in household SWM. This paper is expected to explain
different statistical tools used in DMAIC methodology and up to Analysis phase of the DMAIC

Motorola was the first large company to implement Six Sigma in 1986 to standardize the way the
defects are counted. They developed much of the initial definition and also came up with a
standard roadmap to use Six Sigma for problem solving to show a positive effect on bottom line
improvement. Jack Welch, CEO of GE was the man who pushed Six Sigma as a recognized

Defects per million parts (DPM) is the common measurement of defect level in Six Sigma. It
means 3.4 defects out of million items. It is a measurable characteristic of the process or its
output that is not within the acceptable customer limit. Readymade Sigma tables are available.
These tables help us to find the sigma of a system by finding the number of defects or percentage
of defects.

Six Sigma projects follow two projects methodologies DMAIC(Define, Measure, Analysis,
Improve and Control) and DMADV(Define, Measure, Analysis, Design and Verify). DMAIC is
used for projects aimed at improving an existing process. DMADV is used for projects aimed at

Vol. II, Issue 1 Page 87

Reverberations: Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Shailendra Education
Society’s Arts, Commerce and Science College - ISSN no. 2454-1494

creating new product or process. Managing the waste at house hold level is a process and since we
want to improve the quality of the system we will use the DMAIC methodology. The DMAIC
project methodology has five phases, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control.
The work done in each phase is as follows:
 Define – Define the problem, analyze the voice of customer, set the project goal
 Measure – Measure the key aspects of the current process and collect relevant data.
 Analysis- Analyze the data to investigate and verify cause and affectrelationships. Determine
what the relationships are, and attempt to ensure that all factors have been considered. Seek out
the root cause of the defect under investigation.
 Improve- Optimize the current process based upon data analysis using techniques such as
design of experiments, poka yoke or mistaking proofing, and standard work to create a new,
future state process. Set up pilot runs to establish process capability.
 Control- Control the future state process to ensure that any deviations from targets are
corrected before they results in defects. Implement control systems such as statistical process
control, production boards, and visual work places and continuously monitor the process.
Statistical tools used in DMAIC Methodology
Statistical analysis is very important in each stage of DMAIC methodology. We use a three step
process to study the population. First check the distribution to see if the data histogram shapes are
substantially different. Secondly if the distribution shapes are not substantially different, then see if
the sigmas are significantly different. Thirdly if neither of the above test shows a difference, we
then check if the averages are significantly different. In this paper the proportional Sample is
compared with population proportion. The formula to calculate the minimum sample size to be
taken is n = 1.96(√p(1 − p)/h )2, where pis probability of the event and h is sensitivity or
accuracy required. Zt=(| p- P|)/(√P(1 − P)/n wherep is the sample proportion and P is the
population proportion.


In October 2000, the Ministry of Environment and Forests notified the Municipal Solid Wastes
(Management and Handling) Rules 2000, which lay down the procedures and Guidelines for
collection, segregation, storage, transportation, processing, and disposal of Municipal solid
waste. The rules require that all cities should set up suitable waste treatment and disposal
facilities. They also specify standards for compost quality, leachate control and management, and
closure of landfill sites. [1]. However, although it is the duty of the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
to address the issue of SWM, tight budgets, inefficient organization, etc., has rendered a situation
that has little hope for alleviation in the near future. Instead, garbage is burnt or dumped; either
producing hazardous smoke or leeching into the soil and contaminating both soil and water.
Recycling of waste in India is 4%, but for developed countries it is 40%.[11]. In Sweden More
than 99 per cent of all household waste is recycled in one way or another. This means that the

Vol. II, Issue 1 Page 88

Reverberations: Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Shailendra Education
Society’s Arts, Commerce and Science College - ISSN no. 2454-1494

country has gone through something of a recycling revolution in the last decades, considering
that only 38 per cent of household waste was recycled in 1975[5].

Mumbai, the financial and commercial capital of the country has a population of 12 million
people, has garbage production(MSW) to the tune of 6500 Tons per day. It also produces nearly
2500 Tons of construction waste per day. Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai(MCGM)
operates a huge fleet of 983 Municipal and private vehicles for collection of waste, making 1396
trips per day. The SWM expenditure and other related data collected from [7], [8] and [9] are as
Table 2
Item Data
Yearly expenditure for SWM in Mumbai [7] Rs. 10479 millions
Waste generated per day in Mumbai [7] 7025 metric tones
Waste generated by households in Mumbai peer day [7] 1851metric tones
Yearly expenditure for household SWM [7] Rs. 2761 millions
Volume of waste generated by households per day 0.005cu. m
Number of households in Mumbai [8] 674339
Space needed per year for household waste 1230668 cu. m
Waste generated per person per day in city[9] 0.6 kg
Organic waste generated per household yearly(4persons, 60% of 0.6×4×0.6×365= 525kg
the waste generated is organic )
Organic waste generated per year by households in Mumbai 354million kg
Presently there are three dumping grounds in Mumbai, vizDeonar, Mulund and Gorai. A new site
is proposed at Kanjur Village to accommodate the increasing waste. Deonar, along with Mulund
landfill, was slated for closure five years ago in 2009. On account of the legal complications with
Kanjurmarg, Deonar continues to be overburdened with the bulk of the city’s garbage (5,500
MT) being dumped here. [10].


Waste Management is a process and its efficiency depends on the recycling of waste. We will
replace the term customer in Six Sigma by stakeholder for SWM at household level. The level of
goodness will be measured in terms of amount of waste recycled. With this modification we can
very well apply Six Sigma methodology in SWM.


In this case study we are considering the households at Mumbai city. Though the study is for SWM
at household level, the cost benefit analysis is done for the entire city.

Vol. II, Issue 1 Page 89

Reverberations: Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Shailendra Education
Society’s Arts, Commerce and Science College - ISSN no. 2454-1494

4.1 Define Phase

Problem Statement: SWM at household level requires improvements. Present system has 0%
segregation of organic, plastic and other waste, 0% composting of organic waste and 10%
recycling of plastic.
100% segregation of solid waste, 50% composting of kitchen waste and 90% recycling of plastic
Financial Impact: Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) calculation.
Segregation of solid waste helps in recycling of plastic waste and helps composting the kitchen
Data: Table 2
Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) calculation.
Table 3
Item Current(yrly) Goal Difference
Cost of absence of segregation Rs.2761million Rs.1104million Rs.1657million
of waste
Cost of land used for dumping Rs. 123 million Rs. 49million Rs73million
@ Rs. 100cu.m
Total Rs. 2884 million Rs. Rs.1730million
Revenue loss from compost @ Rs. 354 million Rs. 177million Rs. 177 million
Rs 1 per kg

Potential cost reduction of Rs. 1730 million per year for the Municipal Corporation and revenue
loss of Rs.177 millions from recycling of organic waste.

Current Process Map of SWM at household level

Kitchen Dustbin of Collection Truck Dumping
waste Individual bins of Ground
household the

Critical to quality Matrix

Table 3
Stake Holder Voice of Key issue Critical to Quality
Mumbai Poor waste Absence of More operational cost of
Municipal Management at segregation of waste at SWM
corporation household level source.

Vol. II, Issue 1 Page 90

Reverberations: Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Shailendra Education
Society’s Arts, Commerce and Science College - ISSN no. 2454-1494

Stake Holder Voice of Key issue Critical to Quality

Rag Pickers Collecting plastic Absence of Health issue of rag
under unhygienic segregation of waste at pickers
conditions source
Housing Society Absence of Absence of Loss of extra income.
composting of segregation of waste at
organic waste source
4.2 Measure Space
The voice of stakeholder quotes could be translated to the following
Y1: Segregation of waste at source.
Y2: Recycle plastic and organic waste.

Key Issues in solid waste management:

From the voice of stakeholders the key issues evolved are as follows:
 Faulty design of dustbins at household level which doesn’t promote segregation.
 Inappropriate garbage collection bins at housing society level.
 Lack of initiative from the housing societies for composting organic waste.
 Absence of separate collection bins for plastic.

As per the above issues the following projects were designed.

Project Y1: Segregate the waste at source.
Project Y2: Composting the organic waste at housing society level.
Project Y3: Keeping separate collection bins for plastic waste at society level.

Data Collection
A survey was conducted at Dahisar area, Mumbai on following:
i. Segregation of waste at source, Waste is collected at segregated way from the households.
ii. Composting pits at housing society level.

Minimum sample size𝑛 = (1.96(√𝑝(1 − 𝑝)/ℎ )2, p=0.04, h=0.03. Calculated n=167. Data was
collected from a sample of 170 families.

4.3 Analyze Phase

From the data collected it was observed that only 15 households out of 170 segregate the data
and not a single housing society has compost pits. In all the housing societies during door to door
waste collection, the waste is getting mixed.
Comparing a proportional sample (assuming segregated waste is recycled) , with the population
(95 percentage confidence) proportion 0.04 which is the waste recycling data of India,

Vol. II, Issue 1 Page 91

Reverberations: Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Shailendra Education
Society’s Arts, Commerce and Science College - ISSN no. 2454-1494

Test value Zt=(|p-P|)/(√𝑃(1 − 𝑃)/𝑛 = (|0.088-0.04|)/(√0.04(1 − 0.04)/170 =3.19. Since 3.19 is

greater than the test value of 1.96, we can say 95% confidence that the waste segregation rate
atDahisar(Mumbai) is greater than the national rate.

Measure process Capability

From the data collected
Process capability (Y1)
Defect per million is: 911764
Y1 Sigma: 0.125
Process capability (Y2)
Defect Per Million Opportunity (DPMO): Million
Y2 Sigma: 0
Process capability (Y3)
Defect Per Million Opportunity (DPMO): Million
Y2 Sigma: 0

Improvement strategies for proven X’s

Proven Xs(Causes) Strategies

X1 :Proper designing of dustbins Redesign the dustbins so as to make the
segregation of waste viable.
X2: Composting of organic waste at housing Strict implementation and monitoring of the
society level MSW Rules.
X3: Continuous Information, Education and Awareness campaigns through schools colleges
Communication strategy and NGO’s
X4 Keeping collection bins at housing society Strict implementation and monitoring of the
level MSW Rules.

Define Solutions
X1: Proper designing of dustbins: The present method of keeping different bins with different
colours is not suitable for a city because of space problems. If one can design a bin in such a way
that different sections of the bins can be used for plastic, organic and other waste can improve
the waste segregation.
X2: Composting Organic waste at housing societies: Municipal Corporation should strictly
implement the waste disposal rules in societies. Tax benefits must be provided to the society’s
which has composting pits. Workers should be appointed for the composting activity.
X3: Awareness Campaign on solid waste management: A cultural and attitudinal change is
required and implementation of this change will require awareness campaigns, strict
implementation of rules and monitoring the output.
Since the entire waste recycling depends on the segregation, suitably designed dustbins are the
basic need for an efficient waste management system. There is a cost for this improvement.

Vol. II, Issue 1 Page 92

Reverberations: Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Shailendra Education
Society’s Arts, Commerce and Science College - ISSN no. 2454-1494

Either the Municipal Corporation can invest in the research for suitable dustbins and distribute
among the masses or bins can be make available in the market. Since most of the households
won’t be that interested in changing their old ones it will be advisable for the Municipal
Corporation to distribute the bins to the households.

Cost /Benefit analysis

Solution 1
Distribute new dustbins to households.
Cost: One time investment. Suppose cost per dustbin is Rs. 250. Total cost for the entire 674339
households in Mumbai= Rs.168584750.
Solution 2
Municipal Corporation should make it a point that all the housing society’s has compost pits to
recycle organic waste.
Cost: One time cost of Rs. 50000 for construction of compost pits per housing society. Rs.12000
labourer charge per year
Benefit: The income from compost per year per household=Rs 525.
For a society of 25 households = Rs. 13,125.
Solution 3
All the housing societies must have separate collection bins for plastic waste, which the rag
pickers can access and sell and get it recycled.
Benefit: 100% recycling of household plastic waste and better income to urban poor.

Updated Process Map


Organic Waste (60%) Plastic & paper waste (18%) Other waste (22%)

Compost pit Plastic Collection bins Municipal Trucks


Compost Rag Pickers (Recycled) Dumping ground

Project Benefits
Financial (Hard Benefits):
Benefit by cost reduction: Rs.1730million
(-) cost of dustbins: Rs.168 million.
(-) Tax benefits to households: Rs.134 million
Net benefit: Rs.1428 million

Vol. II, Issue 1 Page 93

Reverberations: Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Shailendra Education
Society’s Arts, Commerce and Science College - ISSN no. 2454-1494

Soft Benefits:
 Increase the life of dumping ground
 Urban poor (rag pickers) will have better life.
 Reduce environmental impact.
 Costly waste is getting recycled.
Project Results

Project Baseline Project Target Saving

Cost of Poor Rs. 2884 Cost of Poor Quality Rs. 1428 1456 million
Quality million million
Sigma level 0 Sigma level 1.5

The above case study shows that although Six Sigma is used successfully in many companies,
this quality management system can very well applied to improve the quality of any social
systems. A small improvement in sigma level from 0.5 to 1.5 of SWM saves Rs. 1448 million of
Municipal Corporation along with soft benefits which are priceless.

1. Dr. Modi, J. (2003), Solid Waste Management in Class I cities of Maharashtra- An
Overview, Solid Waste Management Cell, All India Institute of Local Self Government.
2. Dr. Palnitkar, S., Solid Waste Management- Reference, Solid Waste Management Cell, All
India Institute of Local Self Government.
3. Dr. Palnitkar, S., The wealth of Waste: Waste Recyclers for Solid Waste Management- A
study of Mumbai, Institute of Local Self Government.
4. Warren Brussee, All about Six Sigma: The easy way to get started.
5. on December 8,
6. Accessed on
December 8, 2015.
7. Accessed on March 11, 2016.
8. Accessed on April
11, 2016.
9. Accessed on April 3,
10. Accessed on
April 1, 2016.

Vol. II, Issue 1 Page 94

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